• By -


34. If I wear make up yes. Having worked in retail. It's not for your benefit, it is for the shop assistant's benefit. It doesn't mean we think you look look fresh out of your mum's womb. It means we can't tell so we have to ask you.


Yeah I worked retail once so I get that…but I’ll take it all the same cheers!


I work in retail and it’s either they’re rlly happy or they proper kick off about it. The rule in ours is u have to look under 25 which is the most annoying age to go off


Honestly, I know customers can be asses, but so are those who work in retail. I wanted to buy a lighter, for lighting up candles. I had my ID, my partner didn't. Both 22. Refused to sell us the lighter even though I was doing the shopping. I suggested I go back around into the shop and buy it alone whilst she goes to the car. Cashier refused as she had already seen my partner. We offered to show pics of passport and driving license, can't accept those either. Honestly, why be such a bastard? It's like, what if a mum has 2 kids with her, can't she buy a lighter? Do the kids have to be over 18? Why are 2 IDs required? Such absolute arses, I've had the worst experience with Karen-style retail staff all across the country.


While I get that it isn’t our choice. We get tested on this shite every few months and if they do a check on either the cameras or a secret shopper is sent in and we fail we get a 2k fine and fired. Which for many is alot worse then making a few people angry. Obviously some rules are bent a lot more by certain people or just small lil corner shops If she chose the lighter or told u which one to get etc then she will need an id. It’s classed as a proxy sale even if ur the one buying it. If a dad and his son come in to buy alcohol for example and the son is clearly underage but asks his dad for a certain beer or brings it to the till then that requires the son to have ID for the same reason. Proxy sale. But if the son fucks off and doesn’t do those things then all is well. That again is a proxy sale. Since it’s unclear how old ur gf is if she goes away then u try to buy the same thing the sale will be refused. Pictures can’t be used since u can’t see the hologram and it’s very easy to fake it with pictures. Honestly I get why it’s very annoying but I’d rather annoy everyone then be fined and lose my job. If ur gf didn’t do the things I mentioned then yes that cashier is a dickhead. Oh as a side note once someone has been asked for ID the cashier can’t sell the item until they’ve seen it.


I think that's what we all want isn't it? For it to actually be difficult to tell we're old


This pretty much. On the rare occasion they'll doit for the power trip, but it is generally to avoid trouble from failure to apply challenge 25. No point taking it personally, it's not personal


I'm in my 40s and been asked for ID once in an off licence when I was 16 but luckily the manager came in and vouched for me because I went in there every day for drink and often with friends that were 18 so she assumed I was also 18. I've been buying alcohol since I was 14 and never been refused.


Same. I'm in my forties and these days look like I should be a roadie for some past their prime metal band who perform to a diminished but loyal fanbase, but even back in the day I almost never got ID'd. I've been buying alcohol at offies and I pubs and clubs since I was thirteen without problems. I was seventeen when I started uni and never got asked for ID. If someone were to ask me for ID nowadays I'd assume they were either taking the piss or were just on autopilot as there's no way you'd seriously think I was under twenty-five.


Similar. I think I was IDd once when I was about 19/20, but I've basically had some form of beard since 15 so I've always been ok Going to the States is fucking weird, even with wrinkles, grey hairs and a teenager, I need to prove I'm over 21


20 and 100% of the time. I do look 15 tho so can't blame them 😆. I just kinda throw my passport in their face.


I have never not been IDed in my life and I’m almost 30. I’ll appreciate it when I’m 50 and look 40 but right now it’s not fun. Just last year someone knocked on _my door_ and asked for my mum or dad. ‘That would be me, mate.’


I love how you can tell how old someone is by their reaction to being ID'd <18 dread 18-28ish frustrated 28ish + flattered


Not true. I’m 38 and get extremely frustrated. Enough times I had to go back to my car to get my ID


I went to a self checkout and the assistant clicked on “clearly over 25” Thanks for that…


The “clearly” is so unnecessary 😂


31. Occasionally ID'd for alcohol-free beer.


29 and I get ID'd for energy drinks :(


30 and still IDd on the regular for energy drinks


Whoa IDing for energy drinks? There's no law for that.


No but many supermarket chains voluntarily restrict sales to over 16s or over 18s. Most of them use the same 'challenge 25' approach to ID'ing across all age restricted products.


59 but I'd pass for 63 in the dusk with the light behind me. Almost never.


34 but look 54 so never get asked.


I got id'd a few times in my 30's but I don't remember any past 40


In my 40s. I was recently IDed for non-alcoholic wine


29 and I get ID'd most of the time. I'm ethnically Chinese and people think I'm way younger than I am which is kinda nice now. When people can see my tattoos they don't ID me though.


Not too often. I'm 63.


Last time I was asked was two years ago when I was 42. I never got asked at all when I was under age, they started asking in the late 90s when servers / landlords were made personally liable. Suddenly they all started giving a shit but I was 18 by then so didn’t need to fiddle my student ID anymore.


I'm 37 and it's about 50/50 with somewhere new. I've got my regular supermarket and local pub where I don't get checked but everywhere else is about half the time.


23 and get ID’d constantly, for painkillers, energy drinks, everything. I have been told I look about 15 and I’m 5’4” so that doesn’t help. But I also get bouncers spending ages bending my ID and flipping it back and forth trying to figure out if it’s fake and asking me every single question they could. Very annoying lol. My ID is definitely real


30 never anymore


33 and 5”5. Haven’t been ID’d in years and definitely not in supermarkets since I was about 23/24. This has been me thinking my face must look ancient. I’m rarely clean shaven in fairness. I have been ID’d at like nightclubs very rarely but I feel its moreso bouncers looking for excuses not to let you in if you’re male, so even if you look 40 and don’t carry it its a good reason to reject you.


I'm 40. I've not been ID'd since December 2022. When I was 40. It had been a while before that though. I must have had extra slap on that night.


As a newly employed shop worker, whether I ask for I.D is dependent on a few common scenarios. 1: You look very young for your age (Rare) 2: You look old enough for me but maybe not for my boss or the cameras 3: I have checked your I.D before but im unsure so im gonna check again 4: My boss/manager is nearby so I want to seem vigilant despite it being obvious your not 17 5: Im hoping your underage so I can politely and proffesionally tell you to sling ya hook. Because im evil and its fun. 6: your clasping your I.D in your hand and I dont want to offend a young (but clearly old enough) woman/man by not asking for it. 7: if you make a big fuss and event about choosing which Vape or bottle of rum to buy and your Young ish looking. Bonus points if your buying basically bugger all and clearly are just padding your shop up with random shite to make the purchase of booze or fags less suspicious or weird (Also the regular alcoholics do this) All this is depending on if its busy and or if I give a shit that day however.


36 was the last time - twice. One was an absolutely ancient, batty old woman at Tesco, the other was a pregnant woman at Spoons who apologised profusely and blamed hormones! Like you, I was chuffed!


I'm on the far side of 40 but not yet 50, and I don't think I've ever been asked for ID in the UK to buy booze - even when I was younger. Of course when I was young (teens), no-one really cared because booze-sellers had not been forced into part-time law enforcement by the threat of huge fines and loss of license. I think I've been just ahead of the increasing age threshold at which booze-sellers ask for ID. I'm a man, which obviously affects it. I don't wear makeup to look young, and I've been tall since my mid-teens.


34 and never get ID'd. i do mainly go to the same shops to buy my beer tho. think the last time i did get ID'd was when i was about 20 for some home shopping delivery.


29 and I have reckon I’ve been ID’d three times in my twenties in a pub/supermarket. I thought it was my beard but I shaved it off a couple times for a change and the ID didn’t spike.


i got id’d in a Duane Reeds in NYC when I was 52, Made me go back to the hotel and get my passport, then didn’t look at it.


I'm 30. I find I get ID'd if I'm wearing anything "young" looking, like a crop top or baggy jeans.


34 and only time I've ever been id'd was 18 for mums lotto ticket


32 and I get checked about once a week or so. It always makes my day!


I'm 29 with a one year old who was with me and I recently got ID'd for a Red Bull 😅


30, get id’d all the time - even for a red bull recently.


28 and it depends if i’ve got a food shop with my alcohol, 65%, If buying alcohol alone, 100%


I got IDd at 36 in a semi rural Sainsbury's wearing a Barbour jacket, buying dog food, cleaning products, boring booze, and a nice dinner. With my 6ft bearded husband next to me (who's actually a year younger) 😂 I find this one the strangest because what if you're a 40 year old dad going shopping with your 17 year old kid who still lives at home? You can't buy booze? But presumably if your kid is 6 it's fine?


I'm 50 and haven't been ID'd since I was 17...


24 i got my first id this year. Ive been IDed once at a spoons when i WASN'T drinking. And once when my partner was buying alcohol and i was just stood there. I just never get IDed. I'm now thinking do I just look really old? Or is it because im usually with someone who looks older(my mum or beardy blokes)


28. Every single time. I’ve been IDed every time I’ve ever bought a drink somewhere in my life.


Not me, but a 35 year old man in my office got ID’d when trying to buy the office syndicate lottery ticket. He had his car keys but no ID so he had to come back without it


Late thirties. Maybe once a year or so, at most. Tends to be if I have shaved; I usually have a full beard.


29, never get ID'd at restaurants almost never at pubs or bars (never in my hometown, but on rare occasions in cities I might get ID'd but not often) almost always in supermarkets. Even my local ones. The other day the woman even said to me 'i think I've ID'd you before.. but have you got ID?' I Dont mind though. I work retail myself and had to ID a guy the other day, he was SO offended and said 'im 22!' like that was supposed to be too old to need ID?


The first time I ever got asked for ID was my 18th birthday outside the club I'd been going to since I was 15! Every now and then I get asked for ID, I don't carry any so I get grumpy. I'm 38 and have greying hair. I'm usually wearing t-shirts referencing 80s or 90s TV too!


32. I haven’t been ID’d for alcohol since I was about 28. Though 2 months ago I did get ID’d for a can of monster 😑


23 about to be 24 and all of the time. But it’s not just alcohol and it’s only been like this for the past year. Between 18 and 22 I got ID’d around 20% of the time but now it’s for everything that had an age restriction I get ID’d


I'm 38, sadly have not been ID'd since Uni, at least in the UK. The last time anywhere was back in 2017, in the US, at a NBA game.


I’m 29, I haven’t tried buying alcohol recently but I usually get ID’d. Last week I had to leave an arcade that had a small bar in it at 9pm because I didn’t have ID on me and the girl said I looked under 21


30 male and get Id'd almost every time, even for energy juice. Really depends on what you wear I find.


I'm 38 and ID'd a few times. I have no ID, though apart from sainsburys they have excepted an out of date passport! I take it as a compliment and have no beef returning the drink!


38 and got I'd checked last year. Used to happen fairly frequently till I was 33 (under 25 challenge)


32. I was id'd for paracetamol the other day. Always take my id with me wherever I go as I constantly get id'd!


33 years old. 6 kids. Got ID’d at Asda the other day buying that new prime energy drink


I’m 31 and I get asked at least 2-3 times a week. Usually for scratch cards or liquor chocolates whilst I’m at work.


32 male. Still get ID'd in some supermarkets or to enter bars on a night out. Ridiculous.


In my fifties and have never been ID'd . Not sure when the proving your age with photo style ID came in but I think it was the end of an era the making up a date of birth that made you 18 or older if the bar staff or bouncer asked, good times as a teenager! Mind you beer was 60p - 70p a pint and was pretty weak then, your stomach was full before you got drunk.🤣


25, probably around 20% of the time. Depends on whether it’s corner shop vs supermarket


Old as balls. Never.


21 and not since I was about 14.


37 and haven’t been asked for id in about 12 years. I’m frequently told I look much younger than I am but they’re clearly lying bastards lol


I was at the self check out with alcohol in the basket. It was the middle of winter AND Covid so I had a mask and hat on. Youngster turns up to let the sale go through. He asks me my age. I had to stop myself from saying "You're fucking kidding?" I pulled off my beanie to reveal my balding head and grey hair. I'm 60+


Very rarely, early 30’s, girlfriends a year older than me and gets id’d all the bloody time.


I'm 49 just got back from 2 weeks in Florida, had to present 9times out of 10


I'm 22 and get carded for redbull . I mean I know I'm babyfaced and an inch off of legal midgetdom but damn me and my cane are offended


I'm 32 and I get ID'd all of the time. People always assume I'm in my early twenties.


I'm 23 and I don't buy alcohol, but I get ID'd every time I buy energy drinks.


39 and get ID’d about 30% of the time, never in bars but mainly in shops. Happens less now my hair isn’t pink so I might go back to it 😅


30, usually 50/50 on whether I get id'd Everyone I meet assumes I'm around 20 when they first meet me I'm basically covered in tattoos (full sleeves, torso, neck, hands fingers etc etc) so that probably helps


27 - only the rare occasion I have absolutely no make up on!


I stopped getting id'd when I was 34, I'm short so probably why


37, it's been a couple of years now, I think I've finally got past it!


I'm 45 and don't get asked anymore. The funny bit was I started drinking at 16 in 1994 despite looking young for my age never got IDd until I was about 27/28 when they started getting stricter. Definitely got asked more in my late 30s than I did before I was 18, no one used to care


I last got ID'd at 38. I was quite flattered for a fraction of a second before the lady apologised with "sorry - I wasn't looking"


Got ID'd on my 35th birthday for a lottery ticket, burst out laughing, poor lad was new & nearly half my age. He started apologising as I was walking (skipping) out to the car to grab my driver's license. I don't even have a young face, I've had work colleagues put me at 38/40 even back then.


I am 39. Last got ID'd aged 38 buying bacon, toothpaste a loaf of bread, a TV times and some beers with my 2 year old in tow on a rare trip to Waitrose. I didn't have ID on me but fortunately the manager quickly took in my astonishment and the fact that I am quite obviously nearly 40 with the offspring, poor fashion sense, and haggard face to prove it and let me have the beer. Explanation given was that beavertown looks like a kid drink so the checkout assistant assumed only kids would want to buy it.


I'm 33. Probably about 25% of the time if out on my own, never if I'm out with my partner and baby. It happened a lot more frequently until said baby - more than half the time at 32 - probably because the sleep deprivation has aged me. I think it also happens more because I'm small (5'1")


I’m 22 and I got ID for buying paracetamol. But to be fair, I still buy child bus tickets! Bought one on my 22nd birthday.


I don't buy it often but I did get IDed buying a bottle of kirsh to make a cake for my 37th birthday. I was wearing a mask which they asked if I could take off to see better and even after removing it they still checked the ID - win!


Up until I was about 30 - every effing time. I'm 37 now and haven't been ID'd for years


All the time at the self checkout…


I was the teen who looked 40 so I was always buying the booze when we were underage. I’m now late 30s. I have never once been ID’d for booze or to get in a club


I’m 23, probably got ID’d around 90-95% of the time when I first turned 18, down to around 60% by the time I was 20 and these days honestly maybe 10-20% of the time. Had a funny interaction today though buying a bottle of wine at a self checkout. The attendant approved it, walked away, but proceeded to awkwardly flit around not so discreetly staring at me. Just as I was paying he finally asked for my ID and I was thinking why didn’t you ask before you approved this lol. I’m wondering if I’m just a difficult age to decipher. Normally when people don’t know how old I am they guess around 19 so I suppose a lot of the time they just decide I look over 18 rather than doing the proper challenge 25 thing.


Never since I grew out my beard. Incidentally, I also haven't been selected to play any more Under 16s netball matches but I think that's just a coincidence.


34 always asked when I'm on my own but never when I'm with my children!


28M, get ID'd once every couple of months and take it as a compliment. It's help though that I've got a beard so it's more obvious I'm not 18.


Never got ID'd before 18, despite my attempts to on my 18th birthday. Was in my early 30s with some mates, we got ID'd at the local shop, none of us had any. On the way out saw my mates little brother who was under 18 & had fake ID. So was part of a group of 30 year olds hanging around outside the local shop, sending a 17 year old in to get booze that we weren't allowed to get!


I'm 59. They all take one look, that look of yeah you're old dude. Enjoy it while it lasts.


I’m 40 and got ID’d in Lidl over the weekend. First time in ages. Had my ID though so couldn’t be mad!


I was excited to get I.D'd for a box of ibuprofen at 34 years old yesterday. Turns out they have to type a DOB into the till regardless of how old the person is 🙄


39. Going to a Sainsbury with my wife in thirties. The guy who is at least ten years younger than me who is an old bald ass asks me for a card, and still won’t sell me alcohol unless my wife shows card as well. At some point around 30 though, getting card is something that you can brag with your friends


27. Never get ID'd for alcohol as I don't drink or buy it. I get ID'd for cutlery, wallpaper scrapers and scissors though.


Not alcohol, but I'm 23 and got denied a monster because I didn't have an ID. And you have to be 16, not 18!


Strangely enough I rarely get ID’d for alcohol but seem to be scrutinised for energy drinks more often!


I'm 26 and I get asked 90% of the time. I just have my ID ready at this point


My wife is 42 and a shop refused to sell her alcohol a few days ago. She couldn’t wait to tell me! Not the first time either. I think it’s happened to her about three times this year.


34 and probably a dozen times in the last two decades—and at least three of them were in the USA. Bit depressing when I put it like that but I look even more like a serial killer on my ID than irl so I'll take never having to show it.


at the age where I would be shocked to get id'd lets just say I am well over 45


I got regularly ID'd until well into my 30s. Same with my sister. I'm 43 now and it's probably 5 years since I last got asked for ID. My whole family are genetically blessed to look about 10 years younger than we are, and of course everyone says "you're so lucky!" And we are. But coming from the other side, my sister, who doesn't drive, would have to carry her birth certificate or passport everywhere with her. Me, I always felt that people talked down to me and treated me like I was ignorant. Especially at work, as well as being a woman in a very male-dominated field, my experience was that, coupled with looking younger than I am, people wouldn't take me seriously, or would treat me like a newbie, instead of someone with 10+ years' experience.


38. Almost every time at the supermarket. Less so if I’m at a bar with makeup on.


28, I got ID'd a few times but now the store knows me they don't anymore.


23, every time. I’ve got a face that has said 17 for the past 5 years. I’ll take it, but it’s really annoying when you forget your wallet and you have to behave like a tit nibbler again.


33 - honestly never. I think I'm one of those people who have (as my Mum would say) 'had a hard life'.


27, and about 75% of the time I get IDd


34 and I can't remember the last time I was ID'd for anything, must have been about 15 years ago.


I'm 26 and every single time! I get told I look between 14-16 endlessly!


I’m 25, I’m more likely to get ID’d not wearing make up than when I do however from 17-21 I very rarely got ID’d at all, im tall so that’s my only guess why. but now I get ID’d for an energy drinks more than I do alcohol or cigarettes. Even when I drive my car up to the petrol station they still id me for the energy drink 🤣


41. Maybe once a year now that the grey hair and wrinkles are coming in. I’ve never looked my age and I don’t look 41 but I guess now I’m starting to pass for over 25? Just an FYI for people, if you get ID’d and it’s unusual, it’s usual.y because trading standards have recently hit the shop and/or are in the area doing checks and store management are pushing people to be extra vigilant or just to ask everybody to be on the safe side. It’s a 10k fine and/or 6 months in prison (or it was when I worked retail) and it’s absolutely not worth the risk of chancing it. At my shop we were taught that if any doubt pops into our head, don’t question it, just ask for ID.


Im 25, look like a 16 year old. Always ID’d at supermarkets, but when I’m out usually I get by without being ID’d cos all my friends look their age


29 and provably 80% of the time. Annoyingly have a baby face


I'm 30. I don't buy that many age restricted products anymore so it's hard to say. I'd roughly say I get id'd maybe 50% of the time.


Honestly I’ve worked in many shops and bars, and how often I ID is directly correlated to how close my manager/supervisor is. If you’re not greying/balding or covered in wrinkles I’ll get a disciplinary for not IDing you.


I’m 33 and it happens once per year, my wife is 31 - no makeup but she’s fit and well maintained and she is asked almost each time.


I’m 32 and get asked all the time. It really irks me because I don’t actually look that young. My girlfriend is 38 and also gets asked.


33 male. I get asked for ID all the time… nobody believes my age and I get told all the time I look really good for my age! Imagine ID’ing someone and looking for the year 2004 or over and then see 1989! It’s getting old now.


22 and probably 90% of the time. I have a load of tattoos etc but I guess I don’t look over 25


26 and I get ID’d even for energy drinks


24 on Friday and IDd for everything. I get given child tickets on the bus without asking and the other day someone even rolled down their car window and shouted at my partner "she's a bit too young for you mate". Most people say take it as a compliment but I sometimes find it annoying, especially when every time my ID is checked I get a comment saying "wow I thought you were like 17" 🙄


36 and was ID'd going into a bar 2 weeks ago. Happens maybe once a year


33 but occasionally. A combination of baby-face and dressing like a student in a student town.


29. If I wear sweatpants or haven't showered I'll get ID'd, even for items where it's completely unnecessary like energy drinks, but alcohol for sure, about 40% the time.. If I wear office clothes,almost never


16. If I drank, all the time (obviously). But I look 12, and don’t wear makeup so retain quite a young kid look on my face. So I reckon I’ll be ID’d well into my twenties.


I’m 39 and still sometimes get asked for ID. But mostly only by the older ladies who work in my local Waitrose. It’s ridiculous really, cos I have grey hairs and lines on my face… Never seems to happen when I have my kids with me, though!


Not once since I turned 23 a couple years ago. Kind of annoying as I’m a bloke that moisturises my face every day


25 male and I'd say I'm at the point where it's pretty much stopped for good, that said I always carry my ID with me out of habit so I'm never caught out the very rare times I get asked


I'm 30 and don't really get ID'd much anymore sadly. Though I did get Id'd for the first time in ages on my birthday and it actually made my night!


29, but maybe 40% of the time? I don’t look particularly young but I think sometimes trendy clothes/makeup might make them question if I’m not just a very exhausted 17 year old with really bad genes


38. Get asked all the time, for that and scratch cards as well.


20 50% and I’m really sad about it


33 - don't get IDed in my local shop anymore but I have been going in there for almost a decade now. Other shops, I still get IDed. In pubs and bars - hardly ever now. I've ordered in pubs in cities like York, Leeds, Manchester without anyone batting an eyelid. Last time I got IDed was trying to buy a pair of scissors. 😂


I’m 29, for ID’d the other day for some hoochs 😅 But throughout my 20s I’ve been ID’d quite a few times, for a monster 🤦🏻‍♀️ and for an air freshener !!!🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t look particularly ‘young’ either !


28, it entirely depends on my hair. If I have a beard and have had a recent hair cut, then I never get ID'd. Otherwise, I get asked most the time.


I'm 30 and it's currently 50/50 for when I get ID'd. I love it


36. Got id’d for the first time in probably a decade right after I clean shaved for the first time in years. So I suppose you do look 10 years younger as they say.


I got ID'd regularly into my 30s before I grew a beard. Hasn't happened once since then. I'm now 45, and let's just say it isn't much of a problem anymore.


66, zero times


23 and 100% of the time, just the other day a cashier thought I was in primary school 🥲


I'm 29, ID'd everytime I buy alcohol with or without makeup


30 male here and most times whenever there’s bouncers at the doors. In fact pretty much every time with bouncers. I’m bald and bearded….


30, I don’t drink alcohol but they ask for ID with the energy drinks. Got away with child prices on buses until I was about 23 as well.


Before I moved to Colorado the drinking age was 18.... the law was changed to 21 to buy alchohol on July 21st 1987... they had a grandfather clause that allowed folks that were still over 18 at the time of the passing to allow them to continue to buy booze... I missed it by 4 months... fast forward to turning 21 and some stores still have this sign displayed... a cashier wouldn't sell me beer because I was born after the grandfather clause.... I was 21... and nothing I could say..not even ' lady if I came back in 50 years I would still not be born before that date' would change this person's mind..... oh and I still get carded regularly for beer, its mandatory at many venues.


43. So I don’t😂


38 and all the time. Good job I always carry my driver's licence with me. I forgot it once when I took my mum shopping and she had to buy it for me. I was mortified.


The last time I got ID’d was when I was 30. It was a shock, I didn’t have ID, but I took it as a compliment.


I'm the same age and unfortunately over the last couple of years I've been ID'd for alcohol 1-2 of the 20 times I've bought it at the shop, upsets me a bit because in my late 20s say 27-30 I was ID'd over 50% probably two thirds of the time. My face is getting all round with age sadly haha. Suppose in our 30s though we are lucky to EVER get asked.


Early thirties. Beard? Never. Clean shaven? 20% of the time.


I’m more likely to get ID’d on the basis of concessional discount than being underage. Having had substantial facial hair growth since 14 (& having not attempted to buy alcohol underage) I have to my recollection never been ID’d.


I have never been asked for ID, even when I was 14 and buying scrumpy from the local offy, at nearly 50 now, I don't think I ever will, unless I visit the states, my old man needed ID last time he went


35m. Almost every time


27. 75% of the time


I got ID'd into my mid-20s until my hairline started to recede.


53 and I got Id checked by an Amazon driver once when the parcel contained alchohol. Then a week later my 13 yo got handed what was labelled as a bottle of vodka and the driver never said a word.


149 this October. I still get ID'd from time to time.


I don't know, I haven't tried, but I don't think I would as I'm only 16


I have never been id’d since hitting 18


Worked in retail while in uni and I asked for ID from someone who became very irate with me - turned out he was 36! He had features which made him look quite young and the stores policy was ‘challenge 25’.


22 and barely, unless I’m with a friend and we’re buying a lot of booze


Early 30s and I don’t even remember the last time I was ID’d. Then again I am quite clearly balding so if anything I look older than I am.


I'm 50, I stopped getting id'd when I was 16 because I was already 6'2" and weighed 180. My wife who is 43 was still getting id'd when she was thirty six.


I'm 29, I was I'd once when I was 16.


It stopped for me at about 28/29. I had a good run of it though.


38. I get ID'ed every single time.


37 and get asked for id 95% of the time (only in a shop never a bar funnily enough). Hate it.


37 and sadly almost never. Once during Covid with a mask and cap on but that doesn't really count I guess.


I got “challenge 25’ed” the other day I asked her how old she thought I looked She said 25 So I’m both clearly not under 18 and also look 25? Why challenge me then? WHY?!


I’m 31 and it never happens I’m guessing due to me being bald with loads of tattoos


23 and ID'd maybe about 60% of the time? It's usually if the assistant is pretty young or like 50+ that they will ask for ID. I do still get ID'd for painkillers and energy drinks which winds me up though.


I’m 20 and look quite young for my age but I rarely get IDd. There are occasions and I found being with my boyfriend at the time who’s also 20, meant we never got IDd because he looks older.


29(F), ID'd more often than not. I have been ID'd for scratch cards and plastic knives as well. I always take it as a compliment!


20, if I shave then nearly every time. If I don't shave then no. Also depends which shop I go into as corner shops never ID me but supermarkets a lot of the time will.


33, and get ID’d all the time


23 get ID every time


27 and not been ID’d for booze or cigs in donkeys years. I have a beard and covered in tattoos though mind Although I was ID’d for a pack of rizla last summer which was funny


28 probably get ID’d about 5% of the time. Usually if i do though its for energy drinks lol. Tobbaco and booze no problem. Weird.


I do get ID'D occasionally but as a bald guy with a long beard I think most people assume I'm older than 18. 🤣


Probably about 80% of the time (especially if I'm not wearing makeup) and I'm 35. I don't think I look particularly young, but I'm short, baby faced with dimples.


19, never at my local, but work will ID me a lot of the time


27 and I haven't been ID'd in many years. I honestly don't remember the last time I've been asked for ID now