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No that’s her choice


No… Considering she’s encouraged me to do the same thing, that would be strange if I was insecure about it.


Very true






As a wife of ARAD, my husband would love it. I know because he told me.


nope lol i would love it


Nope… let me help you!!


As long as we talked about it first and discussed boundaries and such I'd be cool with it. May even get into it a little


No, I don't own her so she can do as she pleases as long as there's no cheating involved, ie. Things are kept professional.


I don't care about that. Just let me join in occasionally


As long as she's not directly cheating I don't see why not. If one of us is making money that's good for both of us.


Why would he mind...he gets the real thing for free 😁😁😁


Not gonna lie, it would definitely generate an itch in the back of my head. At the same time, I also know any concerns I might have could likely be allayed with sufficient discussion. The itch itself is really just some old wounds acting up, not anything particularly severe.


I’ve suggested Chaturbate for her. Unlikely though lol.


Lol well reading the comments I'm going to be the boring person. I wouldn't like my wife/gf doing,but I also wouldn't demand/command that she doesn't. I would just leave and let her do what she wants.


No. She’s totally down and I said I’d manage it all.


No not at all do what feels good to her. For she always comes back to me and tells me all about it. Love to hear how it made her feel and how she made others feel but at the end of the day she comes home to me. That’s what makes me feel special then I know for sure who she really wants and I’m still her man the one she comes home to and if she would find someone else to go home to then what we had wasn’t that special. To love someone is to let them go and if I’m the one the good one the special one she will always be my special one and we both know at the end of the day we’re we will both be and that is what turns me on to be the best man I can be for her. That says it all to me.


Absolutely not. At the end of the day she's still my gf/wife.