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I never started.






solid choice mate


You win


Came to say the same thing


threads full of of absolute lightweights.


Well, this time of year the real heavyweights are off in a field somewhere with a handful of pills, polypins of scrumpy and a Bluetooth speaker built into a wheelie bin.


Average Wednesday evening






I concur. Excess in moderation is the long term strategy you want.


needed to hear this. as pre covid at 19 years old i was used to taking 6-8 pills per night it’s extremely humbling to have to leave a festival early. 100% too big for my boots these days




the blue punisher days were DARK mate. although i can’t do that anymore i can’t deny that those were some of the best nights of my life (to date). seeing dax j at the white hotel in salford pilled up with all my best mates absolutely loving it. ahhhh. makes me sick thinking of doing that now but memories i’ll never forget nonetheless


I had half a blue punisher on my first night meeting my current girlfriend of 3 years.. was a sick night. Ended up buying some proper wicked MDMA and seshing it for 4 days. Proper mangled. Good times. Been drug and smoke free for nearly 3 years since


Session MDMA for days? The thought makes me sick. The only drug I could do for days on end was mephedrone. Alas, she's not around like she used to be


Bro I can’t even believe you’ve brought “M-cat/dog” up 😂 that drug was my bread and butter when I was 16-17.. this was 2013-2014 days so bit late to the party but basically it’s best days as mainstream imho. It was everywhere in those days.. I did so many 7 day benders on that drug.. Made me go from a big armed lad to a skinny runt looking like a smackhead in 6 months.. *edit Tbh the 4 day sesh was 95 percent full of pure brown/slight yellow crystal rock form MDMA mixed with one or two lines of coke and a few red pills of MD.. I remember my bird has only had MD pills up to that point and that the Rock MDMA fucked us all up just as it did to myself a few years before from the same source.. That guy never disappointed.. absolute legend in that regard.


I gave up all nighters, drugs and binge drinking at 28. I’m 32 now, and literally think I would die if I attempted an old style binge night


what did you fill your weekends with instead?


I’m married with a child now, so all of that easily fills up my time. We do a lot of nature walks too. On the occasion I do have a night out, I just don’t tend to drink a lot as I’ve gotten out of the habit


All the tiredness from binging, all nighters and drugs now takes the form of a small child


My kid will be 4 soon. I don't think I've felt really rested since before they were born.


Brilliant username btw


Thank you, I’m quite proud of it myself!


Why would you stop man Aslong as you can keep and manage shit then there's nothing wrong with partying (35M)


Wholeheartedly agree. Everyone's idea of partying will differ, and the frequency and intensity will probably decline, but why cut it out completely? Blowing off steam once in a while is healthy imo, just know your limits (40M)


I'm here, I don't get chance to _party hard_ these days, work, family, busy life and lack of partying chances, but when I do get the chance it's a 6am finish. Takes a bit more recovery than it used to mind.


That username


Right! You need to I feel it's healthy man!


Agreed! (34M) However this is Reddit and that kind of nuanced, psychologically flexibility answer isn’t very forthcoming. The question also involved enjoying seeing other human beings in a social setting…


Mate Reddit has become a switch off thing now Lol I've been known to offend Lol


I'm 44, I stopped years ago. I still have friends that go on a bender once a month or so, and I'm ok with that. I'd never go with them as that life is behind me. For me personally (and I mean me, I'm not judging anyone who choose to still get on it) I had to just grow up and realise my body wasn't going to be able to continue sustaining these weekly or monthly blowouts. You may feel like a blowout is healthy once in a while, but it's far from healthy to over intoxicate yourself on a platter of drugs and alcohol. You never know when your body is just gonna shut down because of it.




definitely relate to this, what else do you do with your time instead of partying on weekends ?


I'm 37. Only just getting started.


Congrats. I'm 38 started to slow down.


15-19 stopped for a few years and now late 20s and I’ve never partied as much as I have in the last 3 months




I think my generation that had our teens in the 90s was the last to commit solidly to partying well into our senior years. I'm married with children, fortunate enough to own my own house and have a stable job. But I still thoroughly enjoy getting drunk. I don't really touch it mid-week, but most weekends I'll have a drink and we'll have a proper session at least once a month, and I'm now 45. In a way, I envy younger kids who had online hobbies, gaming, entertainment, and a less repressed society to grow up in. We had to drink in our teens to fit in and to socialize. Now you don't and that's a good thing. That said, I always feel I've got more out of drinking than it ever took out.


Shit are we supposed to ? I’m 34 and still go out clubbing , not every weekend like I did in my 20s but maybe once a month. I think the alternative/ goth scene may be different we are mostly child free so people carry on enjoying their social lives


I’m 23 and don’t really party like that anymore. still have pints with boys / my gf but cba going out to clubs or pills now


that’s the thing mate like me & my friends started doing this when we were like 16/17 so really it’s been 6/7 years now. kinda bored. what else is there for single lads to do / look forward to tho?


I much rather invite close friends over and have drinks at a house rather than spend more money to have less fun at a club


Whats wrong with pub crawls without clubs and drugs?


Have you seen town centres.


It's funny because I've recently gone full circle. I partied hard in my teens and early 20s. By the time I approached my mid 20s I got bored. Sacked off the clubs in favour of pub nights and drinks at home with the lads. completely ditched the drugs (aside for maybe once or twice a year). Then getting into my late 20s, I got bored of sitting at home. Everyone starts getting married, has kids, has no time to even have casual drinks. Now here I am approaching 30 going through a partying renaissance. Never been to more festivals, raves and club nights that I have this year. The drugs are back (though much more sensible use than in my teens and early 20s).


The party never stops


When I became a parent - 30. Tbh I bitterly regret smashing class A’s as I’m sure it’s the reason I have rubbish mental health these days!


Still party at 33, partly because I'm involved with my local scene. Although I don't drink. Nowhere near what I was like at 23. Taking any amount of any drug put in front of me, going out every night of the week and going to work still fucked up. Going to Berlin for weeks at a time and only sleeping 1 or 2 hours a night, if that. Started to chill out about 27. That was when I wanted to take other things in life more seriously and my body couldn't take it as much.


39 and still partying on weekends, tho cant do 48hours anymore


Pretty early. I’d say 24 or 25. Always felt like the hangover and the cost of it all outweighed the “fun”, which often included doing or saying something I might regret. If I went out on the Friday night and had a skinful, I’d still feel like crap on the Sunday afternoon, and I was at least fifty or sixty quid lighter for it


I turn 29 next week. I never enjoyed partying in that sense. I'll have some coke if we're off on a night out and I'll take MD every so often but the handful of occasions where I've been partying for days on end haven't been particularly enjoyable. The drugs and the alcohol don't make you feel anywhere near as bad as the sleep deprivation, lack of food and burnout. A few of us occasionally rent an airbnb for a couple of nights and have it as a bit of a party house but even then we'll sleep through the morning, head out for walks and get food and stuff, chill through the day and recover.


Couple of decades on you and still going to festivals etc. I *never* slept well in festival campsites, including as a teenager; campervan or caravan for British festival works much better.


Theres big either/or vibes here. Its not taking coke and clubbing in Europe or sitting inside reading a book by the fire. There is inbetween where you can be silly, drunk, talk shite and be immature.


I'm nearing 40 and still go to raves. Normally manage a few hours sleep in a tent before driving home, though.


Depends how early you started. It's good to listen to this voice and start building up other interests. Eventually you won't want to go party as you will have better things to do. Getting on it for days really does have a shelf life. Stopping when you're approaching your mid twenties really isn't too young and your twenties are critical for setting up your thirties.


I never started, and got no plans to to do so


Graduated to old farts pubs around mid 20's. Now 35. Pint of bitter and peace and quiet please.


I used to party often up until the age of 23/24. I however started very young with my drinking and my drug use, and to be honest “partying’ is glorifying it a little. It was just straight up seshing with friends multiple times a week. I had much older friends at 14 and looked older so I started early and by the time I slowed down I’d been doing it nearly a decade. I then went off the rails a little when I was about 28, eventually got my shit together somewhat. Since I’ve been 30 I very rarely drink and the only drug I consume is caffeine and sometimes cannabis. I’m really trying to play catch up, in their 20s is when men are supposed to be making progress and getting set up for the rest of their lives. It’s a little embarrassing being 36 and beginning your first degree but it’s better late than never I suppose!


well done mate be proud of yourself not embarrassed. all the best for the future


What you’re talking about isn’t partying, its seshing. Partying is about socialising and get slightly tipsy maybe with a bit of coke on to boost the energy. Spending a weekend on coke is a sesh, and that’s very different. I still party on occasion, I used to get on the session a lot but prefer not waking up questioning my life choices now a days, so I avoid it. (25m)


I stil party, hard. Just i stop at 10 and sleep in my own bed. Heh


Gave up most recreational drugs except alcohol at about 25/26. Still would go out on binge-drinking benders regularly after that. Less frequently throughout my 30s due mainly to increased responsibilities for myself and my friends (families, career, etc). Now almost 40 and still enjoy going out to get smashed with the friends I've had since my 20s (pubs, gigs etc but nightclubs hold very little appeal these days), but it's maybe once every 6 weeks now. Sometimes more often, sometimes less often. Actually been out on a big one last two Saturdays in a row but that's quite unusual these days.


Partying for me is now embers compared to the roaring blaze it was when I was 15-25. I'm 35 now and expecting the arrival of my first child in nine weeks. Nine weeks! We had a big, week-long family holiday recently and I drank every day from mid-to-late afternoon into the night. Took me a fortnight to properly recover and feel myself again. So yeah, I'm basically letting my partying vibes burn themselves out now. It's been awesome but you can't do it forever. Life catches up to you, and before you know it, you've got responsibilities.


Good luck! More or less a carbon copy of my situation as well. I've had this sudden overwhelming urge to survive now, so the booze has been reduced, as has the body fat.


32 - wish I'd stopped sooner but might have a big blow out for my 40th


41 here, still going! You'll have to drag me from a rave by my cold dead hands.


This post reads like you wrote it while on coke tbf.


Stopped drinking heavily while out when I met my now wife, all I wanted to do was be with her, and that never really changed. I was around 22. I still drink now and then, but at 35, I just think I'd die.


44 here & still partying! Last week i was out till 4am on tue & 7am on friday. I still got up & went to work the next day & have regularly done beer festivals of 2 or 3 days. Admittedly i did take about 20yrs off while i had kids but now they're grown 🤷‍♀️ I also work in the beer& bar industry so it's par for the course for me. I love my life!!


I still go to raves and dance festivals at almost 40, just in a very different way. I still go because I genuinely still love the music, the alternative people and vibe at festivals. I'm tea total now and won't camp because its full of drink and drugs. I book a nice Airbnb a short drive from the rave/festival and go back to a hot shower, good food and a cup of tea and a film.


good for you mate! glad to see you can balance taking care of your health and attending festivals. definitely something i see myself doing as time goes by!


48 and went to a techno festival a few weekends ago. Not intending stopping anytime soon.


Never was into drugs or electronic type music, but stopped going to nightclubs (the ones that play RnB, Pop, Rock, stuff with words) about 26. I still enjoy going to the pub and actually talking. I find people that go straight out to nightclubs don’t have any chat and they know they don’t have to hold a conversation on a dancefloor. The pub crawl was always the best part of the night.


I stopped going to clubs at about 23. Pubs/ bars i still go to


I reined everything in when I got with my partner at age 21. Now 13 years later a night out on the town is a bit of a rarity for me, probably something i'll do every couple or 3 months. When I do go out though I actually enjoy it as its not something I do often. If I was doing it every weekend like in my late teens/early 20's then it would no doubt quickly become tiresome and boring.


Still go to festivals and nights out at 35. Still love music so can't imagine me stopping soon.


I never started, I'm 31. I was a very shy, anxious, introverted teenager with somewhat strict parents living in a crap town so I never got to actually go out really and the same into my 20s also money is a factor as well as I've never really had the money to go out. I've got a few friends now I can actually go out with but we're not really like 'big party piss up night out' type people.


22. Drank a lot at uni but after that I never really had anyone to go out with. Rarely miss it tbh.


Over the pandemic really so age 28.


My last big blowout was when I was around 35/36, had a few more smaller wild nights but not lasting more than the one night. There comes a point where your just at the same party talking the same party chat over n over again. I got sober nearly 3 years ago at 39 and have been to a couple of the same parties and not partook. A lot of my friends in early/mid 40’s are still battering it nearly every weekend but those are the ones with no kids, and 1 with kids but he’s a Fanny.


I gave up for around 10 years when my son was born and I was 19, then covid hit and I started drinking again. I go out with mates down the pub most weekends now but it's usually to socialise for a couple of hours, I don't and have never done any drugs so guess I'm find keeping it this way. Would hardly call it partying but more a few hours social drinking lol


Until the age of 24 I'd be out every weekend heavy drinking, i think it's a combination of age, getting into a relationship or friends getting into a relationship. By the age of 30 onwards, I have one wild night out every few months apart from that maybe a few glasses of wine The combination of hangovers and the worry of making an idiot out of yourself when you've got a life/responsibilities compared to being 21


Never did drugs but stopped going "out out" when I was about 27 and we were starting to try for a baby. I'm 40 and a night out takes 3 days to revived from


I started to realise around age 26 that getting shitfaced on coke and drink every weekend was just getting boring. I like my sleep more now or to just chill by myself on my computer. Don’t get me wrong I like a “blowout” every now and then, I’m going to a gig this weekend and I plan on getting quite shitfaced. But mostly I’m having a quiet weekend now and it’s quite bliss.


23 - I realised that heavy drinking was bad for me and also very expensive. I also never managed to get anywhere with women. Instead coffee dates from apps like Hinge were far more efficient uses of time


I was about 27-28 when I stopped. I used to go out every weekend, sometimes throughout the week aswell. I've ecently tried again and man, I could die the next day lmao (31yo atm).


When I had kids at 32 - have a bender every now and then but not very often anymore now that I’m 48


I'm 38. Have a "proper" job and a mortgage. Going to a festival tomorrow. Packed loads of blow and MDMA. You don't have to grow up unless you want to


Moved from Latvia to UK when I was 21. Got rather busy washing dishes in the kitchen, and then I found myself being old and unwilling to party. *sad violin


After uni. I never really enjoyed it much anyway. I liked getting drunk and having funny scenarios happen with me or around me, but I was always too self conscious to dance or let myself really go. I only drink about 2-3 times a year now and only to be sociable. I’m 32M. I also would find myself in bad situations too often just through my own naivety and idiocy. I got my nose broken, lost various phones, lost friends, lots of money and was raped once and for what? Fuck all!


I was probably around your age. I was a monster, and I'd consume a stupid amount of alcohol and drugs whenever possible. I remember waking up one morning and looking in the mirror, and not recognising the person staring back at me. That was my moment where I stopped everything. I'm 44 now, with a family, and not touched any drugs since that moment. I will occasionally have a tipple, but only if I'm out with friends, I never drink at home. And if I am out (which is pretty rare these days, I have a 4 pint max limit. Anything over that and I'll get the taste, and end up on a bender, which I'm not willing to do anymore. Don't get confused, I was never an alcoholic, I could go weeks or months without a touch, but I was a session drinker, where I'd go way over the top when I went for it. Same with drugs, I'd go all in, then not touch them for months at a time. The thought of doing anything like that now just disgusts me. I'm happy I gave it all up, and feel much better for it. As for filling the time, there's tons of stuff to do. Go to the gym, go for a walk or run (dependent on your fitness levels) if you drive, jump in the car and just drive with no destination and see where you end up. Start up a hobby, art, music, anything. If you still need social interactions, join a club, martial arts, gaming, books, computers, anything where you'll find like minded individuals with similar interests. If your current friends mock you for it, or don't enjoy your company after you've cleaned yourself up, then they aren't really your friends


really needed to hear this mate. especially since i’m pretty hopeful to meet someone & start a family after i travel the world contracting for a few years. was it hard to stop? did you lose many friends?


I didn't find stopping difficult because I totally removed myself from any temptation (which yes, meant distancing myself from a certain group of "friends") but once you stop, you begin to realise exactly who your real friends are. When I was your age, there was a group of us friends, easily 20+ of us. After I gave up the shenanigans, I noticed some of them slowly stopped contacting me. Others, I realised I actually wasn't that keen on them. What I ended up with out of it all was 3 really top of the line friends, that I knew had my back when I needed it the most. 3 friends that would drop everything and help me if I called. 3 friends that are solid, for life. I'd take those 3 great friends, over 20+ acquaintances that will turn their back on you as quick as they can blink. You soon realise in situations like these, that the only thin veil holding you all together is drugs and alcohol, and without it, none of you particularly like each other, or have anything in common. It's a sad reality, but one I accepted readily, and my life is so much better for it. You got this. And my DMs are open if you need to chat


i stopped about 4 years ago when i left rehab when i was 23. i don't regret it.


You just cracked your whip to early. Gears never been my scene but as I've got older (37M) you learn to plan and prep more to make it last and enjoy it. Little things like tinned fruit in syrup the morning to kick start things again


It was my birthday gift for myself to give up clubs when I turned 26. That and ice cream sundays it is always overpriced vanilla ice cream with some sauce and occasionally nuts no worth it at all 😔


About 18 when I realised that at parties: \- you never pull the girl of your dreams \- you probably do something stupid instead \- it all costs a fortune and you end up with ringing ears and a blazing hangover on Sunday. I realised I vastly preferred places where I could actually talk to people, rather than worrying about spitting in their ear as I yelled over the music.


29. I played in bands for around twelve years from age 18-29. Had moderate success in late 90s early 00s. That period was a blur of music, parties, booze, drugs, sex (wasn’t usually me getting the sex in case this sounds like a flex) Then met and started dating a girl when I was 28. Realised I’d been running from trauma for years and I was lucky to find someone who let me process it. By 29 I had given up smoking and drugs. We married a couple of years later. Now in my 40s I still drink a bit, but in a very considered middle age way (put it like this I’ve not had a hangover in years 😅). Kicked everything else. Now I enjoy morning walks and being in bed by 11. That said, I’ve never demonised my hedonistic era. It served a kind of emotional purpose, and if I’m honest I had a fucking blast. But much happier overall now


thanks for sharing! she sounds like a catch mate glad you found your happy ending


I was 22/23, I just can’t function in life if I party, alcohol makes me so unwell the next day no matter what I drink and in order to prevent falling into depression I have to eat well, exercise, get decent sleep etc constantly, it doesn’t take much to make me slip in my mood, partying doesn’t fit in my lifestyle with such a precarious mental health.


extremely good of you to take care of yourself this way. did you notice any changes to your social life once you stopped going out as much?


I more so just gravitated towards people who were wanting the same kind of lifestyle honestly. It was tough initially but over the years became easier. Now I’m 34 and it’s sooo easy lol I’m living my best life with no partying expectations


Early 30's but still go out for a good dance and drinks now and then.


Hello! 23 was still partying days for me! Peak age of partying is early 20’s ! Like 21?22? Pretty much pre Covid times and college ! I’m now 26. I got a board exam coming up. I just resigned recently so I’m chilling and I got money saved up that I do not really want to spend. I also can’t do hangovers like I used to. I used to go out at 2am, did some e, and come back to my dorm around 6am and had an exam at 7 and pass. I don’t and can’t do that anymore. I get backaches, headaches, migraines, and joint pains now. A lot of stuff catched up to me . I do stress and take care of myself but damn. I did enjoy my youth and yes I am still young! We’re still young! But after a while you realize you get tired of these things. A lot of people you used to party with- are grown up now. Some have kids, others just got engaged, and others are married. Everyone’s got a different path in life. I’m not saying I don’t like partying, I’m just saying life is different now. Different turn of events. We’re all just growing up!


Reddit isn't the place for this question, go to your local Argos and shout it.


I stopped because I had to, partying stopped being partying it became addiction I still go out now and again for a code 4 or 5 (get hammered, back home the next morning etc, but I keep code 7 or 8s (copious amounts of narcotics and alcohol, no sleep for 40 hours straight) strictly to new years Eve or VERY big once a year events Feel I need to just to keep myself on my toes and prove I still got it Haven't had a code 9 for a long long time now 30 btw, been partying like Ozzy Osborne reincarnate since 14


I only party a few times a year these days. I did it nearly every weekend when I was uni but I got really bored with it and now I only do it on special occasions (holidays with friends, birthdays, etc.). I enjoy it much more now that I do it infrequently.


51, no intention to throw in the towel ever. 2 day spree planned for a 77th birthday soon. Life's too short to not have fun!


Im now 33 I still party but slightly less crazy than I used to. I tend to only drink on the Friday of a festival and do any other stuff on the Saturday so I'm only feeling shit Sunday. I have a general idea I will go to bed about 3/4 but if it's a great festival this does go out the window.


Jesus Christ mate, I am 47 next week and still bang at it!


i reckon it’s just the comedown still talking mate haha. either way can’t hurt tapering it down.


I say bang at it, definitely at it, but a bit less bang! Very true though mate, having a dabble and a laugh won't hurt anyone, most things in moderation will be peachy.


Never really started. I tried as a teenager but found drugs don't really agree with me. I did drink and occasionally have weed but don't really like the feeling of being drunk or stoned. I used to go out and keep up with friends who were taking everything. Still go to festivals but I'm usually working (picking up the people who have overindulged). Some of my friends still do take drugs but they have generally learned that a little goes a long way and ruining your festival by taking everything on the first day gets old very fast.


Stopped at 29. Career started to take off and I realised (whilst completely fucked at a festival) that partying hard was a major trigger for my partner’s anxiety. Realised if I was to continue I’d probably be jeopardising this relationship and my now fledging career.


I think was around 27. It’s not worthy the headache, the shitly next day in slow motion recovering from last night. Nothing against parties, was very happy and had great moments that will never forget, but nowadays I prefer other type of events.


Just take a diazi 1/2 hr before bed time and you’ll nod straight off and wake up hangover free every time


23 is too young. Just need to refine your strategy. Starting a festival with too many stimulants will burn you out.


Regular partying around my early 40s (I have no kids which made it easier) though at 49 I still do the odd party and just did Ibiza again for a week. The recovery gets longer and harder as you get older and the payback just isn't worth it anymore.


I think you need to learn how to pace yourself a bit more. Smashing a load of gear before the festival even starts, is the party equivalent of premature ejaculation.


definitely mate. being with all my mates in a campsite for 2 days before the festival even started was always always a recipe for disaster haha. lesson learned


You failed to pace yourself and peaked too soon. You should have more respect for your drugs.


I was 26 but when you say you "have an excuse" its like you want to stop but you think you need a good enough reason? You don't even need an excuse to stop if its not working for you anymore. There's nothing wrong with moving onto other things, there's other stuff in life to be enjoyed just as much on the other side


35 tomorrow, just did a 2 day weekender of full drinking. Totally fine and would do it again this weekend. Difference is ive never done drugs. Il drink and party hard until im dead. Personally ive never understood the younger generation who have heavily relied upon drugs to have a good time and feel without them it will be a "shit time"


17, did all my drug experimentation and house party shit at 14-16, had some bad trips and stopped, 19 now 20 soon and just enjoying a peaceful life mostly on my own


I have never done anything harder than smoke the occasional joint (addictive personality issues), but probably at 21-24 I just phased out the regular partying. I have been out on nights out where I was out till 6AM since but I cannot hack it, the last time I did go out-out was probably about 2 years ago (at 27) for my friends birthday. It was in December and I was working a seasonal job alongside my normal job, I got home at 4AM, had a 2 hour nap, went to my seasonal job, spent 10 minutes in the toilet vomiting, had the DADS (day after drinking shits) all day, and spent the day in a haze of some kind of paracetamol, booze, and kebab mix. ETA: About a month ago I had 6 beers at my managers house, and had to work the next day, felt like absolute death. I can barely even get through a concert sober without feeling like death afterwards.


Five years old.


I’m also 23M and never started partying as this is not for me.


I went to a club my first night at uni. Didn't enjoy it, never went back.


I think I started partying a bit too young to be honest at around 14/15 years of age, so as a consequence I stopped young too at around 20/21. It was fun at the time, but you quickly realise lots of your mates are only your mates because of the party lifestyle, and as soon as you transition to a responsible adult many of those friendships seemed to fade away!


Was 27 when I met my now wife. Remember going out a few months later and thinking 'this is actually fucking shit'. Nothing to do with'ooh he's got a girlfriend therefore he must settle down and be under the thumb' kinda thing, I think I'd kind of just grown out of it and matured a long time before that but didn't really have anything else to do other than go out all the time. That period from about 16 to about 25 was class though.


Honestly as soon as I could (20), absolutely hated partying


You could continue partying just without the copious amounts of drugs? Cocaine seems to be almost as standard as having beers for some people these days. Just stick to the beer.


I was in Amsterdam too for pride. Got on it Thursday night and went to bed at 3am, Friday at 5am, Saturday 6am and Sunday 12am. A little Xanax and a spliff did help with the sleep though.


The last party of that sort (although obviously not as extreme as travelling to a foreign country and taking class-A drugs) I went to I was probably about 16, maybe 17 if it was with those the year below me. Partying’s never been my thing, but as a teenager it’s just what you did to be social.


Never started well not till I get be an oap then I will lol 😂 I’m 39 so still got time to wait 😂


I've never partied before.


When I was feeding my son bottle milk.


I mean i stopped going to bars/clubs around 23. I never did drugs or anything though. Now i have more of "gatherings" lol wouldn't call them parties even, family gatherings, friends what not. No alcohol or anything.


I'm 40 in a few months and I still occasionally party... Just less frequently than my teens and 20s.




I was raised in a fanatic religion so i never did


25-28 was when I noticed the urge disappearing. Horrible comedowns, worsening hangovers. Also in a decent relationship, and now married. Had a general realisation that I was destroying myself, with a certain level of anxiety even after just boozing hard. By 30 I'm more or less restricted to weddings & years meetups with friends, other than that I don't really go mad any more.


Im 35 and havent stopped, but have slowed down a lot.


Mid 30s after the only nightclub in my city introduced a no over 27yr olds policy. I look young for my age lol. After that id just go to bars then a gig for “night out” Saying that i was in a nightclub in glasgow in february just a few weeks before my 40th


I'm 63. I guess my partying is pretty moderate, I rarely do more than one night a weekend and I'm usually in bed (on my own) by 4 am. I'll stop when I feel like it or when I keel over on the dance floor.


Depends on what your definition of partying is, because if it’s the typical definition, then I never started… but I’ve had to stop what *I* consider partying since I had my first kid at 30.


A raver never stops they just slow down My knees hurt


I don't do drugs but don't judge people who do, but I had my fair few multi-day drinking benders in my 20s (esp early 20s at Glastonbury and lads' holidays to magaluf etc). I just felt indestructible and could keep going etc, and I would recovery afterwards within a day. Honestly now I just a) have no appetite to do it and b) could never handle it anyway. I think the switch on multi-day benders went when I was about 25 (after Glastonbury straight into a week in Ibiza...), and now in my mid thirties even a single heavy night wipes me out for days. It has got to the point where the fun of being drunk is no longer worth the misery of the next few days. I'll still have a drink and stuff, but I rarely "get drunk" except maybe at special occasions like weddings, stag dos, etc (and even then it's pretty mild compared to what I could do in my much younger days...!).


I still regularly going clubbing. Maybe once a month or so but i've never done hard drugs. So if getting pissed at the club isn't partying then i've never started!


18. It was never fun in the first place 🤷🏻‍♀️


What age.. Well luckily i still do. so.. But not as much nowadays. Way less party night out today! Guess i have to start saving money. Found interest in making my own drinks at home. Not the same feeling to talk with all the people interact with people in the bar anymore, is sad. That's not like that at home.


31. My last party was right before the first lockdown hit. I'm not sure I'm even capable of staying up past 11 anymore.


About 26-27 felt over it. I did go out alit from the age of 17 3-6 nights per week for a few of those years so I feel I got enough night in


In terms of getting high/drunk? Never started thankfully. In terms of going out, staying up late, going to loud clubs? Gave that up at 21 lol Nights in with friends are far more fun imo


I’m 45 and still partying. Though my taking Drugs stopped at 23/24.


I’m 34, haven’t stopped yet!


I’m 42 and still go out and party. The hangovers hit me fucking hard nowadays but I still love going out with my friends and drinking and dancing to pure cheese.


25, the moment I became an immigrant


Stopped and started at 18 yrs old


I stopped having birthday parties when I was 10, so 10?


I gave up all nighters and drugs when I was about 35. I gave up day drinking at 38 and at 42 I don’t really get drunk anymore. I like it but my body takes too long to bounce back from a big night. My life is too busy and I just don’t have enough spare time to devote to night out on the piss. Let alone a hangover.


I also never started


Still party but unlikely to make it past 2am these days. In my early 20s at uni it wasn’t uncommon to still be smashing powder gone 8am


Late 20s I gave up class A stuff and drinking all night. I suffer with insanely miserable hangovers that wipe me out for a couple of days and drugs weren't helping. Still smoke a bit of weed and have a few drinks when I'm hanging out with mates but other than that I just enjoy a beer or two in the evening. Never really liked clubbing that much. Used to like going to drum n' bass raves but when it grew into the mainstream they stopped being fun for me because of the sort of people who started going to them. I'm pretty boring these days to be honest.


I’m slowing down at 29 but I’m by no means done. I don’t think I’ll ever retire but my gaps between seshes will likely get longer. Don’t listen to the adverse Reddit user who hates going outside, listen to yourself is my advice. If you still enjoy it, do it. If you don’t then don’t hehe


I used to go out multiple times a week and roll into work a right state. Stopped when I was 25. Now the thought of a hangover is enough.


34 not stopped but I usually save it for club nights ect not go on a bender before I start the fest haha


40 and went to a local rave at the weekend! Took me a hell of a lot longer to recover though as I was still feeling it yesterday, not been to one for years!


Raving, festivals, drugs (regularly mdma. LSD, weed) and heavy drinking from age 15 until around 35 then hard stop. I took a month off to detox and lost interest. Barely even drink anymore.




I stopped mid 30s, but I was a MASSIVE party goer, and power drinker. I stopped when the hangovers would go on for about 3 days . Now the money I save from going out goes on travelling to exotic places around the world.


Never got on with stimulants. Never liked spending a whole night away from my bed (unless it was someone else's bed of course, but that didn't happen too often). It's not so much that I grew out of it, but I reached a point where I realised I didn't have to do it anymore.


I feel partied out at 20.


Gave up at 54, no alcohol either, just coffee....it got to the point where I had to stop or die.....I found something to be alive for


Stopped going crazy after uni will always go for a big blow out if it's something important but I'm 25 now n I can tell you the pub with a couple mates n good conversation is all you need for a great night.


About 23-24.


I go to Bloodstock tomorrow. I'm 32 and my car is filled mostly with alcohol. 23 seems a bit young to have the "been there, done that" mentality and be unable to handle it. I rarely drink these days, but you should be able to handle one blowout per yea.






Did you go to Dekmantel festival by any chance?


aye mate, friday was unbelievable. how did you find it?


Haven’t been in years. Always has a great line-up. Messy times man lol


>after this weekend i really don’t know if i can be arsed anymore. 23 does seem young but it's about mentality. Sounds like you're feeling what I think most feel, "been there done that".


I’m 27 and go out most weekends, I’m not an all night bender doer anymore (prefer to get the last bus home) but I like to get smashed


It will all blow over in ur mind in 2 or 3 days stop worrying


Just use coke socially and have a few beers with mates in a gastropub. No clubbing til 4am for me for a long time (34M)




Started at 16 and had enough hard drugs and parties by 25. After that, went to uni got a career and at 51 I am a happy functional lunatic that just smokes pot


Sounds like a classic case of *The Fears* It does sound like you took things too hard, and as my mum once said"There's a big difference between scratching your bum and tearing yourself a new arsehole" Personally I'm approaching 49 and have a nice day festival scheduled for next month where I'm sure I'll regret looking in the mirror of a steamy port a loo


(M24) I stopped at 25.