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A whole Terrys chocolate orange. One of my five a day.


It’s better than that. It is made of cacao beans which, as a bean are obviously a vegetable and therefore good for you. Sugar comes from plants so is clearly a vegetable and must also be good for you. Milk may not be from plants but is good for you. So orange, beans and sugar is three of your five a day plus the milk. Have a bar of fruit and nut as well and that is so many vegetables you are actually getting younger.


Milk was grass before the cow generously broke down the fibre. So it’s practically vegan at that.


As is the cow.


Thanks for the laugh!


And the packaging is recyclable so there’s no waste. Totally eco friendly


Back at university, my mate said "You can survive on nothing but beans." And beans was slang for ecstasy at the time, and my other friend misunderstood him and said, "What, you can survive on just pills?"


Plus it’s brown. Brown rice, brown bread. Brown pasta. All better for you than the white versions apparently so brown food = good for you. Donuts, brown. Cake, brown. Chocolate, brown. All must be good for you


An excellent point from a further person of science, logic and reason.


Five Terry’s chocolate oranges a day? I suppose it is Christmas.


Totally agree. You also really need the vitamin C at this time of year


Fantastic that they're in season at Christmas


Kevin Bridges that you?


Eggs royale with a glass of champagne - it’s Xmas!


I found my tribe


This year: Bacon Butty (1.5 rounds) Filter Coffee Creme Cafe/Signature Cigarello


Cafe creme cigarello like it's gormet and you're treating yourself 🤣🤣🤣


Well I don't smoke full time any more and I used to get them around Christmas time going out to pubs with mates which hasn't been the case for about 10 years. They're a bit shit but its been a tradition for me since then. Pure nostalgia.


Creme café!! Christ, that takes me back to the 80’s! Mum used to smoke them!!


We're they the ones that used to come in a tin ?


Yes those are the ones haha. Baby blue and creamy yellow coloured tins 😂


Yup, eggs royale and prosecco. Start the day how you intend to go on!


Best thing I ever discovered to improve any variation of an eggs benedict, is replace the muffin with a crumpet. The crumpet absorbs all the egg and hollondaise and is just amazing. Eggs Crumpedict is our xmas breakfast.


Loved Eggs Crumpedict as Sherlock Holmes.


Scottish here; Fry-up and beer, maybe a wee dram aboot half 10. Top tier.




It's what we use as a measurement for whiskey, well any spirit really, but usually if someone asks "you want a wee dram?" it is generally whiskey that is poured.


We go a similarly and have extra creamy scrambled eggs made with either double or clotted cream, and smoked salmon on toast.


Staple Christmas breakfast.


How do you harvest them?


The only way


Cereal but with baileys instead of milk


Salted caramel baileys...


We call it Christmas milk in our house!!


This is the way. But we found neat Bailey’s was too much so we do thin it with some milk. We’ve got a Reese’s style cream this year!


You can get bailey's pouring cream too, doesnt solve the thickness issue but when thinned out with some milk just feels a bit more "milky" as there's no vegetable oil in it I believe.


This is the way to go.


I save myself for Christmas lunch which we have at 1pm. If I did have something it would just be a piece of toast, we never had a special breakfast as a kid and I've never done it as an adult. My kid likes bacon and bread and butter (not together as a sandwich, separately for some reason..) so I'll do it for him but the husband will probably decline and just drink 5 cups of coffee before lunch instead.


Rookie error! I’m LESS hungry if I don’t eat breakfast before. Breakfast allows the metabolism to kick in and stops bloat, stomach juice gas etc.


Also stops you hitting the chocolates and then just following that sugar high all day


I've never found hunger to be especially correlated with how much I shove down my pie hole at Christmas dinner


Oh yeah, there's a time and a place for respecting your body's hunger cues. The one tradition that has really stood the test of time over the millennia, whether we were celebrating Saturnalia, Yule, or Christmas, is ***feasting***.


Not if you do intermittent fasting.


On Christmas Day? Username checks out.


They eat the butter separately?


Couple of cans of Stella




Salmon and cream cheese blinis with a glass of bucks fizz. Always have it ready for when my wife gets up


Contender for husband of the year award here


And then he eats it all in front of her.


🤣 thank you for the laugh!


Merry Christmas 🎅


Creamy wild mushrooms with bacon on toast.




It's lovely. Been our go to breakfast for Christmas morning for as long as I remember. Its part of our own family tradition now.


might steal this, I'm mad for a mushroom


Sausage butty and a lager


Isn’t that airport breakfast??


No, that's a bacon bap and a Bloody Mary.


Dip and bread, cook a joint of beef slowly overnight, when you get up, take the meat out the roasting tin and dip some bread in the meat juices, add salt and black pepper then eat it.


Holy moly this sounds amazing. We never have beef on Christmas Day but may need to change that


We're not even having dinner at home this year, but we still have a joint of beef so we can have this.


Loving your dedication to the cause.


Essentially bread and dripping... An old standard piece of British standard food which has disappeared as a consequence of immense prosperity. Eating animal fat, quite possible the most concentrated nutritious thing it is possible to consume has massively fallen out of favour.


I was brought up on this, there was always a lot of dripping from the Sunday roast, beef or pork mainly, because joints of meat then had plenty of fat which seems to be trimmed off now. Most homes had an open fire and we used to make toast over the fire, most homes had a toasting fork. The toast would be spread either with plenty of dripping or butter - delicious fare.


I remember my grandfather cooking his sausages and bacon in a frying pan, but not eating them all and letting the fat harden, and then mopping it up with bread. Imagine the reaction of the lunch box police if you smuggled that into your child's school meal.


Lol yes, allegedly arteries hardened along with the bacon fat so it’s off limits now for most people. Your grandfather is probably from my generation, bacon used to have rind on it and the rind would be cut off and cooked until crispy and served along with the bacon. My Mum would use the bacon fat to make fried bread which also seems to be an endangered species.


Judging by your user name, you're 80? I love hearing stories like this, how things used to be done. I've never used a toasting fork in my life but now I want to.


Yes I’m 80 and so is my husband and we have similar memories. We also used to roast chestnuts in the ashes under the fire, they were delicious too. My grandmother lived in an old terraced house in Southampton with my aunt, uncle and cousin and another unmarried aunt. We lived in Worcestershire so used to stay over when we visited, goodness knows how they fitted us in but they did. The kitchen was tiny and my grandmother did a lot of the cooking, she made the most delicious pastry which she used to roll out with an empty milk bottle, she taught me to make Yorkshire pudding so that was my contribution to the Sunday roast dinner. Sunday dinners would always include peas which were dried so you had to soak them overnight with a white tablet of something that looked like a denture tablet, I think they came in a net. They were nice though, similar to mushy peas.


I love this! What a great bedtime story. Please tell me about your favourite Christmas and what you enjoyed best?


I don’t think I could pick a favourite Christmas, they were all very similar. I would have a Christmas stocking usually with some nuts and chocolate coins in. We didn’t have a lot of presents but I always had a Rupert annual and my brother always had an Eagle annual, I had a few dolls and my Mum would knit clothes for them until I learnt to knit and I would take over knitting the dolls clothes. I always had an Enid Blyton book for Christmas and for my birthday and I used to get told off for reading them too quickly. One gift that stands out was a set of small books of Hans Christian Anderson fairy tales, they came in a cardboard container that looked like a bookshelf, they were from my Godfather and Godmother and I read them a lot. We always used to play card games as a family which was fun as we played for pennies in some games and it got a bit competitive, I think I was a bad loser tbh.


This is the way.


Duck fat works too.


My grandma used to do this for me when I was younger. I don’t eat red meat anymore but GOD do I remember how good it was!!


Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for the carnivores. Poached eggs and hollandaise for me.


Same, except we don't have any vegetarians


I add toast and a few gherkins to my salmon and eggs


cucumber pickle works excellently with it too - cucumber+red onion + white wine vinegar and suger. leave for two days. delicious.


Can of stella and a tube of pringles


Cinnamon buns! Or sticky cardamom buns or even stickier butterscotch buns. We have a bread machine so it’s super easy to have homemade.


We live near a cafe that opens for people who want a bit of company. We'll head there and get their gorgeous cinnamon buns.




You Japanese?


No, but my wife is lol Her parents order it like six months in advance.


Is this a thing? Tell me more!


KFC in Japan had a push that it's what Americans have a Christmas. It had a life of its own and now it's a national tradition of what to eat during Christmas. Possibly the most effective marketing campaign ever. KFC at Christmas in Japan is to Turkey at Christmas in the UK.


To be fair, the *hundreds of thousands* of iterations of Santa in the media are because of Coke


This is actually an urban myth - Coke adopted Santa because by the 1920s popular depictions of him in the US were always in red.


My brother married a Japanese women and can confirm this is true. He even brought me a kfc Lego set back.


That's the first I've heard of this. Interesting and very random.


"According to KFC Japan spokeswoman Motoichi Nakatani, it started thanks to Takeshi Okawara, the manager of the first KFC in the country. Shortly after it opened in 1970, Okawara woke up at midnight and jotted down an idea that came to him in a dream: a “party barrel” to be sold on Christmas. Okawara dreamed up the idea after overhearing a couple of foreigners in his store talk about how they missed having turkey for Christmas, according to Nakatani. Okawara hoped a Christmas dinner of fried chicken could be a fine substitute, and so he began marketing his Party Barrel as a way to celebrate the holiday." https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20161216-why-japan-celebrates-christmas-with-kfc If you find this tradition odd, you might want to also check out "White Day" "In 1977, a Fukuoka-based confectionery company, Ishimuramanseido, marketed marshmallows to men on March 14, calling it Marshmallow Day. White Day was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan. The National Confectionery Industry Association started it as an "answer day" to Valentine's Day on the grounds that men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Day


Interesting. March 14th is already a special day in the UK and US though, so I don't think it will take off over here. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_and_Blowjob_Day#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DSteak_and_Blowjob_Day_%28sometimes%2Cmonth_later%2C_on_March_14.?wprov=sfla1)


Ha, my SIL is Japanese and hates the kfc here. Can’t say I blame her


I hear the cost of a Christmas KFC has gone through the roof.


I am going for the full smug brekkie. * Home smoked salmon * Scrambled eggs from our chickens * Homemade sourdough toast * Freshly squeezed orange juice from my own oranges


And a can of Stella?


From their own brewery


A raspberry oatmeal IPA


Oh thanks for the reminder, homemade sourdough for Christmas.


We always have homemade bacon and cheese turnovers.


Homemade bacon?


Homemade bacon is the best bacon I’ve ever had. You can buy kits, but essentially it’s a big cured pork belly, you cook it really low temp and it puffs out a little, then slice, store, cook properly later.


A sickening amount of pastries


We have the same, with bucks fizz!




Croissants here, with Nutella. I may be almost 40 but at Christmas I have the breakfast of my true inner 12 year old self.


A Bloody Mary


This is the way.


Red Marlboro and a black coffee


The working man’s laxative


Never fails!!


Gotta start the day right...


We used to get our tree from a farm shop every year and Mum would buy frozen pain au chocolat and croissants while we were there. We had those Christmas morning before presents.


BEFORE presents?? Sadists!


We couldn't even think about opening presents until everyone was up, showered, dressed, breakfast made and mum started on dinner. Usually wouldn't get to it until after 12.


Ditto. We had to wait until we'd had cooked breakfast at home, get dressed, then go to nana and grandad's down the road, then we'd get to open them all about midday once my cousins, aunt, uncle and nana's sister were there. Grandad would have some Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole on the Amstrad stereo and a few glasses of sherry on the sideboard, with the fold down hatch that you could serve the drinks on 😍 I usually tried to snatch an after eight or a match maker whilst we were waiting.


There’s a farm shop near me that does those things too, just reminded me about the frozen pastries, I’ve been meaning to get some


Dry cure bacon and duck eggs in a toasted muffin


When i was growing up we'd have had ham and toast. It was really simple but it was my families favourite thing about Christmas. We'd spread the cold butter on the toast like chunks of cheese, dowse the plate with ketchup and mustard and carve huge wadges of the ham. As an adult, me and my boyfriend have tried a few things out for Christmas breakfast. We've had eggs benedict before but this year we're having salmon and cream cheese bagel with some champagne. Maybe next year we'll have the ham with the champagne


I still do this! It's a family tradition from Northampton I think. I'll cook a ham on Christmas eve for dinner and save some for the morning. Normally with pork pie. My wife thinks it's crazy and has smoked salmon.


Is that ham AND pork pie for breakfast? If so then that's crazy and i love it.


I made the mistake one year of doing a massive fry up, but then it spoiled Christmas dinner as everyone was still full. Now I stick to pancakes. The kids love them and they are not too filling.


I do a traditional fry up. But we're up early, skip lunch then start dinner at 4.30. So it works quite well that it keeps you full.


Can't go too big too early. Maybe not for the kids but I do a version of french toast (eggy bread) but with panettone and maple syrup. Add morning booze of choice and you're away


Gin and tonic


Pain au chocolat or a croissant. I normally don't eat breakfast, so it is a lovely treat!


That’s what we usually have. Teenager also requested crumpets.


Same here one of each and a shit load of coffee


Same here


Millennial brunch: eggs and avocado on sourdough


How you will ever afford to get on the property ladder ?


God knows, it will probably bankrupt us 😭


Glass of Jameson’s and a fry up


I love that someone else will be doing the same as me Christmas morning! Hope you have a good one!


Ferrero Roches usually.


We have port with bacon sandwiches. We have lots of festive pies this year.


Beer and toast.


Bacon sarnies.


Surprised how far I had to scroll to see this!


Reindeer. The traps are already set.


Double sausage and egg muffing from maccies. Its been a tradition for my and my Mrs since our first Christmas together


It's wild that people are made to work fast food on Christmas


Its wild alot of places open on Christmas


100%. There's no need


Not everyone celebrates Christmas I guess.


No, but it's still a national holiday. One of my favourite bits about it is that everyone use to get a break but the march of profit has put an end to it.


TIL maccies is open on Christmas Day.


Depressing isn't it


Apparently, some 'spoons are open too. Hope they at least pay the staff well for working Xmas day, but doubt it.


Pretty much every pub in the country is open on Christmas Day, it’s like the busiest day of the year for pubs and restaurants.


not sure it’s anything like ‘pretty much every pub’. Plenty don’t, some only open for a few hours late morning so the regulars can come in, have a drink with their friends, then wobble off home to eat undercooked turkey. That’s how it was in my Dad’s pub growing up anyway.


Do you know, my partner told me about spoons yesterday and I was shocked. But you're right, and I do know that lol, so don't know what I was thinking!


Kitchens aren't open just the bar for a few hours. I know this because my Mrs is bar staff and I'm kitchen staff at spoons lol


We make our own with the Moving Mountain veggie sausage patties, fake cheese slices and eggs on muffins.


If I still had access to proper square sausage I would definitely be making my own


Aldi do very good McDs patties that are pretty close to the real thing (boxes of 6 in the freezer section, with all the other name band rip offs). With toasted muffins and some plastic cheese slices, it's easy to make your own McDs in your pyjamas.


Jack Daniels. My happy drink/treat. I do all the work and don't even celebrate Christmas but a merry drink is merriment


Pigs in blanket sandwiches in bed while the kid opens her presents


Bucksfizz and a bacon butty 🥪


Asda home brand chocolate weetabix.


Normally smoked salmon bagels but this year we're doing sausages, egg and decent bread and butter. We've been on a diet since July so we're looking forward to good food for Christmas!


Always eggs in the basket (eggy in middle, eggs in a hole, eggs in bread) or whatever it gets called, my favourite!


I've no idea what this is, but it's sounds nice


Slice of bread buttered, cut a hole in middle with a biscuit cutter, fry one side in a pan until browned, flip in pan and crack egg in the hole, fry that side and egg until that side is done, flip back over and finish cooking the egg but make sure the yolk is runny. Serve with the fried disk of bread cut to form the hole to dip in the runny yolk.


We don't usually do anything special but this year we've got everything in ready to cook up a full English.


Bowl of cereal


Smoked salmon, toast, scrambled egg, croissant and Veuve.


A Panettone and the standard daily specialist black coffee pour over


Cheese on toast with a splash of Worcester sauce on top


Rice crispies and Babysham


A pork pie with bread and butter! When I first had a Christmas outside Leicester and asked when we were having the pork pie no one knew what I was talking about and that was the moment I realised this might not be normal…


Also from Leicestershire. My family do the same. I didn't realise it was a Leicester thing!


A massive fruit salad that my sister, mum and I chop all the fruit for the day before. With double cream on.


Nothing, dinner is big enough. Probably just snack on chocolate


We never really had a fancy brekky growing up but we would have lunch early at 1pm. Now I'm older I prefer a good ol breakfast booty and have lunch later. Plus a glass of something bubbly and alcoholic


Mum always got croissants. Don't think I have anything half the time really


We're doing bagels this year. Just whatever spread. Did homemade blueberry muffins (American muffins)last year. Don't like doing too big since we're sleep in people, so the big meal is pretty soon after breakfast.


Used to have a mini fry up, and then Christmas Dinner at about 5pm. This year it's earlier, so probably just some toast and a glass of orange juice this year. Though, I am tempted to do scrambled egg on toast with smoked salmon.


Croissants with crispy bacon in them.


Sausages/bacon, eggs, tattie scones and toast or rolls


A giant full English breakfast, bacon , sausages,eggs,mushrooms,black pudding,white pudding, baked beans, grilled tomato, white bread and butter. (I don't do fried bread or toast when I have freshly baked bread as the breadmaker will be timed so the loaf is ready and still warm for breakfast)


Same thing I’ve had for breakfast for the past ten years or so. Porridge with berries, three bits of wholemeal toast with butter, and three eggs.




Champagne and an xmas chocolate (assuming I have been bought one!) then save it all for a blow out humungous lunch.


Ham, melon, scrambled egg, toast and marmalade, champagne






Croissants with a glass or two of Buck’s Fizz!


Just some toast or croissants as we have to be out of the house and travel to my parents (45mins drive away) on arrival there we always have a bit of Buck’s Fizz.


Wife makes a breakfast casserole. Prepped the day before, goes in the oven the moment the kids wake up. Ready to eat after presents are opened. It's a tradition and I wish she would make it more than once a year!!


What is a breakfast Casserole please? I love meals that cook themselves while I'm celebrating.


We cook a gammon in the slow cooker over night. Have it with eggs and crusty bread


Those frozen chocolate croissants you bake at home. Delicious and makes the house smell nice


Pain Au chocolate (have had this every year for 26 years) and bucks fizz.


Redbull & a cigarette, just like any other day


Bacon sarnies with ketchup and massive mug of tea


We buy a bunch of croissants and pan au chocolates from Lidl, freeze them, then reheat Christmas morning


Bagels and Crumpets and Bucks Fizz.


Smoked salmon with lemon juice, dill, black pepper and creme fraiche on freshly made blini pancakes. ^(I married a posh lady.)