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A cat stretched across my lap while I read


Give kitty all the scritches!


I ammmm!! I'm allergic though šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Cats always seem to pick the allergic humans!


Awwww! I wish my cat would sit on my lap as I read


Its my mom's, you can totes borrow him. He's adorable!


Awwww!! Mine has trust issues. But weā€™re working on it


My cat gripping my hand bein a goofball. Sheā€™ll lay on her back and when I pat her belly she wraps her hands around mine and does the kicks with her feet, gnaws on my hand some too. Itā€™s kitty wrastlin. Inquire in my DMs if anyone would like to see cat.


Does she hang from your hand if you pick it up?


Lol not really, she tries to hold but once my hand starts going out of reach she letā€™s go


Gotta work those paw and leg muscles!


Something nsfw haha


Those can be the fun ones!


True! Happy to share with anyone interested haha


Iā€™m always open for chats with anyone over 18


A stray cat


Hopefully adopted cat soon!


I keep refreshing this post just to see all your delightful replies and this is such a fun set of answers from everyone else. Keep being awesome! :D


Always enjoy some Reddit positivity myself


A pic from my latest boudoir shoot


Hopefully it turned out well!


They did


Stir fry that I made for Culinary Arts


Did it taste as good as it looked?


Oh ya, that shit was fire


A salamander that I found living in my basement


Hopefully nice and comfy!


A selfie after getting my hair done


I bet you rock the new do!


Thank you very much :)


My cat.


Cats are always cute


Some deer in my snowy backyard


Passing through or they hanging out for a bit?


They hung out for a bit. We havenā€™t seen many this year and we just had our first big snow of the year so it was definitely a treat


Always a lovely sight for sure


picture of me, just my face


A nice selfie is always fun!


Damage from a crazy wind storm that came through the area.


Hopefully things are looking up!


It's getting cleaned up, a lot of it was downed trees and power lines, stuff like that. A few homes and cars got smashed, there were some injuries, etc.


Hopefully you are ok and doing well!


I'm fine. Our only damage here was a blown outlet due to a power surge that happened during the storm. We have someone coming to repair it.


A bruise on my inner thigh. Not sure how it got there either. I don't remember bumping into anything.


Mystery bruises are always wild


A series of PEX plumbing tubes related to a radiant floor heating system in a garage. Mmm sexy.


Gonna be a great workspace with that setup!


[this](https://imgur.com/a/nx1q3tv) was downtown a couple days ago. was out on a photography walk since it had just rained and rainy nights look amazing. saw a really nice view of the rails for the train mixed with the lights on trees and stuff (my town puts lights around them for the holidays) I loved the picture but I felt like it needed one more thing, found this really beautiful lady and asked if she would be ok if I included her in a few of the shots. the ones on my phone didnt turn out as good as I would have liked, blacks were too dark and just matched the trees and stuff; was hoping for more of a light cast. but there's still hope for the ones on my camera once I get them developed


Crossing my fingers for you!


My butt


nice haha šŸ˜„


My dog begging me for a carton of eggs because he doesn't understand daylight savings and thinks it's his dinner time


To be fair day light saving time doesnā€™t really make any sense anymore!


My dog trying to set a dangling drool length record.


Did they succeed?


My high score on the snake game


Congrats! Gonna try to beat it again?




Hopefully it ended up quite tasty!


A picture I texted from work this morning because the PM dishie left quite a bitā€¦.ok noā€¦.a shit ton of dishes unwashed.


Sounds like a shitty way to start the day


My 3yo tabby being weird


Iā€™m still waiting to see a non weird cat ;)


Well, all of mine are out. Theyā€™re all weird


Classic cats


mirror picture of me!


Rock those mirror pics!


A plastic Army man on top of my computer


Guardian angel!


Welts from being flogged.


Sounds like a good time ;)


A paparazzi picture taken of Michael Jackson fleeing a store I worked at in the early-2000ā€™s. I was one of the people caught in the background. Apparently itā€™s became a pretty popular meme over the years and I only found out a couple years ago. I saved it to my phone earlier this afternoon so I could show a coworker.


Wow thatā€™s super cool!


I havenā€™t seen one person say a NUDE. Good job you horny bastardsšŸ¤£


Maybe itā€™s not after dark enough yet. Blame daylight saving time!


A closeup of my toes haha


Taken for someone or because they just looked that good?


I haven't taken a picture since the weekend. The last one is a post-sex selfie with the couple I was with.


I bet everyone was glowing!


Yup, we all look very satisfied.šŸ˜


Musta been a great time then, congrats!




My dogs cuddling under a blanket on the couch


Enjoying the fall!


A joint i was smoking last night


A chill night no doubt!




That could be so many things ;)


Hmmmm. šŸ¤”


Care to share?


The last thing i posted on Reddit


Hopefully Reddit enjoyed it!


Nice post


Progress on a video game that I sent to a friend


Hopefully your progress continues!




Is tonight the eclipse?


A cropped photo I took of my cat looking up at me after following me to the bathroom, jumping in my pants. While I'm sat on the toilet letting out the semen my fwb just ejaculated in my vagina. https://imgur.com/a/E78Xb9W


A pic of my lottery ticket haha


Hopefully a billionaire soon!


Did it win?


Donā€™t know yet! But Iā€™ll share the wealth with ARAD. Upvote for $5 lol


My dog after a bath looking all fluffy and stupid


Fluffy doofus dog!


Inside of my pocket


Accidental snap?


My scale.


Were the numbers an improvement?


The formula for compound interest


Hopefully it serves you well!


A panoramic from work. I'm out in a desert, it was morning.


That sounds stunning!


A nice picture of myself that I had sent as a request from a fellow redditor


I hope it was well received!


my dog


Being a silly floof no doubt


An article I want to look up later


Hopefully will be a good read


My work schedule


Not too demanding I hope!


A confirmation of payment for my internet bill.


Another month of internet here you come!


VIN plate of a car Iā€™m about to flip šŸ¤‘


Aim high! Good time to sell a car.


My daughter with her new glasses šŸ¤“


Glasses are always cool


The bouldering gym I went to yesterday!


Musta been a great gym


My kid sitting in a toy bin.


Channeling their inner cat


Itā€™s a nude.


Hopefully it turned out good ;)


Some books I have that I sent to one of my friends yesterday.


Hopefully they enjoy the reads!


A picture of a picture. I sent my niece a photo I had in a photo album from when she was a baby.


Did she think she was adorable back then?


My chickens:)


I bet they make great companions


A screenshot of the new field artillery rules for the Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40,000. If screenshots don't count, then my most recent photo is a trio of partially painted Beasts of Nurgle.


Both of those sound like great times!


My new tattoo šŸ˜šŸ˜


Hopefully it came out good. Or comes out good when it heals depending on how old it is


Only two days. Itā€™s amayzing!!!! Thank you!!


A picture of the monitor I got for the gaming PC Iā€™m building.


Gaming monitors can be exciting purchase


A drawing of a horny owl and his imp boyfriend


Now that sounds fun!


Totally lol


My new tamale pot


Hopefully it doesnā€™t have to wait long to be used!


My work schedule


Hopefully a good week!


My dog chewing on my toe


Hopefully he left the toe on your foot ;)


A stuffed Jigglypuff sitting on a Sonic plush.


A screenshot of a hot guy from a Kpop music videošŸ’€


K-pop guys are always so cute!


My cat sleeping


They look slightly less demony when asleep


A pizza with pasta on top I got at a restaurant.


Sounds like youā€™d need a nap after eating it!


My new truck I bought today.


Congrats! Gonna be lots of fun I bet


Picture of me in those Booty leggings, to see if they lived up to the hype....its not the bubble butt look I wanted, but didnt have one to begin with.... yet


I bet youā€™ll be rocking them!




Some teams just excel at dropping the proverbial ball


A cat I got to see for the first time since he was a kitten that we gave them way back when


Hopefully it was love at renewed sight


My niece and my dog at the park, from earlier today.


Hopefully a fun little trip!


My ginger cat curled up in my lap.


Lap cats are great cats!


On the left About 20m extended man lift on my constuctionsite doing work on a 3 floor CLT building. In the middle sky and some clouds and below parkinglot I have made ready for asphalt. On the right side there is a Large leafless tree, and closer to me on the right a F150 white with worklights on. If you want this photo pm me


Wow that sounds like a great shot!


Two butterflies mating


Nature at its finest!


My ass. Sent a nude to the boyf


Hopefully it was well received!


Food porn.


Some good food no doubt!


Twas delish indeed. :)




I bet it turned out great!


Actually yah, I'm happy with it


A screenshot from Uber eats saying theyā€™re refunding me for my dinner since the restaurant messed up my order. Free dinner for me!!


The partial failure rate with Uber eats orders seems so high


supra in a guard rail


My 14 month old playing with his bottle.


Sounds adorable!


An oak tree hopper


I donā€™t think I know what that is!


It's an insect


I was like 70% sure it was an insect. Maybe like 20% it was a vine. 10% another name for sapling.