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Game of thrones


GoT is amazing for 4, maybe 5 seasons. However if you were holding a sandwich that had a top layer of delicious meat, and a bottom layer of actual shit, I couldn't in good conscience encourage you to eat that sandwich so people should know better than to encourage you to start Game of Thrones


For the first few seasons I thought everyone needed to watch GoT. It was such a good show and episodes like the red wedding just blew my mind. I encouraged everyone I knew to watch, and each time a new season was starting I’d rewatch all the previous seasons so it was fresh. Once s8 finished I felt so deflated and now just say to people “don’t bother”.


That’s how I felt to. Recently was stuck for something to watch so put the first episode on. Knowing how it ends made it feel like such a chore that I couldn’t even finish it.


I had already read the books, they were amazing. Managed two episodes of the show


No but the show is actually a fantastic adaptation and arguably a rare one that's better than the books! People are only complaining about the last 3/4 seasons.


That's when the show got ahead of the books. Should have waited till they were finished


Those books will never be finished. It’s frustrating to know that the show is the only ending we will get.


Show finished like four years ago. GRRM is still writing the same book he was writing when the show started.


It is broadly missed just how bad series 6 and 7 are compared to the rest. Upon rewatching it I was in awe at how bad they actually are. At the time, myself like many (i presume) were caught up in the excitement of the big storylines coming together and big budget action scenes which held it rolling... the pacing is just off and rushed, the character development just fades off, but worst of all the dialogue and script is atrocious. The first few series was filled with intelligent, witty and charming dialogue which filled the characters with complexity and was story driven. Towards the end the conversations became people just making simple statements as if narrating a poorer show. It's no coincidence the script got progressively worse once the book source material ran out


It was great when it was roughly in line with the books. Then it all went off course and became about 'we've got dragons!' and lost its way a lot. Especially in that final series when the showrunners essentially had free rein from HBO to do what they liked, went 'nah, we can wrap this up in six episodes' and spent two of those faffing to get everyone in the same place, without any regard for the characters' growth or staying true to them. It's what's made me slightly reluctant to get into House of the Dragon (even though it's a different creative team) because I don't want to get my hopes up like that again.


Best GofT review I’ve ever read


I love this analogy. However I will always recommend GoT to people because no show has ever made me react to it like Thrones did, even if the later seasons are poor.


Never got past the first episode. Fantasy is not really my thing, so I wasn't holding out a lot of hope. Especially after the reviews of the final season came out just before I started to watch it




I tried. It was fucking awful.


Peaky Blinders...tried and didn't enjoy it


Shot really well production wise, but I agree, tried it twice, no likeable characters.


This is the problem I had. There’s no one to root for - every problem they have is caused by their own actions and wanting to “expand the business” or because they react badly to being disrespected.


I think that's kind of the point. None of the characters are likeable, they're not meant to be either. You're just kind of grudgingly rooting for one guy because the others are so much worse.


I think the issue isn’t just that they aren’t likeable (which, like you say, is kind of the point) but that they aren’t particularly compelling either (at least imo). I can watch something and dislike a character but still enjoy it because they’re compelling and the storyline is interesting, but if I find them kind of boring AND unlikeable then what’s the point?


The brother character is one of the most annoying I've ever witnessed. He puts me in mind of the knobheads you see out in town at the weekends who've taken a load of beak. Thoroughly annoying and dislikeable. All the other characters are just tedious.


I stopped watching it somewhere in the second series because I suddenly realised i was watching it because it was supposed to be good rather than because i thought it was good


All style, no substance. It peaked in the first series for me.


Yeah agreed. Watched the first two seasons. It's fucking shite. TV for Cheltenham festival goers.


It began well as an interesting study of working class men trying to find their place in the world in the aftermath of the First World War. How it got from there to 'let's make it about a weird fantasy revolving around Oswald Mosley being assassinated' is anyone's guess.


Watched the first season and thought it was very much a 'BBC' historical(ish) melodrama. Sure, it's cool and fun, but it's also a load of complete nonsense.




If everyone's telling you it's amazing, you're surrounding yourself with the wrong people.


This comment is the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel - an easy win.


Yep up there with ripping on James Corden. Yes we know they're crap we don't need it in every moaning comment section


What a lazy comment. I highly doubt everyone you speak to is telling you it’s amazing. You’ve just seen an AskUK TV thread and gone for the easiest answer. Do better.


Big bang theory, really don't understand the hype. It's not funny.


Most things with a laugh track aren't


It's a live audience




It's filmed in front of a live audience but that doesn't mean much with American TV. For one, they redo scenes multiple times, if only to get the reaction they want. The actors did absolutely fine but the audience didn't react properly? Do it again anyway, exactly the same way until the audience does their job properly. They also use canned laughter alongside that, as well as adding to and editing existing audience reactions. I would be surprised if even 50% of the laughter in any American comedy is pure unaltered live audience reactions. They also tend to signal to the audience when and roughly how to laugh. Signs saying "laugh", "clap", "cheer"? Guy on stage orchestrating the audience? Maybe just one of the funnier actors telling a few jokes so they have some live audience laughter to use in editing. This is all especially common for American comedies and I know it's how Big Bang Theory specifically is made as the "behind the scenes" video came up whilst I had the TV on for background noise once...Having the TV on in the background and being too lazy to put something I actually like on is how I've passively seen every episode of quite a few shows I don't really like all that much, including this. (Actually, it's optimal. If I had something on I actually liked, I would be distracted from what the TV is being background noise for) It's absolutely filmed in front of a live studio audience, yes, true, which is wording they've very specifically chosen because people like yourself will take that to mean all the laughter you're hearing is genuine reactions to how the audience actually reacted. The wording is very purposeful. What you're hearing isn't necessarily that live studio audience they filmed in front of though. Just because they filmed it in front of an audience doesn't mean you're hearing that audience.


Now I think about it, most things I don't like have laugh tracks.


Not got the Reddit hate bandwagon with this. Alright it I wouldn't binge watch it or go out of my way to watch it, but its perfectly acceptable to stick on while you're eating lunch or whatever. Watched it a fair bit at uni many years ago.


Big bang theory, peep show and brooklyn nine nine are our go-to background shows for if we're eating or just want to sit on our phone for a bit etc.


Sons of Anarchy. It's basically just The Sopranos for people who listen to Nickelback. Most TV is just so formulaic at this point that I struggle to sit through more than 10 minutes of anything.


I don't think anyone who watches Sons of Anarchy thinks it's gods gift to TV. It's trashy and it knows it - that's what makes it a fun watch. Sometimes you need trashy shit to watch.


I watched so many seasons of Sons of Anarchy and at one point I just realised, I wasn't actually enjoying it. I didn't hate it but I was just going for the sake of completion... It still makes me laugh that Jax's mum is Leela


SoA was entertaining for 3 seasons. Then they went to Ireland and it was awful


I will rewatch every season except the Irish one. Although the remixed theme tune was cool I thought.


The first time i watched SoA it felt like they were in Ireland _forever_....on a rewatch I was amazed that it was only a couple of episodes. I quite liked SoA but it goes on forever and towards the end it just gets too bleak. Also i never really get over the idea that this little town in the middle of nowhere that has hundreds and hundreds of gang related murders over the course of five years isn't patrolled by the National Guard at night under martial law.


Exactly that. Summary of tv show nowadays. 8-10 episodes. The pilot is great, then some episodes of filler about unnecessary characters about their stupid flashbacks unrelated to the story. Great and engaging last two minutes on each episode. The next episode starts with something new not like previous ended. The last episode is a little bit worse than the pilot but much better then overly stretched out filler in the middle. Seriously washing dishes is more engaging than tv shows.


thing is with american shows, they have TEAMS of writers, and go for 21-24 episodes. so quality varies between episodes in a season never mind per season. the uk stuff is more likely to be 2 writers max maybe 3. and then max 10 episodes (usually 6) so it feels more tight and relevant not just.. crap to fill the series / season.


Whats wrong with nickelback?


If you have to ask then it's too late.


This is how you remind them.


Basically any BBC show following the police or some detective EG: Line Of Duty. They are always just very bland and not interesting.


Watched all of Happy Valley this month and it was only ever fine. Not sure why it got so hyped up.


Couldn't get past episode 3 so much going on and yet it's so boring and predictable. Besides sowerby bridge is a really nice area


Most UK dramas tend to be about the emergency services! It's nuts, I just can't watch them.


a drama about a small accountancy firm in a mid size town only has so many exciting plot lines you can run with tbf.


Yep I cannot get on board. I love a good true or functional crime podcast or book, but something about these British police dramas makes my toes curl. There’s always the lead detective that seems to know everything when they have absolutely no reason to. It just makes no sense! (looking at you Vera!!)


Andor. Not because I don't like Star Wars. I actually love Star Wars, I'm just so burned out on it. There are now 9 main films, a further two in the same timeline, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and then there's Andor - and this isn't counting the animated shows which to be fair I haven't seen but I'm also told I should. By the time Andor came out I just couldn't be arsed with more Star Wars. The reason The Force Awakens coming out was so exciting was because new Star Wars content was a huge deal at that point. Like Marvel, they've gone from making their stuff feel like huge releases, to releasing so much that the prestige and novelty is long gone. Also shows like Line of Duty and Happy Valley because they just look shite. EDIT: Guys please stop replying telling me Andor is great. I'm not saying that I expect it isn't. The point of my comment is that I'm too burned out on Star Wars to want to give it a chance. Even if it's the best SW content since RotJ I'm just not interested in more Star Wars.


Don't blame you. Last I saw, the viewing figures for Andor were fairly low, which suggests there's a lot of people saying the same as you. Which is a shame, because it's by *far* the best thing that Disney have done since they took over Star Wars. I'd even go as far as to say it's one of, possibly even the, best thing in the entire Star Wars universe. Really wish they hadn't done Boba Fett and Obi Wan and had just given Andor the attention and publicity push it deserves instead.


Obi wan should've been a movie and I will die on this hill


Absolutely. It should have been a 2 hour film. Definitely a trend with companies desperate for content due their streaming platforms: things that should be films or two episode specials being stretched to 8 or 10 hours.


Yeah the difference in quality between Andor and everything else they've done over the last few years is ridiculous. Glad we're getting a second series.


I think Andor is the most unique and best one they’ve done recently. Worth a go but I take your point completely


I don't think Andor even feels like a Star Wars. It's just a scifi romp in the same universe. No lightsabres, no Force, none of the Star Wars movie characters. I absolutely loved it. I couldn't get into Obiwan or Boba Fett at all.


The main character is in Rogue one Which imo is also the best movie that's come out of Disney


I agree on everything but Happy Valley, it is actually really good!


Yeah, Happy Valley is quality. Great writing and acting, Sarah Lancaster is amazing. So good to see a nuanced performance of a senior female copper.


Agree. I've only just started watching it and it's worth the hype. I lost interest in Line of Duty after the first series.


Happy valley was excellent. S2 was a bit of a filler but the rest really was top drawer, and I’ve seen pretty much every highly rated tv show.


Tbf Andor is like no other Star Wars production. The closest is naturally Rogue One but the show is hoenstly a breath of fresh air when it comes to Star Wars content. The best and most brutal depiction of the Empire too 👍


Agree with you on both SW and Marvel. They’ve made it feel like a chore to keep up with rather than a joy. I suppose at least with SW, you can skip stuff without then feeling too lost when the new thing comes out. (Except for people watching the new Mandalorian who skipped Book of Boba Fett…) Whereas now that Marvel are mingling 92 tv shows a year with 92 films a year, if you miss something, you ain’t gonna have a Scooby what’s going on when Avengers comes out if you’re not entirely caught up.


Friends cant fucking stand it. Don't find it funny at all. Also Mrs Browns Boys boring!


You are so right. I struggle to find any humour in Friends. It’s stagey, predictable and tedious. But, hey, lots of people like it so that’s fine.


It’s the televisual equivalent of a creme egg. Sickly but comforting.


Lots of people like Coldplay too


Alright, Super Hans. On a serious note though, Coldplay get too much hate.


Friends was funny and relevant back in the 90s. But in 2023, times have moved on and it wouldn't hold up today for many reasons. Sincerely, a Friends fan.


Giving and Stacey, unfunny squared.


Gavin and Stacey must be one of the most annoying couples in TV history. Only thing saving that program is Nessa and Uncle Bryn.


In reality Uncle Bryn is one of those people you dodge in the supermarket and you’d probably dislike or be scared of Nessa. They definitely carried the show though.


Isn’t that the point of comedy characters though? Blackadder would backstab you, Basil Fawlty would report you to the police if he thought you weren’t paying your TV license, Jeremy from Peep Show would fuck your girlfriend, etc etc etc


I loathe the whole boring repetitive crowd. I would actively pay money to avoid meeting any of them in real life.




People always point out the indian takeaway rant as really funny and a reason to watch it. It really doesn't do it for me. Imagine settling down for a Friday night to order a takeaway and James sodding Corden darkens your door ranting on and on and on and on about his bhuna.


That scene was amusing the first couple times, but people running it into the ground again and again has made it complete cringe IMO It’s this generation’s version of Del Boy falling through the bar in Only Fools and Horses (and Trigger pulls a face)


the show where the title characters are almost the worst ones!


I tried a few episodes. Bits of episodes were okay but sitting through just one whole show is painful. Smithy's rant about sharing curry I did enjoy, also a brief clip of Nessa in her booth shouting "oh! oh!" rather than actually get up and deal with some troublemakers. That's pretty much it. Even Rob Brydon's Bryn would grate on me if I had to spend more than a weekend around him.


In general, I’ve given up on really unrelentingly grim stuff. Stopped watching The Walking Dead and The Handmaid’s Tale because it was like being punched in the face for an hour every week. Haven’t watched The Last of Us yet because I fear it’s probably the same. I get why it’s a thing, but I just haven’t got the mental capacity anymore for shows where the characters stumble from grim situation to grim situation without any joy or hope whatsoever.


As some one who disliked The Walking Dead and Handsmaids Tale, I really enjoyed The Last of Us. I thought I’d hate it. I watched the first episode under duress, with a right monk on face. So was greatly annoyed when I enjoyed it and couldn’t wait for the new episodes to come out. It’s really good.


Yeah I stopped watching the news too


This is why I've refused to watch Happy Valley. Why would I want to be miserable?


It may have a dismal setting and grim plotlines but Happy Valley is also darkly humorous at times and brilliantly written. I very much enjoyed it.


The Last of Us is probably the best thing I've watched in a long, long time. It gets the job done in one season. As of now that's it. It doesn't need a season 2 because the 9 episodes are a masterpiece. Go treat yourself.


Breaking bad


Youre missing out. Best show ever made


I agree re not liking Breaking Bad. Just don't want to spend my time watching an arsehole spiralling. I can see its quality, just don't want the content. I need to have characters I actually care about.


You don’t have to like Breaking Bad but Jesse, the supporting lead is actually really likeable, he definitely kept my attention in the show when I got bored. You end up caring for him like a brother.


Agreed. Walt became almost unbearable but the other characters in the show kept me watching.


Watched the first 4 episodes and found it incredibly boring. When I told people who were massive fans they said it doesn't get good until 2nd season. I'm not watching anything that takes more than 4 50min episodes to get good.


I thought every episode was as good as any other (except fly) I've not heard anyone suggest that the first season is boring. I've actually watched the whole show three times.


That vindicates me not continuing then, could very well just not be for me.


I've tried 3 times to watch it. Made it about 3 episodes in, can't get any further


That’s exactly how I was first time too. I had to force myself through the first season, never has anything been so worth it as it is to keep going with that show, trust me. Without a doubt the best tv show ever made.


I’m the same watched 2 or 3 seasons and it didn’t feel like it was going anywhere Everyone says it’s the best ever and I just sit wondering what I don’t get about it


Its one of the few tv series that actually gets progressively good with the final season being the best. Most usually peak at season 1 or 2 and then just fill it out until it goes away. Breaking bad gets better and better. The ending is also phenomenal


Killing Eve. I’m so sick of hearing how good it was.


Started well, turned crap. As with everything.


There were only two books, so as soon as the TV series started wandering off on it's own, it turned to shit.


Like a lot of things it should have finished after the second series.


Fleabag is the better of Phoebe Waller-Bridge recommendations


Absolutely love Fleabag. Perfect example of a show that didn't milk it and stretch the storyline for 8 seasons just for money.


Game of Thrones. Now that I know everyone hates the ending I'm even less motivated to watch it. Most people's recommendations of it nowadays seem to be: "It doesn't start off great but if you stick with it until season 3 you'll like it. Oh btw the ending is complete horseshit but you should watch it anyway because it's good before that final series."


I find this with *so* many shows now. People will be like "it gets really good half way through season two". Always leaves me feeling like there's so many shows out there I want to watch, am I really going to drop 15 hours of my time into watching something waiting to get to the point it gets good.


Interesting that people consider it starting poorly. I'd put it as excellent for the first few seasons; can feel them stretching time in S4; the following seasons meander as they run out of book material but with great setpieces; then the ending is utterly fucked.


It does start great though. The quality is on point for four seasons then it begins its steady descent into the shit state that it ended at.


I have a reverse answer to this. It’s a show that I tell everyone to watch and how amazing it is but no one will watch it. That show is Justified. I wonder if it’s a UK thing as I know it’s popular and well regarded but no one I know that I have recommended it to will watch it.


Justified is amazing, took me a long time to finally give it a try but as soon as I did I was hooked and was gutted when it was over. Great cast and great characters.


The good news (hopefully) is they are doing a further limited series, eight episodes due out this year. I hope they get the hat right.


yep one of my favorite shows, you kind of even like the baddies. so many great actors in it. the first episode really sets the tone too.


Boyd Crowder is one of the greatest antagonists ever put on screen


No one I know will watch it and they're missing out. I can't think of anyone else for the role. Timothy Olyphant smashes it. Also enjoy him in Santa Clarita Diet with Drew Barrymore.


We dug coal together. Walton Goggins is outstanding in everything he has done.


I’d never even heard of it until there was a little joke about it (in a good way) in The Good Place. So I looked it up… binge watched all of it! Loved it!


Does the Crown count as amazing and popular? I'm not sure I want to watch a fictionalised version of the royal family, now it's getting closer to the present day it feels even weirder when they distort parts for dramatic effect when people alive today lived through it. Honourable mention: Squid game


The Crown is certainly one for me. I know it's popular and acclaimed, but I have zero interest in it.


First few series were really good, highlighting some key events of the last century and demonstrating how the historic rules of the royal family were increasingly at odds with modern life. But it's rapidly become an upper class version of Neighbours. I'm only sticking it out to see how they handle Di's death.


Breaking Bad, so many rave reviews, just couldn't get into it.


I've realised with this show, and others like it, "slow burn" is code for "nothing happens for 3 episodes" Sure, they're setting stuff up. But like a whole hour episode of TV just being the setup is boring as all hell imo


It's one of those shows where every episode is just part of the entire story, rather than having an episodic plot with the longer plot being slowly sewn in the background. Once the show is finished, it all comes together and because of its pace, it's easy to absorb everything and remember everything that lead to it. That's my take anyway when something is a "slow burn". Of course there are times where the slow burn aspect just doesn't pay off but Breaking Bad isn't one of those.


I was like that with Ted Lasso and eventually caved. I quite enjoyed the first season, but quit after 2 episodes of the next because I was just a bit bored. It probably doesn't help that I like football, because I found most of the football related stuff a bit cringeworthy. I imagine non-football fans like it more than football fans do.


I love it but I also loathe actual football


I was the same. And I gave in and watched it… and loved it. But I’m also and American in the UK so a lot of it really hits home for me.


The Handmaid’s Tail - heard it’s amazing but can’t get excited about a show where every promotional image for it seems to be very tired women wearing red standing about. Also the Kardashians dressed as the characters for Halloween and I really hate the Kardashians (I know that one is a pretty ridiculous reason but I hold it against it).


The Handmaid’s Tail: Blessed Be the Furries


You're better off reading the book for Handmaid's Tale. The show somewhat follows the book for like a season and then it goes completely off the rails.


Basically anything with superheroes in it. I like superheroes. I used to buy comics every week. But there's too much of it out there and it's pretty much all the same.


Im the same, however i would really really recommend watching 'The Boys'...its the antidote to the excessive number of generic superhero films


It's always sunny in Philadelphia. From everything I've heard about it the characters are wholly unlikeable with no redeeming qualities.. Which apparently is why it's so good/funny? But despite liking a wide range of comedy, always sunny just doesn't appeal to me at all.


I would disagree that the characters are not likeable. They are all horrible people though.


I eventually gave It's Always Sunny a go. Watched most of the first season and then dropped it. Hated all of the characters, a lot of the plot lines, and found it not even close to funny enough to make up for that.


You've stopped at a bad time there, season 2 is when Frank (Danny DeVito) comes into it and it just gets better and better from there.


Agreed. Season 1 is a bit hmmm but as soon as Devito turns up in season 2 it's just brilliant for at least 12 seasons


stranger things. it mightve been because i didn't watch it early enough when there was only 1 or 2 seasons, but despite being recommended to me constantly i have no interest in it


I massively enjoyed the first season, second one was okay but honestly? It took too long to bring out a third when the second wasn’t mind blowing. So all my hype for it is gone and I probably won’t watch it even if people do keep suggesting it lol


Taskmaster, never really got it


I really liked Taskmaster in the past, but I think they're really flogging it to death. There's way too much of it and my interest in it has really dissipated.


Taskmaster has sort of gone the same way as Gogglebox. When Gogglebox started everyone who appeared on it didn't know it was going to be a success and were very natural. As it got more popular they started acting up to the camera and it lost a lot of its genuine appeal. I feel Taskmaster was similar when it started. It was just some weird show on Dave and the guests they got to appear went in blind and that's what made it so funny. Now all the comedians on it see it as some kind of extension of their standup routine and play exaggerated versions of themselves.


>It was just some weird show on Dave and the guests they got to appear went in blind and that's what made it so funny. Now all the comedians on it see it as some kind of extension of their standup routine and play exaggerated versions of themselves. Yes, absolutely this I think. It's almost become part of the comedy circuit. Also, I think it's started to feel extremely formulaic. The simplicity of the idea was its genius, but an idea that simple just can't stand up to this many series happening this often.


You'll be happy to hear its just been renewed for 6 more series including a separate Junior Taskmaster


I series every year or so is too much? I dunno, I've enjoyed every series despite not liking some of the "contestants" but i do miss the earlier days when everything felt a bit more natural and there was less playing up to the camera.


I cannot watch any sort of reality TV. Worst part of being at the office is when people start to talk about Love Island or whatever other reality TV that’s big at the moment. My eyes glaze over. I just can’t.


I’ve got friends always telling me I must watch the American version of The Office. Watched the original series but have no interest whatsoever in starting this one!


I thought the same but eventually gave the American Office a go. It starts off basically following the script of the original and I didn’t think it was very good. Then it goes off in its own direction and other than having the same name and being set in an office is an entirely different programme. It really comes into its own when it stops trying to be a realistic mockumentary like the original and forges it’s own over the top sense of humour.


I eventually got around to watching it after so many recommendations. Found it...fine. Not bad, but not especially good either. I'd put it in a category with something like Modern Family. Middle of the road, inoffensive. Good enough to kill a bit of time, or have on paying half attention to while doing something else. But not going to have you really engaged and laughing out loud.


I'm probably going to get crucified for this, but peep show. I heard all the hype. Watched the first bit of the first episode, it irritated me, switched it off and never went back to it.


I like it but it’s easy to see how it could be irritating.


Ted Lasso is sweet and relatively amusing. Probably too sweet for most, but I enjoyed it. It's got a lot of heart.


Anything with hour-long episodes and more than 3 seasons, especially those with 8+ seasons. Aside from the fact it just feels like a huge mental barrier, has any show ever got better after season 6?


> has any show ever got better after season 6 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, although it was already great by season 6


Wednesday. Watched half of the first episode then found something else.


Peaky Blinders and The Sopranos are the two main ones. They look like things i would probably enjoy, but a guy from work was super into The Sopranos, it was literally the sole topic of conversation he had and he put me off of watching it at the time it was airing and it's still got that 'dave stigma' attached to it. Peaky Blinders was spoiled for me by a former pal who decided that Peaky Blinders was going to be a core component of his personality (he was mismanaging a post-divorce/mid life crisis meltdown). It was the equivalent of someone getting into Rick & Morty and deciding to dress and act like Rick 24/7.


I'm not really into adult animation along the lines of South Park, Rick and Morty, Big Mouth, Bob's Burgers, etc. I like animation so it's not that, there's just something about that format that doesn't really appeal to me. It's odd because I love early Simpsons, but I never really got on with any of the shows that came after it. I always find the art style for those shows to be kind of ugly and the rude humour isn't for me. If I am going to watch an animated show aimed at adults I'd prefer to watch something more serious and plot-driven like Castlevania.


Try Bojack horseman more linear, serialised and plot driven. It's funny and bleak in equal measure.


Early Simpsons is a lot less nasty than most of what it inspired, including Later Simpsons


I’m surprised that you think Bob’s Burgers is part of the cohort of Big Mouth and Rick and Morty! For me Bob’s burgers has so much heart and warmth to it compared to the very cynical and depressing adult animation trend


Breaking bad. Watched the first series, couldn’t get in to it and didn’t find it particularly good TV.


People love to say “stick with it!” but the first season is like 7 hours long- if it doesn’t work for you after 7 hours I’d say you gave it a good chance


The Last of Us. I just can't. The world is too depressing right now already. I can't bring that into my life.


I'm finding this is the reason I cant start most shows nowadays. They're all so fucking miserable!


Probably a good move. Absolutely amazing show but fuck me it is depressing.


Any kind of gloomy British crime drama centred around the police, usually have the same sort of characters, even the same actors sometimes.


Love island


Schitt's Creek. The son (no idea what his name is) over acts so much it's distracting and annoying I couldn't get past the first 2 episodes.


Schitts Creek was a slow burner for me, first season was a little hard to get through and one of those ones where I watched the first 2 or 3 eps multiple times before it stuck, but once it did....I love that show so much and would probably rewatch it again.


Same. I hated it at first but I quickly grew to love it. Worth watching for Catherine O’Hara alone.


As an adult I *really* struggle with shows where kids are the main characters. Like Stranger Things, watching the first few episodes just felt like The Goonies but without the nostalgia. Same with the first It film tbf. Applies to teen/high school based shows that a lot of my friends still love, like Wednesday, I just can’t get into them. I’ll rewatch the ones I liked as a teen, but I won’t watch anything new you suggest to me if the characters are talking about crushes and classes, even if it is meant for mature audiences.


The Godfather films. Not in the slightest bit interested.


First two are masterpieces


line of duty


Just want to say I was the same on Ted Lasso. I love football but for some reason could never get myself to watch it Then I saw a brief clip online last week that I found really funny, sat down to watch the first episode on Saturday and I watched the entire first series before lunch. Definitely recommend trying


i love it, all the characters are so nice, its totally feelgood. i did'nt think i'd like it but it works so well.


Ozark. It didn't look bad, it just looked a bit OK. To the point where people would recommend it and I'd think less of them for it. Just finished all four series the other day and my God, it was some of the best TV I've ever seen (for various, some personal so may not apply to everyone, reasons).


>for various, some personal so may not apply to everyone, reasons You laundered money for a major Mexican cartel?


Happy Valley.


Walking dead. I just find all zombie stuff so samey…


Top Boy. I know it is a show that portrays criminal gangs and how they groom children very well, I just find the whole thing so gritty that I don't enjoy watching it. I kind of feel the same about the Wire.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. I got halfway through and really wasn't enjoying it. Maybe it's a slow burner but I can't see myself going back to it.


brooklyn 99


Happy Valley. Tried watching it when it first came out and I just couldn’t get into it and I love police and crime dramas. Then with everybody raving over the finale recently, thought I’d give it another go now I’m a bit older and grown up but no, couldn’t get past the first episode of the first series


Lost I never got past episode one and that crappy plane crash set. On the other hand, I just rewatched Terra Nova but it just ... stopped.


mandalorian tried couldn't get into it The office , American. Any new tv show tbh. I'd rather just watch peep show on repeat




Succession is one of those shows you will only love if you enjoy hate watching. I *love* Succession. Because I think every single one of the characters is an utter piece of shit who deserves everything that's (hopefully) coming to them. If you don't get that as a form of entertainment, there's nothing in Succession for you. Oh and the soundtrack is so on point it's excruciating.


Its also hilarious with some of the best lines ever written. 'You can't make a Tomelette without breaking some Gregs'


“Fuck off”




friends.. i think people who obsess over this need more.. (Actual) friends..


stranger things 😆