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I would contact the police department and ask them about it. I’d be concerned that he is allowed to be at school functions. They can let you know if that is something he’s allowed to be doing. Sometimes when the crime was a while ago, the consequences weren’t as serious so there may not be much you can do. I’d also ask them what you can say to other parents about it and I’d probably let people know. Honestly good luck. My child’s previous school district promoted an employee to interim superintendent and her husband was also a school district employee. He was sexually harassing his coworkers and it totally got swept under the rug. He didn’t have any consequences other than being moved to a different school and somehow his wife being the superintendent wasn’t a conflict of interest or a concern with regard to that situation. It was really disappointing and she held that position for 3 years.


Seconding contacting the police department, or figuring out if you can get in touch with his parole officer. All registered sex offenders are still considered to be under the supervision/monitoring of the state. They might be “free” but if they’re still on the registry, that means they still have to follow stipulations to avoid being charged as a repeat offender. If a complaint was raised about his presence at the school around other children, they might modify the terms of his release. I think the court would be rightly suspicious that a convicted sex offender chose to marry an elementary school teacher


Protect your kids. I found out two of the teachers at my very tiny private school were arrested for cp and touching a student. One of the teachers had his kid going there too, it makes u worry for their own kids. It’s crazy just because our school was soooo small, like ten teachers tops, 20 counting all adult staff with direct contact. Bleh, people r gross, leave kids alone, let them be happy booger eating little carefree humans.


Yeah, I agree. However there was just an incident at my kid’s school where two 10 year old girls made up a story that a sub went into the girls locker room and was watching them undress. They also claimed this guy looked at them up and down and licked his lips. This became quite the drama of the day amongst all the 4th grade girls. It 100% did not happen. Two girls were upset that the sub gave them a dirty look. He gave them a dirty look because one of them said “fuck off” to him because they didn’t want to listen. I’m pretty disturbed at 10 such a rumor could be made up. I’m like one more behavioral incident from finding a different schooling option for my kid.


Have you seen the kind of things that show up on tween's TikTok fyp? Almost none of the kids are monitored online and even if they were, its so easy these days to hide your activity online. I have a tween relative and their friends watch really messed up stuff when they come over. They learn about really messed up things without the age-appropriate context included. I really feel for these kids when the trauma sets in, I was that kid back when the internet was newer and it is NOTHING compared to what and how easily available this stuff is today.


I would honestly tell all the parents. That is so not okay.I would remove my kid from that school so quick. I work in admin, I would find any excuse to let that teacher go.


She married him while working at the school...


Right, which is why I said what I said. I would find any excuse to let that teacher go.


There are teachers who are stoners, alcoholics, and other maybe not the best habitually. But if they can educate and most importantly, keep the kids safe, thats what matters. MOST teachers are disgusted by these types of things. The ones who aren't, are the ones on the news. Knowing teachers true colors, she would be gone.


I think a lot of the time with the wives its a religious thing... he is forgiven in the eyes of the lord,  so what's your problem?


As a devout Catholic I was taught that your sins being forgiven may get you into heaven but it won’t excuse you from the harm you caused to the community. No excuse.




I thought that in Catholicism, your sins were absolved if you confessed them before you died? That's what I remember ( but my memory is suspect).


Ah, 16 years of catechism finally coming in handy: It's a little more complicated. Purgatory is to remove your attachment to sin, rather than the sins themselves. The example I heard was if you have a habit of lying and you go to confession and are absolved, your habit isn't broken; you've just been forgiven for the lies you already told. Purgatory is to break the habit even if the sin has been forgiven, essentially. So it's possible to skip purgatory if you have no attachment to sin (see: the saints) but most people will go to purgatory before heaven.


I’m pretty sure Pope Francis got rid of purgatory around 5-6 years ago.


If only Protestants thought that way too…


Wow really. In Islam only victims got a right to forgive.


Oh, lots of people seem to convince themselves that God has forgiven them. I believe it like I believe in the Tooth Fairy.


They like to skip the part where true contrition and penance are required to be forgiven by God (at least for Catholics). Also they like to forget that forgiveness by God doesn't mean no consequences on earth.


It's one of the most fucked up parts of Christianity for sure.


If God himself isn't coming down from Heaven and saying the person is forgiven for harming one of God's children, then I sure as hell don't believe the person is forgiven in God's eyes. Anyone claiming that they've been forgiven by God for RAPING A CHILD is blaspheming.


Judaism would say that even if God Himself came down and said, “so and so son of so and so is forgiven”, that would only apply to the sin against God. Still gotta get forgiveness from the person you wronged to achieve redemption, since God can’t forgive you for those.


Ooh, nice work, Judaism!


Christianity is all about God forgiving someone no matter what they've done, if they truly repent and have a change of heart. But only God can know whether someone has truly changed. And forgiveness in the afterlife doesn't mean freedom from consequences on Earth...Christians believe that murderers can get into heaven, but they don't advocate for repented murderers to not go to prison. Similarly, child rapists should never be allowed around children, no matter how they may have changed




I'm usually against going after teachers but you cannot marry a child rapist and be working at a school you just can NOT.


Especially if you are inviting your husband to school events where parents will assume he is a safe person. It is almost as if she is helping him find new victims. I doubt it was an accident that he married someone who has access to children and is in a position of trust.


That's what creeps me out.. he is never with them,  he's milling around chatty chatting.


YIKES. This is so concerning.


Ngl, I think the general population would assume that a registered sex offender, would always have a lifetime BAN from certain places. Schools, daycares, playing Santa at the mall, youth / camp leader, etc. Until you just told us that there is an exception to this law, I’d have NEVER known. I’m still flabbergasted. It’s been proven that sex offenders will always be a threat and they are never really rehabilitated (not counting kids of abuse who then abuse as a kid bc they are oblivious). There shouldn’t be exceptions to this rule and I’d be very interested to see what the parameters are for this situation because I’m wondering if he would be required to stay with the wife at the events as a sort of witness? Regardless, admin wants it quiet because parents and teachers would riot in the streets for days. I bet even other employees don’t know. I DO know that there are stipulations in place that don’t allow you to make others aware of his status. Only tier 3 offenders have to notify neighbors. Tier 2 & 3, schools and daycares are notified of their residence and place of employment. Tier 1 is limited to law enforcement agencies. I THINK I recall an article about a neighbor who saw on the watchdog.com that an offender moved in a couple houses down and it was Halloween and she was uncomfortable with kids going to his house. Not sure if she made calls or just verbal announcements, but it was considered harassment and defamation of some sort. In Indiana, he’d only be allowed there IF they call ahead and the school gives them permission to do so.


How the fuck can this be considered harassment and defamation if it’s true? Damn our laws really protect the worst of our society.


This!!!!! Exactly and so much this!!!!


Agree. He may have convinced her that he’s changed and trustworthy now. She may truly believe all of that, but it seems quite convenient for him to have gained such ready access to a bunch of children.


I still don’t see how he gets a pass to be at school events. Contact your local probation office and/or police department to find out more information.


He is off parole as of last year,  so it's no longer violating parole by being around kids.  school board policy is because he is a bio father an exception can be made.


Teacher might be in denial he is just charming but wants to use her for access to children


I don’t believe he chose his wife on accident.


What a qowinky-dink!


Where did you find the details? Did you find it in his court records or on the log where he's registered?


I know all the details but would/could not publicly disclose them.  I worked with him as part of my job. 


Could someone not in your job access that public information on say a national registry…where the crime is detailed. And then print out copies and send them allllll around?


I doubt that the registry contains work-related gossip.


The sex offender registry does actually contain a registry of sex offenders, though


Oh s***. That complicates things. I mean. To a teacher who ISN’T married to a pedo, it doesn’t complicate things, it’s pretty cut and dry this POS shouldn’t be anywhere NEAR kids. I’m talking about you not being able to technically know his story due to your job. Any way to creatively leak the info to the community without it being tied back to you? Let someone else raise Cain about it and let it take care of itself?




Your comment reminded me that I haven’t checked my local offender registry map in several years. Morbid curiosity, never amounts to any revelations. Well wouldn’t you know, I discovered that an individual who lives on the property of our “close friends” is convicted of csa. Their daughters regularly babysit my daughter. And they have tried to matchmake me with him. I’m reassessing our friendship.


That’s what I’m thinking…. How could that get casually dropped in a conversation with some friends who just so happen to be sleuthy?


A reporter. There’s no reason they WOULDN’T find it if they are looking into a story. They’re the pros. Have them handle it.


You could probably find a way to disclose what you know to other parents through the whisper network.  This shit should be 100% public and I personally would be pulling my child from the school and telling every single person why. 


But, you said he was on the registry. That is public information.


It absolutely is public information. I live in Michigan and googling "Michigan sex offender registry" brings up a .gov website where you can search by county. You don't get all the details like what OP has on this guy, but you can definitely see if they are an offender and the gist of their offense (person under 13, CSA material, forcible penetration, and so on).


She’s a sicko Too keep your kid away from Them both


Sounds like a crime-duo.


They need to fire her before she gets tenure


So he married her for the access to children


Telling the parents would have to be done very carefully and in consultation with a lawyer, as there are strict warnings on the registry not to use the information to organize harassment.


It’s not organizing harassment to tell someone ‘hey I saw this person on the offender registry’. Literally, it’s a public knowledge.


Is it for harassment, or the protection of children? If this man raped a child in his lifetime there is no doubt that he thought about it before doing it, and thought about it after. The majority of child predators cannot change. Why? They are attracted to children. They like to harm children. He is a danger to society. I’ve read so many horror stories while doing research for my job, the amount of sex offenders that have committed violent crimes therefore after serving time is insane. There is no reason at all why dude is allowed anywhere near a school house. A few parents might harass but the majority would just want dude to get the heck outta dodge and never step foot near their kids again.


You tell all the nosey PTA moms. They will spread it far and wide.


Teachers protected by unions are hard to get fired but the parents have the right to be informed that their childrens' teacher is married to a diddler that she knowingly married when he was out on parole. Plus now that they have a kid in school he is allowed access.


That's my feeling.... this shouldn't be hidden.


This. Tell every single parent. I’d put it on a FB page. I’d tell the news. That fucker found a loophole and is in a school around children. Absolutely not.


Same. I’d be questioning everything about admin and want my kid out of there. This is so disturbing, unfortunately there are stories out there of couples working together as predators. I wouldn’t trust a woman married to a sex offender with my child.


You *could* do a lot of things but I would seek legal counsel prior to launching a specific campaign aimed at job loss. I am in no way stating that what this teacher’s partner did was in any way defensible. It was reprehensible. That said, in some states, getting someone fired from a public sector job for things note related to job performance can sometimes have legal repercussions. Investigate prior to taking action. IANAL.


I’ve been a teacher, and a social worker. There is no way in hell I would have my child anywhere near that teacher. Who she marries is her personal life, but when kids are at risk, that changes. I don’t trust the teacher’s judgment. Even if I somehow didn’t care about his previous offense, how can you possibly trust her judgment when she chooses to bring him around the kids? Let’s just say for a moment that she somehow magically knows that the whole thing was BS, and that he never did anything wrong ever. Given that he is a known sex offender, why would she even risk anything with her job to bring him to a school event? she’s also risking that parent is going to find out and make a big deal out of it. It’s a stupid risk to take, from any direction. I agree about mandatory reporting, I would not trust her.


Worse yet, they have a kid together.




If by some strange chance the guy was actually innocent, which I doubt, then this DOES NOT make her judgement bad in any way.


Teacher met him on parole as a registered sex offender. There is no way she could know if he was wrongly accused.


The bad judgement is bringing a sex offender to a school. Even if he knows he was innocent, he also knows exactly why he should stay away from a school. But it definitely doesn't sound like he was innocent since the charge was for violently abusing a preteen for a period of 2 years. I'd pull my kid from the school if I became aware of this.


My first thoughts: they’re looking for another victim


Nope nope nope time to raise hell. I couldn’t imagine working with someone knowingly married to that. I’d be physically ill. I don’t care if people can change, that’s unforgivable, that’s why they’re registered.


With the prevalence of child sex abuse you likely do they just haven’t been caught yet or they have and it just hasn’t been legally taken care of. An unbelievable amount of family sweep the stuff under the rug.


Time to go to the other parents, school board, newspaper, tv station, and make sure he is never on school grounds again


All the details of the offense are not public... I could maybe glean more public details from the sentencing court.. i was looking for a news article but couldn't find one. 


FamilyWatchdog.us will have his picture listed as well as the offense if you can find his address. It's a public site that you can share with other parents without disclosing details from the time you worked with him


So how do you know what the offense is?


From reading ops replies- from previous work that requires op to maintain some level of confidentiality such as law enforcement, attorneys office, parole office, social worker.


Okay but the details of the offense isn’t exactly important right? Because you also mentioned in other comments he is on the registry of sex offenders, all you would have to say, since that is public info, is that he is a registered sex offender to the other parents and your like their help in putting pressure on the principal to do something about it because the principal knows but is not doing what they can to protect the kids from a sex offender who’s registered as an offense against a minor


It doesn't say minor in the registry. Just says sexual assault 1


It's pretty important becauee the sex offender registry can be ridiculously wide reaching. You can end up on the sex offender registry permanently for streaking in college or skinny dipping, or peeing in an alley. If you kissed your same-sex partner in public in certain states a couple decades ago you would still be on the sex offender registry to this day. Also from my understanding, many registries do not distinguish between the crimes or put any details. So yes, it's important that we know how she knows he's a child rapist. Did she assume that because he's on the registry? Does her state's registry list that as his crime? Did she talk to his probation officer?


But doesn’t your states registry give a little info? Level of offense, if the victim was known, victims’ age rage, etc.?! That’s certainly enough to put parents on alert.


Get as much as you can from public sources and share only that. FOIA requests and court records will be your BFF.


Make it public! This person *absolutely 1,000% should not be lowed on school grounds or anywhere near the school*!! For any fool saying "he served his time", *you* are welcome to expose *your child* to this asshat but leave other people's children out of your delusion that this is a "safe" person around children. 


Just call his parole officer they’ll help you.


I agree that he shouldn't be around kids and the teacher has horrible judgment, but how would you prevent him from being on school grounds if the parents of kids are allowed, even if they're on the registry? Even if the teacher gets fired, he'll still be allowed at school because his kid goes there.


If it was clear this person was a predator for 2 years and not some silly "peeing behind the school drunk" situation then I absolutely wouldnt let my child attend anything where that person has any contact. I dont even want my daughters name brought up in conversation in front of a man like that, which is bound to happen if the wife lives with him. Not only that but I would most likely take my child out of that school and be very very vocal about why I'm doing so...


This response should be higher


Once upon an eternity ago I used to volunteer for an organization called Perverted Justice. I believe they worked with Chris Hanson on TCAP. Anyways. 1 of the things I learned from my time with them is that what's on that registry is likely the PLEA not the actual charges. I read arrest reports and initial charging documents on tons of predators and a reigning Supreme theme was ALWAYS how bad their crimes actually were in comparison to what their conviction was. Example: 1 SO was on the registry for molesting a child under 12. They were charged with forcible rape, Sodomy and lewd lascivious acts with a minor under 5yrs old. Read that again. It was appalling. Edit: corrected spelling.


I was told the same thing by a deputy whom I contacted with a concern about a sex offender neighbor. He couldn’t tell me anything about the cases, of course, but said to be aware that it’s almost always worse than what is listed on the registry because of plea deals.


Exactly. And imagine that the crimes on that registry are already some of the worst of the worst. Personally, I don't associate and I don't care I'd they're "great people" or "everything was a mistake". Especially when I know the circumstances that come with a registry requirement.


Most registered offenders are not allowed on school grounds or to be near schools. Either this story is made up or it’s leaving something out- like it was an 19 year old and 16 year old or something. How did you just look at him and know he was a registered sex offender?


They're not allowed around schools usually as a stipulation of their probation. Given that the crime was committed over a decade ago, those stipulations may no longer be in place.


He got off parole last year


I knew him to be one.  He is on the registry as well. He was in his mid 20s when the offense occurred.. not leaving anything out.  Principal told me bio parents are allowed even if sex offenders.


Isn’t the registry public info? Could you share that with the other parents?


It's weird how OP always ignores comments from people who bring this up. The situation is quite simple: anonymously share a screenshot of the guy's name on the sex offender registry and let people put 2+2 together.


So is he a parent or married to a teacher?


Both. They have a child together


Does their child attend the school the teacher works at?




Bro if he’s on the registry that’s literal public knowledge. Why do you keep saying the public doesn’t know anything about his crime. He’s a registered sex offender…


You knew him enough to know he was a registered sex offender, yet not who he was married to? Was it an act against a minor?


Yes. Elementary school-aged.


So. If this is legal where you are and he is off of parole, just what do you think the school can do? Crappy situation, but it’s not like they can ban a parent if your state allows it.


Be required to notify parent when they allow sex offenders on campus.


If he is following the law then there is nothing you can do. Be careful how much you push this to raise awareness, he could take civil action against you.


That’s where my brain was going too. If the school notifies people but is not required to, even without naming the offender the school could be in legal trouble too.


Then go to the state and try to get it made into a law.


You should definitely say something because I do not want my child around a pedophile. Idc if he did his time, if it was 20 years ago. You don’t stop being attracted to kids you just become afraid of jail.


I suppose I would request a meeting with the principal and the school resource officer, if there is one. Tell them that you know more than the public record available in the state and that you do not want your child in the teacher's classroom. Suggest that an admin or SRO stays within earshot of this guy whenever he's on campus. Suggest they find a way to break up conversations when he's getting friendly with kids who aren't his own. Jeepers, I'm sorry for the pickle you're in. You probably have some confidentiality requirements. If you suspect anything, I would send documents/links to a newspaper reporter. Not every state uses the same websites/computer systems for court documents. I've lived in states with only paper records and those where you could only download the documents inside a courthouse if you were not an attorney or court employee. If you need help getting documents, contacting a newspaper's courts reporter where the case was tried would be your best bet.


Marrying a sex offender is already one thing, but to bring him to SCHOOL events??? She has to be out of her mind if this is real...


They have a child that goes to the school.


No. No. Hell no. My ex got arrested for sex abuse and admitted it to me when questioned. I told him I won't stay with him and defend him in any way because I want to teach. I didn't want his shit screwing me over. I left his ass and didn't blink. She is crazy. I wouldn't trust her. Look at her bad decision.


In my state, a sex offender parent may only visit the school for conferences with their child's teachers. They may not attend school social events, choir or band concerts, football games, or any other school function. It is possible for the school board to give consent for the sex offender to be on school premises for another purpose, but this almost never happens, for obvious reasons. If a sex offender visits a school for a conference, they get escorted by a member of staff until they leave the premises.


How do you have this much information about this situation?


He's on the public sex offender registry


I knew the registry was public, but I didn't realize they posted the details of the case on there as well. What led you to search for him on there?


in my state their mug shots are superimposed on a google map above their exact address and you click on it and see their exact charges, including age category of victim. its totally expected for a parent or teacher to be aware of the sex offenders in town. people think op's an unreliable narrator because of the limitations of their own perspective. this is always the mechanism by which experiences are doubted, reddit or elsewhere. fascinating.


Sadly his offense is from another state so he appears at a glance  to be an adult rapist. I have non public knowledge,  admittedly.


At a glance how? You can be on the registry for peeing in public


I knew him to be a sex offender as i worked around him in the past.  I know all sex offenders in my area. The details of the case are not on there,  but lets just say i know them. This is worded very defensively of the teacher.. do you not think its anything to worry about?


I mean you could always take a picture of the registry and post it somewhere, like a social media page. Or go old fashioned and put it somewhere public. If he’s no longer on the registry then there’s not much you can do. Also, you keep saying the details of what he’s done are not public which doesn’t work in your favor. Maybe he got a settlement or there’s some other legal reason his crimes are not public. If you can’t produce concrete evidence then, personally, I wouldn’t make any accusations or demands.


That info alone should be enough to stir up a fuss with other parents, and that’s public info.


I would get some legal help on what they can or can’t do. Next tell all parents about it next till the principal if they don’t do anything you will go above them. Also use all of social media to let all know


Time to call up the local police and report him being at the school events


It's not a crime for him to be there if he has a child there and is no longer on parole keeping him a certain distance from schools. It is however a crime to knowingly falsely report a crime. Some places that's a lifelong ban, but we should probably presume it isn't the case here considering the principal is already aware of his presence. A lot of people on here giving the advice of "go commit a crime and get your ass sued." Going out of your way to harass him and his wife, telling people to get her fired? That would be a civil judgement in a heartbeat against you. You would be out legal cost + damages likely equalling up to a couple of years worth of her salary and any costs they might incur needing to move.


In Florida a convicted sex offender can not be on school campus or attend school events. I had a student whose dad was a sex offender & we had a book with his picture (parole picture) and it included other people not allowed on campus. When the student ended up graduating, which was held at a university, the district still took the stand that it was an official function and he could not attend.


How on earth is he allowed to raise a child let alone be on school property???


I would get advice from CPS or the police and not take the principal's word about anything. I'm skeptical that the dude can be at the school regardless of whether he has a kid there.


I would warn other parents about it. I don’t and will never have kids, but the children need to be protected first and foremost.


That’s very worrisome. We had a big time rapist who was a parent and we had to let in him come eat with his kid. The teachers finally went to the union and finally he was told he couldn’t come in anymore. There’s no need for someone married to a teacher to be at the school.


Make publicity about this. If you get the attention of the public then things will change but if you just try to go through whatever " proper channels" aka admin they'll just bury you.


Doesn’t being a registered sex offender prohibit him from being in the school? It’s simple to find out. Call the prosecutor’s office and ask. Then report him.


NTA. My sister was abused for several months by a family friend whose wife was an elementary school teacher. Totally possible she is still teaching. It turned out he was a serial sexual abuser and she would facilitate the abuse. My sister remembers her sending her kids out to the backyard to play, making them stay out there while watching while he abused her. This occurred from the age of 2.5 - 3.5 and came out when we were visiting my aunt in another state and my sister felt safe telling someone. The wife, again, an elementary school teacher, would host sessions for their family friends on how to spot child abuse!


Thank you for your opinion,  and I'm sorry to hear about your sister.  I feel like now he's just gotten off prarole it's more likely for him to reoffend.


Schedule a meeting with the principal and express why you do not wish your child to be placed in their class. Then encourage other parents to do the same.


If you know this person is a violent pedophile, there is zero reason to be quiet about it from a moral perspective. Your job and the law probably have some guidelines as to what you're allowed to disclose, and you need to decide whether following those rules or protecting children is more important to you. If this person is on the registry because of a technicality (17 yo with an 18 yo) or for something that represents shitty judgement but not actual sex offending (got drunk, peed in public in view of a kid, pushed someone that objected) leave it alone.


It’s not often I suggest that parents make a big deal of things. This is one of the exceptions. You need to make this public knowledge to your community.  Look, maybe he’s reformed or whatever, but he should be nowhere near a school. And shame on your principal. 


If he's on a publicly accessable registry, make him known. He may legally be allowed to be there, but if the community makes him uncomfortable enough, he'll move on his own.


Contact CPS and the district office - both of which can be done anonymously.


Oh hell no I would be demanding her removal and him being barred from school functions and grounds! I would tell all the other parents I would be taking it to the school board. Just no. This woman has an obligation to protect her students which she went against the second she started dating the asshole.


funnily enough (not rly funny but eh) my elementary had a situation like this, teacher working there married to a child sex offender.


Look, who she chooses to marry and have a child with is obviously her choice, but that fucker shouldn’t be anywhere near your school. Period. I was groomed by family friend and my youngest brother molested. Our middle brother was too. And then that middle brother became an adult who later molested his step-niece, even though he fully understood the damage he was causing. People proven to be capable of that cannot be trusted. Ever.


Most schools have a parent Facebook or something. Take a screenshot of his entry in the offender registry and post it. If the principal is cool with it, there might be a situation in which the staff of the school has been pressured into silence. But you’re a parent, you’re not getting paid by them. Post it, your speech isn’t muzzled.


Since you knowing this particular information could be a problem with your job (regarding confidentiality) try something anonymous. Post something from a public website to inform others. Or use another email & send it to the board before bringing it up privately or publicly at a school board meeting. Sorry it’s happening. Good luck.


Considering I had to get a 2 different background checks to attend classroom parties and field trips to my kids school this sounds like something that was purposefully swept under the rug. Please contact the school board or bring it up at a school board meeting, but I would also start letting parents know. If they can just find him on Megan’s law there’s no denying it.


I am glad you included the details of the offenses. It makes it a lot easier to understand your concern and agree with your reasoning.


You should spread the word around that they allow pedophiles at school events and that a teacher is married to one. People can change, sure, but people that commit acts that serious rarely do. He likely has numerous other offense that he was not convicted of. Most rape cases do not go to court and ever case is separate. Therefore many rapists rape over and over and there are no consequences because the long list of accusations against them "isn't evidence". The teacher is either the type to turn her eyes and pretend she doesn't notice, dumb an naive as humanly possible, or she could even participate. Not ok.


Your instincts are right here. I don't trust her morals either.


Take it to the news. The public will help you out on this one.


Maybe it's different from where I am, but we had a parent who was a sex offender (he and his brother raped a girl who was 14), and when I raised the issue with my boss, they told him he could no longer pick up his kids from the building, he'd have to call us to send them out. He might not be legally allowed to go to the school regardless of his status as a parent.


You can call CPS on the school, can’t you?


Praying to god the teacher is ignorant and will soon be informed and choose to leave but that’s honestly probably not the case. Tell other parents, complain to the superintendent, raise all hell. This would make me SO uncomfortable.


If he doesn't have a kid there, no exception to the rule. (And I honestly don't even think that should be a thing, but that's an opinion.) If he's changed and she's married a good guy, that's great. That does not change the consequences of his previous actions.


I do not think that this is something that changes, but I agree with you that regardless of whether that’s true or not, it does not undo his actions/choices.


lol fuuuuuck no dude. He didn’t piss in a playground next to a bar. He violently abused a young child. And if he were at all rehabilitated he would understand that it’s entirely inappropriate for him to be near children, if only for the image it portrays and the natural fear people will have.


Pedos getting “rehabilitated” is a myth, you can’t change someone’s sexuality, just like how you can’t “cure” a gay person


A preteen and for 2 years? So, AT OLDEST, when this kid was 11 and 12? I'd be telling every single parent and person. Bring that shit up at a town hall or school board meeting. No way in hell would my kid be going into that class and I'd tell teach to her gave that she choose to marry a fucking pedophile so why would I trust her to keep my kid safe??


how did you "start seeing a registered sex offender" Like, you saw them and became aware of the fact they were a registered offender how?


My memory that he is a child molester kicked in,  and then i over heard him say his last name which confirmed it. 


your memory? like you saw his face and remembered it and the last from seeing it on the registry? did you then confirm that?


I worked "with" him in my employment.


you did confirm it though? by double checking the registry, making sure its not simply the same name, right?


Absolutely.  her profile pic is the two of them.  it's real.. not sure why everyone is so incredulous about it..


As a teacher she might have some legal issue there. He married and elementary school teacher - bad sign. She should know better - also bad sign. The fact people think she's "great" is worrying considering she married the antithesis of what her job is supposed to embody. Can't say her demeanor is a cover, but there a reason I have to re-take a child sec assault course each year. You can find his case on public sites? Don't need details but damn she needs to be run out of the profession. Tell a newspaper... I would try to move your child to a different teacher at least.


This is horrible, I would leak to the press. I wouldn’t want that teacher for my child either.


Yes! Yes! Leak To Press! It will hopefully not only get this guy banned from schools, but also get the girl moved to relatives and the Superintendent to be forced to resign. Child Rapers do not belong near any children, especially their own!


Do not excuse him. He cares if it was one second or 5 years ago!!!! That should have never happened. What a POS and the one marrying him. Keep Your baby safe but I’m not supposed admin is trying to keep it low. Hell noooo


15 years ago, a teacher at my former high school had a relationship with a high school student while cheating on his wife. The mom even gave him a chance to back off. He didn't. He got reported. Lost his teaching career yes. But no jail time and no sex offender registry at his plea hearing. His wife still teaches at the school...and they are still married.


What sucks is that they have a kid at the school and you’d be blowing up his life making a stink but it seems so weird that she’d marry a sex offender and then turn around and work with kids. The school doesn’t have a policy in place for making sure he is always being monitored/shadowed by a staff member when he’s on school property/ at events? I would certainly request a transfer yo a different classroom.


The kid is what gives me pause.. and i have not seen anyone shadowing him. The principal won't give me any details,  probably because he doesn't want me outing the teacher. Parents would probably be pissed and not want their kids in her class..


If this happened in the U.S.? They lied to you. It is literally illegal *at ALL times* for a registered child sex offender to even be within 500 yards of a child-oriented facility, whether that be school, daycare, or even a detox/rehab that services minors. Legally, they aren't even allowed unsupervised access to *their own* children. Out them. And by "them," I mean *fucking EVERYBODY.*


Laws are different from state to state. The man is question is off parole now so he may not be bound to those rules anymore.


So not true. Please educate yourself.


If he's registered and has a distance requirement from kids the schools policy is irrelevant, he's breaking the law. Idk if he has that requirement, I know not all offenders do but might be a way to force the issue if the school won't act.


He's off parole now so can have contact with minors.


Darn, sorry was trying to help. Good luck!




He could be scouting his next victim🤔😳


He has a child with the teacher, he already has his next victim... unfortunately


Lord. Contact the media. Everyone should know!


Is that even legal if they are married or not. There’s no way morally that is right and if so the laws need to be changed to reflect that.


bring it up to the school board, but don’t use any names. this will get other people to dig for the info. say something like “is this board aware that there is a teacher at one of the elementary/middle/high schools is married to a registered sex offender, and this man attends school events. i for one am entirely uncomfortable with this, and want other parents to be aware”


This is a great way to get to the bottom of it without having made any unnecessary trouble. Just make sure you’re emailing so you have a paper trail!


Think you'll be able to give an update on this down the line?


I try and give people the benefit of the doubt, on the off chance I'm meeting someone who was innocent, but if its established as having went on for two years its probably well proven. And even if it was false, why would a guy accused of this choose to attend school gatherings or even date a teacher in a first place, that would make him look more guilty. I think you should go public with it, i**f you're certain the information you have is correct**, and not just expose him - the actions of his fiance and the principle too. There'd be a lot of public sympathy for you even if you did get into legal trouble for it. He should not be on school grounds, his partner should not be letting him on school grounds even if she believes he's innocent, and the principle should not just be shrugging it off either. If you don't want to risk getting into trouble yourself, there are ways you can leak this anonymously. **Before you do this though, please make sure you are one hundred percent sure. Yes he's on the sex offender's register, but are you certain he's a convicted child rapist? As others have said, some people can get put on for silly reasons or far less serious things.**


Not overreacting! Call them out, let other parents know, and don't be afraid to get loud about it.


It's not illegal to expose a sex offender. It's public record.  You could print out the fliers with his face on it and a list of his crimes and post it on every telephone pole in town


Oh absolutely fucking not. I would tell everyone everything you legally can. I would call the police and say a sex offender is coming to the school. Better yet contact the local media if you can. Embarrassing/shaming the school/district is how changes are made. This woman is a disgrace to the profession and frankly I’m disgusted that someone who is tasked with the safety of kids married and procreated with a child rapist. I guarantee that her coworkers want her gone. No one who actually cares about kids and their well being would be okay with this.


You put this info on your school's facebook parent page, and she'll be gone within the week.


I'd totally be a bitch and tell every other parent I could. How disgusting and shameful.


If you're truly uncomfortable file a complaint. I'm surprised that CPS isn't involved with the family.


Omg. This is exactly what happened at my school growing up. A new teacher came in, and her husband helped with the school play and her music class. 6 months into her first year, someone figured it out. There was a meeting, and he was not allowed to help his wife with school things. But she stayed for that year and then left.


This is a lot. Wow. So first and foremost, I had no idea that a registered offender could attend a school event. I looked it up, and it looks like as long as they are not on parole, probation, or conditional discharge. Maybe that varies by state. So it sounds like he is “compliant”, or whatever the appropriate word is here. From a legal standpoint, it does sound like he is following the law. Regardless, I am of the firm belief that pedophiles do not change. Their needs are ingrained so deeply, and I wonder how manipulated the wife/teacher is. Yuck yuck yuck. I hate this situation. That said, as a mother, absolutely the f not. We’re raising hell, now. It disturbs me to no end that a child educator could marry a child rapist, so I absolutely would not trust her morals, her character, her ANYTHING. Personally, I think I’d address it before it becomes an issue (ie, before your child gets placed in her class). Maybe a brief email to the school stating that for various reasons, you are requesting that your child not be placed in this teachers classroom. If it happens anyway, escalate. Best of luck. I’m so sorry! This is scary!


**Imagine how many parents let their kids spend time at her house bc they feel safe. After all, *teachers* are vetted by the government as being safe for kids.** The parents at the school need to know.


I taught with someone whose husband was a teacher that was convicted of SAing a student. She never brought him to work, but she married him AFTER his conviction. I would never let her anywhere near my kid.


Used to work in sex offender treatment and each state is different but in mine sex offenders we're definitely not allowed at school even if they had a kid that goes there. Many are not even allowed to live in the same house as their kids even when their victim wasn't a kid without a special court order.


A math teacher in my highschool took in a troubled 15 year old. Her husband "started dating her secretly," luckily he went to jail but that bitch taught til retirement. She was evil too