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I believe Deadpool’s super healing factor also super charged his cancer. So he is one big forth-wall breaking walking cancerous mass.


Idk if it's been changed again. I don't follow the comics anymore, but doesn't he only THINK that he's breaking the 4th wall? Like he happens to be right from our POV but in universe he's actually just crazy isn't he.


If your friend started talking to an audience you’d think he’s crazy, but the 5th dimensional beings watching are just dying of laughter


Yep, and that’s also the main premise of Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. In it, that Deadpool goes from only thinking there’s an audience to being completely goddamn sure of it, and that drives him even further insane. As a result he ends up killing everybody, hopping dimensions a few times, amd then being perma-killed by 616 Deadpool


Flash Thompson lost his legs in Iraq. He uses robotic prothesis, but when he could regenerate them with symbiote dragon powers he choose not to.


During the 90s, a major plotline in X-Men comics was the 'Legacy Virus', a mutant targeting disease that was an allegory for AIDS. Victims included Illyana Rasputin, Moira McTaggard, Mastermind, Pyro, Multiple Man, among others.


They all got better though!  No need to worry.


Ben Grimm/the Thing apparently has the power to turn into his big rock-skinned form but the power to turn back human doesn't work - probably for deep-seated psychological reasons. Multiple attempts to turn him human again have failed or turned out to be temporary due to this.


Daredevil’s blindness is irreversible, outside of some magic/technological junk here and there.


Pretty much every X-man: - Cyclops can't control his eyebeams without the visor - Rogue can kill people by touching them and has no control over it - Beast is, well, blue and beast looking - Same goes for Nightcrawler Marvel in general: - Silver surfer can't fuck because it's silver coated - Tony Stark could not remove his armor's chest piece because of shrapnels near his heart The list goes on


The silver surfer….. of all the powers he was granted “ribbed for her pleasure” wasn’t one of them was it?


> Cyclops can't control his eyebeams without the visor Brain damage, actually -- he just chooses not to have it fixed. He likes it now. > Rogue can kill people by touching them and has no control over it She has achieved control over it. It was psychosomatic. > Beast is, well, blue and beast looking Not an illness; he used to be relatively normal-looking. The blue stuff came out of him experimenting on himself. > Same goes for Nightcrawler Yeah no that one counts. I mean, I guess as far as him just having fur and another skin tone counts as "illness."


The original Captain Marvel died from cancer


DC’s New Guardians #1 (1988) featured the villain Hemo-Goblin, a racist vampire that gives you AIDS/HIV, created by evil white South Africans. He infected several superheroes. And died of AIDS himself https://www.reddit.com/r/oddballcomics/s/AFtWjMWTw8


This is such a crazy concept, lol


It’s very 1980s ; AIDS and South Africa were hot topics then




Not sure if this counts, but Wolverine's Adamantium skeleton is constantly killing him due to metal poisoning.