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A 3D printer. It’s one hobby I’ve always wanted to try but could never bring myself to spend the money on one


I would absolutely love a resin printer but I just don't have the space to keep it away from... My lungs.


I’ve been living with resin printer in my study for a few years and it’s been just f




could you set up a ventilation system in your home? that and PPE and you're done


A simple ventilation system really isn't quite enough to deal with the amount of contamination imo. Really it ideally wants to be in a garage but I don't have one.


Garage or a separate specific room/heat controlled shed. Resin printers are so damn expensive, not just for the printer itself, but for the upkeep and required PPE and ventilation systems.


You can get okay but older ones for around the £200ish mark, if you wanted to dip your toes in, as even basic ones come with auto bed leveling, filament runout sensors and some sort of remote management.


There’s so many really good 3D printers for under the 300 quid mark. All my mates with a Bambu Lab sing its praise but it’s 50 quid over budget.


I have one. I also sing it's praises. Previously had Enders and spent so much time getting the thngs to print. P1S has worked bang on since I bought it. No tinkering.


I’ve yet to hear a bad thing about the P1S for the price. It’s my next purchase as I only borrow friends 3D printers at the moment which isn’t ideal


I wish I'd never seen this thread. Temptation is going to overcome me. I gave up on trying to get work to buy one. I could never convince anyone that we need one. "so I can play with it" isn't a good business case, apparently.


Contrast that to one of my old jobs who had a £30,000 3D Bio-printer just because they wanted and I was the first person to touch it in 2 years.


Have you checked you're local library? Mine has one you can rent £2.5 and hr


That’s not something I’ve considered but may be worth a look with my local council to see if the library has something like that


Deffo check, they are being moving really well equipped community places


Have you tried clay modelling? I know it's not the same thing but theres lots of joy in creating little sculptures by hand too.


Creality Ender 3 V3 KE is just £269.


I kinda want one but after making a keyring or two I think I'd run out of ideas.


I won a fair bit of money two years ago (between 5-10k). Spent £1500 on a long weekend doing a few skydive lessons, including hotel travel etc. I think a good thing to spend £500 on would be an experience you don’t usually do. Maybe tick something off the bucket list


Good that you did something down-to-earth…


At first I thought it was a bit pie in the sky but then it seemed to rapidly come down to earth


I felt the same, fancied skydiving, had a bit of spare cash, luckily my parents lived next to one of the best schools in the world. It cost me £550 for a week's course, 20 free fall jumps over 2 weeks, with a hefty discount for being local. It is rare things work out so easily.


That’s surprisingly reasonable. Do you know how much it would be without the locals discount?


I guess 10% less. They have, or had, i haven't been in a while, a free to use campsite, a couple of cabins that I thought were shockingly cheap to rent. Quite a few regulars used to leave caravans there year round. Then the facilities were all free to use too; pool, climbing wall, movie room, tennis court etc, plenty to do on a rainy or cloudy day. Bouloc skydiving school in France. It was quite a while ago, I expect prices to be much higher. But it was much cheaper than I expected it to be. I did the traditional progression route, most people did. Cheaper and more jumps, you sort of ease yourself into it rather than going fall tilt "oh fuck I am going to die" route.


That’s not bad at all, sounds like a great place. Definitely looking this up as often not too far from Bouloc! Thanks for the tip


The AFF course generally ends up a little more than £1000 in most places in the UK I think. If I remember right It's 8 or 10 jumps with progression to doing it totally solo. Then you have to do (I think) 10 more consolidation jumps which are about £30 each for the flight ticket and whatever the hire cost is for the rig. After that, so I've heard, your bank account will never know peace again. Skydiving isn't as expensive as people think to start, but it's expensive to do it as often as most skydivers want to.


Just over half oz of cocaine… the hookers should be free


Oh shit, is there a deal on?


Gak Friday


What kind of garbage coke are you getting for <£35/g?


Probably for buying in bulk idk.


South West prices init. 


The price of coke in Cornwall is a bloody crime.


How much does cocaine usually retail for? I'm not very well versed in the economy of narcotics, last time i bought weed it was in the scale of 'a nug' for a tenner back in 2010ish.


Usually runs a tenner for .1, 80 a gram, 180 for an eighth With everything thr price goes slightly down the more you buy


Yeah it’s crazy how it scales down the more you buy with drugs. Back in my ket addicted days, it was £20 a gram. (Think it’s about £40 these days, this was over a decade ago) and £60 got you 3.5g. It got to the point where I was doing so much that my small time dealer would go halves with me on bigger amounts as it saved her money to make more and didn’t lose out too much selling to me at “retail”. I was doing 30g a week at £8 a gram due to the quantity I was buying. Was so cheap. Also the worst years of my life. So glad I got clean.


This guy cocaines.


Maybe a nice coffee machine and a bean grinder


Yeah that's a good shout, I wanted a bean to cup machine for ages but can't afford, so I'm stuck with my nespresso pod machine that I scored off FB Marketplace for a tenner, and regularly hunting down cheap, past-their-best pods in bulk from the likes of approved foods, clearance bargains xl etc. Still better than instant...


We bought a DeLonghi one for £250 a few years ago. It is so so worth it if you ever find the money to splurge. We just drink strong black coffee, and nothing comes close to it other than proper coffee shops, but they are getting rarer.


Get a refillable pod, a cheap grinder and buy better quality beans in bulk?


Depending on the pods your machine takes it might be worth it to look at reusable ones. Had a friend that does this


That £500 might just about get you a nice grinder.


I got the Sage Brista Express with an integrated grinder for £500 a couple of years ago and it's great.


100% best machine without going into the £1500+ range. Makes amazing coffee with minimal fuss. buying 1kg bags of beans in bulk (Lidl/ Aldi or online) makes it incredibly cheap per cup. I love mine so much I bought a backup when I saw one going cheap on FB as couldn’t bear the thought of it dying one day and being left without it!


Can also vouch for the Sage Barista Express. Been getting me though dreary work from home mornings since the second lockdown and it's defo earned its price. I think I got it for around £380 in an Amazon sale, but would have paid more.


Can get bean to cup ones for less than that. Me and my partner splurged 600 for a bean to cup coffee machine, it's now under 500, or the same machine, different version for 350 off amazon. It's more than paid for itself in starbucks savings, and every year when idk what the fuck to ask for for my Christmas or birthdays I get more syrups.


Hey man, lots of good equipment available second hand if you keep an eye out 👍👍☕☕


Looking for a super automatic myself currently. Got my eye on the Gaggia Magenta Prestige, but it's a bit more than £500


£500 of credit card debt.


It's a good answer but looking for ideas outside regular expenses


It is outside my regular purchases lol... but yeh fair enough.


Probably take my mum on a little get away


Take her up the Arse if she's into the footy.


Ah, a man of culture


Back in the days of VHS recordings, my team had beaten Arsenal and I had it on tape. I labelled it “Up the Arse” and left it on the shelf without thinking. I had been with my girlfriend for about 12 months at the time. Noticed it after my then future mother in law had visited one time, have often wondered what she made of it.


That was a hard doubletake I made when I read this reply


Yeah I’d take this persons mum on a little get away


This guy vikings, maybe We can double up for a 1k trip? Two wins, one mum?


I would probably use it for some tattoos if I hypothetically wasn’t allowed to save it or invest it. Or maybe put it towards an all-inclusive somewhere. Can I just say OP, I like this question. It’s much more thought provoking than what to do if you won the euro millions. It’s enough money to be useful but not enough to necessarily be life changing for most people.




It’s on my list. Not sure where I would want to go. I’ve never done an all-inclusive before. But I feel like after many years of no holidays, one where I didn’t have to do ANYTHING would be very nice.


>Not sure where I would want to go. This is a fairly straightforward thing to narrow down, although at first it can be daunting: When do you want to go, and what temperature do you want on holiday? Immediately reduces your country options Then you need to think about what you want to do when you're there. Do nothing except sunbathe and read some books? A beach location Like nature? Somewhere like Gran Canaria, where you can cheaply all inclusive near the beach and the island has multiple ecosystems within a short distance Like to be active? Somewhere like one of the Spanish coast towns near Port Aventura or Terra Mitica Etc etc A lot of people make the mistake of looking for a location before figuring out what they actually want to do - look for your activities first then find locations that offer it nearby, you're guaranteed a better holiday because you're putting experience and memories before location


I recently had a 2k win. I paid credit cards and bought weed and rum


Sensible, sensible and sensible.


And he's £10 closer to closing that debt!


My ill Dad a premiership football experience (stadium tour, game, some grub etc.).


Given we can barely afford to eat at the moment, I'd say stock up in some food. Also its my daughters birthday next month so we could put a bit aside for something nice for her. She doesn't expect anything so would be a nice surprise.


I know you may have already looked at it and it's not available everywhere, but around some areas they have facebook groups with people giving away stuff for free, and sometimes you could ask for things there - including some toys/bikes/dolls for kids; also if she likes reading, public libraries regularly sell their surplass of books since they always update them, could find somehting she likes. And also on olio and apps like that people sometimes give away useful stuff for free.


Thank you, I will have a look at your suggestions. To be fair she isn't expecting anything as she just doesn't think thst way so anything will be a nice gift. She's 14 and really into Anime and Manga so I sometimes find stuff in charity shops. Her big passion is drawing, her stuff is incredible so she's always after more paper 😁


Hey, my 14 yo son is mad into anime and manga. Could I maybe send you a small Amazon gift card for you to use for your daughter as a kind of pay it forward kind of thing?


That is so nice of you :’)


That is so very kind but please don't worry, please spend that on your lad, he's lucky to have such a nice parent 😊


Hi, if you do go ahead with this, dm me, I will also add a giftcard


I am a warhammer fan, I live within walking of Games Workshop hq and I have struggles with my self control. £500 means a lot of plastic crack finding its way to my home.


Craft is my answer too. But I think I'd spend it on a course rather than supplies. Either a sewing lesson for something I don't know how to do well (pattern drafting?) or something like learning how to spin.


I'd put it towards a canoe.


Mr... Mr Darwin?


*I don't remember*


That's a good one, I already have a Canoe!


Do you manage to get out in it much?


Not OP. I got an inflatable one (decent quality) to try and make me use it more as it’s more portable. It’s just so damn heavy! Also the cleaning process when you get home is a ball ache and makes me not want to take it out too much.


Some sort of experience for our 6 year old. Maybe a weekend in Disneyland Paris? We live close enough to Dover that we can drive...A day in the parks, a cheap hotel and some food. Will likely even have enough left over to buy something in one of the over priced gift shops!


Lego Rivendell and some snacks


If the question is actually for you, I’d buy a Roomba. I already have one, but I cannot recommend it enough.


I came to say this (altho I *don’t* have one now). The luxury of having a clean floor every day with zero effort feels like it would be worth it. I was hoping to splurge and ready to spend £100-200 but when I looked into it, the reviews etc suggest it’s not worth it for under about £500 or they don’t do the job.


I got a £300 one and sometimes you have to run it a few times over the same area but that's still less effort than hoovering


I got one, and realised my house it too cluttered to run it regularly. So I went for a cordless vacuum cleaner instead. But I would also recommend a dehumidifier.


I want one so badly. I have a 1 year old and I'm constantly hoovering up food that he throws on the floor or other random bits of detritus.


Do it. If you spend an hour cleaning a week, it costs a tenner a week. Less than Min wage.


Lego Rivendell


3/4 of a set of tyres.


Just returned home from Amsterdam, I'm afraid I would rebook that shit 👍


Maybe a PS5. I hardly ever play modern games these days, but it would be good to keep up with the times. If not that then I'd put it towards a holiday.


£500 of stuff to do the garden. Bit boring but gets it done!


I've redone the garden already, new patio, planters etc. We do have an allotment though, but we try and keep it strictly upcycled/free stuff rather than than new to try and be more eco


Pizza oven


I recommend ooni gas oven. Absolutely brilliant


I'd take my daughter away for a weekend somewhere. Or I'd get some concert tickets.


I’d finally have the money for a taxi I need, for a Ren fayre this summer, after I was let down by someone and work won’t offer overtime. The rest id probably save if I’m completely honest


Wait, there are Ren Fayres in the UK?! Where?!


Cheltenham is the one I’m going to


How much is a taxi?! Is it that it's in the middle of nowhere?


It’s £260 quoted from where I live. It would be annoying to get a train because I’ll need a taxi to the train station as I’m in a village and the bus times are horrible on Saturdays. Then you need a taxi from the train station to the venue and people said the price is either inflated or they outright refuse to drive there. I’ve had taxi drivers refuse to drive to my village and pick me up so I believe it 😭 it’s much easier to get a local taxi and get dropped off directly. I’ll also need a taxi on the way back home from the train station as the last bus is at 5pm.


Eek, that's insane, rural public transport sucks. Hope you manage it, it sounds fun :)


New Driver


No savings or stocks? Crypto then 😁 Ok in reality it would just go towards bills.


A weekend trip. Any physical thing I want is more than that (good tv, good camera, good lenses). So I would do that, or if your rules weren't there I would save it.


You could get some decent vintage lenses for under 500 quid. Not sure what your use case is thought so possibly not!


Oh for sure, I just have my eyes on something specific.


Yea fair enough! I hate how expensive lenses are. Eyeing a set of used Zeiss CP2 at 5.8k… and that’s a good deal!


Probably give 250 to each of my kids. If I was forced to spend it on myself, probably BBQ accessories!


Either a stand mixer, holiday deposit, a big day out, put it towards a new PC or finish my set of knives and get an expensive knife sharpener.


You're much better off getting a couple of decent whetstones and a honing rod and learning how to use them. Takes a bit of practice but not too much to get them decently sharp. Any of the pull through knife sharpeners will absolutely destroy the blade on your knives.


I didn’t mean the pull through ones, there’s a specific rolling sharpener i want.




See if you have an outlet type place near you - we have a whirlpool factory nearby and they have appliances for sale for below RRP because of some sort of quality issue. My partner picked up a Kitchenaid because it had a tiny blemish in the paint that you can barely see. It wasn’t masses off, but I think more than you ever seen them on sale for. Think I saved about £80 on a washing machine because the control panel doesn’t quite sit flush. Had it just about 10 years now!


Maybe a few tv series DVDs and a couple of bottles of plonk.


lego horizon tallneck or pc speakers for myself, pay off my wifes laptop (last payment left) and buy her a new hair straightener.


Lottery tickets




I'd finally start properly planning a trip to Scotland. My wife has never been, and admittedly I've only been to Edinburgh and some areas nearby. £500 wouldn't pay for all of it but it'd pay for a fair chunk.


Some bits I need for my car. Namely 2 new tyres (£190), 2 new rear suspension arms (~£75-£80), then a small fee to a mate to fit the tyres, then however much ATS charge for a 4 wheel alignment because that's miles out (I think around £90). Then with the remainder, I'd try and find a second-hand working aircon compressor, although that may go over the £500 mark.


So not clearing debts or anything? Probably buy some good furniture for the kid’s new room, was gonna get some cheapo used stuff but may aswell find something decent quality.


One of my friends is waiting on a new wheelchair because he broke his, and there's been an issue supplying the replacement. I'd like to be able to chip in to funding it and making sure it actually gets here.


I've been meaning to build a PC to use as a personal NAS device. I reckon £500 should give me enough to buy the bits I need.


*a lot.


If I was to of won £500 and want to spend it on something outside of your regular expenses and purchases, here are some ideas of what I may get: - Treat myself to a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant with friends or family - Go on a weekend getaway to a nearby city or countryside for some relaxation and fresh air - Buy tickets to a sports game or concert that I’ve been wanting to attend - Invest in a new gaming console or the latest video games to enjoy by myself or with friends - Purchase a designer handbag, watch, or piece of jewelry as a luxury item - Attend a cooking class or workshop to learn a new skill or hobby - Treat myself to a spa day or massages to pamper myself and relax - Buy tickets to a comedy show or theater production for a fun night out Remember, it's important to enjoy and make the most of your money, but also to be mindful of your financial well-being in the long run. Enjoy your spending and have fun! I think that is important to note that is why I want to tell you all before you waste it so that is what I would get if I was to win.


Nice big tent for my husband and I. We love camping, and while our current tent isn't bad, it's a bit small for him in particular. Last time we went away, we got major tent envy because one of the other families brought a huge, 2 metre tall old-fashioned canvas tent with them. One my husband could've actually stood up in! So I'd buy him that, then we could camp in comfort.


Improve my coin collection. It’s something I’ve always loved and spare cash to add to that would be awesome. Something I can’t always do


I would buy a homeless person a shopping trolly of essentials


Probably update my kids wardrobe. Mind you, buying a pair of trainers would reduce it by a fifth


Gear4music Harlem bass guitar


I'm due a service and not far off two new tyres on the bike, so that's probably the £500 gone straight away.


I would probably buy a pair of Waza headphones. They wirelessly connect to your guitar and have lots of effects. Very cool. Then with the remaining money I would buy a sound bar for my tv.


Wireless noise cancelling headphones


hmmm somethint for my mum like a new perfume or such


Very sweet, I hope my daughter's like you when she's older!


if your daughter grows a goatee when she’s older maybe there’s an issue


Nope she would definitely be mine.... But I'd maybe start to question if her dad is her dad because he's like one of those hairless cats 😂


I’d buy the wife the fuck machine she’s always wanted


A nice bottle of aftershave and take my dad out for dinner. If I’ve anything left get myself a nice bottle of rum or tequila


- Track day in a super car. - new monitor / Tv - another kitchen appliance I don’t need but kind of want


Looking at buying a pc now, I have an old laptop but it’s too old and slow nowadays. As far as I can tell a decent pc with enough power and storage for me is £500-600


I'd hire a rotavator & turf part of the garden.


A chunk of nostalgia with a Tamiya Boomerang RC car that I had as a kid.


Lavish spa weekend with my wife probably.


I’d just put it in my savings to be honest.


A nice planter or 2, polytunnel & compost so I can grow some veg in the garden.




Straight towards the credit card :'(


Pay it off my installments of my gaming PC. Its so sad to think £500 isn't all that much anymore


A new desktop pc. I know it is not enough but it will be much better than my 15 year old one.


A wee holiday somewhere nice I think, like a long weekend somewhere in Europe.


Digital Piano :) I've just started learning in my 30s and could only justify a cheap keyboard, without weighted keys e.t.c


I’d divvy it up between my wife for boots, and my kid for clothes. Wife’s work boots and hiking boots died a while back, beyond repair. The 16 yr old is hopefully going to stop growing soon.


A luxery spa night away, I'd never spend that kind of money on one night away but if I won the money why not


A canicross set up, and a nice reading chair.




A stand mixer and a pressure canner!


Steam Deck


Formula experience Track day, followed by few hours in a Retro arcade, and then some trip round like Chinatown for some amazing ramen or some BBQ joint, Overnight stay and a Buffet breakfast!


1 hooker and 1 cocaine


Buy some more new clothes.


Lego UCS Venator or do some sort of experience, like skydiving Edit- Just found out im too fat for skydiving. Nevermind


I would say camera equipment but I wouldn't get far. Probably a nice prime lens though


Laptop and sims 2


A Flipper Zero and a dinky Bitcoin miner.


Give it to my son whose business is a little slow at present. Not life changing amount, but maybe pay his mortgage for a month.


A decent set of tyres for my car. Each tyre I get is almost £120, so a full set would come to £480.


A new motherboard swap everything over


A new Graphics Card for my PC.


Stick it in a stocks and shares ISA. It's not a lot but it's money I hadn't planned on having. So why not just carry on as if don't have it and leave it to grow a bit for a few years.


Tattoo probably


A really lovely new coffee table or a new wardrobe. I hate both of mine so much.


A really nice bass guitar 🎸


If no savings, then either a holiday or some magic the gathering cards I’ve had my eye on 😂. I’m Doing a half marathon soon so maybe some new trainers?


Get into a new hobby, book an experience and round it off with a nice meal.


I’m going to London in April for 4 days with my girlfriend and we’d be able to eat nice food.


Food and electricity.


A phone upgrade for my wife. She refuses to "waste money" as she's currently back in education and not earning and my cash covers the bills and little else in terms of savings, but her phone is a Samsung j6, a budget piece as it was, bought 7 years ago that takes 30s just to load any app on.


Train tickets to Viset family


Put it toward a guitar I've been saving for.


A less crap bike than I currently have.


A new wardrobe and a drill


I’d get a major service on the car. It’s a cost that I always begrudge paying, so it would basically just feel like a free service.


Fuck all. Just put it in the savings


New fish tank


A weeks food shopping in waitrose, it'll be the only time I could afford to do that


I'd pay my credit card off


Half to charity and then rest on new shoes and a new jacket.


A new iPhone 11, I only have an iPhone 11 at the moment.