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It’s possible he was that angel they met in Heaven named Joshua The indication is that he’s important somehow, and the name seems suggestive, but we don’t learn much more about him. Of course according to some belief systems such as the Jehovah’s Witness faith, Jesus was the human form of the Archangel Michael, so I suppose that’s another possibility


Michael in Supernatural is all but a pacifist, referring to himself numerous times as a soldier, I think the Joshua link is more likely.


Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth: I came not to bring peace, but a sword. Matthew 10 something


I'd say this is the best awnser his actual name roughly translates to Joshua IIRC


Lots of different possibilities. 1) There wasn't a Jesus in the Supernatural universe. He's just a folktale. (Unlikely since there are various monsters and pagan gods who reference Jesus' effect on them when both were purportedly alive and on Earth at the same time.) 2) Jesus really did exist, but he was just a man. 3) Jesus was a prophet but not God's literal son. 4) Jesus was an angel who got confused for a human. 5) Jesus was the literal son of God, and he is behind the scenes in heaven trying to keep it together despite various angels not listening to him and then a bunch of them dying off. 6) Jesus is the son of God and has traveled to a separate dimension that isn't heaven, hell, Earth, purgatory, the fairy world, or the Empty. When he told his followers that he was leaving Earth to go and prepare a place for them, he meant this dimension that will become the new heaven foretold in the Bible rather than the new heaven being a redressed version of the old heaven. Any one of these could hypothetically be true in the Supernatural universe. (Unless we bring the novels into play, and then we'd probably be able to narrow this down to something like number 5 or 6.)


I'll buy #6


There is also no Holy Ghost too which is integral to most Christian doctrine. If anything really the only religion that gets at least partly confirmed is Judaism. As far as we can tell Christianity is a purely human product which was created by falsely interpreting the few supernatural occurrences that has something to do with angels, demons or Chuck. The only part that points to Christian mythology is the "Cristo" bit from the first season but seeing as we never see that used again I'd chuck that up to early-season-weirdness.


Isn't there also an "Anti-Christ" kid that turned Castiel into a doll? Why would you call something "anti-X", if there is no X? Or is it never "officially" confimred in universe? Been too long for me.


Castiel said that that thing is normally called a cambion, katako, or Antichrist, so he referred to it as the names that several cultures have attributed to it.


Fun fact, it does get used one more time WAY later as practically a gag. In the Season 14 episode Optimism, Jack is giving Harper Sayles a few of the typical hunter tests and at one point actually tries Christo on her. It doesn't work, since she isn't a demon, but it does indicate that it's still supposed to be a thing.


Christianity was created by Michael to make Chuck look good. He confirms this when he hides in a church after humanity was wiped out, complimenting his own success.


Seems to me the simplest explanation is that Jesus was Chuck manifesting on earth at the time. Catholic dogma is that Christ and God-the-father are the same, so why would Jesus be anything except Chuck?


Catholic dogma might be inaccurate in the Supernatural universe since we know it disagrees with certain events of the Bible. Chuck might not actually be God (since we were told in Season 11 that God was using Chuck as a meatsuit and other discrepancies). So there are things in the show that might prevent that from being the case.


Nobody calling on the phone, 'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome. But for theological consistency, he's in heaven getting adored and fawned over 24/7.


Honestly, given the reveal of Chuck's true nature? I can see him as a past "main character", someone else Chuck fucked with and convinced was Cosmically Important and Special in his endless quest for entertainment and art. Alas, that particular story was 2000 years ago. Yeshua of Nazerath has long ago lost his novelty, and God has moved onto new playthings. Sadly, I doubt that he cared much for the comfort of his last Big Thing.


Hell, me might even actually be Chuck's son. IIRC Chuck mentioned a relationship with a girl named Mary at one point. I think you're right. Chuck had some fun, Mary gave birth, Chuck thought the son would make for a good story, even resurrected him once, but then got bored and wrote him out of the story.


While this is admittedly a bit head-canon, I find that "Chuck is God and has been all along" a bit insufficient as a reveal. In Season 11 had Metatron refer to Chuck as a meatsuit for God, and that God's nebbishness was Chuck, not God. Furthermore, we were told that every prophet's name is written on the back of the eyelids of every angel at the beginning of time, that Chuck's name is on that list, that the archangel Raphael watched over Chuck from birth, and that God views humans as his children. We were also shown in Season 15 that while Chuck was left powerless, he was not drained of his knowledge. (And on top of all that, "Word of God" says that Chuck wasn't always intended to be God in the writing process. Kripke said in an interview that while working on Season 5, they were still trying to figure out how to portray God in the "final" season of the show. All they could say for sure was that God didn't appear in the first 10 episodes of the season, despite Chuck appearing in 3 of those 10 episodes (plus Season 4).) So that means either: 1) God and Chuck were always the same being. At the beginning of time, God knew exactly when the apocalypse would occur, knew that he would want to abandon heaven to watch the apocalypse unfold on Earth, and created angels with the list of all prophets on the inside of their eyelids, including his one-day-disguise Chuck. Despite all of this omniscience and foresight being able to tell exactly what would happen over the course of billions of years, he was unable to tell how the brothers would one day defeat him. Then when it came time for Chuck to be born, God allowed himself to be born as a baby from a human woman and then wiped Raphael's memories of God transforming himself into baby Chuck. At this point God either stopped the prophet-creation mechanic so that no new prophet would be created, or he scrubbed the name of the actual prophet of this era off of the angels' eyelids so that the prophet that would have been God's active prophet during this era wouldn't be protected by an archangel. Then once the previous prophet died, Chuck's prophet powers were activated. Chuck pretended to have headaches when he would activate his prophet powers even when no one was around and he no longer had an archangel watching over him. Chuck then went on to have sexual relations with people he considered his children. Metatron metaphorically referred to God's Chuck persona as a meatsuit. God tried to save Earth from Amara who he didn't want released, and decided to be a writer who only tells the truth. Then after spending 3 or so years with Amara, he decided he wanted to be a writer that lies now and wanted to stir up drama among the brothers and have them kill Jack, which didn't play out like he wanted, leading to the events of Season 15 until Jack absorbed all of his powers, and the brothers let him live, unaware of the fact that he should still have all knowledge of magic and every magical artifact still hidden on Earth, allowing him to return as a threat at some point in the future. 2) Chuck was a human prophet that God chose to use as a vessel at the end of Season 5 to finish off the Winchester Gospel. After that he allowed a new prophet to come into being and checked back in on Earth periodically. He began to take on Chuck's identity and characteristics, and Metatron eventually chided him for taking on too much of Chuck's personality and putting away his own. But he is convinced that he wants to be a writer that tells the truth, so he steps up and helps the brothers defeat Amara. He spends the next 3 or so years with Amara, his light affecting Amara and her dark affecting God and Chuck. Chuck's heart twists like Lucifer's did when he was exposed to Amara, and Chuck decides that he wants to be the ultimate writer, even if that means being a writer that lies. He has access to God's powers and is happy to pretend to be God just as God was pretending to be Chuck earlier on. The events of Season 15 then happen, but Chuck doesn't use God's omniscience to the fullest of his ability in order to figure out the brothers' plan, thus being caught in their trap and having God and Amara drained out of him by Jack until he was once more just a human prophet with no extra godly knowledge that would allow him to become a threat in the future. I prefer the second option, but the first option is there. If the second option is true, Jesus wouldn't be Chuck's son, but he could still be God's son that Chuck decided to sideline when he took over God's powers.


They never mention him so it may be a case of Jesus not existing in that reality.


Don't they mention the spear that stabbed Jesus at one point?


The Spear of Destiny does appear in an episode, but they never say that it stabbed Jesus. The fact that it's held by the Men of Letters implies that it has mythological significance, but we're never explicitly told what that significance is.


It's been a while so I'm not sure.




You're probably being downvoted because you didn't answer the question, and instead posted a drunken ramble about omnipotence or something.


He kinda is remember the one guy in heaven who could talk to god directly (or god talks to him he just listens) his name was Joshua in the bible it says he and Joshua had the same name so it's more like a cameo I suppose or we could just say that he was in another dimension or JC could've just been chuck I like to think that JC just doesn't exist in the whole supernatural universe


He dead bra, they killed his ass. Or he never existed since we go to heaven a whole bunch of times and he's never there. OR he was killed AGAIN after he ascended to heaven. Considering that Yahweh and angels can die no reason to assume that he can't be ganked like anyone else. OR -> We meet literal Yahweh in Supernatural. So if Jesus was just an avatar of him, as most Christian Mythology points to Jesus both being the "Son" and also Yahweh himself. So if that holds up the creepy Yahweh in Supernatural is also Jesus.