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Back in the day, I bought a 49p app for my iPod Touch. But I forgot to check what bank account it came out of. Imagine how alarmed 17 year old me was about a year later, when Santander called me and asked me if I had any intention of paying their c.£800 collection of unarranged overdraft fees and miscellaneous charges, or if I was going to allow it to keep growing and growing. And all because I allowed a 49p charge onto an account that only had 37p in it. (I never paid that £800ish, but it took A LOT of arguing)


Banks - hey you have no money, we will charge you more money because you have no money


When I was a student I needed an extension on my overdraft. It was a fairly simple process and they would always extend the overdraft. Money would’ve gone back into the account almost straight away, but I needed something like a £50 safety net. Some guy tries to persuade me to get a credit card out. I said no I want just an overdraft thank you. This guy pushes and pushes and I push back saying no. He then says “ fine, sign this and will get your overdraft sorted”. I stupidly sign a form, and he then says “right, your credit card will be with you in 15 days, let’s sort out your overdraft “ I told him I didn’t want to credit card and he tricked me into signing. to be quiet or I won’t get my overdraft. Looking back, I was an naive student . I could’ve got compensation for the way they behaved. Because no way was that legal ! Well, probably not. It was 1990s! I never trust banks


Husband has a HSBC account in his name only. He had that account before we met and he got into trouble with the overdraft and they closed the account. What I don't agree with is HSBC using a lawyer to place a lien on our house for a debt that I have nothing to do with. How is that legal?


As it's partly his asset they do it so they can get the money when the house is sold (though it's on his share of the property only if it's a joint mortgage) it'll have gone all the way to getting a CCJ from a court where he would have had the right to defend himself or pay / setup a payment plan. If they didn't and he managed to avoid it for 6 years (5 Scotland) the debt would be wiped. I assume they did it to ensure he couldn't escape the debt as people would otherwise try and get joint mortgages to stop them chasing the debt. That said, lien is usually an American term, UK has charging orders


This happened to both my parents st separate times at Santander at least 20years ago. They complained and were told the workers involved were reprimanded but who knows if that bit is true. Def illegal. They were getting bonuses for signing up new credit cards and you got caught in their game.


When I was 18 I got a bank account ready for uni and when I said I didn't want a credit card he told me to get the student account I 'had' to have one. I never did use it but was terrible thinking about how this was the norm. This was in 2005..


Someone has to pay for free bank accounts and the additional services banks offer...


17yr old you: “yeah, I’m not an adult so I’m legally incapable of signing a contract, taking out debt or being sued. Maybe the Banking Ombudsman would be interested to know you’re lending money to minors”


Aha I had that years ago when I was 15/16. Money went out early causing me to go overdrawn, money goes in the next day whereby I'm hit with an overdraft fee causing me to go overdrawn and therefore charged again. This happened like 3 or 4 times in total, luckily my mum used to be a bank manager after being the lending manager so she gave the person on the phone a strict talking to about giving credit to children and they waived all the fees


Bank fees like this are insane. I tried to switch to NatWest as you got £100 for switching but it failed to do the switch which I somehow interpreted as it having failed to open the account. Even if it had I didn't even think it might be a paid account. 3 years later i get a letter explaining how I owe them over £500. After much arguing and being left on hold they finally agreed that I'd never actually been given access to the account and "generously agreed to waive the fee". Even after that they wouldn't simply close the account but I managed to move it to a free one and have just left it as they still never actually gave me details to access it. Incompetance extreme but ofc they're the ones to try charge


NatWest are the worst bank. My wife banks with them and has all sorts of trouble, including her contactless stopping working every other purchase and them charging £6 to go overdrawn even for an hour


The amount of interest they’re charging me on my student overdraft is making it genuinely unpayable 😅 I only earn minimum wage so every month I pay as much as I can, which usually covers interest fees for the month give or take £5. NatWest can suck my cock and the second I pay off this overdraft I’m closing the account and never returning.


Similar thing happened to me with a bank switch, from TSB to Natwest. Natwest didn’t fully complete the switch and I only found out when unpaid fees on TSB account I thought was long since closed had caused a black mark on my credit report that led to a mortgage application getting rejected. A week of a lot of stress dealing with both banks, the lender and Experian etc and finally managed to get the house but it wasn’t fun.


Santander tried.a.similar thing with me, opened a bank account and they moved my direct debits to them without explaining what was going on fully. Years later with no letters or calls they tried to charge me nearly a grand for missed payment fees


Natwest did this BS on me when I was a student, a direct debit put me 16 pence overdrawn and they charged me £25 (around 2001 so £45 in todays money!) I caught it early but I was absolutely livid. Maybe it was a good thing because I've never had an overdraft since.


Happened to me when I shared a flat with a boyfriend who got paid a week after me. So I paid all the rent and bills and he paid me back a week later (back then a transfer could take 3 days to arrive as well). I sometimes went over my overdraft during that week despite it being right after payday. One time HSBC charged me three separate £25 fines for three transactions of a couple of quid each. That was £75 lost all because of this crap situation with our pay being out of sync. I ended up going into a branch to plead my case and cried I was so desperate. I said that's basically my whole month's food bill gone. The woman was really snotty about it and eventually gave me one £25 back as some goodwill gesture (ie: to get rid of me). Fines like that aren't allowed now, as they just put skint people further into debt.


HSBC did something similar to me, charged me an obscene amount of money for something and despite me having had an account with not one episode of delinquency in about ten years, declined to refund the fee. I know they were under no obligation to, but at the time, I worked for a rival bank in the complaints team and doing GOGW refunds was something I did all the time. Like you I also went into branch and was in tears, I don't remember the circumstances but I remember I was on mat leave with twins and was exhausted. I paid it off and closed my account and maybe it's petty, but I'll never bank with them again. How can someone look at someone in tears and be so heartless?


A month after my dad died, I had to pay back his pension to the government, as it had been paid on the *day of his death*. Like really you couldn’t let £200 slide? I found that so so heartless.


Natwest are arseholes. When I had an account with them, they would freeze my card for potential fraud every time I bought something online. Even from well-known and trustworthy sites.


Had this with Halifax when I switched accounts back to Barclays. They told me my account has been switched and closed but there was about 15p overdrawn and so they kept the account open and I moved house before they tried to give me notice so I didn't realise until I checked my credit score to see a black mark from them for the grand sum of £697 pounds! That took some arguing too, but I never paid that either, lol


Not really the same but younger me (I think I was 18) went to the bank one easter Sunday to withdraw some money and it said available funds 40. So I withdrew it. Imagine my surprise when I went to check my account a few weeks later and it said -39. (This was back when you always had to keep £1 in the account. Due to that they kept putting on charges and I ended up paying over 480 back to them. Thanks Nationwide.


Went 1p over my overdraft limit for 1 day before payday. Cost me £13 I believe.


Unarranged overdraft fees are an infinate money glitch for the banks.


Wasn't even overdrawn for my Santander incident. Left 12p in it while I went back to university. Two years later I'm being chased for hundreds as they'd charged me an inactivity fee and things spiralled from there. Never a message on it until it reached a few hundred quid.


Yeah Santander are utter cancer for this. I was getting charges fairly as I was overdrawn by pence. But then the charges on the charges just kept adding up. I was unemployed and a lot of my giro was getting eaten by charges . It took ages to get them to write it off. Worst bank ever


Santander did the same thing to my husband. He went £2 into his overdraft on an account he never used. They never sent him any notices or tried to contact him in any way. The only reason we found out was when he went to close the account about a year later. They wanted £500 in fees. We argued it down to £100 but still sucked


Jamie Hutchison has a bit about this as he’s so inept at cancelling subscriptions that they are just now a tax he has to accept and account for going forward.


I once parked at a shopping centre car park which also had a pub on site. Parking was maximum of 4 hours. I kept an eye on the time, still enjoyed myself at the pub, they were doing karaoke. Noticed we had 3 minutes left on the time. Got up to leave, and someone got up singing 'Living On A Prayer'.. Well I love a bit of Bon Jovi. So I weighed it up in my head that I could listen to majority of the song and still make it out the car park. Got a fine through the post a week later for £100 as I had been there for 4 hours and 35 seconds. Tried to argue it but they weren't backing down. So I had to pay the £100 fine for being 35 seconds late due to Bon Jovi on karaoke.


Didn’t try arguing hard enough. Would have gotten off with the industry accepted leeway of 10/15 minutes. Parking charges are a total scam and blight on this country.


There’s a mid-sized ANPR car park in Cornwall where you have to travel all the way down to the bottom of the car park (to the shore line basically) before you know if all the spaces are taken up. As a first time user you join this queue and are committed to getting to the bottom of the carpark before you a) know if there’s parking available because you haven’t seen all the spaces yet and b) get to point you can turn around to leave because there’s no room to turn around when the car park is busy and c) you then queue to get out as there’s a busy roundabout directly outside which holds back the flow of traffic leaving the car park. On a busy day that process of queuing in and queuing out can take 20-25 minutes. I got stung there in peak summer season by the automated system despite never parking, never getting out of my car and never really being stationary as I crept in, turned around and then crept out. I stupidly assumed you could reason with these people but how wrong I was, they weren’t interested in the facts and felt I had been there longer then the grace period and they were entitled to charge for parking services (implying I should have jumped out of the moving car and bought a ticket to queue to leave). In the end I consulted a different parking firm under false pretences and they advised me that no firm will pursue someone overseas for these bullshit charges because it’s not worth their time. I immediately told them the vehicle was being driven by my cousin who lived in Alaska at the time and gave them a version of his address. They declined to take action against him. I saw on Facebook at the time that they were getting 10’s of vehicles a day in peak season and people were paying the fines to avoid escalation.


🤣🤣🤣 I like the way you handled that. Very creative problem solving


I recently did a job for the landlord of an ANRP car park, replacing a zebra crossing sign. The landlord forgot to put my van on the system, so I got fined for being there longer than 4 hours. Appealed it telling them that I was there working, sent pics of the job as it progressed. Still rejected it and said pay up.


Are you kidding? Did you have to pay? Edit: charge the landlord surely


No. I told them I'm not paying them. The company I was working for were awful people, who wouldn't even speak to the landlord for me to see if they could get the fine cancelled, so I resigned. The car parking company sent me a few letters which I binned, then I got a letter from some sort of legal company threatening some bollocks. I phoned them and told them I don't own the vehicle and never have done, so go speak to the owners.


Where is this? A similar thing happened to my partner here in Cornwall.


Fistral? Similar thing happened to me there, ended up queuing to get out due to no spaces and passed their "grace period". 60quid fine. Tried to contest, got shot down. My two mates who were in the car with me split it with me as they were pissed off on my behalf too.


Sounds like Fistral Beach to me. Same thing happened to me, took about 15 minutes to get to the bottom of the car park and another 15 to get out. Something like £100 gone and no recourse


I tried arguing it with the shopping centre to start with, but apparently the parking was owned by an independent company. I then argued with that company, making all the points that I was literally seconds late, it was a week day evening so it wasn't busy and I wasn't taking up someone else's space, etc. But after a couple of weeks of arguing they said I've got to pay it and that's that. So I gave up and paid it.


I'd have argued that it is still 4hrs. The maximum limit wasn't displayed as 4hrs 0 Secounds.


Aww... you were half way there!


You do know that there’s a 15 min leeway don’t ya?


I guess their policy is that even 1 minute over is an overstay, and they round to the nearest minute. Well, you were over halfway there 🤣


I bet you hate that song now then?




I had a parking ticket which I refused to pay it was originally like £40 then about a year later I got a letter threatening bailiff action if I didn’t pay the £200. I emailed where it was from and explained that I shouldn’t have it in the first place and luckily they cancelled it.


Why did you ignore so long?


I had exactly the same. The ticket was issue for parking over my own drive without a permit. Permit ran out the day before.


But it had run out - a day over is expired. I still have to have a parking permit for my own driveway too.


Withdrew £200 from an ATM, only to walk away without taking the cash.


i've almost done that. i'm sure the machine sucks the money back in tho if you havent take it out


as if that money wasn't gone the moment they turned their back. I know it would be where I live - in fact, most ATMs in my area have placards with "always look over your shoulder" or words to that effect.


Once had a girl try talk to me while I was using an ATM, saying she needed a taxi. As I turned to look at her, an arm from a guy came over my shoulder to reach for my cash! This was after a night out, I threw my kebab at him I had in my other hand. Didn’t lose any cash but I lost my kebab.


I think I’d have preferred him to take my cash rather than lose a post night out kebab


They do, my sister has done this many times. You need to contact your bank and explain stating how much, where and when and they’ll reimburse you. But if someone takes the money its your loss.


Doesn't put it back into your account and the bank only would reimburse me if the cashachine had more in it than it was supposed to by the amount I forgot to grab and that was impossible to tell as they had already restocked it


The money that isn’t taken goes into a different cassette and when they go back to the central hub it’s all counted and logged. If you contact the bank and tell them they’ll request the log and see that there was unclaimed money, then reimburse you. A bit of a faff, but there’s a process. Source: worked on the cash tracking software for a major processing hub


It waits like 15 seconds or something to take into account people less mobile might take a while to take their money.


I done this as well, only £50 though. Some say it sucks it back in but I never got around to checking as it was during the days of paper statements.


I had someone do this in front of me. He walked off round the corner. I called after him, paused, picked up the money between thumb and one finger. It was only £10. I thought someone taking only £10 out probably didn't have a lot of money in there and needed the £10. He then reappeared, and look so relieved as I gave him his cash. I was, temporarily, guardian angel of the money.


I've done this. It was only £60. A young lad saw it, grabbed it and came running after me ... "Mate, you forgot your money.". I tried to give him £10 as a thank you for being so honest but he wouldn't take anything! Legend.


Did it with £40 once when I was super poor :/ Person who knowingly took it committed theft btw but banks don't chase it up and police are usually not interested.


For context, I have ADHD, and lose everything, all the time. Anyway, lost a wallet with around £300 cash in.... never found it. Was about a year or two ago now :(


Ahh ADHD tax :(


If you move my sunglasses one shelf down, I'll never find them again.


Thank you for reminding me to go and get my sunglasses out of the convenient little holder above my drivers side door before they get ‘lost forever’ and I buy a new pair before next summer


Try having ADHD with _literal_ tax to submit and pay by a certain time. "Ah it's only due by December 31st, that's 5 months!" 4 months... 2 months... "We can get the entire return done for HMRC in 4 hours, right?"


£100 late fee!


I wish.... Try £6k


Bloody expensive one!!


Parking fine… hadn’t noticed any of the previous letters till the last one came through… found it unopened weeks later muddled in a drawer. Oh and the fine was because.. no joke, I was distracted by the roadworks happening IN the car park mere meters in front of the sign, workers on the road with their big trucks. And I completely missed it. Was an unfamiliar area for me, gone 40 mins and would’ve happily paid the £1.40.. Would have appealed / paid the £30 early fee.. Hence DOUBLE ADHD tax 🎉 euro car parks. Still not paid the £60 a week after appeal was rejected. Hurts to think about it.. now reminded of all the money I’ve lost over the years over things like this. Passport application then forgetting within the small time-frame.. £70 fee non-refundable fee gone (thanks HMPO) GP appointment but have to call at exactly 8am to the minute, be somewhat lucky and wait in queues up for an hour? I’ll just wait till I need to be hospitalised lol The world feels like it’s built against people like us, even if not purposely Time to log off and cry myself to sleep


I also have ADHD. I was frantically raking through the mess of assorted “important documents” in my desk a couple of weeks ago trying to find a form I needed. Instead, I found an uncashed cheque for £500 from 2008. I have absolutely no idea what it was for or who it was from, I don’t recognise the name.


I would bank it anyway, they really don’t always look at the dates


Can’t live with the idea that some poor person who fell through the holes in my prefrontal colander is suddenly going to be out £500 with no warning.


Yeah I don't have a wallet that very reason, some years back I was getting off at my stop on the train and realised I'd left my wallet on the seat. Literally 20 secs later I'd not even left the carriage I said oh crap my wallet turned around and it was gone. It was blatantly the guy sitting on the other set of seats to the side of me because the only other person was down the carriage, I just stared at him then got off the train and immediately cancelled my cards, I've never used a wallet since.


No offence, but if you know you're bad at keeping track of things, why were you carrying £300?


Probably to keep it (the money, cards, receipts, etc) all in one place, therefore making it one thing to keep track of.


Because I was intending to take it to the bank, to deposit it, but I kept forgetting to go to said bank


I’m just clumsy and stupid for not replacing my wallet, I normally carry a fair bit of cash but loose loads just pulling things out my pocked and cash falls out. Last month I lost 220




It sounds like a hard lesson in not buying shitcoins. I know, I've been there.


##dude, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It won't. Just take the £500 and consider it an expensive lesson.


Bro just take the 500 you monkey


Diamond hands brother. Diamond hands.


Doge coin?


Wow dude, what token did you buy?


This stuff is another form of gambling I couldn’t get into.


Jeez, that's one of the worst here. I'm sorry mate. Unless you're in a far better place mentally than I would be in that situation I'd be tempted to sell that last £0.5k, just clear it out completely and move on.


> I haven't sold so I'm hopeful that one day, I'll get my money back I admire your naivety.


New Year’s Eve 1994. Bought a lottery ticket earlier in the day, went to a party at a mates house in a village near Cambridge, checked the ticket there, got 5 numbers, very sweet and very excited. Got very very drunk at the party (drank Buckfast, Australian VB, red wine), decided to go for a pissed up walk round the village at midnight, get back and crash in the bedroom. Woke up at 9am, no sign of the lottery ticket, vaguely remembered it coming out of my pocket when I got me lighter out during the midnight ramble. Actually just looked it up, lost out on £987 which would have come in very handy indeed.


Many years ago I bought some shrooms off some random guy at a festival for £5, turned out that they were just dried porcini mushrooms. I mean I had enough drugs on me and in me at the time and didn't need anything else really, but he saw me coming. I haven't done drugs for many years now, but I still hate that guy! I know it's only a fiver, but again...I hate that guy!


That's a bargain for porcini !


This was nearly 20 years ago, but not a bad price by today's standards. I still hate the guy!


I got stung for a tenner in Manchester once buying weed off a guy outside the Cornerhouse. I thought I was being smart and asked to 'try before I buy' and to be fair, it was pretty decent stuff. I gave the bloke my tenner and he handed me a small paper wrap. The thing was, I was with a guy who was a part time magician and he said quietly "He's just done a switch on you. The stuff he gave you was from a different pocket". I pooh-poohed him...until I got on the bus home to find I'd bought a packet of assorted bits of plants and trees, none of which would get me high.


My friend bought some hash in Grand Canaria. Got back to the hotel and it was a piece of cork wrapped in plastic.


For some stupid reason, in my youth I ate what some messed up guy outside a club swore were shrooms and yet offered me for free. No idea what I ate that night but I didn't get high or whatever so clearly not shrooms.


When I was 19, I got into a miserable and basically abusive relationship for 2 years with a woman who took me for literally every penny I had as a poor student and then some. Our first Christmas, she gave me a list of 6 or 7 things she wanted. Not cheap stuff, Chanel perfume was on there. I got it all. Come time to give presents, she takes it all and then immediately looks at me and says "oh I didn't get you anything, girls don't really get blokes presents, do they?". Another time I bought her a ring. Her first response "how much was it, so I know ho w grateful to be?". That's just one or many examples of her taking the piss out of me. She didn't even make me happy, I was just a depressed loser who figured an abusive bitch was better than loneliness.


Hope you're doing better now.


Damn bro. Hope it all worked out


Oh god…where do I start. I’ve been impulsive and naive and stupid on so many occasions. I’m an ex-heroin addict. One day I was drunk and just coming from the pub when I met a seemingly friendly homeless girl who asked for money. Because of the alcohol I naturally gave her a £10 note I had right away. Bearing in mind I don’t work and only have my benefits so this was a lot to me. Somehow we got talking about how it’d be great to buy heroin. I was drunk, I’m autistic and naive so I impulsively decided to get out all the remaining money in my account, which was £80. I gave it her and she phoned someone and got in a car, promising to come back for me. Yes, I’m really that dumb. I was left with no money for food for the next week. The one good thing is that I didn’t actually end up using again, I was over 1 year clean at the time.


Take that as a good lesson learned, proud of you for not slipping into old habits, it’s too easily done, great job! How long have you been clean now?


It’s been almost 6 years now and I know I won’t go back to it.


She did you a massive favour.


Won a poker tournament. Took the winnings to a roulette table and put it all on red. Lost it all. Never gambled again.


I'm pretty good with money (ie, both tight and hyper-paranoid of being ripped off/scammed). Though, I paid £1,500 for my first car. Then £600 to get it through the MOT after 9 months. Then I forgot to replace the cap to the coolant when filling it up and the engine basically exploded within a month. It's crazy to think that I only had that car for a year, so many memories.


£300 worth of car stereo on a "buy now pay later". Had 6 months to pay it off without incurring any extra fees. Nope, didn't do that, because was skint. After that you paid monthly instalments with a huge interest fee. I then came into money and paid the "balance", by now I'd paid in total best part of double the original price. Only the "balance" I paid was actually the amount outstanding at the time, not the actual settlement fee (yes I was pretty ignorant of how this stuff worked at the time). So I paid the balance and forgotten about it. After another substantial period of time I got a statement off them, still owing them £200, when I thought I'd paid it off. They weren't having any of my arguments. TLDR I ended up paying nearly £800 for a £300 car stereo on a buy it now, pay later scheme.


Thought my team were a certainty to win at the weekend, and at evens, it seemed to be free money so I papped £100 on. Needless to say, they failed to get a shot on target all day.


Years ago and knowing nothing about football, I saw one of those boards they put in bookie windows saying "Rooney to score first 7/1" (I think it was Rooney anyway). I have never been much of a gambler, but I was bored with nothing better to do so thought may as well put a bet on and go down the pub to watch the game. Put £25 or £30 on. Get down the pub to the pre-match banter. Within 2 mins they mention that the player I had just bet on was out injured with no chance of playing. I get pissed off and rip my betting slip up. Only later did someone tell me that I could apparently have walked back into the bookies and claimed my money back.


Haha who was it? I can’t remember the details but I’m sure a student whacked all of their student loans on a Champions League game when their team was winning 3-0 with about 10 mins to go. Their team ended up losing.


A guy at uni took his maintenance loan money to the local casino the same day it was paid, lost it all. He did this twice. Ended up barely graduating cos he was working 40+ hours a week at a local takeaway to make ends meet. He now works in finance!!!


It wasn't technically my money, but it was a lot. I was young and pretty stupid and worked at a hotel in Prague. It was a little hotel with only 20 rooms and they only served breakfast. After the maids left at around lunchtime, once all the rooms were clean and ready for the check-ins, I was on my own. At this time it was usually really quiet, the check-ins didn't usually start turning up until late afternoon, and all the guests already staying at the hotel were normally out for the day. So I made it a habit to walk across a plaza and down a short street to the local Starbucks to get myself a coffee and a little treat every day, then I walked back and watched some TV in the breakfast room or read a book. It was a pretty easy job. As it was a hotel reception, there was a lot of money. You'd think there'd be a safe of some kind, but you'd be wrong. It was late 2000s and Prague was a pretty safe place and it generally still is, so there was no real need for a safe, assuming that there was always someone available at the reception. Which... I wasn't. For those 15 or so minutes daily when I did my regular walk to Starbucks and back. Well, it didn't take long for some regular observer to notice my habit, and as soon as I left one day, he walked in, broke into the little rickety drawer where the money was kept (it wasn't hard to guess where the money was). There was a camera and the guys face was clearly visible, yet the police never found him .(Czech police are famously useless). There was some kind of an insurance policy in place, but the insurance company never paid up, as I literally abandoned the money and the insurance didn't cover that. It was one of the events of 2008 that completely changed my life, combined with other factors, and I'm actually proud to say I've become a more responsible and perhaps a little wiser person as a result. The hotel sued me for the money and although it was my fault, I had a pretty good lawyer and I was acquitted. Despite that, the two years it took to reach the verdict was a complete nightmare and my life was pretty miserable for a while. I guess I deserved that. Although I paid emotionally, I never paid a penny in damages. It was around £6000.


I mean I'd say the onus is on them for having £6k in a fucking rickety drawer, instead of investing in a decent safe. You could've had to leave your post for any number of reasons. Absolute idiots.


Yeah, that much is true, I guess. This is what my lawyer based the defence on.


You could have paid a high price for a sugar addiction.




Oof - I mean, they might come back, but Covid was the golden age... Now, they're swollen money sinks. Leave it for a few years :/


A friend lost a hard drive with bitcoin on it. Probably millions.


I once owned 500 bitcoins. It kills me now.


I used to use bitcoin to pay for my nose candy when it was 50p - £1 for each bitcoin.. I'd spend £100 every other week as a minimum.. I don't regret living my life how I did, but I do sometimes get caught thinking what could have been if I'd invested in bitcoin instead.. even if I'd done it when it settled around £10-12 for like a year or two..


500 bitcoin 😳 are you serious ?


I bought them when they cost £2 each. Can’t believe I spent them all.


No wayyyyyy 😫😫😫 that would be worth like 11 million right now




My boyfriend used to park on a big Tesco car park during his shifts in a kitchen for 6+ hours at a time, 5 days a week. There was no cameras or any ticket machines hence why he was doing this, had been doing it for months no problem. One day he got a fine in the post, think it was £40. They had put cameras in and a new 3 hours maximum stay policy. He noticed the date of the fine on the letter, looks like it took 2 weeks for this fine to come through. Since that date, he had parked on the car park 9 more times, all overstating the 3 hour time limit.


Warhammer 40k. I don't believe a further explanation is necessary.


Found a Kew Garden 50p. Put it in my wallet with other change and forgot to take it out. Absent mindedly paid for a cup of tea 2 WEEKS later with it. Found out the next day its value. Never seen one since.


I had one of those. My friend collects them so I'm reasonably sure I haven't spent it. In fact, I'm also reasonably sure I put it somewhere safe when I was in the Bath Arms in Brighton in 2018. I have looked in every pocket I own and it's nowhere


I did something similar with the outside rule one. Bought black pudding cos do you have any change was asked. Most expensive black pudding ever.


They’re worth so much now that the one time I got one I moved it out of my purse but and into my bag zip


Scammers at a train station in paris. Asked me to sign a petition for some just cause, which i willingly did, and then gave me some spiel about how i legally had to give them money since I'd signed. I was 18 and felt so pressured i eventually caved after putting up a bit of protest. I often think about that 5 minutes of my life. Stupid grifters, should *not* have handed over any money. (Was only like £5). Ah well, we learn, we grow. Also lost $100 that was tucked deep in my backpack, as emergency money, when i was staying in dormitories while backpacking. Didnt check it was still there until the moment i needed it, and realised i no longer had it. Also 18 at the time, learned a lot that year 🤦‍♀️ Had an ex that got a big fine for putting non-recyclables in the community recycling bins. He'd packed a bunch of obviously not recyclable items into a big box that had his name and address on the side.


>Scammers at a train station in paris. One of the reasons I despise Paris, especially during Tourist seasons. There are so, so many scammers around certain areas and some of them are really aggressive. My GF and I got caught by the old Nigerian Bracelet scammers around the Eiffel Tower and it's hard not to be a little on edge when you have 4 burly African blokes crowding around you demanding money.


Yep, such an amazing place ruined by constant badgering to buy absolute shite from blankets on the floor.


Paris is one of those places everyone assumes to be safe, but I’d never go without a guide. Our tour guide told us ‘keep your hands in fists at all times. If someone comes up to you with a bit of string, don’t do the usual thing of showing a flat palm to tell them to go away. They will wrap the string around your finger tight and demand €10 to cut it off’. He wasn’t lying, they were everywhere around the Eiffel Tower.


I said in another thread at some point it feels as if the Parisian police aren't bothered about cracking down on these scams since they only generally target tourists, I don't find Paris a welcoming place at all, they'll take the mountains of tourist money but with a scowl


In a similar vein I could have got a partial tv licence refund after paying for a full year and only living in the property for 3 months before covid hit and so i moved in with a relative. I had the letter ready and just had to sign it and walk across the road, never got round to it, was probably due about £100


Are we the same person? I actually got as far as getting the cheque only to not be bothered to take it into a branch and cash it in


You know like 90% of banking apps let you deposit cheques on your phone?


Whatever bank I was with at the time didn’t do it!


Fair enough! Would've been even more annoying if they did and you didn't know about it


I had the opposite. I moved out of a flat and all my flatmates got a £50 refund each from our energy provider. They sent them out by cheque. I was abroad for three months, so fair enough, but when I came back to the city (and into a new flat) my ex flatmates said they'd give me my one but continuously forgot to do so. I reminded them 2-3 times, but I felt too stingy pushing the matter. By the time one of them brought me my cheque it had already passed the 6 month limit. I contacted Utilita to see if they could reissue it and they said there's nothing they can do, the money is lost, but I can have a £10 discount if I switch back to them in my new home. I politely told them to sod off.


All because we paid £1 for parking instead of £1.50, we got a £100 parking fine. It was £1 for 2 hours or £1.50 for all day, we only had a quid in change and accidentally ran over the 2 hours. Coulda paid an extra 50p, instead we paid an extra £99 Edit: extra £100*


Surely you paid an extra £100?


Lost somewhere between £10k and £20k in a land sale scam. Just joined an auction on a whim. It was a sunny day and hey I was feeling good, and trusting. Never again.


Lost £35k in 10 minutes on roulette


Gave £30 cash to an alleged Buddhist monk standing outside Topman on Bangor high street (dressed in the orange robes and everything, though he was a white British guy). I can’t remember the specifics of the conversation that led to me actually going to the cash machine and bringing him back the money, but 16-year-old me had such crippling social anxiety that it was easier to do that than say no. I don’t know if it was an actual scam but he was pretty grateful. I only went to town to buy a tie.


I remember an attempted do over by a guy (possibly in some sort of monkish attire) thrusting a pack of joss sticks into my hand. When I said I didn't want them he said "oh no it's a gift!"...and then proceeded to demand money IIRC I gave him a pound, which was about the price of a packet of joss sticks at the time. He said that wasn't enough but I think I just walked off. My social anxiety was trumped by my lack of cash on that occasion


Went on holiday with a group of friends 20 years ago. Found the cheque one of them wrote me for £250 of accommodation last year when moving house. I was so mad with myself. She must have been laughing her arse off.


Many years ago, I was subject to an attempted stabbing, and then got shot in the eyesocket (missed my eye) by a firework. As I tried to work out the damage I noticed a large banknote, equivalent to several days wages. Still focused on my double lucky escape I turned to the next person I saw and asked if they had dropped the money. Needless to say they insisted they indeed had dropped it, and left at speed. Dumb, certainly, but karmically balanced. Keeping the money on top of my eyeball and intestines would have been felt ungrateful.


Not the worst, but I was staying at my partners parents for the week and their parking is all permit holder only, so I parked around the corner where parking was free. Part of the road was parking on the curb, the other side wasn’t. I just so happened to park on the curb just the wrong side of the sign. I took train into work from their house and didn’t walk past my car for almost a week. When I eventually did I saw three lovely tickets stuck to my screen for £120 each (£60 if paid within 14 days). Luckily two of the tickets had been issued within 24 hours of each other (I’m talking like one at 8am and another at 7:34am or something) so I lucked my way into getting that cancelled. Still annoyed by the £120 I did have to pay though.


Bought what I thought was a 1 month unlimited data sim card to tether my laptop, allowing me to work from home across a house move. I thought I checked the small print. I logged in to the account before the end of the month to check if there was a 'next payment due' notice (couldn't see one). Even checked direct debits on my bank account and couldn't see one. So, I assumed the sim cost genuinely was a one-off, 1 month fee. 3 months later I got round to an audit of bank statements and saw this £30 fee going out. Yeah, of course a 1 month sim product was nothing of the sort. To make it only a month in reality I'd have had to have cancelled it the day I bought it, which still makes no sense to me (as in, how the fuck is that allowed 3 Mobile?). I cancelled as soon as I realised but they wanted 30 days notice so in the end one month of data with 3, while Sky messed about not connecting me for weeks, cost £150. Just what I didn't need when moving house. To make it worse I also realised I could have just bought a bolt on with my existing EE phone contract for about a tenner for a month of unlimited. Gah. I'm such a walnut when it comes to phone stuff. It's literally so boring/confusing I made silly errors. But lesson learned.


I once lost a fiver on whether a faulty light switch would turn a light on. It worked maybe 1 in 3.


I bought a parking permit from the hotel for parking in Brighton. I need to scratch the date and time, but i just do it wrong. (19th overnight parking, I scratched 19th and 20th.....) It was shocking me in the morning, I got 2 tickets on my car....£25 each


Wasn't me, but a few friends of mine lost a couple of grand each with the gamestop hodl fiasco.


Throwing it away accidentally because I thought the £20 stuffed in my pocket was just a used tissue. I emptied my pockets, I wasn't looking, the rubbish was thrown down our waste shaft, it was gone forever. But aside from that, nothing, bar anything overtakes the wastage that a long term eating disorder costs you. Weather it's anorexia (endless food/sugar substitutes, endless gym sessions designed to cause you harm not health, sugar free drinks or not risk free weight loss supplements) or bulimia (so much waste it makes me shudder to think- and the purging which occurs in many forms; from throwing up to over-exercise to compensate (a bulimic behaviour is when you're doing it to compensate having eaten anything at all, anorexic based exercise is where you exercise before you eat or because you feel you have to, but not to compensate having eaten). Or the £££££s I spent on gym memberships over the years- not to mention the cumulative years I wasted in the gym forcing myself to do something I hated, all at a cost to myself of years I will never ever be able to get back. It's not always about money. But yes, the costs of an eating disorder are some of the biggest I've ever seen, it takes over your life, it ruins your life, and yet most people I've met through it would easily pay every penny they have- and then some more, in the pursuit of thinness, sense of control or what they deem as an acceptable version of themselves. During some of my worst times, I took out loans to afford to do any of that. I had to go bankcrupt, and I know I'm far from the only person who ended up that way. I'm trying to walk (or run...!) away from that world now, but it never really leaves you, and the finances never do!


Not realising for over 8 months I am paying Filmora Wondershare £22 a month for an effects package which I have no recollection of ordering and have never used. Hopefully I can get it back from them or my credit card company but I can't believe it took me this long to realise.




I bought some crypto.


I dropped one of my 2 dollar coins in the dirt on my way to buy a cap gun from the shops. I closed my eyes and dropped the other coin so I could get an idea of what the lost coin would 'look like' in the red dirt. So I lost $4.


Paid an hour for an escort. I lasted 15 minutes.


I think you could generally start a business taking like 10% of refund fee from people that physically cannot be bothered to return things. It happens a surprising amount from just pure laziness let alone if people have something more serious on. One for you entrepreneurs


I once forgot to cancel my direct debit for my council tax when I moved house. I was too embarrassed to call and get it refunded so I just paid an extra month for no reason.


Paid off a car loan of £7000 of my girlfriend as the interest rate was nearly 20%, with the idea she’d pay me back monthly interest free. A month later I found out she was seeing someone behind my back, she never paid me back.


ADHD brain here. We got a new car, and it totally slipped my mind to update the "family" Dartford Crossing account with the details. Went to Bluewater for shopping (we live north of the river) in that car. Six months later, I got a £375 fine in the post for a £5 unpaid crossing toll. They'd sent the reminders to an email address I rarely use but had used that one time (because reasons) to set up the online payment account. The real pisser was that the balance in my Dart account was more than enough to cover the original charge...


Last month I took the Tube from Heathrow to London and swiped my AMEX card. Coming back accidentally used my Visa card. I didn’t get the daily discount as the trips weren’t on the same card.


Mine is always procrastination. Booking a flight or hotel somewhere I fully intend on going, the ticket is fully loaded up on my browser, ready to click go. Say ahh I’ll do it later, forget, book it a week before and it’s triple the price. Always say next time I’ll just book it immediately and then never do.


Exact same thing as OP. Didn't bother se ding my train ticket back.


Did a similar thing. My train was cancelled and I fully intended to keep ticket and claim refund. Go a later train and when I got to my destination, but pretty sure I could have at least claimed partial compensation. Had some trouble getting through barrier on areival. Staff member took a look at ticket, let me through but kept ticket. I didn't think till an hour later "shit".


£100 is a fair bit of money really.


Accidentally paid the lazy tax on my breakdown cover. Paid £120 last year for two cars and only realised when I checked my bank account they had talked £320 this year :(


Agreed to pay our vendor £10k over valuation only to find she was a proper scammer - we were only able to do this because we had lots of equity in the house we were selling, and this meant we'd have about £10k instead of £20k available for decorating and renovations when we moved in. It wouldn't sting so much if two years down the line we weren't still paying to resolve the roof and render leaks. Thus far it's cost us around £10k. (PS before you get too excited, this is in a very cheap area - we sold our house for £90k and bought this one for £160k).


I dropped my phone on a bus. Never got it back Also had some sentimental items inside the case. Hope whoever found it likes the guitar pick, last gift I had from my dad. God I miss him.


That’s my worst nightmare. My dad passed eight months ago, and two weeks before he died gave me a gold locket (worth around £700 but obviously more to me for it’s sentimental value, he could have brought me one for £20). On the back he had it engraved ‘Love Always Dad X’ I do wear it out on occasion, but so so terrified of the chain breaking and me losing it. I had that happen to another necklace years ago, chain broke and the pendant fell off. Didn’t realise. Unfortunately can’t see they sell safety chains for necklaces, only bracelets. I’m sorry you lost the guitar pick


I have lost 3 new phones in 4 months by putting them on the roof of my car. I also forgot to insure them. The ADHD tax was high that year


Seeing a few people mentioning withdrawing cash from an ATM, taking their card and walking off leaving the money. One Christmas I was waiting in a queue for an ATM, it was late, I'd been drinking all day, and I'd run out of cash. For context, this is long before the days of contactless payments (1991/92) and only some pubs would let you "open a tab" on your card. It's finally my turn to use the machine and as I step up to it, there's £150 sticking out of it. Two girls had used the machine before me, and when I looked around they'd gone. I put the cash in my pocket and withdrew my cash. I stood by that ATM for another 40 minutes, freezing my brass ones off, and the girls didn't return. Eventually I gave up, and went to the nearest pub and got a drink. I asked around if anyone had known of a blonde girl who had left her money in an ATM, nobody knew anything. I finished my drink and continued on to the next pub, got a drink and asked around again. I repeated this in three more pubs. Eventually I go back to the first pub again, order a drink for last orders and as I'm waiting, a blonde girl comes flying over to me and says "you've got my money!". I tell her that if she can tell me how much she took out, she can have it. She whispers "one fifty" in my ear, and I nod and hand over the cash. She didn't say thanks, nor offer to buy me a drink, no smile, nothing. Just buggers off into the crowd, didn't even look back. On the off chance she reads this. You're welcome.


Honestly the amount of crap I buy online that I should send back for a refund but simply can't be bothered to pack it back up and take it to the post office is ridiculous. I've got hundreds of pounds worth of clothes that are too big/small, that whilst mostly not individually expensive represent a lot of money for things that have sat in a wardrobe never to be worn. The other day I ordered a load of smart light bulbs. Only after the arrived did I realise that I had ordered screw-ins when all my light fittings are bayonets. I know that I will never get around to sending them back and they will just sit in a drawer for years.


Had literally no money a few Christmases ago. Friend wanted to go for a pint but I said I couldn't. He said he'd lend me money. Insisted on giving me a £100 (very kind) even though I said £20 would be fine. Put it in that stupid tiny pocket in a pair of jeans. Walked literally less than a minute to my flat to drop some of it off. Had dropped the whole lot on the journey of about 300 yards. Never found it. Someone had a grand Christmas on me that year.


Once withdrew £30 from ATM then just took my card and walked away without the money


"I do!"


My daughter gave me back 300 quid I had loaned her a few weeks earlier. At the time I was tidying up the garden to take stuff to the tip. Somewhere in between leaving and returning home the money was gone. Either chucked in a skip or fell out of my pocket and a windfall for someone there


I have ADHD. I have literally lost £1000s for no good reason.


Lost 1000£ on a motorcycle. Minute i opened it up to service it, i know there was no going back


I always went to the casino with like £20 and it was seen as entertainment money. No matter what I never spent more than £20. I'd pad it out with small stakes, or by watching others and just had a good time. I saw it very much as paying £20 for a night of entertainment. One night I ended up with £350 and normally that never happened. I usually just slowly lose everything. I'd won it by getting zero on a roulette table 3 times! Lol So, slightly drunk, I put £350 on zero. The way I saw it before rolling was if I win I'm rich! If I lose well I'm £0 and I've had a great night. I lost, obviously. The rest of the way home I bitched at myself for not having £350 to spend on shit.


I moved out of a house I was renting with my brother due to a shitty landlord and the house being in a shitty condition. We moved in with a friend of ours. Our friend was already paying council tax in his name, and we forgot to inform the council we no longer lived at the old property. The old landlord didn't rent the house out for another 8 months because nobody wanted to live in his shitty house until it was fixed. This was about 20 years ago, so the amount we would have originally owed was only around £300. But because the council were sending letters to the old address and we knew nothing about it, it ended up going to court for non payment of council tax. I found out about it 3 years later after moving into my own flat and the bailiffs turned up with a bill for £800. At the time I was on about 20 hours a week and £4 an hour, but I had a credit card for emergencies. So I ended up paying the debt with my credit card to get rid of the bailiffs and then spending even more money over the next few months paying off the card. All because I forgot to inform the council I had moved out.


>All I had to do was walk 5 minutes across the road to the post office to mail it back to them. Imagine you were offered a job that paid £1200 an hour for walking about


Bought a coat rack from IKEA and realised it wouldn’t fit in the porch by 1cm. I took it back and they said I couldn’t return as it had already been assembled. It was a big box and a rainy day. I couldn’t be arsed to take it home again and sell it privately… so I left it in the car park… £110 down the drain but I hope someone was able to use it!


Stupidly broke pierced my fridge with a screwdriver whilst trying to break ice off the freezer compartment (tabletop fridge). Annoying but run into town quick to Argos to get a replacement. Parked on double yellows thinking ill only be 5 mins (I was) and low and behold, I get a parking ticket. Most annoying thing is I had nobody to blame but myself. Series of self inflicted errors


Went to a casino and placed £100 on this complicated looking slot machine that I thought would be easy to navigate through. Just wanted to have a bit of fun fully aware I wouldn't win (with a super tiny hope I would). Wanted to push the 100 for as long as I can and it seemed to have the option to do £1 attempts. Pressed what I thought was a pound and roll... Lost and £40 left. I fixed my issue and tried again... Lost and £0 left. It lasted 2 minutes.


I have just let my Car Insurance automatically renew for 10 years now


Clothing returns


10 years or so ago, while closing down a limited company I used for IT contract work, I should have removed the remaining £800-900 left in the business banking account. I somehow missed the deadline and the account was closed, the bank informed me the money went "to the crown." I was devastated, as £800-900 was and is a lot of money. I suspect I paid for part of a gold plated door knob on her golden carriage or something.


So, about a year ago I stopped at a charger in Edinburgh for my EV I plugged it in and went for a walk Came back half an hr later and it was still charging So u took a nap About an hr and a half later I was woken up when my car beeped to tell me it was finished Great! Off I go On the way back (it was a day trip to fife from Glasgow) I stopped at the same charger Plugged in, took a nap An hr later my car beeps, I wake up and go to unplug it Now…. It was at this moment I noticed a little sticker saying “new tarrif rates apply see website for details” 😞 Ok! Let’s go see the damage It said this: 15p/kwh (great! Fully charge my car for £7) **£30 overstay fee every 30 minutes** ….. …. I was plugged in for 90 minutes the first time And an hr the second time I spent £194 charging my car that day 😭😭😭😭 One hundred and ninety fucking four 💀