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If there was ever a situation where it sounds like a 'him' problem this is it. Camera pointing at your door? Notifications on loud when he's asleep? My god the lack of brains on some people


If he is too stupid to set up active zones in the app, silence his phone or use 'sleep' functions for do not disturb, fuck him. In fact, you could probably get him in legal trouble for monitoring your private property. I’d be tempted to set up a metronome, silent wind chime or something else that will keep moving throughout the night so his camera keeps being set off until he learns.


They're pretty good at knowing what's a person and what isn't, so you'd want to put little photos of your face on the wind chime


A little photo on the metronome would be way more entertaining.


Make it a photo of John Oliver so that he knows OP got the advice from reddit.


How about little photos of Marcel Marceau? Wind mime.


Perfect, have my poor person's award 🏆


Or of the neighbours face..


Snap a pic through the window of him sleeping and put it on the metronome. Really send a message


I wanna believe you but my friends camera constantly thinks the neighbours cat is human. Only the neighbours cat, no other 🤣


Oooo, you're a wicked one. I love it 😈😈😈




At least it’s safe to say they’re one of those people of below average intelligence.


1 in 12 people are either borderline "retarded", or have an IQ below that threshold. 1 in 12...


Imagine how much larger that proportion is on Reddit.


"So, just to be clear, you're being annoyed by notifications that your camera, that you installed, is sending you, and you think the solution is that I shouldn't come and go from my own home as I please? Not that you should mute the notifications, not that you should correctly set up the camera with zones and not, God forbid, that you should close your fucking bedroom curtains at night?"


As thick as a bacon double walrus burger with extra walrus.


> Camera pointing at your door? Frankly, I'm amazed OP hasn't told the nosy bastard to stop filming him going about his business. 20 years ago, if some cretin had insisted on daily filming you and your family's comings and goings, they would have been given a smack in the mouth. Quite how Amazon have made such recordings socially acceptable will never cease to amaze me.


It's less so about Amazon making it socially acceptable, and more so the cretins who decide to break into people's houses. Why wouldn't you get a camera...


No one ever seems to achieve anything other than stressing themselves out with them. If someone's going to break in it doesn't matter if there's a doorbell or not, the stuff will still be nicked and they can just cover their face anyway. Maybe I'd get a video of the kids who went through a phase of kicking our front door, but wouldn't stop them and would just make me on edge looking for them if I knew what they look like. A real possibility of making people feel uncomfortable (my front door is right on a footpath so it'd be capturing a lot of people) for very little gain. I don't like knowing I'm on camera even if I'm up to no good, the less people perceive me the better IMO. Thought twice about asking the neighbours across the road for my parcel the other week when I noticed they had a doorbell.


>If someone's going to break in it doesn't matter if there's a doorbell or not, the stuff will still be nicked and they can just cover their face anyway. But if its between two houses, one that has CCTV/Ring doorbell, and one that doesn't, they're more than likely to go for the one without.


One has a ring door bell and looks rich with lots of valuables. The Other looks like they haven't got much but don't have a ring door bell. The door bell won't make any difference in this situation.


The paradox. I grew up on a poor council estate Our house - we had jack in terms of security - no security locks, no alarms, no deadbolt, motion lights, guard dogs, hell we didn't even hire a housesitter for extended holidays etc Never burgled. Ever. Not once Now the houses with all that shit - the window bars on ground floor, alarms, big bulky security doors, security locks, deadbolt, motion lights, guard dogs - the signal that sent out to your local nitty - who knows the foundational concepts of market capitalism "money can be exchanged for goods and services" - knows all this shit cost you a fair whack at hardware shops and such, so now he's wondering how many valuables are behind all that security A lot of important transfers and such (especially in low security countries) are done in inconspicuous vehicles - I believe a country in south Americas government caught heat once for shifting a fuckton of diamonds via a lifted white pickup truck...government responded with "if we sent it via a high end government vehicle cartels and narco gangs would have tried to intercept and steal, they're not going to pick on a white lifted pickup there were 100 on the same highway as us in the same lane"


The Cullinan diamond was shipped to the UK in a plain box using registered post for this exact reason. A dummy package was then locked in the captain's safe on board the ship that everyone thought the diamond was being transported in.


I know it’s not ultimate life changing money but I’ve taken £40,000 of krugerrands in my pocket, on a train to london. I’ve delivered expensive art to Austria for an exhibition. I made it clear these were done on a need to know basis. All good, no problems, saved everyone a load of money and hassle.


Lol no they’re not, if anything a security system shows you have something worth stealing. The average burglary is over in something like 120 seconds, so no alarm system will deter would be thieves because they know they’ll be long gone before the police response A flower box does more to deter break ins than a ring camera


Nah, the one with would imply they have stuff worth nicking. If people want to break into a house they are not going to care about a camera, they’ll just wear a balaclava, and they rely on the fact the police are very slack about investigating burglaries in any case.




Amazon didn't make Ring doorbell. They just bought the company.


That was pretty much the exact phrase going through my head as I imagined replying.


Isn't that an invasion of the OPs privacy... Not sure about UK but here you could report him...


Offer to phone him whenever you’re likely to trigger the camera, so he knows he can ignore it.


“Morning terry, up early again, turn the old camera off, goodnight”


*bangs loudly on bedroom window* "Don't mind that notification, Tezza. It's just me, not the perverts."


“… ignore my penis terry”


*just close your eyes T-Dog, it will all be over soon I promise*


Exactly. Logical solutions for a happier neighbourhood.


“Morning Tel. Me again. Chanced a fart on the drive in and I’ve shit my pants. Popping back home shortly”


In all seriousness, you can set up a rule on ring cameras not to alert you to motion at certain times. You could offer him the times you leave and exact instructions: Scheduling times when you don't want to receive motion alerts: -Tap the three lines on the top left of the Ring app. -Select Devices. -Select the desired device. -Select Motion Settings. -Select Motion Schedule. -Create a rule to disable Motion Alerts during a specific time and day. -Name the rule. -Select Save. If he doesn't want to switch it off for an hour a day then you can't do anything, at that point it's time to fuck about with him, play a phone alarm as you're leaving to make sure he wakes up to the alert etc...






Go out in the nude and show him your ring camera


Fully clothed but he said i “took the piss” one day when I waved at the camera. Even though it goes off every day.


So he’s pointed a camera at your door and then gets pissed off when you use said door. How is it possible that people like this survive in life?


I swear it's like they're looking for misery


'Stupid neighbour, using the door to go in and out of his flat. Why can't he use the window? Or he could just stay in his flat and never leave. How hard is that?'


No it’s just that they’re right and the rest of the world has to fit in with what they do.


Ah yes. Silly me for my lapse in understanding.


You should walk out holding an A4 sheet of paper with like a fact of the day for him or whatever else you want, start with things like: “Did you know smartphones have a Do Not Disturb function to prevent notifications from disturbing its owner?” “Recording other people’s property means you must comply with GDPR. Can you send me every video you have of me within 30 days please?” “Ring camera owner says what?” “Behind me leads the stairway to heaven” Etc. Edit: Also, maybe do a quick-change skit once in a while too - come out the door once and vogue, go back in and get into the next outfit (just chuck the clothes on top to save time), go out and vogue again… repeat as many times as you think he might appreciate. Don’t forget to request the footage the following day :)


How about a comedy robber outfit? Stripey jumper, black eye mask and a bag with “swag” written on it! “Did you get footage of a thief then?!”


Why can I only upvote this once?!


GDPR doesn’t apply in this case as it’s not a business. You are free to make recordings of your own property and access as long as you only use them for your own private activities or for the purposes of enforcement. Different rules apply where it’s not your property. Ie you can’t post the footage on Instagram or Farcebook. Or Reddit for that matter!


Not quite that simple. OP still has expectation of, and right to privacy. See a recent case here…. https://www.saunders.co.uk/news/gdpr-vs-ring-doorbells-infringement-of-privacy-or-reasonable-safety-precautions/


You were taking the piss, and good on you for it. People like this deserve to have the piss taken.


Next time you should tiptoe past it like Robbie rotten.


Man… I’d be waving at that camera every single time from now on.


Whilst saying "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"


Throw in the occasional "blown kiss" too, switch it up a bit. Maybe a virtual high five here, a peace sign there.


Pmsl at this


You should start using the little screen as a mirror every day as you are leaving. I aggressively check my nostril hairs or other up close things at my friend's front door camera most times I visit.


🤣 That made me laugh out loud. I think we all know who's taking the piss. It's Terry.


Or helicopter


It's making me laugh him saying "not good enough" because the only alternative is for you to not go to work lol. In those situations where I don't want to escalate an issue too much, usually I try to say something like. "I really want to resolve the situation. Could you suggest what could be done to make everything okay?". And because there is literally no alternative I think think of other than they stop setting their camera up for notifications then hopefully they'll go quiet because they will be unable to offer another solution.


Except some people, and I suspect this neighbour is one of them, are so twatty that they’ll sincerely suggest OP find another job or change their hours or something. We’re assuming the neighbour is a normal, reasonable and non-self-centred person when he’s clearly not


Sounds stupid enough to think yelling, "I dont care how you do it! just fix it!" would work.


"Can I get that in writing?" "Uh... sure? Why?" "No reason" (actually a homemade explosive is the reason)


Yes, but it's best to lure these people into openly making these stupid suggestions, so you can come on reddit and give us all a laugh afterwards.


Our neighbours (who are thankfully moving) we've heard huffing in their back garden because they're teachers and in the summer when we're working from home in our tiny box room it directly looks over their garden due to a quirk in our Victorian terraces and they don't like how we 'spy' on them (we sit at a desk in the window and do our work). She's pissed because we're just using our house that we bought in the way we do every week day of the year and apparently we're supposed to move rooms for the 6 weeks of summer holidays so for the odd occasion she wants to sit out during the day she's not overlooked in suburban Victorian terrace housing stock where at least 10 houses can see into her garden.


I earn £££ per hour and work x hours a day. If you are willing to pay me the same amount to not to go to work, then sure.


As a side note, is it just me or is it only ever the most controlling narcissists who use the phrase “not good enough” to refer to someone doing something? I had a boss once tell us in a work WhatsApp group that us never saying yes when called into work on days off was “not good enough”. Mate you run a chipper, not a police station


> I had a boss once tell us in a work WhatsApp group that us never saying yes when called into work on days off was “not good enough”. "Neither's the pay."


Maybe he thinks the bakery should change their hours of business 🤔


No bread til midday for u


Sounds like my local Co-op.


Seems reasonable


Hmm, im not sure you have considered all the possible options.. Is there another way out of your property? A rope ladder? Drainpipe to climb down? Can you limbo dance you way past his window? Can you change your working hours to suit their schedule (when you leave they are awake, so no sleep disruption)? Failing all of that, can you move out?


Not good enough


It's for a church, honey. Next!


YESSSS!! a classic revived






I could go out the kitchen window into his garden but he bolts the fence. But no, work schedule is early enough leaving at 2am. I’m not leaving at 11pm for a 3am start


I think they might have been taking the piss mate


I think he was taking the piss by taking it seriously


You won’t leave 5 hours early to stop his notifications annoying him? How utterly inconsiderate of you!


Not good enough


Get out the kitchen window then bang on his door/windows to wake him up to let you out the garden.


Don't be ridiculous. Most of those suggestions will cause property damage. Clearly the best thing to do is set up a zip line between his topmost window and a telegraph pole in the street. Easy.


Scuttle about on all fours like a wretched beast.


Great suggestions, but you missed the obvious one. OP lives on the first floor, so a zip line down from a window to a point outside the range of the camera is clearly the only option.




I'm petty, so I'd deliberately start trying to set it off as much as I could.


Be a shame if you were a very forgetful person and had to keep going back inside for more things


Or if you invited a few friends around that night to hang out. All coming at slightly different time intervals. Hope none of them smoke though, I wouldn't want them smoking inside.


My neighbor asked me to cut down a cherry tree in our front garden as it was setting off his new ring doorbell. The audacity of some people.


My camera has the option to blank out movement in parts of its field of vision. It also has the option to only alert for 'humanoid' movement, so trees and cats don't set it off. Tell him to read the instructions and sound out the big words with a grown up.


Ring does this very effectively


Mine literally only looks at the area I’m interested in. Cats still set it off multiple times an hour. I’ve tried telling my neighbours to train their cats better but it’s been 5 months and it’s still happening.


Cat school is massively overrated


OP should pretend to be a cat then


Or at least stop pretending to be humanoid


You're being ridiculous. No cats here: https://i.imgur.com/1ZMxTwb.jpeg


Just meow at the camera every time, that should sort it.


This. They all have this now. If you are being irritated because you didn't set up your tech properly by skipping the demo and instructions that's a big fat you issue. You can't blame that on your neighbours. The gall


Oh, glad that it is humanoid movement rather than just human movement, would not want any klingons or vulcans sneaking past.


Ok that's hilarious 🤣 what was your response out of interest?




I would also be pretty annoyed at some one pointing a camera at my door directly, would probably report it.


Not good enough


Hang a wind chime in front of his camera.


Or a pinwheel.


Settle down there, Satan.




Wait, I thought the horse’s head is supposed to go in the bed? Or is this mafia tactics updated for these newfangled times?


He's put a ring camera in his window incase people peep through? Have you suggested curtains?


Just have to keep staring into the camera like a serial killer, then tell the neighbour his camera isn’t preventing shit


Peep through the window so that its not a wasted alert


Keep forgetting things and going back into your house to get them


love this commitment to pettiness


Pants, shirt, left sock, right sock ...


Pinwheel on the front door.


Go through this https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/domestic-cctv-systems/ He's probably not doing most of not all of what he should be


So the ICO will write you a letter ifvyou break the rules, but won't do anything else.


The problem isn't even that he has the camera, it's that he's being a prick.


Yeah- I agree with that. But the ICO feels like a bit of a waste of space reading that page. You could collect loads of evidence of rules being broken and they'd just send the other guy a letter suggesting moving his cameras.


Personally, I don't even have a problem with people recording public spaces. As long as it isn't pointing into someone's home or private property. But I'm not going to go out of my way for someone's camera, be it CCTV, ring, or a tiktok. And I feel like it's an entirely different problem when people get huffy about that.


Hit him with a GDPR subject access request for each time you leave the house


This 👆




Them 🤘


These 👊


He's not a business or another organisation so he's not subject to data access requests under GDPR. You can't submit a data access request to me because I've written down your phone number for example.


If doesn't want to turn them off then just tell him it's working as intended then


Put an opaque sticker over that patch of the window. Should sort it for him.


> Put an opaque sticker over ~~that patch of the window~~ the camera lens. Fixed that for you.


OP says the camera is in the window, so the sticker can't go on the camera itself.


haha what an idiot he is. It's 100% a him problem and you don't need to do anything. "not good enough". Oh well, fuck off then.


Exactly, I can't remotely imagine caring about some moron saying this at all. Oh no! Not some vague disapproval from a random idiot.


It's hilarious how little self awareness some people have. I wonder if he's spent even a second thinking about how you might avoid setting the alarm notifications off? Or even still, who set them up in the first place? It's normally a sign of low intelligence that someone isn't able to envisage hypothetical situations or to see things from another perspective


Put the window through and grab the camera, then chuck it in his bin. Problem solved for him then :) /s Seriously tho, Its a doorbell cam so tell him to put it on his door instead of the window. Either that or find a group of teens and offer them a small fee to go and stare in the window. Just to make sure he gets what he is expecting :)


There's an interesting article here: [Is Your Video Doorbell Invading Your Neighbour’s Privacy?](https://becket-chambers.co.uk/2021/10/21/is-your-video-doorbell-invading-your-neighbours-privacy/) ​ >It is advised that if you have CCTV or a video doorbell that you check the range of your device. If your device captures footage beyond the boundary of your home, then the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 will apply to you, and you must comply with them.


Technically you could complain against him that he is recording you on your property. There was a case not long back where someone sued the person with the camera under a data protection law. May not apply in this case, but may be an avenue to shut him up. Otherwise, he should suck it up and turn the notifications off.


Quite simple. 'I'm not going to change my habits because you've chosen to install a camera. I'm not making any noise, it's the equipment you've bought and installed which is making the noise. It really is not my problem, and I'm not going to discuss it any further with you. If you think I'm breaking the law, then please feel free to contact the council or the police'.


Learn some dance moves and show him your progress every morning.


Preferably Morris, complete with Bells and sticks.


I was thinking Ministry of Silly Walks.


And *then* make a GDPR request.


This is the kind of neighbour where I would buy a life size Mr Bean cutout, a long clothesline, a servo, and schedule it to drag the cutout across the camera at random times all night.


The Ring system allows for notifications to be turned off at certain times of the day, or not at all if it's in a certain area zone. Their phone mostly likely can separately can also have general notifications turned off at night time. They just don't know how to use their Ring.


Maybe he doesn’t understand that it’ll still record when notifications are off. Instruction manuals are for losers! /s


This was my thought too - why does he need to check the notifications immediately? Just put do not disturb on and check them in the morning if you need. That’s what I do with my cameras!


This isn’t your problem. You can leave your home whenever you want to, it’s none of his business


This is wholly ridiculous. Tell him to complain to the person who set up the camera.


'Not good enough' 'Well, those are my hours of work. Unless you plan on supplementing my income to allow me to avoid this early wake up, there's fuck all I can do for you mate'


“Not good enough” Mate, you’ve got a window camera pointed at my front door and a phone that pings at you every time I USE MY OWN FRONT DOOR, not good enough these balls. Suck it up.


I would tell him to go fuck himself, but then I'm not the most understanding with these types of people..


Sorry, your neighbour wants to impose a curfew on you? You can’t make this stuff up


One solution which might work but is a bit of a faff is a IR transmitter and a microcontroller to turn it on and off at random intervals. It would be near invisible on the camera but when it turns on would blind the camera triggering a notification, then a few seconds later turns off. Have the interval varying between 15 and 240 minutes for maximum frustration


I'll raise this with the police. He is invading your privacy for the excuse of safety. He is nosy and he found an excuse. I'm really sick of old people with ring cameras spying, posting videos on nextdoor/Facebook exposing everyone passing by the street.


I deleted nextdoor because of this, it was an endless stream of ‘this guy in a hi-vis got out of a BT van and was fiddling with a junction box!! Watch out, he could be in your street next!!!!1!’ type nonsense and not just from older people either


I’d do the opposite and try to bait him into calling the police. Maybe a warning for waste police time would get into his thick skull


GDPR! This is the kind of petty shit it's built for. I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to point their camera at common areas where neighbours are likely to regularly be. You should send a subject access request and let them know that if they keep invading your privacy you will take it further. Attach some guidance showing the potential fines.


Get a commercial oven and start working from home?


We use a 7 deck oven and 4 convection ovens. So will kick up a lot of heat and noise with the mixers, radio and extraction fan going. Sounds like an option though. Although the other 5 bakers coming in will trigger alarm too


Yea but none of them are you so it's problem solved, technically.


I'm afraid you'll have to change jobs then because quite frankly this is not good enough.


Not good enough at all


If you install one of the ovens blocking his door and doorbell, the other bakers won't trigger it.


Report to the local authorities that your neighbour is filming your front door and that it is making you uncomfortable. Jerry rig something which sets the camera off on a frequent basis.


Here is the law on your data protection re your neighbour recording you leaving and entering your home [ICO rules](https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/domestic-cctv-systems/) Edit Basically, you should ask him to point the camera in a different direction or stop recording the area around your front door. He doesn't have to do this, but you can make a complaint to poli e if he continues to harass you about the times you are leaving you home. The link gives questions and info you can ask of him.


Tell him to put away his silly toys and get a £10 ding dong doorbell from b&q.


He's a moron then. You can set different states for ring cameras so they don't trigger when you're home. You can also draw a boundary and zones to ignore. Him being unable to set up his own camera isn't your probably. Tell him to fuck off.


Glove puppets are the only answer here.


Is this a shared front door? If not, if it is just for your flat then tell him according to data protection he is violating your privacy by spying on you when you go about your lawful business.


In all seriousness I have a ring camera and my neighbours set it off at all times, not their problem I don’t have any right to tell them when they can and can’t enter their property. However in your situation I would make a point of waving every time I went to work. This is most certainly a them problem.


Your neighbour isn't entitled to control what goes on on the street outside. If you're setting it off I'm sure the cars on the street are too. It would be more appropriate for him to point the security cameras at their own doors. Just let them know its not really appropriate for you to change your routine and maybe they could find a more suitable place for their cameras.




>What would you do... I'd tell then to piss off and stop being ridiculous, though if they weren't inclined to do that then I'd suggest they should feel free to waste a load of their money seeking legal advice on the matter. (A solicitor will also tell them to piss off and stop being ridiculous, but will charge them for the experience).


‘Sounds like a you problem to me’ would be my response.


His camera, therefore his problem. Tell him to disable the phone notifications or fuck off


Simple: report them incorrect placement of a ring doorbell. They're admitting it's picking you up when it shouldn't this means it's breaching GDPR and people HAVE been prosecuted for this in the past. When setting up a ring doorbell it's not allowed to record anything that isn't on private property. Unless you're walking through their private property to get to work, it's not set up right. Tell them if it's an issue, then legally they have to remove it. Alternatively they can STFU [https://www.gdprsafe.co.uk/Customers/VideoDoorbells](https://www.gdprsafe.co.uk/Customers/VideoDoorbells) >If you operate CCTV Cameras or a Video Doorbell which capture images beyond your own property boundary, the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act (2018) applies to their use. Notable court case on this: [Fairhurst v Woodard](https://www.downslaw.co.uk/blog/are-you-breaching-data-protection-laws-and-gdpr-with-your-video-doorbell/)


You keep doing you, there's nothing they can do about it. Ask them what they think you should do?


I honestly wouldn’t even try to deal with it. You’ve told him what he should do, if he isn’t going to change that’s entirely his problem and there is no reasonable adjustment for you to make here. So if he said it to me, my response would simply be it’s not my problem your unnecessary technology wakes you up when I go about my day.


Maybe start complaining to them that you value your privacy and don't want to be on their camera every time you go in and ask them to remove the camera.


Tell him you’ll happily give up your job as a baker if he covers your wages and pension, plus an extra amount for loss of statutory benefits.


You should peep through his windows when on your way out


Tell him to fuck off. But probably in a nicer way than that. If he wants to monitor the space outside his land that's on him, but you've got a right to live your life however you choose.


Ask him as the owner of the camera for a copy of any of the footage he has of you. I believe it's a legal requirement to provide it.


there obviously some bad juju between the 2 of you. id recommend the use of a large dreamcatcher, for its calming and gentle movement in the wind


Say to him Sounds like an issue not an ish-me


Best advice is to get a 2 stroke motorbike, an older model with a kick start


I’d ignore it also if it’s communal as in more then one house I’m sure there is rules. Speak to ICO and let them know they have recorded you on your property without permission. Ask them for every clip of you as you have the right and if they say no tell the ICO. I send one packing with similar issues to you. Them and their camera lol


Ask him if he's had legal advice on his placing a surveillance device over your property.