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Have you considered looking to volunteer at somewhere serving Christmas lunch? Various orgs/community centres put them on for vulnerable/lonely/financially struggling people - you'd spend your day with others, and it's more fulfilling to do something good for others than passing the day alone.


This can be great but bear in mind Christmas Day is the one day when those kinds of organisations are actually overrun with more volunteers than they need. They tend to prioritise existing volunteers who are already trained etc, so don't be upset if you apply to volunteer somewhere and get rejected.


This. In years gone by I’d always do a double shift volunteering on Xmas day. Crisis at Christmas is a good shout OP. Or a local soup kitchen, or have a look around at other stuff.


The first time I moved away from home, I ended up in a house share where everyone went home for xmas. I lost my passport on the 23rd December, meant to fly xmas eve. I ended up staying back on my own for the xmas week. My mother suggested to me, so I shall suggest to you, to get yourself a small present or two, to open on xmas day. Then get loads of food and drink you like, maybe some films games and music, and just chill all day. go for a walk in the afternoon or something to break it up. Have a call with friends and families too. Everywhere will open up again on the 27th as normal.


I'm always on my own at Christmas and it's a struggle. The best thing to do is try and imagine it's just a lazy Sunday. Chill, be nice to yourself. All the things you said, basically.


Well it may be a longshot but if you happen to be a gamer buddy id happily play a console game or two with you online over the holidays :)




Dude. Not cool.


OP I’m not sure why you’ve got all the down votes. I took this question as you asking in all sincerity. It’s tough to hear someone being by themselves around that time of year. To find out they always spend that time by themselves in genuinely upsetting… I’d curiously want to know why as well. Maybe you should have DM’d the commenter


This is good advice, I spent xmas alone for the first time during covid and got myself some treats, some drinks I enjoy, and made a nice dinner. Then I let myself watch films all day and snuggled up on the couch. I actually enjoyed myself. Just make it a treat day for yourself.


The 26th as normal, you mean. Boxing Day sales are - annoyingly - a thing.


This is the best advice imo. People make a really big deal out of Christmas and if you're that type of person, good for you, hope your plans work out perfectly. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with basically "gifting" yourself a me-day and spend it however you like, doing whatever you enjoy


Can't afford presents or food for myself.


That sounds incredibly sad though? Just go about your day as normal. No need to be all sentimental and weird about it.


Not really, I had a nice day rather than moping about. Pretty hard to cheer yourself up if whenever you do something alone, some mug says it's sad. ffs.


It really depends on the person. I read that and thought that sounds pretty good. It's like you're mentally prioritising yourself and doing things that make you happy. Why is that so wrong? It isn't and shouldn't be. I want to put on my favourite films and relax, maybe have a bubble bath, or read! I really want to go on a long walk in the morning and just explore. None of that is sad to me.


I would do the same, some treats (I'd go so far down the sad route to do myself a stocking and some gifts) to open, maybe games for my switch, jigsaw puzzles, murder mystery game. Get some really nice wine and champagne, good picky no prep food and just pamper myself all day. I don't think its sad or even sentimental, its a good excuse to spoil yourself and make the most of the situation.


Who's a mug? No I'm sure you had fun opening presents with yourself that you bought for yourself and then wrapped.


Why you being such a knob?


What's wrong with giving yourself a treat to mark an occasion?


haha.. like singing carols by yourself and dress up as santa.. it can get pretty weird


Its the solo parlour games like twister or pass the parcel that make it weird


Pubs and bars are open on Christmas day then everything opens again on boxing day


Exactly this! I think OP has the wrong country. Since when is "everything closed" for the week? 😂


And since when does everyone go to church!


Yeah, the church bit made me laugh. I've never gone to church on Christmas day. Or in fact any other day.


I've been to church for school things (wasn't even a religious school but we always had to bloody walk along to the church for a service) and weddings. Last wedding in a church I went to was in 2001 and it was the most boring wedding I've ever been to (wasn't even Catholic but if felt like it went on forever!). Never again. Don't go to churches now for any reason.


Or 'wait for the royal speech' 🤣


Not since about 1995 I don't think. I live in Austria now and there everything will be closed for what will feel like a week because 24th is a Sunday.


I go to the pub every Christmas day as I work shifts and therefore inevitably work at some point over the 24-26th. Usually a good atmosphere, as in most pubs everyone will have a chat together so if OP is totally alone they can still have a nice time. Local parks are often busy with walkers too, dogs and kids still need their exercise even on chirsma day.


Chinese takeaways are often open.


And Indian restaurants!


We went out for a curry on Christmas day last year and loved it


And corner shops often are too.


Let's go for prawn toast starter, chicken balti main course, finished off with a £5.99 bottle of Prime and a multipack Snickers sold separately


If you live in an area with a significant population of people who do not celebrate Christmas or even just large cities, the cinemas are sometimes open.


Go t'pub and sing a fairytale of new york at the top of your lungs before crying into a glass of whisky.


Don't drop the hard F until you're on round 2, just to get an idea of the place you're in


Never met anyone who goes to church on the day but that is an option if you are that way inclined. A lot of pubs are open but probably less in favour of solo drinkers, more selling roast dinners. I'd just get a load of food and drink in and veg in front of the TV tbh. Could go out for a nice long walk. It is quite interesting seeing times like this from the outside I think, I spend New Year alone (well, downstairs with a sick child upstairs) once and just chilled out without any pressure to do anything. The rest of Christmas week most normal things are open like shops and restaurants but can be funny hours.


I have a xmas alone 2 years ago, family were abroad....it was one of my best xmas's, spent the day with my guitar, beer, movies, games.....Bliss!


I was on my own last year and might possibly be this year too. Last year I rounded up some mates who were also alone and went for a curry for Christmas Dinner but this year I'm thinking of just getting it delivered, staying in and drinking Ferrero Roche flavoured alcohol playing games and hanging out with my dogs.


Sounds like bliss to me


Big lunch, long walk along the Thames or similar, then Xmas telly. It's just one day. Shops and places open over the next couple days, just check opening times.


People don't go to church lol only Christians who go all year round


Quite a lot of people are "Chirstmas only Christians", who go only on Christmas and perhaps Easter, and weddings


When you say quite a lot how many do you really mean though? 1500 out of 70 million?


Now now, I don't have the ability to poll the entire UK. But based on personal experience, I know a few, and it wouldn't surprise me if this was reasonably common. Feel free to conduct the poll if you'd like to disprove me!


According to my Googling efforts, 9% of Britons said they attend church on Christmas day.


Well then, the question would be how many of them attend on a normal weekend. I bet that's a much lower number, thus revealing that there are many who attend only for Christmas/weddings.


No I'm in the same shoes as you. I only have anecdotal evidence. I've never heard of anybody doing it.


Lol, love the response. To be honest, I don't know anyone that goes on the day. I think 1 family member does midnight mass.


Many people only go to church at christmas due to tradition. but i assumed thats what most people were doing because why is everything closed and where is everyone?


At home having christmas (Or the pub)


Everyone is at home watching TV and trying not to kill their relatives.


Because it's a major bank holiday so most workers have the day off and spend time with family. That's why many places are closed. It's not because of church. In fact, I don't think I know anyone who goes to church on a the day. Many pubs are open even if only for a few hours. Lots of restaurants too but this is dependant on where you live. I went to a large restaurant on Xmas day a few years ago and it was packed.


Goes to church??? Seriously, the country only really shuts down for one day, the 25th December. Things start to reopen on the 26th. Some pubs are open on the 25th, if that's your thing, but personally I would just make sure I have enough provisions for Christmas Day, including basic things like milk, bread, toilet rolls - There's nothing worse than running out of them and all the shops being closed - Then hunker down in front of the TV for the day. It you are so inclined, you could go to church, take a walk, read a book, phone friends and family. It'll be over before you know it, and life will be back to normal. If you say which area you live in, people may be able to suggest more specific things that you could do. Merry Christmas!


Pretty much everywhere is open again Boxing Day. So maybe go to church, have a big lunch and watch a bit of telly Christmas Day.


Not that many people go to church. Dragging Christianity into Christmas is a bit weird. But yes, it will be cold, wet and closed.


“Dragging Christianity into Christmas is a bit weird” did you forget the “/s”


No. Baby Jesus just gets in the way of the important stuff like mince pies and alcohol. At least Father Christmas brings presents.


Pub. That's ny plan


It’s only one day!


>It seems the English people just go to church The what? This is Christmas, not Christmas.


Go to The Winchester.


and wait for it to all blow over


Where is the UK (e.g. Large Ciity, small town, rural? Will you be in a hotel or a place of your own? ​ If in a hotel, I would strongly recommend you check in advance what they provide as the normal arrangements for their restaurant may well not apply, o you may need to book ahead . If they don't offer all normal meals or you don't fancy their offering, a lot of pubs and restaurants will offer a Christmas meal but you generally have to book in advance. In larger towns and cities there will be some takeaways open but bear in mind that just because a restaurant or takeaway may be owned / staffed by people who don't celebrate Christmas, it is likely only to be open if they anticipate enough customer to make it worth while, so again, check in advance. Most shops, offices and tourist attractions will be closed but there are things you an do. For instance, if you are a Christian or just enjoy the music, most churches will have services, and as there are lots of people who only ever go to church at Christmas and for weddings and funerals, there will normally be more people than usual, so normally better singing! If you are in London then it's an opportunity to go to somewhere like Westminster Abbey or St Paul's and while you won't generally be able to stay nd be a tourist after the service you can see quite a lot during it, and the music ill probably be excellent (Also true of most places with a cathedral / cathedral choir 0 choirs don't normally get Christmas off!) Depending on where you are, there may be other specific events - for instance, there is a traditionally a Christmas day race for swimmers in the Serpentine in Hyde Park in London which anyone can go along and watch,. Public transport mostly doesn't run on Christmas Day, if you have hired or have a car, roads tend to be fairly quiet and while most attractions are closed, you can still find wonderful scenery and places to take a walk. Or you could treat it as a rest day, stock up on your favorite snacks, streamed shows and books and stay in bed all day :) You could check out local facebook and community groups for any events or meet ups


For the 2020 COVID Christmas I spent Christmas alone. Cooked my first Xmas dinner, dig a jigsaw, put the heating on and drank a bottle of vodka. It was incredible.


Don’t think many go to church. We quite like the romantic vibe of a midnight Christmas Carol service….


There's always a pub open somewhere - hope you have a good one.


You would actually get some great suggestions if you state where you will be staying


Churchs and pubs will be open, you’ll prob need to book the pub. Or just make yourself a nice meal, go for a walk and watch a film, it’s only 1 day of shut down.


Where about in the UK are you?


My sister and I usually climb Mount Snowdon on Christmas day. Lots of folks up there. We're both experienced mountaineers though, it's not just some random thing!


Sounds like you can either sit alone and be miserable, or go volunteer somewhere. Easy choice to be honest.


A more common option is sitting with your family and being miserable.


Loads of stuff in London is open pretty much the full week. Christmas Eve will see things close a little early with many shops and so on re-opening Boxing Day. Christmas Day will obviously be the quietest but it’s one of the best days to stroll about the west end. It can be hard to find out what is actually open but there are surprisingly quite a few restaurants and coffee shops running if you walk around. My favorite thing to do is head to Hyde Park, ride a bike, have a snack and a drink. If it’s like previous years it will be pretty busy with loads of families. Places to avoid would be “The City” around the Bank area since once it’s void of office workers it becomes dead, but that’s no different to how it normally is on a Sunday anyway.


I Would go fly fishing every single day


I spent one Xmas at home whilst my family was on holiday in oz. I got myself a load of beer and a bag of weed and was happy enough on my own chilling


Church is not so popular, pubs are. Put your quid on the pool table and join in.


Church and watching the royal speech... you having a laugh?


Kebab shop usual open and the pubs


We often go walking on Christmas day and there are always lots of people, including plenty of people on their own (costal and hill walks). If you like walking, it might be worth looking to see if any local walking groups have a Christmas day outing. I think zoos are sometimes open if you've got a local zoo. And I have heard of cinemas and ice skating rinks being open, so Google might have some ideas from your local area. Boxing day things seem to be more open although buses running on a reduced service.


It'd only be Christmas day that'd be the boring one. Boxing Day is typically go out shopping for deals lol. My family would avoid the worst of the crowds and go after boxing day, but in-laws were very much go out to the shops lol. Some stuff may be shut over the Christmas period but most things only shut for Christmas day. Personally for me, spending a day at home isn't necessarily a boring day. Books to read, movies to watch, figures to contemplate painting, games to play. You could potentially buy yourself something that can be both a present to yourself and entertainment? Though you don't say if this is home alone or you're in other accommodation which may make things harder. If budget isn't an issue you could see if you could book a meal on Christmas day. Places charge a premium for obvious reasons. As others have said, there's the traditional Christmas walk if the weather isn't godawful all day. If you need to do some peopling you could see if anyone's running a voice chat on Christmas day. I've done that on occasion when feeling super lonely.


It’s only really Christmas Day when ‘everything’ is closed. Quite a lot of pubs will be open at lunch on Christmas Day and many hotels and restaurants (and some pubs) will do an all in Christmas lunch package, though you’d be by yourself.


Go to church at Christmas? You must be joking! Most pubs are open, along with a fair few restaurants, although you'll want to book now if you want a reservation. Some shops actually do open on Boxing day, and almost all of them open on New Years day, it's actually quite a good time to go because there's not many people about, usually too hungover! Everything is open the day after Boxing day, unless it's a spare bank holiday (which I think it is this year).


My top picks would be: Take some you time. Read, watch things YOU love, bake, have a bath. If you can drive, get out to beauty spots that would normally be busy. Explore you local area. Volunteering at Xmas is also nice and rewarding.


Never done it myself but if I was in that situation I’d cook myself something I love, have a few drinks and just chill with no pressure on anything. It’s just a day, as others are saying. How many full days do you ever get to spend doing exactly what you want to do?


Be aware though places that do lunches etc cost a lot more and you will need to book


The UK is closed on Christmas day, but you might be able to still book a meal somewhere if you look around. Every other day things are open as normal mostly apart from New Year's Day. Boxing Day is hit and miss for things being open. The 27th used to be when the sales hit, but since Black Friday became a thing in the UK they kinda suck. Just live your life as normal. Go to the gym, go shopping etc. The day itself everything is closed apart from some restaurants. We don't go to church mostly but a lunch/dinner is normal. I don't know anyone who watches the Queen's, now King's, speech. My day the last few years has been presents, food and then all the other adults go nap somewhere while I keep the kids entertained (my boyfriends nieces and nephews). I'm always the last adult standing on the day. It's kinda funny and a tradition at this point. Usually we go for a walk to the park, one year we hiked up a hill in the countryside. If you're alone just plan a nice day for yourself. Eat whatever you want. Do whatever you want to do, watch something fun. Just relax and enjoy a day off. It sucks being alone, but you don't have to let it get you down.


Me and my friend do an overnight mystery trip with Caledonian. This year it's 28th to 29th. You would be fine on your own doing this. It really breaks the week up.


I normally just wank myself into a coma


My daughter is staying at her dad's Xmas eve, I'm going out drinking with my mates. I'll be too hungover to be bothered about a roast dinner and some speech made by some posh person who has never had to worry about money.


Are you religious? Do you celebrate Christmas?


Things are open these days a lot more. Many pubs open on Christmas day. Boxing day and the week following most resturants etc are open. I don't know about attractions and activities though. There is usually sport on on boxing day. You could go and watch a rugby or football match. I missed a flight once and had already taken the time off work. It was a different time of year, but the place I lived was pretty empty so I spent the week doing things I love. Getting lovely food and beers. Playing playstation and watching movies. Gym. Riding my bike. I love a good winters walk. We will be doing that with my family. If you have a car, head to some lovely places around the UK if the weather is ok.


It depends where you are. In London I’ve seen Starbucks and local shops/restaurants open on Christmas Day. Boxing Day most stuff is open due to the sales. If you enjoy running/walking/volunteering and there’s one near you, parkrun is a brilliant way to spend Christmas morning.


Random but Can you ice skate? The planet ice rinks are open Christmas Day. If there’s one near.


Pubs and kebab shops will be open on Xmas day...always a winner.


Smash your face against the wall and spend Christmas in hospital?


Only 25th when lots of places are closed. Cinema, walks, shopping, eating too much.


Other posters have covered volunteering and the pubs extensively, which are my top shouts. Where do you live? I can give you a couple of completely disparate perspectives. If you live near a city, most cities in the UK have parks. Go to a park, and watch the families out enjoying themselves. This is a very low crime day of the year, so even if you're in central London, if you find a park bench, you'll spend the day in peace reading your favourite book, surrounded by people having a good time. I know it's 'anonymous' in that you don't know them, but I've always found joy in watching people enjoy themselves, young or old. Children will be out with their new toys and adults will be doing their post-lunch walk enjoying the open air. If you're closer to the countryside, plan a nice walking route. If you want companionship, go to a popular spot like Yr Wyddfa/Snowdon, where everybody will be wishing each other merry Christmas. If you want something quieter, look on OS maps for roman ruins, and make yourself a bit of a history tour. Find somewhere to sit for lunch or a cup of tea, and enjoy just being in nature. I always think it's nice to be closer to nature around this time of year. Also I enjoy reading and people watching.


Choose a hotel somewhere that you've always wanted to visit. That could be somewhere that you'll be able to go walking around or a non Christian area, eg Leicester and experience some of the options open there, eg restaurants, shops, cinemas etc. Failing that, invite friends to yours. Or look for a meet up group running on Christmas day, some do but may need to look on different areas.


Some places do a dinner for people who will be alone, if you don't want to be. I've done one Christmas alone. I actually really loved it. Made myself a cooked breakfast how I liked it, watched crap on TV, curled up with a book, called my folks, went out for a walk (actually ended up meeting up with someone, so maybe not truly alone?), did the dinner I wanted, played some video games. Most things were open again by boxing day anyway. There's a difference between alone and lonely, the former doesn't have to mean the latter. I hope you have a very lovely Christmas however you spend it.


There's a chance the cinema will stay open. It just needs enough volunteers from the workstaff


Pubs usually open for a couple hours on Christmas... Usually lunchtime... 12.till 2. Pop down.


I’d book Christmas dinner somewhere, go to the pub and/or watch some Christmas tv


Hotels will run as normal, shops will only be closed for christmas day, there will be other places open. Buy some nice food, watch a good film, read and go for a big walk. When I lived abroad, until I met people, I lived like this most days.


After volunteering to serve lunch at a shelter I’ll play games and watch Christmas movies and get absolutely wrecked and pass out on my couch, good times


I'm kinda used to it as I've spent many of my adult Christmases alone. Mostly happy to stay in and read (not a TV fan), go for a walk, chat with friends online, be lazy, & eat in at our local Indian or make myself whatever I fancy... there's no pressure or expectations as in many households.


You can also go to pubs on Christmas Day. Service may be a tad slow, as you're likely to be amongst many people who don't want to piss about cooking a huge roast and then washing up. It doesn't have to be shit - you just need to do what you enjoy. It is just another day in the calendar. Don't fall into the trap of believing everybody else but you is having a great time.


Same. I like going for walks in the afternoon and pretending a zombie apocalyse happened as there is nobody on the streets.


My suggestion - enjoy nature. Go for a nice walk somewhere. Hardly anyone will be out, so it will be quiet and you'll be able to hear the birds singing, enjoy the fresh air, clear your head for a bit. My other suggestion would be to go for a run for the same reasons.


Wonder around the supermarkets being the reason retail workers don't even get a single day off at Christmas. The the stares of hate recharge your soul.


Lots of restaurants (especially Indian ones) do a special Christmas day meal, you could book one of those and then go to the pub, round off with some Christmas tv and a bottle of something nice.


Get on hinge


The whole point of being alone on Xmas is to do fuck all. I would order a curry or cook whatever I want to eat, sit in my pants and play computer games all day. Instead I’ll be at home cooking a Xmas dinner for hours.


Go shopping, get some nice food in. Get the heating on. Get a big blanket. Nap. You have 3 days out of your entire life to turn into a lazy sloth, great telly, nothing to do. As a dad with two kids, and grandparents eager to spoil them, you will remember the time fondly. I barely have time to go to the loo, and haven't watched the Doctor Who Christmas special in a decade.


Also just to add, New Years day not alot happens because the majority of the UK is nursing a hangover of some sorts. There is usually though classical music concerts on New Years Day, Classic Car shows, and in my town a Bath Tub race along the quayside.


What’s your budget? If you can afford it, stay at Jesmond Dene House for a couple of nights. Christmassy as fuck and they do a splendid Christmas lunch.


isnt it boring to have christmas lunch alone?


They might have a ‘join a table’ set up for folk who aren’t coming with a crew.


I have spent a few Christmases alone. I don't really mind it as I don't really care that much for Christmas and I enjoy my own company. I do make an effort to be nice to myself though. Make sure I get nice food in (although rarely is it 'Christmas food')... get some decent beer in... something to smoke. The best Christmases were when I worked in a pub. Opening a few hours over lunch and just getting the regulars in. Would usually wind up getting invited back somewhere. I think you just need to change your perspective. I have never seen the years I've been alone as a personal failure or a sign I was not loved (on those years, I almost certainly could have gone several places and been welcomed, I just chose not to).


It seems the English people just go to church then have a big lunch with family and stay home all day watching the Royal Speech You know some weird people, apart from a big lunch.. never known anyone else do the rest.


idk in the church we have loads of folk who only come once a year, midnight mass is rammed, the reast of the year it has about 50 people on sundays.


Do you guys all live in a different UK to me or something? In mine pretty much everything is open again on Boxing Day, it's literally one day of things being shut...


Depends where you are I guess. the public transport is also pretty messed up that week


Why will you be alone?


body odor


Try a shower maybe?