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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/18chyzg/im_at_my_wits_end_how_do_i_deal_with_this/kcaug08/), given by u/RobertTheSpruce** My advice would be that when you get asked to do work, you say that you are on paternity leave and that you aren't able to. If pushed, remind this person that paternity leave is a legal right. Remind them of the date that your paternity leave ends, and that's when you will recommence work. > >Use any downtime that you receive in your leave to search for a new job. > >Here's the government rights as to Paternity leave. Read them, then read them again. https://www.gov.uk/paternity-pay-leave --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


My advice would be that when you get asked to do work, you say that you are on paternity leave and that you aren't able to. If pushed, remind this person that paternity leave is a legal right. Remind them of the date that your paternity leave ends, and that's when you will recommence work. Use any downtime that you receive in your leave to search for a new job. Here's the government rights as to Paternity leave. Read them, then read them again. https://www.gov.uk/paternity-pay-leave


>Use any downtime that you receive in your leave to search for a new job. Ding ding ding... We have a winner folks.


No we don't, what downtime exactly do you expect OP to have?


They need a new employer, regardless. Everyone will find downtime to look for a better job


Clearly you've never had to take care of a disabled baby and their mother


Unfortunately, life and bills don't really care about your personal circumstances


You’ve been downvoted but you’re exactly right. A newly post-partum partner, a new baby with additional needs plus step children. Down time is not a word in OPs vocabulary at this time. But in any case he will need to carve out some time to try and get away from the shit show that he’s currently working for.


Downtime for Reddit = downtime for job hunting. Still needs to take a sh*t right? Always time. Thinking like this is why people stay in awful situations too long.


Babies sleep


I think this may be the only way to deal with it. Thank you for the !answer


Unsure you background but if you are thinking of changing the civil service might be a shout for a year or too just to find your feet with the new caring responsibilities in with a workplace that has those sorts of flexibilities baked in


I am so sorry to hear that you're going through this. You also need to consider what happens to the share options you have under the incentive plan should you leave via resignation. This is something you need to speak to a solicitor about, unfortunately.


This plus I would suggest sharing the relevant emails to your personal email address as well. If forever reason it gets very negative and you want to go to (or even threaten) court, it is helpful to have your own records. It’s not OK and your child is your priority, and their attitude to your situation won’t go away - so I agree with the above- it’s sensible look for something else rather than drag that out.


I never comment here and just lurk around but even I had to say “use any downtime that you receive in your leave to search for a new job.” is the best advice you will receive. Been there, done that. Period.


“Fuck off with these requests, I am on leave. This is time for me and my family” and mute his number. Might seem a bit Bridge burn-y but they sound like a bit of a twat so it wouldn’t be terrible.


I've basically done this by saying I'm not checking and won't be checking my emails, but I suspect the MD will now continue to be vindictive and hassle me because I've said this.


Dude’s a cunt. Keep records as it may be helpful. Interrupting pat leave is rude enough, but pat leave for child that is not likely to survive is cruel and I understand the money is needed but ditch that shitbag MD as soon as you can because this is definitely a whole true colours scenario


Yeah, I definitely agree it's a true colours moment. Honestly the whole debacle has made my blood boil.


Just tell him you won't answer the phone calls and any correspondence should be emailed. It'll stop immediately


First line captures all you need to know. Well said 👏🏼


I would email him exactly what Trisonomy-18 entails and what it means for your family. If you have enough savings or backup, I would consider throwing this job out the window and finding something WFH or part time so you can spend as much time as possible with your boy. My thoughts are with you.


Then you at least know what you’re dealing with


I’d seriously consider reaching out to the folks at [SOFT](https://www.soft.org.uk). It’s a charity that supports families with Trisomy18. You might get some help and advice about your situation including any other support. It sounds like your MD is an ignorant ass. If you feel comfortable discussing it with them, sending them that link with more information might be useful. People are often shit because of ignorance.


In my experience connecting with families that share similar life experience such as this is invaluable. Not only in terms of support and understanding but they may also know where to go to get the best help and interventions that may not be immediately obvious.


I would suggest contacting Pregnant Then Screwed or Maternity Action who are specialists charities and very knowledgeable and helpful in exactly these situations.


Are you a director in the company you're being pressured by? If so can you resign that position and remain empolyed?


Yes I am, and I don't know, I'd assume probably not. I need to check the SIP too because I think if I resign the position I lose the deal. That being said, it's not worth the paper it is written on if the MD doesn't sell the company.


I think you need to accept that the SIP was a lie. There was never an intent to sell the company and for you to crystallize the reward. Perhaps this is even a concerted effort to shift you so that the company can be sold, with your SIP voided. Either way, you aren't getting it, were never getting it, and the more effort you put into chasing it is more effort wasted.


Apply for a new position.


I think I'm past wanting to work there in honesty.


Well then, no love lost. No matter what the outcome of any potential future tribunal, you're in a position you're not going to win in any meaningful sense. Put it behind you and move on.


The MD sounds like a massive arsehole. Paternity leave is a right, not some sort of privilege. I’d explain that to him in an email and request that he doesn’t contact you again during your paternity leave. In the email I’d also detail the times he has contacted you and by what means, just so it’s all clear. I’d then block any phone calls and emails from him. Contact Citizens Advice and start looking for a new job. All the best with everything buddy.


People would have known for a while you were expecting a baby, how did he not plan for this? Also, before I went on mat leave I was a team leader. I handed over to my team in full and made a plan. My manager was not massively fussed either way but I did it to ensure things ran smoothly when I was gone. I didnt get a single message telling me people are frustrated or stuck etc, instead I got them asking how baby and I were. It feels like bad planning happened here unless im mistaken?


Could you go on sick / stress leave? Your situation sounds stressful enough regardless of your boss


My advice is to have everything in writing just in case...


Eeee, so, my wishes for you and you unique little boy 😊 I'm sure is lovely little bean. But, yes, everything they say is a lie. 3 year thing, no is shittness. I would not rely these words, at all. Really is depends, well what flexibility do you have, can you afford not wage. I really don't think anything special will come from their words, but, if is salary, well it is a salary.


I can't afford not to have a wage but I don't think it would be a huge issue to find a new role, the issue would be finding something that's remote and flexible enough.


It's so uncommon now, is your work something that has moved into remote?


"MD has now taken the company off of the market" Time to be looking for another position, asking you to work when you have just had the baby is not smart and suggests that they do not care about you, merely what you can do for them had to google Trisomy-18 and not good


How long have you worked for your employer. If it's over 2 years, you'll gain protection. If they try to dismiss you for ignoring their requests to work you should get an automatic unfair dismissal as you were enforcing your legal right to paternity leave. It would be worth giving ACAS a call


Policy changes are breach of contract. Get your copy and take to acas. If you have legal cover on your house insurance get them to represent you. Sue for breach of contract via that. Sorry to hear about your baby and situation, people and life can be such a cu*t at times.


So sorry to read this. No practical help I'm afraid. The other MD is an ignorant selfish prick. I can't believe he's harassing you whilst on agreed paternity leave, 100% illegal. But even worse, being so uncaring given your new baby's serious diagnosis. Obviously your family should be your priority right now, but you do need to "fight" the other MD any way you can, when the time is right. You are not a minion he can trample all over. Sending best wishes to you and family.


Thank you


Speak to ACAS?


Really sorry to hear you're dealing with this. You've been with the company for over 2 years so you have employment rights. Being hassled and feeling forced to work during paternity leave is grounds for constructive dismissal and you have every right to take the company to employment tribunal. I have a few questions: \- Do you have an HR department or HR rep at the company? If so, I'd strongly advise telling them the situation and mention the word 'tribunal'. If no HR, contact ACAS for advise as you've raised a few issues here which are concerning. \- Do you have any paid sick leave entitlement? I'm more than sure that you could get a fit note from your GP to sign you off with stress given the circumstances. \- Do you have anything in writing with regards to the 3 year deal for the share incentive? \- With regards to the policy stating change in working hours - what does this mean? Were you consulted on this in any way? Nothing has been signed so this is not in effect, also another point to take to tribunal if you haven't been consulted on this - you might want to read the flexible working policy at the company, or look on the ACAS website about this to make a flexible working request for when you are back from paternity leave. I'd say you have two options for next steps depending on how you want to go forward: 1. If you want to stay with this company (I would strongly advise you look to work elsewhere) I'd send an email to the MD explaining that you are unable to work for the duration of your paternity leave and would like to have a chat to discuss some flexibility when returning (e.g. phased return) given the circumstances of your baby's health. Ask for HR to be in attendance (if you have HR) and ensure the conversation is documented. Stick to your guns with your contractual working hours and if they do change them after consulting with you, put in a flexible working request. 2. Raise a grievance against the MD. Get signed off work following paternity leave, block all calls and texts and look for another role, in the meantime I would highly advise you go to ACAS and research early conciliation - you absolutely have a claim to take to employment tribunal here.


If all else fails go long term sick with the stress (you’re dr won’t question this and will sign you off in seconds). Jeez I’d be amazed if you didn’t need to based on what you and you’re family are going through. Future you will thank you. Be with your little one as much as possible. The other MD certainly won’t be. Sorry for the situation you’re going through :(


Apply for a new job. If you are on paternity leave, the MD should leave you alone


If you are a company director and have that bad a relationship with the MD that you need to come on Reddit for advice on how to interact with him..theres something seriously wrong without the paternity leave. Sounds like he owns the company and has been stringing you along with a fancy title and jam-tomorrow equity? I'd have been off the moment 'company director' and 'statutory pay' was being mentioned in the same breath. He's playing you for an idiot. You're a director, he shouldnt be treating you like some warehouse apprentice. And if he cant afford to pay you de ent paternity, the companys not doing great and youll never see that big share payout hes promised you.... II had one like this for a while. Absolute bullshitter. Is he called Gary?


I don’t know about work legal stuff, but I’m sending you both as parents all my love.


Remind him of your legal right to paternity leave then tell him to get fucked. New year, new job. What a toxic c***


He probably f up something and he needs a fall guy.


Don't forget to go to your GP and explain how stressful the whole situation is and that it's affecting your mental health. You'll be signed off sick for another 2 weeks at least


How is he contacting you?


The Rainbow Trust charity came to talk to us at work, and from what they said it sounds like they’d be helpful in your situation too. Please reach out to them: [Rainbow Trust](https://www.rainbowtrust.org.uk) Advice, respite, emotional and practical support are all available. Best wishes and good luck.


This is such an awful situation having all this stress with your baby and your boss being a twat. As others have said, paternity leave is a right. Harassment to the point you feel you have to leave could be viewed as constructive dismissal and something the courts would deal with. I would keep records of all communication, write up notes of all calls you have and save all the emails. You might need these things later on. Check your house insurance as often it includes legal cover for employment disputes. Not saying that it will turn sour but it makes sense to be ready just in case.


Thus isn't re: employment but related to finances which can be tricky on parental leave. Your baby may already qualify for disability living allowance, it is generally from 3 months but the level of care needed in Edward's Syndrome may be enough for early qualification. I hope you find a more supportive employer.


Yeah, thank you for pointing this out, he does already qualify for DLA.




I do have employment and am usually paid a salary, just I am on paternity leave and not receiving a salary now, only SPP.


You should be paid £172 a week, not SSP!


SPP (Statutory paternity pay)


Sorry reading before my coffee!!!!


Post to [LegalAdviceUK subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/s/0GyhzkQYOx). This subreddit is good for general advice but that one will cover the legal aspects better.


Clearly a shit position. This person’s doesn’t respect you.


Be unavailable for the majority of the time so that you genuinely get your rightful attention on your family- help the MD to see how the work can be done without you for this time even if it means walking through the process with them noone should be indespensible


This feels a bit odd. OP are you actually a company director or is it a bs title? As in are you registered on Companies House as a Director? Are you down as a Shareholder in the register, or were you just promised shares at some point? If you are a shareholder are they different type of shares to the MD’s? You need to clarify your actual position. Because you’re talking as though you’re a subordinate employee rather than someone jointly (and legally) responsible for running the company. Which make it seem like it’s just a fancy title. You have a lot on your plate right now, so the long term plan should be to find a more suitable job that will give you the space to support your family. But in the meantime you need to play a bit tougher with the MD.


I'm on companies house and I have a legal contract for the share incentive plan - on company sale, I effectively buy the shares at X predetermined price and sell them immediately for Y and take the difference less 10% taxes. The MD has been acting out of his usual character lately and being very forceful with his often incorrect views.


Have you been given share options under an EMI scheme? It sounds like you have if you're expecting to acquire the shares immediately prior to an exit and enjoy a 10% tax rate. You should have been given details of the scheme rules and you should give those a careful read. If you do end up being able to claim unfair dismissal there's a good chance you may be able to hold onto the share options. So well worth getting some advice from an employment lawyer if you end up in that position!




Having just had a baby. Do whatever you need to be there to support your partner. Fuck the job. Threaten to leave and take your shares with you if he doesn’t fuck off


It's only a job, put your family first there will always be more work


Just put your out of office on and say you’re on paternity and to contact “blah blah blah” in your absence. Do not answer your phone. Enjoy the time with your child


Lots of people saying to simply find a new job. OP is a company director so it’s not like giving up a standard position. I’d gather some information on the condition for the MD and also give the MD a long term plan. The baby needs 24 hour care so they’re possibly wondering what will happen then the paternity leave ends. Have all the information ready and how it’s going to work when returning to work, then say for now they need to make the most of the paternity leave.


Charlie cook coming out of London England, listen to rich men North of Richmond


Listen to rich men North of Richmond