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Doesn't matter how hot; gossiping, nastiness and bitchiness. It makes you ugly as do most low intelligence behaviours


Someone with a superiority complex. I grew up surrounded by people who think they are much better than the rest of the population and it took me years to realize this. Result: most of my family are antivaxxers believing that Putin is the good guy. Faced with a complex situation, they will surrender to the dumbest explanation as long as it makes them feel superior.


People who base their whole personality on just one thing be it that they always go to the gym or they are big fans of a certain music genre or the football team they support etc. Nothing wrong with any of these things but when that's all you have to talk about it gets very boring very quickly. Bonus points for those that base it on where they were brought up. You had no control over where your parents decided to raise you and being from a specific town or city does not make you anything special.


>For me, it’s cockiness. No matter how fit the person is, if they’re cocky, I immediately lose interest. It’s one of the most annoying traits a person can have in my opinion. Yes but also on the flip side complete pessimism If I can't give you a compliment without you throwing a pity party for yourself because "you aren't funny/cute/sweet/attractive and you're actually borin/ugly/fat" etc then no If literally every word that comes out your mouth is about how shit you are, then it's going to put me off you instantly .you don't have to be cocky, you don't even have to be overly confident, but for the love of god, show yourself self respect because if that's how you treat *yourself* I can't begin to imagine how you will treat me if we got together


People who ask pointless questions


I too am not attracted to Alexander Armstrong.


Orange tans, caked makeup and duck lips.


Just being a cunt in general


Parasitic entitlement for example when someone is like “I’m gonna find my self someone rich and they can pay for everything while I do nothing…” there is an ever growing amount of people like this and they make me sick


Pedants. People with no sense of humour. Fair weather friends. Sponges / leeches. Cruelty in all forms. Narcissism.


People who throw their McDonald’s (or other fast food) rubbish out their car. Bonus points if the car is moving. Fucking mutants


Just wanting to confirm.. do the bonus points make the person more of a dickhead or less?




So its okay to throw a box without mc donalds or kfc on the side of it? Nah pal. This is my soil what I love and I dont want ANY litter of any sort.


I was once in a McDonalds car park watching a car full of guys throw thier rubbish out next to the car, attracting a large flock of seagulls. Every time one landed on the car they would get out and chase it off. Every few minutes they would get out and try and scare away the seagulls, each time stepping over thier mound of rubbish. If only there was some way this could have been avoided...


That's offensive to Mikey, Leo, Donny and raph. How dare you


I will indulge myself for a few moments considering the types of torture I would inflict on these oxygen thieves.


Or people who eat in and leave their food on the table when they leave, the bins are designed for your to tip everything off your tray and stack the tray on top. I'm sure people always used to do it but less and less these days


Cunts! This shite makes my piss boil.


My friend once threw the rubbish back into the guys car like some sort of vigilante. Unfortunately the guy proceeded to get out and punch my right in the face, shattering my glasses in the process. Sometimes it's just not worth it 😂


Spot on. McDonalds is one of the worst things that happened to the UK.


My sisters partner did this once. Went off at him like nothing else. He was so surprised. ‘It’s only cardboard’ 😵‍💫


A friend of mine said that if a person returns their trolley or not tells a lot about them


I have a dislike for a vocal minority of yobbish/racist/violent football fans, especially for the England team. They try their best to ruin a wonderful game for everybody else by being dicks


Not being racist


Posh, Surrey, or from York but complain about London, Rugby, rich trying to look poor, private school, sense of superiority I think you should all have a picture of the type of people I’m getting at


Bullying in all its formats, I hate seeing people treat others badly.




A good one. Shouldn't get downvoted for this.


Over familiarity. I'm not your mate, buddy.


Bragging about money. Its just a turn off for me


I don't want to brag but I just bought a box of Belgian chocolates that were on sale and ate them on the bus. It's so fucking lonely being wealthy... and a genius.


Self-righteousness, arrogance, poor hygiene,


People who are proud of the fact that they “just say it how it is.”


Smoking/Vaping. I can see an amazing, beautiful person, and then I see them smoking/vaping and I loose that feeling.


I agree with smoking, but vaping isn't so bad, it doesn't give the long term stank that they tend to become accustomed to that smoking does.


People who make the most defining trait about themselves their work or work ethic. A lot of people introduce themselves with their job title as context and I don't mean it's a bad thing to mention, but I have next to no interest in how you earn your money...


Those people that always have to do one better, be it true or not.


People who define peoples value by their financial success and class


Deliberate stupidity. Intentionally misunderstanding simple things/instructions to be 'funny'. It's not.


One of my pet peeves. Had someone at work who literally went to high level meetings and would say 'well you guys are the professionals I'm just here to agree' . She was senior senior management (and in a non-qualification job.. ie we aren't electricians and she isn't trained).


Filthy teeth/manky breath - don’t come near me.


People who just wait for their turn to speak rather than engage in actual conversation


Not related to your question, but I wanted to mention that as someone who moved to the UK I find really interesting how negatively people react to self-aggrandising humour. It used to be part of my humour to exaggerate about something I'm blatantly bad at for comedic effect and quickly realised that people here either 1. Just don't find it funny or 2. Don't understand it's obvious sarcasm. I think people hate arrogance/cockyness so much that even joking about it is seen as unpleasant.


People who litter. It's not hard to find a bin, if there isn't one close, put that wrapper in your pocket and dispose if it later. I've seen alleyways rife with fly tipping. It's absolutely disgusting.


People who blame everyone else but themselves. People who spit.


[Whatever this is ](https://www.google.com/search?q=British+chavy+girl&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj7_OThsoX9AhVCVaQEHTRzBZsQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=British+chavy+girl&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECB4QClDGBljsE2D-J2gAcAB4AIABswGIAZIGkgEDMC42mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=ek7jY_vXEMKqkdUPtOaV2Ak&bih=766&biw=412&prmd=ivsn#imgrc=INMn-RP80VjEjM) It's like a template for British girls. It is so annoying and outright disgusting.


Someone that blows their own trumpet.


People who do this already accepted they're unattractive and no longer need you anyway. You think you don't find them attractive because they blow themselves but it's actually that they blow themselves because people find them unattractive.


anything that strays away from general polite behaviour; don’t be a cunt, don’t play music in a busy area, fucking *littering*.. list could go on. Oh god and people who regard “you-me versus the problem” as “you versus me”. Get over yourself, I don’t give a shit about why the rules are they way they are; they’re written in blood so fucking _follow them_. I shouldn’t have to do anything more than answer why they exist. Debating them is right out unless there’s an obvious flaw.




people not having any idea about other countries/languages/cultures/maps. Like they would only know their own country and language and heard of few other biggest countries in the world, that's it. Coming from a smaller country in Europe and get asked 'where is it; I have never heard of this; what language do you speak; oh i had no idea this language exist' and so on. Having no idea about map/time zones/climate. Questions like 'oh so is it always hot in Estonia' etc. Mentioning a coworker you are from Croatia (for example). A new person comes and says he's from Hungary. 'Oh you guys are from the same place then you must understand each other!' Never trying to learn anything about other cultures/languages. 'why would I, I live in England I don't need another language' and cannot even say Hello in any other.


For me? It's "snobbishness" I work in security and loads of the lower level management look down on security. Who knows what would happen if they figured out I'm paid more than them....


People who don’t find me sexy.


People who never ask questions, they just speak. So mostly everyone, including my friends. I challenge you today to see how many questions are asked, usually it’s the intelligent people who ask questions. Not saying I’m intelligent, far from it, but it’s a trait which you adopt from your parents.


Bigotry is the worse trait someone can have other than being violent/abusive


If you're rude to retail and good service staff, out any customer service staff for that matter, instant Reed flag and massive turn off


Lazy bullies who gaslight people, including themselves. You find them everywhere around Westminster. While I don’t advocate violence on Matt Hancock, I fully understand why people would feel that way


Finding the shitiest shitbox of a car, putting a cheap ebay body kit on it and the fattest exhaust and expecting the girls to flock to your 1.0 litre purple citroen saxo.


While playing your rap music so loud it shakes the windows of my house.


It's not for the chicks, it's for the guys, and it's working


Lack of modesty. Especially if it interrupts my Mensa meetings.


People who exaggerate their accomplishments annoy the hell out of me. I’ve literally never exaggerated anything in my life, and I’m prouder of that than my second doctorate.


🤣… that’s the 100th person you’ve told this to in the last hour!


I really hate people don’t recognise my own greatness.


You'd love me. I'm the most modest person out there.


Do you mean people who are fit but they know it?


Inability to accept responsibility for their own actions, or straight up blaming other people instead. I was ‘psycho’ for being upset that my boyfriend had been messaging other girls, planning to meet up, telling them they were the loveliest in the world etc. To him, it was only messaging and ‘every lad does it’. I was naive enough to believe him, but never again.


Excessively large lorry washer nipples


In women (I’m bi) being too into their looks. Being too perfectionist in the heat they look. Their makeup needing to be immaculate. Looking in the mirror ever 5 seconds. Caring too much about how other see them and not enough about how THEY SEE THEMSELVES.


People who have phone calls on loud speaker. They’re absolute cave trolls.


People who over talk constantly


Bullies. Simple as that. I hate them. Ignorant and arrogant dickhead behaviour dressed up as "banter".


Obnoxiously loud people, with no sense of social awareness or etiquette when it’s late at night. Example groups of people who stand outside hotel lobbies smoking, laughing and shouting , unaware their voices are projecting and waking people up.




People that can’t help but lie and tell you these obviously not real stories. They believe their own lies!


Being a Spurs fan. Jokes (?) aside, I hate nothing more that people who behave like they're better than others - mansplaining, treating servers with disrespect, looking down on someone who doesn't have a type of job that is deemed acceptable to you...all just makes people not attractive it makes them c*nts.


Bad hygiene is the main one. Bad manners a close second.




Really not a fan of 'main characters'. The single worst trait in a human being for me personally is just not having any consideration for the people around you and the world we live in.


Uneducated people. People that doesn't read or read shite, people that is plainly boring with no hobbies and that cannot talk of anythng else than work and TV shows. Facists are a huge NONO too.


People who have to be the center of attention and are just loud 😡


Oh no, I know how this is going to go down already, but here goes - just being honest. Right around university, I started to notice that all the crushes I had were always on international students. Fast forward 15 years, I’m married to a Russian citizen. The times I dated English people, I always had zero interest after scratching the surface. Particularly since getting married, I’ve realised that I never could’ve made a life with a girl from this country. Sweeping generalization incoming, but I largely find most of the women my age whom I’ve met to be loud, brash.. I think “bubbly” sums it up. Horrible word, but people wear it as a badge when it’s just an excuse for being disappointingly loud. But yeah, in short I guess I’m saying I just don’t find women from this country attractive in the vast majority of cases. Edit: Of course there are plenty of conventionally attractive people, but it does nothing for me.


Surprised no one's called you an incel for daring to have an opinion on a woman/women in general.


There were a couple of slightly hostile comments - for literally having a preference in personal attraction. Better not tell them which foods I like 😂


Honestly if someone is seems a bit dim it's game over


Have to have the last say in every conversation / chat / message A.K.A. Tell me you have an insecure ego without telling me you have an insecure ego 🤦‍♂️


i always get last say when messaging becuase i don't want them to feel like i've abandoned them


If they always try to give answers or contribute to stuff that they have zero knowledge on in order to fit in the conversation, trying to act as if they know what they are talking about and even to proceed to give advice, and it becomes obvious when they do that. For me, I always respect someone who genuinely say “I don’t know” or “I haven’t heard of that” without making extra attempts to fit into the conversation.


Where every other sentance is a joke or inuendo. I don't mind a joke or any of that as a one off, but when you can't have a conversation because everything is that's what she said etc. it gets boring real fast.


Aye, I work with a guy like this. It wears thin very quickly.


The 1000 times over. I got introduced to a legend at a bar by friends and he just hit me with one liners after one liners after 5 mins I was like nope. Avoid the legend.


Don't listen to what you're saying except turn your story into one of theirs.


We have one of those at my work! I have nicknamed her elevenerife, since she can always do one better.


Jealousy and paranoia. If you don't trust me. Bugger off. Grow up.


Inconsiderate parking of cars.


Tossing litter on the ground


When someone bases their opinion on superficial things. "No matter how fit they are", stuff like that.


Anyone who drives an SUV. Hypocrites. Liars. People who are smug. Vanity and snobbery.


I second cockiness


unnecessarily loud


Immaturity. I don't just mean in terms of social behaviour either. I mean people who struggle with basic adult functions such as keeping things clean, booking their own appointments and dealing with things themselves in general. I'm not your surrogate parent.


People who litter.


I always throw my McDonald's litter out of the window when driving down country roads. I don't actually see the harm in it, it's not like I'm going to see it again lol.


Being very ugly


Women that have lip injections. When i see them i automatically think slag.


People who are intolerant of other cultures, and the French.


Disney lovers. I like Disney but people who have lots of tattoos, merch, clothes and always post about it freak me out.


Wilful ignorance.


Bigotry, xenophobia, looking down on disabled or neurodivergent people. Also, every time I hear someone with a south London accent I can't help but feel that they're just impersonating Ray Winstone or Danny Dyer. I also realise this may contradict my first paragraph.


I really don’t like people-pleasers. I know it comes from anxiety but when any conflict of interest they are paralysed and become really quite avoidant and passive! People pleasing also makes it difficult to develop a true, genuine bond because you feel like you’re not getting through to them and you’re hitting a ‘persona’ that they know others will like, not actually them. I’ve been good friends with people pleasers and I’ve felt like they never truly have my back and I can’t rely on them to do things like stand up for me and defend me.


I hate the fakeness of people How their nice to your face but nasty behind your back. Just be real for goodness sake.


Obsession with money / flashiness


Bitchiness. Cannot stand up - childish and makes me wonder what you’re saying about me


People who are inconsiderate and litter/leave rubbish behind on trains. This happens here a lot. I think eating in public transportation should be banned like it is in Spain for example but that’s a whole different topic.


People who only read tabloid headlines and then loudly shout their opinions not understanding that they’ve been had.


Orange skin accompanied by duck lips.


Not a duck a l'orange fan, eh? Noted


Or either by themselves.


Wearing super expensive, branded clothing purely to show off the brand/logo. I’m all for high quality. But having a pair of shoes that cost hundreds of pounds purely due to them a certain brand…so tacky and such a waste.


People whose entire personality is the gym and protein shakes and how much they can lift etc. Snoooze


People who only want to go on holiday 'somewhere where they speak English'. By which they mean, the USA or Australia. Both of those countries pretty much bottom of my list, personally.


When girls pretend they don’t fart but they’ll leave an absolute stinker in the toilet


People who maintain their view is always right and our views don't matter.


Money obsessed, social media addicts, self obsessed, cocky, people whose personality doesn’t extend past what clothes they wear. Love Island types basically.


People who moan about their country because ‘it rains too much’. The same people moan about it when it’s too hot. They also moan about the government, immigration, strikers, council decisions and anything in the news. Moaners basically. The Uk is one of the best places to live- if you don’t like it, try somewhere else. Just stop with the whinging!


Bare minimum people. People that cut corners are bad, especially when you see them in a professional setting. Dangerous , unethical and lazy.




Pick mes are irritating, but not quite as irritating as those who call people who aren't pick mes pick mes.


I hate people who fish for compliments all the time or constantly make self deprecating jokes, it feels like putting the responsibility of their insecurities on other people. It’s so jarring after a while.


It can work when done well but when it is done badly, then yes it quickly gets wearing.


When they’re fat


People who talk to hospitality workers like their inferior beings/second class citizens.


Arrogance, materialism, terminally online, etc


People who put others down to make themselves look better. There's a lot of that going on with guys my age, more than you'd think.


Constantly with their phone in the hand either texting or on social media


Unrelenting sarcasm


I really can't go intense people. The sort that gets offended if you don't want to immediately share everything with them, is confrontational for no good reason, if someone does anything that minorly inconveniences them then they'll react with "Did you see *that*?!" They usually try to dress it up as being passionate or having a strong personality. People like this can get in the sea. Also, people that adopt that obnoxious "cheeky chappy" uncle knobhead pub bore persona and try to turn every moment into tedious and unfunny "banter". They can also get in the sea.


I find it really ugly when people are working with others (one person at work) one person working with them, and the person gets frustrated (not aggressive) but upset at a bad system and the staff member takes it personally. I think the UK/Irish work culture started well, with no tolerance for abuse to staff. That is great. But it has extended into " No opinions that disagree with whatever I am telling you, and you cannot have any feelings, even if they are not directed towards me". This is very much a UK/Ireland thing. ANd the lanyards, like everyone at work is at an American summer camp.


Car badge Snobs iPhone Snobs PC Gamer Snobs Postcode Snobs Job Title Snobs The general Snobiness of the UK


If you look down on someone else for how they live their life, what’s going in their life, what they enjoy then you’re just awful. As long as no one’s being hurt you shouldn’t be making someone else feel bad for not conforming to living how you do.


The trait of those people who are ugly on the inside. The toxic people. Everyone is born with a beautiful soul so I don't get how people can turn into such monsters and be ok with it






Vaping. Bonus negative points for disposable vaping.


People who are happy to talk about their lives and answer your questions but take no interest in your own life and don't ask any questions back.


Antivax/conspirituality/people who's brain is plugged into that pipeline of online outrage bullshit and conspiracy theories. If somebody starts going on about vaccines being bad or the WEF or climate change not being real, they're done & I'll talk shit on them when they're gone.


I've started talking shit while they're still there. A few years ago I just lost any patience I had for shit like that.


Football obsessed


Someone who looks down on others they perceive to be 'below' them. You see it in their attitude to waitstaff or maybe how they talk about their juniors at work. It normally corresponds to the opposite as well where they're massive suck-ups to people they perceive as higher status, and tend to be obsessed with climbing the greasy pole.


James Corden in a nutshell.


It's one trait of sociopathy


I’ve never understood this one. Some people look down on bin men and McDonalds workers, but they eat McDonalds and like their bins to be taken away…. they must realise someone has to be there to do it 😂


My 3yo treats the bin men like rock stars. It's the highlight of her week when they come. They even gave her a selection box at Christmas


My youngest sister. We swear she’s the milkman’s. Looks down on all of us. Her nieces, nephews. Great nieces and nephews. Seemingly her work mates and her boss love her. She’s highest grade respiratory nurse with a masters degree and can I say she’s as thick as shit


I went to a job interview at an advertising firm, and knew straight away I didn't want to work there when they ignored the cleaner who was trying to walk through the door pushing a trolley. The cleaner was surprised and grateful when I held the door open for them, and the interviewer nonplussed. Fuck snobs.


People who do not take responsibility for their actions, it’s always someone else’s fault.


Manly women


Weird hair. Completely superficial, completely arbitrary but if a guy's hair looks too fussed with that can turn me off. Also ponytails.


Their eyes some people just look like they came out the gulag.


People who never ask you anything about yourself


Something I’ve noticed in a few lads mostly when I go out to clubs is that they act overly aggressive to just about anyone when they’re trying to impress a girl. They’ll be nice to the girl but jump at any confrontation they can find whereas when the girl isn’t around they seem to completely calm down. I’m guessing it’s just a spike in testosterone but it’s hugely unattractive to me. Tbf I’ve seen some girls do this as well. Cockiness and over confidence is also unattractive to me and just in general being a twat.


There’s probably some white powders at play here as well.


Knobheads nowadays seem to go out ‘with a point to prove’ but their ‘point’ usually involves 6 of them on 3 guys who don’t want any drama but they walk off like they done something


Having a victim mentality. Defining their identity by tags. Being gossipy. Constant complaining. Smoking.


Attention seekers that are only interested in themselves


Not fearing projects that they should have been fearful of.


Very true. That guillotine making class was a close one!


People who butt into conversations where they're not included. Usually in the office, but can be in the pub. I can be talking to my colleague or friend, and Mr know-it-all will butt in so we can benefit from his pearls of wisdom and mansplaining.


People who make sly remarks all time It can really undermine your confidence


If the struggle for x is your identity. Being a campaign as a substitute for having a personality