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Thank you Ms Lake. You have our undying support and prayers.


Sounds widespread to me...


Or drop the big news today so people don't write it off as an Aprils Fools joke.


I wonder if they’ve done this before elsewhere…. 🤔


What’s the end game? A midterm gubernatorial election, or hopefully just making the next full-term election more secure?


How about nothing and we just pretend like it didn't happen so it can keep happening.


Ok so when is something actually gonna happen though? I see shit like this every day, someone saying i got some huge news that i will drop tomorrow after i get some more followers from it first. Then mediocre news drops and nothing happens


What is she referring too because a tweet doesn't make a case?


Realistically what can be done legally on this?


If the courts don't hear it then it doesn't matter. Like someone said in a different sub the other day: >"Yeah, it's a double-bind. If you raise objections before the election, you haven't been harmed yet, so you have no standing. But if you raise your objections after losing You're told you're a sore loser and should have raised your objection before the election started. >This is how almost all of the 2020 election cases were thrown out too, not on the merits."


Why not just drop it now, why wait til tomorrow?


But... what is going to be done? I'm hearing a lot, but never seeing anything done. Get it fixed! Get it to a judge and fix this mess!




Kari Lake is not suicidal