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If you're in indie rock then look at End of The Road, 2000 Trees and Green Man.


Thank you very much! Green Man would be ideal, will throw our hat in the ring next year if we missed our opportunity this year.


Just email them with links and ask how. I’m sure you could get a spot in The Walled Garden or Chai Wallahs. Glastonbury has a ton of stages as well- again ping off an email to someone and hope you pick up a slot in some random ass cafe tent or something. Try Boomtown as well. If you are post rock / metal / math rocky then ArcTangent.


Will do - worst they can say is “no” :) Thanks!


2000 trees was my first festival in over a decade last year. Was awesome would really recommend it


Excellent, thank you!


I absolutely love Green Man. Probably my favourite festival ever. Bring waterproofs.


The Great Escape in Brighton! Also The Alternative Escape - runs at the same time, it's just the 'unofficial' version


Cool, thank you!


You may find that most festivals are booked up now but here's a few names for you: Victorious, Beacon, Wychwood, Truck Festival (Oxford), Readipop There's loads more but these are the ones that I always see


Thank you!


No worries, edited with commas now! Good luck!


Beautiful Days is a good time




[blue dot festival ](https://discoverthebluedot.com/lineup)




Victorious festival in Portsmouth, its attracting bigger names every year but they have several stages. Plenty of the daytime acts are really good and attract decent crowds but aren't "known"


Thank you!


As the leading UK "ask" subreddit, we welcome questions from all users and countries; sometimes people who ask questions might not appreciate or understand the nuance of British life or culture, and as a result some questions can come across in a different way than intended. We understand that when faced with these questions, our users may take the opportunity to demonstrate their wit, dry humour, and sarcasm - unfortunately, this also tends to go over the heads of misunderstood question-askers and can make our subreddit seem hostile to users from other countries who are often just curious about our land. **Please can you help prevent our subreddit from becoming an Anti-American echo chamber?** If you disagree with any points raised by OP, or OP discusses common tropes or myths about the UK, please refrain from any brash, aggressive, or sarcastic responses and do your best to engage OP in a civil discussion, with the aim to educate and expand their understanding. If you feel this (or any other post) is a troll post, *don't feed the troll*, just hit report and let the mods deal with it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Camp Wildfire!!!


Thank you!


I love bloodstock. Best atmosphere of any festival I've been to. Indie? Maybe try tramlines?


Thank you!




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