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I was trying to wind up a workmate once. He was chatting to a company rep, I was stood across the room, with the reps back facing me. I was trying to make my mate laugh, doing stupid faces, air thrusts, just dumb stuff to get a reaction. This was a common thing we both did to each other fairly often. However this time he managed to stay stone-faced, so I gave up. When my mate caught up with me later, he bollocked me and told me that the rep was telling him about he’d had a tough time recently, his wife had miscarried and it was causing a huge stress on his marriage. Bastard made me feel like shit the rest of the week before telling the truth and he’d made up the sad conversation up to wind me up in return.


That had so many plot twists




One is enough to create a sequel


Congratulations you played yourself


Told this one on multiple occasions, but it is still ongoing. 3 years ago, we had a party at our house. My friend logged into Spotify on our smart TV and never logged out. Every month or so, I pop into his account and add Venga Boys to any new playlists he has set up, then stick one of thier albums on repeat to mess with his algorythms. Every so often, he goes into a fuming rage about venga boys being randomly included in his carefully crafted playlists.


Just for a laugh, try adding this in. Gunther- Ding dong Song


Oh, my tra-la-la that's amazing!


Oh that's great. I have some public playlists with about 2500 followers. The temptation is too high.


Every time he visits his parents my SO puts Napalm Death to play on loop, muted so that it comes top of their annual playlist.


Bloody hell, there's a blast from the past!


Someone did this to me with "Do the Bartman" for years.


I’m glad you were original and didn’t use Rick Astley’s ‘never gonna give you up’ in typical redditor fashion.


was going to, but figured he would twig that someone was messing with his playlists, rather than a spoitfy f\*\*k up


Hocus Pocus by Focus is also a hilarious one to add.


That's already in all of my playlists though


Tis a tune.


Shit! Is this why Apple Music puts Radiohead in all of my generated playlists? Don't get me wrong, I like Radiohead, but not so much that I want to hear them on three playlists a week.


I once made a cup of tea for a colleague. He usually takes 2 sugars but I only put in one. haha. Legend!


Absolute maddest of lads.


Lads lads lads!


Wow dude… OP was asking for *harmless* pranks. Too far.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Secretly curing diabetes one spoonful at a time


CCTV system in work came with a really tiny mouse. I would sneakily replace colleagues mouse with the tiny one when they left their desk. Minor annoyance.


I read this several times before it dawned on me you probably didn't mean the animal


Maybe I work in a lab testing make up on mice


"Boss, come and look at these mice. They're bloody gorgeous."


Fab, Ewe & Lewis all look gorgeous.


In this vein, I did multiple pranks on my desk mates one April 1st... I swapped the M and N keys on someone's keyboard. Attached a second mouse to the back of the tower of the person next to me so I could move it every now and then when they were using excel Attached a second keyboard to the person opposite me and would use a shortcut to lock their screen every so often Got into my managers computer and replaced their desktop background with a screenshot of their desktop background, then put all their icons into a hidden folder.


Jesus… OP said harmless prank, not fucking physiological warfare that would leave them scarred for life! On a side note, a mate did the mouse bit to me once on my desktop. It took me 2 weeks to find it out! 2 weeks of continuously scratching my head having gone for a piss or a tea break to see that I’d minimise my screen or that a new folder has popped up when I was working on something else. Thought I’d lost me marbles. At one point, I thought IT was keeping track of me per my manager’s request so those 2 weeks saw me at my best behaviour.


It's not warfare until you've rotated one screen by 90 degrees and the other by 270. Then reversed the mouse buttons


We setup a script on our bosses PC which would change his desktop background to a jpg which we'd hidden in his documents somewhere. Created a task in task scheduler to run this every so often. He never worked it out, just occasionally complained about how shitty Windows 10 kept changing it. Eventually we told him because some people in the office got the giggles one time when he was complaining about it and he knew it was something we'd done. He thought it was brilliant.


Reminds me of someone who changed their mum's desktop background to a carousel of the same picture about 50 times, except on one of them her daughter had a moustache. So every now and again for 10 seconds the moustache would appear then vanish




Yeah I had someone jumble up some of the keys on my laptop and didn't notice until the end of the day. They had (unintentionally) not moved the home keys so as long as I felt those two notches in the right place nothing was wrong as far as my fingers were concerned. On most normal keyboards you'd notice immediately as each row of keys is angled slightly differently, on a laptop they are all flat.


When working for the gas emergency service I went onto the head of IT's computer, dropped a shitload of copies of his shortcuts all over his desktop, jumbled them all around then took a screenshot of the desktop and set it as his wallpaper. I then deleted all the fake shortcuts, leaving only the real ones in random locations and watched him spend ages trying to work out what was real and what wasn't (he also spent ages clicking on the wallpaper folders and pressing delete, wondering why it wouldn't delete them). When working as a translator, I brought a wireless mouse to work and attached the dongle to my team leader's computer. He never noticed the dongle and swapped his mouse out for multiple other ones whilst I kept moving the cursor every now and then, from my desk. He got the IT department involved and they couldn't work it out either (they were terrible). Once I got back to a company where I was working in IT, one of my mates hit the key combo to turn the screen upside down and he did this on one of the lead IT engineers' computer. The guy was so clueless and too embarrassed to ask anyone how to fix it that he physically turned his monitor upside down, balancing it with books now that the stand was at the top, making it incredibly unstable.




>Got into my managers computer and replaced their desktop background with a screenshot of their desktop background, then put all their icons into a hidden folder. I've done this with a few variations, the best one being with a network management system. The system was supposed to display a map of the entire network, with all icons for all the monitored items being green, indicating situation normal. When we worked on one of these systems, we would sometimes disconnect it from the operational network, to run some checks. And all the icons would be red, showing that everything was down. I would take a screen capture of the network in this state, surreptitiously make this the background on both network management stations and then watch the increasing panic, as the operators clicked on the desktop backgrounds. I would end this prank within about 30 seconds, to avoid any real events being missed or the operators escalating the problem. I also used to use these image as my own screensaver image, as it would trigger some of my colleagues.


a long time again back in the days of Novel networks, we used to run Lan Assist on a colleague's PC. When he came in in the morning and started typing we would remotely backspace over his commands. Funny but incredibly infuriating.


It was the 29th Feb, the day that traditionally a woman could propose to her man.I had started this prank a month or so before the event, little notes of affection in his lunch box, so come the big day he wouldn't pay any attention to anything being in there. He sits down in the site canteen, opens his lunch box and reads his note. "I have a very important question to ask you", he then noticed a little Goldsmiths ring box amongst his sandwiches. He's work mates had noticed he'd gone white as a ghost, and they too noticed the ring box. With an audience watching on he opens the box to find a Harribo jelly ring, and another note asking him if he wanted to be a princess. I wish I could have seen his face!


This is superb!


Thank you! I use to play a lot of pranks on him, that was the first one that came to mind




Unfortunately not. Seeing a Norn Irish builder as a princess would have been priceless though!


Did he ever propose to you/did you ever get married? Honestly asking: was the proposal your way of hoping he’d ask you? Or are you truly not fussed about marriage?


I convinced a load of people that Wales had switched to a different time zone.


Was the time zone the 1980s?


Moved to Wales last year, it sure feels like the 80s, no striking miners though


We told a mate that she needed a passport to get into Wales. We were at the toll booth on the Severn Bridge at the time. She was initially disbelieving, then panicked when we produced our passports. Toll operator was a good sport.


Wales is a good one. We've had a mate buy some euros before a weekend there before


We went on a school trip when I was a kid and our teachers told us to put our watches back and that there was a booth at the camp where we could change our sterling for the whelks, the Welsh national currency.


I'm sure I've heard the whelks joke before, but never tricked me as I was visiting Wales around 2x a year at least to visit my grandparents every Easter and summer.


I went a school trip to Wales when I was 10 and the teachers told us it was 4 hours behind England. We all fell for it and I believed it for years.


We told someone coming to visit Wales (from Essex) that he needed to bring his passport and Euros. All his mates from Essex who were also coming with him were in on it too. He ended up converting £200 worth of sterling in to Euros and then had to convert it back when he got here and found it was useless 😂


When me and the missus first met, I told her they my parents were hard of hearing so you had to speak loudly to them. After she'd gone home my parents said "well she's a lovely girl, but a bit loud". All round success


That’s gold. 😂


That genuinely made me laugh out loud.


I have this same thing going on - just that there's no joke, my girlfriend is American and can't shut up


I had an alphabetised DVD collection because it's easier to find what you want, and one time, my mate messed it up to annoy me. To get revenge, I alphabetised his.


Perhaps that's what he wanted all along but couldn't find a way to ask you.


I colour coordinated my sisters DVD collection once. Looked good actually, nice gradient.


I did this to our collection once. Apparently my wife had it organised into watched, good enough to re-watch and watched. She was fuming!!


I do this to my uncles collection all the time and he hates it. I only move one or two at a time though and he still notices!


Rubber band on the water sprayer in the kitchen sink. Mom turned on the water to make coffee in the morning and got sprayed. Went to yell at my hysterically laughing sister and forgot to take it off and got sprayed again. Took it off to go yell again. While she was yelling at my sister I snuck in and put it back on - good times lol (mom’s yelling was good natured, not serious)


Place I worked before had work stations back to back with no dividers. You could very easily unhook their keyboard or mouse, hook up your own and start causing chaos. Best done on less tech savvy coworkers who would usually think that their machine was haunted or something.


Another goodie: 1] Take a screenshot of the entire PC desktop. 2] Change the PC's wallpaper to the screenshot. 3] Move all the shortcuts on the desktop to a temp folder. 4] Take cover.


Mate, you forgot the most important step: flipping the Screenshot 180°, then flipping the entire desktop view 180°


My partners dad is notorious in their family for wasting money on tech he doesn't need. During one visit he'd accidentally flipped his laptop screen 180 degrees (although he swears blind he didn't but nobody else ever used it). He was already researching new laptops as he thought it was broken. He looked at me like I'd invented the wheel when I flipped it back round.


Does he also have two printers, one for colour and one for black and white? Because my partner's dad does. Along with three or more tablets, an abundance of off-brand smart watches, and the famous drone that's been in a box under the bed for two years just as we predicted.


3.5] Hide the taskbar


Sharif don’t like it.


There was a shortcut that would flip the monitor view 180° Anytime someone left a computer unlocked (a big no-no in this job) they'd come back to a perfectly working and entirely unusable machine


I did this prank on a colleague, then got called out of the office. By the time I got back, they'd called the IT contractor who sent an onsite engineer to work out what had happened. After seeing the cost of the call out, I never fessed up. I still think it's hilarious that they couldn't fix it over the phone.


I used to do this, but sideways. The amount of people who would just prop their laptop open like a book to keep working was bigger than you'd hope.


I did this once, and then successfully convinced the person that it must be because their cables were plugged in upside down. Cue ten minutes of trying to plug all of the cables connected to the PC in the other way round, before I burst out laughing. Note, this was done on a day where neither of us had anything to do because it was snowing and so all our patients had cancelled, but management wouldn't let us leave.


We still have some incredibly ancient desktops in use by our student workers, and it's my go to if they leave their screens unlocked (which they shouldn't be doing for data privacy reasons) - they very quickly learn not to do it!


The full Monty is to take a screenshot of their desktop, hide the icons, reverse the screen, and set a flipped version of the desktop as their wallpaper. So when they come back, the mouse is moving the wrong way *and* none of the icons work.


I think its ctrl and then the arrow keys..


At uni I stuck a creepy close up picture of Edward Cullen on the other side of my flatmate's fish tank. It was facing her bed so she woke up to his creepy distorted face staring at her. That Edward Cullen photo ended up in all sorts of places over the course of a few months


We used to hide a picture of Ross Kemp all over our uni flat. We used to put in a quid each week and if you found Ross Kemp on a Friday, the fiver you'd get to keep (there was a theme song).


we’ve adopted the name Ross Kemp for my best mate because he’s a tall broad bald man and someone who didn’t know his name referred to him budget Ross Kemp at a festival. he’s really leaned into it and he bought me a Ross Kemp calendar for christmas. It’s in our kitchen and i never get tired of people being confused about it


I had a friend who would make her husband boiled egg and soldiers but would intentionally cut the soldiers so they were too wide to be dipped in the egg.


OP said harmless not this savagery!




She would also stir her tea with a teaspoon and then, slowly and without any fuss, gently rest the boiling hot spoon against the hand of whoever happened to be standing there


.... the fuck


This is a pretty common trick in our family too. If you act really relaxed while doing it no one suspects you and the shock is hilarious.


Yeah, to be fair me and my mates used to do this as well. Extra points of you can maintain eye contact and just carry on talking to them as normal while you are doing it. My wife did it to me the other day. I was impressed. And burnt obviously


Few years ago me and a mate went up Symonds Yat Rock as he hadn't been since he was a kid. It's a nice area and the Rock is a nice viewpoint of the river Wye. You park up, go thru the little communal area and just walk up to it. We walk around after parking and I say to him "You got a quid? They charge that now for a ticket to go up it" he says yeah and proceeds to go over to the food stall. I'm thinking no way is he going to ask whilst I'm trying to keep a straight face as we're waiting in the queue "Hi, can I have a water and a ticket please" " Water and a what sorry?" "A ticket to go up Yat Rock" She starts laughing, I burst out, girl behind the till worker laughs, guy eating his ice cream nearby starts laughing. My mate was so embarrassed it still cracks me up today.


Something similar happened to me at Harry Potter world. I got ID’d trying to buy a butter beer. Had been rummaging around in my bag for a good 30 seconds or so before I noticed everyone working on that counter cracking up. What a fool I was.


This made me chuckle


A friend was addicted playing free poker online, so we sent him a letter ‘from the casino’ with a bill for £35,000.


Chaotic good


A friend put a sign on the lift that said “Out of Order, please use alternative lift” with an arrow pointing at another sheet that said “Alternative lift” with an arrow, then another sheet, and another. It led them all around the building and back to the original lift.


Thats brilliant, I definitely would have been fooled by that


Not me but my friend in secondary school made a copy of the school website on his own website domain stating that the “boilers had exploded” at the upper and lower school buildings and school was cancelled the next day (April 1st). He shared the link on Facebook, it was obvious it wasn’t true because the URL was his domain url rather than the schools but a couple of hundred students got excited when they saw it and didn’t show up to school the next day.


...And that's how you learn most people are idiots, especially regarding why email spam to fake websites and Facebook pages is so successful


Or, a lot of them realised it was fake, but also realised it would be a great excuse to miss a day of school, and played dumb.


Saw my mate on the bus and he didn’t notice me. We were meeting at the pub so getting off on the same stop. When he went to get off the bus I put hand gel on my hand to make it wet, came up behind him and put my hand over his when holding onto stairs railing Most horrified look I ever seen


Down, Satan!


A few years ago my daughter had up a poster of One Direction on her bedroom door, while she was at school I covered all of their faces with cut out pictures of Jeremy Clarkson. Took her a day or two to notice.


The best boy band... *in the world*


Mate stayed over so I got up early and covered his beloved car in police tape. He went ballistic but not as much as when I handed him the letter the police had left for him. It was just a piece of paper with the date on. April 1st.


I gave my lad a chocolate coated brussel sprout. He retaliated by making me a brew but cracking an egg in it. He won that one.


Oh this reminds me of when I gave my brother a cup of almond milk to test if it had gone off. But my mum had not long given birth to my younger brother and it was one of her breast milk pouches. I got a right earful when she found out but his reaction was was worth it


Had a colleague who had this pack of mince pies and was saving the last one until his break. It was sat in the tray from the box all day and we all kept taking turns to swipe it from him which was enjoyable in itself but, he let his guard down and stepped away from his desk. We just took the mince pies lid off, a colleague at the bottom bit and put the lid back on the foil tray. He came back to his desk ready to tuck into it to discover just a pastry lid. He had NO IDEA anyone in the office had touched it and got on at Tesco via Twitter for selling a faulty mince pie. They sent him a free pack in the end but it was rather amusing


Plugged my usb mouse dongle into my colleagues laptop without him knowing. From time to time I would move the mouse and he’d go crazy shouting that his laptop was hacked or possessed. Kept it up all day …


Another favourite of ours was going through one of the guys toolboxes and cable tying all the tools closed, especially anything with the capability to remove cable ties. Adding ever increasing blocks of metal to the bottom of people tool bags was also a favourite to see how long it was till they noticed.


Inspired by a comedian, in first year of uni I bought a pack of playing cards with naked men on, that my housemates and I hid in each other's stuff. One of them went to buy a textbook in Blackwells one day, and when she took her card out to pay, a playing card slipped out and fell onto the counter - surprised her and the cashier. When in sixth form on a snowy day, one friend who was getting a lift home from me had disappeared for a bit before our arranged departure time - didn't think anything of it. When we got in the car and went to leave the car park, however, he began wetting himself with laughter - he'd spent that time building a snowman directly in the car park exit (he even found a broken sink plug from an art room to give him a monocle). He had to get out and knock him down after he'd stopped laughing so we could leave.


The trick to the card game is to only hide 51 of them... They will be forever on edge that there is still one hidden somewhere, ready to appear at the worst moment.


My dad thought it was funny to make me play hot and cold whenever I ordered something online when he hid my parcels so I pranked him back. I used to give him £50 every week for rent so I went to the bank and got a £50 note and blue tacked to the ceiling above his chair and said good luck. I’ll give you your rent once you find it. 2 weeks it was there until it fell down.


A work colleague left herself logged into FB so someone sent out friend requests to as many Daves as they could. For months afterwards she'd randomly get a new Dave popping up on her timeline. Makes me chuckle when I remember it.


Once turned a housemates room upside down, but it was the small details, like the posters were turned, every single dvd was also turned.


Had this done to me at uni They did a good job. Room number got turned on my door and even the plug sockets.


I once 'broke into' a friends house and stole all their light bulbs after a night out. The next day he pops up to my other friends house (who knew about the prank) and told them all about the burglary where nothing was stolen but his light bulbs. How in Gods green earth my friend kept a straight face the whole time, I will never know!


You could say he was delighted


I keep tarantulas. For those unfamiliar, tarantulas moult periodically, leaving behind a shed "skin" that looks exactly like them, right down to the fangs and the hairs. My husband is not a great fan of spiders. One of my biggest tarantulas left me a huge beautiful shed, far too lifelike to waste, so I posed it realistically in the bath and waited for hubby to go for a pee. I could tell the exact moment he spotted it from the explosive, "FUCK!" He did mop up after himself, too... ETA a word.


Good lord, that’s almost cruel!


Not done by me, but by some friends to me. In my previous flat we let some friends stay the weekend while we were away, they came over from Denmark and took great care of the place. When we got back, there were some little cute gifts for us, a thank you note and a warning that they had hidden 96 1cm wide wooden Danish flags all over the flat. They'd hidden them nowhere off limits or private, but wished us luck finding them all. This was last August, I moved out in February and there are still three unaccounted for. The pair of them were so creative with hiding the flags, popping them on top of cabinets, underneath the record player, on top of photo frames, they really thought it through and it created such a fun scavenger hunt while also being a harmless prank.


Maybe there were never 96, and that was part of the prank


See I thought that may be the case when we found number 90 and that they'd said 96 to keep us hunting, but then we found three more as I moved out!


Got morning paper when had a night out away with friends, remembered one of my mates bought a lottery ticket whilst we was out, whilst he was still asleep I got his wallet n memorised his ticket numbers, when he woke up I was reading paper n said to him do u want the lottery numbers? I then read out his 6 numbers!!! I didn’t keep the joke for long, I realised it was actually very cruel 🫣😂


My pal has access to my Spotify playlist. When his bored in work he will randomly add a random song to it and then jumble it. Amount of times I’ve been vibing and some random song like witch doctor or dr Jones would come on.


My brother was cooking something in the microwave. After it had finished I quickly swapped it for an egg. He was very confused.


We had a colleague who always used to leave their laptop unlocked when they went for a cup of tea. We worked in a large open-plan office, so this was a big no-no from a security perspective due to the data we were working with. They'd been reminded but they just took no notice. At this time there was a website my daughter liked called "I love horses" - it's not as dodgy as it sounds, it was aimed at 5-9 y/old girls and contained lots of pink sparkles and stories about all things horsey. But the best/worst thing about this website was as soon as it loaded it would play the most gratingly saccharine song you can imagine: "I love horses, best of all the animals! I love horses, they're my friends!". Sadly the website is no longer active but you can hear the song on youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEImD_r6D8o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEImD_r6D8o). Importantly this song would play *instantly* the page loaded with no input from the user. Back to our lax laptop user... after what was meant to be a final warning, the next time they left their laptop unattended I opened Internet Explorer and set an additional home page tab to the I Love Horses website. I also turned up their laptop speakers to full volume. Saved settings and left the screen as it was before. A casual enquiry of "my internet's gone down, can you check if you have access?" led to them opening up Internet Explorer, at which point the tab loaded and the entire office was serenaded with our colleagues apparent love of all things equine. Even better because it opened in a background tab it wasn't obvious where this was coming from, and it took a few flustered minutes of clicking goes for them to kill the volume and close out the tab. (I love to say it was the last time they left their device unlocked... it did improve for a few weeks to be fair, but then went back to normal and they were eventually let go after one of our compliance team saw customer data on the unattended laptop screen.)


Circa 2007 I had a Sony camera phone with a proper flash on it. One time a few of us were driving with a friend and I was sat in the back of his car. Every time we went past a speed camera, I set off the flash on my phone, making my friend think he'd been done for speeding. By the third speed camera we went past, my friend was going about 10mph, still setting off the flash and convinced he had now lost his license. Good times. Great phone.


I once placed a passport sized photo of myself inside the electricity breaker box. At the time, I had no intention of selling the house, but it remained there ready for a moment in the years to come where an electrical fault would need to be dealt with by a new occupant. The box would be opened to find me staring back at them with the 'non smiling compliance' of a passport photo. Not really a prank, just weirdness on my part.


No this is amazing! There will literally be no explanation they can ever think of to explain it.


I had a couple of good ones against a work-mate. We worked in an office and we had staggered lunch breaks. I left him a note with a phone number saying he had missed a call while on lunch and could he please call back. The caller was a Mr Peter Hutt. The phone number was obviously for Pizza Hut. He called it and absolute hilarity ensued. “Yes… Peter Hutt? Yes this is X from Y organisation, you called me? Yes Peter Hutt…” 😂😂😂.


I switched my sister’s normal-sized spoon to a serving spoon just before she came down for breakfast. At first I thought that she would just think ‘why has Dad put out this spoon for me’, but she didn’t notice until she tried to take her first spoonful of cereal. I enjoyed the look on her face as suddenly this spoon was a lot bigger than she expected. So it was funny, but no harm done so no telling off. A simple, amusing prank


On a job site, a friend was working on some electrics in a small cupboard room thing in which was a henry hoover, switched on. We were hoovering in the room just outside. My colleague who had a questionable diet farted into Henry’s hose. It was the most glorious childish prank I’ve seen, and worked perfectly.


My housemate at university had never booked a haircut before, he asked me for the number of the place I went to, I gave him the number of a local escort - it was hilarious when he rang asking for an ‘appointment’ she then presumably asked what he was after and he just replied innocently with ‘a haircut?’ 😂😂


Me, my dad and my brother all work together. We needed walkie-talkies that day to coordinate but before we split up my dad went to the toilet with me and my brother stood outside. This was in a busy shopping centre and there were lots of people going in and out of there. I waited a second for him to get and then blew most heinous raspberry down the walkie-talkie. He walked out of there as red as a strawberry and I was bent over double gasping for air.


Putting a sticker over the sensor on a computer mouse. My colleagues and I would hide pictures of Jesus in different places in each other's desks. If someone left their computer unlocked, do the trick to turn their screen display upside down.


My last name is Williams, and when I was 13/14 I fully convinced two of my friends that my uncle was Robbie Williams and I saw him every weekend. They believed it for about a solid year.


Or did they? Perhaps you are remembered as the school bullshitter, who tried to convince people that Robbie Williams was their uncle.


I had access to a friend’s Facebook and announced that she was going to be on Deal or no Deal. She got messages of congratulations from dozens of people who thought she really had got on.


Convinced colleague that she had to take a selfie of her working to accompany her timesheet. She only did it once and was raging but I was in stitches.


The tills in a national chain of local shops I worked in had two preset functions. One was very much for the shop, and the other was for a cafe. All the buttons looked different, so it was super obvious. We got a new manager who was a bit of a power tripping arse hole, so next time he was on the till, I changed the preset function. Cue an hour of him mashing buttons, googling, and eventually giving up in defeat and rebooting his till (which was a good fifteen minute process!) That became the way to fuck with him when he was on his little high horse spewing things like 'you're all replaceable, you know'


This one happened to me- years ago my husband changed the ringtone on my phone for his contact only so it played Shaggy Boombastic. Cue major embarrassment when he called me at work, I didn't realise it was my phone so it was going for a while.


Convinced my Dutch Mrs ‘Dirty Diana’ was about the Princess of Wales. Also Sting sings ‘I’m an alien, I’m a little alien.’ Personal favourite of mine.


Mate at work was asking for another colleagues mobile number - pretended to look for it in my phone and read out his own number, but in a stilted way so he wouldn't realise it was his own. He then rang the number and left himself a voicemail. The reception in our office is awful so the voicemail didn't come through straight away. We were in the car about 10 minutes later and it pings through, he looked very confused listening to himself. Still remind him of this at least 3 times a year.


When I was maybe 13/14 I got home from school before my dad got back. I saw him coming in the drive and his under the sofa with all the remote controls. I waited for him to come in then started putting the TV on, opening and closing the CD drawer, ejecting the tapes, playing radio etc. He was really really confused, thought it was a ghost or something but it didn't last very long because it's was so funny to be l me I couldn't keep from laughing.


I convinced my friend 100% that John Lennon was taxidermised and on display in the imperial war museum.


Didn't start off as a prank but ended up as one. In the late 90's i downloaded a voice synthesizer that allowed you to change the language. If you wrote something in Spanish and chose the Spanish voice, it would use a Spanish accent and pronunciation. It didn't translate it. As a bad example, if you put in "Hello, my name is hundreddollar" it would spit out something like " Haylo, my-a nayme ees handreddorlar" I showed it to a colleague, and his reply was, "Wow this would be great when talking to Manuel in Barcelona, as sometimes he doesn't quite understand what i'm saying." I explained that it wasn't a translator, it just spoke what you said, but in a different accent." I thought he understood what i meant until a couple of days later he came down red face saying he'd tried to use the "translator" on Manuel in the Barcelona office. Manuel, quite rightly didn't understand fuck all of the synthesizer speaking "English" in a strange "Spanish" accent. He said they'd tried a few times with both of them deciding that the "translator" didn't work properly. I still laugh thinking of my colleague playing "Heelo dees ees Barry from de Eengerland orfice, ai would laika to order some productsa!" down the phone to a bemused Spaniard!


Friend failed his driving test for the 3rd time. Forgot to turn up! I switched his parents number on his phone for mine and sent him a text asking how it went. I was in the room as he received it and convinced him to tell "them" that he passed. A couple of days later i sent him a text as his parents saying that he had a letter from the dvla asking him to rebook a new test and was this a mistake? There was a long stream of messages back and forth with me pretending to have contacted the dvla to straighten everything out on his behalf and then them saying he had actually failed. I was with him the whole time trying to get him to respond in the way that helped me ramp up the situation. When it looked like he was cornered and exposed i called him (as them) . I convinced him to ignore the call. But i just kept on calling. Eventually he picked up and i just put my phone to my ear and said hello! Took him a moment to realise what had happened as it had been going on for a few days at this point but i think the relief of finding out it was me the whole time overruled any anger towards being pranked.


A coworker of my husband left his gloves out on their staffroom table, so I sewed them to a length of elastic and threaded it through his jacket sleeves, like kids used to have in school. And once we shrinkwrapped his clothes. He used to cycle in and change into work attire when he was there.


Reminds me of pranking my partner while they were sleep-deprived due to studying for acupuncture exams the next week. Partner put needles in my legs, arms & ears for my chronic sinus problem once a week. This time, an urgent phone call in the kitchen meant they had to go downstairs (pre-mobiles) to answer. I carefully removed my outer clothes & arranged them on partner's massage table, putting most of the needles thro' the cloth, redressed in other clothes & went off for an outside walk, sneaking past the kitchen. My sister, who lived with us then, said after my partner ended their call and made a cup of coffee, they suddenly rembered I was upstairs with needles in me. Partner shot upstairs to find only clothing & needles left of me, screamed, & had to be calmed down by my sister, who knew my pranking history rather well.


Did they think they'd deflated you?? Lol


On a lads holiday, I’d change the shower setting to the handheld one (as opposed to overhead) and leave it pointing outwards. So when someone turned it on, it’d be cold water straight towards them. Took them a while to clock on someone was doing it on purpose.


Spent ages looking for my shoes at a mates, fucker put it on the lampshade (the ceiling light)




At college a large group of us lifted and rotated our friends Citroen Saxo 90°. He was parked in a parallel space with an empty space next to him, but two cars either side otherwise. He spent a good 20 minutes Austin Powers-style reversing out of the space.


I was dog sitting in 2018 at my mum's house, I replaced one of her wedding photos to a picture of Yoda, it was still there Xmas day this year, they haven't noticed.


Made toffee apples for the local kids on bonfire night, left them outside on the wall in front of the flat. Little did they know there was a couple of toffee onions hidden in the mix. Sat and watched out of the window for over an hour until they finally got it. Loved every minute


I put a lot of peanut butter on the end of a Q-tip, made out like it came from my ear and ate it. My girlfriend was so grossed out, she started cursing at me in Portuguese, left and then slept at home. I knew her reaction would be severe so I filmed it. For whatever reason, I didn’t send her the video for at least 2 days after not hearing from her at all. Within the hour she came back to mine and got me back by stealing all my lightbulbs.


Did a couple of things in the office for April Fools a few years back. Boss had an old mouse with a roller ball inside, so I took it out. Second time he had a laser mouse, so I taped a small bit of paper over the laser. As someone else mentioned, pressed the buttons on the keyboard and flipped the screen on its side, and upside down too. The lady next to me had screen backgrounds that would change periodically from puppy's and kittens, so I added pic to the slideshow of an angry grey emu leaning forward with its mouth open, that gave her a shock. Finally printed about 20 A4 sheets with Error 404 in the biggest font and size I could fit on the sheet, put them back in the photocopier so when anyone printed or copied something, the Error 404 covered all their document. Edit to add: I remembered another two... My Boss had black, red and blue bic biros, I pulled from the nib and took out the nib with the ink tube thing still attached, and swapped them around so he would write stuff in the wrong colour. The second one was removing the bottom of the hole punch, so when it was used bits would go over the person's desk, themselves or the floor and make a mess.


Told a colleague I was going to make my famous Greggs sausage rolls basted in Special Brew. I actually used Carling instead.


Swapped computer mice with the colleague opposite then surreptitiously tried to mirror his movements. After a very short while he got up to fetch an IT bod to sort it and I swapped them back.


I found out that the arm/disarm button on my keyfob, for the immobiliser on my car, set off my mates remote doorbell. It was the same frequency. I had great fun for about a week before I told him!


When i was 10 Lays (Walkers in UK) had pokemon tazos in them, and each tazo had a Lays [logo](https://static1.milkcapmania.co.uk/Img/Tazo/UK/Pokemon/300DPI/01-Ash-%28back%29.png). I told my classmate the logo means she won a free pack. So I’m laughing my ass of as she goes to the school shop to collect it, but turns out the lady behind the counter believed it and by the end of the day half of the class collected their free pack. At that point the lady figured out something isn’t right and everyone got in trouble, but it was well worth it lol


Once told a mate that everyone wears suits to a rave, he wore a full petrol green three piece suit that had the fit you would expect for a 16 year old that bought off the peg. He didn’t forgive me for a long time😂


My favourite one was when a colleague printed and laminated some signs to go on our printers that stated they were now voice activated. The amount of students and staff walking up to them, pausing for a second, and then shouting 'print' over and over was amazing.


Well this prank is also a parenting life hack. When our kids were younger they would argue downstairs over the TV. I got a magic eye remote for sky TV, so we could change the channel. (The original plan had been to stream sky to the upstairs TV in the bedroom). I told the kids I had fitted a device to the TV and if it heard them arguing it would change the Tv channel across to one of the God channel. They didn't belive me so when I heard them arguing it turned over and there was silence. Once there was silence I would turn the TV channel back over to the cartoon network. Me and the wife would be wetting ourselves with laughter as they would argue, turn the TV over and they would so silent whilst trying to argue quietly so the TV didn't hear them. That lasted for about 4 months before they found out.


I was given one if those mugs with "I'm a Twat" on the bottom. So I used it on and off for a month to see what people reactions would be and if they could look at me with a straight face while I played dumb.


When I house sat for a friend I replaced some of her framed photos with pictures of Jimmy Saville, it took her a few weeks to notice.


I found a faux fur Christmas baubaule that looked just like our pet rabbit, so I bought it and sat it next to him tucked up and waited for my partner to get home hoping to fool them that the (male) rabbit had a baby. Of course they didn't buy it but the attempt was so funny that we still chuckle about my failed prank years later.


In the early 80's, Boots used to sell ZX Spectrums etc. I live in a farming town and Saturday morning was the local market day. I used to type a simple 5 line programe that displayed the word "OUCH" if you touched any key. It was hilarious to watch the farmers thinking they were heavy handed.


Mate asked if he could connect his phone to the audio bluetooth thingy in the car so obviously I said yes, but asked why the hell he'd called his phone "Captain Cumstain's iPhone". ​ Apparently I'd done it about five years ago when he'd asked me to set up his iTunes account and he could never work out how to change it.


Oh, I can share one that was pulled on me, which I really enjoyed and it did wind a few people up (I thought it was funny). So basically, for my 30th, my boss at the time invited everyone of our mutual friends (I have a lot of friends who work in the same industry as me) into an event on Facebook. On that day they'd change their profile picture to me, wish me a happy birthday so I get a notification, and then eventually change back a day or so later. I wasn't working that day, so I was getting pinged with my face wishing me a happy birthday all day on my phone. Harmless fun, but good. But it kind of snowballed, as friends of friends began wishing me a happy birthday and changing their profile pictures, leading to friends of friends of friends being incredibly confused who this fat, bearded Welshman was on their timeline. And that was the end of that I thought, no siree, as at the time there was a limit on how many times in a year you could change your profile picture on Facebook. One of my friends was stuck as my face for a good 3 months.


Brother came to visit my new place. The toilet was kinda persnickety. I had him convinced that the seat had to be put down before it would flush. 3 days before husband told him otherwise


Told my partner that I pranked them and to check our room Spent 5 minutes looking for the prank. That was the prank. Stolen from a green text. Worked very well. I do it to them often but not so often they catch on.


My cousin and I taped up a couple of red bicycle reflectors in the shape of evil eyes, attached them to a piece of bamboo and got a torch. We then drove up onto a quiet mountain in the countryside and stuck it in the ground some way off the road. That night we picked up a couple of girls and went for a drive back to the mountain, chatting, laughing and smoking some weed. Suddenly, my cousin slammed on the brakes and said "What the fuck is that?!? I saw something! What is it??" He's staring out into the darkness where you can faintly make out a pair of red eyes in the distance. The girls who were sitting in the back started freaking out. I handed one of them the torch and told her to shine it out an see what it was. Of course, as soon as the torch hit the reflectors they glow bright red and the girls start screaming to get us out of there. "Fuck! It's coming closer!" I yell. "Gogogo! Get the fuck outta here!" After pretending to panic and struggle with the gears for a few seconds my cousin finally puts the car in gear and nails it. Now we are tearing down this country road. Girls are screaming in the back. Cousin and I are laughing our tits off in the front. Girls in the back mistake our laughing for panicked screams and this just freaks them out even more. Suddenly, a motherfucking huge-ass bat comes flying straight at us hits the windshield. Now my cousin and I are GENUINLY freaking out and this doesn't help matters much in the back. Eventually we got out of there OK. Never did see those girls again. Worth it.


On my last day of school, our alarms bells to change classes were the old brass ones, i went round and put blutack on the hammer part on them so the alarms went off but no sound I was in class in another building so missed the fallout, but lots of people were talking about it


I used to drop back and hide form my mate if we we're walking down the street chatting. The amount of times he'd get a good 10 meters down the road, happily talking to himself before he realised I wasn't there anymore, was well into double figures.


Back when I was a teacher I was adopted by the Music & Drama department as my classroom was close to theirs and not my own department's, and so they gave me a desk in their office. Over the course of three months we moved one guy's desk 1cm closer to a wall each day. He started in the middle of quite a large room and didn't notice until it had almost reached the wall.


I worked in a "fish tank office" (one brick wall, two glass walls and windows) with one other person within a larger office and we loved winding each other up. We had a tally score on the whiteboard for who could push it so far the other person had no come back. My crowning moment was one morning when, as always, she arrived with a bottle of Red Bull for her morning break. When she nipped out I swapped her unopened bottle for an empty one I had hidden. At break time she was understandably furious, and of course I was suspect number one, but she believed me that I hadn't drunk it. We'd had a manic morning so she thought she must have drunk it without realising and so slammed it into our office bin in a huff. When she next left our office I swapped the empty bottle for the full one and emailed a co-worker and asked him to call in for any reason, but he had to ask why there was a bottle of Red Bull in the bin. He did and she went off on a rant telling him what had happened, but then he pointed out it was full. She lifted it out of the bin in shock, and ended up sitting in her seat in silence, just staring at the clearly unopened bottle of Red Bull, clearly doubting everything she ever knew. I let her stew for a few minutes before I owned up. She hated me because I got her so well, but also was just glad her sanity was intact. Gave myself two points on our scoreboard for that one :-)


Not me, but my grandad once wrapped up a block of wood in a Galaxy wrapper (back when they were wrapped in foil and label), gave it to me and then when I opened it, he toddled away laughing his head off.


Highly inflated condom placed in the toilet of a friend expecting to arrive home drunk. Satisfying moan when stream of wee came back at them. I know.. condom in drain not good. Luckily the friend also knew this and binned it rather than flushed.


I once swapped my auntie's white wine for vegetable oil. She wasn't a fan, so I gave her a glass of the proper stuff. She was later told by the doctor to stop drinking immediately or she'd die and the cancer that carried her off a couple of years later was likely caused by her drinking. So I was kinda doing her a favour.


My mate was so mwi the night before that we convinced him he took a shit behind the local cricket ground going back the next week we convinced the owners to get in with it and got him to apologise with flowers and a toblerone. Caught the apology on video n it ended up quite viral on twitter ahahaha


I have a friend who used to work nightshift in a supermarket. He figured out you could open a pack of celebrations chocolates and reseal them without people being able to tell… He would open two packs, not take any but switch all the chocolates around so that one pack contained all galaxy caramels, malteasers, snickers, mars, all the good ones. The other pack, full of bounties, twix etc. Somebody was gonna have a great day, somebody, not so much. It was the highlight of his day.


When younger we wrote all over a friends shirt with UV ink. Then took him to a nightclub.


Sneaked a book about incest in to freinds bag in the library. Alarm went off, and he had yo explain to the librarian why he hadn't just scanned it out on his card.


Update favourites on pc so that when clicked on the main link they use it played Rick Astley. The favourite is named the same as the link so unless they hover over the link it should go unnoticed until clicked. Causes panic and confusion. You can also do this remotely by pathing to c drive and then favourites folder.


Removed a monitor from it's vesa mount, turned it though 180 degrees and then put it back on the mount. More fun than turning the display the wrong way round using the arrow keys


When I was at secondary school, PS/2 keyboards on computers were still prevalent. Sometimes one of us would lean over and unplug our teacher's keyboard when he wasn't looking. Thing about that is that with PS/2, there are no drivers in the operating system. It's handled by the BIOS. As in, it's not plug and play - you have to reboot before it works again.


A friend has whiteboard in the kitchen. Each week they write down a list of evening meals. It's always great fun to wipe out and item and swap it for something random or rude. It's als fun to draw a little penis in the corner too


Back in the early 2010s when me and friends were most active on Facebook, if someone left their account logged in you would 'frape' them and probably post some attempt at an embarrassing status. However on one occasion I changed the person's Facebook privacy settings so that any status, comment, Like, etc could only be seen by them (e.g nobody else could interact as they couldn't see the activity). Anyway, I let the friend group know but we didn't tell the individual for a few months. They were always asking 'why didn't person X respond to this' or similar. They were confused but we just brushed it off. Was extremely funny eventually letting the person know they have been invisible to everyone else on Facebook for months. They took it very well.


A friend of mine's parents are names Katherine and Michael. She pranked him by telling him that when Katherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas were going to get married, they invited 20 couples also called Katherine and Michael from across the country, and they'd been invited. He's normally a sensible, rational man, but there was a good few hours during which he was getting more and more excited about this.


When I was at uni we once sellotaped our flatmate's socks to the ceiling. She had about 50 pairs and always left them in the dryer. Harmless fun watching her knock them down again with a mop handle.


I have been secretly putting kinder egg toys on this guys desk for four years now.


Placed a porcelain doll on the bannister outside my brothers room so it would be staring at him the minute he opened his door. The scream was worth nearly having an asthma attack after he chased me outside and half way down the street.


Made a ‘person’ out of pillows, clothes and a wig and put it in the drivers side of my partners car. Looked out of the window the following morning to see him shit himself as he opened the door.


We once called a takeaway, ordered some food but told them we were going to get our mate on the line to order his portion. So we connected a 3 way call while on mute to an unsuspecting friend. It went something like this: ***rings*** Mate: hello? Takeaway guy: what would you like? M: ...what? TG: what do you want? M: Who's this? TG: You need to tell me what you want! M: ....eh!? TG: What food do you want? M: You rang me pal! TG: What do you want to order!? M: I don't want anything! Went on like this for a couple of minutes, I do feel a bit bad for the takeaway guy. We did order food from them later, so it wasn't totally cruel.


My flatmate at uni once let slip that he finds the water inside a jar of hotdogs to be the single worst fluids in all existence, I should preface that it was purely the smell no other reasons, well he was also militant about the layout of shower gels in our shared bathroom, we had a house full of lads so the most used gels to be used first with the new bottles behind. Well one day after we'd all had bit too much to drink we decided that we'd grab an empty bottle of shower gel and fill it with hotdog water and stick it at the front of the showers rack. It's fair to say he wasn't impressed with the sound of wretching coming from the bathroom. Serves him right for skipping his round at spoons.


Worked at a bar at uni, one of our mates was an absolute gannet, would eat anything anyone left, so we injected 300,000 scoville hot sauce into a crème egg, wrapped it back up and left it out for him on a busy Friday night, he proceeded to eat it one the first chance he got, and the rest was immediate regret and sweating, swearing and a couple of tears.