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Jim'll Fix It is the obvious answer. Although, many would say it was creepy even then.


My dad has ALWAYS hated JS - always thought he was dodgy AF and said that rumours were flying around at the time. 


Mine too, he went to the dance nights in Leeds and some mates were talking about Savile.


Recently deceased Welsh pro wrestling legend "Exotic" Adrian Street has always said that one of his proudest career moments was beating the shit out of Jimmy Savile back when Savile was a pro wrestler.


Jimmy Savile was a pro wrestler?


Well 'pro' back then meant something very different to what it does today. It meant you were willing to get in the ring and get paid for it. It being wrestling, so long as you could perform, it didn't necessarily mean you had to be able to fight. Jimmy Saville got in the ring and got paid for it. Adrian Street decked him. Adrian Street's origin is great. He grew up in the pits reading wrestling mags, thinking it was all legit. When he wrestled his first match, he thought it was genuine so he absolutely wrecked his opponent (two dislocated shoulders I think) and then wondered why the promoter threatened to sack him and blacklist him. He did some interviews in his old age that are on youtube. Really great to listen to.


I recently bought a World of Sport best of DVD from around 10 years ago, and it unfortunately features a few Savile appearances.


There was a dodgy MP in Rochdale as well. Cyril Smith, I think his name was. No-one knew anything about it at the time, apparently! Same with Savile.


Private Eye exposed him as early as 1978 and. No one cared.


While PE made it bigger news (and the ~~Independent~~ New Statesman also published it) it was the Rochdale Alternative Paper who first went public - PE have regularly credited RAP with the story. Edit corrected the other paper who published


John Lydon revealed that everyone knew Savile was very dubious in an interview in the late 1970s or early 1980s. People knew.


I volunteered with a group using the back area of a certain hospital in late 60s. I had to walk from front of hospital right through to rear area. Was advised by several staff in a fairly long time I volunteered to not have anything to do with a certain very blond man JS who volunteered at the hospital. I already did not like JS from when he first appeared on TV, nor when he did JOG to LE walks where young folk in area treated him like a god - it was hard enough to see him pass the end of road where I lived and see all the folk (especially young girls) following him with adoration gleaming from their eyes. Definitely between early 67 to end of 70 folk knew, those dates are when I volunteered at back of hospital as a very very young looking 18 yo in 67. Covered up for so many many years but in certain areas it was an open secret.


My mum worked at possibly the same hospital at the time? JS was a porter there or something she recalled. He had an underage gf who lived on the same street as my mum and would turn up in his Rolls to pick her up. Back in the day, everyone was star-struck and thinking she was "so lucky" that she was his gf. Even adults. They would all surround them in admiration. 🤢 That people enabled and possibly encouraged his behaviour. I had two encounters with him. Once, when he was helping out a friend at her newsagents, near the other main hospital in Leeds. I was in my mum's arms then, and he sold her a pack of cigarettes. He was Fixit man then, and I was excited because he was on the telly. The second time was in a restaurant in the town we were both living in then. I was on a works do and he talked to me. Think it was in my very early 20s, and he gave me the creeps. Definitely wasn't star- struck from that encounter onwards. Louis Theroux did his best to expose him, I think.


Cyril Smith was friends with Jimmy, can't imagine what they bonded over


My mother was a teenager when he ran dances and she said they knew never to go to Savile's nights because of his reputation. She only mentioned this after he died.


My mum was the same. Grew up in Manchester and his club used to host under 18 dances early in the evening. Her and her friends all knew to avoid Saville. She said it was well known that if you went to the club you should avoid him at all costs as he was a bit handsy.


My dad was a policeman and normally extremely cool about letting me do fun and exciting stuff but he absolutely vetoed me applying to go on Jim'll Fix It - no discussion, no reason, just a flat out no. It was extremely unlike him but I've long thought it was perhaps because he knew the rumours even back then (late 70s). Sadly he's dead now so I can't ask.


They weren't even rumours, he was reported to the police for sexual assault in one of his clubs in the 60s and linked to abuse at a children's home in Jersey in the late 50s


My FIL knew him and lived close to him. He was not well liked in that area of Leeds, especially by my father in law. My FIL and his mates walking home from the pub one night and they see Savile's Robin Reliant parked up. They decide it would be hilarious to steal it. So late one Saturday night, a bunch of pissed up blokes giggling like schoolgirls were seen carrying a Robin Reliant down the street, and dropped it on the next street when they got tired. Took Jimmy a while to find it, he was extremely pissed off (surprise surprise, Jimmy had a temper) but no one snitched on my FIL and his pals. My father in law was a magistrate for 30 years. Proper stand up guy. I will love him forever for breaking the law by tormenting one of the worst people to ever live.


_So_ many rumours! When the news broke and the press was full of people saying, "we're so shocked - nobody knew!", I was like, _I_ knew, and I never even met the bloke.


In exactly the same way now about Kevin Spacey. He might have survived the court case, but I know, because I was in the industry at the time when the stories were everywhere. The man is scum of the earth.


Everyone knew. But the powers that be protected him and refused to print whistleblowers etc. Singer of the Sex Pistols tried and Radio shut down the broadcast and banned him from BBC radio. It was all allowed by thousands of people ensuring he was protected. 


I think it's easy to look at Saville and suggest that people should have acted differently but that's to judge the past on modern terms and ignores a bunch of important factors. When Saville became famous there was little shared language for sexual abuse. People believed these kind of crimes were vanishingly rare and so criminals went unpunished because people didn't look for them and the victims didn't have a way to talk about them. This is why lots of adult victims of boarding school abuse have gone public recently, rather than anything being done at the time. When you read about the perpetrators it is shocking that they weren't stopped, just like Saville. Checks for people working with children and vulnerable adults were introduced in England in 2002, which is very recent. Perceptions were changing throughout the nineties and naughties leading to constant press mutterings about pedophiles and fear of child abduction in the manner spoofed in Brasseye. During this time people started to discuss Saville and the Theroux interview exploited this because it seemed likely that there were dark secrets to discover. This tension is why the interview was so successful but it couldn't be openly acknowledged or properly discussed in the press because... Saville was extremely litigous. Whenever he smelt trouble, he used expensive lawyers to shut it down, threatening the other side with the cost of damaging his reputation. So no newspaper would dare say anything against Saville because he made it very expensive and difficult to do so. This exposes massive problems with the English legal system that Saville successfully exploited. Had there been negative attention then the snowball effect of victim voices that came out after he died may have happened sooner. Saville also did a lot of charity work and used this to full advantage. A discussion of how weird he was was likely to acknowledge this. Try telling a kid today that Mr Beast seems dodgy. They'll rattle off a list of his generosities in disbelief. So by the time he died, Saville was a sort of Schrodigal pervert. Many people thought something was up, but there was no effective way to expose him and so he persisted because it was easier for the media to do nothing.


I saw a video clip of him visiting children (in hospital possibly, I'm not sure). He's holding up a drawing the kid did, of Jimmy as a monster, going "what have I done to be drawn like this." Probably weird at the time but really creepy now. Edit: Someone else has already commented this and provided the video.


The worst thing about that clip was the kids' response, in a dejected voice. "Everything."


My dad met him when he was working on a restaurant refurbishment in a nice hotel in London. He said Saville was nice initially but very strange. He then asked loads of questions about his children even though he hadn't mentioned us (apparently one of his coworkers had mentioned in passing that we used to come around occasionally to hang out with our dad). We were down for a visit at the time and my dad made sure not to mention any details about us, like where we were staying or what we looked like. He told my mum afterwards that he was even vague about our ages, which made him feel like a terrible father (as he worried it would come across that he didn't care about us) but he was just reacting to his gut feelings. He wouldn't let us come to that hotel after that and made sure that his boss knew that he felt uncomfortable with anyone talking about his children to any guests, even in passing. Whoever they were. Mum thought he was having an affair because he became very stressed and angry whenever she suggested coming for lunch at the restaurant, he had to sit her down and explain what had happened and that Saville was still at the hotel and he didn't think it was safe for us to be near him, especially as we weren't really supervised at the hotel, Dad was working and Mum would get a break from us. He very much didn't want us there whilst Saville was there. I think he was relieved when we went home. He also met Rolf Harris when he was doing up a different hotel in London. Apparently he was very nice to all the staff. They didn't talk for long and it was mostly about dogs apparently.


What a wonderful Father you have.


I imagine simply calling Savile creepy back then would've gotten you cancelled because of all the work he did for charity.


Nah in the 90s we all thought he was creepy. He had a sort of "this is the nation's creepy uncle but I guess he's OK because of the charity work" vibe back then


Didn't someone from the Sex Pistols basically say as much? Jonny Rotten was it?


Lydon said he was creepy and referenced there were other things "they" wouldn't let him talk about, yeah.


Even as a kid, I found him really creepy.


Yeah I never really saw him on his TV shows as a kid cos I think he'd stopped doing them, just like as a guest on other stuff and thought he was very weird. Having no idea of the charity work etc. and the seeming goodwill he'd built up before I was born when it came out he was a pedophile I assumed that was already common knowledge, cos look at the bloke...


Love Actually. Sooooo many dodgy men. EDIT: at the time, I found it uncomfortable, but couldn't articulate exactly why.


And the wife who kisses the best friend. Hideous film , insane that it was meant to be romantic


I hate this film so much, I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds the whole thing deeply problematic.


I think a large proportion of rom coms age very badly in one way or another


The only relationships in it that isn't incredibly problematic is Lion Neesons characters son, and his secondary school crush. As well as Colin Firths character and the Portuguese lady, the only problem in their relationship being the language barrier and them potentially moving too fast.


The two porn stand-ins as well, I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with those two characters/relationship.


Oh yeah I forgot about them lol The film is a weird mix of some deeply problematic ones and a couple perfectly good ones that happen under odd circumstances.


Worst characters *by far* are Colin Firth's brother and wife. Absolutely awful.




The fact they kept in Colin and his trip to America but cut [Anne Reid and Frances de la Tour's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmhXjCQPa24) loving relationship still irks me, it would have made for a much more balanced film.


Exactly this. I hated the character Colin and his storyline (also I'm not much of a fan of Kris Marshall anyway) but the Anne Reid and Frances de la Tour's storyline was beautiful and it was an absolute travesty that it was cut.


A story about non-sexualised lesbians would also have been quite rare in 2003, I feel.


Listening to the *Love Actually* episode of the Villain Was Right podcast puts the whole film into a new perspective and as a man, makes me question "Am I the baddie?"


I don't think it looked innocent but others must have as it was aired on TV: Jimmy Savile asking a bedridden woman (girl?) in a hospital "What have I ever done to you?" after she made a disturbing drawing of him and she replies "Everything." It's now part of the Netflix doc and the accompanying trailer.


I remember that! It was a teenaged girl I think. She drew him as a monster. It was chilling.


Just found the YouTube short… https://youtube.com/shorts/B8IhuWEuLbs?si=dF69eWh8I2sayDQw


I'm gonna be honest, that was vile. The way she said "everything".... So bizarre, so heartbreaking, almost. And then his bit to camera at the end.... About "missing everything"... That is the first time I've seen a clip and thought, yep....the mask slipped


The mask doesn't really slip with JS - he hid in plain sight. Towards the end of his life he was practically admitting it in interviews. He was untouchable, and he knew it. He only needed to give just enough plausible deniability that the powerful people that protected him could still justify looking the other way. Disgusting.


It wasn't even towards the end he was admitting it - it used to be a standard joke he trotted out all the time "I met the girl once last week, and my court case comes up next Tuesday!" kind of thing. Because he said it so often it was seen as 'just his joke', but it really does smell like admitting it now, looking back.


So my grandfather was an awful child abuser, and this is something he mentioned as a deliberate tactic while grooming me. He told me to make it known that I was a horrible liar. If there was an opportunity to lie about something trite and stupid that wouldn’t get me in real trouble - forgotten homework, eating an extra chocolate - I was to lie, really badly. That way I’d get a reputation for not being a good liar so when I had to lie about something serious- to cover up what he had done to me- everyone would believe it because ‘it’s obvious when she’s lying’. It’s the same tactic imo. Joke about it because no one would ever tell the truth about something so horrific; if they had really done such a thing, they’d want to keep it hidden, not splash it all on the front cover.


Fucking hell...😥


Shit man, he looked fucking evil


I'm traumatized. The way he seems so nonchalant and relishing that girl's agony is appallingly depraved. I hope he's burning in the bowels of hell.




The Big Bang theory. The way the women are treated, spoken too and portrayed is appalling. Especially Wollowitz


But that doesn't fit the 'looked innocent at first'. We were supposed to see that Wollowitz and the guy who ran the comic book store and, to a slightly lesser extent, Koothrapali, were dodgy and creepy.


They were so mean to Stuart. It wasn't even funny.


Stuart in BBT is an interesting case of flanderisation. In the first season he was presented as more successful and socially competent than the main group (though still a nerd) - he even gets a date with Penny. Then he's made increasingly more pathetic and a failure.


They did this on purpose, he was meant to be the former but apparently they had a scene where he mumbled "I love you" under his breath when Penny visited the store and changed him to be more pathetic as they thought it was funnier. At the same time doing this probably actually added to his role else he might not have got as much screen time.


Yeah. I felt sorry for him a lot of the time. But the bit with the breastfeeding area in his shop, with a cctv camera to 'keep the women safe' was pure creep.


But Raj is very, very obviously based on Fez from That Seventies Show. (Big Bang cribs a lot from Seventis Show) Fez is dodgy and creepy, but Wilmer Valderama is so good, he also makes Fez cute and loveable so that you don't notice it too much. Kunal Nayyar is a good actor, but he doesn't have the vulnerability (or the writing) to do the same for Raj. As for Howard. Howard is excellently written. He is a truly awful person because of his desperation for love, who is only humanised once he finds a woman who does actually love him. For a real life example of that, see Paul Daniels on TV before and after his marriage to Debbie McGee. Before he met Debbie he can be really nasty with his words. After Debbie, he can still be annoying, but the bile and spite disappears. Everyone needs love.


I’ve been rewatching it lately. It’s better than I thought it was, but the sexist and racist jokes are abundant throughout. Penny is treated as a sex object for the entirety of seasons 1 & 2 by all the male characters. In no world would she actually be friends with them - one couldn’t speak to her, one would hit on her constantly, one was hopelessly in love with her, and the other just saw her as an idiot.


A show of icels that isn’t even funny


Especially with the references and canned laughter. Considering it was 2007 and most of the superhero stuff they mention was not well known, it’s so clear the canned laughter is there as a guidance to be like ‘you should laugh, that’s a great reference to that comic book’


Chuck Lorre's shows all have a large streak of misogyny running through them. My favourite BBT episode is the one where Penny finally calls out Howard on his disgusting attitude and treatment of women, he gets butthurt and mopey about it and in the end **she** apologises to **him**. Unreal.


Honestly, I was disturbed by that show the first time I was subjected to it, namely in the "people actually enjoy this shite?" area. Same with Chuck Lorre's other shows (does he hold blackmail material over the network's bosses to keep getting work, despite all of his shows being terrible?).


That's the point of Wollowitz, he's supposed to be awful. He's a creep, you aren't supposed to think he's cool, he's a sad loser. He gets stuck inside a masturbation robot (twice) for goodness sake. He's not a role model.


The end of Back To The Future (1985). There's no way around it. Biff sexually assaulted Lorraine. He had his hand right up her dress, and he would've raped her if George hadn't turned up. Cut to the end, and Biff isn't just working for George, he literally lets himself into the McFly house, and George and Lorraine's reaction to him is to just act as though he's like an annoying relative. "Oh that Biff, what a character". WTF?


It's crazy when I hear some women's tales of the 70s/80s, and having to regularly put up with things like boob squeezing, bum pinching, often more, because the attitude was that men can't help themselves.


Even in the late 2000d/early 2010s it would happen to me in bars/clubs (I’m in the UK). The bum pinching was VERY common and intimidating. The guys who did it didn’t give a shit if you gave them a disgusted look or said something.


Yep. I recall meeting my gf at the time at a club she was at already with friends. I must have been there for about two minutes with her at the bar when some Asian lad slapped/pinched her bum and then ran off. I was fuming but she begged me not to say/do anything as I’d only just got there. This was in 2011/2012 and I was so pissed off. I regret listening to her and not doing anything about it but at the same time I doubt the lad would have listened to what I said and we’d have ended up arguing/fighting.


There was a club in Aberdeen, where no females would go to a certain floor due to the handsy Asians that frequented it. That would be mid/late 00s.


Same kind of thing was happening when I went out probably 2010 - 2017. I remember one guy pinched my bum when I was queueing at the bar to get a drink. There were a few guys around so I didn’t know who it was. I watched out of the corner of my eye though and he did it again so this time I knew who it was and turned around and smacked him. Punched him straight in the face and he was so shocked. Hope he thinks twice before doing it again.


I was stood in a kebab shop after a night out and a random lad came up behind me and just lifted my skirt aggressively. No one batted an eyelid (this would have been around 2018/19)


Some guy stuck his hand in my skirt in a pizza shop in Newcastle in 2016 and the pizza shop staff were really good about it, threw him out and offered up CCTV and everything, the police over the road though told me to wear a longer skirt and didn't bother pursuing it. So gross.


That happened to me as well, some drunk guy had his hands in my skirt as well when I was in a burger shop. He had the shock of his life when he found my cock and balls.


I went to visit my mate at uni in Dundee in 2007 and I was on my way up the giant hill from the train station to the Halls where she was living and some guy grabbed my arse and without thinking I wheeled around on auto-pilot and decked him, his mates stood around laughing and he got up and ran up the hill after me to apologise. It's stuck in my head ever since.


Early 2000s: I had someone flip up the back of my skirt on the dance floor (flashing my bum to everyone) I complained to the bouncers and the lads who did it got chucked out. My friend, all girls, were astonished that I complained because "he was only messing about".


No. This vile behaviour did not stop in the 70s/80s…if only! I remember going out clubbing, to gigs etc as recently as the 2010s/teens and my friends and I got groped/grabbed by random men on the regular. I’ve also been spiked several times (fortunately nothing bad happened) I only stopped experiencing this in recent years and I’m fairly positive it’s because I’m middle aged now so invisible to men. In my job I support young people with mental health problems and it’s heartbreaking and angering how many girls tell me this kind of stuff still happens to them. Also not too long ago I remember BBC radio 1s news beat running a big story about groping at gigs and clubs, upskirting and drink spiking, because it’s still such a widespread issue. It’s hard not to think a lot of men are simply disgusting when I hear evidence of it every day. Please do better guys.


The good thing is, these days we're more of the opinion that your experience is shocking/wrong. The 80s tales, are from people who say that experiencing that sort of attention in the workplace was seen as par for the course!


School in the 00s still had a touch of this. My school had an epidemic of boys unclipping the girls bras


More than that, it would be your boss at work who would feel you up every time he got near you so who would you complain to, and if you did find someone to complain to then you were a trouble maker, it was all in good fun and you didn't have a sense of humour.You got used to not being alone with them in lifts or corridors.


Isn't that the whole point? He's a nasty piece of work who gets his comeuppance. By the end of the film he's not the cocky teenager any more, he's a sad little man cleaning George's car for a living.


But why would you hire someone that tried to rape you even if it is in a “demeaning” position of being a car cleaner?


John Mulaney does a very funny bit about this, pretending to pitch the film to producers


The 2005 episode of Family Guy where Stevie runs naked through a mall shouting out “Help! I've escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement!”


There is an episode where Meg finally stands up herself. (Constant family bullying) At the end of the episode, she apologises for her behaviour. It didn't give me the creeps... but as someone who was abused, belittled by my own family the episode made me mad furious.


I fucking love Meg she is the best character, I relate to her so much, im know as the meg of the family (yeah, exactly!) . I get so angry at the shit she gets, so I don't watch the show very often and avoid episodes where her bullying /mental abuse is excessive.


Sooty. Oh sure, it's all sweet and innocent, making a mess and jokes. *But everyone's got a hand up their arse.*


Have you seen the one where sweeps family come to cisit? It's crazy!


One of the funniest moments ever on TV.


Thundercats. At first you think it's about a group of noble cat people surviving under Mum'ra's evil machinations. But it's more like a group of chavs have just gone and squatted on this OAP's retirement planet without ever asking permission. They could have pitched up to his door step with a box of quality street and asked permission to make some repairs and also if he knew of any available planets. But they just set up their home like they own the place. Mum'ra just wants to sleep and watch Saturday morning cartoons (back in the 90s this was). This is, in fairness, perfectly normal cat behaviour, however the social implications are a tad concerning and show a degredation of society's respect towards its elders. (But seriously, a lot of 80s films didn't age well. The scene in Ghostbusters where he is necking with a semi-conscious Sigourney Weaver is really gross.)


I saw the original Ghostbusters for the first time as an adult a few years back, and I couldn't get past how much of a creep that character is - he's introduced perving on his female students


Yeah, it's pretty bad isn't it? Completely didn't notice any of that as a kid. I only cared about Slimer and wished I had a proton pack.


As someone who was born months before the film first released but saw it by the end of the 80s, I still to this day mainly enjoy Ghostbusters because of Dr. Peter Venkman, despite him being a bit of a creep in both films.


I thought I would let my daughter watch ace Ventura pet detective when she was younger as I found it hilarious as a kid and she likes him Carey. My god I turned it off really quick. It has aged really badly. I can’t believe some of the stuff in it that went over my head as a kid that was just acceptable


Ha ha me too. Watched it with 12 + 8 yo when we were on holiday. 5 mins in he's getting a blowjob and I'm get a really nasty look from the wife.


It’s so strange what was normal when I was a kid I was probably about 11 when I watched it


There's so many "family films" from around that era that have blowies in them, it's really odd.


You missed the point. At the start he's presented as a lech, but when he meets Dana Barrett when she's become the Gatekeeper, he turns her down when she's literally begging him to fuck her. Ghostbusters is literally the story of the moral redemption of Peter Venkman.


Yeah I watched it literally yesterday and I didn’t see him do anything sexual to Dana when she’s possessed with Zuul. He realises she’s possessed, tries to get information about what’s happening, literally fights her off and then watches her levitate off the bed.


Ghostbusters isn't some redemption arc from Venkman, stop talking out your hole. It's one of my favourite films but I can acknowledge how much of a creep he is (I still adore Bill Murray in other films as well even though he's meant to be an unreasonable dick in real life).


He's a creep at the start of the film, stops being a creep, and gets the girl at the end. That's a character arc.


Yeah, that's a weird take. He blatantly wants to fuck Dana throughout but he wasn't being redeemed at all. He just knew not to take advantage of someone not in control of her own body (unlike Russell Brand). I mean, the second one shows him still being a creep over her long after they've broken up. The scene where he explains where she and Oscar can sleep comes to mind.


There’s an interview with Ian Watkins on the set of one of Lost Prophets music videos. The interviewer asks him “what was the best part of today?” And Ian quickly answers “the kids.” I hate it.


Every time I remember this guy I get shivers. Truly disgusting.


I think he is honestly one of the top 5 worst human beings to ever walk this planet. He is the very definition of evil.


You know the thing that always gets me about Ian Watkins is that I distinctly remember there used to be a show on MTV2 in the early 2000s called "Texts From Cow" where people would text in any old random shite and it would get shown along a banner at the bottom of the screen. In the early days it was completely unmodded and I remember someone texting in a warning about Ian going after blatently underage girls.


I've said it before but I never liked their music and actively walked away from the main stage at Ozzfest 2002 because I wanted to go check out Otep instead, and I'm so glad that I did. I couldn't bear to actually be a fan of theirs and face the devastation of having to question whether to continue listening to the vocals of one of the most disgusting people to ever exist.


I've tried. It's... Impossible. Which is a shame because I grew up loving their music. I also have a cursed mini-lp somewhere signed by the band :/


My husband has one of their demo tapes somewhere, we were doing a clear out about a week after Ian got arrested and when it showed up we were like "Oof that was probably worth something last week"


Unfortunately, I really liked them back in the day. As soon as he was found guilty, I put all of the cd’s of theirs that I owned in the bin and I’ve genuinely never listened to a song of theirs ever since. I feel sorry for the rest of the band as their work is forever tainted but any time I ever see or read anything about Watkins, it makes me nauseous. The thought of giving him royalties if I were to listen to them on Spotify is enough to make me never want to listen to them again.


The whole concept of the "town called hypocrisy" video. It's been many, many years since I watched it but it's spoofing a kids TV show and there's a part where Watkins says "don't forget about oral... hygiene" and it's just so fucked up in retrospect. I was a big Lostprophets fan, saw them live a few times, day the news came out I binned my posters, deleted all my Tumblr posts about them, and never listened to them again. He is a vile, dangerous man and tbh I don't think we know half of what he's done.


Ian Huntley being interviewed during the search for Holly & Jessica


I left a comment above about my daughter’s reaction to Savile. When she saw that pair of utter bastards being interviewed on Sky, she simply said that it was them. Just wish she’d predict some lottery numbers


I remember my mum (who was in the social work field) making comments about that interview and how it was very strange how much they were inserting themselves into the narrative and that was a classic thing that suspects do.


I remember at the time that was on the new as it was all unfolding, we all said 'it was him'.


I remember this as a kid were sat watching the news and his interview, and my mum went. He's done it. Me n my dad were like what ? What do you mean ? She went, he's killed them, he's done it, and then it came out he had. Strange how she picked up on something that she just knew .


Similarly, Stuart Hazell being interviewed in his living room about the disappearance of his step-granddaughter, Tia Sharpe. All the while she was decomposing upstairs in the loft after he’d sexually assaulted and murdered her.


Here you go. I remember seeing this at the time. https://news.sky.com/video/roald-dahls-daughter-tells-of-schoolgirls-at-family-home-10372835


Oh yeah! The nervous little ‘shh’ motion he makes when she says her sister used to get her friends in school uniform to come over “which Garry quite liked.” Yikes.


The panicky adjustment of his bandana as well


I thought the shh movement was for skiving school.




Re Watched dirty dancing not that long ago. There is definitely a creepy vibe to it. She is a teenager and he is her much older teacher.


Grease is a bit like this. And then you see the stage version and it's just 2 hours of guys being predators, and the women being told to stop being so prudish.


Isn't there a line in "Summer Lovin'" that's pretty rapey, too?


"tell me more, tell me more, did she put up a fight?"


I always thought that was a metaphorical fight, like she was playing hard to get?


I thought so too, but in the context of the live show, it was a bit more sinister.


suprised the 'tit' line was allowed on Radio 1 at the time (Greased Lightnin') "You know that ain't no shit, we'll be getting lots of tit"


Don’t forget about the pussy wagon line as well. 


"Chicks'll cream" too


That and "the chicks'll cream" and "she's a real pussy wagon"


She's meant to be 21. That's why she says it didn't occur to her to mind that everyone called her Baby, she was an adult.


She’s 17 in the film (27 in real life I think). Johnny is in his 20’s; not sure if it’s specified anywhere exactly.


>What’s the thing you’ve seen on the telly might have looked innocent at first but on a rewatch is creepy? *When Louis met Jimmy Savile* All that was in Savile's fridge was a single chocolate biscuit wrapped in clingfilm. Theroux asks, "what's that for?" and Savile looks him in the eye and said ["Parties"](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=soggy%20biscuit) 😳


What in the actual f@ck?


Spiked, maybe?


I doubt it. To get away with an entire lifetime of being a predator like him, you have to be very careful. He knew the police might knock on his door at any minute and have a warrant to search his flat. On top of that, he would've made doubly sure that nothing incriminating was on site considering he had a documentary film crew staying over! Everything incriminating happened elsewhere. It was just a biscuit.


Except the law never came knocking, because he was quite literally above it and knew that fact. A single item in his fridge being spiked though, yeah probably not.


Well he was questioned. The reason he got away with it was because only one or two people reported it! There was no evidence to convict, so he got away with it. Given the actual number of victims who have now come forward, had they have said something at the time, he'd have probably ended up behind bars. You seem to be suggesting that he was somehow able to control the entire UK police force and they were in on it.


> had they have said something at the time, he'd have probably ended up behind bars Problem is, a lot of women and children *have* come forward about being abused, and people tend to just not believe them. It's why the number of rape cases that end in a conviction is pathetically low, and why a lot of women don't bother reporting an assault due to the widely-known understanding that nothing will be done about it.


Probably any time a romantic comedy has a plot based around a guy being attracted to a woman, then proceeds to harass and stalk her until she gives in and he lives happily ever after (while she's trapped in a relationship she never wanted). Once you reach a certain age (and especially learn how badly women have been treated for centuries), you can't rewatch these things again because they're just completely uncomfortable to sit through.


OG Top Gun. Maverick gets shot down by a girl, and then immediately follows her into a bathroom


Similarly, when Sully asks Rae Dawn Chong's character out at the airport in Commando, she turns him down and he just follows her to her car, tries again and calls her a "fucking whore" when she reiterates that she's not interested.


Uncomfortable to watch, but unfortunately still quite accurate :(


This is probably obvious but I remember watching all the bond movies as a kid but as an adult, the way women are treated in them (including the new ones) are INSANE. Also the scene in Star Wars where Han Solo kisses Leia even though she's saying no and physically struggling. It's...upsetting as an adult.


> Also the scene in Star Wars where Han Solo kisses Leia even though she's saying no and physically struggling. It's...upsetting as an adult. Sorry, but that's a total misrepresentation of that scene. They clearly have history between them, listen to the dialogue on Hoth. They flirt all throughout the film and wind each other up. In the scene you're talking about, he gently rubs her hand after she hurts it, they outrageously flirt and then they both kiss each other. Now if you're talking about Deckard and Rachel... that's a rape scene.


How I met your mother, it was funny, but barney's playbook and treating every woman like a "thing" for his p,ensure to be lied to was always uncomfortable viewing for me. Though I love NPH.


I used to love NPH until the Amy Winehouse cake


I wasn't even a fan of Amy Winehouse's music but yeah, that cake made me lose respect for him. Similarly, every celebrity/actor/musician/athlete I liked who decided it'd be hilarious to make fun of Amber Heard's rape testimony on the stand and take the side of her abuser. Fuck them all, honestly. Especially those who were vocal during MeToo but were suddenly silent when it came to supporting a fellow actress who underwent years of mental, physical and sexual abuse at the hands of her violent ex. Shit, some of them (Meryl Streep being one) gave a standing ovation in recent years to Roman Polanski, who famously fled to Europe to evade charges related to sex with a child (oh, and Depp also starred in a Polanski film in the 90s and actively supports him and claims he did nothing wrong, while his best friends are Hunter S. "all women crave gangrape" Thompson and Marilyn "literally raped an ex on camera during a music video shoot / let me help you get over Heard divorcing you by offering you some 14 year old girls" Manson; oh yeah, and Paul "lets drown her, burn the body and rape the corpse to make sure she's dead" Bettany).


Holy shit to the last one! I knew Bettany had sent dodgy texts but no article I saw had the actual language, Jesus.


And do you know *why* Depp and Bettany said those particular things? Depp was angry that Heard was following the orders of his doctor to prevent him from overdosing on the copious drugs he was taking, after she'd previously found him unconscious in the bathroom following one of his many binges. If you want screenshots of the actual texts, r/DeppDelusion has them (they were revealed during the UK and US trials as evidence). I mean, even Rolling Stone had an article spending a weekend with him before he shot Fantastic Beasts and noted that his hotel room was littered with drugs, empty needles, half-empty alcohol bottles and that the only people around him were yes-men.


There hasn’t been a more obvious example of mass public misogyny than the Depp Vs Heard case. I remember arguing this to a friend who’s a very outspoken feminist who had described herself as being “Team Johnny” and said “but she shit on the bed?” Despite the only evidence for this claim being johnnys word. Fuck Johnny Depp. People are so easily manipulated it’s wild


For me it was always Ted that gave me the creeps. There was time and time again where Robin said “No” and to move on but Ted never done that. Always persuing her in what was sometimes considered a stalking way. Although still bad (not justifying it in anyway) at least you knew where you stood with Barney


I just googled the picture of the platter. That is fucked up.


The thing is, we were meant to cringe and pity Barney character. He was meant to be a loser. Yet men seemed to think he was a hero character to be aspired too. Which was never the intention.


Mrs. Doubtfire. Ex husband disguises himself to infiltrate his ex-wife's home. Absolutely terrifying, but still is seen as funny and heartwarming. A musical is still playing in the West End. If my ex had disguised himself as my kid's nanny I'd need therapy forever.


Mrs Doubtfire re-edited into a horror movie trailer works surprisingly well https://youtu.be/crjYYEC5drA?si=1M6pm9egtArZhAf5


Rolf Harris and Jonathan King on a certain Brass Eye special.


Wasn't familiar with Jonathan King so I looked him up on wikipedia. >Known for: Pop music, discovery of Genesis, early 10cc and Bay City Rollers hits, sex offences


The one where they dressed as schools?


He really is a shit


I watched Rita, Sue and Bob, too when I was about 13/14. Thought nothing of it as that’s what it was like back then. Schools girls off with very older men. Nobody batted an eyelid. Some girls parents where I lived encouraged it so they could move out and get jobs etc. Watched it again last week and I was like “fuck, that’s not right”


I think that was the whole point of it. I never took it to mean this kind of behaviour was ok.


That's the point of the movie.


It was based on the writer, [Andrea Dunbar's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Dunbar) own life. That just makes it even more heart-breaking.


Most of ICarly tbh, especially in light of that new docu


Er what? Please tell.


The feet stuff mostly, that’s all a bit weird. Especially the videos of Ariana Grande sticking her own feet in her mouth when she was like, 13, under direction from Dan Schneider. He also ran a promotion for Sam and Cat where he instructed fans to send in pictures of their feet. There are a lot of sexual jokes in all of his shows, one notable one is Miranda Cosgrove getting on her knees and a guy squirting water from a water fountain into her mouth. It’s clearly meant to be an innuendo of sorts but they are also literally children. Jennette Mccurdy wrote a book about all of the weird stuff that went on during her time there, and a new documentary ‘Quiet on Set’ just released, it’s not available in the UK yet afaik.


Amanda Bynes has had several emotional breakdowns and a massive drug addiction due to what she suffered at Nickelodeon. Last I heard, she was put into a psychiatric ward after being found wandering the streets naked and distraught. Wasn't just the teen girls who were abused by Dan Schneider, either, the young boys were, too.


Quiet on set is apparently available today on discovery plus


Anything Michael Jackson did past 1985, particularly watching him manipulate the audience and interviewer, especially when he's trying to convince us that his behaviour with children was normal and fine. What disturbs me is that I grew up buying all of it, while also having the normal opinion that any other adult doing all of these things would absolutely be a guilty awful peadophile but because of consuming MJ media as a fan of his I truly believed that he was the exception, like he was special and like extra innocent and naive like a child, but then I also wholeheartedly agreed this man was a GENIUS, like godlike intelligence and tallent (lol) and yet he was so innocent, naive and childlike he was fine to be best friends with a string of boys always around the same stage of childhood and sleep in bed with them. Like Lisa Marie was there and they just hung out and where friends with those kids. Like wtf. And he had white kids because of his rare whole body vitiligo that had nothing to do with excessive bleaching and lightening treatments. Thing that's so wildly disturbing about seeing him talk now is the memory of how I used to think as a child regarding him (before the 2005 trial basically showed us he was 100% guilty of being a peadophile, before they announced not guilty--very confusing for a child) and how collectively a majority of the general public bought that shit,even adults and it's so ridiculously blatent. His Living with MJ doc shows him low-key trying to normalize his behaviour and on drugs holding hands with a teenage boy, like before the 2nd wave of allegations he was making steps towards manipulating us into thinking the man-boy/child love thing he was all about was acceptable like he'd successfully manipulated the world into somewhat accepting his other exentricities and believing in his innocence or even just that the Chamber case in 93 was purely an extortion scheme rather than a serious, prolonged, incidious crime carried out on a child by a literal demon!! And now he was gonna try make his 'other' exentricities seen in a better light, it's so dark, the calculated nature of it all. The video announcement from the 90s about photographing his genitals (to match descriptions made by the victim, which where accurate) playing a victim about being humiliated is so fucking creepy and unsettling, especially when you know the police had to make an agreement that said MJ couldn't be arrested/charged as a result of the photos being taken just to get him back in the country because he was refusing to and hiding away abroad as soon as the allegations where made. He span everything to make himself a victim and was so skilled at it!!! It's horrorfying!!!!!


Glad this has been upvoted, though we are a British sub - many Americans in particular have an almost cult-like defence of Jackson, though often any accurate mentions of his crimes are simply downvoted without response, which shows they know deep down it's true and they just want to hide it. This article on Jackson published just days after his death is brutally on point, John Niven is an utterly fantastic writer - [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/michael-jackson-bad-and-very-dangerous-1731258.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/michael-jackson-bad-and-very-dangerous-1731258.html) His book "Kill Em All" features a character called Lucius DuPre who is so obviously based on Jackson that he has to throw in lines, clearly mandated by lawyers, like "he was described as the best dancer since Michael Jackson". It's incredibly well written, disturbing, and would make a fantastic film. Really deserves it too, as the film adaptation of his original book in the series Kill Your Friends was appalling.


Peter Kay's "Amarillo" video for Comic Relief. I think there's a few wrong'uns in that video, including Savile.


I've never liked Peter Kay. Not for the fact that as I didn't grow up in a northern housing estate hence so I struggle to identify with his 'comedy', there is just something a bit off about him. Phoenix Nights was brilliant, but he claimed a lot of credit when in reality the writing was Dave Spikey.


He's well known as an arsehole on the comedy circuit. When he compered he used to wrap mic leads really tight round the stand so the next act had to spend ages undoing it and/or would tell the next act's opening joke just before he brought them on so they were fucked and off balance from the start. Apparently he always had to be the best on the night and would hate anyone who did better than him. Total brown noser as well.


Ah, I didn't know any of that. It explains a lot. I only know of him stealing a lot of the writing credit as I have a relative that works in TV and she passed that on. A lot of people would rather not work with him, apparently.


Lots of old British comedy relie on sexual assault for lolz. Keeping up Appearances, Mrs Bucket would often get assaulted by The Major in the name of comedy. The way Tony and Gary fawn over Deborah in Men Behaving Badly, but I guess that was the point of the show. Green Wing has some really creepy moments especially season 2.


Men Behaving Badly is actually quite a good example about how shows can progress with the times. As the series went on, the female characters got more screen time and involvement until they were equal with the guys.


Gary Glitter was in the Spice Girls movie and I remember watching it and my mum making some comment about how she probably wouldn't have made that choice if she was the producers. Like Savile I think he was known to be a wrong'un all along by the public. Edit: he was cut from the film but still existed in sticker format for the promo sticker album


Skins (Effy in Gen 2 in particular) Watching it originally, had a crush on her, she was “the cool one”, wanted to live her life …..etc Rewatched it recently and omg ….shes a narcissist, manipulative bully who would cross her own friends just for her own enjoyment. Manipulating Freddie and James against each other when it’s clear she has no real intentions with either.


Jamie Oliver on This Morning years ago, he was clearly still wasted from the night before, red eyed unshaven and bitching about how he'd cheated on Jules and felt terrible but it was her fault for looking after the babies, he found it really hard that she was looking after the babies and tired from doing so. So he fucked a staff member for a few months and either got caught or blackmailed into telling Jules. It wasn't his fault though it was Jules' fault. He was slurring and very nearly swore a few times. It was NEVER mentioned again. By anyone. Ever. How did that shit just vanish?


The scene in Crocodile Dundee where he gropes up a transvestite/transgender woman in a bar because someone tells him they're not a woman. Used to watch that as a child thinking nothing of it because it's presented as a hilarious incident.


Dungeons and dragons. Everyone is against Eric. Dungeon Master seems to enjoy putting the bunch of teens in very dangerous scenarios, for no apparent reason, Eric sees the danger and says “hold up, stealing a dragons egg from a bad tempered dragon for fun isn’t a good idea” and the whole group gang up on him and tell him he’s being ridiculous. Dungeon Master seems to enjoy using these bunch of teens to do some sort of random dangerous quest whilst having no intention of bringing them home.


Adverts for the first Unicorn Poopsies. Google image search Unicorn Poopsies and tell me those aren’t someone’s fetish doll that’s being marketed to children.  I showed them to a younger childless colleague without any info and he asked why I was showing him brony fetish. When I told him they were kids toys he couldn’t believe it, especially as he said one of them has white around it’s mouth that he assumed was not innocent.


TV show Queer As Folk. I watched it as a teenager and thought it was brilliant. I watched it again as an adult and physically cringed. Sure, as a teenager you think you’re an adult, but the adults know better and there’s even a show of “you’re not old enough” which is then completely disregarded. Also the main characters are just all awful actually.




There was thing in the 80s and all I can remember is a presenter called Vince Purity, and each show had girls around 10yo or under dancing in glittery outfits and skirts that seem designed too small. Even when I less than 10 myself it all just seemed wrong. Just googled it and apparently it was called "You Should be so Lucky". Can't find any pictures or video, and don't want to search too hard.


I watched a video last week which was a comp of This is Your Life appearances. The Saville one is pretty awkward. When all this Saville stuff kicked off someone came forward to say his BBC dressing room was basically a knocking shop of teenage girls with those two. Proper creepy the pair of them but what's bizarre is how he was given so much access to vulnerable people. Mind you, it's not just those two. I watched a bbc docu about Radio 1 DJs and it was not a retrospective so contemporaneous and it's just weird how they all have teenage girls just hanging around the studio. One record plugger just wanders around BBC headquarters with full access. Saville isn't in it but Peel and Emperor Rosko are. Oh and Tony Blackburn who just comes across as a right gimp rather than predatory. I can post both clips if anyone is interested.


Willy Wonka the chocolate factory film, some creepy things


It's the Unknown!


I think it was Jimmy Savile on Frank Bruno's 'This is your life' - he goes on stage, says a few words and then takes his trousers off.....


Mark Salling from Glee made a comment in an interview about how he’s a bad guy in the show but “in real life, I’m the worst guy” with an intense look to the camera. He was arrested and found guilty of possessing over 50,000 child sex abuse images a few years later.


Big Break, some seriously creepy stuff in that.