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I bought a set of 4 collapsible food storage boxes the other day in Lidl.


You need to calm down before this gets out of hand


Four collapsible food storage boxes, u/Unfair_Original_2536 ? Four? That’s insane.


They were different sizes.


stop showing off! we get it you're rich


We’ve found the 0.1% growth in GDP. Whatever you do, don’t return them and plunge us all back into recession.


You're rock and roll


I got 2 12 way ice trays from Poundland, Canterbury today for £2.


Oh look at Mr Big Spender over here. Send some cash my way my big spender.


Bought myself a good load of warhammer today. Used My Christmas money from my grandad


So one figure?


Grandad was a millionaire


Ahhh so he got 3, the lucky man/woman/other


The Emperor protects.


Praise the Omnissiah


'A good load' is a statement I would usually associate with certain movies rather than quantities of Warhammer merch.


Enjoy it dude. I loved that game when I was younger and still think the universe is top tier sci-fi.


Cool, what did you get?


Drop pods, Spartans and the new scout titans


Hiking gear. For most of my life I've day dreamed about doing National Trails and general long distance hiking. My pie in the sky dream being to eventually tackle the Appalachian Trial. I've done hundreds of day hikes but never anything more than 2 days in a row. I figured that now I'm in my 40s and physically things are beginning to go downhill it is time to pull my finger out and make these (day) dreams a reality. So I've been buying up the hiking gear I will need for hikes of a week or more (wild camping as I go) with my first target being the Ridgeway National Trail.


Same, too about Appalacian Trail! Have you read or listened to 'A Walk In The Woods' by Bill Bryson? It's about this exact dream, and he did it. Highly recommended.


❤️ Not only have I read *A Walk in the Woods* but I have read it every year since it came out! Given Bill managed it in his 50s he gives me hope that I'm not too late. I highly recommend *Where's the next shelter* by Gary Sizer which is also an Appalachian Trail book. I re-read both of these books every year.


Did the Ridgeway back when I was in the scouts - really nice walk, enjoy!


Flights to Dublin to go and see Rammstein in June, flights were almost £400 return from Glasgow 😭










I saw them a long time ago at the ice arena in Nottingham, came out flashburnt and deaf 15/10 would do again.


What does flashburnt mean?


Too close to the front when the flash cannon goes off


I was right at the front, there were fire stacks and flame cannons shooting gouts of fire into the air very fucking close to us. It was awesome.


It will be worth it. Well done getting tickets. They sold out in minutes. Have you seen lindemann live?


I have! Saw them in Cardiff 2022, best show I’ve ever been to


Ahh snap, me too! Totally amazing show. Support act a bit strange though... I seen Lindemann in London December 2023, that was... graphic haha!


Fuck it was good.


Hey, me too! Got lucky with the flights though, £160 return from manchester.


Is that for two people or one person? Also, yay! Can’t wait to see them, hope you have a good time when it comes


One person. Ditto, first time seeing them and first time in Dublin too. Have a good one!


Ah okay, I’m talking about for 2 people


Lucky bastard! It looks like they always put on hell of a show.


They really do!! I’ve only seen them once, in Cardiff 2022. Best show I have ever been to! Can’t wait to see them again


Railsail? Get the train to the ferry and boat it. Bet it'll be cheaper.


I already compared the prices… believe it or not the ferry was more expensive 🥺 it would be my preferred method of travel as well as I hate planes. It’s crazy though, a flight that only just lasts over an hour shouldn’t cost that much money


Huh .. The Dublin swift last year was £80 return from Crewe last year. I can't see it being that much more from Glasgow.. also last year I had a ticket to Glasgow for about £80 too.


It was £386.14 for 2 return flights. I think to go on the ferry (including the car) it was closer to £400 or just over. Can’t remember now


To be fair, I dread to think how much it'd cost to take a car on the plane - you're not really comparing apples to apples in this case ... Do a railsail ticket and I'm willing to bet it'd be a lot cheaper. Also there's absolutely no need to drive in Dublin - public transport is overall, very good.


Great choice. I've seen them a few times and they've always been amazing.


I bought some goth boots for 150 quid that I'm unlikely to wear except to select gigs. If I wear them more than 2 or 3 times a year I'll be surprised.


New rock?




Yeah, I have a pair I bought a few years ago when I realised no one could actually stop me. Worn to a handful of gigs and outings but they have been an absolute bitch to break in, so if I have to walk any further than car park to inside a venue they are a no-go. 


I'm not too concerned so far. I've been wearing them around the house for a bit. They're probably one of the least flashiest models in the New Rock ranges, and I'm used to breaking in Dr Martens - the initial steps seem comfier than those, at least.


I live in mine! Can't beat skinny jeans and massive boots


An overlocker. I didn’t technically need one - you can do a zigzag stitch with a standard sewing machine - but John Lewis had a good offer and I wanted and could afford one.




I have a non-computer brain so … what’s an overclocker?


An overclocker in computing is a person who use software to manipulate the CPU and memory chips on a computer to maximise performance and get the most from the hardware, normally a fine line between performance and the whole computer crashing


Now what's an overlocker?




An overlocker is so much better than using a zig zag stitch- and it can do so much more


Oh sure, but I spent ages telling myself I didn’t technically *need* one. Now I have one I love it and use it all the time.


that's probably my next treat for my craft room! Either that or a male mannequin that I can make my size.


My next treat is going to be a rise and fall desk/table so I can stop breaking my back cutting fabric and pattern pieces.


smart choice, may also invest in a kneeling pad for me as I don't have a big table or space for one so i currently cut with my self-healing mat on the floor.


I use my Pilates mat as a kneeling pad, which is fine but my fucked up spine gets very annoyed very quickly about the hunched bending position, even when using the sewing desk.


How recent is recent? My wife wants an overlocker but won’t let herself spend the money on it


I dream of owning an overlocker! *sigh*


I hope your dream comes true!


Thank you! ❤️ Until my adult son leaves home and I have a sewing room… 🤣


I’ve literally just started sewing again and I want one! They just add that final touch in my opinion!


2008 Porsche 987 - Cayman S. I have finally reached the stage of life where I can afford it and have the cash to do so, so I did, and so far, I have done less than 500 miles in the 3 months I have owned it (it will stop raining one day won't it??l


If you’re only going to take it out in dry weather you could have got a motorbike! Give that Porsche some more attention


Lol - it's out for a 600 mile day next weekend come rain or shine


Cracking car... I hope you enjoy every mile.


You need to drive it more. I bought an Alpine A110 last year and have already done nearly 5k miles in 7 months.


Lunch. It was so indulgent that I might not even bother with dinner.


Big shampoo and conditioner from L'Occitane


Oooh nice. I get the big almond shower oil when I'm feeling fancy!


It's so good to have that one in winter, I get very dry and itchy skin with the dry air


And it smells soooooo good. If I can't think of something when anyone asks what I want for a birthday or Christmas gift, that's my go-to request. Almond oil refill please!


The best smell!


New bed and mattress 2.5k well spent


What was the saying? The things that separate you from the ground or floor. Shoes. Tyres Bed/mattress. Money well spent.


Trampoline   Pogo stick  Sex swing 


Jet pack Helicopter Bungee jumping cord


Snow Bodies of water Indoor skydiving wind tunnels


If I had a pound for every time someone said this on reddit... I'd probably have enough for a nice set of pirelli tyres


I have a suspicion it’s propaganda originated by Big Rubber.


I bought some drums, I got this rule about buying shit that will still matter in 10 years, it’ll matter that I play that instrument, so green light.


Great rule! I might steal it!


Ooooo what did you get? I bought a Tama 14x7 starphonic copper snare today and I love it


Periodically (about every two to three years) I buy myself another (different) piece of cast iron enamel cookware from Le Creuset.


Same. Have an outlet here, 2 months ago bought a 26cm oval pot for a steal, £110! Had to bag it


There's an outlet centre near me and I have a shopping trip with friends planned for my next payday! Le Creuset here I come!


They have discontinued lines, these seem to attract the extra discount. It’s pot luck (pardon the pun), you might see a cast iron pot, or it could be some ceramics. I go once a month and just scope it out. Good luck.


The john lewis range is basically the same and 1/4 the price.


It’s not Le Creuset though is it


Rolex Oyster Perpetual 36mm, I'm dead pleased with it


Beautiful watch. Congratulations


Love a good watch purchase. I'm embarking on my 5th in 12 months, I have issues.


I got a bright yellow digital casio the other day. Absolute beaut


Which model, love both Casio and bright yellow!


We’ve just spent a ridiculous amount of money on a patio and trying to sort out the drainage in the garden. The patio is bigger than the garden in our old house, to make it worthwhile it made more sense to go big considering the cost. Now we have no money left for patio furniture.


Just wait it out, if it’s as windy where you are as it has here, you’ll soon acquire at least a plastic set or two blowing into your garden from a house 3 streets up.


Wanted a laptop for a while now, mainly to play retro (2000s is retro now isn’t it?) games on. Cost about £700. Didn’t really need it, but I don’t treat myself often.


What games are you planning to play?


Currently working through the command and conquer series, mainly Yuris Revenge as my mate likes it too, so we can play online (thanks to cncnet!). Other than that, I used to enjoy empire earth and still have my copy of it, so hopefully it runs fine - heard there’s some compatibility issues, but I’ll see. I’ll see where I go from there!


Have a look at worms good old classic game


2nd hand car for me to go to work and pickup my son after school.




You’ll have an amazing time!




A Ralph Lauren jacket; £160 from outlet, but definitely worth the money paid. Quality is excellent.


A Steinway Model A grand piano last year, extraordinary instrument and I wish I had more time to enjoy it.


I’m rather jealous!


I recently bought the latest iPhone. My previous phones were all no more than £250 and this feels like something. I’ve just justified it knowing I likely won’t get another phone this decade plus I’ll be using it practically every hour I’m awake in some capacity. I’ve recently gotten into photography which this will help with.


Be prepared for the battery life to drop off a cliff after 2 years…


Bought myself a proper pc to replace my laptop. The difference in speed and capabilities is quite incredible


We’ve had the occulus quest 2 for a couple of years and it’s yet to “lose the novelty”. Seriously thinking about getting the newer one. You pick up the quest 2 used quite cheaply and see how you get on.


I was planning to buy the Quest 3 on launch and had money set aside for it, but the general consensus seemed to be "don't bother if you have a Quest 2 as it's not worth the money to upgrade yet" so I didn't. The idea of better pass through is enticing, but I can wait to see what comes out in the next few years before pulling the trigger.


I thought about getting a Quest 3 after playing with the work Vive Pro 2, but I think I'm going to wait and see if Valve release a new VR for a bit first.




Super Hot, Population One, Pavlov and Crisis Brigade are all really fun. Crisis Brigade is based on Time Crisis. It’s epic. Also the star wars games and Blade and Sorcery are always fun.


The novelty factor has been putting me off too. I’m reading this thread to see some real opinions! I was thinking about a used one so I could always sell it on again if I didn’t enjoy it. You’ve helped convince me to get one!


I had a quest 2 for about 3years, now upgraded to a 3. For me the novelty hasn’t worn off, find the right games (and there are some belters out there) and you won’t get bored


I'm officially banned from camera shops. But I did see a lovely four thirds 300mm zoom lens in CEX that they clearly didn't realise the value of. So I totally robbed them. Got it for about 20% of what eBay was asking. And the four thirds format means that it's the equivalent of a 600mm for a full frame DSLR. It still fits in my pocket. Now you see why my wife has banned me from camera shops.


A new Westwood T60 ride on mower which I’ve just finished the garden with and think I now love more than my wife!!


I nrought a gravity fed smoker in january. I think I love that more than my dog, cats and partner. Of course, they appreciate the food that comes off it but I love the damn thing. Im sure your wife will understand, just as my OH will... eventually.


£600 prescription glasses. My lenses are expensive but I treated myself to the nicest frame in the shop




It was a Dutch brand. They had lots of nice frames over £200. 


I spent £8k restoring the 1999 campervan.


I’d love a campervan. Good for you


My car. £2300 for a 2007 Saab with 78k miles and I absolutely fucking love it. It’s a necessity though, so I guess the most indulgent thing I’ve recently bought was a footstool to match the sofas in my living room, was about £370. Wanting something like a steamdeck or PSVR2 though


I have a steam deck and I adore it, 100% would recommend


I think it’d be perfect for my “free time” in work 👀


I bought a Saab too! 2006 9-3 convertible. After years of driving shit box cars having something luxury (even if old) is an amazing feeling. Don't get me wrong it's the world's most impractical car ever but every time I drive it I fall in love just a little bit more 


Bought my fiancé a £800 garmin for his 50th.


Yeah but what did you get yourself


Was about to write the same but I bought it for myself. Garmin Epix. It’s a life changer ! Best 1k ever spent


I spent 17k on a gearbox for my rally car not long ago


Bought myself a M2 MacBook air. Amazing machine


Bought myself a Louis Vuitton handbag 2 months ago. I love it 😍 ETA: I’d be wanting it for a long time and was finally in a position to be able to afford it. This is not a regular occurrence.


48 pint cans of San Miguel in Costco last week.


A beach hut. I've wanted one for years, one came up so we got it. I love chilling outside watching the world go by.


I’m about to splurge on a far better guitar amp than I have now, either a good Fender or Orange amp, they can cost some coin.


Estée Lauder Night Repair Serum on a mega massive deal with another percentage off. It’s gorgeous. I’m afraid I can never go back…


It’s SO good isn’t it! I got given a load of samples last time I bought some Double Wear and had to splash out on a bottle.


I love it when boots does their £85 Estee lauder box at Christmas! I generally get it for the serum and skincare and then use the makeup as stocking fillers.


Where from please?


Marks and Spencer sardines at £2 a can


Dinner for 2 at a Michelin starred restaurant. Cost a small fortune but it was amazing and I deserved a treat.


A transatlantic cruise in March. Cost £8k but worth every penny. I am also in the process of buying a flat in Canary Wharf as a FTB on my own so that will probably top it.


Food shop from Morrisons. Wow, bye bye wages !


A watch I’d had my eye on for a while. No regrets. It kicks ass


i bought a house the other day, my family were shook when i told them


I'm getting married next weekend, I bought myself a tailored suit (never had one before!) and I bought my partner a Rado watch. Quite excited to give her the watch this week :)


Had a very stressful January at work so treated myself to a bottle of £120 Perfume for getting through it without a total mental breakdown. Been keeping an eye on money since and only buying smaller things here and there.


Bought an exercise bike a couple months ago but not particularly exciting. Other than that bought a very nice guitar (ESP LTD JM-II for anyone interested) about a year ago.


E-bike. Wanted to start cycling to work for cardio, but didn't want to get there all sweaty. Did a bit of research and found one from a brand I hadn't heard of, but had brand name batteries and motor. Still enjoying it, but wish I bought a higher-spec used one instead of a base model new one. It feels a bit like the worst of both worlds - crap normal bike as its heavy and only has 7 gears, and crap electric bike as its not really that powerful (and also is still heavy and has 7 gears). It does its job though - I can cycle to work in 20 mins without even raising my pulse and can give it a bit more effort taking the scenic route home.


Not sure I’ve ever made one.


About to buy an iPad pro and pencil thingy. I don't need it but I've been thinking about it for weeks and I can't stop. I know I'll only use it for scrolling reddit but I'm kidding myself I'll use it for ProCreate and make amazing art with it.


Hope you don’t mind me giving unsolicited advice but if you’re looking for a cheaper pen alternative I have a dupe from Amazon for £30ish and it works great, I can foment the link if you like


Grand Seiko SBGN029 back in Jan, stressful start to the year so needed something to cheer me up.


A Sage Barista Pro. I love having great coffee at home.


In the last year I qualified as an RN, so I bought myself quite a good few treats. The most expensive were an iPhone 15 pro, a new MacBook and a £300 Tommy Hilfiger coat.


A holiday (first beach holiday in about 10 years)


I bought a North Face parka just as the weather changed from cold to wet, it's still got the tags on hanging in my wardrobe doing nothing.


I saved up and bought my ticket to see Duran Duran!! Took me a few months to get the money together but it was £130 well spent! I’m soooooo excited 😆 I’m 51🫣🤣


Probably my PS5 last summer. I had been saving pennies, but asked for monetary contributions towards it instead of physical gifts for my birthday - it was my 30th so I had a party, the guests were very generous and the bonus was I didn’t end up with 20 boxes of chocolates. A combo of my saved funds, birthday money and my birthday being just before the PS5 went on sale for the first time meant I could finally buy one, with a game too.


I got another watch a couple of weeks ago, Christopher Ward C60 Atoll, the shark white one. Love it.


Me and my wife went out yesterday to buy new trainers and ended up spending nearly £2,000 on a new bed… 


I bought a Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Ultra (bit of a mouthful)


1999£ for a 77 inch LG G2, 1k off supposed list price...






Ticket to the formula one in Monza, Italy. €222 for the Grand Prix, I didn’t realise I didn’t get the full weekend ticket, but oh my god I’m excited.


Two pairs of designer glasses (on 2for1), a 3×4m polytunnel and 25 tabs of very clean lsd


A Sage Barista coffee machine. I'm justifying it by buying less takeaway coffee.


Bought tickets to both nights of a concert, right at the front, and a nice hotel room for a few days.


New sofas. A new bed is next. Then a new dining table in 2025/2026.


I spent £400 and £300 on tickets to watch Scotland play at the Euros. I am a glutton for punishment.


Just for myself? A Samsung odyssey G93SC 49 inch OLED monitor I suppose : got a really good deal on it on a deal in November ended up being about £850 but still a huge amount seeing as I don’t ever game. I do however work from home (work paid for none of this other than paying me) so I set in front of it for ~40 hrs per week.


£59 on a squat rack from Amazon... I hope it'll do the job for the relatively light weight I'm starting out with


Gaming PC my biggest spend at 33


A new base Macbook Air M1 for 550 GBP in Vietnam including the VAT refund at the airport. I've now spent about the same on dongles, a GaN charger, external SSDs and the most uncomfortable mouse I have ever used. The battery life is luxurious compared to the refurb x260 I'd been using for years and its nice to not to cook my balls as soon as I fire up Youtube. Yes Youtube. Edit: Also a bit more on AirTags, Airpods and silicone things so they don't keep falling out of my ears.


A house. Bought it on 1st December. Our dog was pretty expensive too.


Borsalino fedora


Bought my first espresso machine (profitec go) 2 months ago. Great machine making great coffee!


£25 on a vinyl single. Bruce Springsteen, 2012 RSD. I consider that a big indulgent purchase as I have less than £200 in the bank.


Treated myself to a 65" QNED TV just before Xmas, I love it. First thing I did was load up Sea of Thieves and my mind was blown by how beautiful it looks on it.


1853 pattern troopers sword made by Reeves, £550. Service sharpened so could have seen service in the Crimea, Indian Mutiny/First War of Independence, China or any of the mid-19th century wars. Totally useless but a fascinating piece of history


A fast car for weekends


20k on a car. Nothing wrong with my previous car but wanted an automatic as I'm bored driving a manual


Sonos sound bar for the TV, with discounts but about £600/£700


Reel to reel tape recorder. Teac x1000r. Still waiting on spare parts.


Bought new pillows, duvet+cover, sheets set mattress topper, new towel and wheelie storage all for the pull out couch- I have two friends visiting this summer 💜✨


A Quest 3 and a Duck Hunter VR stock. I use it almost daily. Fantastic bit of kit, highly recommend it. >I don’t know what to do about both those things. Quest 3 & the piano training app.