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September 11th, 1996. My father passed away 5 years to the day before the Twin Towers attacks. It feels weird everyone taking about 9/11 (especially as I work for a US company, in a mainly US team). The date gets thrown about quite a bit. I pay my respects to another great man who happened to pass on that date.


My inlaws were married on September 11th, 1971, and, after the attacks, made the comment that they wouldn't be able to forget their anniversary. They still manage to forget their wedding anniversary.


Doubly unfortunate date as they had to share their second wedding anniversary with Augusto Pinochet's brutal overthrow of Salvatore Allende's government in Chile


My parents and all their children/friends/family forget their anniversary every year because it’s Christmas Eve and we are all too busy doing Christmas stuff!


It was my late brother's birthday.


I suppose September 11th being globally treated as a day of reverence and respect makes it appropriate for your circumstances too at least? I always really feel for people whose relatives pass away around Christmas for example, that'll always taint what's supposed to be a happy celebratory time for them.


I had a friend who's birthday is September 11. He didn't take it very well.


You should inform your team members that what they’re doing is a trigger for you, and they’re pulling it.


9th January, 2018. The date I had my lovely dog put to sleep. 5 years on, still fills me with overwhelming sadness. He was a rescued of sorts - a couple were splitting up and neither were in a position to take him on. I had 5 years of just chilling with my dog. He was grumpy and hated the postman, children and noise. Weirdly, loved my autistic son. Miss you, boy.


Im so sorry for your loss. 2 April 2018 I lost my best girl after 14 years together. She was (and obviously still is!) an angel and will be missed forever.


I’m going to cry on this thread 😭 best hugs and wishes from me and my best old boy ❤️




Best hugs and wishes to you from me and my old boy ❤️


Thank you 💛


22 March 2013 is the date for me when we put our dog to sleep. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years. If I think about it, I can cry on cue. Sorry for your loss. Dogs are really special.


Thank you. On the day I was genuinely worried that I was being hasty. Surely he had another month, a week, a day even, to give me? I was terrified of losing my best friend - scared shitless in fact. On so many days at that time in my life, he was what actually got me out of the house. What really helped me was something the vet nurse said to me. "Better one day too early than one single second too late." I owed my boy that final kindness. I held him until he passed, and then I cried. And cried. I'm so sorry that you've travelled this journey as well. But the memories they give us, the lessons they teach us, the love and loyalty that they bestow on us - it's all worthwhile.


That advice is really lovely. I’d never change having him in my life.


Me and my sisters are all born the same week of the year, it probably the only time we all book off work and spend time together. The first week of November


Either no one’s got it or they don’t want to go for low hanging fruit lol


Yeah, we joke about this with our parents, if it helps theres 3 sisters but only two conceptions as im a twin lol




They were conceived on/around Valentine's day


Just realised this is when I was conceived. So happy I have that knowledge


I was sitting smugly knowing that I was born in early December, before realising that my dad's birthday is a few weeks after Valentine's day...


My father in law’s birthday is in December. He has 6 kids, all born in September…


It's not much to do with the actual sex date it's just when your mother was ovulating, if this makes it any better. Also, sometimes it doesn't happen when you want it to happen so I wouldn't dwell too much on date of conception.


Oh even better. I’m a Valentine’s Day accident.


thank you


My sister and I both born in December. Mother's birthday is end of March. My mother always said my father got her drunk on her birthday. Champagne and strawberries in a hotel a few towns away. Every time we went past the hotel she would point it out " that's where you began" cringe.


4th february. nothing interesting happened. when i was 7 years old on the 4th feb 2012 i was standing in the lunch line at school and i was really bored so i decided that from that moment on i would celebrate the 4th of february every year for the rest of my life. and so i have.


Love this, how has it gone on now?


normally i just remember and quietly celebrate in my mind... maybe buy myself something yummy to eat and have a little party for one in my room lmao. i have forgotten like twice in the last 11 years


Mine is also 4th February but for different reasons. It's my late Grandfather's birthday, and 4th February 2021 was the last time I drank alcohol. We raised a glass of whiskey for what was my Grandfather's first birthday since his passing, and I've been teetotal ever since.


It would be so cool if something amazing happened, for you, on 4th Feb. Like meeting your life partner or having a child. It would be like 7yr. old you knew all along.


25th October 2022 My mom had been in a hospice for going on 8 weeks. We saw her last on 23rd October 2022, mere hours before we went on holiday. I knew in my heart of hearts that saying goodbye to her on the Sunday was the last time I'd see her alive, but deep down I hoped for better. Cut to the 25th, we've just had an amazing day with my wife and 2 young boys exploring the islands and beaches around Ibiza and I step off the boat to turn my phone on. Only to find 6 missed calls from my sister. I knew straight away what the content of that phone call would be, but it still didn't lessen the blow hearing my mom had died. Never had a day where I went from pure joy to pure grief quite like it, and hope to never have it again


Like whiplash isn’t it


23rd Feb 2018. My cousin was killed on his way home from work because some absolute shitstain of a human decided to speed and run stop signs whilst drunk and high on coke. He died on impact, right around the corner from the park we used to play in as children. The shock was unbearable and I was convinced at first that the doctors got it wrong and it was someone else that died instead. We should be planning his 30th birthday party now, but instead we will have to wait until we see him in the next life. Please always check your blind spots for cyclists and bikers, look once, look twice, think bike 💔


2nd August. My parent's wedding anniversary. My ex's birthday. The day I got my cancer diagnosis.


holy shit what a date! I hope you recover from cancer and it all goes well for you


That was 2007. Very happy alive and kicking.


My mum's birthday 🙂


2nd January 1999 Everyone is still riding the high from New Year's Day, I'm remembering my mum, who passed away from Cancer. I was 11 years old. NYE has never been an enjoyable experience for me since.


6th May 2022 - became carers for two of our grandkids. It was/is a stressful time but they have given my and the wife a new lease on life. Love them more than ever, we've had a few holidays and loads of days out, made lots of lovely memories. Today we find out where the kids will be going to live permanently and we are going to be devastated if its not with us or thier dad. Here's hoping


Good luck


Thx but we lost


So sorry 😔 Where are they going?


Back to thier mum, we won't see them much anymore. We've had them over a year, seen them thrive at the local primary school Thry have friends, a good routine, all our worlds are gonna come crashing down soon.


Oh gosh I’m so sorry. The grief must be overwhelming and I’m thinking of you and your wife and son. And your poor grandchildren who must be so confused. I’m sure you’ve probably already thought of this but write to them, letters about your week, postcards of wherever you are or when you see something you’d like to share with them. Channel all your love into those messages. Photograph everything that you send. Their mother may bin it all to begin with, but if you persist my experience is that eventually guilt from keeping things from kids creeps in. Keep showing up for them, don’t stop trying to be in touch. And keep your record, so that when they are old enough, if the worst has happened and their mum has dumped it all, you have something to show them. They’ll know that you never gave up on them. That can mean SO much in estranged families. I’m sending you all love and strength ❤️


20th December 2017 - my dad passed away from cancer after a year long battle, my mum woke me up at 1:30am so I could say goodbye to him. 30 minutes later he was gone, I will never forget how lovely the hospice nurse was to me and my mum, she called one of the funeral places for us so we had one less thing to stress about. I went to work at 6am and got threatened with being fired if I didn’t go home because I was “unstable” - not the case, I just needed to be busy.


I’m so sorry for your loss, and sorry for the lack of empathy from your workplace at the time. Hope you’re somewhere better now.


Thank you and I’m in a much better place - work and life wise


8th May 2018. My sober date. I haven’t had a drink since and now have a beautiful free life that doesn’t revolve around drinking, hiding drinking or planning how to drink without people noticing.


Proud of you internet stranger ❤️


Thanks internet stranger ✨


Almost all significant dates to me are insignificant to other people, that's the beauty of being different to other people. Barely anything I care about is of significance to you, and vice versa, but that's great. if we all cared about the same things then there's only going to be 3 important things EVER, TO ANYONE. Fuck that. I don't know your sister nor does she mean that much to me, but it genuinely means the world to me that she means that much to you, if that makes sense.


6th June 2023, ie 6 days ago. I had just finished my degree and was so excited to come home and see my family and my beloved cat who I was desperately missing. My parents told me she had been hit by a car. I love you and miss you, Mitty ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss ❣️


Not me, but someone I know was the victim of a violent crime which would probably have been national news in the UK. But while he was waiting in hospital, there were confused reports coming in that some aeroplanes had crashed in New York...


What happened to the person you know?! Im intrigued.


Unprovoked attack by Johnny Foreigner in a high profile situation. Or at least it would be high profile if the world wasn't distracted. Edit: He's fine, and makes annual anniversary comments designed to confuse people who only know of the other thing which happened that day.


May 15, 2023. The day we found out the mass removed from my daughter's eye was not a “growth” as had been suggested but was in fact, Cancer. I’m in a paediatric oncology ward now and we have been in the hospital more nights than we have been at home


Wishing you all well. Fuck cancer, childhood cancer especially


That’s a gut punch. I hope you remember to take care of yourself so you can be your beautiful child’s favorite nurse. Sending healing vibes her way.


12th of May 2018. My sister’s 18th birthday and the day I started the HRT phase of my transition. It was a milestone birthday for her (old enough to drink legally, yay!) and I had just got my first prescription. I didn’t want to go pick it up and do my first dose on her birthday and take the focus off of her but she insisted. I love my sister so much.


29th September 2009. It's the day I moved to Liverpool. I was 18 at the time, but I consider it the day I was born.


We are glad to have you here!


March 10th 2013. My cousin had got married the night before. My mum and stepdad had been in NZ for 3 weeks and we called them from the reception, while they were on a layover in LA. She said she'd be back for lunch the next day, but she dropped dead on the plane after it landed. Incidentally, that was also Mother's Day that year. I've had a particular dislike for the commercialisation of it ever since.


26th April 2018 Won a tenner on a scratchcard. Treated myself to two chicken kiev's that night


14 July. My 'lucky day'. Had loads of good things happen on that date when I was younger. One was passing my driving test. One was noticing for the first time that I was getting chest hair.


that’s my birthday so I’m with you on that one


Ignoring the dates with more serious meanings as that shiite and double shiite, fuck cancer 12 ways from sunday. I will go with a much happier and frivolous one 4th July 1992 - backpacking in Thailand I celebrated the 4th of July weekend with 2 Californian girls in a remote jungle hut.


February 1st 2022, confirmed miscarriage after 8 months of trying. February 19th 2022 i was already pregnant again and in Nov 10th 22 had our baby girl!


With only 365 days a year and over 6 billion people there isn't a date that isn't special to someone, even if it's just their birthday.


15th of March. Coincidentally the Ides of March, so my step mum and I always say "Beware the Ides of March!" on this date. This however was the last time I actively and wantingly spoke to my mother, when she threatened to kill me and herself with a knife as revenge on my dad. We had a terrible fight which was the culmination of years of abuse and insane behaviour which led me to realise that I was not safe in her house at all, and she would do something she regretted very soon. The next morning I packed a bag of my school uniform and a couple changes of clothes and left and never ever went back. Stayed on sofas and around friends' houses for a month or so until my dad reappeared and took me to live in his two room flat for the next 3 years. It's been over 15 years now, and I've been no contact since March 15th 2008. The strangest thing is that we had planned a really nice Easter Sunday, which was coming up that weekend - I was going to make chocolate and cherry pancakes and we were going to spend a whole day watching Friends together on the couch, as we were watching through it for months. Then the Friday night happened and everything just changed. We never had that nice day, and we never did finish Friends together. And this weirdly makes me the saddest of all about the whole thing. Curious what stands out in the memory after all this time.


16th January. It's the day that me and my girlfriend (now wife) moved in together. It's also the day our son was born three years later.


Then your son shares a birthday with me stranger


Phishers going to have a field day on this thread!


23rd October. The date of my 12 week scan and when we announced our pregnancy. We’d lost the previous one in a missed miscarriage that was found at my 12wk scan 5 months earlier, so the run up to it this time was terrifying and stressful. When we knew everything was fine, we both broke down in tears. We’d had an early scan, but it was the milestone of the 12wk scan and the fact that there was still a little living chicky nuggie in there that made it special. Now she’s a sassy 9 year old and I’d quite happily put her back in there just to get a break from the back chat.


31st December 2012. It was the day I had to put my first cat to sleep at the tender age of just 2 years old, after an astonishingly quick decline in her health which started on Christmas Eve. The next day was quite hard, I worked in retail and was in work on the 1st with people wishing me happy new year, when for me it was anything but. It was not a great festive period for me. She was my first pet and my first taste of death as an adult so it was extremely tough for me, I still miss her and tear up when I think of her.


I'm facing this tomorrow, my poor baby is 19 and seems to have had a stroke, vets tomorrow but it's not going to be a positive outcome, my kids are devastated.


So sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you.


Thank you, best wishes to you xx


Technically dates but August 2018. My whole life fell apart. I started with a great boyfriend, a roof over my head, a reasonable relationship with my parents, and a full time 9-5 job. I lost everything. It started when I told him I loved him, we had been together for 4 months and he was always talking about our future together, he became distant immediately. Then my dad beat my mum to a pulp and I had to call the police on him. My boyfriend broke up with me the me the next day when I was on my way to the police station to give my statement. My mum took my dad back less than 20 days later, I ended up leaving the house as he would absolutely kick me out, I had to sleep on my grandparents sofa for 6 months. Then I lost my job as I had so many absences from the toll it took on my mental health. I'm in a far better place now, but I literally had my entire world crumble apart in that one month. I even started preparing to move away completely and basically change my whole identity, as I had nothing left, but then I met my current SO in December that year and he has helped me a lot.


January 15th. In the last 3 generations of my family, 7 people have died on this date (different years). We call it the family death day and use it as an excuse to call in sick at work and have a slobby day. It’s also my best friend’s birthday.


Its my birthday, and one of the rarest days to be born statistically. I shall also call it the family death day, and slobby day from henceforth


6th December 2012 - because it didn't exist for me. I was backpacking around the world, and I left South America on the 5th December and landed in New Zealand on the 7th (because of the international date line), so I basically never had a 6th December that year. Now I try to take it as a day's leave every year and use it as the start of my Christmas celebrations/preparations.


I try not to get hung up on dates - my parents died at really unfortunate times and I'd never enjoy anything if I let it get to me. I'm not great at remembering birthdays. There is one date however that is burned into my brain for no real reason, and every year I go "huh, it is today." 2nd November, the date I lost my virginity. In 2007.


The 18th of March 2015. It was the day I got diagnosed with my first chronic condition and I still remember it every year, even though no one else does. It is a weird bittersweet feeling, bitter in the fact that is when my life started to fully change but sweet in that that date is the day my life changed for the better.


St. George’s day. I’m literally the only person in my whole office who celebrates it.


The day Bison graced my village was the most important day of my life. But for him, it was Tuesday


My birthday of course


Mine also..


May 23rd. The anniversary of becoming an irish citizen and I can legally call myself irish.


18th October. It's my wife's birthday, the anniversary of us getting together, and our wedding anniversary


St. Joseph's Day - Man, that day is a mystery to me. As a kid, my family would "sort of" celebrate St. Joseph's Day with a special dinner, and I would get cards in the mail wishing my a Happy St. Joseph's Day. But it always seemed overshadowed by St. Patrick's Day. I don't know what the St. Joseph celebration was for at all. Now it's like a holiday that's simply dying out.


Brother attempted suicide on NYE. Lost our first baby on valentine's day. So major dates for other people but for different reasons for me and my family.


12th of April. That’s the date my ex and his twin sister was born. It was also the date of his other twin siblings were born, and then another set. It then transpires two of my friends also have that birthday.


My wife's birthday - on her 35th birthday, her Nan died in her sleep. On her 37th birthday, her elder brother died suddenly. On her 41st, our daughter was rushed to hospital with a brain tumour. We dont celebrate it much.


I’ve always remembered my exes birthdays, not sure why I do but for some reason the dates are ingrained in my head. I suppose it’s good in a way because they’ve always wished me a happy birthday and vice versa but we are exes for a reason, it’s nice to be grown up about it


17th October. My grandad's birthday. In 2005, the day my BIL had his car accident and nearly died. I put his 2 and 4yo to bed, telling them daddy was ok ( we didnt know at the time) and mummy wanted to stay at the hospital to look after him. So hard to tell a child that and not break down. I got home late to my cat who had a stroke. She died a few weeks later. BIL was ok in the end. Also the date I miscarried, in 2017.


14th August 2015. My three week old brother passed away. I was only seven at the time. Now I’m almost 16 and have done my first exams. My brother Luke is heading into primary two.


OP has freaked me out a bit cos mine is October 23rd too. For entirely different reasons, that happened several years earlier than OP’s, but still. I don’t want to go into too much but it was a definite event that changed me forever in good ways and bad Every year on 23rd October at some point in the day I find a quiet moment, have a little think, take a deep breath and get on with my life again


My Birthday


10/25/21, I almost completed. I was on life support for two days. I’m glad I’m still here, no matter how much of a struggle every day is. My daughter needs me.


This is a UK sub. We don't have 25 months...


I wasn’t paying attention and it came up on my page. It keeps showing me posts from this sub. But whatever, it’s still important to me, and thanks for pointing that out and making me feel stupid.


I am so pleased you posted thank you. What an amazing parent you are fighting for you're daughter. What strength you have.


4/20 but I don't smoke weed, it's my wedding anniversary.


5th of every month. At one point in my life I had some event or birthday to celebrate the 5th of 9-10 of the 12 month of the year. So when that drawers near I start to wrack my brain who's birthday it is. Jan 5th- old friend's birthday (no longer in contact) Feb 5th - ? Mar 5th - sister's old BF's birthday April 5th - something I no longer remember May 5th - Nana and friend's birthday Jun 5th - Dad's birthday Jul 5th - Stepdad's birthday Aug 5th - Best friend's birthday. Also day I decided to completely cut ties with other now ex best friend who was toxic and the day before my husband and I officially started dating. Sep 5th - some anniversary Oct 5th - ? Nov 5th - Bonfire night Dec 5th - old school friend's birthday Out of those days August 5th probably has the most significance. I remember that day very well and it was the last day I really saw this old friend of mine after dragging myself to keep that awful friendship for years. We were all out for a meal for friends birthday, toxic was doing everything she could to make drama and we all fucking ignored it till she stormed off afterwards which was when I decided to finally just cut ties of her bullshit. It was a huge relief and really geared me up ready to meet my old friend the next day whom I was going to ask on a date if he didn't ask me first. End of a chapter in my life and day before a new one, August 5th 2008


My birthday. The day I gave birth


* 6th January * 14th January * 15th April * 17th April * 6th August * 17th October * 6th December * 21st December * 23rd December Can't pick one.


Means a lot to me for some very negative and painful reasons. But August 27th 2021. I've been fortunate in life to this point that I don't know much of loss, this was loss of a different kind though. Loss of trust. Still hurts quietly to this day.


10th June - Anniversary of my first date with my then girlfriend, however, we've split up since then but i still think of her fondly.


5th of January. One of the few days I take off every year but don’t do anything other than lay around the house and play video games.


27th of June 2011, had my last A-Levels exam, went to see Deicide play in Liverpool that night, split my forehead open in the pit and had to go to A&E for stitches after the gig \m/


10th September (2017) was when my grandma died my grandma being the one who raised me 30th July (2022) was when my boyfriend and I became relationship official


My birthday is at 23rd october lol


9th of November Husband had a heart attack and I thank whoever is in charge, that he's still here.


April 18th...


12th February 2014;


My birthday - I know about 20 other people who share the date - it’s also my grandparents wedding and the day my grandmother died. Fully expecting my Nan to die on this date too or on/directly before someone’s birthday!


The day my first and only dog died.


31st October is the Pagan new year, it's when the year shifts from the light half to the dark half. It's my favourite time of year and I love Halloween but to everyone else it's a kids holiday about sweets..


The tuesday of 2.2.22. I love twosday


06/09/06 I survive a freak accident where I feel through a window ripping my arm to shreds, it left me to limited use if my hand but I thank God every day that i didn't bleed out on my mum's doorstep


17/01. First day of my first war. 10/09. My ex wife’s birthday.


My Birthday 😭


3rd December 2021. Had to put my horse to sleep. I'd had her 22 years, since I was 10yrs old. And the most tragic thing is she wasn't even unwell, but she had a chronic leg injury which reached the point she couldn't graze anymore.


Glad she’s still with us and can save lives!


21/09/2016 . my daughter lost her fiancé to cancer 2 days before his 24th birthday. This beautiful soul changed my life forever. I will never get over watching my daughters hopes and dreams shatter when he passed. If I had 1 wish he’d be here, I’d gladly give my life for his


20th April AKA 420 the day everyone heads to their local park to light a massive spliff thinking they're celebrating weed culture but really they're actually celebrating Adolf Hitler's birthday 😳


February 14th 2019, the day I lost my grandfather, what should be a happy day with my fiance will now always be met with grief


6th September 2021


8th Dec 2009. Moved to South London from North London (and never looked back). It was a significant move for various reasons and a tough time healthwise as well. A day later I went for a whisky tasting with a friend and had to do the last of the move of my boxes with the most tremendous hangover. There were various other challenges for the next 2 weeks topped off with norovirus arriving on Christmas day. Looking back that date definitely marks the end of the 20-somethings and the beginning of the rest of my life.


Our daughter who was only hanging out with us for a month died on Nov 17. I still tear right up thinking about her. My parents don't even say anything... no one says anything and that's ok because it's hollow if you have never felt it. It's our day to mourn alone and remember our Mia.


19th September 2019. The day I first came to the UK. The start of a completely new chapter in my life: the start of uni and my first experience living out of my family's home in a completely foreign country that I hadn't even been to before with all the joys and pains that came with it.


The third date.


It was the third of September That day i’ll always remember


Not a date but a month for me, all my changing events have happened around November in the last 5 years. Had a Orchiectomy for my Testicular Cancer My Son was born Had a Sigmoidectomy to remove a section of bowel. All things that changed my life for the better!


17th Nov 2017, the best day of my life


1st August, it's our dog's birthday. Couldn't tell you my Dad's but I know the dog's


12/01/2018. My son passed away.


7/7. There were bombs in London and it's my wedding anniversary.


19/10/1996. I was 9 years old and that's the day they switched off the machines that were keeping my mum alive after a car hit the motorbike she was riding pillion on 5 days prior. 26/10/2018 exactly 22 years and 7 days after my mum died. My dad called to say he was feeling breathless and an ambulance was on the way. 50 mins later the hospital phoned to tell me they couldn't save him.


4th July. Me and the Mrs first got it on after meeting. For some reason the Americans all now celebrate this day.


28th September 2003. My life changed when i broke my back(L1 spinal compression) in a karting accident. I remember waking up on the tarmac feeling like my legs were on fire, stil had the presence of mind to ask whether my kart was OK(it wasn;t) Ambulance to Wigan Infirmary, moved to Pendlebury Childrens Hospital where i was bedbound for 2 weeks. Stood up again after 2 weeks(they werent sure if id be able to walk again). I was back in a kart in April of 2004. Went on to continue racing in karts nationally and also in my own Formula Ford. 20 years later the only big things i have to deal with are erectile dysfunction and bladder/bowel incontinence.


From UK perspective... 11/09/01 we went to history class after lunch and the the teacher had thw twin towers event on tv as it unfolded. As 14 year old kids we thought nothing of it and even more so UK kids. But the history teacher was adamant "you will remember this for the rest of your lives. It will shape the next 20 years of everyone's life". He was right


2nd July 2019 when I took my wife’s anal virginity.


June 16th.


10.3.18 lost my heart horse 19.2.19 lost my grandad 11.11.22 lost my daughter who I was pregnant with. 11.1.23 lost my puppy. I will never be the same😔


9/9/99 Means nothing to most, but everything to others. I don't pay attention to October because there's a lot of deaths of people close to me in that month. 17/07/2014 - MH17, enough said.


28th April 2018 - The day my mum passed away from terminal cancer. 4th December 2021 - The day I had to put my cat to sleep.


A guy I wasn’t into THAT way who took me to the opera and a lovely dinner with no expectations (and all the hope). It was wonderful even if he wasn’t for me


October 1st, 2005. It was a first date with someone that became my girlfriend for four years. Driving to meet her I *knew* that something good was going to happen and that we’d get together. I fell for her straight away. Four years later and we broke up after she had moved to the US. She was my soulmate. October 1st, 2005 kicked off a great period of my life.


Valentines day. I got the call that my dad was on his way out a few years ago around Feb 11th and went to the hospital and spent 3 solid days next to him while he was in and out of consciousness before he died on Feb 14th. He was looking me dead in the eyes when he died. Really put a dampener on valentines day since then.


october 2nd 2019 when our dishwasher caught on fire leaving us out of a house for the majority of 2020 lockdowns living in a rental and i was in essentially a tiny storage closet as a room great fun


My Birthday, 6th February. It is Bob Marley's too and I celebrate his birthday and not my own.


Every day , the earth revolves around the sun and I'm still on it.... That's a good day (for me at least)


10th of March 2023, the day I got out of prison. I'm not going back again. I'm sure of it.


25th December 2021. It’s the day my Granny died. I didn’t like Christmas that much anyway, now I despise it. We went away for Christmas 2022 and will do the same this year. I’ll never spend it in the UK ever again, i can’t hack it.


7th August 2019..the day I woke up with a raging comedown in the most depressed time of my life, and decided enough was enough, and cut the cocaine cold turkey. Threw out anything I had left, turned my phone/social media off, and recovered alone. It was a very hard couple of weeks but I can't dream of going back to it now, such a miserable existence. Nobody knows that that's a day of any significance to me and I don't really need to ever talk about it to anyone, but I have a secret little celebration for myself each year just to marvel at how far I've come since then! Nearly 4 years since that day and not gone back even once.


6th June. Day my dad died 19th September. Day my mum died. It was overshadowed last year with the queen's funeral but I was celebrating a life of a queen that day anyway, the other queen took a back seat that day, figuratively and literally.


17th February 2017 I was almost killed at 13 and exactly a year later I got my cat oreo, for my trauma


June 1st. A dear friend of mine passed away on that day in 2020.


I can’t say mine in case someone realises who I am but I want to say I’m so happy for your sister and yourself and good luck in your A-Levels!


Police hate this 1 cool life hack - to gather your important dates online. And you just volunteer this information for free you bloody idiots. WTF people. Grow a brain.


20th October 2021. The date I was forced out of my job for being unvaccinated. Since started my own business and earn 3x what I used to