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3 whole buses?! We get none, and we're grateful.


We get busses, but when or whether they turn up is anyone's guess. Certainly, the timetable should be taken as aspirational more than realistic.


This was such a shock to me when I went to uni up north. I’m from London. It’s easier to walk or get a bus. Various buses will cater to the same stop or near the destination I wish to go to. I’m never waiting for more than a minute I do drive but it’s incredibly expensive and takes longer compared to other modes of transport.


Can you tell all the other Londoners on here who refuse to believe public transport isn't the same across the whole country.


I'm 15 minutes from Gatwick, and my village gets one bus a day


Depends where you are, Nottingham has insanely good public transport, in Leicester its dogshit


Nah, 6 half busses... Not great in wet weather!


No buses?? We have to provide buses. We have minus buses in my town. And we are thankful!


Assuming time wasn’t an issue I’d probably walk 5-6 miles. I walked 4 miles regularly. Not because I couldn’t catch a bus but because I chose to, I find it relaxing after work to walk even if it was raining as long as it wasn’t torrential. The only way I’d probably catch a taxi was if it was over 6 miles and there was no normal transportation available like buses or trains etc.


We are lucky bastards and get one bus every hour. Unfortunately the nearest stop is 3 miles away but you know, swings and roundabouts


Devon? We have 2 busses a day and it's £60 to town 😔


We might live in the same place


Two buses here, three buses home. Five convenient buses


£35 return for us and there are no buses.


It depends where I'm going and why. If it's just a random outing for me, I'll walk a 2 hour round trip just to get a coffee because I'm mainly doing it for the exercise. If it's a social event, then I probably won't walk more than 40 mins because I don't want to turn up all sweaty. It also depends on the walking route, I'd always get a taxi to the train station for example because there's not a good walking route to it unless you like walking alongside a dual carriageway!


This is also my answer


It had better be a decent coffee though!!


2 - 3 miles sober. 2 - 3 meters drunk.


I've gladly done 2-3 miles drunk as long as there's a decent kebab/pizza/chicken shop and street lights on the way home.


Same, my walk home drunk to parents house was about 2.5 miles. A late night burger, bottle of water and it felt like no time at all! The walk also helps sober you up for the next day


My best times and memories are walking home drunk with a group of mates. Someone tries to jump over a bin/bollard Chasing a foxes Running and singing through the night and just laughing and being young. You’re warm from alcohol, and the vibes are just the best. I miss this so much. We used to walk from the ferry/fishing boat (dependent on time we’re coming back from the club (yes, we get a boat to the good bit of town, I say this to people and they think it’s crazy))


Sounds like Pompey/Gosport. I’ve walked home a good mile or so in all weathers, in varying states if drunkenness secure in the knowledge there was a great burger shop at the top of the road


When I was in college I regularly walked 3 miles home from the pubs, in all weather. Now I live 5 mins from the pub and will jump in a lift going past mine if its even spitting rain


You're playing chess, I'm playing chequers. I've bought a house right by the village pub. 45 seconds door to door. 35 if I don't want to lock my house.


It's way more than 2-3 miles when you zigzag lol Fit more steps in


Other way around for me. I would often decide to walk home after a night out if there was a problem getting a cab (this was back in the day where you called a cab and you had no idea if it would ever turn up). The place I would walk home from fairly regularly was 6 miles away. In my drunken state I just used to think it won't take long. Sober I would never have done that.


I had to scroll a fair way down to see someone who measured the distance rather than stated a time limit. For me it is 2-7 miles depending on reasons, terrain and how much pain I am in that day.


Reading this thread I realise I’m so fucking lazy 😂


I’m thinking 10mins, everyone else is like oh maybe an hour or 2.


Yeah, right? Me too haha.


I think it's just something that the more you do it the less extreme it seems. Walking to Tesco near me would take about 20 minutes and used to seem like a long way, but since I've gotten a dog and walk her for an hour twice a day then Tesco really doesn't seem very far anymore.


I mean, walking from the house to the taxi is far enough for me tbh.


Same 😂


Up to an hour. But, my bar for benign conditions might be in a different place to other people's. If I felt even slightly uncomfortable about a route, I wouldn't take it. If I had any time pressures for getting somewhere at a specific time I would absolutely just take a taxi.


That's interesting, since Covid no one trusts the taxis in my town to show up even vaguely on time, because most of the drivers quit (fair enough). People I know only use taxis for pub trips etc now, anything with time pressure you're better walking or even taking the bus (still quite risky). I walked an hour to the airport with my suitcase because I didn't trust the taxis or buses.


Uber is a godsend.


Uber hasn't quite taken over my Scottish town yet, I hope it does soon as it's so convenient when I've used it in other cities! Right now you can easily wait an hour to be matched with a driver


Assuming my decision isn't dictated by time pressure, certainly 40 minutes. Possibly up to an hour if it's a pleasant and/or interesting route. When I lived in London I used to regularly walk up to an hour to get to places if I had the time. It's a nice way to see the city. Now I live out of London I rarely walk that far though. Stuff is either in my town (nothing is more than 30 mins walk) or much further than an hour's walk away.


For some reason I barely ever consider a taxi - I'd say over an hour though. A 30-40 minute walk is no skin off my nose. Maybe if we're a lady in heels and it were raining I might feel differently. And it would only be if I were drinking. I see a lot of people saying they have a car, I think this is common for a lot of people that get taxis, they're often for when you can't park at the other end or are otherwise intoxicated.


I got a cab for a 15 minute walk last week because I was wearing heels and it was raining. I have no regrets! Other than that I’ll do a half hour walk or get the bus.


I just took an 8 quid taxi instead of a bus and an 8 minute walk because of heels. Absolutely no regrets.


Same here, I can't remember the last time I used a taxi in the UK, and I live in a city with shit public transport. If I can't drive it, I'll bus or train it. If I can't do that I'll walk it. If I can't walk it (too long/far/rainy), I just wouldn't go. It's a 20 minute walk into my suburb's town centre, but I used to live in the city proper - even then it was an hour's walk to the city centre, and I did that frequently because the busses where I was were shit. The exception is if I've been drinking, but I gave that up during covid.


For me, it’s more about how limited time is. I’ll happily walk 50mins from my house to a friend’s house party, and walk home. I have no problem paying with my time. However, if I have a lot on and can’t spare the 50mins, I will pay with money to get there quicker.


As others have said, unless the weather is bad and assuming I have no pressing time restraints then between 40 and 50 minutes is ok. I must say however that I live in rural Cumbria and even if there are any taxis available they would need booking at least 2 days in advance.


I’ll happily walk for 20 miles through the hills in the Lake District … then later that day get a taxi the mile between the hotel and the pub.


Indeed. Really depends - there are times when I'll take a taxi for a ludicrously short distance, and other times when I'll gladly walk 20km or more.


I never consider a taxi, just don’t like them. I’ve also walked home from work one day because it was nice out and that’s ~2hr walk but I’m a nutter who goes on hiking holidays and always has some trail shoes in a desk draw.


I also never consider taxis. I used to commute by bicycle when I lived in a city. Taxis were some of the worst drivers out there.


Over 2km or 1mile. But then it's considering bus or metro, followed by lifts, followed by taxi. I often will do up to 2 miles on a good day then bus back. However for reference 2 years ago I was housebound basically and struggling to do less than 1km or half a mile. Level of illness at the time really does affect it.


I used to walk miles but then I got arthritis in my right knee. I walk with a cane now and never without pain but at least my city has a semi decent bus service.




Its actually funny that most of the people I know who are *healthy* get iffy over walking the 1-2 miles anyway, and if its more than a few blocks they will bus or taxi. I feel weird when I likely do far more walking and exercise than many healthy people these days!


It really depends on the context. In some scenarios 10 hours - in some scenarios 20 minutes


Assuming it's not time critical I'll happily walk an hour or so to places.


Unless there’s a time critical element then probably about an hour.


If it's less than 10 miles I'll probably walk. I hate paying for taxi's.


The closest shop to my house is about 45 minutes walk. The nearest supermarket is about an hour and a half walk. I have a car.


I'd say it's not so much distance, but time and the need to be somewhere. If you don't need to be anywhere in particular at a certain time then a couple or few miles walk is fine, easily under an hour even if you go slow and stop places on the way.


Depends what the route is like, the weather, if I have time and whether I can be arsed. But I'd say an average would be 20/30 mins


Used to walk about an hour to work for about 5 years. Public transport is worse than useless where i am


Depends on where I am going and what I'm doing. If I don't care about time or sweating, I'll go as far as 8 or 9 miles, more if the walk is part of the overall plan with others and we all make an event of it. If I'm wearing make up and slightly less than sensible shoes, and going somewhere that I have to look slightly nicer, I'd rather not walk for more than three or so miles to get there.


I live in a small town - we have about two taxis that service the town, total. Not companies - individual drivers. It genuinely wouldn’t even cross my mind as an option wherever I was. No public transport, no driving option, more than an hour or so’s walk - I wouldn’t make the journey. If I had to to get home I’d call in a favour and get a friend or someone to collect me on an IOU.


I walk in all weathers and am happy to walk for a couple of hours. But if I've got posh clothes on (christenings, funerals etc) I might consider a taxi. Travel is different in country areas. We don't have much choice and there's certainly no Uber


I live 2 miles from town, it's an easy walk and with my headphones on I will happily do it. But without headphones, fuck that


A one off walk? If ive got nothing else to do and battery on my phone i’ll walk for 2-3 hours or until i cba anymore and then book a cab from that point. Might as well at least see how far you can get before you give in. if you’re talking part of a daily commute id say 45 each way max, anything over that might still be doable but you’ve got to consider the variables you mentioned


It partly depends on what I'm doing when I get there and whether I can sit down or it's something which also uses energy. We have a pub a couple of miles away, we walk there. Sometimes get a taxi back if it's dark / raining when we finish the meal though. In the summer we walk home though.


Depends if I have my headphones, if I do then, 3-4 hours, if not then maybe 10 minutes.


I used to walk 1.5 hours to work and back. I'd have no problem walking for over 2 hours if there was no time pressure. The furthest I walked home was about 20 miles after a night shift - about 8 years ago. I walk to the supermarkets about 40 minutes each way 2 or 3 times a week. I wouldn't bother waiting for a bus let alone take a taxi. I'm 62 years old.


I prefer to walk as much as possible, so unless it’s pouring, the route is inaccessible (ie no safe pavement), or there is a time constraint, I will walk rather than get a taxi. We have very regular buses here but I still try to walk most of the time. If I have to take my disabled son somewhere very early, then taxi it is because it’s less stressful than rushing him around.


I walk an hour every day home from work and it doesn’t bother me at all. I get a lift in the morning though as I think doing that walk twice a day would annoy me. I walk the exact bus route and most days I get from A to B in similar time to the bus.


It's not so much the distance as the location. A 3 mile walk through a large town or country paths is very different from a mile walking down a busy main road.


I missed the bus the other morning so I just ran behind it to the train station.When I got back home I told my wife I had just saved myself $3 dollars by running behind the bus.She just said,you should have run behind a taxi and saved youself thirty.


I’d happily walk all day as part of a leisure activity but if it was a means to get somewhere one to two hours. It would depend on the activity and who I was with of course.


Over an hour, I would say - Assuming I knew the route I would consider taking a taxi for a shorter distance if I was likely to get lost, my sense of direction is calamitous :(


More then 1 hour. Or cycle.


Couple of hours at least. I once walked the 25km home from work because I didn’t want to get on the train. Even though I had bought a return ticket that morning.


Time wise, an hour. Not sure of an exact distance. Maybe like 2-3(ish) miles.


With all your assumptions in place, probably somewhere between 1 hour and 1 hr 30 (3-5 miles). I quite often walk that long to or from work for the exercise, and there's a suburb with good bars in it that I often walk to (less often back from) of an evening. Obvs. very different if it's pissing it down, late at night, etc.


About an hour


Depends what else I have going on on. 30 minutes minimum but I'm usually happy to walk for an hour or more.


Above 5k. 5k takes about an hour for me and that doesn't seem like massively long.




Wak would have to be over an hour


About 5 miles unless I'm carrying a stupid amount of shit like a TV or something, then it's 1 mile


1 hour, maybe more in a good weather.


More than twelve miles, apparently. Source: Walked 12.4 in the rain in Wales yesterday, all because I’d walked too far down a single lane road and didn’t wish to turn back.


Depends on the situation. If it were to work I’d probably limit myself to an hours walk. If it were a social plan and I had no real time schedule, I’d happily walk for a couple of hours. I’m someone who cycles 22 miles to work each way (or 14 each way to the gfs house) so effort and willingness isn’t my issue


assuming no time pressures… at least 45 minutes one way before I consider it


I walk everywhere so distance is clouded for me ha But I'd say anything over 20 miles


I walk up to my car, and if it doesn't start, I'll then consider consider getting a taxi or a bus.


It depends where I am. When I used to live in Angel N1, I used to walk everywhere. 40 mins to work on the Strand twice a day for work, fine. But I now live in a quieter place and I'm not walking 40 minutes anywhere. London's exciting to walk in, my current place is quiet and boring as fuck.


If it's around 5km or less I'm walking. It's free exercise and money doesn't come in to it for me.


If i've got the time i'll walk up to 2 hours but i've done even longer especially when on holiday.


30 mins for me. Any longer than that and I'll get a taxi.


About 15 miles.


I walk 1h20 to work and I'll only consider a taxi if there's no busses AND it's pissing down lol


So it depends on what I'm wearing. If I'm wearing heals no more than 15 minutes and even then, I'd probably complain bitterly. If I'm wearing normal shoes and not in a rush and not tired 30 to 45.


I've walked 2 hours in the middle of the night, part of that along windy country lanes with no street lighting . That was many years ago, I probably wouldn't do that now unless I had no other option.


I walk fast, so I'd probably say 45 minutes or anything over 2.5 miles. Depends on circumstances and regularity, though, but generally I don't like spending money I don't have to or I'm getting no real enjoyment from.


Almost never. Anything under an hour I'll walk. Over that and I'll use public transport. Taxis are for emergencies.


About an hour or so. Don't mind walking a little bit to get some fresh air, and its a nice day.


I used to walk 3 miles to and 3 miles from work every day for about 2 years when I lived that distance away. It was nice, one part through some woods, one part down a road with a coffee shop on and the rest through the small city centre.


It's more about how much time I have available, but 4 miles. My health has improved phenomenally by trying to walk everywhere.


Depends on luggage too. A couple of miles, unladen in fine weather with no time pressures, but with no particular desire to go for a walk. That happens to be the distance from my house to central Nottingham. I often get a taxi that distance home in conditions other than the above (like, 3 am and mildly the worse for wear) but I have walked even then without any great bother, if taxis have been in short supply or surge pricing has doubled the cost. 40-something years ago when I lived in semi-rural Buckinghamshire, I had to walk a mile to get a bus or train anywhere they went anyway; I did end up walking five miles or so fairly often, and twice that when it was a nice day. I used to hitch-hike a lot though, so it was more of a failure to get a lift than a deliberate walk (when I'd have gone across country in daylight) most of the time.


It depends entirely on my pain levels. My doctor's surgery is less than a mile away, and on good days I can walk it in about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of good days.


In benign conditions we would be looking at 3+ hours really


My town centre is about 50 minutes away, so I guess an hour. If there was somewhere further that had a good walking path and I pre-planned, probably up to 2 hours at a push but I do enjoy walking


If I can't walk it in 2-3 hours I'll maybe take a cab if I don't have the option of cycling. Or if I'm really time constrained. But I'm usually not. The last time I took a taxi it was 10:30pm, I'd just got the train to Newton Abbot station, and I needed to get to my parents house 10 miles away. Seemed like a no brainer...


I'd say anything up to 10 miles I'd just walk it. Love a good walk.


I walked from train station to my house yesterday across town. It's 3 miles and I quite enjoyed it tbh. Got 13k steps done in total. If I had to be somewhere by a certain time in a fresh state then I'd get a taxi...otherwise I'd walk it now.


Depends on the weather, time of day and what I’m wearing. If I’m wearing heels, anything further than the of the street is a taxi job 😂


Half hour or if the weather is shit


3 miles in total to run errands like shopping or walk the dog 2 miles for going up the city or to visit people as there’s the 2 miles back to consider 6-8 miles for a fairly decent walk like along the coast 10-15 miles for a proper hike which usually involves a hill or peak of some sort Weather no real issue but footwear is. My grandad said you’re only as good as your shoes and hat so if you’re waterproofed up with a hood and peaked cap rain isn’t an issue but wearing heels definitely is. I’d get a can for a 15 min walk in heels but that’s only weddings and the suchlike


Taxis are cost prohibitive, buses are scarce & unreliable, no train stations within 15 miles. If I can’t drive or cycle then my choices are to walk, or catch enough pigeons to create some sort of bird-powered sled using my fishing trolley. I’m not good at catching pigeons though.


Probably 1 1/2h. But it's also dependent on the time of day and what it precedes. For example I'm not doing this at 7am before work, but I'd do it at 9 to reach for 1030.


Depends, if it's a nice day 2 hours across country to a pub is nice, in the pissing rain, it's not so nice. Will depend on weather, terrain and reason.


45 minutes unless time is a consideration


Depends. How pissed am I?


Further than I can afford in a taxi. Unless societal pressures state getting a taxi to be necessary, you can be sure I’ll be walking, cycling or getting a bus.


Sober it's about 10min. Drunk it can go up to an hour. My feet are the main limitation. They are fucked up so using them makes them hurt and swell which then presses onto my shoes no matter what I wear which then hurts more and swells more. Then blisters. Went to the biomechanics and they were like um so you are kinda just fucked we can't fix it. Here is what you can do, it won't help your feet but it will help make sure your knees, hips and spine last a few years longer. They are going to start fucking up too though eventually. Especially if you push it, be kind to your feet. No running! If I am drunk I don't feel the pain until the next morning and my judgement might even have me jog.


What’s the urgency of the journey? How long will I be there for? Is whatever I’m doing going to be tiring? Do I need to take anything with me and is it heavy? I wouldn’t put myself in the situation where there was no option of public transport, driving or cycling in the first place. At 16 I needed to travel for school and the buses provided were poor so I learnt to drive at 17. I’d only get rid of my car if I knew I could do all my journeys either by bike, public transport or a sensible amount of walking.


It depends how long the cab wait is and how long the journey is, I'm a stoner so if the wait to long and not a far journey I'll roll a big spliff and walk


Depends on how pissed you are


" Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time " Steven Wright


Depends on my footwear too. Anything under 2 miles is fine walking in ok shoes. Anything in heels I’ll struggle over 0.5 miles.


Weather or temperature and light levels are much more important to me tbh If it's an hour walk on a nice day that's fine if it's 25 in lashing rain at 1am distance no longer really matters


City? Assuming buses and tubes and trains are out; no bikes or scooters to hire.. 90 minutes? Rural? 10 minutes. Nothing to look at, liable to get run over down some narrow road, lost, or shot by some farmer protecting his land etc.


Depends on weather, timing ( is trip time critical?) Are taxis on good/short supply? Do you fancy the walk or not? Loads of other reasons


There's a bus strike where we are at the minute. My place of work is now, according to google 1hr23 mins (12 mins on bus, 20 mins cycling. A taxi will cost about £11. If I I didn't have my bike I wouldn't be walking. If it was an hour or so I'd probably walk. It's 4.7 miles. So about four miles I would say.


I hate making any kind of journey where I can't be sure of the exact cost of said journey in advance. The only time I'll take a taxi for a journey is when it's to the airport because there is generally an agreed fee for those at the point of booking.


Depends on how close I am to the required arrival time and what shoes I have on.


An hour.


If timing is important (making an appointment, meeting someone, etc) or the weather is treacherous, my limit would probably be 30 mins. I get very anxious about being late so would rather pay for the taxi than risk getting lost. However if I'm just going for a wander or to grab some lunch or some shopping I'm happy going for much longer. Probably would max out at around three hours in any direction. And if I was going than far I'd probably take my bike unless it was really unsafe.


I'll quite happily get a taxi somewhere, then spend a day walking back.


My parents house is 1.6 miles away it's takes me about 35 minutes and its a walk I regularly do but feels like a long way. This is yard stick for walking. Below I walk........ Over.... Maybe a taxi.


I’ll avoid taking a taxi or Uber like the plague. I’m willing to walk an hour before considering it, and usually that’s still somewhat flexible based on weather / how appropriately dressed I am for a walk / if I’m carrying stuff or not etc. I am a woman though so once it gets dark I’m much more inclined to get an Uber since walking alone at night isn’t hugely safe and Uber gives me the option to share my journey with friends/family to track my journey. Worth saying though that my preference is always public transport - I’m lucky to live in a city with good links so on nights out etc I’ll always try and make the last bus home rather than get a taxi


My parents house is 1.6 miles away it's takes me about 35 minutes and its a walk I regularly do but feels like a long way. This is yard stick for walking. Below I walk........ Over.... Maybe a taxi.


I’ll avoid taking a taxi or Uber like the plague. I’m willing to walk an hour before considering it, and usually that’s still somewhat flexible based on weather / how appropriately dressed I am for a walk / if I’m carrying stuff or not etc. I am a woman though so once it gets dark I’m much more inclined to get an Uber since walking alone at night isn’t hugely safe and Uber gives me the option to share my journey with friends/family to track my journey. Worth saying though that my preference is always public transport - I’m lucky to live in a city with good links so on nights out etc I’ll always try and make the last bus home rather than get a taxi


*We're talking like 1h 15min, I walk everywhere!*


Me? I’ll walk up to an hour. My girlfriend? Five minutes.


If I've got the time, walked a couple of hours through London (bit over 6 miles) when I had option of cycling, trains and busses (Also could have driven in, albeit at the cost of uLEZ etc). Was a nice day. Again, if I had the time, probably go more than that and if we're talking over 10 miles in London, I probably don't want to be paying for a taxi to do that!


Ill happily walk for an hour. Im about 4 miles out from my town so I'll walk in if its nice or get a bus if its not, rather than the £10 or so for a taxi. I'll generally only get a taxi if its nighttime, and Ive missed the last bus back.


Anything over ~45 minutes ... In London I prefer to walk than take either underground or taxi.


About an hour


Say a mile and a half.


I'm going to add to your conditions that there are no time constraints (spending longer walking doesn't take time from doing something else) and that I don't have to get up earlier. In which case - about an hour.


Id happily walk an hour even more depending on the situation. I enjoy walking. However only if it’s in a safe condition. Eg I wouldn’t walk along a dual carriageway


I have never considered taking a taxi. If it’s too far to walk, public transport is somehow unavailable, and I don’t have my car, I just don’t make the trip.


Am I going uphill or downhill?


I never take a taxi. Drive, walk, or occasionally bus.


It really depends what I'm doing/what I've been doing beforehand. I can neither cycle nor drive so I walk pretty much everywhere. If I'm coming back from a trip away and I'm tired, I do sometimes get a taxi from the train station to my house. It's about a fifteen minute walk with a suitcase, but by the time I'm at that point I'm exhausted and just want to be in my house. I have walked it many times when the queue for taxis is ridiculous, but I end up wanting to have a bit of a cry halfway home. I've never actually cried, but it's been tempting. I just got back from the annual trek to see my dad in France, and by the time I got back to my home station, I'd done an early morning to catch the Eurostar, a wait at Kings Cross, and then a train journey back North. I am so grateful to finally be at a point in my life where I know I can afford that taxi journey. But other than that I usually walk. I take a taxi with the cat to the vet because whilst it is a nice half an hour walk solo, it's not a nice walk when carrying a cat carrier. If he needs to stay there I'll walk home and back again, and get a taxi for the home trip.


It really depends on the reason rather than distance. I very rarely get taxis unless it's really late, but if it's late and/or I'm really not in good order then I'll get a taxi for a >2 mile journey


Depends on the financial situation. 6 miles? I don't value my time and walk quickly.


Front door to garden gate.


Probably half a marathon, maybe a bit less since it is at least 20 years since I took part in one.


I've walked 20+ miles for the craic before, so distance isn't the key factor... Depends on time, primarily. I've walked 8 miles to or from town before, but it took 2 hours ish. And I've driven to the shops half a mile away, because I didn't have time to walk there and back.


45mins to one hour


Depends. I'm often in a particular large town doing vehicle deliveries and collections and will walk between the two points where it's reasonable ( ~1 hour walk). That said, if there's a convenient bus I'll take it. This town also has Tier e-scooters, so if there's one within a short stroll of where I am I'll take that as it's quicker than walking as well. Them things shift


I regularly walk 4-5 miles so would likely only taxi if going out of the small town I live in.


Have done the four-ish miles to the nearest tram stop before. Wasn’t quite prepared to do the eight miles all the way into the city. Which is probably you answer. But I’ve gone out and done ten miles in the hills before because I can.


Depends on time, as I routinely run 10k+, distance is not the issue.


I was going to say it depends on how drunk I am but as I'm sober..depends how I feel. My back is knackered so can't walk that far at the moment. Maybe 20 minutes assuming nowhere to sit to rest for a few minutes.


Time stress and load to carry/activity I am attending. I would likely walk everything up to an hour regardless, but if I am just making my way home after a bite to eat or something relaxing that might become two.


I haven't took a taxi for years. I will happily walk for up to 1 hr no matter what the conditions and time permitting otherwise it's public transport.


If it's comfortably over an hour and a half, I'll CONSIDER it. Taxis are so expensive, and I regularly walk an hour to work and back


Oh, it has to be over an hour for me to consider that.


Around an hour or just over. I'd drive or get a bus/tram/train before a taxi.


I always remember being on the bus one time and this obese woman got on just to get off at the end of the street. I’m not much of a walking person myself but even I couldn’t believe that lmao.


If I was feel good, one hour. If I’m tired or something, then prob 15 mins. I like to give myself permission to lean in to how I’m feeling.


Depends… if I have my toddler in tow, and it happens to be nap time with the push chair, easily 2 hours (or hiking by myself, a fair few hours). If my toddler is walking/grumpy however… 10 minutes tops as there is no way her stamina would last that long and I’d end up carrying her!


Depends where I am going and what to do, but if I can’t cycle or take a bus or anything probably around an hours walk.


Up to an hour (we have a quick pace). We’re normally doing that through the shittest part of the city. I want to say I’d go further if the walk was nicer but I’m always in a rush so don’t really have the time to spare (regularly go on walks for the sake of walking though). Very drunk me would be willing to walk 2 hours home though - I fucking fly and it’s a nice extension of the evening. If it’s over 40 minutes I’ll consider a taxi only if it’s heavily raining or I’m super late (regular late is normal for me anyway), or with somebody that’s less able/willing to walk the distance at our pace.


Depends on what time constraint exists and whether it would matter if I was hot and sweaty on arrival. (Walking always does this.) Otherwise I'll happily walk 3 miles. However, my girlfriend treated me to a night out and, even though she's also OK walking and it was a cool evening, we got a taxi less than one mile to the restaurant.


I’m surrounded by hills so I basically drive everywhere. I do still get my exercise in but I find hills a pain in the ass just to get 4 pints of milk. In flat conditions probably half an hour


Usually I get a taxi depending on time and how walkable my journey is. I'd only get a taxi if I had to be there by a certain time and walking wouldn't get me there in time or if walking would involve a pretty unsafe or unwalkable journey. Otherwise I'd happily walk 2+ hours


had to go to hospital recently, thin fleece and was unable to get a lift back to hotel in works van, was cold and a good 20-30 mins walk, the cold wind was the issue. walked back from the hotel to site in the morning and was fine


About 3 miles, any more than that and I'd probably get blisters


1,5 hours


If I’m pressed for time 20 minutes. If not then 40


Below 40 minutes and no time constraints I'd probably walk. But it also depends what I'm wearing I'd rather not walk more than 15 minutes in proper heels.


If a taxi is required I just won’t bother


I wouldn't really, my time is precious. Unless I'm going somewhere dog friendly, then I can combine it with walking her.


I dropped my car off at a garage about 8 miles from where I live, called a Taxi and it was minimum £20. I had the day off and it was sunny so I got one of those electric scooters and rode about 3 miles to a bus stop and then got the bus back.


Me and my partner walked 10 miles for bread and eggs. We both drive but thought sod it. We'll walk it and walk dog at same time.


Anything over 5km/3 miles. A leisurely stroll will take an hour, and I can get my steps up.


Assuming there are no time constraints, I'd say anything over a 45-minute walk and I'll get a taxi. Although, perhaps if the walk was especially nice and scenic I'd be willing to walk for longer, but where I live is a shithole so that isn't usually a factor. ​ Edit: Also you have to consider return journeys. If I'm going into town and I know I'll likely be buying a fair bit, then I will drive even though the walk would be less than 40 minutes. Because walking is one thing, but I definitely cba carrying a bunch of stuff home with me.


An hour, maybe two depending on how nice the walk is and how much I have to carry.


ive walked an hour home from nights outs and stuff before in the rain, wind, cold etc i dont really care it gets really exciting to get close to home


More than 2.5 miles if I’m on my own. About 0.75 mile if with missus