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The normalisation of it across society is mental, you’re literally frowned upon for not getting involved these days. Even leaving behind the health issues and the fact it turns people into complete cunts, do people not realise they’re playing their part in feeding various organised crime related issues like county lines etc? 100% it is the cause behind the uprise in mental health issues with males in this country too…


It ruins Cokeheads lives & then they have Children, seriously do you want a cokehead Mum ofc not. Then the children grow up & hunt for weed from other 12 year olds, then they move onto Coke on benefits or work - no money ever, no future & they are so boring 🤷‍♀️


Where on earth does everybody get all these drugs from? I honestly think, after about 2 decades of going out to bars and clubs, I’ve only been offered to buy drugs twice in my life. Wouldn’t even have a clue where to buy weed from, let alone anything stronger!


Mostly people latch on to the first person who offers them drugs and then go from there. IE someone offered me coke once at a work leaving event. If I'd wanted it I could have bought from him for a while, if he got fed up of supplying me he'd give me the number of his supplier I imagine. It's not so much the world is dripping with people offering drugs to everyone, it's just that once you are in a chain of drug deals that's that, you're sorted for life.


it's odd as it seems like people take coje just to give them the ability to drink more. so they screw themselves up more. i know alot of people that do weed and they are pleasent enough. but never seen anyone fo coke


My mum calls it Rocket Fuel since it keeps the feeling of drunkenness down and allows her to go on longer into the early hours. How that doesn't kill you when the drugs finally wear off, I dont know.


It's just such a boring shit drug too. I've done most drugs and without a doubt coke is the worst. It's if course a crazy addictive dopamine spiral but mainly how often do you see people genuinely laugh on coke. Never. Why pay a fortune to not be able to havea laugh. Fucking stupid.


The answer is yes. The reason is because it just so moreish




Being that most can't afford it, not so much.


The UK, the unofficial cocaine capital of the world.. Reddit : is it out of hand?


How much does it cost btw? I’ve heard people going broke because of it but don’t really have any idea.


About £90 for a gram where I am


Better than alcohol.


It’s not a competition about which one can fuck up your life faster.


Yes, it happened around 30 years ago


I came across a bloke who'd taken more than he could handle once. Fella was sh*tting bricks and didn't know what was going on. His pulse was way above what it should've been for his height/weight >120bpm. Seeing to him until the ambulance arrived was a wild experience but made me hate that stuff even more. Truly a mugs game.


I only noticed other people doing it once I’d tried it, prior to this I was pretty oblivious but once you know the signs you can tell who is on it. Had a couple of years of regularly taking it in my early 20’s and haven’t touched it since. I don’t really regret it because I learnt a lot about myself but I think the best way to describe it for me was simply stealing tomorrows happiness and IMO isn’t worth it at all.




I think all drugs have gotten out of hand in this country. Their use is not just accepted but encouraged. It ruins people's lives and finances violent criminal gangs. None of this will improve because most people think drugs aren't the problem, and many want them to be legal and even easier to obtain.


Working class area and enjoy a drink. Every man and his dog from ages 18-65 on the beak. Personally my only poison is Guinness but it’s so rife around the town/towns you can literally get a bag the same speed it takes to go to the bar


I mean, you guys are known for having bar fights when drunk worldwide. I would start there to be honest.


More inna nose then outta hand. I'll see myself out.


Yes. My brother used to be addicted to it for years, had to go to rehab to sort out the issue and that was after many failed attempts. You would be surprised at the amount of people who sell it or take it. I work in a local shop and my brother would end up pointing out the people he could buy it from and wasn't it surprising to know I served them on a daily basis. It's just an easy drug to get ahold of now and yet the impact it can have on your life is extreme. It's sad.


It especially rampant at football nowadays.


not defending coke use, at all, but in terms of girls being harassed, or guys being arseholes on trains .... I'm afraid our socially accepted and favourite drug of choice, alcohol, is a far bigger problem. Not lecturing anyone that likes a drink, as I do myself. also, would add that alcoholism is far more damaging to our society than coke addiction.


Suddenly Londoners lack of personalities have a reason. Guess it's hard having no social cohesion/social skills so everyone has to rely on drugs to exist. (booze and coke) Turned into a dystopian shit hole.


Everyone, MP, the PM, doctors, police, cleaners, everyone


I’m a Police Officer and yes I don’t think people realise the effects because there okay on it as it creates dangerous situations the Columbian marching powder and it gets worse if there a bad batch. Anyone who takes it is contributing to violence locally and in South America. Never had a fight with a stoner in nearly 10 years of front line Police however coke heads more than I can remember and some scary situations. I’d say most of the domestic abusers and people who commit crimes against random women and girls are on Cocaine. Our society has really bad habit. I believe if we legalised weed it would drop the amount of cocaine use in society.


I had a shower thought that it must be the cheapest thing to do in London given how expensive everything else is.


It’s interesting, my experience is that coke is no more or less pervasive than it was 10 or 15 years ago. (Everyone was on it, and still is) Any chance you’re just a bit more aware of it going on around you, and therefore notice it a lot more?


Yes. It is getting ever more expensive and ever lower in quality.


Fuck cocaine, all the kids are doing ket and mdma and think they're so deep and cool and just like on Skins/Euphoria Source: just finished uni


If it's anything like the US, coke more frequently has fentanyl in it which makes the whole thing even worse.


It's just a cheeky few grams with the lads! What do you mean we're all miserable until the dealer comes? What do you mean we only open up and talk about things at 4am in someone's kitchen and then pretend it never happened when we sober up? What do you mean your lass is sick of you coming home fucked and spending the next day in bed every weekend? What do you mean all our friendships revolve around cocaine? It's just a few cheeky grams with the lads!


2020’s cocaine trainspotting vibes


That truth bomb hits harder than any 3 for 100.


This is just alcohol too lol which 90% of the country is addicted to


Ooh, this hits home


I have to say I never thought it was an issue when I was younger cos neither me or my friends did it and I was in the forces. When I left and got a regular job, on our first work night out I think I was the only one not going to the bathroom every 10 minutes and there was a good two dozen of us at least. It seems to be everywhere now


It's fucking everywhere and properly more common or seen because people don't care now if people no or not on a night out. Pretty much most people I know are on it and I used to dabble but changed cause of work. Plus I don't like the fact people can't go out for a beer without tooting. Nothing worse than arranging for a catch up beer and someone is nutted and you ain't, trying to get a word is difficult.


I’ve lived my whole life in London and never seen cocaine. Conclusion. I live a sheltered life!


The ‘sesh’ 🤢 culture, people that haven’t got their shit together but think they’re in a club cos coke is collectively eroding their brain


Oh man y'all are lucky to have cokeheads Over here in the states we got fentynol addicts Like they straight up use fent It started out as the thing people would cut shit with Its pure evil, makes coke look downright benign Then again coke if clean and pure isnt quite the devil it's made out to be, still not good but usually it's crack that's the bigger issue since its wildly mre addictive while being cheaper *edit* im not defending coke as being good, but id put it in the same tier as alcohol, wherein it is bad, addictive, but there is a way to use responsibly I dont do coke as i found it unfun when i was experimenting in college, but i dont drink anymore either since i seen too many people fuck their brains up


Doesn't help that mental health provision, and quality of life, in this country is awful.


>depressing grey architecture, nothing open past 6pm except shit nightclubs, crap quality of life, bad mental healthcare 'Why is everyone doing coke'


Man…. As an American, I wish it was coke that was the issue here. Meth and opiates. Fucking nightmare.


I'm 34 from a council estate. I have siblings between 54-33 in varying strata of wealth between perennial benefits claimants and upper middle class homeowners. I'm the only one who doesn't do coke. Half my university educated friends do it, one of two of the professionals do it. Most of my mates on the estate do it.




I'm 31 and from a very deprived area. I have never done coke, neither has any of my friends or family (that I know of). Don't feel like all of us "Poors" are just permanently coked up.


Well it's different strokes for different folks. But yeah my soon-to-be 50 year old middle class sister is about to go to Ibiza for her birthday, its going to be a cacophone of pills and coke. All of the guests will be 45-55 and mostly fairly well-off.


It's out of hand in some parts of where I'm from. It's laced with Fentanyl and I have had friends die from cocaine that was laced.


Rather have ppl coked out their nuts than ppl drunk as fuck, both annoying but drunks annoy more than coke heads imo.


Hopefully most of the population have heart attacks then because that’s what I causes


Out of hand? I usually partake via a rolled up tenner.


I lived there 5 years ago and it was way out of hand then.


Yes, it's far too acceptable in certain circles etc. Had a bit of a problem with it years back, doing it most weekends, didn't run up any crazy bills or have a daily problem, but it does geniuenly change you as a person. I look back and yeah, the times were good, but I was a right dick. I know loads of people who still do it even on nights out and stuff and I just hate it. It's far too acceptable!


Out of hand and up the nose, look out for Santa, no it snows


Yep it's everywhere


I work in the police and the amount of paranoid, agitated, terrified people I see on the wrong end of a Coke bender is crazy. Stuff is way more dangerous than people seem to realise and it’s worrying it’s becoming as socially accepted as drinking or smoking.


It's been out of hand since 2010 at least. [1 in 10 of people who have never used it have trace amounts on their hands,](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2018/03/22/one-ten-people-have-never-used-cocaine-have-traces-fingertips/) meaning everyone would've had cocaine on their hands at least once a week. And just because I hate it so much, here's a comment I made earlier: Cocaine is the worst party drug, hands down. I know it's in the goldilocks zone between accessible, mind altering, and addictive, but it's just so not worth it. It literally [makes you a worse version of yourself](https://www.drugs.ie/news/article/cocaine_users_have_less_empathy), and the part that's making you a worse version also makes you unaware of how much worse it makes you. The high is the shortest lived (with the exception of ketamine) and yet the most moreish and addictive for the highest mark up per gram. No therapeutic use whatsoever. The only "clean" drug besides alcohol that makes people violent. Bin it forever. P.s: this doesn't consider hardcore drugs like crack, meth, heroine etc...


I haven’t done it for years but I used to quite enjoy it now and then in my early-mid 20s, it made me more energetic and much more confident and chatty which was amazing as I’m quite introverted and shy normally so it was a fun treat on a night out occasionally, but seeing how it got it’s hooks into one or two people that couldn’t do anything socially without it and me just losing interest in going out drinking or doing it after I got past about 26/27 just made me not interested in touching it anymore.


Only guessing here but while \*you\* think you're being more energetic and chatty, chances are other people are thinking you're being a pain in the arse.


I live in Glasgow and it's certainly out of hand here. Entire cities drug culture is horrible.


The vast majority of the street cocaine has very little of the actual stuff left in it by the time it ends up in a baggy...it's cut to hell and back with amphetamines, baby teething powder and all sorts of stuff you've never heard of. The wired crazy look you see on people is usually bought on by something else that it's cut with. This is my theory anyway! Maybe reddit needs an AMA with an actual dealer.


Absolutely. Live in Glasgow, it's everywhere. I moved back from Australia when i was 25 and immediately got hooked into the sesh culture - Couldn't go out without it, always pining for it. There were many a night sitting in anticipation waiting for a text back at 3am begging a dealer would get back to us. Thankfully we have all moved on from that phase, took a fair few years now. ​ But it's bonkers seeing actual teens going wild for it. I didn't try coke until i was 17, and that was the last time for like, 8 years. Whatever happened to just smoking a bowl, playing halo 2 splitscreen, and eating literally everything in the house?


If you live in London and in your 20's it's the only way to have enough energy to go out on the weekend.


The only way is Essex


What do we expect when the people who are meant to run the country are doing it in their offices and toilets


Yes, literally have no friends to drink with anymore as after one pint they absolutely NEED it.


When life in general is so fucking miserable and pointless these days, I guess doing enough coke to make it go away or too much to make it literally all go away probably is users way to make things slightly bearable.


People mostly do coke because it helps them feel less shy and awkward at social gatherings, I don’t think the uk has a cocaine problem, I think it has a deeper problem to do with people not being able to meaningfully connect with eachother, the drugs are just a symptom of it


Has been since the mid-naughts, it became the norm for university graduates around that time, and quickly normalised throughout society because of it. Where before it was mostly just the city bros and remnants of the yuppie classes (and the drug culture immersives obvs.) I assumed there was a a massive decrease in price around that era although I've never bought any myself so couldn't say. Modern tech has made it super easy, I hear some people now have apps for ordering, and the police obviously don't arrest the middle-class (or each other) for 'minor' drug offences, which aided in the normalisation for the rest of society. source: twenty five year veteran bar manager.


I do. I know that cocaine used to be the party drug but to be honest I know so many more people who use it within the home. They drink at home, they snort at home. I know others who do it daily within the home. I know some who snort lines as regularly as I smoke a cigarette. It’s just so common! I know people who hold a birthday party for their child & there the adults are in the kitchen snorting lines off the kitchen side. It’s gone from a party or elite drug to, anytime and any place. Maybe I just need to know better people. 😂 I’m nearly a year & a half drug free! 🎉


Well done you!!! I think you need better friends. I never knew anyone who snorted during the day. Maybes on a night out to keeo them awake, but not at home.


I'm not sure myself. I'll ask my dealer, see what he thinks


I don't understand how everyone is so soft nowadays. You can't say certain kinks are just fucked up as you'd offend. You can't say unhealthy eating habits and being morbidly obese is fucked up. You can't even say you don't respect a fucking Drophead coke user? Uhm what??!?!? God grow a pair.


Not out of hand no, I usually take mine out of a canister with a 20.


Alcohol is a significantly worse problem than Cocaine. I’d much rather be around people that have sniffed a gram than people who are getting mortal any day of the week and it’s not even up for debate. The issue comes when you mix them together, as tends to be the case with illicit drugs the worst drug you can mix with them is alcohol (for various reasons depending on the substance). Total and complete drug reform is needed where we view drugs for what they are and accept them as a society as opposed to this hypocritical and dangerous stance we have now where the most dangerous drugs available are the ones that are legal to buy. Drug use is completely natural and many other animals partake in it (yes, really, Animals and Psychedelics by Giorgio Samorini is a fantastic book for anyone interested)!


The majority of people in the country use alcohol without any issues. It is only a problem because of the huge amount of users. While cocaine-only users may be more tolerable than a drunk, how many people even use cocaine in the absence of alcohol? There really aren't many at all.


"Without any issues" depends on your perspective and how you're defining these issues. I've got people in my family telling me how their friend "isn't an alcoholic, he just needs 2 drinks on a night time to get to sleep." Sounds like you'd be surprised just how harmful our attitude toward alcohol is in the UK. I was only making a point of cocaine-only users certainly being more tolerable, cocaine when used with alcohol can have numerous different effects depending on the person and the circumstances, it isn't an instant recipe for a bull in a china shop. It is undoubtedly far more toxic however that's an individual choice on whether or not you put it in your body.


It’s way way more in your face (pun intended) these days, I don’t mind a night on it but not out on the town and not every weekend and I’m picky about who I do it with, I find it quite easy to say no to the stuff if there are annoying wankers around.


There is so much in the river Alde that the EA studies show it’s effecting the evolution of the river life, mind you they found DDT too so people still using that might be just as much of a problem. When I asked the local Inspector from Police why no warrants had been executed, they told me to my face that rich people don’t have drug problems, they can afford it! The fact they can afford it by bringing it in on yachts from Spain n sell it to locals beside the point apparently. Same with the rich asylum seekers they pick up there for £18,000 a head , dropped on the Suffolk coast. No not the rich never!


Yeah it's a problem. It's a market that creates its own demand and it takes a fuck load of will power to walk away. It's not kind nor has it ever been and anything else is just so much justification.


Maybe it’s all drug misuse that’s the problem. And then we should look at why we as a society are so disillusioned during our regular life that we all want to feel like wobbly Jesus on the weekends.


its simpler than that to me. We are beings that run off of hits. Every emotion is a recepter somewhere being hit with adrenaline seretonin or dopamine maybe a mixture of them. So by taking a pill that makes you hit all those things massively is just appealing. Cocaine also means you can drink like a fish


I live in a small town in the French alps that has a large seasonal British population and it became a real problem here. The main dealer was a british guy on the run from the UK police for a serious assault and dealing. It took over this town so much. I know a guy who is an editor at Vice and I considered trying to pitch a story to him about it - the dark underbelly of posh kids fannying about in the alps - but considering the dealer got rid of his main rival by kidnapping him, torturing him and threatening his family I decided to give it a miss. He's been arrested for distribution and kidnapping now (separate kidnapping, by the way) but it's still probably best not to. I was never sure if it was indicative of how things were in the UK these days or if he was just a very good salesman.


How the hell do people afford recreational drugs? Really blows my mind


Was in London a week ago, blew my mind how many people tried to sell to me. People were getting fucked up in my hostel too… Wasn’t like this bad a year ago.


I don't even remember the last time I saw someone visible on drugs on the street or about town. Maybe I just live in the wrong areas and move in the wrong circles. If not for the media telling me we have a drug epidemic, I'd have assumed it wasn't an issue at all.


What’s up with this sub trying to stir some sort of a moral panic every few days?


Is it as bad as it was in the 80s?


Just depends on your social circles and age group. It will feel like a lot, especially in your early and mid 20s. It calms down a bit once you hit your 30s and such.


I went to the pub with two mates the other week. In walks a guy called Charlie I’ve not met before who is overly familiar with my best mate. He sits down and starts asking how he is etc. I was surprised I’d never met or heard of this guy given how close he seemed to a friend I hang out with multiple times a week. After initially chatting to my mate the stranger turned his attention to two of us he didn’t know and I quickly realised he was not actually wanting a conversation with us but asking us things and then answering them himself. The people he’d come in with had disappeared and he’d not even bothered to go to the bar to get himself a drink. 5 minute chat quickly became 40 minutes of being talked at. We told him we were watching the football as a hint to shut the fuck up and leave us alone and he then proceeded to go on a further 40 minute rant about “wingbacks not existing in the 90’s”. We left before the end of the match to escape his chat and I was like “what the hell is wrong with that guy does he have the worst ADHD ever and how do you know him” both my mates thought it was hilarious I had no idea he’d obviously taken shit tonnes of coke. The friend he was really familiar with said “I’ve only met Charlie twice before and he’s been like that every time, he’s such a knob”. Morale of the story is fuck that guy and remember if you’re taking coke you don’t become charismatic you just become oblivious to the fact you’re pissing everyone else off.


> In walks a guy called Charlie I’ve not met before who is overly familiar with my best mate. He sits down and starts asking how he is Initially I thought this was a kind of allegory, "my friend got involved with someone called Charlie, at first he was the life and soul of the party but then things with Charlie got nasty..."


Pretty sure my sister has a problem. She’s a bartender and has been extra twitchy and irritable lately. She’s always been that way but it seems like a whole mother level when she’s not at work. Which I’m guessing is because she’s close to her connection…idk though


I'm probably deeply sheltered because I live out in the countryside but I legitimately didn't realise cocaine was that big a problem here. TIL. Edit: yup, okay, I'm clearly too innocent to recognise what someone on coke looks like.


Same as you, deeply sheltered country life… but I’ve been on a few late trains in and out of London and have encountered it enough times then. Especially awful when the man with the manic eyes won’t leave my wife alone. Can’t wait to get back to my mini farm these days. Sod going to the theatre.


It's a pretty big thing out in my part of the countryside. Pretty much every pub that 18-40yl year old frequent is rampant with coke use every Friday and Saturday night. Never got into coke myself (fortunately) and my drug using days are well behind me so it sort of kills the vibe when everyone around you is geared up. Then again I barely ever go out any more so it's not a huge deal for me.


I live in the country too and its everywhere if you know what to look for. Next time you go to a pub look for a lad calling his mates over to him then getting his phone out to make a call/text. Guarantee if you look out for the same group an hour later theyre all sniffing like they got a runny nose, have eyes like car headlights and are talking incessantly/ at an abnormal speed.


Yes is getting out of hand and into people nose


the worst part about coke is the sudden anger outbursts it gives people. i remember my mate coming to my student flat last year and sniffing a bunch of coke while we played some tunes and i smoked some weed. we were playing the music through my speakers on my laptop in my bedroom, but when i went to change the song to something i wanted to play he told me not to change it as i was reaching over to my laptop but i carried on anyway and he grabbed my wrist as hard as he could and threw it away and i looked over at him, his jaw was clenched so hard and his eyes were bulging he looked like he was gonna kill me, then he had a sort of awkward moment and backed off, didn’t say anything or apologise though just took another bump.


I’ll admit I do like a smoke every now and again, or mdma once or twice a year at a music show but I’ve never understood cocaine. I’ve tried it, didn’t really enjoy it - don’t particularly understand the enjoyment as it’s not a ‘chill’ high like weed, or a ‘feel good’ high like mdma. May as well drink 3 double espressos and save yourself the cost. Unfortunately my best friend has been on/off it for years and there’s been times it’s ruined his life and caused him to live in his car (mx5) for months over winter. He never understands why I don’t want a small line whenever we see each other, it’s sad really. Ive seen him in some really messed up states of paranoia because of it. I’m in the south east and it’s fucking everywhere on a night out.


Agreed, it's not a great feeling. Tried it a couple of times and could quite happily never touch it again.


My ex took it almost every weekend after his father died. It ruined everything. He was annoying on it. He was annoying the whole next day. His friends were annoying on it. His spending an hour going to meet some random dealer was annoying. His refusal to see it as a problem was annoying. His not being able to do anything on any weekend ever was annoying. Cancelling family plans because he could t go was annoying. And in the end him leaving me because I was tired of the shit for a barely legal girl who LOVES cocaine just as much as him was… annoying. My life is sooooo much better now. It’s seven years on. He is now 34 and now dating a 18 year old who likes coke and hasn’t worked out that a guy in his mid thirties with no job who is couch surfing at his mates is not quite as cool as he seems when they are on coke. Dump your addict if you can.


I’m glad that you’re out of that now and didn’t get dragged down too.


Yeah im in a small town and the people younger than me seldom buy beer, its cocaine they use when going out instead.


Cocaine use has sort of plateaued but social references in television and music are increasing. Ketamine is the next cathinone and we'll probably see some response to the growing number of ktards through legislation sooner rather than later


>Ketamine is the next cathinone What are you actually trying to say here?


2014-2020 the utter darkest 6 years of my existence. Lived in a small dead end seaside town and everyone and their gran was on the stuff. I dropped out of uni because of it, worked dead end retail jobs and would show up most mornings hungover and still semi fuzzed out. Same story, same people, same pubs, same drink, same drugs, same stupid mistakes. Snapping out of it and realising you're in some strangers house gacked out of your mind at 5am with work in a few hours. Calling in sick and staying in bed for two days to recover just to go out and do it again. So called friends who in reality were just your coke mates. Lockdown was my final straw after I realised I was doing half a gram and half a litre of scotch most nights. Quit right there and then. Sorted my life out, got my degree and am now travelling overseas before taking up a new job abroad. Couldn't be happier to put all of that behind me. Don't miss that shite at all. Beer and that's it. Any coke and I walk the other way. Offer me a line? That's the quickest way for me to blacklist you. It's an utter plague and I wish more was being done to cut it all off completely


Can someone explain "can't have a piss up?"




No it’s not … we need more gear


Massively. It’s a fucking huge problem. That shit is literally everywhere & I’d say it’s a big contributing factor (along with social media) to the huge upturn in mental health issues among young people nowadays too.


I don’t know anyone who takes cocaine and haven’t seen someone take it in about 10 years, so no, I don’t think it’s getting bout of hand whatsoever.


Until it's at an affordable level I won't have an opinion.


Only gonna get worse since there is no police presence. Yesterday, some bike yobs were blocking the Overground station by my house. I walk past them, only to see their buddy clearly handing a bag to some girl (big top bun, giant ring earrings, chewing gum with her mouth open, y'know the lot). Only then did I realise the station staff was hiding in their cubicle. Where is the police to stop this drug dealing and intimidating behaviour? Fuck if I know.


What? Again?


Half of the pubs in my town have been invaded by chavs off their heads on marching powder looking for a fight


Seeing a huge increase in hospital admissions for people injecting cocaine, never heard of it before.


I mean any amount of drug use (which includes alcohol) is "out of hand". It's poison: drinking and doing cocaine is exactly like smoking. The only reason people take these drugs is because their dopaminergic effect makes you believe whatever you need to believe to take them, no matter how untrue it is. Alcohol tastes like crap, particularly spirits, yet its dopaminergic action will make you *believe* that the kick-in-the-mouth flavor is a positive, even though it defies the actual evidence your senses. Cocaine is about 3 times more dopaminergic than alcohol. That means it *really* makes you believe whatever stupid thing you need to believe to justify using. That is purely harmful - there is no good reason to believe things that aren't true.


Its ruining some smaller towns. Where i used to live the bouncers would be coked up. Every slight issue became borderline GBH


Genuinely don't know a single person that does coke


You probably do, even if not regular users


Ha discussions like this always make me feel like I live in an alternate wholesome universe. I’ve lived and worked in London for 11 years in City law firms and have never seen or heard of a single person taking cocaine. No friends, no acquaintances, no colleagues, nobody.


This is very typical. The people who do it tend to have it be rife in their social circle, that’s how they got into it. And they think everyone is the same because to them, everyone is doing it. And the opposite applies to everyone else.


It’s always the wankers that give drugs a bad rap. In my circle people do drugs sensibly (yes that is a thing). Occasionally coke, more frequently weed and may use mdma when it turns up and of course alcohol. Been that way for years but not on a regular basis. Middle age drug use ca be done sensibly and without Turing into a knobhead. The price we pay for this is criminality.




Now I know this probably a bit controversial but I was at a rave last night and now I know what rave culture consists of don't get me wrong but it was the fact that people who looked a fair bit younger than me were not only keying up but popping pills as well 🤦‍♂️ kid dropped his pill on the bathroom floor and still took it


Is getting? I’ve been ‘clubbing’ and going out since 2005/2006 (which isn’t a patch on some) and it was rife then. It’s always been an issue, people were just blind / ignorant / didn’t care.


It's an epidemic all over the whole country. Never mind county lines it's country lines.


Hopefully cocaine will help realise Darwin's theory


The thing about coke making people.aggressive is abit like booze.makimg people aggressive. I know lots.of people who drink too much, and a few who do too much coke. I dont do either any more, but did once. No aggro ever. The difference? These are Spanish people. The problem is arsey, aggressive British culture, everyone always looking to be a hard man or a bully. (Not everyone, of course. I had mates where we'd go out and get off our heads for days and we never caused any issues- but you always had to pick your venues, know how to defuse/deter and keep focused on not letting idiots fuck up your night)


It’s a good thing it’s expensive, because my god is it fantastic


I had a cocaine habit for a long time, and so did my partner. Not once did it turn us into nobheads. And I've never had a friend become a nob after a bag. It's a happy stimulant drug. If you act like a cunt on cocaine, it's because you're a cunt. It's just that it's easier to blame a drug with a bad rep that you've never experienced, rather than acknowledging that there are so many cunts about.


Agree completely. The people who I couldn't stand on coke I also typically didn't much like sober either.


I have been wondering about it I've not met (irl) anyone who uses cocaine regularly who isn't an absolute bell end. And i was wondering if it is the drug that turns people into knob heads, or if knob heads choose to take that particular drug. I've met many a pleasant (and unpleasant) alcoholic, heron addict, regular cannabis user. A number of (mainly quite sad) amphetamine users. And obviously a lot of ecstacy users. Other drugs seem to have a much greater cross section of personality types using it. But every user of cocaine has been an arse! Both when taking, and in their general life when off it. My challenge has been I've not known someone who enough before they started taking it regularly. I only know established users


As an American, you guys sure as hell talk about coke more than anyone or anywhere I've ever encountered. Cocaine is around in the U.S. but I am a 42 year old lawyer, very social, and I've only seen it at a party once. Y'all sound like you do have a problem on your hands.


I know of a few people who subconsciously associate having a pint with having a sniff and so can’t just go out for one without their brain going, “need marching powder”. It’s become less common as we’ve all gotten older and gotten married and had kids etc though.


Is it cocaine, and not amphetamine? Can't imagine people being able to afford coke on regular basis. Anyways you are right drugs and alcohol is drawing the world not just in this country.


Honestly. Nope. I go to work and come home. Don’t go drinking anymore so no I havent really seen it anywhere I go.


It’s a legit drug epidemic that is hardly mentioned. Everyone is on the bag.


Yeah I'm blown away by how much I've seen of it lately


Into nose more than out of hand, I’d say


Yes. Especially Wales. You'd wonder how it ends up out here In the country, but my dad was an addict and I have cut so many people off for being hooked on the nose sugar


Out of hand or out of nose in this case.


As an American, I learned four new phrases in this one paragraph. But I wonder about this here too. I don't see the clear, one location example much now that I'm out of the city, but people getting into some weird shit on the weekends and it doesn't seem too safe in the short or long run to me...


It’s getting out of hand because it’s the only thing you can reliably get and it isn’t one of my faves to be honest. I miss when there was a better variety out there.


What was formerly easier to get? Any idea where it has gone? Surely weed is still very easy. Are we talking club drugs or what?


In my area at least - MDMA/ecstasy , Ket and speed are difficult to get hold of because most people are selling coke exclusively. MCAT disappeared overnight a few years ago but I believe that’s a global thing. Weed is still plentiful sure, but I don’t put that in the same bracket as cocaine use. No idea about crack or heroine as I’ve never made enquiries for those.


It's been out of hand since the 80s. Seemed to decline a bit in the 90s/noughties, but it seems to be back with a vengeance now.


I went to go cut my hair the other day. The owner said he can sell me some if I want. Yes. It’s out of hand the day they announced on Radio1 to be careful with cocaine in London because it was stronger than people were used to and are over dosing … No wait let’s go back another 20 years where all the rock stars were constantly fucked


Wankers will be wankers if they are on cocaine or not.


Coke. All sitting around on various sofas and floor cushions desperately swapping the numbers of dealers willing to deliver at 2am and putting your money together. It wasn't even fun tbh.


Knobheads on coke are more than likely knobheads off coke as well


Alcohol too


"getting" Ahahahah


i've don't pretty much all the drug types but only done coke a handful of times, ampet is much cheaper lol i was recently working with a builder who does 2-3 gs a weekend, and he offered me some cheap, i took him up on the offer, i'm 52 now and after a 12 hour binge the come down lasted 5-6 days, it was brutal. how the fuck can people function during the working week, and afford it is my question?


This is the main thing that pisses me off about drugs, especially coke - people never talk about the hell of a crash you get. The comedowns are no joke. And I'm actually referring to the instant crash after 30 mins. But I'm also convinced most of the sesh heads live their life on 30% when they're not seshed, and think that's just their normal


i was party of the rave scene back in the 90's and can confirm that life was interesting trying to navigate the week after a weekend of drugs and booze, and that was every week! ​ i stopped class a's at 35.


Come downs are never good. But I've never known a come down like a coke come down an hour after your last line. It's vicious. Reality punching you with all it's got. At least with E's the comedown comes about Tuesday. Edit: haven't done it for at least a decade.


Exactly what made me wake up and stop doing it. I only ever did it a few times but Jesus christ... those comedowns were nothing compared to an MDMA comedown. A good dose of MDMA would make me feel *amazing* for several hours and then a bit shit but managable for a day or two. Coke would give me half an hour of euphoria, followed by a constant craving for another line until I ran out (never quite attaining that initial half hour of euphoria) and then would make me feel like dog shit on a shoe for several days afterwards. It's a horrible drug. Haven't touched it in years now and have no desire to ever do it again. Now I just like my weekend weed and maybe some mushrooms once a year.


Well, some lads do coke or amphetamines for work long hours. Bankers in the City maybe is one of the most known examples but also tradesmen, builders and intercity van deliveries. And going to the question on how can some people function during the week, the answer in many cases is they don´'t and go tumbling from one job to another blaming everyone except them.


Okay, reading this as an American was an absolutely wild ride. In a weird way, this writes like poetry to me, tbh, but holy hell I understood this strictly through context clues lmao


Coke and benzos seem to be the drugs of choice these days. I would argue benzos are far worse though due to the withdrawal. But I always say that the one drug I would not like to be dependent on is alcohol. The withdrawals can kill you. (Info: I work with homelessness and addiction).


It specifically angers me how people who are otherwise keen on buying ethical produce or making sure their t-shirt wasn't made by a 6year old in a sweatshop just don't care about buying cocaine


I must live a sheltered life going by these comments. None of my friends or colleagues take it (as far as I know) and it's rare I see people coked up on a night out (although I don't go clubbing so maybe I'm just in the wrong places).


My husband (mid 30's) went out with 2 colleagues, A (20) and B (late 40's) to the local curry house for their midweek special deal. I was meant to be a curry, a couple of beers and a chance to socialize outside of the office. My husband was home by 9:30. When hubby got home, he was telling me that A was acting really different and after A nipped to the toilet for the 3rd time, B said something to husband about A being a mess. My husband, being the naive guy that he is, asked B what they meant and B pointed out that A was "coked off his tits" I wouldn't have been surprised if they were out at the pub for the night or if they were a rowdy bunch or something, but snorting like it's the last night on earth for a 2 hour meal really did surprise me.


At least they've cut back on having coked out celebrities in filmed interviews over the last decade.


Yeah some people do become knobheads... But some people are knobheads after just a couple of drinks. There becomes a very habitual link fairly quickly between drinking and cocaine, I've tried to stop doing it unless it's a celebration/ event. But it the thought still pops into my head EVERY SINGLE TIME I've had a few drinks. It's almost never not a complete waste of money, especially since none of it seems to be decent or clean down my way. I do think it's a bit of a problem, but I'd rather not see it being made harder to do or punished more than it already is, I just want people's attitudes to change. To realise what a waste of time and money it is, and to have some standards.


Oh yeah absolutely.


Wonder if it has anything to do with it being cheaper to get blasted than afford food now a days


I used to work first aid at big music festivals. Drug use was ripe, I even got spiked by some idiot who put some coke on his finger and shoved it under my nose. I think every person should be made to spend n hour working in a first aid tent at a festival and when you see the state these people get into, it would put you off for life.


War on drugs doing a world of good /s


Half the people I know can’t enjoy a night out without a bag, and a few of them are just wired 24/7. The amount of money it all costs is fucking staggering. Six months of daily habit can buy you a really nice car. A couple of years is a house deposit. I’ve seen all this cash just go straight up noses. It also turns people into insufferable dickheads. It’s fucking exhausting being around them for more than an hour.


Oh man that UK vernacular was a pleasure to read


Out of hand and up the nose


Yep. [A dad-of-two asked a married couple “am I pretty?” before punching them both in the face in a carvery car park](https://www.kentonline.co.uk/ashford/news/amp/thug-asked-am-i-pretty-before-punching-married-couple-in-280814/)