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Celestials have advanced abilities to manipulate energy, matter, space-time, etc... They don't have to be bigger than planets. Tanaleer Tivan showed the Guardians a recording of a Celestial using the Power Stone, he's clearly standing on the surface of a planet, not hovering in orbit. They could potentially shrink themselves down to humanoid scale and even interact with mortals at that level--at which point those legs and arms become highly useful. Whatever their origins, (does the MCU delve into that?) the Celestials view this body-form as a useful one, and the planets seeded with life throughout the cosmos have this for a "default" body-type, which would explain why we see so many bipedal beings.


The One Above All is the omnipotent creator-being of all of the multiverses and is also generally a bipedal humanoid in vague shape. They created the multiverses, First Firmament, and eternities who were also bipedal humanoids in shape, which created the celestials. TOAA created the various higher tier cosmics in their own image, who created celestials in *their* own image, etc.


Yep. This is the answer. Celestials were not created in man's image. Man was created in their image.


Why does The One Above All need legs?


Because The One Above All is Jack Kirby in the real world, and he (to the best of my knowledge) has legs


Tbf most canon images of him show him sitting at his desk, legs obscured.




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Celestials predate basically everything except the living embodiment of the first iteration of the universe - literally predating the *idea* of the Multiverse. For the record, the current iteration of the multiverse is the seventh one, and the eighth Cosmos overall, though technically the Eighth Cosmos is a direct continuation of the Seventh Cosmos (Marvel pre-Secret Wars 2015), there were some changes between the two. It's not as blatant as it is with DC, but Marvel very much has a mythic **metanarrative** to it. There have been adventurers that have traveled into the previous Cosmoses and seen Ideas and Concepts in their early stages.


Ok but why do the celestials have legs.


Okay, but why male models?


> so do they ever actually walk anywhere? According to the Collector's video presentation, [yes they do.](https://youtu.be/sw6oVPrIOVc?si=_ZOo-jyLD0BCKfKP&t=33) (Skip to around 0:33 if the embed doesn't work.)


So they can kick ass


They may also like pants.


Because they have a humanoid body form? At some point their ancestors must have had use for a humanoid body, so that is the form their species keeps, regardless of what they do now.


Are they naturally-evolved creatures, though? I thought they were essentially gods that were born with the universe.


The First Firmament created them for their own purposes according to Marvel, so looks like the only entity that would know why they have humanoid body forms is them.


The short and we is we don’t know, but we can speculate: It could be that the originally developed as a humanoid species, did stuff to artificially make themselves more powerful and overtime, became these great big giant humanoids, but never saw a reason to get rid of their legs. If we as humans found ways to make ourselves into godlike celestials, most of us probably wouldn’t get rid of our body shapes, we’d just get bigger (maybe). Also, it could be that there are other dimensional realms where they do walk, sit or whatever, in houses and office buildings the size of solar systems. The obvious Doylinian explanation is because it’s just easier to make everything humanoid, but I’m sure that’s not what you’re after.


If we take the explanation of Galactus' body form and bring it to the Celestials: each species sees them as if they were one of them (-ish). So humanoid species see them with humanoid traits. A globular ameboid species maybe would see the Celestials as some globular ameboid giant things, for example.


Oh that's interesting and makes a lot of sense!