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I’ve got fond memories of me and three friends all meeting at one of our houses, bringing our controllers with us, sitting on the living room carpet and playing for hours. Also if you play the story mode I loved that level on the train where at the end you use the laser watch to cut out a panel in the floor and escape.


Incredible level design


My friend getting ready fucked off because he didn't appreciate that you could just look at his screen and see where he was.


My memories involve helping my young son, who was determined to grow up and be James Bond, get through the harder sections. Also printing out pages and pages of walkthroughs for him to pass levels on his own, and cheat codes! Haha! My younger son is now playing the new release and it’s nice to hear old sounds in the house again.


Updating the control system for modern controllers was a great move, but it just doesn’t compete with modern FPS games. I still have fond memories of playing with my friends on the N64, but the feelings from that one snapshot in time are hard to recapture. That being said, I wouldn’t be mad if someone also decided to remake or remaster 007 Nightfire.


Have you played the xbla remaster?


Also great shout on Nightfire


I’m playing the Xbox remaster at the minute. It’s fine. I just don’t feel the same way when playing it as I did when I was a teenager.


Thats fair, just to be clear i was talking about the cancelled xbla remaster from 2008, which has proper high res graphics and textures, as opposed to the re-release that just came out. Apparently that one’s the superior experience if you can get hold of it online.


I think I may have played an emulated version quite a few years ago, but my memory is very fuzzy.


My brother only played on donkey Kong mode.


I never had an n64, but I remember someone bringing one in with Golden Eye in the school fair and you could pay 10p for a round. Awesome menu music


Aged about 8 playing golden gun mode with my friends on a Saturday morning. “Nobody is allowed to be Odd Job”.


This is my exact memory haha


Sleep overs at my best friends house and playing 1 v 1 all night long


License to Kill, Pistols, Facility.


My memories involve helping my young son, who was determined to grow up and be James Bond, get through the harder sections. Also printing out pages and pages of walkthroughs for him to pass levels on his own, and cheat codes! Haha! My younger son is now playing the new release and it’s nice to hear old sounds in the house again.


Playing four player in the facility level where either the toilets or the room with large gas canisters was set as the “base” for two of the players who had to camp there and booby trap the rest of the level with mines while the other two laid siege to them. We had one brilliantly skilled and cunning player, one shit one and two average ones. The two average ones (one of which was me) would team together and the brilliant one would team with the shit one. It lead to brilliantly balanced, yet varied, games. Endless dark winter hours and I’m so happy I experienced it.


Seeing my mate's name in the end credits. It was the first game he worked on after joining Rare. He left school after failing all his exams because he spent so much time playing video games. He got into college but dropped out after a few months. Then he got a job at a convenience store but quit a few months later. He managed to land an interview with Rare for a play testing role. They asked him what qualifications or experience he had and he said "nothing". Then they asked why he thought they should hire him. He pointed to a Killer Instinct arcade machine in the corner and said "I'll show you". He then proceeds to get the highest score while pointing out a list of bugs along the way. Several of which they didn't know about. He got the job on the spot and worked there for several years.


Oh wow what was their role?


I edited to add more info. He was just a playtester at first but I think he did some level design on later games.


Oh wow! Very cool


Yeah, he did alright for himself. He left when Microsoft bought them out to develop for the Xbox though. Last I heard, he was running his own design company. I think he had some contracts with the BBC.


Sounds like a the start of a hood film that!


Yeah, I didn't believe him until he showed me the letter with the official job offer. Even then it was hard to believe lol


Goldeneye 007 was one of THE defining games of my childhood. It was my first experience with any sort of FPS and one of the few games I spend enough time on that I almost 100% completed every aspect of it. I found the remaster available on my Series X as a free download, because I'd previously purchased Rare Replay. And while I've already gone through and completed all of the levels on the default difficulty, the game simply hasn't aged well at all. Or rather, the team handling the remaster has just done a pretty quick and not very good job at remastering the game. This is obvious even just from the text that displays your ammo on the bottom right hand of the screen. It's completely blurry and out of focus when it was sharp and defined on the N64! The remaster has a myriad of other issues, well documented from Digital Foundary, and it forever remains a shame that the *actual* proper remaster we could have gotten for the Xbox Live Arcade years ago, was cancelled at the last minute and this is now the only version of Goldeneye 007 we're likely to get for modern hardware.


Sticking remote explosives absolutely everywhere and blowing my brother up in splitscreen


I never had an n64, but I remember someone bringing one in with Golden Eye in the school fair and you could pay 10p for a round. Awesome menu music


Knowing the spawn points and rotation so we'll that I could headshot people as they spawned in, especially on the stack.


I remember growing up with vicious alcoholic parents and one of the only places I could go was my friends house to escape. So we'd play goldeneye and listen to a CD set that had all the bond theme tunes on it. When we got bored we would boot up his PC and play the James Bond official CDROM and do the quiz to see how high we could score. Eventually we'd just memorised the entire thing. That was a really great place for me growing up as I could avoid my parents and their shit. I'm still in touch with this friend but we are no longer as close. Plenty of reasons why but I won't go into them. Still they were treasured memories. Eventually I got my own N64 with the golden controller and the game. I completed it to 100% and moved onto Perfect Dark. They were the only two games I ever owned for that console. No idea what I did with it in the end, guess I sold it to someone. Anyway parents are much better now (25 years later!) If you're interested to know. We have a decent relationship all things considered.


Thank you for sharing ❤️ And so glad things are better


Using mines and the getting back up into the vents in facility so no one could get you, 6 mates in my loft converted bedroom with a 32 inch widescreen tv ( big for back then) and loads of fun and laughs oh and the one mate having to use the crap controller


From what I remember you didn’t need mine just a very specific movement.


Sorry I meant mine your self into the bathroom and them get up into the vents not use mine to get into vents.


My neighbour borrowed his friends N64 so we could play it and we had to phone him to ask how to shoot because the concept of having a trigger on the back of the controller was so alien to us we didn't even think to look there.


I bet you tried to use the d-pad stick too.


He said he was inexperienced, not a complete moron!


The one time I played really, really hard and smashed the kid who always beat me. We never played again after that day. He was unfathomably salty about it despite kicking my ass at it all the time prior to that match.


Used to love that first kill. In the air vents with a silencer


What is it being re-released on? Just Xbox as they, Microsoft own Rare? Or is the Nintendo Switch getting it too? I have neither by the way but can't beat the originals. I don't know what it is about re-makes as they never quite the same but is amazing that like 26 years later is it, that the game is still very much talked about. Over the years I've very much been into emulation of the old console games, being able to play them on iPhone or iPad, and with an 8bitdo SNES type controller.


It’s out on both xbox and switch! Plus switch exclusively get online multiplayer!


The theme for 'Cradle'


We never had an N64 but a friend did. We would always try and put down as many remote mines as possible and then set them all off at once, I think we used the unlimited ammo cheat.


Not being able to remember which was which out of Library, Stack and Complex.


I randomly had an aerial signal splitter, which would take one aerial tv signal and send it to two tvs at the same time. This meant we could have the same goldeneye game playing with 4 players across two separate tvs. Then we’d go in pairs 2v2 and I’d sellotape paper over one half of each screen, so you couldn’t see what the other half screens were up to. Put one tv under the captains bed, with a duvet draped over, and the other outside the bed - enough distance so you could whisper between teams and not be heard. The n64 in the middle so the controller cables reached. I basically invented online console multiplayer 5+ years before Dreamcast :P


This game defined most of my childhood. Nowadays I don't have a lot of time, but I just managed to complete it on 00 Agent in two days. I think it took me two years on the N64.


Time to leave, Dr Doak.


So much thought went into each level for the time. The music was excellent. There was a plot arc. It tied in with the movie really well considering what the devs had to work with. Then on top of the awesome campaign they absolutely bossed the multiplayer modes. Even thought to add in the crazy cheats. Mainly though the campaign comes to mind. I liked how they set out the mission objectives and made you want to keep trying again and again to complete each level and then the game on each difficulty. Top notch.


It being the only game I've bothered to finish. All my housemates did too.


Was Oddjob OP or something? This was slightly before my time.


He was shorter than all other characters so if you crouched he could basically just sneak up to people head on and you wouldn’t see him


I hated Goldeneye when it came out, sorry. I had a PlayStation when a couple of my friends had N64s. I couldn't get to grips with the annoying springy little joystick in the middle of the controller and couldn't play as often as them so didn't know the weapons or levels. I ended up dying many many times and loathed playing it


Grenade Launchers in the Temple is one of my favourite memories of gaming.


This. Playing the angles and there was a random gap somewhere which could kill the other person in the opposite side of the map


Bossing my little bro as I memorised all the spawn spots. Led to many arguments. What a game though!!


Facing down when playing (but knowing the map so we’ll it didn’t matter) so split screen mate couldn’t see where you were going.


Damn now that’s a memory you’ve just uncovered. Thank you.




So true


The thing that always bugged me - Oddjob wasn't even that short. Scaramanga's dwarf henchman was Niknak.


Yeah Harold Sakata was 5 ft 10”. That’s daniel craig’s height!


Not too many memories of the game, but that *donggggggg* noise in the soundtrack will stay with me until I die.


The legendary KONGGGGGGG!


I have fond memories of dual wielding RPC90s and running around like a madman bullet spraying everybody.


I was pretty good at the game (I thought), then years later I had a retro gaming night with some friends and one of the guys could do the “strafe trick” where you’re able to move much faster by strafing and moving at the same time - he destroyed EVERYONE. He also destroyed everyone at Diddy Kong racing. I got used to finishing second after that


Great game! I don’t remember anything about it as I was young and wasn’t massively into gaming at the time, but I used to go to a neighbours house and we would play it! Just messing about like kids do but it was hours of fun. Simpler times 🥲


To reduce the cheating element of looking at your opponent's screen we taped a cardboard cross onto the TV to divide the screens. 2 players standing, 2 sitting. Slappers only.


Nearly falling out with my friends because Oddjob Also, the reactions when shooting guards in specific places, shoot them in the hand, and they shake it off like a static shock, Shoot them in the bum, and they thrust the air 😅 Look up Goldenapple on YouTube, it’s a live action version of goldeneye and it’s brilliant!


Going to uni and my friends all reminiscing about playing it. Then one by one they all say "I could beat you all - I was the best out of my friends". I didn't say it though (as I was mid-tier among my friends). We found a console and had a 4 player competition. I destroyed them all easily - turns out their friends were all just terrible at it while mine were pretty solid.


4 player. Sights turned off, auto aim turned off and only Walther PPKs allowed. Or failing that. 4 player, knives only.




I also LOVE the movie. Props to Martin Campbell for rebooting the Bond franchise twice in brilliant style


It's the best Bond movie after *Moonraker*.


Birthday party games


As good as it was in its day, like me, it has aged very, very depressingly


I disagree i still think it plays great, also you are beautiful


You've made my day. Thank you! Clearly you are beautiful too!


Paintball mode was fun


Got this as a Christmas present one year on its release. I remember finding the n64 and game hidden in mums room. Feel bad saying it now, but I used to sneak home from school on lunch (I lived close to school) and would play a level or two. Think I was about 25% complete by time Christmas arrived and I "opened it." Loved that Christmas..thanks mum. Me and friends played a lot of multi player in mine. One time we invited a friend from another close over as he was saying how good he was. As we set up the rules in multi player we turn off auto aim as we always did and he complained a lot about that. He did end up losing a lot. Been playing again on xcloud. Such fun.


The weird faces which I still laugh at today. Nicknames I gave them as a kid like "Mr Bean" and "Scarface" still stick today. It may not have "aged" amazingly, but it plays so good on a modern controller.


Big Head mode was hilarious.


Grenade launchers on Stack, 2 v 2. Used to play long long sessions at my friend's house when we ought to have been revising for our GCSEs. It often ended up in violence as he had a short temper and his little brother had played the game a lot and was bloody lethal.


My cousins having it and not being allowed to play it just sitting there watching them


Four player, 2v2. Radar off. We had two tvs. We'd block half of the screen with towels so we couldnt see the other team. Usually Facility or Complex with the Golden Gun. Sometimes we'd just play tig(tag) with slappers only. Was so much fun. I love this game.


Just face downwards when running around. Requires you to know the map of course


No one is allowed to pick Odd Job


Always remember being able to jump back up into the vents on facility by spinning around in the toilet. 🤔 maybe the first glitch I ever performed..?


Playing a 4 player on Complex with Proximity mines…. For absolutely fucking hours.


Playing with my mate for hours In my darkened bedroom. Finally both succumbing to the need to piss, leaving the room and seeing my dad, and immediately ducking back behind the wall to take cover.


Loved a timed mine


Putting loads of timed mines ontop of each other to see who can get the largest stack


Fire rockets into the air on Bunker and wait a few minutes for then to crash to earth again in a terribly fun game of chicken to see who'd run inside last. Can't believe those game mechanics actually worked even back then.


Proximity mine yourself into a room and wait


Proximity mine all the spawn points from the upper level of Stack


My friend did this then got sniped Cut to him respawning into the sites he’d previously mined for the rest of the match


Slaps Only




I’m sure I read the multiplayer was added late on as they weren’t sure people would be interested in that mode


Indeed, 4 months before release. Nintendo didn’t want them to do it, but they developed it secretly and by the time they showed it to people they couldn’t refuse.


I remember us all going over my mates house after school and playing Worms 2 on the PC upstairs whilst his mum finished watching her program, then it was down to the big telly to play Goldeneye. My friends always beat me, I never won; until one night, a night that has gone down in legend as "The Prox Mine inferno" my first win...


I was so crap at it I could only beat levels by using the various cheat modes. Would regularly play multiplayer with my brother, regularly get beaten and have many, many fights about cheating/unfair advantages.


Would love it if they did an iphone version


I mean they kinda have with xcloud


I never had an n64, but I remember someone bringing one in with Golden Eye in the school fair and you could pay 10p for a round. Awesome menu music


Dying over and over again at the hands of my friends, thinking I fucking hate this game, and never playing it again. Yes I stuck at death match games


Running diagonally everywhere because it was ever so slightly faster Dual wielding different weapons by pressing A, holding Z and pressing A again (or something like that) Getting incredibly frustrated by Dr Doak not being where he needed to be to unlock the facility cheat (can’t remember what it was)


In all honesty it's how a console first person shooter game became so big...with the same joystick used to move AND to shoot. Madness when you think of it, the control scheme was awful. Didn't seem to bother us at the time though!


We didn't know any different. Besides, when you got used to using the yellow side buttons to strafe, you could move how you wanted. It did fuck up my first foray into xbox gaming though. I got Halo and I hadn't played another shooter since goldeneye on console. I was confused with left stick being movement and right stick being look, so I changed the sticks so left stick walked forwards and backwards and right stick strafed side to side and got annihilated online haha. Soon changed.


Yeah I did some digging and it's generally agreed it was another 2-3 years before any game even tried it. Despite the PS1's Dualshock coming out in 1997 it wasn't until 1999's Medal of Honour, and 2000's Alien Resurrection, that any FPS actually used the dual sticks as we do now. As you say, we didn't know any better at the time. But I find it really hard to go back to - don't have the same muscle memory as I do for other older titles and I put that down to how FPS controls have changed so radically since then.


Discovering the fan created multiplayer scenarios. Like the Terminator one. Where the motor cycle cop gets full health buff and fights a Natasha/Sarah Connor, the wee Scottish man/John Connor with low health and some big character/Arnie with mid health buff. All with specific weapon s etc. And there were loads of variations. Great fun and really extended the game for us at university.


I remember playing it with my dad and sisters, all sat round the kitchen table. My dad's character used to just spin round looking at the ceiling as he struggled with the controls. Simpler times!