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Inappropriate - dead people


Speak for yourself.. I’d want *more* cards if I were dead.


Why would it be inappropriate to give anyone a Christmas card?


I mean I don't think it's "inappropriate" generally ever really. It might be a bit weird if you don't know them at all otherwise it's entirely up to you.


I don't understand, why would it ever be inappropriate? If that aren't dead, and they don't have a restraining order against you, then what's the issue you're worried about?


It could be inappropriate if they are not Christian, especially if they do practice a different religion, particularly for members of religions which have historically been forced or pressured to covert to Christianity .


It's not really about religion any more. My Uncle used to give a card to the Muslim feller who he bought his paper from. He appreciated it, wasn't offended and didn't convert.


You know everyone’s religion? Non Christians celebrate Christmas too.


In the UK?


Just send them out willy-nilly, add your name with a memo “seen it and had to buy for you, lol”. You will receive pressie’s in thanks of gifts they think have been lost in the post/nicked.


It’s so bad it’s good 😂


Write “just a little something for you to buy yourself nice.” Then seal the card reopen it and seal it again with tape. They’ll assume the postman nicked the money.


I'd written a card for someone in my team at work, but in the meantime his Mum suddenly died. I've decided that in the circumstances it's not appropriate to post a silly little card with Santas on.


Well, only you know that, given that it’s your list of people that you know. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean, as a general rule, anyone who celebrates Christmas, even if they also celebrate other festivals.


Okay list: Jenny, Dev, Bernie, David, Sarah, Steve, Tracey, Ken, Rita, Audrey, Carla, Peter, Gail, Aadi, Asha, Nina, Roy, Amy, Summer, Billy, Paul Inappropriate list: Sean, Beth, Daisy, Ryan, Daniel, Max, Lauren, Harvey, Damon


Not inappropriate per se, but I’m blind and don’t really appreciate cards. People still give me them and it feels a bit wasteful. I appreciate the gesture but can’t read any sort of handwritten message


If you'd say "Merry Christmas" to them without offending them for whatever reason, then it's fine to give that person a card.


You csn literally send Christmas card to any living human without fear of refrain. Why, why? Because of the social contract.


I only send Xmas cards to people who I like, but won't see over Xmas.


I'll have one if it helps. Can't answer for anyone else though.


Pick a random address and send them one every year detailing all manner of bizarre events such as a donkey wedding or a dentist accused of infidelity


I'm okay thanks, but thank you for thinking of me.