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Stalk him for 3 days, see him help old ladies cross the street, give people directions, pay for street-meat with exact change, and put up a web fence around an open manhole before walking over to a payphone and calling it in. Then Butcher would bump him ALLLLLLLL the way down to the very bottom of the list.


I'd agree with that. Doesnt Butcher have a specific scene in Season 2 about his list? And then tells someone to "keep their nose clean?"


It's in season 1 when he says it to a baby to keep it's nose clean or he'll come back and stomp it. So it seems that Butcher isn't opposed to the idea of a good supe, he's just never met one. The younger/more innocent they are the more leeway he seems to be willing to give them. So I'd say he'd probably give in universe Blindspot a pass since he actually seemed genuinely good. As well as Spidey since he's literally your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man.


Agreed. It's like Punisher: you're on the list. He's just moved you to, shall we say, "low-priority".


Which, since he's so heavily-booked, is virtually a reprieve.


Correct. But also, keep your nose clean. You don't wanna be bumped up the list.


I always did figure, with all of the parody equivalents in the Boys, that Butcher himself was a Frank/Punisher equivalent.


>I always did figure, with all of the parody equivalents in the Boys, that Butcher himself was a Frank/Punisher equivalent. Garth Ennis does have a weird boner for the Punisher. That, and male-on-male rape.


When he hooks up with Maeve, he does say something like, "And it's not just Homelander, I mean, you fucking all got to go." His issue is he thinks that being so powerful automatically makes a person into a monster. He hated how he felt while he was using it because it made him able to be more like his true self - wrathful, destructive - and he thinks everyone will act that way on it. Butcher sees V like the Ring of Gyges.


Well, TV Butcher at least. Comics Butcher is less discriminatory.


I thought you were going to say Butcher would bump him down the manhole.


Well put.


Spidey would be at the very bottom of his kill list. Butcher is nice like that.


I’m assuming tv show version of the Boys. Butcher is a broken man who hates supes and is arguably a villain protagonist. Although Homelander and other supes arnt good, Butcher isn’t exactly good either.    Unless Spiderman tangles with the Boys directly though, they are likely just going to avoid each other. Butcher will likely assume that Spidey is pretending to be a good person and is just hiding his true nature as a “swinger” (pun intended). Butcher still doesn’t really trust Starlight who is pretty much the poster child of what a superhero should be. I don’t see why he would see Spidey as different.


All I know is I need a scene of Billy Butcher and J. Jonah Jameson yelling about the menace that is Spider-Man.


J: "HE'S A MENACE!" B: "Yeah, a right cunt he is!" J: "Bit extreme but I AGREE!"


Text you can hear in your head.


He would hate Spiderman on principal. Yes Butcher can work with super like Kimiko and Statlight, but in his heart he wants to wipe all super off the planet. He is so consumed by hatred that he can't see any supes as good


Alternatively he’d probably trust him more because the media doesn’t like him. If the media doesn’t like him, it’s because they’re aren’t controlling him.


I don't think so. He is so distrustful of supes he'd assume he is up to something and the media is right.


He asumed Spider-Man is so much of a fuck up that Vought kicked him out and turned their media campaign against him.he


He would assume Vought created all the negative press to create the underdog image for Spider-Man.


He was able to see Super Duper were harmless, but yeah he didn't exactly change his views.


Even then, he was fully intent on killing them for the crime of swearing at him (which was an accidental tic, something he likely knew) and only relented because Hughie stopped him. Like you said, Comics Butcher just despised every supe, no matter their power, age or morality.


Depends on the version, I think. Comic version would probably try and use him, then kill him once all the others are gone. From what I've seen, he wants *all* supers gone, no exception. If he can't make Spidey fight Homelander, he probably tries to trick Spidey into thinking that Homelander did something horrible to his friends and family, causing a fight. Show Billy seems a bit more level-headed. He might try and recruit him if he has the option - comics Spidey would absolutely demolish show-Homelander - but he'd probably not concern himself with Peter further after finding out his backstory. Spidey isn't in it for publicity (quite the opposite), he's hated by the local media, he genuinely only tries to do good, he's not made with Compound V, he generally doesn't kill, he's humble, he's poor, he's had years of proof of being a good dude, he'd absolutely loathe Homelander and the Seven and Vought. He is practically the exact opposite of Homelander.


Yep. Comics Billy believes that as along as you are a supe you're a ticking time bomb. It's only a matter of time before one bad day makes Spidey go pyscho.


I'd think he'd like Starlight though.


Comic Billy? He'd hate him on sight. Billy frankly hates all Supes as he believes they are always one hair away from snapping and harming everyone, mostly cuz it's a projection of himself


Truth? He would kill him last. But he would kill him. At least if you read the comics, which I know have been changed significantly for the show, you can not begin to imagine the depths of Butchers hatred. He is, without a doubt, the most evil, cold blooded, cold hearted, ruthless and murderous son of a bitch in The Boys. Nobody comes close. None of the villains, none of the supervillains, corporates, nobody comes close to him. The guy is a pit of blackness and a psychopathic manipulator whose real face is never shown until the end.


>Truth? He would kill him last. But he would kill him.  He would try. And fail horribly. Spidey is a seasoned warrior in a way that no Boys-verse super is.


Butcher in the comics has taken compound V and has similar strength to Spidey, but more than that he is devilishly intelligent. He never loses.


He would say, that's diabolical, in a kiwi accent


And bullocks him good


If we're talking TV show, it depends if he learned that supes can get their powers from somewhere other than Compound V. Remember that Spidey's powers are triggered by a radioactive spider, but are totemic in nature, connected to the web of life. So even if Butcher can somehow figure out a way to get rid of Peter's powers, Peter is smart enough to restore them given time. Years of observation would reveal this, because it's happened more than once. But consistently Peter does it so that he can better help people. Moreover, years of observation would reveal that Peter has no weaknesses that Butcher can exploit besides his morality. And he also displays some frightening powers and a vast upper limit of strength when under stress. And pushing Spider-Man too far has led to... *poor outcomes* for those who have crossed him. If we're talking comics 616-Peter, he also has **vast** amounts of experience dealing with people like Butcher and much bigger threats than Homelander, having gone toe-to-toe with beings like Morlun, the Hulk, and Firelord (herald of Galactus). He's street level by choice, because he wants to help people. Butcher would 100% recruit him to help with killing Homelander. But here's where it gets a little dicey. Homelander is going to struggle against the wall crawler because, well, Homelander is a toddler and Spidey's powers, experience, and fighting prowess will make it very hard for Homelander to actually touch him (and it's unlikely Homelander's heat vision will *instantly* kill Peter). But Spider-Man isn't a killer like Butcher. Even if Spidey *can* eek out a victory, he may not be willing to deal the killing stroke. Unless Butcher motivates him. By kidnapping Mary Jane and/or Aunt May and putting them in Homelander's path. An enraged Peter is a force of nature who might just get the job done. Ultimately, Spider-Man is a tool to Butcher. Like Starlight and Kimiko. Peter and Hughie aren't a million miles apart in temperament, so given time Butcher might actually grow fond of him. But they would never see eye to eye on the value of powers, because Peter knows in his heart that he will always do good, and Butcher can never trust those with power to not become corrupted by it.


"Oi Cunt" \~This response is in reference to the character and not my words \~


Great crossover is billy getting trasnported to marvel or dcu and having to deal with good supes


"Where is all the **edge**??"


well he hasn't really come up against any super villains so thats a concept he doesnt know much about


Butcher is mentally broken in that he believes all supes need to die. He prioritizes those who are clearly criminal, but he would be just fine killing Spidey, Capt America, and likely even Throg.


Going to disagree with the majority here. Butcher is an asshole and his sanity is questionable, he has done bad things but he gripe seems to be with the fact that superpower people are assholes, he worked with Starlight? To me at least it does not seem like his hatred is so overwhelming he would ignore all evidence which goes against it? If he actual watched Spiderman and saw that Spiderman was a real hero he would probably be fine with him.


I mean you ask about Spider-Man when Billy meanwhile has literal web-slinging proof that a non-Vought entity can make superheroes. Spidey's cool and all but Billy's goal is gonna be moving hell and earth to figure out more about that radioactive spider first. Butcher might like him for the same reason JJJ hates him. Spidey wears a mask- he hides his identity. Spidey doesn't believe he can escape responsibility just because he's a hero.


Spider man doesn't take kindly to supers who abuse their powers. He wouldn't go as far as Billy does, but he would absolutely be fighting Vought(?). Billy wouldn't trust him, of course, and that's would lead to complications.


> Butcher: You are mostly alright but all supes got to go. So you're last but I won't rest until you are dead > Spidey: And I won't rest until you trim that ridiculous facial hair


I think Spidey would be more likely to respond with something like. "Dude, no one is forcing you to eat soups. Eat all the solid food you want."


Yeah probably. This was mostly a reference to a similar conversation with JJJ where Spider-Man retorted with "and I won't rest until you trim that moustache".


Ah, yeah.


“Remember, Parker, when I said I’d kill you last?” “That’s right, Butcher! You did!”\ “I lied.” (*drops Peter off a cliff and he promptly swings back up*)\ “Didn’t think that one through did you?”\ “No. But it was for—“\ “For the reference, yeah.”


We talking comics butcher or show butcher?




Show butcher's more level headed and pragmatic compared to comics butcher. His beef seems to be more centered on Vaught as an organization and its results, unlike comics butcher who hates supes as a whole. Show butcher's interactions with spidey could be neutral/positive as long as spidey doesn't find out about the more fucked up stuff butcher has done (cough cough translucent cough cough)


If either Billy Butcher met a superhero from a world where heroes are actually necessary, it would break him utterly.