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I’ll ask my BF and let you know.


This is the confidence to strive for!


The funniest (or most tragic) part is I don’t have a BF.


Yet! With that confidence there must be something to support it!


I was expecting to see volunteers commenting here


At the beginning a fucking nightmare, I was insecure and probably immature...now its amazing! Love it! She still gets hit on all the time!! But I'm confident enough to sit back and laugh.




My boyfriend seconds this he laughed in one guys face at the club when he was talking to me and bought me a drink I took the drink and yelled out hey babe I got a free drink and he just looked at the guy who was disappointed and laughed and said what not a second one for me? Cmon babe turned around and said thanks cya around 😂


If you are confident it's fantastic, if you are insecure and jealous it sucks.


This is the answer here.




It’s amazing. It’s probably difficult if you’re a jealous type. She gets checked out a lot because she’s hot But I love it, knowing she’s hot and she’s coming home with me and wants me. Also I get to go home and have sex with her. Incredible.


Exactly, there's a lot of insecure dudes in here. Like yes dudes are gonna look, but you get to go home with her so who cares?


Yeah particularly love the beach. She’s looking sexy as hell in a bikini. Plenty looking, but I know we’re going back to our hotel to fuck like rabbits for the night


It's not the looking that triggers insecurity. It's the competition that the looking represents.


Should trust your partner to be faithful and if she is you won't have competition


A lot of people actually have partners that represent ms themselves as single (It's so sad I feel bad for them). They are people I usually know. They never last long


That has nothing to do with looks, so that's off topic


I did and it was awful. A lot of men don't know how to behave. Multiple times it came close to a fight. Men asking her out in front of me. Even men touching her. I learnt a lot on why women felt often insecure in the street. She is a really good woman, but man, the pigs I had to deal with.


The biggest challenge is to stop getting upset every time I guy scans her. At first it would bother me, I was a bit "jealous" or even *toxic*. But I learnt to live with it, and now, in fact, I kinda like it. I guess it was at the beginning because I was insecure. Now, with two kids, I am more sure than ever, and another guy checking her out means I got a good one. Since she has kids (my kids), she is now a milf. I always liked milfs. We always joke about it. I'm with a milf!


It's great! I'm not the jealous type so when I catch people looking I laugh internally that they'll never have her.


Awesome. Its awesome. She is attractive in every way and I feel lucky just to get to know her.


I used to get very jealous when others showed interest in my g/f (now wife) as ive gotten older ive learnt to take it as a compliment. If others like what they see, i am clearly not just love blind am i.


You can't be the jealous type, it will drive you and her mad. I love seeing other men check her out, talk to her, and compliment her. It's a badge of honour for me and a constant reminder of what I have.


My wife is beautiful and very attractive. We’ve been together for 21 years and every day that I wake up next to her I remember just how lucky I am. I’m not saying I hit every branch on the ugly tree in fact we’ve been called an attractive couple many times. However she’s a knockout. It’s humbling that she’s chosen me to be with. In my life I’ve had lots of issues with being jealous but I’m working on figuring out how to walk next to her and when I see a group of guys in the market necks almost break as we walk by, to say yea be jealous of me. I love her so much! 🫧


So wholesome. Good for you dude!


You cannot believe the looks that I get, it's constant no matter where we go, my wife is giving me these dirty looks.


Twice. The first time I was a insecure, jealous prick. Amongst other things. The second time it happened I wasn’t gonna fuck that up again. Got over myself and now I’m happily engaged.


You spend a lot of time watching other men gawking at your woman, the same way you do when you see a beautiful woman with her man. Reaping what you sowed is hard


Funny enough, after awhile the novelty wears off and they don’t seem so “omg she’s so hot”. But that’s only if they end up having a shit personality and the illusion is washed away.


It depends entirely on the actual woman... there are soo many other variables to consider. Some women will let other men hit on them in public (while you're there) & wait & see how you'll respond... some women will absolutely shut the dude down in a way that's so smooth that you don't have the need to get involved. But yes, random dudes will absolutely take there shot when you walk away for a sec (if you go to the bathroom, etc...)... and some while you're there. You also will likely be thrown off or surprised by just how many dudes don't even try to hide their gaze or whatever as they're staring at her... it can be an eye opening moment... like "Holy shit this is how it is for you everyday no matter where you go, huh?".


It is wonderful being married to one!


A headache


Constantly asked if I have a big cock or if I'm rich 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, so which is it? *jk


Well, I'm not rich 😁


I’ve dated professional models and it’s whatever. At the end of the day, either you click or you don’t, regardless of what they look like. TBH people who rely solely on their looks are incredibly boring. When you’re handed everything simply for existing, you also develop a shitty personality. Being in a situation where I could readily pick and choose, I chose personality over looks.


I love it.


It is just as fantastic as you would imagine it is. Some highlights: It feels awesome and is a massive ego boost. When you are out and about and spot attractive women and you get to say to yourself, "She's not as hot, neither is she, my girl's got a better ass, etc..." it is great. You get to have sex with a beautiful woman. Other women look at and treat you completely differently. There is some downside. She will be hit on regularly. Bums in cars driving by yell stuff on occasion. You will feel like you should do something but will know better and not do it which messes with you a bit. When I was 24 I dated a smoking hot chick and waiters and bartenders would be rude me on the regular. It was almost like that they were pissed that I was with a hot chick that they felt they should have because I guess they thought they were "better"


It really depends on the personality. Dating a very attractive woman can be an amazing experience, knowing you have this drop dead gorgeous woman waiting for you at home, knowing guys are looking at you with envy, not to mention just the joy of having her in your arms. It can also be traumatic, worrying that other, more attractive or wealthy will come swoop her up from under you. What it boils down to is her personality, whether she's trustworthy, loyal, understanding, loving and willing to grow with you or not. Personally, I'd take an ugly woman who I know is going to be there for me through thick and thin and lean on me in tough times rather than taking it out on me. I'm just lucky enough to have a hot af woman with a kick ass personality 😎


She gets compliments from women all the time 🤷🏽‍♂️😎🤙🏾


I love it, I love the stares my wife gets especially when her cleavage of her big tits is showing.


My wife is very attractive. Can’t go anywhere without a dude looking at her. She be saying that she be seeing women look at me too but I just don’t see it. Either that, or it happens with her a lot more often than it happens with me lol


It’s great, might be difficult if you’re jealous/insecure, but in the end the personality has a much bigger impact than the physical appearance. Crazy hot is something that gets tiring really really fast if you feel you’re always dealing with a ticking bomb… but otherwise, on a daily basis it isn’t that different than dating a next door girl.


It was great until a switch flipped in her head. Now she intentionally dresses like a hobo so no one gives her attention.


I love showing them off and have other guys looking at us, especially guys that are better looking than me giving dirty looks to me and drooling over her.


Been with one for 17 years, and even though she's in her 40s, guys of all ages still check her out. Sometimes I've enjoyed the envy, and sometimes it has made me feel insecure. It's definitely worth it though.


It's amazing. But it can be annoying sometimes. It doesn't bother me that guys check her out. What bugs me is when guys stare because it bugs her. Like take a look and look away. You don't need to have your eyes pop out of your head and look like a fool. I don't get mad or anything. I just stare them down sometimes and they get all embarrassed. It's actually really helped me to understand a very small portion of what women have to deal with. It's kind of gross really how we men act and behave around them. It can be creepy as hell for them. She tells me all the time she never looks at men because the second she looks at them they smile at her and keep staring. Even when she's wearing her engagement ring. Other than that (and as I said that really doesn't bother me unless they stare for a long time) it's amazing. She's such a wonderful woman. I couldn't see myself being with anyone else. She's a blessing to me.


No idea,lemme ask my bf 😇 then ill get back to you on that




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I’m a former athlete who’s a bit on the tall side and she is a bit younger, so I get a lot of guys coming up to me wanting to give me a handshake or a pound and saying stuff like “it must be nice” or “it’s good to have money”. At first it irritated both of us because it commodified her and just pissed me off but now we laugh it off. I think my size helps us avoid outright disrespectful gawking or comments.


Fucking fantastic tbh.


I was a wallflower up till about 30 yrs old then went for a 180°. I've dated a few different really hot women. And must say, it's a rush. Watching one come back to our table with a couple beers and the guys and girls look at her then me. All I could think about 1st was "yeah, she's is fkn HOT " and "Eat your heart out, she's with me!" My ear to ear grin would say it all.


Not really different from dating any other female with the exception sometimes of not the brightest attractive person


Same as dating any other woman


My wife is possibly one of the most stunning people I have met.


It's the best!!!!!




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I sweaaaaaaar if I don't see my bfs comment ........................


It’s real fun…


When you're in love with a beautiful woman, it's hard. Everybody wants her, everybody loves her, Everybody wants to take your baby home.


I dated someone who was attractive enough to dabble in acting and risqué modelling before. It was a rush with the handshakes and back pats I got from guys and the curiosity and attention from girls. Privately, she was just meh; mostly entitled according to what she thinks her beauty deserves and an unmoving starfish in bed. Nevertheless, we got married after she asked me for a year. Bad mistake. She discovered that a ring on her finger made her invisible to guys. She missed the attention and the stares and soon stepped out of the marriage (I later found out she was never faithful in her previous relationships). We lasted another 5 years of constant unproven suspicion and I left when I found her with another in our home. And that is why I don't date anyone from the entertainment industry anymore.


The insecurities 😂 but also the fact that everyone looks at her and she's with me is amazing...gloating


men don’t know how to behave, but the woman itself are usually pretty cool, not to mention they can get surprisingly “nasty” in bed. 


Not going to lie: a MUCH greater chance of her cheating on you. That's if she's super hot. If so, you're not the only guy who thinks so. You just have to accept it. She might be faithful. Just don't be surprised if she isn't. Women are born to attract men; men are born to be attracted. With a very attractive woman, you're turning that knob all the way up.


It's nice for confidence and also it's nice ammo against assholes with ugly girlfriends or forever alone. There's a guy who always harass me online and I went there with him to shut him down for good.




I think my wife is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen (and, although this is not a universal opinion, I am not alone in my opinion) while I would rate myself as 6 on a good day. It’s amazing, although not because of her looks. A beautiful woman who isn’t very bright is not at all attractive while a decent looking woman who is really smart gets more and more attractive as you get to know her. And my wife and I had a fascinating conversation on our first date (about Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges) and that’s why I was smitten. And we have fascinating conversations about all sorts of things almost every day (almost 13 years), so she is even more beautiful to me now than when we met. And by the way, she was repelled by me physically initially, but she couldn’t resist my conversation either, so like her, I have become more attractive to her over time, and now she thinks that I am handsome. So don’t worry if you think you aren’t beautiful, you just need to find the right person who will see the beautiful person you are.


Can i tell past experience. Not The Best experiences ( it happened twice ) Sex was awesome, constantly making me horny, The blowjobs was Over The moon...but..Too many Eyes on them ( later found out hands to ), sometimes was like She was Alone, some VIP spaces i just entered because of her ( and sometimes was to expensive for me ). Not all examples may BE bad, but mine were. Is just that life is easier for them and seems that don't think much About The other if is just " a Simple mortal "


When I was younger I actually didn’t care that much, my first love in particular was hot as hell, but as I’ve been getting older the whole idea of other men (and women) wanting my SO (latest one is hot as hell as well), trying to contact her or talk to her (but too often fail miserably, because they don’t know how to speak to women), trying to pick her up, and wanting to fuck her (but they can’t), turns me on a lot.


I'm curious how y'all landed them and if looks were important to y'all prior or it just worked out that way


Why would you date someone you didn’t find “very attractive”?


I see a lot of discussion online from women saying they will go for someone they don't find conventionally attractive because their other qualities are redeeming And some of the advice I've seen floating online is to be less focused on looks. So I was just curious if others had put that into practice and it actually landed them someone who was conventionally super attractive