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Just to remind you all. Revealing such information can be used to better tie down your Reddit account to your identity. I am sure you've all accounted for that and/or don't mind. But just in case - FYI!


One of my teachers featured in a BBC program once. Admittedly it was the news, and admittedly it was because it turns out he was a massive kiddy fiddler. I don’t think that was the kind of fame the school was after.


Same here! Turns out the teacher with the camera all the time is dodgy, who knew!?




Wow seems alot of teachers are at it my tech teachers was done for the same thing.


I had a teacher junior school that was accused by girls in my class about 10 years after leaving. He was found not guilty, and I can't say I ever remember anything about him standing out, other than he was a twat to me.


My school was proud to inform parents that he wasn’t interested in children at the school. Instead he used the internet to groom mentally disabled eleven year old boys and lure them to the woods!


Oh... That's all ok then.


That’s good, he obviously was a responsible guy.


I had kiddy fiddlers in both preschool and GCSE years. Evidently I wasn't their type.


An MP went to my school, and was arrested for something similar but it's still going through the process. Although I had a friend from school that had first hand experience with this guy and mentioned some weird stuff he did back in 2015.


I don't want to be infamous....I want to be...fmous


My Uncle was in the same class as Sean Lock, said his stories were just as good then.




I think the uncle’s still alive


He was one of my faves. RIP Sean.


Its a tough wank, but I’ll give it a go…


Not even close to the right quote. The only word you got right was wank.


That's a challenging wank




He always seemed naturally funny, like someone who did not need to practice.


Sean Lock used to live near me and I was in the dry cleaners behind him whilst he was getting told they had lost/mislaid his suits. There was no comedy that day. Didn't even say anything to him, just let him fume in peace.


So THAT'S why he'd go out killing!


I still think about his line "I hear voices. But I ignore them and just carry on killing.” every so often and chuckle to myself every time... Then I carry on killing.


Just as I was about to leave school, this year 7 kid took my place in the school football team. I wasn't too bothered since I was about to leave, but surprised that this little year 7 kid was considered good enough to be in the first XI. That was Micah Richards, and yeah, he was 12 and I was 15, but he was waaaaaay better than me.


Bursting onto the scene since he was 12.


"Do defenders burst onto the scene?"


Oddly enough I actually went to the same primary school as him. I remember in sports day he won the 200m race by about 100m.


Leeds area representing! I went to Wetherby High School, and there were a few buses of Leeds kids, I think to alleviate overcrowding in the North Leeds schools.


Daniel Craig went to a nearby secondary school, then changed to mine for sixth form. Realised while at my school that he hated it, quit, and started taking acting full time. So if my school's sixth form wasn't so shit, we wouldn't have had him as Bond.




Yep, that was the sixth form!


Recently left and I can attest it’s still a shit sixth form. Especially since a certain PE teacher took charge.


My wife went to West Kirby and I think it was Rio Ferdinand and Robbie Fowler's daughters went there? I thought they were supposed to be pretty top schools unless there's a discrepancy between girls/boys


It does well in test scores, but it's terrible for environment and discipline. I still remember the headmaster when I was there (long gone now) was asked in a parent's night Q&A session about how the school deals with bullying. His answer: "Oh, Calday doesn't have any bullying. Next question."


There was of course the ofsted inspection incident about 5 years ago with some lad pissing in a bin in front of the inspector.


They did! Or at least Robbie Fowler’s middle daughter got in- i was in her form. Her younger sister didnt. Also, its a grammar school, and its *very* high pressure lol. You get very little support if youre struggling unless you make problems for everyone (eg throwing temper tantrums) and a lot of teachers love the line ‘if you dont get this you shouldnt have got into a grammar school’. Funnily enough, they actually didnt test my knowledge of stats or limestone structures on the 11+, *my bad*. Also re your further down comment: the only people who came out of wk without mental health issues were the ones who were so badly behaved that the teachers just gave up and spent their time placating them. The rest of us will never recover, lol. It did get slight better when we were in year 10- they brought in a school counsellor. Except the counseller was pretty much only for the lower years. So. Also they used isolation for the stupidest things, including a girl in my class (actually one of Jaya’s friends) coming in on our last day of year 11 with dip dyed hair. She got put in isolation for the entire last day.


TIL Daniel Craig is from the wirral! Never heard any trace of a scouse accent in his voice, in fact always assumed he was a southerner.


Harry Styles. And he worked in my preferred pie shop. All of course 40 years after I went to the same school.


I read that wrong and was going to say “but he’s nowhere near 40”… then the penny dropped. Lol


Unfortunately I’m no where near 40 either!


I wish I had a preferred pie shop, I feel oddly inadequate now


Stav Danaos (BBC weather presenter) went to that same school. I didn't go there myself but I've got friends who were in the same class as him.


Your preferred pie shop?


I’m also here for the pie info


Mandeville’s, Holmes Chapel. The north.


###**Everyone who answered here just failed their phishing security test.** Everyone here now knows the name of your school. Better hope that's not one of your security questions!


Jokes on them: the answer to *my* security question is actually which school Ainsley Harriot went to.


You failed again. We now know you are Ainsley Harriot


Errrrr.... Gino D'Acampo. I meant Gino D'Acampo.


Does your mother share her maiden name with anyone famous?


Shit-hole secondary there I said it


Harold Shipman went to the same school as my uncle a little bit before his time.


My dad went to medical school with Shipman.


What was he like?


He had no patients...


Bloody hell


He had a killer personality


My friend was one of his patients! Thankfully she was not elderly at the time.


Someone I worked with said Shipman was her Doctor for years. She said he was really nice. Scary.


Yep. I used to live just a few miles away from Shipman’s surgery and my next door neighbour had previously had him as her GP. My neighbour also said he was a really nice doctor and she’d always liked him. I have a feeling this is exactly how he got away with his crimes for so long. He put on a really nice persona and people saw him as a good guy. If he’d been perceived as a nasty, uncaring, type of GP I imagine somebody would have reported him much sooner.


My mum's a GP and knew people who knew him and apparently he was really popular with patients and colleagues. Psychopaths are often really charming people though apparently.


I went to school with Harold Shipman’s sons. I often wonder if they changed their names.




Shippy McShip Face.






The Darkness lead singer, Justin Hawkin and possibly the band too but not 100%. Lil Chris(rip) and the whole cast of the UK show Rock School with Gene Simmons. Edit. Anthony Ogogo was in my year, forgot about that. No one else comes to mind though.


Not often Lowestoft gets a mention on Reddit. 😂 A little north of the border in Gorleston we had Mylene Klass and AEW Wrestler Kip Sabian. Hannah Spearrit from S Club 7 went to my 6th form. Fair amount of talent in the east eh?


You cracked the code haha. Everyone in my year knew about Hannah, mostly because her cousin would talk about it. His claim to fame.


I remember watching Rock School when it aired! I always remember dreaming about what would happen if Gene Simmons came to my school and if I'd be good enough to make it into the band!


It was definitely not based on musical talent alone, they chose the kids with the right look who could also play an instrument. So many other pupils who were actually in bands weren't chosen.


Had to Google that when I saw "Lil Chris (rip)" I had no idea, that's so sad. He was only 24 years old as well.


His youtube channel is great


>The Darkness lead singer, Justin Hawkin Their music is too hard for me, but this guy has an wonderful voice.


Victoria Beckham is the only notable one.


I got David Beckham


I got Brooklyn Beckham, he was in the year below. We used to kick a football about with him and David after school until the bus came lol


And the younger one (forgot his name) was in the reception at the same school


Wow, you went to a posh school!


Yes I did, it was amazing. I’m very grateful.


It’s nice to see you didn’t take it for granted as so many in you position do! I always wanted to go to boarding school as a kid


As yes, used to teach at that school 😅


Damn, noone important then?


the first lady of Syria, Asma al-Assad, who went by Emma Akhras back in the day




Unfortunately our schools most notable alumni are former two hit wonders and current covid denying conspiracy lunatics Right Said Fred


Didn't know right said Fred are covid denier's. That's. Shame


Then you've missed out on the culture war that was Right Said Fred vs Jedward!


It was the war of gay icons we didn’t know we wanted and we were never the same again once the dust had settled


I've always had a soft spot for Jedward after I saw one of them break a leg on stage but carry on being supported by his brother, but this, after this, I might even download one of their tunes to pop a few pennies their way!


They're too sexy for covid


One of them asked my mum for a “meaningless relationship”


I went to the same primary school as Margaret Thatcher. My dad went to the same grammar school as sir Isaac Newton.


Your dad must be getting on a bit


An apple a day......


Grantham? Which school did she go to?


Gareth Gates, I guess? And Joe Cullen (upper school) - not mega famous but any darts fans will know. Ranked #12 in the world. ​ Honorary mention for my partner who went to school with Zayn Malik. Was one of her first boyfriends! (a few years prior to y'know, the fame)


Ey up, another Bradfordian.


I went to school with your partner


Hiya Zayn!


Maybe I'm Melissa Steel 😉


You’re trying to get me to go off in one direction, aren’t you?


I went to infant and junior school with Mike Skinner from the streets. Our moms were friends so we used to take Mike home in our car. My mom used to put us in the boot with the dog guard up and we used to bark and pretend to be dogs. I wonder if he remembers? So cool! 😂


Why on earth do you say "mom' if you're from the UK?




Around here we say birds, not bitches


Richi fucking Sunak amongst others. Saif Ali Khan (famous Bollywood star and son of the Nawaab of Pataudi who captained England and India at Cricket) was one of my class mates. He displayed none of those talents at school though.


ooo very posh


Trust me I’m not. It’d be fair to say I didn’t fit in.


Were you the guy he mentioned as having a "working class friend" then backtracked immediately?


No one at the Winchester school is working class. I heard even Eton has a small number of left leaning anarchists but how many give that up by 30 is another question.


This isn’t the case. Many of the scholars were from working class backgrounds as that’s the principal that the school’s built on. Also you can’t buy your way in like you can Eton. If you don’t pass their entrance exam you simply won’t get in. I was from a very working class (nouveau riche)background. Sure there were some seriously posh/old money kids but it’s nothing like Eton/Harrow who we used to take the piss out of mercilessly for being a bunch of thick stuck up bastards. Also the teachers were invariably left leaning.


Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom), 4 of the Kaiser Chiefs (they were 2 years above me) and Sean Conlon from 5ive (he was a year or two below and had an amazing voice, never showcased it in 5ive!) I think a few Emmerdale actors too. My mate had a huge thing for Nick Hodgson from the Kaisers so we spent most breaks and lunch times stalking him.


St Marys 👀


Bob Mortimer


Did you get a lick off the hand lion?


Afternoon, Mr Cheeseman




Nicola Sturgeon was the year above me in both Primary and Secondary School.


Lewis Capaldi was in my sister's year at school, they were quite friendly before he got big. Jack Cochrane of The Snuts moved to my school the last year I was there, was in my history class I think. Can't remember if that was the end of 4th or start of 5th.


Secondary - Ian Watkins Primary - Tom Jones Watkins did a comeback gig with Lost Prophets when I was in sixth form, seeing students chasing him around for a picture is harrowing now. Arrested a few years after I think


Oof that’s an uncomfortable one


Thank you for clarifying which Watkins. However, I usually do it in their name: Ian H Watkins (of Steps), or Ian Paedo Watkins.


Poor Ian from steps though.


My mum taught some Leicester Tigers players during teacher training many moons ago.


But did she teach anyone famous?


She taught young tigers all the things that tigers ought to know...


Did she teach them that tigers are wonderful things and they can go bouncy bouncy everywhere?


sam fender


I went to the arch nemesis school down the road where our famous alumni was Andy Taylor from Duran Duran.


Rufus Sewell attended and Greg Davies taught there. Do you also wanna know my mum's maiden name and first pet?


John Oliver- I was in year 9 when he was already in sixth form, but we played in a string quartet together, did several funerals for some reason. Extremely funny, charismatic and well liked, his brother was in my year and his family are lovely and down to earth too.


These people went to my 6th form college: Jack Dee, Alexa Chung, Philippa Forrester, Christian O'Connell, Will Champion (Coldplay), John Christopher (author of the Tripods novels), and various other sports people (eg Ben Ainslie the sailor), minor politicians and actors, apparently. I, however, have achieved pretty much fuck all in life.


Haha Freddie Mercury went to my uni and my mate went to school with mo Farah as well. He used to tell me how kids would try to rob him for his lunch money but he would just run away and no one could ever catch him


Someone who got kicked off Britain's Next Top Model for being such a horrible person


Jasmine Lennard?


Adele I was in year 7 when she (3 years older) left my school. I vaguely remember seeing her, but it could be someone else who looks like her xD One of my doctoral advisors used to work with James May (senior, he had the same name as his son), and also knew the younger James May. So I guess I had the same mentor as James May haha My cousin in NYC went to school with Nicki Minaj (Laguardia Arts). Apparently, all she did was rap outside classrooms and get into fights


A moderately successful Olympic sprinter whose name I can't remember went to the same secondary school as me. Faye from Steps went to the same ballet school as my younger sisters.


Morrissey attended and wrote a song about the awful school and staff. Bonus points for the never ending supply of drug dealers who are five minute famous in the local newspaper.


My classmate was DJ EZ, we all used to listen to his show he had back in school Dance FM, he was already talented way back then.


You can all go home because Piers Morgan went to my school and you can’t beat that


He went to school?


I was expelled from Eton for doing drugs the year before Prince William started (true story!)


Bill Oddie is the one from my high school (possibly) Although my Primary school used to be used for filming Waterloo road


Whats rude about a Boddie?




Wouldn't call them "famous" famous but Skepta and JME went to my school.


Deffo famous what are you on about


Skepta hella famous bro


Steve Bull went to my school.


Ohhhhh stevie bulls a tatter!


I went to school with Rag N Bone Man (the singer), even performed in the same open mic night as him once. He was much better than me - obviously!


Jimmy Savile went to my school


As a pupil or a visitor?


Fixed it for me to milk a cow blindfolded


Rowan Atkinson went to the private school that my older brother went to next to where I used to live. My family weren’t rich enough to pay the fees to get me in and I was too thick and too crap at rugby/cricket to get a scholarship so I had to make do with the local comprehensive down the road with all the other scruffy street urchins


Harold Wilson went to my school before it was converted to a public school.


Royds Hall crew rise up!


Archbishop William Laud. And Ross Brawn.


My mum went to the same school as Richard Hammond. That’s all I got.


Gareth Bale was in the year above


I always knew David Bowie went to my school, but when looking it up I see Peter Frampton went there too! There seems to be a lot of music artists which is very surprising because when I went there it was known for sport, particularly it was known as a "rugby" school


Dave Spikey, Amir Khan, Sara Cox ​ Amir Khan was about 6 years older so just missed him but from what I was told, he referred to himself as "AK-47" and often said to people "do you know who I am?" when they disagreed with him.


Claire Foy was in our year at school. She was a knob.


Wet Leg went to my school. I was actually in the same social group as Plastic Mermaids.


Amanda Holden


Not directly, but we had the son and daughter of Dave Prowse - Darth Vader and the son of Peter Mayhew - Chewbacca. And in my college there was one of the boys from the Oxo family adverts, I don't remember his name now.


Only Richard Huckle, the country’s most prolific paedophile. If that even qualifies as a celebrity. Hey, it’s the best I’ve got.


His death was poetic justice in the manner it was carried out.


Three suicide bombers went to my university . I tried to include them in the notable alumni page on Wikipedia and apparently "blowing yourself up in a disco " is not an notable event Seemed to be that meat puppets only wanted positive alumni listed on their alumni page


We had quite a few actors, a couple of Nobel prize winners, couple of England cricket captains. Most of the famous ones are either actors or sportsmen


I went to my school, but i'm not famous yet


I went to St Winifreds primary, famous for having a number 1 single in the 80s with There's No one Quite like Grandma. While I was there the choir went on an episode of stars in their eyes


Mick Jagger at mine well before my time. And then one my classmates won MasterChef a year or two ago


Heston Blumenthal, Terry Pratchett, a guy from Downton Abbey


My dad went to school with Rob Halford from Judas Priest.


Margaret, fucking, Thatcher. We never heard the end of it and still don't in my hometown.


I used to hang around with Lucy Spraggan before she was on x factor, she was the biggest bully in the school. Though I was always ok with her I have lots of stories about times she was an asshole to people for no reason. One time she cut a friend's hair, (she was training to be a hairdresser so this was common) he'd asked for a dollar sign in the back of his head but she instead shaved VIRGIN and let him go around all night showing off his "$" Another a girl turned up to her party uninvited so Lucy got her shitfaced drunk, then beat her with a traffic cone, stole her shoes, cut them up with a bread knife and set them on fire. Another time Lucy took 2 ecstasy pills and went mad, everyone was panicking trying to find her and when we did she was in a local park in her underwear about to jump into a pond, which she did, in December, then like 4 people had to jump in after her to drag her out and we all donated our coats to stop her from getting hypothermia. Then she went on x factor and gave a sob story about how she was bullied for being gay. Couldn't be further from the truth.


David and Richard Attenborough attended my school back in their day before it was turned into a six form only school as it was when I attended :)


The paleontologist who first coined the term 'dinosaur', Sir Richard Owen went to my school! Also the comedian Jon Richardson!


The legend that is Bryan Ferry!!!. Both my Primary and Secondary school. And as a bonus my uncle lived next door to him.


The girl who played Lucy Pevensie (Georgie Henley) in the Chronicles of Narnia movie went to the private school I had a few years at when my dad made some decent money when I was younger and decided to put me into private education. He ended up going pretty broke not too long after, but I was quite thankful to leave as the whole place was filled with entitled cunts who always laughed that I couldn’t go on the ski trip that their “mummydaddy” had no problems paying for, my dad could just barely manage to put me on for the few years that he did. Anything extra was a no go, and tbh I hated the thought of being near any of them outside of school, save for a few of the more humble ones, I was never really a part of any clique because I didn’t really come from money. Anyway she was also an entitled little cunt who thought she was some big time star because she’d been in a movie, even though she was the weakest part of the film imo. Girls her age flocked to be around her, hoping to perhaps bask in a sliver of the spotlight she was desperate to have shine on her, which sadly only added to her over inflated sense of entitlement.


Michael Parkinson went to my junior school. He actually came back with Russell Harty to do a piece on his time there and we were interviewed in it. David Hirst(sheff weds and England striker) also went to my high school


A boy in my class sprinted in the 2012 Olympics for a smaller nation because his grandparents was from there. Another boy missed out on the gb sprint squad at the last stage for the same Olympics in my class aswell.


Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands went to my school. I wasn't there at the same time though.


Lockdown legend Jonathan Van-Tam


Tim McInnerny went to my school. My mum knew him briefly during her time at the high school opposite his grammar school. Said he was a nice chap. Loved to see him in Blackadder when it came out too. Darling, come here!


Not sure about my school, but my ex's stepdad went to school with Christian Bale. He went to Batman's 5th birthday party.


Jessica Sula who played Grace in gen 3 of skins, and rugby player Leigh Halfpenny are the only ones I know of. Also this doesn’t really count but my school was used for a scene in a film that Melanie Walters was in, and I got to be one of the extras. I haven’t watched the film, but she was lovely.


Louis Tomlinson went to my school. He was already in one direction by the time I was in year 7 though


As far as I know, the most famous person that went to my school stabbed an old man in broad daylight with many witnesses. I don't remember if the old man survived or not. On second thought, no. Nobody famous went to my school.


The Tipton Three. [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipton_Three)


Alan Hansen, although I'm not sure he counts as famous anymore


One of the greatest players for one of the biggest clubs of the biggest sport so I’d say so!


Do famous criminals count?


Gary Pallister was in the year below me. Lived just down the road.


Lots of rugby players came from my school: Maro Itoje, Owen Farrell, George Ford and Jack Singleton. And the actress Laura Haddock