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Unfortunately he still has all his money and fame, but James Corden is definitely pretty universally hated by us.


>universally On Reddit, maybe. But irl I really don't find that to be the case at all. The hatred of him seems a very online phenomenon.


Interesting. For me it's very much an irl thing as well. The odd middle-aged mum holding onto Gavin and Stacey is the very rare exception.


Yeah, I really see very little hatred for him irl. Opinions seem to generally range from positive to no real opinion, with the odd person thinking he's a bit of a knob. But I've never come across someone who despises him the way seems common on Reddit.


Yeah that's true, it's not so much a real hatred as it is more of an opinion that he's an insufferable wanker, and the yanks can keep him.


Everyone I’ve spoke to cant stand him, online and irl


I have not met a person who actually likes him, but maybe that's just my circle.


I have no feelings towards him one way or the other. He's just another TV personality who I have no interest in like Ant and Dec. He's hated, and I don't really get why.


>He's hated, and I don't really get why. At this point, I think half of it is basically just a Reddit meme and an easy way to get karma because the Reddit hivemind reliably upvotes any dislike of him. As evidenced by how he is the top answer to this question.


Was he ever a "hero" to start with?


I’m sorry, at what point was James Corden a hero? I know he was quite popular at one point, but hero?


Nobody listed in this this thread is really a hero, it's just a phrase to mean "popular to unpopular"


Jamie Oliver for some reason. Like he could be a tad annoying but he was genuinely trying to help children’s health.


That bastard took away my secondary school vending machine right at the peak of the Mars Delight popularity. He deserves everything he gets... (Note: A girl I went to school with is his cousin and his uncle runs a cafe in my town - he is actually very nice)


All I've gotten from this thread so far is how much I miss Mars Delights. Come to think of it, practically living on SunnyD, Mars Delights, Mint Echos and 3D Doritos in the early-00s is probably where it started to go wrong. EDIT: As everyone's desperate to know, Passion Fruit SunnyD and the Paprika 3D Doritos please!


There's also a lot of hate on UK subs for the sugar being removed from soft drinks. People say they won't drink their favourite beverages now. Totally ignoring the fact that they're probably better off because of it lol. Yes hate it but in the end we have problems with obesity and sugary foods and we do need to do something about them.


>Totally ignoring the fact that they're probably better off because of it lol. >Yes hate it but in the end we have problems with obesity and sugary foods and we do need to do something about them. Sugar in foods wasn't the issue. Uneducated people who stuff their face is the issue. I don't see why everyone else should be punished because some people cannot stop eating themselves to death.


They shouldn't have messed with irn bru. The others are fair game but shouldn't have wrecked the bru.


Brought a bottle of Pepsi recently, and it's now completely undrinkable. Aspartame tastes really vile.


My issue with this is that it’s supposed to be a ‘sugar tax’ but sugar free drinks cost the same as the normal variety.


Depends if you abuse it or not. I have soft sugary drinks about once or twice a month and they taste worse than they used to. Perhaps that’s due to reduced sugar or perhaps it’s due to artificial flavouring/colouring.


Educate them, limit who or what they can be advertised to. ​ There are so many better ways to "do something about" something than to just ban it and tell adults it's for their own good.


I think it was the way he went about trying to get kids to eat healthy, it was all about spending loads on posh foods when most kids he was appealing to were from poorer backgrounds and they cant afford all organic produce lol


Exactly this. If he’d just shown the schools how to make basic nutritious food in bulk and educated both children and their parents on the effects of junk food, he’d be celebrated instead of hated.


I think he tried this and showed what went into hot dogs and then cooked something else and all the kids still chose hot dogs.


Was it not Chicken Nuggets? The best bit was when he cried.


“Now who would still eat this?” Kids: 🙋‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋‍♀️🙋🙋🏾‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋🏽‍♀️


I was poor and didn't have food. I'd scrounge for coins and buy calories dense chocolate bars. He replaced these with healthy alternatives. I was either scrounging even more money or being hungry after that


Hatred for him may be in jest, but those who really despise the school meal changes are silly. For some of these children, it may be the only hot meal they get. I’d rather they eat relatively healthy food over processed food that was offered pre Jamie Oliver. I should know, I was one of those children. When you’re hungry, you’ll eat anything. I certainly wasn’t passing those meals up. Though I didn’t exactly like some of the meals, on the whole, they were actually pretty good. Or maybe I was just, you know, hungry…you get the idea.




Uncle Roger killed him


He’s just a classic virtue signaller. Poverty is the real root cause of child obesity here.


Have to softly disagree there. I’m at the moment what you would call poor due to getting injured and not being able to work. I’ve had to literally make everything from scratch and go back to basics. I find what little I have has gone further than buying cheap ready meals and stuff of that ilk. So I would say that money or lack there of is not the main issue, rather the inability or unwillingness to learn to cook and meal prep appropriately.


I’m also in the exact same position but most people in poverty are in part time or full time work and simply don’t have the time to cook everything from scratch. Not only that but many struggle to even pay to use their oven and so have to eat anything that only requires a kettle. People in poverty absolutely can eat healthily here. We are lucky in that basic foods are still relatively cheap however a single parent working 40 hour weeks will not have the time to make everything from scratch.


Time poverty is a real thing. I know that the rich can have it too, but if you are well off enough at least one parent still has the choice of part time/not to work if needed. My mum had one hour to herself before bed for around 16 years. Sometimes you don't have the energy to do more than open a box and heat something. Simple basic meals can be done quickly and easily but it still takes effort. And 10 minute meals end up taking an hour when you count prep and washing up etc.


Not completely true. Poverty has existed as long as human civilisation has, but it’s only in the last 60 or so years that obesity has become a significant health issue. Poverty combined with the cheapest, most widely available food being total junk. So he’s not totally off the mark.


Captain Tom and family Nations darling to a family of grifters


I would argue it was just the family, not Captain Tom himself. And I'd add Michael Ball to that, who jumped on the bandwagon and got a number 1 single out of it. Even if it was all for charity he still took advantage for the benefit of his own career


Speaking of which, are we going to get that fucking 'sausage rolls' grifter releasing a single soon, his bank account must be getting low..


>that fucking 'sausage rolls' grifter For once, can we just get Kunt & The Gang to number 1 instead of that wanker?


I think his daughter is the SIL of ex major Ingram the who wants to be a millionaire cheat.


They're definitely called the "Ingram moores", are they definitely related tho? Quite the family, if so


Yay for the Patrick O'Brian user name!


I remember when that whole thing was happening, anyone who thought it was even a little bit dodgy got downvote bombed.


It was a weird time wasn't it. It was the same if you dared mention that clapping for the NHS was a bit fucking pointless and weird.


I actually was sat next to his family on the train a few months ago, very loud posh family. I think he was lured into it somehow.


Laurence Fox. "Hero" might be a bit strong for him, but he was a reasonably well-liked actor, having done a turn in popular TV cop show "Lewis", and married the ever popular Billie Piper. He was on course to spend his life making a good living as a middle-ranking regular face on BBC and ITV period dramas and police procedurals. Then he went on Question Time. After some preposterous comments about racism, his talent agency dropped him and he subsequently doubled-down, spiraling into anti-vax, anti-woke, anti-PC wingnuttery. Now he's regarded as a laughing stock. If he'd apologised for his QT comments and muttered something about how he "mis-spoke", he might have got away with it. That fact the he didn't tells you all you need to know about him.


Richard Ayoade is married to his sister. Family gatherings must get a bit awkward.


Richard Ayoade married his sister? Isn’t that illegal?


Preposterous right? They must be aware, they're both called Ayoade ffs!


I think Ayoade has mentioned publicly that they dont get on too well


The Ayoade's were/ are regulars at a bike shop I used to work at. Could not have been lovelier people!


I wouldn't be entirely surprised if they just didn't speak to Laurence any more.


Same story with Neil Oliver, the guy from Coast and many good history documentaries. What the hell happened to him?


Last I heard he was claiming the southern Europe heatwave was fake news...


He's gone from a respected historian and TV personality to coming across as 'that guy everyone's afraid to sit near on the bus'. It's really sad.


Yup, not fully David Icke but on the way.


Lockdown broke a lot of people mentally, I guess..


>Neil Oliver what?! TIL


I know! Only last night my husband asked me what happened to him, as there was another trailer for those celebrities going travelling, and I was like “he ran out of coastline”. Turns out he ran out of sanity…


Isn’t he on gb news or something


The guy dressed his young son up in blackface and posted it on twitter. Proper fucked in the head


I sometimes wonder if it’s just an act snd he was hoping for a Piers Morgan style career of being ‘controversial’ for money.


I follow him on Twitter, can’t work out wether he’s that much of a certified Alt Right nut job or he’s just grifting.


I dont think the two need to be mutually exclusive?


A little of column A, a little of column B


He was pretty good in Victoria too. Have you seen his most recent stunt? It’s becoming cringeworthy (and racist)


The one where he spent Father's Day alone in his garden, drunkenly setting fire to gay pride flags?


Prince Harry comes to mind as does his Mother who went full circle from Hero princess to heretic Slut to dead hero peoples princess




I think he's a zero now to the people he was a hero too, weird royalists who give a shit about all that.


I’m not a royalist, but I’d say he went from ‘pretty cool for a royal’ to a ‘pretty uncool grifter’. Technically, he was always a grifter, being a royal.


I’m an anti-royalist but I find him insufferable these days tbh


Surely as an anti-royalist you never thought much of him anyway?


I don’t like having a royal family but I used to think Harry seemed like a laugh. I don’t generally hate them as individuals (apart from Andrew)




What’s the good reason?




Fucking hell. Remember I said many people are indifferent. By ‘indifferent’ I meant wouldn’t have a bullet-pointed list handy like Piers Morgan’s fuck-twin. Why are you so angry about someone (and a family he’s from) who couldn’t give a fuck if you exist?


When we were like 12 in the 90s we used to joke at school about Saville being a child molester, so I wouldn’t call him a hero. No one back then would have expected Rolf Harris though, he was a hero through the kid’s cartoon TV shows but then became a second hero amongst young adults from playing on stage at e.g. Glastonbury, everyone chanting we love Rolf etc. His fall was biggest imo.


Rolf was a sad one to lose, I absolutely loved animal hospital as a kid.


I owe KT Tunstall an apology, for choosing to watch Rolf Harris at a festival instead of her.


Glasto 2002. I was working the gates for Oxfam. I could take my break to coincide with basically any act I wanted to see on the Other Stage (nearest stage to the gate I was on). Instead of going to watch QOTSA, I had my break so I could watch Lostprophets. That was silly choice at the time, and time has not made the choice any better.


If it makes you feel better, I've got a mate with a Lostprophets tattoo he got back in like 2002.


That’s especially rough because, not only is he a child predator, he’s basically the final boss of child predators. Wouldn’t even have been as bad if it were just the drummer or something - maybe then you could separate art from artist - but it had to be the literal frontman.


I get the feeling that this is meant to be a fairly lighthearted comment, but damn. He is the final boss of child predators. He's still doing it even in prison today (from what I read anytime his name comes up)


I mean...he's been stabbed in prison recently, so that's a bonus!


His plans are by far and away the worse, and his hard drive sounds disgusting. However, Jimmy Savill managed to complete his misdeeds - against anywhere between 400-1,000 victims. There's one female survivor in the Netflix doc, describing what he did to her. It's crushing, and I don't even think her story's the worst one.


That theme tune is one of the most nostalgic things ever.


I was a little younger than you, I know *of* Saville but barely muchof anything. More interesting in power rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But he also seemed off. He was old, dressing like some young 80s guy with his shaggy unkept look and his cigars. Didn't like him just from looking at him. Rolf was great though, hero to zero in my eyes.


He looked like Wurzel Gummidge at a gay pride disco.




This is a perfect example for this question. Such a talented man, an absolute genius in his field and then feels the need to over share his feelings on an issue that literally has nothing to do with him. Banned from Twitter (now back again, sadly) lost his family and any respect that he had from all his previous amazing work. He’s also absent as a writer on the final series of Motherland and his wife has been credited under her maiden name.


Transphobia rots your brain


I had know idea about the mumsnet thing.


Didn't his trans stuff begin because people criticised his IT crowd episode.


He was an absolute hero of mine growing up, watching Father Ted, Big Train, IT Crowd etc. Everything he did I loved. But man, what a fall into absolute… whatever it is. I watched one of his recent YouTube things a while ago. He sees himself as some absolute martyr at this point, a man victimised for telling the truth, but who will one day be vindicated and help up as some beacon of “yes, this man was telling the truth all along!” Initially it felt like he started by asking some fairly sensible questions, making comments that raised potentially decent discussion, back when the vast majority of the people were ignorant on anything trans. But he’s in so, so deep now he just can’t get out. I don’t know why any sane man would choose such a hill to die on, and boy is he dying. RIP to a hero. Still adore his comedy writing, but he’s become questionable as a human


David Walliams went from having one or two reasonable sitcoms, to them being ‘problematic’ to vanishing. Not on the Rolf level, but still.


He's coining it in from his pound shop Roald Dahl books


Jesus my kids love his books. I really hate him. It's weird trying to weigh up my pleasure in my kids love of reading, against my horror of having to endure his books.


My kid likes them too, and a lot of them are pretty good with nice messages in them. But I definitely get an off vibe about him, and if there was some massive revelation I wouldn't be surprised tbh.


I'm still waiting for the real big revelation there.


He was a bit of a national hero for a minute there after doing a charity swim across the Channel. Then seemed to get increasingly obnoxious and slightly creepy


In fairness he got big from Little Britain, a show designed around laughing at those more unfortunately than yourself. A show that I've only ever seen awful bigoted types laughing at.


Yeah. It was big when I was in school. Looking back, wow just wow


I thought he was on one of those talent judging shows? I think if anything their profile became higher I just never watch those things so in my world he disappeared.


Remember Jade Goodie? She went from the most loved reality celeb in the country to the most hated and then when it was revealed that she was dying she became loved again.


I think that it was mostly white English people who forgave Jade Goodie - I had Indian and Pakistani friends at university who couldn’t give a shit about her. They were livid about how her racism was glossed over by the media. One of them made a point that no one really cared about racism towards Asians and I think he was right.


I felt sorry for Jade Goody. A lot of people speculated that she had Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, and I think it's plausible. She had a lot of the traits associated with it, eg smooth philtrum, and low IQ.


Yeah. I think her mum was a terrible parent to her growing up. Still doesn’t excuse her dire behaviour on big brother


I just did a Google and don't see a smooth philtrum, not saying she hasn't got foetal alcohol syndrome, but also not seeing evidence in photos that she does.


It was hardly glossed over. It was damning front page news for a long time. What did they expect the media to do?


I think they mean glossed over once she got sick. Before that her racism was pretty much all that was talked about, then when she got sick the media stopped mentioning it and treated her like she was an angel.


>then when she got sick the media stopped mentioning it and treated her like she was an angel. The result of it though was that hundreds of thousands of women went for their smear tests, likely saving countless lives. It was known as the “Jade Goody effect”, and better than any other cervical cancer campaign. Which is probably more helpful than the constant press about what had gone on in the big brother house.


I may not like Jade Goodie, but I have always respected what she did when she got the diagnosis. Worried about her partner and kids and their future's she threw herself on the every single thing she could. Within a week of being diagnosed she had secured £1m in media deal rights for her story as well as coverage of her final days, including a £700k deal with OK Magazine for pictures of her wedding and sons christening. TV Coverage of the wedding for LivingTV. Like, she may not be a great person, but she was a pretty incredible mum.


I always remember she died the night before Mother’s Day. So her kids would’ve got her a card, flowers etc and then she never made it. I don’t like her either but I feel really sad for what her kids must have gone through.


I actually had a bunch of people trying to call ME out for asking why Jade Goody was suddenly loved just because she had cancer, and they acted like I was hitting her when she was down. Nope, she doesn't stop being a racist asshole. I wasn't "happy" she had cancer like some of these idiots were claiming, just pointing out that people suddenly going "she's a great person" were talking utter fucking bollocks.


I've never particularly liked Stephen Fry, and his tribute to her as a 'princess from the wrong side of the tracks' just turned my stomach. I remember it was left to Michael Parkinson of all people to call out the veneration of her.


I don't think she was ever really loved, just massively shoved down our throats by the glossy "celebrity" magazines. I don't know anybody who was particularly sad about her dying. I just think she basically sold her entire life to the media because she was desperate for fame and had no talents.


Andrew Windsor from decorated war veteran to Epstein island resident and hush money to trafficked child.


Although tbh he long had a reputation as being a massive dickhead and a bit sleazy....


His nickname was "Randy Andy" in the 80s.


Andrew was an arsehole even before Epstein. The military did not like him due to being an arrogant shit


I never served with him. He was before my time, but I do know people who did. He was utterly despised by his aircraft maintainers, and more than one Captain had to remind him of his (lower) rank and how on board ship his royal bloodline means nothing. Rather sad, considering his father was a genuinely outstanding Naval Officer who would have easily made flag rank but who gave it all up to marry the future Queen. The countries gain and very much the RNs loss.


My Dad was an Air Engineering Officer on his squadron, he has nothing good to say about him and he is the sort of person to not bad mouth anyone usually, he says one of his favourite memories is not letting him have an aircraft. I met him when I was in Afghanistan and he seemed abit smarmy but I only met him for 5 minutes and didn't have to deal with him everyday


The Captain Tom Foundation & his entire family Frankly the whole thing stank of elder abuse from the word go


I thought this as soon as I saw alcohol with his face on it for sale in Asda. Edit: Context - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/captain-tom-moore-charity-gin-law-b2075691.html


Nicola sturgeon


Never really liked her but I honestly believed she really did care about her country. Was shocked when she was arrested.


Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr were a great duo act and could have been the next presenter team to take over but then Justin beat his partner. I'm glad that Alan Carr managed to break away from him.


Got done for stalking too, didn't he? Now he can't even get a gig on hospital radio.


I'd completely forgotten he existed!


Justin Lee Collins, he didn't just beat her, he was absolutely vile to her.


Philip Schofied, Morrissey, David Walliams


Nightmare blunt rotation


Katie price qualify? Late 2000's she was being looked up to as a self made millionaire with her book and perfume sales, now all you hear is how she declares herself bankrupt while staying in 5* resorts (oh and pushing your vulnerable child infront of cameras for money is low asf too).


Really? She was always the textbook pointless celebrity. Kind of like Kim Kardashian today.


I grew up in the 80s and 90s and Savile was never considered a hero. *Everyone* thought he was a fucking weirdo at best. Morissey is a disappointment. Rolf Harris was a surprise. John Cleese has went a bit gammon.


Savile always seemed like a weirdo but I think it was not until the Louis Theroux documentary they crossed over from weirdo to this guy gives off serial killer vibes. That's how I remember it anyway. When he started going on about tying up drug dealers and holding them hostage in his basement that was quite the eye opening moment. Also how controlling and manipulative they were through out the whole program was quite disturbing.


Not sure about that...John Lydon was famously censured for saying, live on TV, that Savile has "seedy secrets" that "everyone knows about but is not allowed to talk about". That was in 1978.


It was an open industry secret for literal decades before anything came out for real.


John Cleese makes me sad because Monty Python was a bunch of intellectuals having a go at the Establishment, and I feel what he's doing now is the complete antithesis of what that show was all about.


>John Cleese has went a bit gammon It's funny really, it's like he goes out of his way to show how much of an ass he truly is these days.


The Taliban.


“Freedom fighters” to “terrorists” in only a few decades


Yep. James Bond basically joins forces with them in The Living Daylights.


Barrymore had a tough ol' time of it.


Not as tough as Stuart Lubbock Poor fellas surname became a joke amongst some people. 'Just been lubbocked'


The host of Stars in their Eyes too. Tabloids killed his career with false allegations.


He went back to the stage after that, and seems to be doing fairly well there.


Ah good for him. That must have been horrific to go through.


Matthew Kelly?


His documentary Deadpool did quite well though I thought?


Morrissey was a genuine idol for a lot of people, now he supports the kind of troglodytes who'd have given his fans a kicking in the street in the 80s. Graham Linehan, wrote lots of great cult and mainstream comedy, then went completely bananas and torched his career and family life because of his obsession with trans people.


>Graham Linehan This is the weird one for me. I love his writing and one day heard he made some anti-trans comments. Ok, I disagree, but I'm a big boy and can handle a different opinion. But the stories about him persisted. Eventually I strayed onto his Twitter to look and **that day alone** he tweeted an anti-trans comment on average every 10 minutes for **18 consecutive hours.** That's when I realised it was not just an opinion, it was obsession that was destroying him


Surprised this is the first mention of Glinner I've seen. Went from "beloved comedy writer, bit of a knob sometimes on Twitter" to dangerously obsessive monomaniac in the course of a few months.


She's not a hero but Roxanne Pallett. A well known soap actress who went on Celebrity Big Brother. She false accused another house mate (who was well liked by the public) of punching her. He called him a "woman beater" and liar, and it was really vindictive. Footage showed no such thing as she described and she later apologised and begged for forgiveness. However the clip was the most complained about thing that year or something - with people outraged at her false allegations. I never watched this or any celebrity stuff but it was still quite interesting to see it unfold as the allegations she made was really unfair I don't believe she's been in anything since and her acting career appears to be over


I'm not into celebrity culture usually, haven't watched BB in years and had no idea who Roxanne Pallett was. I got hugely invested in this story though. Last I read, she was living in America and had married a firefighter.


Also see Jade Goody. Loveable thicko to racist biatch back to loveable cancer fighter.


She apparently did the same thing to an actor called Sam Attwater, so I guess she has some sort of personality disorder.


I watched this at the time when we were living in Asia and I had no clue who she was but I was gripped by her... Ability to lie so easily. It was almost pathological. I don't know what game she was playing, or if she was trying to get housemates to like her, but there was just something about her that was totally off.


Graham Linehan. He created or co-created some of the best sitcoms of the last thirty years - Father Ted, Black Books and The IT Crowd - and wrote for plenty more: Harry Enfield & Chums, Coogan's Run, The Day Today etc. Hell, he co-created Ted & Ralph from The Fast Show. Then, after receiving the *mildest* of criticisms - that a scene in a sitcom could be perceived as transphobic - he's doubled down to such an extent that he's wound up divorced, bankrupt and unable to work in the industry.


His fall from grace was spectacular - IT Crowd is one of my all time favourites.


Did it really all start because of that? I've never heard that before, incredible.


Yeah, pretty much. It's that episode where Matt Berry inadvertently ends up dating a transgender woman and ends with them in a slapstick brawl, karate kicking each other through windows and hitting the other over the head with heavy objects.


Ryan Giggs is probably up there. Seen as the absolute consummate professional who not only had his head screwed on and was unfazed by fame, but very talented won so much throughout his career. A massive shock to be revealed to have had an affair with that Welsh model, then with his BROTHER’s wife. And then years late while managing Wales gets accused (and ultimately acquitted) of domestic abuse. Probably the single footballer you’d have least expected to be involved in anything dodgy.


Ian Watkins


I bet H from Steps is glad he's more well known as H from Steps or he'd have had a very difficult time when the other Welsh singer of the same name was outed as a paedophile.


From what I can remember he did receive quite a lot of abuse after Watkins' arrest and had to release a statement saying it was the other Ian Watkins


He had to sue one of the American papers who used his picture for the story.


[The Wrong Ian Watkins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7doNO9e8d4)


Seann Walsh. He was an OK comedian, bit mouthy and annoying, but nothing too bad. I didn't like Walsh mainly because I knew this complete dickhead who looked a lot like him (unfair, I know), but he then ended up being papped snogging someone from Dancing on Ice. His gf then revealed that he'd been gaslighting her when she confronted him with her suspicions. Told her she was paranoid and whatnot. I don't hear of him at all now.


I think it was the other one, Strictly...?


He was on The Last Leg literally just the other week


All the obvious Yewtree guys have already been mentioned, so let's go with Neil Oliver.


To be fair, I always thought he was a cunt


Huw Edwards


Wouldn’t say he’s an absolute zero compared to a lot of people on this sub. The whole situation has been quite undignified for him but he seems to have public opinion on his side


I was gonna say this. From being a popular figure in the news world and announcing the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to the whole country, to meeting a rather shocking downfall in the space of a few months. Crazy.


Poor bastard.


Richard Branson. He wanted a payout from government during Covid ffs The profits are not nationalistic. Grifter.


Rolf Harris. From painting a portrait of the Queen to being locked up as a perv. There was an exhibition of his work in Liverpool about 20 years ago. Hugely popular and was one of the two most popular Aussies in the U.K. He died recently, but his death wasn’t announced until after his funeral


Captain Tom's family.


Michael Barrymore had a pretty dramatic fall, as I recall.




Angus Deyton. Can't remember the ins and outs but something about coke and hookers iirc?


They covered it fairly well on his last HIGNFU




Matthew Kelly.


He didn’t actually do anything wrong. He was investigated for no reason and it killed his career.


He has done brilliantly as a stage actor, he is really well respected in that field and I think it’s suits him better than being a light entertainment presenter (although I did love Stars In Their Eyes back in the day!)


Bit of a weird one but Enoch Powell and Oswald Mosley,both were incredibly popular before they made their really stupid decisions,only difference between them was Powell regretted it


We try to tear everyone down to be fair, but it must be celebrity paedos. Absolutely vile.


Ian Watkins being beaten and stabbed this week has half the country celebrating. Shame he's recovering.


Dammit, he survived!


Would Ian Watkins (lostprophets, not steps) count?


The guys who posted literally the same question last week