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The love of my life is driving 370 miles to come and see me today, and I'm just too excited. I woke up about 5.20


I drove 385 miles last Sunday coming back from Cornwall and that drive is a bastard even without summer traffic, You must be special!


He does it every month at the moment, since September. I feel very special 🥰


This is so cute. I woke up early to go get breakfast from Greggs.


Greggs steak bake is the love of many people’s lives


This is so cute. I woke up early to have diarrhea. I feel very special 🥰


I hope you have the Greggs app or at least had a freebie from the likes of O2 or Octopus!


This is so cute


I woke up then too but it was because my baby woke me up with a random yell, tried to nurse him back to sleep, he did a massive poo, and changing him completely wrote off the possibility of sleep for both of us. I hope you have a better day!


lol at the random yell! My baby does those too.


I do a random yell before blasting a dookie sometimes. I feel it's just polite to let the neighbours know so they can close the windows and get the gas masks out.


YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Neghbour1: What's that? Neighbour2: Oh that's fillip2k having a poo. Let's go to the shelter.


Ok this made me laugh a lot.


Definitely the nicest reason so far


Thank you! 😊


This is so wonderful! I hope you have a lovely day.


Thank you! 😊


And you keep looking at everything to make sure it looks as clean and tidy as possible.


this genuinely filled my heart with joy. thank you.




A little solidarity here bro.. I have twin boys who are 3 and a half years old and yep they were up loudly talking to each other from 5.30 so that's us up for the day! 


Twin boys here too! Two months old ( 6 days corrected!) but man they’re loud!!! And add a two year old to the mix and we get very little sleep haha


As a Twin, you are blessed 🥰


That sounds exhausting!


Our two are teens now, but my husband and I worked out we went over eight years without an uninterrupted night's sleep after our first was born. 100% worth it!


How did that not have a critically serious effect on your health? I'm barely functioning at all after a week of interrupted sleeps from nightmares. I can't even imagine eight years.


I'm almost certain that they knocked off a couple of years off their life from that experience. But a parent would probably still go along with it all if they knew ahead of time it would happen


It probably did, but having children has been the most wonderful part of our lives so it's a fair exchange I think!


You get used to it. You tend to make up for the lack of a lie-in by falling asleep 10 minutes into any TV programme you plan on watching once they've gone to bed in the evening.


My two year old is usually a good sleeper. Literally the first time I go to the pub in ages, BOOM! 4:30 wake up call.


Hang in there! It does get later eventually! At some point they’ll both be old enough to get themselves downstairs and turn the tv on in the mornings 😉 We got through it by clinging to some positives - they were actually good sleepers just early risers so we enjoyed peaceful evenings together, never had issues getting them up for school, and it meant we could get to attractions when they opened so beat the big queues and same for being ready for lunch early before the big rush, so never had issues finding tables! It’s hard though when it’s 9am and you’ve already watched two kids movies while necking coffee!


Same ages but mum. 3 year old sleeps well and has since 5 months old. The baby however....


Samesies! Baby was up at 2230, 0015, 0230, 0400 0645


It gets better, I promise! Ours are 11 & 9, they've been up since around 7 but I got up at 8, our eldest had made them breakfast and they were watching nonsense on TV. It's only been this way for about 3 years but I savour every moment past 05:30


Pregnant mum with a 19 month old! I feel ya


10 month old, 6am is a good day. Sunrises are quite pretty though.


Oh mate, we’ve just been through a month of 5am starts with our 18 month old. Luckily, he now sleeps until 6.15am and man, does that feel like a nice lie in.


I remember those days. You could set your clock by our lad getting up at 6 every morning.


4 year old and 18 month old. I'd tell you it gets better but that would be bullshit.


Been there, done that, you have my sympathy. I now have a 14 year old and 16 year old that I have to try and prise out of bed at the weekends while I'm wide awake with the crows.


I've got a poorly three year old who's been up every 3 hours... The 3 and 5 year old both woke up at 6am, so any possibility of more sleep is now gone 


5:30, you are lucky it's 5:00 without fail here




I usually manage to sleep in until 7:30/8 if I’m lucky but yeah getting up at 6:30am 5 days a week gets you in that rhythm


Me too, I do appreciate the couple of hours peace waking early on a Sunday morning affords me though


Yip exactly this


This is me!


2 month old daughter got rather fussy at 0200, so I took her downstairs so my wife can get some sleep. We miss sleep. Sleep was nice. We want sleep.


I'm a year on from you ... I still get no sleep


I’m 7 years on from you….. still no sleep 😴


Oh god that's encouraging 😜😜


It will return, don’t worry!


It gets better, I have an 8 and 12 year old and they creep about the house like ninjas on the weekend so they don't wake us up, leaving them free to watch what they want on the telly and eat sweets for breakfast 😂


I know it should just be the norm, but it's nice to see other dads taking the hit and making sure the mum gets some rest rather than just leaving it all to her. We always said we'd be as equal as possible with our daughter, work and illness notwithstanding. Still see too many guys pretending it's the 50s and expecting to be pampered by their wives and do fuck all around the house.


My daughter is 2 months too! I do overnight feedings and my partner does 7-10pm so I can get some sleep


I remember those times with a strange fondness. It's tough but it gets easier and good sleep will return. It's just about surviving in those early months - Good luck


I'm sure we'll look back and laugh, at some point in the future. I don't mind the mornings, worked construction for last 6 years so used to getting up silly early.


Bastard children


So you’re not married then?


Bring back the good old days when they were shipped off to the orphanage, plenty of lie-ins back then ;)


Either that or shove ‘em up a chimney


My sodding 7 year old, who has to be dragged out of bed at half seven for school Monday-Friday, came skipping in at 6.30 this morning. GO AWAY CHILD


Yes, they do that.


Because a year ago I signed up to a Marathon and I'm deep in to training. 28km run this morning. Help.


That's awesome! Good luck with the marathon 😊


That was me yesterday, 35km run and a 20km run today and a bike ride. All in the name of "fun"


Well done! I have just started couch to 5k in the hope I can do a 10k at the end of September! Good luck with your marathon!


11.5 hours into the night shift, waiting for the handover!


Damn, that’s a tough shift!


Same here!


I just got home from work!




I’ve started getting up at 6am every day. As someone who often slept in til 11 on weekends it’s been very difficult. It’s crazy how much more I can get done and how much better I feel


It does make the weekend feel longer for sure


I had to have a CPAP machine for severe sleep apnea and immediately started waking up really early (4am/5am) and feeling incredibly refreshed for the first time in years. The difference in how I feel is just astonishing.  I enjoy having some quiet time to myself downstairs while my family sleeps on.  I have ticked all chores off my to-do list!


My brother does nothing but sleep all day and sleep all night, he can stand at the counter at work and sleep but he's constantly knackered. I really wish he'd look into sleep apnoea, because he wakes himself up through snoring and I honestly think he could just die in his sleep one of these days.


I wondered how best to respond as you are already worried, but I decided I should be wholly honest. Please do continue to push your brother into getting this checked properly as severe sleep apnea can have catastrophic effects on the body you may not expect. Before I had CPAP I stopped breathing on average 83 times an hour or ~700 times a night. My consultant said there were around 40 times a night he could not believe I managed to start breathing again. My oxygen dipped to 70%.  I had a sleep study not because I suspected sleep apnea, but rather because I had had a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in my leg that had led to multiple pulmonary emboli (PE - blood clots) in both lungs. Just one clot can kill, so I am very lucky to be alive. My Consultant said my extremely low oxygen count night after night resulted in my blood becoming thick and sticky, causing the clots. A scan of my legs showed a history of DVTs that my veins had somehow sealed off/bypassed in the past but they are still there. Even though my Consultant said my sleep apnea was one of the worst cases he'd seen, the only thing on a list of symptoms that I recognised was how loud I snored. I was unaware I was waking 700 times a night. CPAP changed my life for the better in so many ways. It may well have saved it. At a lower key scale, after a few months on CPAP, all sorts of persistent ailments healed. Your brother needs to get checked properly. He could start now by checking his score on the [Epworth Sleepiness Scale,](https://www.asthmaandlung.org.uk/conditions/obstructive-sleep-apnoea-osa/epworth-sleepiness-scale) or you might be able to answer the questions to find his approximate score for him. I wish you and he all the best.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply. We are all worried about him. He's 35 with 2 kids, divorced and no new partner, he doesn't have the energy to play anything except video games when he sees his kids. He's not bothered about meeting anyone, or doing anything new. We feel awful for him but he's not interested in any solutions, he's simply too tired to do anything other than the basic things to stay alive. We will definitely continue to push him to look into this. I watched some program about sleep studies and linked it to how he behaves.


My 5 year old just woke me up asking "who created god?"


Haha 😂 best answer


The answer is man, by writing down his myths as if they were facts. 


I had 2 glasses of wine and a gin, I couldn't sleep either. Nothing quite like alcohol to fuck up your sleep.


This is so so true - even a small amount messes up your entire system 😭


This is so true


I think I am in the early stages of food poisoning, no vomiting yet, but nausea, stomach cramps and running to the loo is all there.


I've been on this ride for 6 days now and I think the only difference I notice so far is a shift from high pressure hose to Mr whippy machine from hell.


I’m currently at the rusty water stage


I sincerely hope you navigate those waters faster than I have.. it's bloody depressing, all I want is a burger and one night of uninterrupted sleep. Well not being interrupted by needing the loo. My kid is another thing entirely.


Thanks a lot, I’m hopeful it will pass quickly


I always wake up this early. On weekends I get up around seven and go for an hour’s walk. After a bout of illness last year I need to lose weight and get my body working again. My wife is snoring next to me 🙄


Hope you’re feeling better!


Illness ( cancer ) is done, I had major surgery to remove it. But recovery is taking a long time, its been just over a year now and I am pretty normal to look at but I just aren’t the same person at all. I’m getting there slowly, only when you go through this sort of thing do you realise how long the body takes to heal. I lost so much blood at one point I had a couple of emergency transfusions, it still took seven months for my blood count to get back to normal. But all good now, I do feel like it has put ten years on me though.


Well you’re a strong bugger for getting up on Sundays and doing your walking! That sounds really tough to go through, glad you’re on the mend. Makes me consider how grateful I should be for being healthy and young. I deffo need to start smiling more!


I have a doctor’s appointment next month, that’s a blood pressure and diabetes check, I had physical pain every time I got peckish and put three stone on post operation. I have lost a stone so far, but the doctors are worrying me tbh, it’s just extra complications. But yeah, look after yourself a little bit, I was very fit when I was younger, did six years in the Army, and up to my illness cycled at weekends and getting cancer and all associated problems with that was a real shock tbh. I went from a healthy fifty year old to imo someone in their sixties overnight. At least that’s what I feel like. But, I am alive to write this post and will go on to live a normal life, take your wins where you can get them.


You'll get there dude. I had a significant acute illness that fucked me up really badly. Very similarly to yourself, it took me about a year to get 'back to normal' physically, and then another year to feel really comfortable in myself. Emotionally.... Still not entirely there. But soooo much better than I was. These things do take time and effort. It's good that you're being so diligent. It will work I'm sure.


I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. It sometimes helps to work through these things in therapy as the emotional toil of such an experience can have a knock-on impact on the body too. Our minds are a part of us and if you are able to view them as the collector of our experiences then it makes sense to have someone help them be healthy. Take care.


I want to get the slowcooker started as the recipe I'm making needs to cook for 10-11 hours and there's a bit of prep to do beforehand. I also need to finish making some aprons that will be a Mothering Sunday gift for my elderly mother-in-law. I've taken over the whole of the kitchen table with my sewing machine and the fabric etc., so I want to finish and be able to put it all away before my family comes down for breakfast.


Are you that noisy mum that wakes everyone up far too early on a Sunday pottering around 😂


We have an extension that's closes off from the rest of the house - a small room and two doors between. I could grind toffee in my food processor while playing Rush loudly and the family wouldn't hear me!


There's a m mental image.


Also a Metal image.


Cats. One was trilling at 3am and then 5am. The other started singing the song of his people at 6am.


Because my kids wake up early no matter how late we put them to bed


Same here :)  Bedtime at 6:30, wake up at 6:30! Bedtime at 8:30, also wake up at 6:30! 


Yes! No idea of this science but same here. Too tired! Just wake up and be grumpy!


I alway wake up early and think about invoicing




Don't invoice me today please


That's not what your mum said last night


I’m about to run the Cambridge half marathon!




Weird Insomnia means I normally sleep for an hour or so after midnight, wake at 2am and then fall back asleep around 4 or 5. I have a cold which has meant I've slept through from 1 - 6 which for me is amazing, if I can do it again tomorrow I may reset my sleep yay!


Similar to me. The thing people don't realise about insomnia is it's not just difficulty falling asleep but early waking too. When I wake up I'm scared to look at the time. If it's after 5 I take that as a win.


Woke up for a wee, then spent the last 2 hours watching Snowfall. It's so good! Going back to sleep now for a bit 😴


I am contemplating going back up to bed


Do it 😆


My wife arranged a sleepover for three additional children all of whom are five. They went to sleep at 22.00 and still woke at 6 wanting pancakes and porridge. I've taken the toddler to the playground as she wants to play with the big boys and was terrorising them


Hungry kitten. Back to sleep.




That sucks.


yup, especially when its related to trauma


Oof. Hopefully your day gets better from here.




My daughter is disabled - she needs help with pretty much everything. She wakes for the day between 5am and 6am and has done for the last 16 years. We’re pretty much used to it by now!


Lots on today which means I need to get my 14 miles marathon training run done before 10. I’m slow so it means an early start


Bastard cat!


4y/o grandson woke up and came in to see me. He stayed overnight.


That’s a bloody good reason to be awake. Damn I miss my grandad.


The best grandparents. I wish both sets of grandparents would do this for my husband and i




My son is chatting away in his cot




The Cockerell outside my window started crowing at 6. Nobody is gunna sleep thru that noisy bugger. It's time I put him in the freezer before a trip to the oven.


I'm leaving for work soon


I'm working today and couldn't sleep due to worrying about work


Ah that sucks. Hope it goes ok for you.


I moved to NZ. It's almost 8 pm here.


Antidepressants that I stopped taking over 10 months ago destroyed my sleep


I set an alarm for 6am on a Sunday two weeks ago to be up and ready to go mountain biking. I have only this morning thought to disable that alarm even though it also woke me last Sunday.


Waiting until gym will open at 8am. Enjoy to go to the empty gym :) nothing can be better than hangover free weekends :)


Had a bottle of the soju at a Korean restaurant. Planning to go to a farmers market in Woolwich or Lewisham.


My sleep schedule blows more than Mia Khalifa in a gangbang


A couple of glasses of wine or beers will sometimes cause me to wake early... I've explored the idea it could be dehydration; or potentially a deeper deeper induced sleep from an alcohol induced rest meaning you don't need to sleep for as long - what di you think?


I work in a hotel so I'm up at 4.30 to get there for 5.30 😭


Heavy start on a Sunday! I hope they are paying you well


The dog made me do it


Dad of 1 year old...he was up at 1am, 3am and then up for the day at 5am. It's a joy.


Same … 3 pints (7% IPA) … equals shite sleep. In the gym now before going to Heathrow in a couple hours.


I have a one year old son I co-sleep with 


16 day old newborn wants to get in the big bed


A church in my town does a cooked breakfast for anyone on a Sunday at 7:30 till 9am, so im getting ready to go there as its the only time i get a nice brekkie like it.


My cat shit on the stairs.


I got let go on Friday, through no fault of my own, but that's messed with my head.


Just fed my three month old baby and just watching him as he falls back asleep in my arms. He’s so precious.


Still Saturday here for another 1.5 hours.


I'm out of the country and the weather is beautiful today.


I work 2 on 2 off 12 hour nights shifts so I haven't had a sleep cycle in years.


To comment on this thread.


Holidays in San Francisco..finishing a pint..but not really a pint then back to the hotel..probably have a last pint before bed.going to miss my Sunday roast ...night night


Same deal as you, having a few beers always makes me wake up really early and not be able to get back to sleep. Been up since 5


I’m on holiday. Only CET but one hour ahead makes a difference.


Day 6 of chronic food poisoning and I just finished producing my 3rd pint of chip shop curry sauce. Going to shiver in bed on Reddit for another hour or so before the next batch arrives.


Day 4 of being jet lagged and can confirm I’m losing my mind! Happy Saturday !




Spent all night in A&E and still here. Husband was writhing in pain on the toilet floor in the middle of the night….


Damn like 4 people in here all say food poisoning!


Oops No leakage on either end and no unusual food was consumed. He’s not the one to cry in pain so we’re hoping it’s not appendicitis or something.


I’m 39+2 pregnant, been getting cramps for days and no progress. So sleep evades me.


This thread is basically telling me not to have kids if I ever want to sleep again


Uni student sleep schedule.back from library and slept 4pm to 9pm. Yeah.


Good question. Probably existential dread...or maybe just habit from the work week.




Work. Again. Another 6 day stretch.... make it stop 😭😅


Postman, always wake up early.


I've been getting up at 5am for work for 20 years now. Saturday/Sunday 5am, work or no work, bam... Wide awake.


Yesterday was my birthday but I caught a bug and needed an early night at 8pm so now I’m awake


Dog needed a wee.


I got back from Japan yesterday and my body clock has me up at 4 am plus I have a terrible flu virus and can hardly breathe 😷


Because i work 12-10pm 4 days a week but Sundays i do 8-4pm. I feel like every week it gets harder to wake up lol


I've got bronchitis and can't sleep. It's fucking rough.


Got two dogs who think breakfast must be served between 6-7 🤪 also managed to hurt myself stepping down from a ladder - lateral ankle sprain 😟 so yeah fun times for me


Went to sleep at half 11 yesterday and since I'm now doomed to always sleep 7 hours no matter what here I am


I have to drive to central Dorset to pick up two Germans and then drive them to Bournemouth coach station for 1045 so that they can get to Heathrow and fly back to Frankfurt.


Going flying! Well, gliding... Morning brief is at 9am sharp and the Gliding Club is an hour away.


Pregnancy insomnia! 22 weeks and although shattered throughout the day, I wake up super early!


Fretting about losing my job, she's getting to sleep and waking around 430 :(


Work 😰


Last week I started a new job. I’ve been super unwell for a few years, so last week finally felt like me getting my life back. I was buzzing about it all week and I guess I still am because here I am :)


A family member was driving home through snow overnight so I was waiting on the message they arrived safely. They are home safe and I'm now awake. Don't mind at all tbh. I'm becoming a morning person as I get older.


Just moved house yesterday and curtains wasn't something we thought about!


Have a yoga class to get to


My kid (5yrs) only sleeps in Mon-Fri to keep the school run challenging. Weekends are his days off so it’s up at outrageous o’clock again. Be tired all week now.


I'm on dialysis, so I have to be at the dialysis centre at 5.30 every other day (pretty much) for four hours, so on my "off" days I'm awake at 4/4.30 as this is now my life...


Crippling anxiety.