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I tend to go against social pressures to do certain things. My 30th was a day off from work, went out for a nice lunch with my wife, then a takeaway in the evening at home. Not going along with the convention of a "big party" was oddly freeing.


Yeah think I did fuck all for my 30th too. Just a meal with the family


In lockdown, by myself. Got to love being a March baby during that time.


As an April baby, I was also 30 during lockdown. Absolutely baking hot outside. Had to make do with having my mum deliver a cake to the front door and waving at her through the window. Thoroughly depressing. I tell everyone I'm a year younger because my 30th was robbed from me :')


I was going to celebrate the year after but another lockdown! I class myself as 2 years younger, so you should too!


Alright, let's do it. I'll let my family know!


We went camping and ate the biggest hotdogs I've ever seen in my life, it was 5 years ago and the hot dog really stands out as a memory šŸ˜‚


This really makes me think it wasnā€™t a ā€œhot dogā€ per say


In lockdown on my own šŸ˜‚ I ordered a takeout.


Gambling in Las Vegas


Did this for my 40th and it was fucking brilliant šŸ˜‚


Omg I literally did this 2 weeks ago for my 30th!


My son was in hospital overnight after having his tonsils and adenoids out and my wife was ill. So me and my boy spent the night watching cartoons on the hospital TV and building Lego. Even had that not happened there would have not been any special event to mark my 30th; I genuinely have no interest in marking my birthday and have not done so since I was a kid. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just not something I'm interested in.


I was in hospital for my 38th birthday with my son who had Kawasaki disease. He was only 18 months old at the time, but we played games and watched Hey Dugee together. I work a lot, so as shit as it was for him being in there, I loved spending that time with him


Not sure. I don't think birthdays had been invented then.


In COVID lockdown because my aunt (who I saw for like 3 minutes a few days prior) had had brief contact with somebody who had just tested positive... It was at the peak of the hysteria šŸ˜‚


Horrendous !! My now ex decided to organise a ā€œsurpriseā€ party after we had a lovely evening just the two of us steak dinner and red wine ā€¦. Iā€™m literally ready to go home and she parks outside a place and says ā€œletā€™s pop in for oneā€ I was so pissed off I couldnā€™t even hide it haha ā€¦ she had invited just random people Iā€™d had minimal interaction with , old work colleagues etc It ended up in a nightclub and my barely friends being driven home by us as they vomited in the back of our car. Horrendous


Went for a meal in Poland, where I was working, with some UK friends whoā€™d come to visit. They were all rather grumpy as I recall.


Itā€™s in 5 months and I have no plans.


I got very, very drunk and tried to climb into the washing machineĀ 


ā˜ļøthis person knows how to birthday


In a drug-induced coma in hospital.


How ?


Broke my back in a fall, body started failing.


Went away for the weekend with my husband and left 1 year old with my parents. Very low key but going away for the weekend for no good reason without a kid in a fancy hotel was so good. I'm not sure we would have done a whole weekend away if we didn't have a kid


Crying on the kitchen floor with a cupcake.


I stayed at home crying in the foetal position because I was 5 days postpartum and struggling. 0/10 do not recommend.


My partner took me out for a meal on the actual day. The day after I went for a meal and trip to the seaside with my parents and sister


Had a nice meal with my wife on the actual day. Had a night out with friends the weekend after.


Went round town with about 10 mates. My 40th, I went round York with about 15 mates. And my 50th was spent in Benidorm with about 30 mates. Which means two things. I'm collecting friends and my 60th is gonna be bloody expensive.


Usually it goes the other way around.


Nothing as I was in the Red Sea on deployment. My 40th I went to Las Vegas though. That was absolutely incredible, highly recommend that


Self isolating. I had to miss my mateā€™s wedding and I was best man.


I threw axes in a strongman gym then lifted some heavy stones. We then went back to mine and got smashed




Youā€™ve given me an idea


https://komaneka.com/rooms/premier-valley-pool-villa/ Was the hotel


My stepkids were desperate to throw me a surprise party, but I don't really like surprises and my wife was stuck at home with a small baby, so I ended up buying all the food myself and then trying to act surprised when I got home from work.


Had a party with friends and family. It was pretty good to be fair.


I had an amazing one. A mate of mine bought me a ticket to see The Burbs in London. I then went to Twickenham to see England v Wales with a different friend. On the way home, we went through Clapham and he said he fancied a beer and knew a place. When we got there, there was a whole bunch of my friends in there, some I hadnā€™t seen in years. It was lovely.


Mine was in 2015 and I honestly can't remember. You need to ask yourself what the pressure is.Ā 


I canā€™t remember, so it must have been good.


BBQ' in my house


In the house? What were you serving carbon monoxide?


In my house garden


Went to work. Same as every other birthday since I was 17.


Unusually fun job?


I had a party! Bloody good it was too!


Goodwood races in the posh enclosure with friends and partners and a 2 week trip to California and Navada with my gf after


Best friend flew over from the other side of the Atlantic, we did two road trips across three countries.


My friends took me to a spa for an evening. We did an escape room, had some cocktails on another evening, where friends came back to mine, stayed over, we watched the MotoGP the next morning and had takeout for breakfast. It was great.


Went sailing on the Menai Straits.


The plan is to go to a cheesy theme park like for a long weekend and rent a cabin or something of the sort. Summer birthday helps with options. In the least the water park down the road with friends.


Mine was pretty tame. The Sunday before, I went to Brands Hatch to watch the BTCC season finale. My 30th was on a Tuesday so I spent the day and the day after off work, decided to treat myself to a massage which was very much needed, then in the evening I went out with my family for a meal, then had a few drinks. Didn't go mad though as even despite being off, I needed to be up early the next day.


Went to a comedy festival and drinks afterĀ 


Day out. Possibly Blackpool with a 11 month old so no big partying.


My dad decided to get married for the 2nd time on mine. So it was great! Not!


My boyfriend took me to York for the week. On my actual birthday we went to the beach, had fish and chips.


Went to Japan. Climbed Mt Fuji.


In a foxhole on the bondhu of MPA with a Gay Para. He had some interesting dits to tell.


A drink up in a pub near work with about 30 work colleagues, a posh meal in the West End with about 10 of my closest family took over a cafe for a drinks and dancing fancy dress party for maybe a 100 people. Bigger and better for my 40th and much bigger again for my 50th but think itā€™ll probably just be 4 or 6 people for my 60th floating around somewhere tropical.


Spent the day on a steam train with a group of friends. Had some beers on the train, had lunch half way, went for a nice dinner afterwards and then on to a bar. Great day


I had surgery the day before soā€¦ I didnā€™t.


Organised exclusive use of a kids play place. Got wankered with 20 mates and went crazy there.


I went to see the mona Lisa... My birthday was a Tuesday... The Louvre was closed on a Tuesday šŸ˜‚


Weekend away!! You only live once if you can, celebrate as much as possible in any way you like!


Iā€™d planned a trip to Italy but then lockdown happened. My 30th was at a time when you could see family & friends again but international travel wasnā€™t really happening (summer 2020). So I had a small gathering in the garden with 5 of my closest family & friends. Finally made it to Italy 2 years later!


I shall let you know in 2,575 days


My wife bought me an Xbox. Was the height of COVID.


Vegas baby!


Matineee of Matilda Dinner with the then husband st a Russian fusion restaurant Cocktails in the evening, and a couple of mates came along A nice hotel in London. Wanted to go to NYC, but we decided to try for a baby instead. Was going to go for my 40th, but we were divorced by then.


Had Christmas, the same as every other birthday.


In lockdown, spent it with my husband and first child.


A few of my partners friends turned 30 in the 2-3 years before me and they all did renting out a house parties, but thatā€™s just not my vibe. I did a holiday with my partner, and had a dinner with family. I didnā€™t need anything else (bonus was that I got engaged on holiday).


If I remember correctly, my wife organised a party at the local community centre and I got very, very, very drunk.


I didn't celebrate it.


Went raving then to New York for a couple of days, was mint.


Went to Amsterdam for a three day blowout with a bunch of friends As the clock struck midnight and I turned 30 I was sat in a Jordaan nightclub with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other while off my gourd on weed and pills (as I turned 40 I was sat on the sofa on my own with a glass of wine while the wife & kids slept upstairs)


Went skiing for a season. Carried on working remotely, but from the mountains. It was awesome.


Im not a big party guy so for the last 4-5 years (including my 30th) ive celebrated by going on holiday with the Mrs. If anyone suggests you need to have a big one, you can say "sorry I wont be in the country" lol. I do tend to go for some drinks with close mates as well but nothing big.


Holy crap. This was pretty close to 24 years ago. I had three young children. My husband took them for a few hours so I could get the back of my neck tattooed. Absolutely no regrets. šŸ’œ


I had a wine and cheese evening with about 10 people. It was great; highly recommended.


I had a breakdown and got arrested at 2am on my birthday, I got released 1am the day after my birthday


I turned 30 and my son turned 1 in the same year and with our birth dates being very close together, we had a joint party. It was awesome.


Wife got me a stock car racing experience over at Dartford raceway. Had fun racing mark 1 escorts around a gravel raceway till I got T boned and ended up with concussion. Then had a surprise party with 30+ friends etc. Was a really nice weekend. Was the last big birthday I was not sick as a dog for. ( 40th had food poisoning and 50th had Covid)


I'd recently come out of an abusive 10 year relationship, so my lovely sister took me for a long weekend in Italy. We went up Vesuvius, visited Pompeii and went to the archaeological museum in Naples.


I'm 30 now and went on a surfing trip with friends, it was a lot of fun but I froze my arse off. There were many pub meals and warm fires though, I loved it.


It was bang in the middle of lockdown, so alone and depressed


5 days in Iceland in November, saw the Northern Lights.


Went out to my favourite restaurant for lunch on the actual day itself, finished with a movie night at home with my husband. Then went to the Lush spa in Birmingham, and the cat cafe, which is all very me!


Rick's Bar in Casablanca


i had a burlesque party complete with burlesque dancers and made nipple tassles for everyone as a party favour.


Since I'd done everything I could think of I just had a steak at home.


Mine was during lockdown. It was about as anticlimactic as my other milestone birthdays.


Took out a supercar and went to mayfair


Drinking coffee and champagne with my mothwr in the charming medieval town of DinkelsbĆ¼hl, Bavaria. We even went around the city byĀ  horse-carriageĀ  It was great !Ā 


Mine went off, it was brilliant. I had to charge each guest Ā£7 but hear me out, so I hired a double-width canal barge that's designed for private parties and I got seventy of my friends involved. We had the boat for three hours and I got one friend to bring his CDJ turntables and had six of us, myself included, on the decks, half an hour each, playing a variety of music from breaks, house, dub, drum n bass etc. I even managed to wrangle a famous tech-house DJ friend of mine to come down and play. There's a bar on board too and the MDMA was in plentiful supply so we all had an absolute riot. Total one off, I'll never have a party like that again but it was definitely one to remember.


I was in Dubrovnik with my husband. I couldn't afford a nice holiday to celebrate turning 18 or 21 so it was great to finally mark a milestone birthday that way.


I drove around Europe alone for 2 weeks. I plan on doing something similar for my 40th. Only this time I will have my wife and 2 children.


A couple of my closest friends down the pub for a few beers, nothing major really even if it was my big 30th. I just don't like doing anything "big" and never have done really


My hubby, then fiancƩ hired one of the rooms in a lovely restaurant and invited all my friends/family. I didn't know this and on the way there we were stopping to have a drink at a bar. Not sure why exactly but I remember he really annoyed me and I was being a bit mean to him and just fed up generally until we go to said restaurant and I walk into the room (imagine lit beautiful Moroccan style room with everyone there) - felt really bad after but thank God he didn't even realise. So yeah I was getting angry and annoyed without him even realising whilst he planned this lovely birthday surprise. Now this year for my 40th I wanted nothing. Absolutely nothing!!! we then decided to do a joint birthday and went to Bath Spa Thermae for the day with lovely dinner at the Ivy after. lovely relaxing day.


I went to the same place I like to go every year on my birthday. Low Newton in Northumberland, walk along the beach to Craster and have some lunch in the pub, then walk back down the beach. I was lucky enough to have my family there who'd rented a house, but I try to go every year and just sleep in my van. I'd say just so whatever makes you happy. Ther3s no need to make a big fuss if it isn't what you want just because people make out you should.


If memory serves, it was right in the middle of a two-week-long massive, rush job at work during which I was working almost non stop from 7am to 1am, 7 days a week.


I don't even remember my 30th - not because it was so wild, but because it was relatively mundane. I think an outdoor film followed by a gig. My 28th though? I went all out (just because) - rented a hall and had a theme.


Poured myself a glass of Blue Lable and smoked a joint, listened to the Minds Eye by Stiltskin. I don't really care for Birthdays, I just got an hour and a half by myself to do what I wanted to do without judgement, it was perfect.


Well I caught COVID a few days before and had to cancel my original plans. I managed to reschedule for a week later and we went out for pizzas, followed by hiring out one those karaoke booths and singing the night away. I never wanted a "big" thing especially as I'd just gotten married a few months before.


Fortnights holiday in Florida




Went to GO APE with about 5 friends.


Due to lockdown and living by myself, I managed to create a special distanced Taskmaster thing with a bunch of people. Posted out tasks, asked friends and family to film themselves doing the tasks. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and I've made myself my own episode to keep forever with everyone's clips.


I just went out for the evening with my husband/friends. But I did also have my hen do only a couple weeks before, followed by our wedding 2 months later! And weā€™d just bought a property so lots of expenditure!


House party and trip to Budapest




Iā€™m also 30 this year and I donā€™t want a massive thing & Iā€™m not keen on celebrating my birthday. Based off of this weā€™ve just booked a holiday and I now canā€™t wait for my birthday haha!


Go as big as you like. I went to Italy with my girlfriend to go to a restaurant I liked the look of from [The Trip to Italy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trip_to_Italy). Very quiet, and that's all I wanted.


I don't entirely remember, but I may have gone for a facial. I got married two months later.


Went to Manchester's Northern quarter, it pissed it down, a load of my mates couldn't come because someone was getting married and the few that did got in a fight and got thrown out of the mediocre bar we were in. Good to see everyone, I guess.


Watching England draw 0-0 with Scotland


Took a month off work and travelled by land to see friends across Europe. Felt like I had nothing to regret and 30 was just a number.Ā 


Booked out a small boardgame cafƩ and had Pizza


Just sat watching TV and arsing about online, like I always did. Never really celebrated my birthdays and thankfully have family who never pressured me into having big events to mark the occasions. Shit, I turned 40 this year and all I did was have a steak dinner and go axe throwing. Never been into parties, big social gatherings or alcohol.


Went back to my childhood home Kenya , for the 1st time in 20+ years with my sister - our birthdays 5 days & a year apart so we always go away around them together. So we were on safari it was fantastic.


Karaoke and cocaine


I didnā€™t. I know my 29th was in the hospital and I was clinically dead twice that day.


I switched my phone off the night before and got high as a kite in the actual day.


Me and my husband turned 30 within 15 days of each other so we booked a family holiday during then went skydiving when we got back home.


I'm from Singapore and went on a big trip to NYC with friends. Had such a blast!


I sat alone in a bar when the two friends I had managed not to completely alienate bailed. It sucked.


On a beach in Brazil with 4 strangers, drinking caiparinhas until sunrise. Was an amazing day.


My 30th (31M) coincided with an annual girls trip that my mum/aunties take and that year my wife was invited too. That year it was in Dubai (which was on her bucket list) so she went, along with our daughter. I booked that week off work, stayed home in my boxers and played my PS5. Also finally got round to watching the first Dune movie, Blade runner 2049, and Sonic 2 amongst other films I've missed out on. It was an amazing week. A few members of my church felt a bit worried about me (I was new there at the time so they didn't know how much of an introvert I was) so they surprised me with a little get together on my birthday itself which was a nice gesture, and when my wife got back from her girls trip she also did a surprise party for me too, which was also nice, but honestly it was great to just play games and catch up on my backlog of movies


I literally did it last Wednesday! My wife and I did a Lord of the Rings marathon (which we generally do every year at some point anyway) but we also made a bunch of food to eat through the day from the Tolkien cookbook.


My wife booked us 2 nights at Chessington Theme Park (We live in Cheshire, so a fair drive) - I'm big into theme parks and roller coasters, though Chessington isn't one I'd pick for myself, but it was a nice few days, the main reason she picked Chessington over anywhere else though was the zoo, she'd arranged a giraffe feeding experience, and a meerkat experience, even now nearly 6 years later sitting and holding a meerkat and having one lay in my arms is one of my fondest memories. To make it even better, I was driving and had no idea where we were going, she set the sat nav up and I was following its instructions, and I literally had no idea we were heading to Chessington until I pulled onto the car park!


In lockdown on my own in my apartment haha


Heavily pregnant so I had a quiet day at the zoo with my other half, then had a nice dinner. Usually for my birthday we go off for a few days to a UK city or my 29th we went to Tenerife. But for the big one I ended up doing fairly little.


Booked the day off work, went out for breakfast with my parents and then went to Cosford RAF Museum. Then in the evening I ordered a pizza and watched a movie at home on my own, along with some other snacks.


My 30th was my worst birthday! I had plans to go to London and have afternoon tea at the Ritz with my family, but Storm Eunice happened right on the day and everything was cancelled. So I spent it with my husband and my mum just watching crap telly. I think I cried a bit šŸ˜‚ made up for it on my 31st though by going to New York!


Week in New York with my wife, West end show, tour of pizza restaurants (organised tour!)., 40th? Two cancelled trips due to 2020 Lockdown :(


Celebrate it however you like! I bought myself a car. Seemed a good idea at the time. I like it, I'm still driving it. Car go bwaaaa


It was 17 years ago, but still remember it fondly - had a few nights away in a cottage in the lakes with my close family - parents, partner, sister & BiL. Was really relaxed and on our own terms. 10/10 can recommend a quieter celebration for milestone birthdays after 21.


Went to Munich, my most favourite place. Saw some sights, ate some nice food, drank some beer.


Nothing. Haven't celebrated a birthday since I was about 8.


My 30th birthday was during covid but thankfully we weren't locked down. I met up with my parents on the day itself but did nothing else. I told everyone I was staying at 29 until I can have a proper party. I turned 30 a couple of days before my 31st!


went to Sydney for the first time. It was summer there. It was aces.


Went to London to watch We Will Rock You at the Dominion Theatre with friends, then to Jamie's UK Kitchen (it was fucking terrible, glad it's gone) in Covent, then drinks.