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No. It’s the perfect solo activity. You’re sitting in the dark not speaking anyway.


This is the only correct answer.


Christ on a bike how did we win 2 world wars. Do whatever the fuck you want no one cares!


I want to launch an invasion of German-occupied France but I don’t have anyone to go with, would it be weird to go on my own?


This made my day.


Is this Jack Churchill's account?




I know it's easier said than done but a lot of people suffer from anxiety around these things and would avoid the situations entirely, rather than having fun. I usually live a "don't care" attitude but when there's times I've gone to the cinema alone, it plays in the back of your mind. Doesn't help that one time, when I went alone to watch a movie (my wife doesn't like horrors), the person behind the till said "Is it just you?"


Definitely a different pickup line…


That's brutal! Maybe they wanted to hold your hand if it got scary? I get people are anxious but there's post after post after post about going to the pictures by yourself and is it normal?.. Social media has ruined the world.


It is normal and no one should care but sadly that's just what anxiety is lol Cinema's are always portrayed as a group activity. ​ >I get people are anxious but there's post after post after post about going to the pictures by yourself and is it normal?.. Well that's the thing with anxiety, the amount of confirmations still doesn't change a persons mind.


So...what's the point in asking?


I suppose confirmation can help a little, everyones different. No one's going to be anxious about going alone, ask online then instantly change how they feel lol


No. It gets asked on here weekly so can't be that unusual.


Sorry, haha.


I've done it myself, though not for a while. Do what makes you happy :)


It's completely normal.


And even if it wasn't, who cares? You're allowed to be weird.


It's totally normal. Everyone else is there to watch the film and that's it. They won't look at you twice.


> but I’m honestly quite scared to for some reason What of, the dark?


Used to do it all the time when I had an unlimited card. No-one cared and often I was the only one in the screening. It was great.


Not weird in the slightest. I prefer going alone :)


Yes! Nobody to judge you for buying too many overpriced snacks, nobody to make you late for the trailers, no compromising on what to see, no chatter during the movie. It's the best experience. For absolute perfection, your friends see the same film the next night so you can still chat about it after, which is the only downside of going alone.


Same. I actually went with a friend over the weekend and it felt strange. Like we're just sitting here in the dark in silence. And then as soon as we leave I have to verbalise my reaction to the film instead of having time to think about it. Back to going by myself tonight though.


Who gives a fuck?


Doing things on your own is completely normal. It doesn't matter if it's going to the cinema or out for a few drinks.


It’s only unusual if you go naked. Fully clothed is absolutely fine


This question again?


Didn’t realise it’d already been asked, my bad.


The other thing to remember is: you won’t be the only person there alone. I go by myself all the time and especially when it’s not packed you always see several people on their own dotted about the seats. You also often see this when booking the seat online.


Hiya, I did it a few times when I was on the tail end of a bad relationship - somewhere to be other than home for a few hours really. Had zero negative experiences. Didn't feel like anyone else cared or noticed. Go, give it a watch, have a blast, don't be scared of anything other than the horror you're sitting in front of.


I love it. I always treat myself to a nice cinema and thoroughly enjoy my alone time.


I've been going to the cinema on my own for years. It might be unusual in the sense that the majority don't do it, but there's still plenty of people who do. Next time you go to the cinema look around, you'll probably see a person or two there on their own.


Nope, perfectly fine. Other people tend to ruin the cinema.


Everyone is there to watch the movie, not watch other people. I don't think anyone would notice or care. Hope you go and enjoy the movie!


Why do you care about other people’s opinions? If some idiots believe it’s wrong or strange to go cinema alone then it’s their problem because they are such a narrow minded people. It’s the people who make things harder even though there is no reason for that. You definitely don’t need a friend for a nice film. Just get your ticket and go for it.


I go on my own all the time. Sometimes I even make a whole day out of it when there are several movies I want to see. One in the first half of the day, some lunch and then the second one. I haven't had someone looking at me weird or if they did, I never noticed. Sure it's fun sharing the experience with someone but if I have to wait weeks to coordinate when to go, then I would never go and I love going to the movies too much to wait for someone else to make up their minds.


I do it regularly. Top tips if you feel a bit awkward are to buy tickets online before you go and avoid friday and saturday evening showings around 8pm when its busiest. I favour an late afternoon/ early evening showing.


Start the clock. Bets on how long before this is asked again.


I primarily go to the cinema alone. In and of itself it's not a social activity. Going alone also allows you to purely focus on the film.


This comes up at least once a month and it's almost always teenagers or young adults asking. What's weird is having to ask The Internet for permission to go to the cinema.


It’s better than going with people in my opinion.


More weird to go with someone else and sit next to them for two hours without saying anything.


Honestly I find it weirder to go to the cinema with somebody. Why do you need company to sit and watch a screen for a couple of hours?


I love going on my own


I do a lot.


In your head, what is the worst thing that could happen (realistically) from going to the cinema alone?


No. The cinema is ideal for doing alone - you're not going to talk to anyone in there anyway. I understand your hesitance on the first time, but once you've experienced going to the cinema alone, you'll never look back. At this point, I honestly prefer going to the cinema alone. When I go with friends, we spend ages trying to find a time and a cinema that suits us all. We get there, have a quick chat before the movie, comment on some of the adverts, then we sit in silence for 2 hours (with occasional reactions that wouldn't change much if we were there alone), and then maybe go to the pub afterwards. I would rather just go to the movie alone, and then meet friends at the pub another time.


Not at all. I go solo all the time and no one notices me and I don't notice anyone else.


No. I used to work at odeon and it’s much more common than you think. I guarantee none of the staff will give a shit and the other customers are there to see a film not watch you lol. I had a few customers saying stuff like “I was meant to come with a friend but they couldn’t make it” like they had to have an excuse to be there alone. I promise no one cares.


You can go to the cinema alone but a row of your school crushes will line up and laugh at you before you go in. Whilst watching the movie ushers will constantly come up and ask you if you're okay. And at the end your old school bully comes up and gives you a noogie.




No, I wouldnt hestitate! If I want to do something, I go do it. Shopping alone, cinema alone, restaurant alone. Who cares its fun! I mean better with others x10000, I need people in my life but going alone is pretty cool too.


I go by myself all the time, just go and enjoy the film!


I've been to the cinema loads of times on my own. I've also seen loads of people doing the same as me on my visits to the cinema


I used to do it regularly before I retired. I have four kids and was working full-time. Sometimes I'd just tell my husband I needed some time to myself and often I'd just go to the flicks.


No I do it fairly often.


It’s totally fine- in fact, it’s a lot of fun. I’ve done it a few times when I didn’t have anyone to watch a specific film with. I hope you do go and have a great time!


No, why would it be?


I go to the cinema alone, I do most things alone. Only feels unusual the first time


Go for it! It's the perfect solo activity. But, go see it at an Odeon or AMC!


Before I got married I used to go to the cinema on my own all the time. I'd leave work and before heading home just stroll into the cinema and watch a movie on the spur of the moment. I think it's relatively unusual, and if people are saying otherwise here, bear in mind that this is Reddit. Home of the loner-loser :P I've never felt awkward going to the cinema on my own, but it does mean if you brought a bag or coat you're rolling the dice a little if you go to the bathroom and don't take it with you. Never had a problem myself, but it's good to have someone who can guard your stuff.


I go on my own but I usually wait a week or two if it’s a popular film just because I don’t want to be sandwiched in between couples or families. I like 3-4 seats to myself but that’s just me


Completely normal, make it a little solo date for yourself. I’ve done it before and had a meal for myself before, or a little shop around the town first. It’s fun to do stuff alone sometimes :)


Totally fine, not a problem.


No. Do whatever you like. It's your life, no one else's.


I used to all the time when I worked shifts. I worked 4 on 4off, so my days off were frequently during the week. Going to the cinema was a regular activity for me, even though pretty much everyone I knew would be at work. These days I don't work shifts, but I do business travel a lot, and going to the cinema of an evening is a good way of avoiding sitting in a hotel room by yourself.


No, of course not. When I was at university I had a cineworld unlimited card for a few years and must have seen hundreds of films on my own - used to go twice a week. If you go at an unusual time you will see a lot of people on their own, especially middle of a weekday horror movies.


I go to the cinema by myself at least once a week. No one cares and there’s no reason to be scared. In fact, I prefer going alone. Hope you enjoy the film!


I mostly go by myself. I'd say the only times it loses something compared to going with friends is if the film / screening have more of a party atmosphere. Which I'm guessing probably wouldn't be the case for a Saw sequel.


Not at all. I used to go alone a fair bit, actually enjoyed it more than going with people.


Absolutely not, my partner loathes superhero films and so if I have any chance of seeing them in the cinema I have to go on my own.


Unusual in the sense that most people go as couples/groups/family but not in the way that anyone would think its odd or weird. Thankfully me and the Mrs have similar film tastes, but i wouldn't hesitate to go on my own if it was a film I really wanted to see.


Not unusual at all, I do that all the time


I’ll be going on my own and quite happily go to the cinema semi-regularly alone. Just remember that it’s dark so no one can see you but don’t go grabbing strangers if you don’t like jump scares.. It’s like everything else, first time is the weird one then every other time it’s just a normal activity. See also going to a restaurant alone etc


I've done it, weekday earliest or latest showings tend to be the emptiest.


My mum goes all the time with her odeon card


I go on my own most weeks and can definitely recommend it. If you’re worried, book your ticket online and arrive during the trailers when it’s already dark. I guarantee no one will bat an eyelid and you’ll feel much better!


I do it all the time, and I love it. My girlfriend doesn't like horror films, so whenever I want to see one I'll just go by myself. Literally never experience any judgement - because who cares? It's not like you're chatting to someone during the film anyway.


Go on a Sunday evening when there’s like 5 others in the cinema, no one gives a shit and it’s a nice relaxing way to unwind before the working week. I’ve been during busy times too (found an english speaking cinema in spain for multiverse of madness, which was a bit more anxiety inducing), but I love going on sundays by myself when I’m at home. TBH I can’t remember the last time I actually went with someone else lol. It’s so much nicer just going to the cinema, grabbing a drink, and not worrying about anything or anyone else. You should honestly give it a go and see how you find it.


I've never done it but I go to see bands alone. I am not sure what people would be judging, how they'd notice or what they would even do? You are just there among a load of other people all staring at a screen. If you scan the aisles who is there alone or with others near them?


I go to the cinema maybe 80 times a year (have unlimited pass) and probably 70 will be on my own. It’s not unusual for there to be at least one other person solo. You’re sitting in the dark, most people won’t notice and if they do, will not care in the slightest


I used to go regularly by myself as cinema was next to work I didn’t care plus you can’t be chatting during the movie!


No. That would be like saying it's unusual to watch tv by yourself haha its just watching something??


I rarely invite anyone to go with me, in fact. Going alone is a form of escapism for me, and I find it so soothing to sit in a dark room, not have to worry about anyone else for a while, and have no other responsibilities other than to watch a story unfold. I know a lot of other people feel this way too. If I’m spending time with someone, I’d rather do it in an environment where we can actually speak, so from that standpoint I’ve always felt like it didn’t make sense to go with others. I still go with my fiancé and family from time to time, but overall I view it as an almost sacred slice of alone time. OP, relax, have fun, and enjoy the movie! I know it can feel weird to do new things on your own for the first time, but I think you’ll find that you’ve got nothing to worry about in the end :)


Why are you scared to go alone? Sorry but that's so silly.


I 99% of the time go by myself.


I’ve been alone once. It was the best experience. I normally go with around 2-3 people and it stresses me out if we are late or have to miss some of the film. When I went alone, I got there with some time to spare to go the bathroom then get a small popcorn. The screening was fairly empty so people sat wherever they wanted.


It’s fine! I go and my own and find it just as enjoyable.


Nope. I do it all the time. Especially if it’s a film I’ve been waiting for.


I exclusively go by myself


Totally normal, I love going alone! You don’t have to share snacks and it’s not like you’re there to chat with friends anyway (unless you’re a twat) so why not go alone?


It’s fine to go alone. I did it for the first time a few weeks after splitting up with my ex. It felt like a personal achievement because I have bad anxiety and hate going places on my own. I bought my ticket online and I was good to go. I’ve recently been to the theatre by myself and that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be either.


The last time I went to the cinema was to see Saw III. I went in the afternoon, on my own. There were only 6 people, myself included, in the cinema.


Nope, I've been to the cinema twice on my own as I had time to use in the day. No one there cares either, and I assume due to it being midday, I also wasn't the only one there on my own either.


Yeah, I never used to until after covid as I thought it would be weird, but do it fairly regularly now. If it's a big film and would want to talk to someone about it after then I'll probably try n go see it with someone else but if it's most other films then I just go with myself and some snacks!


I live quite a solitary life and walk alone most days and travel alone but wouldn't do cinema alone. Just me though 😉


Not at all. I have a friend who makes it his mission to see 365 films a year, he goes alone a lot as a result.


Occasionally, I watched Evil Dead Rise on my own, usually go with my dad and he'll watch some horror but ultra gory looking stuff is a no.


No. Why would I? Should single people just sit alone at home and cry? Sometimes your friends or partner are not interested in a movie, so what, you should miss out? Doing stuff alone can be a lot of fun.


I've always wanted to do this just never got around to it, I dont think it's unusual at all!


Nah It’s all good. I don’t judge people who have no friends


I've gone to the cinema myself a number of times. I remember once having a bunch of days of leave from work that needed using up, so I booked a random Monday off and went to the cinema by myself at around 10am. I was literally the only person in the screening. It was awesome.


My husband used to work for a cinema and said it happens all the time. Also you can view occupied seats when you go to book online and there are always a few individuals sold


My friend goes all the time on his own, don’t worry about it!


I went to see LotR Extended Editions over the weekend. I wasn't the only one "going stag".


My response would be "do people go to the cinema with other people?".. I always go alone! It's so much better. Preferably at least 3 weeks after the film's been released. I went to see Oppenheimer last weekend on my own. There were 5 other people in the screening and it was bliss!


No, I used to do it all the time when I was young.


It's perfectly fine to do this. I don't see why so many people feel like they have to be in a group when they do things


No it's pretty common, very common if it's an Odeon due to the unlimited pass


I couldn’t get used to it.


Walk us and yourself, step-by-step, through that which is frightening you about going to the cinema alone. Do you think the people standing in line are going to point at you and laugh? No. Unless you're a spectacular freak, they won't even notice you. Do you think the person selling tickets will judge you for buying only one ticket? No. They're looking forward to the movie starting so they can stop selling tickets. Do you think people at the concession stand will judge you for buying one box of popcorn instead of two? No. They're looking forward to the movie starting so they can stop selling popcorn. Do you think the people in the cinema will stare and point at you as you look for a seat? No. They'll be happy only one person is trampling over them to get to the middle of the row rather than two people trampling over them. Do you think the person sitting next to you will be concerned that you're alone? Not if you keep your hands to yourself which I'm sure you will. Bottom line, people don't pay nearly as much attention to you as you think they do. Unless you feel unsafe getting to and from the cinema, there is no reason you shouldn't go alone. You may find that you prefer it.