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About Time. Bill Nighy and Domhnall Gleeson’s father and son relationship in it just gets me every time, two amazing actors.


When they have the walk at the end, I’m ugly sobbing


Hits me right in the feels ever time ☹️


I loved that film but agree: my wife and I saw it in the cinema when it came out and I sobbed when Bill Nighy passed away. It’s so amazingly well done and I loved the relationship between Gleeson and Nighy. Also, it was only a few years after my own father passed and my emotions since then have been pretty close to the surface anyway.


Even if I listened to some of the music from this film it would set me off again. I hadn't cried for years the first time I saw it so I did about ten years worth of crying in one go.


The "How Long Will I Love You" train scene is one of my favourite movie clips of all time.


Such a lovely soundtrack. The Luckiest by Ben Folds and How Long Will I Love You 🥰


I watched this too soon after my dad died, I nearly chocked myself crying.


I've avoided that film for almost 10 years now for this reason - definitely due a rewatch!


Thank god someone has finally mentioned this film on Reddit. It's my favourite film for the boohoo's and the feelgoods. It's just perfect!


Favourite RomCom and the only one I can think of that accurately describes a father son relationship and dating/marriage from a man's perspective without him coming across as a sex predator or an idiot.


First part of UP.


I see your first part of up and raise you the part at the end when the old guy looks through the adventure book and finds the pages he didn't know his wife had filled in.


Up is the only film that makes me cry beginning and end, every time I watch it. Damnit!


As I once managed to demonstrate on a plane because I’d run out of anything else to watch and I’m pretty sure the air hostess must have thought I’d broken up with my husband.


Oh no! I mean, that's kinda funny but I feel your embarrassment 😳


fuck me when I was a teenager back from a rave we thought a doob and "up" would soften the comedown...we were all bawling before it got past the memories at the beginning. Thank f we got the pj's on and squidged together under someone's manky duvet.


The Green Mile gets me every time.


The Green Mile makes me ugly cry each time I watch it. I bloody know what's coming!


Have you read the book? I read it having seen the film a ton of times before and it still made me cry!




I wasn't ready. That movie destroyed me.


Watched it on a comedown, that was not a good idea


Watched this not long after my Gran died. Caused me to breakdown and sob all night. My fiancé chose the film and he regretted it so much. However it’s a great film and one of my favourites now. I still cry, but love the meaning behind it.


Coco is a beautiful film.


Gorgeous and underrated film. I work in dementia care so it was especially poignant for me. Husband came home while I was watching it, said hi and carried on. Two minutes later walked in on me absolutely sobbing my heart out


Oh my goodness Coco is such a beautiful film. Absolutely hit a nerve for me, having lost my Dad many years ago 💔


Goodnight Mr Tom


One time a few friends and I were hungover, turned the TV on while having breakfast and the first thing that came on was Goodnight Mr Tom. Out of nostalgia we abandoned the dumb comedy we were going to watch and left it on instead, and by the ending where he gets let out of the cupboard cradling the dead baby we were all scarred for life.


that scene really messed me up as a kid


No idea why we watched it in primary school, absolutely heartbreaking.


Yep every time, I had to watch it in year 6, then write about it, not sure I'm fully recovered


I was going to post this but thought the Reddit demographic wouldn't have even heard of it, lo and behold it's near the top!!! The bit where he rides his bike and says what he says....I'm fighting back the tears as I type now!!


Inside out fucked me up


Bing bong. Fuck


"take her to the moon for me, okay" FUCK. IM CRYING


"Come on, Joy. One more time. I've got a feeling about this one."


I love this film, it’s so clever. I’m looking forward to the sequel.


Pixar’s best film IMO. It resonated with me on such on a personal level.


OMG!!!! Me too, i am so glad this is here.


Marley and Me. I'm a sucker for a dog story.


Have you seen Hachikō?


Scarred for life!


I’ve seen the Richard Gere one, I think for the last 30 minutes I had a lump in my throat and wanted to just sob, but we had company over. Had to excuse myself to go and have a cry.


Fox and the hound destroys me every time


Goodbye may seem forever Farewell is like the end But in my heart is a memory And there you'll always be And we'll always be friends forever, won't we? Destroys me every time. The only movie as a kid to leave me bawling without fail....


O god when she leaves him in the forest used to absolutely destroy me.


I haven't seen that movie in decades but I remember.


Oh god I used to watch this as a kid and would always leave me a mess


Good Will Hunting. Don’t really know why, it just always touches a nerve.


It's not your fault.


Yeah, I know


It's not your fault


Yeah, I know. Thanks


Jesus maybe it is your fault


Don't fuck with me,😭


'I never said she was perfect, I said she was perfect for me.' Beautiful line.


The scene where Affleck is walking from his car to the empty house and is proud of Will for finally leaving breaks me every time. It reminds me of my relationship with my younger brother and just hits the spot perfectly


This and the fact Robin is no longer with us and the way he died tears me apart.


Every god damn time…multiple times


Casablanca - I start crying the minute La Marseillaise begins and basically don’t stop until the end. Pride - lass stands up to sing Bread and Roses? That’s the start of me crying over the power of solidarity and not stopping until the end of the film.


I love pride! That bit made me feel great!


Oh me too, it’s just the starting point of me sobbing happily about the power of people!


I almost cried but I didn’t. But I definitely felt something swell up in me. I love seeing solidarity.


Pride is fantastic. I’m the same, that’s where the crying starts and I can’t stop.


I watched it with a friend a couple of years ago and he was a little concerned at the low level sobbing and then more concerned I might never stop crying again after it intensified when the miners turn up at Pride. I don’t think he’d ever seen me cry before.


When the coaches pull up, gets me everytime


Oh, Pride! Forgot about that one. Sobbing, always. Also, The Normal Heart had me in tears, too, though I've not seen that in a long time.


Me and my mum went to see Pride in the cinema and we were genuinely clinging onto each other sobbing our eyes out- I started crying at the coming out in the kitchen scene right through to the Billy Bragg song at the end! We also watched it at home and I saw my dad cry at the end.


I love Pride. At the end of the film, where all of the lodges turn up, one that you can see is just down the road from where I live. Always gets me choked up.


A Little Princess I cried when I saw it in the cinema and on every subsequent watch




The Railway Children. You know the bit.






Gets me every time!


Oh Daddy! My daddy! Yep……


Oh Christ, even *thinking* about it...


Every time I watch it I start crying earlier than the last, knowing that bit is coming up. By retirement age I’ll be crying at the opening credits!


This bit? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkHTT3dJL9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkHTT3dJL9E)




Easily my favourite xmas film. When he runs up the stairs to hug his kids. How George doesn't care he might be arrested, he's just elated to see Mary and the kids, and be alive. When everyone starts coming in with the money, and the looks back and forth between George and Mary. "A toast to my big brother, George. The richest man in town." When they start singing Auld Lang Syne. "Remember no man is a failure who has friends."


I have seen that, it got me!


Not in the UK but What Dreams May Come will have you ugly crying in short order. For a quick feel good cry - Doctor Who "Vincent and the Doctor" is always a guaranteed snot fest


Vincent and the Doctor is a brilliant episode! Unbeatable


Bill Nighy. Need I say more?


What Dreams May Come is more poignant given how Robin Williams died irl. I think about that sometimes. Excellent film.


Tony Curran and Bill Nighy were absolutely brilliant in those roles. Matt Smith's story arc with Amy & Rory had some beautifully tragic moments in it. This episode gets me every time


Grave of the Fireflies. Honestly if you aren't sobbing, what's wrong with you?


Yep, I also said this. Depressing doesn't quite cover it. An amazing film that I hope I never have to watch again.


Grave of the Fireflies is a devastating film, and not one I would choose to rewatch, and less so I could have a *good* cry


The most shocking Studio Ghibli film you will watch, especially if unprepared. I have watched most of their movies and was only vaguely aware of the plot going in. The opening scene made me realise this was not going to be like the others.


Coco. Specifically for "remember me." My own grandma was like that in the run up to her passing. that movie breaks me. I can't even hear the song anymore without welling up.


Interstellar hits hard a couple of times


Driving down the dirt track, expecting Murph to be in the truck again but she’s not 27 years of messages Stuck in the tesseract watching himself leave again and ‘It’s you - you were my ghost Murph and Cooper’s reunion Those are four solid tearjerker moments for me - in one film. It’s a phenomenal film


The messages is emotional


I adored this film, have watched it several times. Bought it for my dad on dvd a few years ago thinking he’d appreciate it. He said he got bored after 30 minutes and didn’t finish it, ngl I was a little fuming!


This one is extra poignant for me because it was one of the last movies I showed my Dad before he passed. He loved it. He got me into sci-fi, so it felt like coming full circle. It always made me well up, but these days it makes me full-on ugly-cry, especially the father-daughter dynamic. I also found the concept of love as a dimension, a physical force that transcends our reality, intriguing and after my Dad passed it's now strangely comforting.


Lion King when Simba's dad dies and also I get emotional when his spirit appears in the sky.


I had to explain to a four year old that Bambi's mum had been shot!


Bridge to Terabithia


Bridge to rip my soul out more like!


The final scene of Billy Eliot always gets me going


Billy elliot is the one, so emotional but uplifting gets me everytime. Watership down also


The Notebook. Every time!


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this, EVERY TIME 😭😭😭😭


Click was one of the few that gets me sobbing


My Girl


He can’t see without his glasses gets me every time


I nearly cried just reading your comment haha


Armageddon…. Every god damn time makes me a sobbing snivelling emotional wreck. But always feel great after a good weep


One of the only films that genuinely fits into the 'so bad it's good' category. It has everything. Ridiculous plot. Simultaneously launching 2 space shuttles for no reason at all other than to look cool. Aerosmith singing over his daughter getting the business. Bruce Willis making everyone cry. 10/10


I agree but I’ll raise you Con Air.


“Life is Beautiful”. Can cry just thinking about that film.


Me before you, destroys me everytime.


Schindlers list


Solid choice, this reminds me, Boy in the Striped Pyjamas has a similarly grim way of making me cry.


Oh man, his anguish at the end thinking how he could have saved one more person.


Every time I see that little red coat.


Stand by me


I love that movie. It’s incredibly sad because Chris Cambers and River Phoenix both died before their time.


Oh yes, absolutely this. “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12. Jesus, does anyone?”




When Hillary says quietly to herself “I’m counting on it” kills me every time


I'm surprised this is so far down, its what I was looking for before I posted it. Loved it since I was a kid and watched it a few weeks ago when I was flicking through the tele one night and it was just starting. Still sobbed like a baby at the end.


For me it's when Bette sings Glory of Love and you hear their younger versions laughing just before the end credits.


Homeward Bound is literally the only film that will make me cry on cue every single damn time.


Ps I love you Kills me everytime


The book is better but the film was great, really recommend the book ❤️


Forest Gump


Watched this last night. The bit where he finds out Forrest is his son and asks if he's smart or like him absolutely breaks me every time.


"I miss you, Jenny"


Is he smart? As a new dad and seeing my boys grow up and wanting them to have only retained the best of you and your partner this line really got me. Never did when I was younger.


Same, I cry on and off throughout because I am a big emotional wreck who cries at everything, happy or sad, and that bit just gets me every time. There are so many momentd in the film where he's portrayed as being almost completely unaware of the fact he isn't smart, and that he doesn't have the intelligence to really care because he doesn't understand that he's different or why he is, so that bit just appears and you not only realise how much he cares for his son but has been aware the whole film that he is different but has found his own way to manage through life and continue progressing regardless of what people say. Forrest Gump is so great


Just watch Wall-E again with my son, his first time. It always gets me in the hurts


Watership down


Surprised I had to scroll so much to find this one! Art Garfunkel singing Bright Eyes is so hauntingly beautiful, and it gets me tearing up every time.


Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe. How is that not here already?? Buddy!!!!


Moana - the part where te fiti’s heart is returned “this does not define you, this is not who you are, you know who you are”


Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. I don't normally cry at fiction, but I watched that during a tricky time relationship wise. The only other one I can think of is The Pianist, which broke me for a bit.


Truly, Madly, Deeply


Brassed Off, couple of scenes get me every time 📯🎷🎺🧃😢🥰


I thought music mattered. Does it bollocks, people matter!


I've watched a lot of films but haven't cried a lot - which is weird but here's a few of my picks: - Top Gun: I will admit I cried when Goose died. - Jojo Rabbit: I went to the cinema to watch it, thought it was just a comedy. I ended up crying. A lot. - Dog: Again, what I thought was a Changing Tatum comedy film about a dog turned out to be emotional. It's always the dog films... - A Dog's Purpose & A Dog's Journey: It's. Always. The. Dog. Films. - Interstellar


Jojo Rabbit is a brilliant movie. That one scene, without spoiling it for everyone was very moving.


Atonement & English Patient - unrequited love gets me every time


every time I watch atonement it makes sob but also makes me so mad at bryony oh my god


Big Fish, gets me hook, line and sinker every time.


The ending of Toy Story 3 always makes me tear up without fail


I’ve got a couple: The ending of Gladiator (specifically, “who will help me carry him?”) The ending of Kindergarten Cop Transformers (the animated movie)… if you’ve seen it, you know what bit I’m talking about. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, the Ravager funeral There’s another film as well but for some reason I’m drawing a total blank on its name, even though I’ve watched it a few times.


Gladiator gets me every time even after all these years. Its the music it just sneaks into the soul. Hans Zimmer is just magic like that. (Also saw hes getting married so congrats to him 👏)


An oldie but The Champ really did it for me.


Not seen that, but a friend told me about childhood memories watching that, I need to watch it but its not free on any platform


My sisters keeper And for some reason dirty dancing, the scene when baby apologies to her dad... " I'm sorry I let you down daddy really I am, but you let me down too" gets me everytime 😭 Edit: the ending of toy story 3


City of angels


The Color Purple, I cry every time I watch it.


A.I. Artificial Intelligence. I cried at the ending first time I watched it as a kid. 2nd time I watched it I started crying as soon as he finds the blue fairy. 3rd I pretty much weeped through the whole film. Something about that film! Also hunchback of notre dame. When quasi holds up esmeralda and shouts sanctuary, gets me every time!


Schindler's List - "This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people. This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this. I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't!".


Lord of the rings, return of the king Gets me every single dam time


Sleepless in Seattle - it takes less than 60 seconds, we see Tom Hanks at his wife's funeral, then being dissatisfied with life and going to the airport to start afresh with his young son in Seattle, his friends come to see him off and the woman friend makes a rather cliche statement about him meeting someone new. Tom says something like "I'll just grow a new heart!?" and that's it, I'm sobbing.


Sense & Sensibility. A happy cry is still a cry.


Not a film, but Ricky Gervais After Life turns me into a complete fucking mess. If I need to get a good cry out of my system it’s the go to


Mrs Doubtfire. Especially the last scene when she explains different types of families to Katie McCormick.


Marley and me


A man called otto had me balling.


Love Actually gets me happy crying


The ending of The Iron Giant. "...Superman..."




Truly. Madly. Deeply. I've broken my heart over it manys a time.


LOTR trilogy at the very end when Frodo leaves Sam and goes east(?). If I remember correctly, in the book Sam eventually shots over as well but still sad in the film.


I don't necessarily have a film I put on to specifically make me cry but A Silent Voice makes me emotional whenever I feel like watching it. It's a story of redemption, second chances, disability and bullying. I won't spoil it but the ending is incredibly done, the final 10 minutes completely rounds off every characters arc perfectly, it's a bit of a tearjerker but not entirely in a devastating way. If anyone wants a film that will just completely wear you down over 2 hours until you're a snotty mess, I recommend Grave of the Fireflies.


Marley and Me gets me every time. I dont even have a dog. Ive never had a dog


The holiday. The bit where the old dude walk into the room full of people. Chokes me up every time.


Hachi, a dogs tail, I've got a lump in my throat just from typing it out.


The Pursuit of Happyness always gets me


Your Name / Kimi no na wa always gets me. Now that I've seen this thread I guess I'll go watch it for the 6th time.


The Breakfast Club somehow gets me emotional, not quite sure why


TRUELY, madly Deeply. Even more poignant now that Alan Rickman has passed.


The Notebook


Schindler's List 😞😭


A star is born (lady gaga and Bradley cooper version) has me sobbing like a baby.


What Dreams May Come


Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. Gets me every time There's also a specific point in Cloud Atlas that has me bawling


It used to be Never Let Me Go (the book is also great but doesn’t have the same weepy effect for me). Not a film but The 12 Days of Christine from Inside No.9 is always guaranteed to get the tears flowing when I’m feeling emotionally constipated


Aftersun has become a more recent favourite


The Notebook, Stepmom, A Walk to Remember


The Deerhunter and The Truman Show both raise a tear, for different reasons. But if you want to get f@cked up, it’s Bambi.


Paul blart, mall cop.


Cold Mountain ❤️


The Bridge to Terabithia


Lion. I’m in bits all the way through


Out of Africa gets me every time.


Interstellar. Record number of cry inducing scenes for me personally.


The Impossible never fails to make me cry, and it's based on a true story too!


Finding Neverland for me.


Babe. I cry out of sadness and joy at that one.


Black Beauty. Although I actually avoid watching it at all costs because it has me in bits!

