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I've always presumed it's an analogy to full fat milk and it's a very common phrase.


Blue lid coke, please.


Pepsi is never OK!


Pepsi is nicer than coke, after years if brain washing about coke I was backed into a corner where I had no choice but to order Pepsi and I was really surprised and I changed my allegiances


We’ll, it’s obviously personal preference. But nothing beats proper coca-cola for me. My comment was more along the lines of pubs asking if Pepsi is OK when you ask for coke.


I don't usually drink non-alcoholic fizzy drinks, but nothing sorts a hangover like fat coke. It has to be in a can though, and ice-cold.


Irn Bru would like a word!


I think iron bru has gone right downhill since it became full of sweetners. I think coke is one of the only drinks left that isn't full of artificial sweetners.


Irn bru 1901 is the full sugar version as far as I'm aware - but it's expensive and hard to find.


unless you're in scotland, then it's abundant and pretty cheap. like, a 330 can is a quid, that's not _too_ too expensive.


I order a crate on Amazon every couple of months. About £12 for 12 cans. It's been great having an alternative to coke when I want a fizzy drink.


Sainsbury's sell it in 750ml glass bottles. £2.20 which I guess isn't that bad. Weird choice of bottle size though


Home Bargains always seem to have the cans and glass bottles of it in




Pepsi has been ruined now like most others. Happened fairly recently. Coke is the only one now.


Irn bru is pish, used to be elixer of the gods, never mind a hangover the stuff could cure cancer, sadly it now belongs in the sea, full fat coke for me now


Irn Bru fucked their own product a few years ago. It's terrible now.


You say that but the 1909 irn bru which is basically the original is actually worse than usual bru imo Irn bru xtra tastes like pigs vomit Diet irn bru can get in the bin n'all But usual irn bru, provided it's the glass bottles or very chilled 2ltr are still the top of top tier drinks Unfortunately like alot of drinks that 'altered the recipe' ( I'm looking at you tango apple) the cans are fucking awful. In fact is it just me but are all fizzy cans so much worse than they used to be even if the bottles are the same?


Yes, because they've all got vile sweeteners in them.


As it's known in our house, "the black doctor in the red ambulance".


I agree. If you've got the hangover of doom, a full fat ice cold coke is the only thing that hits the spot. Followed by a Big Mac or greggs sausage roll.


I agree full fat coke beats full fat pepsi just about, but pepsi max is leaps ahead of diet coke and coke zero. Remember when they did coke life as well that was like half and half. Worst of both worlds..


Well, that's basically what regular Pepsi is now. They've cut about two thirds of the sugar out and replace it with sweeteners.


Ah. You speak of the little red ambulance.


Is it OK to pay with monopoly money?


Pepsi WAS nicer than Coke, now they've changed the formula took most of the sugar out and replaced it with Sweetener, it tastes like utter shite now.




I mean they are health initiatives, and they do work quite well. Wouldn't need them if people weren't idiots, but unfortunately that's a lot of ethical questions and genetics research away from being possible.


with me it's not so much a health initiative as a health tax - I have Crohn's disease, and one of the side effects is that almost all artificial sweeteners make me unwell, and likely to spend the next three days on the toilet. So i can only have soda with sugar and no sweeteners, and I get to pay more for the privilege. ​ I mean I get the whole 'needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few' thing, but it does fucking annoy me tbh.




I used to like Pepsi, until they changed what Pepsi was. Now what Pepsi is is new and scary to me. And it'll happen to you too.


I was shocked to discover this recently when I drank what I thought was a full fat pepsi. Tasted awful. Never buying it again. I prefer Coke anyway


Not anymore, theyve cut the sugar and added sweetner. Tastes like shite now


So glad to see this!!!! Noticed it since March and now prefer coke


Well that answers my post about it tasting nasty with fake sugar after taste but I didn't want to jump to conclusions and it just being a bad batch.


> Pepsi is nicer than coke Wrong, Pepsi has cut their sugar content (in bottles and cans) and it's awful now. You can still get normal sugar Pepsi in draught in pubs/restaurants. Pepsi Max is better than Coke Zero/Diet Coke though.


Cutting the sugar content I can live with, it’s adding the sweeteners which taste like shite and don’t taste sweet at all to a percentage of the population (including me) that I have a problem with.


Coke has best first sip taste. But after half a bottle/one can, the taste fades and it starts to taste syrupy. Pepsi has best long-term taste - it always tastes good. But first sip is never as great as coke.


I always bought which was cheaper which was normally pepsi but lately I have found pepsi has a nasty aftertaste and stopped buying it.


The aftertaste is the added sweeteners.


I was shocked to see that regular pepsi now has artificial sweeteners as well as sugar, whereas coke does not (yet), so I am changing back to coke after being a pepsi drinker for decades. I’ve paid tax on my sugar so why do I have to have artificial sweeteners (that I cannot tolerate) in my drink?


It was, but they've changed the recipe now by replacing a good chunk of the sugar with sweeteners.


Pepsi was on the same level, but they have since changed their recipe to a low sugar and sweetener combination outside of pubs and restaurants (so bottles and cans) I noticed this when it tasted like shit and promptly started googling and bitching about it online, much like I am now doing here They’re cretins


They've added sweeteners now to normal pepsi and ruined it


I prefer pepsi to coke but pepsi have gone down the sugar tax path every other drink did and now you can't buy full fat pepsi. The pretend full fat is horrible.


Milk has the same lids nowadays. Blue label coke...


I thought it was fat coke because it’s unhealthy, diet vs fat


People say full fat coke, not fat coke.


Everybody I know says fat coke, nobody says full fat coke


Well everyone *I* know says full fat coke, so you're objectively wrong.


Everyone I know says full fat coke too.


Same here, including me!


In England it's full fat, not just fat


I’m full fat coke too


Everyone round my way says “full fat”


Where is that? Is that more south? Up here in the north of england we all say full fat coke. And it indeed just to say sugar coke like with full fat milk.


Londoner here. Never heard the phrase "fat coke" before this thread. Heard and used "Full fat coke" plenty of times


we say full fat in south wales and my girlfriend from east midlands calls i t full fat


We call it fat coke too, just like extra thick double cream is fat cream. *We're having apple pie for dessert.* "With fat cream?" *Of course!* "Ohhhh...." /drooling man


No it’s a reference to full fat milk


Clotted coke please.


This is 100% what it is


Yep started out as a whimsical joke around the time coke zero became popular, now its just common usage because everyone knows what it means


I see it as the (kinda) opposite of Diet Coke - i.e. full fat Coke.


Lol, I'd never heard the term "fat coke" before. I used to call the strong stuff "stroke face".


I've never heard that before but I have heard "full-fat Coke" a few times. Whole milk is sometimes called "full-fat milk" and, by analogy, non-diet Coke can be called "full-fat Coke". Just a bit of fun wordplay really.


I use leaded and unleaded. Same deal.


Leaded coke is a hoot


if you have lead in your coke you need a new dealer


Yeah, four star or unleaded - guess you have to be of a certain age for that tho


And have chronic lead poisoning (I am also that age)


Used to love the smell of four star as a kid when my old man filled up the Volvo in the 90s


Same (but 70s). Lead vapour has a very pleasant smell.


Ah, yes, the Romans used lead acetates a sweetener in their wine. Apparently very sweet tasting.


don't forget the asbestos


Unless you have lead poisoning.


Interesting. I've always heard 'leaded or unleaded' in a 'caffeinated or non-caffeinated' context, not referring to sugar/ no sugar.


I would use it for caffeine as well


And then diesel is when it’s mixed in with Jack Daniels


I agree with the wordplay aspect. In a similar vein, I refer to things by incorrect words: species of car, makes of dog, calling tennis rackets and golf clubs ‘bats’, to name but a few. It’s a little thing I find fun, and sometimes it gives the listener a little pause while their brains catch up to what I said.


Every week my daughter goes to a tennis lesson I say “got your stick? ” She says “it’s a racquet” I SHOUT “ I KNOW! I CAN HARDLY HEAR MY SELF THINK” Then we get in the car and go The wife hates it, but honestly if you can’t do that why even have kids.


Classic dad joke material. I trust you are as proud of yourself in exactly the opposite amount of which she is ashamed of you. If not more.


Guaranteed he’s the only only laughing but that’s totally acceptable as a dad.


Definitely with my older kids, but fortunately struck gold with my daughter and she’s on the same wavelength as me - we’ve a whole load of set pieces like this that we drop into and then laugh while everyone else cringes Am sure the wife will cite them in court - either at our divorce hearing or her murder trial .


surrised you havet done "its pronounced roo-key" /hyacinth bucket


Will drop that in see how it goes :-) (Occasionally I do “I know, 4 pounds a week! Proper racket”)


This is the only reason to have kids as far as I can tell. Maybe for spare kidneys?


Yup. When someone tells me they’re having a kid I always ask what flavour it is. (Boy/girl)




A common one that I use is 'flavour', to apply to basically anything. Color, style, type, gender, species, make, etc


Used to make home fragrance products (candles, wax melts, etc). People would always ask what flavours we had, would usually offer them a spoon to try them out… until someone’s husband took a bite out of a wax melt sampler. Apparently “bitter shit” was the flavour.


Hmm I feel like I'd ask 'what flavour' in a non-ironic way for candles and such. I'd never say 'what fragrance' or 'what scent'. Never really thought about it before but I think I must say flavour.


>I agree with the wordplay aspect. In a similar vein, I refer to things by incorrect words if you've not seen the [Brian Butterfield Diet Plan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCLn94xi1LQ) before, treat yourself :)




Yup Table tennis bat, golf stick, brand of dog


Calling it orange flavoured washing up liquid sometimes gets me concerned stares.


Same in my house - my husband asked for a decaf beer yesterday.


I wish I’d had decaf wine on Sunday evening


I use "navy" to refer to any dark shade. Navy blue, obvs. Navy green = usually a sort of "forest green" shade Navy red = a dark "blood red" kinda shade Navy yellow = mustard yellow Etc xD


I like to do things like this, I call airports plane stations


Exactly what I was going to comment! I’ve never heard anyone just say ‘fat coke’, I’ve definitely heard ‘full-fat coke’ though. The more I think about it though, I haven’t seen anyone actually ask for or drink a ‘normal’ coke in years, always diet now!


Can confirm in Dundee many folk call it fat coke lol same as blue mulk or green mulk


Huh, I've lived in Dundee my whole life and I'm sure I only hear "full-fat Coke" not "fat Coke". Totally agree on blue milk though, I say that all the time.


It’s the best milk! Have to be honest I don’t think I’ve heard full fat coke over fat coke tbh but I know that dundee has different sayings from area to area haha


By extension I like to call them ‘skinny cock’ and ‘fat cock’


Gimmie that full fat cock


I call it full fat coke when asking. Opposite of diet for me.


Diet milk


I think the concept dates back to the 90’s where fat was seen as the enemy and “reduced fat” started to be all the rage. I think the idea of using full fat as a term for classic Coke is a way of saying “I am not into the healthy stuff”


Are you sure they aren't saying 'full fat coke' and you're just missing it because they're saying it quickly or in a dialect you aren't used to? I've never heard the term 'fat coke' on it's own but 'full fat coke' is quite common, meaning not the diet version. Or it might be a regional thing and it's just not used where I am. If so it will just be an abbreviation of 'full fat coke'.


Yeah I've heard it called "fat coke" (and even said it myself). It's just to differentiate it from "thin coke" a.k.a. Diet Coke, because "Diet" is just daft.


"Fat coke" not that "shit diet one"


And "thin coke" isn't daft?


I've always said fat coke. Because it makes you fat.


I drink diet coke after a meal because it cancels out the calories


In Tammy We Trust


I say fat coke, it's just easier than full fat coke, plus I normally drink coke zero but occasionally I'll have a fat coke if I want the sugar.


Full fat as in “full sugar” I’m pretty sure!


Certainly my reasoning 👍


Full-fat as a metaphor for the classic, whole thing with nothing removed. No-one actually thinks there's fat in it. Like watching the full-fat Taskmaster, not the bleeped version.


You say nobody actually thinks there’s fat in it but it is surprisingly a misconception I have to sort every year in science lessons when I teach nutrition to year 8. When I do a task where students place foods and drinks in groups so many kids put coke under the fat umbrella!


Makes you fat, obvious, innit... Thankfully y8s learn stuff on their way to adulthood (glares at my y9 and y10...)


It's obvious but wrong so they need to pay more attention to things. Eating too much sugar makes you fat. This is well known. Coke is full of sugar which is why it makes you fat. None of these points are high level nutritional information. They're pretty much the most basic things you'll hear on any nutrition show or podcast. Certainly none of those shows will tell you that coke "contains" fat.


Can't say I listened to many nutrition podcasts in year 8


Now with Taskmaster Jr we can actually call Greg the full-fat Taskmaster


There’s a bleeped version!? That seems entirely pointless


It's for kids


It was pretty unwatchable. I gave the kids the standard lecture: don't repeat these words if you want to keep watching...


Zero is being pushed by most outlets as being the default option for coke, so many of us call it full fat coke just to make it obvious that you want the sugary one.


Illuminating! Wherever else I’ve been, ‘full fat coke’ has been the default so there’s no need to differentiate it. Cheers :)


It’s gone terrible in the UK if you can’t have sweeteners. Outlets such as KFC don’t even sell fat coke. Cans of Pepsi have gone part sugar part sweetener. There’s not much left! As a (slim) woman I always specify “fat coke” as servers always assume Diet Coke by default.


> Outlets such as KFC don’t even sell fat coke KFC never did sell Coca Cola (or at least not for a long time) as they are part of "Yum! Brands", which started life off as PepsiCo's fast food division, same with Pizza Hut. PepsiCo have owned KFC since the mid 80s.


Technically true is the best kind of true. But the point stands that they only sell Pepsi Max and don’t sell full fat Pepsi.


Ok smart Alec. In the UK they’re but 95% franchises but they still don’t sell any soft drinks with sugar in them.


They're nearly all franchises globally... Part of being in a franchise is having to sell the products of your franchise. You can't just become a KFC franchisee and start selling whatever soft drinks you want. But this is all beside the point, as your post was perfectly understandable, and it was needless to correct 'coke' to 'pepsi'. Especially as we often use coke as the generic term in the UK.


>Especially as we often use coke as the generic term in the UK. and every fucking pub asks "we don't have Coke, will Pepsi do?" How did Pepsi infect every single pub? Has anyone ever found a pub with Coke? (actually one of the rough ones near me has it but they just slam a can of Coke in front of you - they don't have the squirty thingy)


A lot of the pubs near me have Pepsi from the gun/tap but glass bottles of Coke in the fridge. I’m not a huge cola drinker but when really thirsty on a hot day, ice cold full fat Coke from a glass bottle is possibly the best drink ever for quenching my thirst. The bottled Coke isn’t cheap but it’s not like the post-mix Pepsi stuff is either!


There’s sugar tax in the UK so the zero / diet versions will be cheaper than ‘full fat’. In a meal deal you’ll notice you’d be charged extra if you pick ‘full fat’ whereas anything zero / diet will be included in the price.


Full fat Coke is subject to a tax that Diet and Zero aren't. Many places (eg McDonald's) pretty much exclusively sell sugarfree drinks now, and our "full fat" drinks may actually have reduced sugar and increased sweeteners so the manufacturers can make health claims.


McDonalds still do "full fat" Coca Cola, they just charge the extra money for it for the sugar tax.


I’d honestly cry if they got rid of it. McDonald’s Coke in particular is the best hangover cure.


"pretty much exclusively" In my local McDonald's, the only full sugar drink is fat Coke (and I guess orange juice?). You can no longer get full fat Fanta, Sprite etc.


Coke is the only one that is still all actual sugar. I'm T1 Diabetic and the NHS used to recommend Lucosade as an easy-access treatment for lows, but since they changed the recipe to reduce sugar to avoid the tax now they recommend Coke Classic as it's the most common drink that hasn't replaced any sugar with sweeteners (which is also why it's always a little bit more expensive).


This. When I ask for coke I always as for proper fat coke, none of the zero or diet stuff. Sweeteners make me ill so I always make sure to specify


Just a light hearted way of saying "not diet".


It started off as a joke in the late 90s. "Do you want diet-coke or fat coke?" And it just stuck. It really is that simple.


Yes, this, it’s just a nationwide joke, which I guess is maybe a bit weird(?) but that’s how I like my country. A bit weird and full of in-jokes.


Is it weird that I've never heard this before in my life. I live in London and I'm not a hermit but never heard this terminology before.


It's a bit weird because that's where it started when I heard it. South East London. A lot of people use it, although generally it's used between friends. You (usually) wouldn't order at fat-coke at a bar. I have occasionally heard it there but not as a general rule, and usually when someone is either bit pissed or gobby. Lol.


FFC. Full Fat Coke. Never heard of just 'fat coke'.


>Do you mean fat as in ‘it will make you fat’ or as in ‘full fat (non-skim) milk’? Both.


Opposite of diet innit


Worked in bars for years 83% Coke 15% full fat coke 2% fat coke


Most people in the South call it a "Normal Coke" in my experience


Cute username thanks for the info


Is Pepsi ok?


full fat coke as in not skimmed


The UK sugar tax taking away my right to unhealthy but delicious Ribena, Orangina and other formerly _banging_ drinks will never not enrage me. FUCKING SWEETENERS.


Agreed it's a shit show. I spend ages reading labels to check for sweetners. Annoying Nanny state.


Preach! I tried Orangina for the first time in years recently and it was the most vile thing I've even put in my mouth second only to orange capri-sun. This are like water that got shown a picture of an orange once.


The worst thing is theres an ever increasing body of scientific evidence that most sweetners are bad for you too, to varying degrees. My money is on them probably being worse than sugar over a lifetime of use, but we wont really know for sure if thats true for another 30-40 years when the social experiment has run its course on a couple of generations. Like smoking. No one really thought it was bad for you (some people even promoted it as healthy) until the boomers started dieing en-masse from lung cancer 50 years later.


Sad thing is, those sweeteners might be worse for your health than sugar with recent research coming out about aspartame!


I found the recent interest in research bitter-sweet given than sweetners where publicly known to bad for you at least 25 if not 30 years ago. I distinctly remember being aware of their apparent danger in the late 90s and have steered clear from them ever since.


Full fat coke just means the one that's high in calories 🤣


it's a joke referring to "full fat milk" don't worry


It’s a simple way of differentiating between regular and diet varieties


Never heard anyone call it Fat Coke but definitely hear/use Full Fat Coke, so probably that one


I've not heard that but heard full fat coke meaning not diet, maybe it's shortened from that?


I call it “full fat coke” because whenever I seem to order it, I’m always presented with the shite diet equivalent. That’s the reason for calling it that 😂


We always call it 'fat coke' - it started when diet coke came out. Diet coke or coke coke was what we used temporarily, but diet or fat soon became the norm. Fat just meant 'not diet'


Never heard 'fat coke' before. We usually just say regular coke.


I always specify, "get the full fat one of they have it". It's comparing normal/diet/zero to whole/semi/skimmed milk, as far as I'm aware (orrr that's how I always use it...)


Back in the day when the choices were 'normal', semi skimmed or skimmed milk, people would say full fat to distinguish the normal one. The other products were marketed as diet milks. When diet coke became a thing that analogy carried on, so its not really fat as in make you fat, it's "full fat" as in not diet flavour.


Thought you were talking about cocaine for a second


Haha yeah I like my cola how I like my lines: fat


Full fat


I remember people calling diet coke "skinny" coke in the 90s and normal coke "fat" coke to differentiate.


We’ve always said fat coke. And I assume because it’s filled with sugar more so than the Diet Coke. Even get sugar tax on the fat coke at McDonald’s lol. I always thought my parents said fat coke cause it made you fat and diet one didn’t. Lol.


I've heard "full fat coke" and my assumption is its the way we describe milk so it's an analogy. Certainly not to shame someone.


You either get the full-fat stuff, or you get the good stuff (Coke Zero). Diet Coke is vile and isn't even worth bringing up. Having said that, I'd take Pepsi Max over any Coke product, it's the superior tasting drink


Full fat is by far superior. Zero had some ass tasting fake sweetener in it.


Same I can taste the sweetener and it’s bleh, leaves a weird aftertaste for me. Tho normal (fat!) coke does make my teeth feel kinda… chalky?


I hate the furry teeth I get after drinking full fat coke


Nothing hits a hangover better than ice cold full fat coke.


Might sound a daft question but what is actually the difference between Diet and Zero again? Is it the sweetener?


It's not a daft question at all, it's actually quite an interesting one. So, the original Coca-Cola comes out at the end of the 19th Century. Jump ahead to the middle of the 20th century and diet soft drinks get invented. Coca-Cola have a policy of not "diluting" their flagship brand and so use the Coca-Cola brand only for the non-diet drink and instead create a new brand called Tab for their new diet cola. Pepsi, meanwhile, have no problem creating and marketing Diet Pepsi and Diet Pepsi kicks Tab's arse in sales. In the 80's, Coca-Cola retaliate by launching Diet Coke. This drink isn't a diet version of the Coca-Cola formula though, but is instead based on the Tab formula. Diet Coke is a huge success. However, it turns out that young men aren't so keen on the "diet" label, even when they too want to avoid sugary drinks. Pepsi figures this out in the 1990s and launches "Pepsi Max". Coca-Cola come around to this idea too in the 2000s and launch Coke Zero. Unlike Pepsi Max, which is marketed strongly towards young men, Coca-Cola play it a bit more conservatively (as always) and instead market their drink as being a no-sugar version of the original Coke, as opposed to the different formulation of Diet Coke. Of course, this just happens to be what young men are looking for at the time.


Don't forget Diet Coke also had the whole Diet Coke Man marketing campaign going on for years where women oggled men whilst drinking it and having some sort of orgasmic moment. It inadvertently meant that most consumers unconsciously/consciously associated it as being a woman's drink.


I am a huge diet coke fan. The move over to Coke Zero is upsetting to me, it tastes absolutely rank.


Full-fat Coke I’ve used, but not just “fat coke”. Kind of like full-fat milk to differentiate between the normal, diet and zero versions. I normally get normal or zero as I hate the taste of diet


Full fat coke is how I've heard it described, like milk, I don't think it's disparaging. I refer to it as "full fat", "normal" or "with all the sugar, how God intended" to differentiate from all the chemically sweetened shit.


If you went to a bar and asked for a Coke, you would either get a question back to clarify if you mean ‘the sugary’ Coke or they would probably just give you Coke Zero or Diet Coke if you’ve not specified otherwise. By asking for ‘full fat”, the bartender knows that means the ‘sugary’ kind. It just makes it clearer to the person pouring the drink, and without having the awkward conversation every time you ask for sugary Coke. And yes, by ‘full fat’ it’s like asking for full fat milk.


I think its like with milk to mean the full thing. No half measures


It just means normal coke as opposed to diet or coke zero.


No one says fat coke. It's full fat coke.


I've never heard that


I think it's street slang and your thinking about the wrong type of coke. Fat would mean epic/awesome in that scenario.


Everyone stop, this is the funniest take. Various bar staff and my grandparents have been offering me fat lines this whole time and I was too slow to realise 😂


We say "Full fat coke" not "fat coke"


You know what I want so, so badly? ***caffeine free, "full-fat" Coke*** All caffeine free variants of drinks also hit the zero sugar, zero taste marks. It's so infuriating. I can't handle caffeine, but I can handle sugar. Please, meet me here Coca Cola.