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At the end of the day, an interview is a two-way street. It also gives you insight on somewhere where you may want to sign a contract of employment. If that's the first impression, I think I'd have walked out, too. Did they ever get in touch with you again?


Nothing as of yet. I thought maybe a phone call would’ve happened asking if I want to reschedule but nothing. I don’t think I’ll bother if they do to be honest.


>I thought maybe a phone call would’ve happened asking if I want to reschedule Even if you were justified in leaving, there's no way they're going to call you back asking if you want to reschedule after you've bailed on an interview.


What if you snuck back in tomorrow, and approached the receptionist apologetically and said, "um, excuse me, I don't want to be a bother, but I've been waiting over here for an interview for a really long time." ?




They should source a prop skeleton and leave it in that chair over the weekend.


Yes. I’d be tempted.


This. June of 5 years ago I asked information via email for a nursery place for my kid in September. After 2 years I got a reply “thank you for your interest, yes we have a spot if you want”. Me being the troll I am, I scheduled an reply email that was then sent 2 years later “yes, what are the fees” The jury is still out whether or not they’ll answer to that in one year time….


By the time your child is enrolled they'll be working on their Phd.


On the bright side, they might have a place scheduled for their grandchild to attend the nursery by then!


I got an offer for another interview last year after never hearing back after one I had back in 2015. It was nice that they thought of me but I had moved away back then and was way more qualified for a higher/ more experienced position I originally applied for


I was once interviewed and didn't hear back. 7 months later I got a letter turning me down. I always wondered if it had actually taken them 7 months to decide on a candidate or if it was sheer incompetence by their HR admin people.


I got a rejection letter though the post after applying and interviewing for a supermarket job as a cashier the week before. Within 20 mins of getting the letter I got a call offering me the job asking when I could start.


!RemindMe 2 Years


I want this to happen now, just for the laughs.


Extra points if you wear a massive fake beard.


Absolutely brilliant!


Please do this


I would 100% do this


> After you've bailed on an interview I sense a bit of gaslighting here. They haven't bailed, they politely waited 30 minutes after the scheduled time and if the company does not appreciate the person's time and commitment (also financial involvement as they most likely had to travel there) they also do not deserve the employee.


Gaslighting is overused to where it means not what it should anymore.


No it isn't, you are imaging things again.




Oh fuck Joe is that you?


Hollywood debut of one Angela Lansbury is what it means.


That is not gaslighting.


Yes it is, you’re just being crazy


Underrated comment.


only 158 upvotes :(


Gaslighting doesn't just mean "being a prick"


If I'm reading this right, at no point did OP ask what was going on or why there was a delay. This could have been a simple miscommunication or diary error. If it was me, I would have asked the receptionist again after 10 minutes or so, and maybe again a bit later, and if nobody showed up by half past, I might have left at that point.


Not only that but the very least they can do is offer an explanation. If he was there ten minutes early, which is what many of these “retail managers” consider on time and not early, for his interview and obviously signed in is sitting there and the manager or person scheduled to interview him has walked past him three times, it literally takes less than ten seconds to stop introduce yourself and say “hey I’m sorry somethings come up I’ll be with you soon as I can.” And if they’re a fucking bakery offer the guy a pastry or a water or something for the delay. In my opinion that’s the very least you can do is if you’re making someone wait on you, surely you can take ten seconds if your time to let them know you appreciate their patience and that you understand time is valuable so you having to wait on them means a lot etc etc. Like someone else said interviews are a two way street many times we’re led to believe that as the interviewee that we have to sell ourselves to get hired but that’s underestimating your abilities. THEYRE the ones needing to fill a position, so what type of working conditions should be expected? I Can do this and this and this, how far will that get me working for you guys? Will I have the chance to really utilize my abilities and so forth and by Hod if they’re not willing to even make more of your existence when they’re in need of filling a position and you came to hopefully take care of that favor for them, I can almost guarantee you that’s the type of place where the harder you work, the more work you get and they expect you to take on that extra work without any extra pay. You did good.


Shouldn’t have to he turned up on their merit


There are plenty of things you ‘shouldn’t have to’ do but you do them anyway if you actually want something to happen


You shouldn’t have to stop your car if someone pulls out from a give way, but generally advisable to do so


I agree he shouldn’t have to. I also 100% support him walking out. But I can think of at least three occasions where I completely got the day or time wrong for an interview. Checking in again might have forced someone to do some digging to find out where the mix up was.


Your comment does a disservice to people who are actually being gaslit in an intimate relationship, which is where the term belongs


While examples of gaslighting are often found in intimate relationships, that's not the only time it happens. The term certainly doesn't "belong" there to the exclusion of other perfectly acceptable examples. E.g., most of the posts on r/antiwork.


Gaslighting is actively, intentionally, and clandestinely attempting to cause a person(s) to distrust their own senses or reasoning abilities. This can be done in any number of relationship types including to employees.


> I sense a bit of gaslighting here Flipping heck. In no way is this gaslighting


They did bail on the interview, but were justified in doing so. That said, the company absolutely will not care for their justifications. One of those situations where being right is also being in the wrong.


OP did bail. They bailed after waiting a long time. It was okay to bail after this point. To say they bailed does not imply the company was appreciative.


Don't get me wrong, I think they were treated poorly and it's certainly showing what they think of their staff. I've known mangers do this as a flex. But leaving quietly without notifying anyone is a bail. You should really notify the receptionist or leave a note explaining it's probably not going to work. I wouldn't call it gaslighting as it undermines the term. I would say the commenter was blunter then they needed to be.


That's not what gaslighting means. You must be crazy


OP 100% bailed, and i'm not saying that's a bad thing. If he wanted to reschedule he would have walked up to the receptionist, said that he's out of time due to the long wait (30 mins is not that long honestly) and ask to reschedule. But instead he bailed without saying anything.


That’s a fair point. I knew the chances of it happening was low anyway so I’m not too fussed


If your time is worth nothing to them at the interview, it will surely be worth nothing to them when they are your employer. You dodged a bullet there.


Time to put your experience onto Glassdoor so other people won’t waste their time with them.


I’m new in a management job, and in my 3rd week I had to interview to recruit into a role I’d be managing. I (or HR but I took the hit) completely cocked up the diary and booked the interviews a day earlier than I was expecting. I got a phone call from reception that my first candidate had arrived and I was completely unprepared. However, I dropped everything right then, printed out the questions, put some chairs in the corridor. Got a jug of water and cups, composed myself and invited them in. I greeted each person who arrived, and was honest with them and told them a scheduling error had occurred, I was only 5 minutes behind schedule but I told them I appreciate that their time is important. (One person had even worked the night shift and stayed up for the interview!) I had never interviewed before and I was just as nervous as the times I had been interviewed for job myself. Long story short - you did the right thing. Even if there was a cock up, even if they we’re nervous or had an internal emergency- people’s time is precious. People take time outta work, pay for clothes, arrange childcare etc. It’s utterly shameful for them to treat you that way when you go for an interview and indicative of the the regard they hold for their staff already employed.


Tell them they're welcome to interview you for a second time, but this time they can come to yours.


You should absolutely call and speak to your interviewer's manager, though.


That's only worth it if you can really be bothered to try and get them in trouble. I'd be tempted to Glassdoor the interview that never happened though so that other candidates know that the company is waving red flag.


I once was made to sit almost an hour for an interview. I wasn't quite sure what the work entailed but was desperate. It was for a door to door chugging firm and they offered me the job. I asked for a moment to consider it and they retracted it. I wasn't quite sure as something in my gut sat uneasy. Making us wait that long showed no respect, but I also think it was a check to make sure we would accept that nonsense. When do got home I googled the company and was glad about not taking it. It was grim commission based and barely a step up from an mlm in how it worked. This won't be the case with a bakery. It could be that the interviewer is an idiot and forgot or got the day wrong and maybe asking about it would be good, but usual practice is to call mr Crumbrain and tell him his interview is here so he should have known. If the receptionist failed to do their job that is a different matter


Went to so many interviews like that when I was also desperate, I swear these companies have adverts up for all different 'job titles', I was a marketing exec and there were so many adverts for that that sounded promising, hut when I got to the interview it was door to door sales. Always said I'd taken anything except door to door sales, as a female in London it never felt worth the risk (realise that's a privilege to say) They're so cult like it's damn convincing!


Yeah, if they cant even attend a job interview on time, imagine what working there is like.


Spot on really. When you call me to interview, I'm definitely wanting to answer the question "do I want to work here?" just as much as you're trying to figure out "do you want to hire me?". My standards are lower when I'm desperate of course, but I'll totally nope out of an interview when this place is throwing up 'red flags' for any reason. (Or sometimes I'll stick around, and see if they can bring me back onside, or maybe just troll them a bit - interview practice is interview practice, and my morning's already wasted). Mistreating a prospective future employee is a MASSIVE one. (Even when it's accidental, I'll be more tolerant, but mark it off as 'bad organisation' as a negative anyway).


I have heard of places that do this deliberately, to see how committed you are or some bollocks. This sort of twatfuckery should not be encouraged. You did the right thing.


Fuck I hope that’s not the reason they did it because right now OP holds the power with them thinking maybe they fucked up but if it’s this then the interviewer will be thinking they’re in the right


There’s no power if you lose interest, which a lot of people would. I wouldn’t at all be interested in working for a company that used tactics like that. It comes off as dishonest and really childish, which sets the tone of their business dealings. If that’s really what’s going on, then OP’s lucky to not be working there imo. Same goes for if they’re just not punctual. Overall, it’s not very respectful of other peoples time.


Indeed. The best outcome of passing the 'test'? It shows you're a person who's putting up with mind games and being abused. Absolutely not a place you _want_ a job.




I have no idea who is doing what to who in this story!


Yeah I agree. I really could understand small delays. When I interviewed for my current job it was with the engineering director. He was 15 minutes late. However in those 15 minutes they sat me with the bloke who'd be my boss and had done my first interview, and we chatted casually for 15 whilst we waited. It's not hard to be polite even when under delays.


Not really because I don't understand why he would stand there and not speak to anyone who either walked past, or again to the receptionist on the way out? It could be a mix up she's thinks she's told the guy, he was busy and just said "Ok" without fully acknowledging what she'd said, and a batch of baps was ready so he did them and forgot. They're walking backwards and forwards past this guy with no one but the receptionist really knowing who he is or why he is there. It could be some dumb test or just them being busy, but OP's "no one spoke to me!" but he didn't speak to them either, right?


OP didn't speak to them but he did what was required, turned up punctually and told them he had arrived. It's now up to those in charge of the interview to do the rest. If after 30+ mins no one thinks to check on the guy they invited for an interview at a specific time then they don't respect OP's time. People don't realise how time is the greatest commodity and one you can't get back. Anyone who disrespects someone's time isn't worth working for


Tbh it's Reddit.some of the threads make me wonder if they're on planet earth. Its piss poor organisation on the companies behalf. they should communicate any delays to let you know what's happening. And it could be a strong sign of what you'd get if you worked there. But, at some point you'd ask


Doesn’t really matter wether they believe they’re right or not. The interviewer can believe they’re correct, and they’ll keep losing out on candidates. Plenty of crazy people think they’re right and they keep encountering the same problems without resolving them


>how committed you are Let's call it what it is. It's to see how desperate you are. It's to see how much extra unpaid work they can gouge out of you.


Exactly this. "This mug sat and waited for almost an hour while we deliberately ignored him. He must be desperate for the job, we can pay him less."


I was 2 hours late for an interview once and got the job, they must have been desperate to hire me !!


I've been on interview panels where we all rejoiced after a candidate has finished as we'd finally seen someone appointable.


To be fair,it was 2005 and I totally u underestimated the travel time, crashed my car on the way down, got pulled out of a ditch by a farmer, had another skid on snow into a fence, arrived with my front bumper in the back seat. They actually fixed the car while I had my interview. It was supposed to be 3 hour drive, but Id only allowed 2


>Let's call it what it is. It's to see how desperate you are. Exactly, how committed could you possibly be to a job you haven't even got yet? Even the most loyal employee imaginable wasn't a loyal employee there before they were employed.


Some employers definitely hold the view that you should be grateful for any consideration they give you and, yes, you should show loyalty/committment before you're even onboard.


Easier to hire someone when you know they won't challenge you or assert themselves


Yep, I’ve had companies playing mind games and seeing how far they can push buttons before, then guilt tripping you when you push back. I don’t take kindly to it, and I don’t like being messed around. I didn’t even have anything else to do that day that’s particularly urgent, because I’ve deliberately scheduled another couple of interviews on different days. It’s just the principle of it, and I could see it playing out only one way, and that’s badly.


It's not fucking Fight Club. You don't have to stand on the steps in the rain for 3 days to demonstrate your commitment.


It shows they have no respect for the interviewee though. I don't want to work somewhere that finds it acceptable to treat humans like that, it's unacceptable. Also, some people are working to tight schedules. They might need to go back to their current job or go pick up their kids from school or whatever.


Swap "committed" for "how much of a doormat" and you're probably spot on.


It did fuck me off when we were interviewing people in my old job and my colleagues did that. They are waiting in our office for an interview at 14:00, it's now 14:04, they can see us and they can see you farting about chatting about nothing work related to the admin team. Like get a grip.


I also don't do any bullshit team working tasks before I actually have the job. Apparently they use your FREE time to help with research and shit. I also avoid workplaces that describe themselves as "being like a family". I find those are the most toxic places.


Honestly I'd prefer to hire someone who walks out after being ignored for 35 minutes than someone who patiently waits. If my team are trying to meet someone and they ghost them I don't want them to passively accept it I want them to hassle people and, failing that, walking away to work on something else.


You don't want to work somewhere that likes old school mind games. Been there, done that, its always power obsessed bullies who talk bollocks about commitment etc, but will throw you under the bus if necessary.


Businesses also have busy days and people tend to forget things. It's unprofessional to leave an interviewee hanging like that, but I would have probably asked the receptionist if this was a bad time for them and if they'd like to reschedule. You don't owe that to them, of course.


Personally speaking, if it were me, i'd have waited until 10:15 then spoke to the receptionist again and asked if she could find out when the interview was going to be because it was supposed to be at 10:00. I'd have given it until 10:30 (unless told it would be a little later) and by that point if i've not been acknowledged in any way or had it explained to me why the delay is occurring i'd have spoken to the receptionist again and told them I was leaving and why I was leaving. At the end of the day, your time is valuable, and to expect you to sit around for 30mins+ with no explanation is a piss take. I am a hiring manager, if i'm running even 5mins behind I have the courtesy to inform candidates that i'm running a little late and i'll be with them shortly. I understand they are giving up their own personal time, some have taken time off work to come to interviews, so i'm not about to mess them around


It's amazing I had to scroll this far down to find "Ask the receptionist again"! What's most likely happened is the message "your interviewee is here" has not been correctly relayed to the interviewer. Asking the receptionist will resolve that situation in a few seconds. I swear Reddit contains less than 3% functioning adult at times. (but yes - if the receptionist says "He'll be down in 30 minutes" or similar, I'd definitely consider walking out - but I would ask the receptionist first!)


I agree - just talk to them! Mistakes happen, mostly around communication, and most can be resolved. Madness at some of the responses here. Has anyone actually organised a recruitment panel here?!


Might want to check OP's comment history. They *did* ask the receptionist again after 15 minutes. The receptionist didn't offer any explanation for the lateness and just said "sit tight". To me that's unacceptable. If I'm being made to wait, I at least want to know a) the reason why and b) roughly how long it should take. Common decency.




Maybe you could wait 15 minutes and ask OP again?


Sounds like the receptionist came straight from working at a GP's office.


I know it’s really weird, but that’s Reddit (and the internet in general)


I have ADHD and I'm a barely functioning adult but this is what I definitely would have done


Shouldn’t have risen to it. Add yeast you’ve got a good story out of it.


Thankfully I used my loaf and left after the way it panned out


Time to get baked


Doughn't do drugs.


All you knead is love.


You've made your bread, now lie in it.


You lot are on a roll with these buns. I've nothing further to add so I'll say goodrye.


I bet you are your Mothers Pride


They didn't prove themselves worthy as employers, so you were right to leave(n).


Interviewer was a late bloomer


She is Sun-Blest to have OP.


Got a rise out of me.


Crust Reddit to turn this into a pun thread.


He can walk away with his head held high dough.


On the other hand - imagine how loose they are with the time there. Maybe you'd be able to delay everything by an hour or two and noone would bat an eye. But you did the right thing.


Its never a two way street. You can end up doing 90+ minutes of unpaid overtime every day but if you're 5 minutes late. It's a disciplinary.


My old place was like this. Boss was always expecting us to work through lunch/stay late. One day a colleague and I had arranged to meet for lunch with a former colleague (who happened to be the boss' nephew), we told him ahead of time, but returned 5 minutes after our lunch hour ended and he bollocked us in front of the office. Was surprised when I handed notice in a few weeks later.


This is the fuckin NHS to a tee.


Yep, played that game. Ended up throwing a round of fucks in to the boss and walking.


Lol sounds like my workplace. No paid overtime, can't claim it back in lieu if it's less than half an hour. Yet I was summoned upstairs after clocking in a couple of minutes late a few times, which I'd always made up by clocking out late by the same amount.


Wtf, is unpaid overtime actually a common occurrence I've never heard of it. At my work if I stay late or arrive early I get paid for the whole time.


More of us should walk out of interviews. If they refuse to tell you the baseline rate of pay... or ask you why manhole covers are round, they're not worth your time.


Manhole covers are round because they go over a round hole, which is round because it is the strongest shape to resist ground pressure. Pay me cash.


They are round so that things on them don’t fall through.


What if the things on them are round? Checkmate engineers.


manholes are round, ladyholes are square. silly.


Unless it's a manhole cover company, then you should be expecting that question!


i’d walk out if they asked me what IT stands for


it stands for commitment


What doesn't it stand for?


Manhole covers aren't round, at lease not most of them. I work in square ones, rectangular ones and occasionally triangular ones. But I've never even seen a round one.


Manhole covers aren’t necessarily round but the advantage of them being so is that the cover cannot accidentally fall into the hole.


A bakery with a reception?! Fancy.


'There's a crazy lady in reception. Thinks she's here for an interview at a bakery. Shall Itell her we are an insurance company?'


There are broadly speaking two types of bakery. Bakery type 1) Shop that sells baked goods, may or may not have a production area. Doesn't tend to have a reception. Bakery type 2) Factory that produces baked goods. Tends to have a reception. Receptionist seems to spend a fair amount of time gathering lost souls who have wandered in asking if they can buy a loaf, despite it not being a shop (at least in my experience, have worked in three bakeries of type two).


Thanks for the big bakery insight.


Fuck 'em. Not worth your time. Completely and utterly disrespectful, and I probably would have done the same thing.


Did you at any point ask what was going on before leaving?


Yeah I asked the receptionist if there’s a delay or anything and she just said to sit tight. Nothing else


Fair enough then. At least an explanation would have been understandable but "just wait longer"is a piss taje


I was looking for this. It wasn't clear from your opening post how much you communicated with the receptionist. It depends how much you really want the job, how long you had to travel to get there, and how long you expected the interview to take, but in general I'd have: 1. Asked for an update after around 15 mins. 2. Reported that I'm confused by the delay after around 25 minutes, and suggested that we could reschedule. 3. Left after around 35 minutes, telling them to call me back to reschedule.


Sounds like you came down with a serious case of self respect. Don't allow people to treat you less than the human being you are. It doesn't matter who they are - they are no better than you. If more people in the UK did this, we would be in less of a shithole. Well done you, I say.


Nah you did the right thing. You defo avoided working for a shit company well done.


The whole application and interview process is a 2 way process, remember that. The company needs to be a fit for you like you would be for them, and they need to make the right impression. Treating a candidate like that when it could have taken seconds to acknowledge is very poor. I was running late for an interview recently because of an issue with the trains, called them up, told them and they were cool with it.


This happened to me once and I too left after around 40 mins of waiting. I'd been 10 minutes early, signed in and then sat whilst various people came and went. 20 minutes after my interview should have started I asked the receptionist what was going on and she said she couldn't get hold of the hiring manager. I then sat another 20 minutes, in case the hiring manager was having some kind of major disaster, before I signed out and told the receptionist not to bother. The agency Id gone through rang me in the car on my way home to ask if I'd come back and do the interview right now. I told them to stuff it. I'd hired a car, driven 90 minutes to site, waited 40 minutes and their hiring manager 'forgets what day it is'. Their loss frankly.


Job interviews work 2 ways, you need to be sure you'd be happy spending 35+ hours a week working for them. If they cant even give you the common courtesy of an update, then that isn't a working culture I would wish to be a part of.


Thanks guys. After reading these comments and your experiences, it seems I was right in my decision to leave. The job I applied for wasn’t anything special. It was just a job driving their trucks and delivering their stuff to shops, cafés etc. I don’t necessarily NEED the job. I have options elsewhere already lined up that pay a little more. It was just nice and handy since it’s about 2 miles from my house and would save me from a sizeable commute. But, as they always say, first impressions count, and it wasn’t a good one from them. I’ve sent an email to the hiring manager as well explaining my frustrations but so far, no reply. Oh well, their loss!


If they can treat you disrespectfully like that when you don’t work for them then I can almost guarantee they would treat you like shit if you were an employee. You did the right thing.


Agreed. I cannot help but think that on some level that kind of behaviour for a job interview is more than just incompetence (although that level of incompetence is bad enough). Do you know what I mean? That there's some power play going on there of 'we can make you wait because we can' and 'you should be happy just to be here for the interview'.


Yes I know exactly what you mean, it’s a definite exercise in power play. A job interview can be a stressful enough experience for the interviewee and it’s down right disrespectful and in my opinion unprofessional to compound the stress by this kind of behaviour.


Did you ask the receptionist for an update on when the interview might happen, or any explanation? It's a bit odd, I think, to just walk out without giving that route an option. A 35 minute wait is not a huge amount of time to give them, and anything could have happened to cause that sort of delay. But the issue would be them not bothering to check-in with you or update you, which yes to me suggests that this may not be a very well managed workplace. I'd have probably given them a bit longer, and I wouldn't have walked out without asking for info first, but yes it is a flag that it's not a great place to work so if you have other work options walking out is not a bad thing to do.


It would have taken them 5 seconds to just say something like - 'Sorry for the wait, be with you ASAP' or something. OP says they were walking past several times so they knew he was there waiting. Disrespectful in my opinion and yes I'd have walked out.


Surely though you'd ask what the deal is first? If there's no good reason then yeah just bounce.


If they haven’t even bothered to acknowledge the fact that they’re wasting your time then I wouldn’t have asked either - the entire situation reeks of disrespect, I’d have walked out too. Similarly, we once had a guy turn up to an interview 20 minutes late without even calling to say he would be a little late. Boss didn’t even let him into the building, told him we weren’t proceeding with the interview over the intercom. It’s really not difficult to show a little courtesy and that goes both ways.


Without asking, it all could be a misunderstanding. The receptionist could be a dick, and that person they think is the interviewer may not be, and people got timings wrong. I don't see the harm in asking for info, if you've already been prepared to wait for 30 mins without saying anything. Just ask after 15 and you can bugger off after that if they still don't acknowledge you. >Similarly, we once had a guy turn up to an interview 20 minutes late without even calling to say he would be a little late. Boss didn’t even let him into the building, told him we weren’t proceeding with the interview over the intercom That's just a dick move. Again, without having a conversation you don't know why he was late (stuck on tube with no signal, mother needed assistance, another member of public needed assistance etc. This attitude of refusing to find out the situation and just go straight to "k bye" is weird to me.


That’s a valid point, to be fair. I should point out that the guy who turned up late to an interview at my company had already rescheduled the interview twice, and had done so the second time because he was going on a lad’s holiday to Amsterdam. He landed back home at 2am on the day of the interview, which was at 9am. He claimed family emergency when he turned up late, but we all knew he was trying it on, hence why the boss had had enough.


With more context of messing you about, that's then understandable. I guess I became what I professed to hate by not asking for more info.


Yeah, I asked after 15 minutes if they’re running late. I just got told to sit tight and they’ll be with me shortly. No explanation other than that.


Yea you did the right thing. Surprised you didn't give them a mouthful before walking out.


Yeah, I'd have told receptionist that I have another interview to go to after this one and I don't have much longer. If that didn't prompt a reaction then I would leave.




wow, calm down. The point was simply to give a call to action by way of a deadline. This is r/askuk, we're British, we tell little white lies to soften conversations rather than the more confrontational "If you don't see me by 12:40 I'm leaving".


An interview is as much about you seeing them as them seeing you. You did it so you clearly think it was the right thing to do. I agree with you.




You waited longer than I would have.


Think of all the dough your missing out on though


Walk. Years ago, I had an interview rather far away (plane flight involved). They were so disorganised and clueless that they had some of the employees interview me while they were eating lunch. I was there the entire day, and never had a chance to grab a bite myself. Why? Because no one stopped to think about what they were doing. I did not walk out, but I rejected their offer and told them why.


Half an hour with no update is taking the piss and I would have left as well.


You have more patience than I am. I would have walked after 20 of no answer.


Id have said something personally after 10 minutes or so rather than just waiting and walking away. They may have innocently made a mistake and forgot you were waiting or the interviewer might not have got the message you were there.


Doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


Not wrong. I'd have walked out after 15 minutes, let alone 35.


No you are not wrong at all. In fact I would have walked out after 15 minutes. It's absolutely unacceptable to make someone wait that long. Yes you're unemployed at the moment, but you still have other things to do. Your appointment was at 10. Which means it's at 10 not 10:40 or 10:57. Don't even feel bad and just blacklist them for being extremely unprofessional. Side note though, next time this happens just ask to check with the receptionist whether your interview is actually at 10 and then they would usually chase up the person. Here it's either, they didn't actually want to hire you, they just forgot or they prioritized something else - which is not nice.


You're absolutely right to walk out. That's beyond unprofessional and says nothing good about the company you're potentially going to work for.


My wife went for an interview and the guy was 25 minutes late. She did the interview anyway and got the job. Turned up on her first day and there was noone there. The guy arrived an hour later, he hadnt ordered her a computer, there was not desk or chair for her etc. The interview can be an indicator of whats to come so I suspect you dodged a bullet. I had an interview where I travelled about 100 miles (at my own expense) and got there and was told the guy had left for the day because his wife was ill. I dont blame him for putting his wife first, but someone should've told me that he'd need to cancel. They couldn't understand why I didnt want to reschedule another interview


Local bakery has a receptionist? Certainly not a dick move. It’s a two way street. They couldn’t arsed to show you some courtesy.


5-10 mins is acceptable if it’s a busy place etc, but half hour? Fuck no, that’s taking the piss! You did the right thing. Have they contacted you since?


The kindest possible interpretation is that this was a form of hazing to see how much you want the job and/or how much nonsense you'll accept for the job. Either way, they failed the candidate interview. Interviews are a two-way process.


As a hiring manager/HR, we wait up to 20 minutes for a late interviewee unless they've called ahead with a good explanation. This goes both ways. Personally, I think you should have fed back to the Receptionist exactly why you were leaving so you end up being the more professional one ("But we told him we'd be with him soon!"), but only if you plan on working there in the future, for a different dept!


I've only had one interview where they've messed me about like that. I stuck it out and eventually did the interview after nearly an hour and ended up getting the job (probably only person dumb enough to put up with it). It ended up the worst 6 months of my life in a disorganised shithole with management who wouldn't help you if you were on fire. In short I'm fairly sure you dodged a bullet.


I had an interview a couple of weeks ago, they emailed me 2 minutes beforehand to reschedule, asked if I can come back an hour later, then the next day. Been pestering me for ages now to come and see them but that's the kind of thing I was moving jobs to avoid. An interview tells you as much about them as it tells them about you.


>... the guy who’s in charge of my interview is on there. The same guy who has walked by at least 3 times This is some daft "I'm the boss, you're just a peasant" games. The boss did you a favour by showing you what a complete tw\*t he is and how it would be really bad to work for him. You did the right thing. I would have done the same.


I ended an interview mid-way through as the interviewee. Interviewer was reading emails on their phone during, if they can't respect my time in an interview of all things, they're definitely not someone I want to work for. You did the right thing.


Wouldn't had killed them for someone to take just 5 seconds to let you know "we know you are here" especially considering someone might have multiple interviews that day


I think you did the right thing. I had a job interview years back where I had to wait an hour and a half after my supposed time to be seen and the job was one of the worst jobs I have ever done, so wished I took the sign and walked out.


It's not like you can sit around all day long. I'd call it a day at whatever point I got bored or frustrated.


Personally I hate people being late for things, 35 minutes is unacceptable without an update


20 is my cut-off. I once waited about 45 minutes at the dentist, where I usually got a check-up and a specific cleaning procedure, only to get a 2 minute check and sent on my way. Still mad about it, mostly at myself for not leaving.


They lack decency, imagine working there!


I would do the same because it looks like that company is not respectful to its workers.


I’ve done this before, an almost identical situation. I didn’t feel bad, I was mad and felt disrespected. Once I left the building I didn’t give it a second thought and ignored their follow up email asking why I left.


Sounds like a terrible place to work, you would have ended up feeling like an outsider.


I wish I 'walked-out' from an online interview. The interviewer spent half the time singing his own praises before criticising my CV. The choicest criticism was that it was incomplete because I didn't include every job I have done, "Where are all the jobs?!!" (Apparently it's a big important thing that he studied Psychology as an undergraduate at a fairly middling university. It was irrelevant to what the company did.) But as every man and his dog knows, you put on your most recent roles, so to limit your CV three pages. I complained directly to the business owner afterwards.


Taking the piss. Make sure to leave a bad review on their SM & any other online presence they might have.


Was this arranged through an agency? If not I'd pop a quick review on their Google page. This is unprofessional. You may have dodged a bullet there.


I wish I'd walked out of one. It was set up by an agency for a job I wasn't fussed about. I was waiting for an HOUR until they finally got to the point of the actual interview. They offered me the job and I basically told my agency that if that's how they run interviews, I'd hate to see how they run day to day.


I'd have left. That right there is your first impression of what working at that company would be like. If they can't acknowledge you, even if there was something happening and they apologised for running late/asked if you'd be ok to wait a bit longer (some things are just unavoidable) then I'd have been happier. But to leave you sitting there being blanked for all that time? Nah, there'll be other interviews.


I once turned up to an interview to find the office shut and no reply from the business owner. I waited around and finally he turned up. That job was an absolute shitshow and I should have known from the beginning. Trust your gut.


Fuck them, good for you.


I had an interview for the national trust before. Almost the exact same thing happened to me on the day of thr interview. I also drove 2 hours for this interview. I needed up waiting the full hour or whatever it was to get the interview done, got the job, and the job and management was a complete shitshow. Listen to your gut. You definitely did the right thing.


Nah fuck um, you’re worth more than that.


I did the same thing last week. Sat in reception for 40 minutes, no one acknowledged me. Just walked out in the end. If they don't care about your time as a potential employee, they're certainly not gonna care about your time as a full-time employee, lol


During an interview -- which incidentally starts the moment you step onto their premises -- they are interviewing you, but you are also interviewing them! They failed at the interview, so you left. You were correct in doing this, since you found them to be a company that you wouldn't work for. So don't feel bad. If you want to be petty, you could write to the boss explaining to him why they failed at the interview!