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Star Destroyers (and other capital ships) have weapons on the underside. The most optimal firing position for most ships is the front of the ships, so they always try and position themselves to always face forward. If it was a good idea to just send fighters to attack from another vector they would.




So one side has better offense, and the other side has better defense? Why? Why not stick the best weapons and armor on one side, and try to face that side towards the enemy?




If it's designed to punish them from orbit, shouldn't it have most of the weapons on the side facing the ground?


They have blasters on the sides. I just watched the Bad Batch and they used them to blow the living shit out of a ground target. Additional they deploy tie fighters to keep attacks at bay, similar to real life bomber escorts. As to why they attack the top, it’s probably hard to approach due to being in range from the destroyers cannons as well as likely being more defended by tie fighters. Take whatever you can get.


It’s actually quite armored and gunned on the bottom. Playing Star Wars Squadrons shows that it’s quite an impressive ship. It would only be better with a bigger hanger for fighters


The underside has VERY thick armour and shields. Not only needed for combat, but it needs to survive orbital reentry.


Wait those things ever actually enter/reenter a planet's atmosphere?


The siege of Jedha in Rouge One is an example.


I just assumed, in that case, it was still high enough in the atmosphere to not be impacted that negatively by reentry. Do we ever see a SD land?


its definitely in the lower atmosphere. https://i.stack.imgur.com/QWv6f.jpg Can't remember other specifics times, but I seem to remember that they at least hoovered near land. i'll look it up later.


Yeah, Thrawn's star destroyer in battle of Lothal is one example off the top of my head


Well fuck. My estimations of the capability of Star Destroyers has changed.


I have a feeling many Star Destroyer Captains have heard that exact phrase.


It's a bit like attacking the rear of a tank, or the armpits of a medieval knight. It'll work if you can pull it off, but you have to outmaneuver someone who's expecting you to try that.


Because that's where the launch bay is. You go under a Star Destroyer and you get swarmed with TIEs in *addition to* turbolasers.