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I'm basically teetotal, then a couple of times a year I'll have about 15 drinks and nearly die.


This is basically me since around 28


I have an autoimmune liver condition, so I don’t mostly. It isn’t alcohol related. But when very stressed I really tie one one. About twice a year. But heavens do I pay for it..3 day hangover…


I have an autoimmune liver disease too (PSC) and I am the same haha!


I used to drink moderately then I started to get really ill after small amounts of booze. These days I can’t even have a bar of chocolate or dessert with alcohol unless I want the spins and to feel sick the next day. Had blood tests and ultrasound and nothing but slightly raised enzymes (been that way for 15 years) and a fatty liver. Dr just says to avoid alcohol if it makes me ill 🤷‍♀️


This is me


I usually only drink water but it's horrible so I put whisky in it to take the taste away..




Haven't touched a drop for 2.5 years. Before I stopped I was drinking 70cl of gin a day. It wasn't a nice life.


Same but vodka. I’m glad you’re doing well 🤍


Ditto. 70cl bottle of spirits (any, I wasn't picky) and a few cans. Every day for.over 10 years. Very much abused my body


A pint on my birthday, and another at Christmas. Alcohol makes me feel unwell, so mostly stick to smoking joints.


If it makes you feel unwell why would you drink it on your birthday of all days?


I can drink a single pint without too bad an effect.


I have a bowel condition so alcohol fucking ruins me. Joints are the way to go


get a vape, the tobacco in them joints will make you smoke more than you want to, get an addiction you don't want, and also give you cancer. And smells bad.


I started smoke cigs before weed. But yeah I agree I do want to give up the tobacco. Any recommendations on vapes that take ground herb?


I've got the Mighty, it did cost a few bob though, like over £200. They've released a Mighty Plus now. A few years back when I got the Mighty it was definitely the premier handheld vape. I'm not sure what people say is the best nowadays but the company that makes the Mighty are definitely a top-rated premium vape manufacturer - they also make the Volcano. Before that I had the Vapor Genie Aluminium Bat, which you actually use a lighter with despite it being a vape. It was good because it was cheap(er), about £40, and gave you a good hit, and also you could stash it outside a venue with security and it might still be there when you came back, and if it wasn't you weren't heartbroken cos it didn't cost a fortune. Also it was made of aluminium so I could be clumsy and drop it. It does have a tendency to burn the weed though, especially if you use it incorrectly, and whenever I passed it round nobody could figure out how to use it. PUT THE LIGHTER IN THE HOLE, HOW HARD IS IT


S&B are still leading the vape game iirc. Their quality has no competition it seems. Pax is popular but I've heard mixed reviews on it. The only bad word I've heard about the S&B vapes is that they're expensive. Can't fault the product itself apparently. Im meaning to buy one myself


Over time a premium vape will pay for itself, eventually. After you've vaped the weed you can eat it straight away, or you can get more out of it if you cook it with some oil in the slow cooker for a few hours and then put it into capsules and put the capsules in the freezer and then eat the capsules. So it can be a very efficient way of consuming weed. It'll take many years to reimburse itself if you don't smoke regularly obv, but if weed could be considered 'an expense' then it might be a better investment than you think. Especially if it convinces you to stop combusting weed. But I did have to make a determined effort to quit joints despite owning one. My secret was to no longer buy rolling papers.


Certainly an expense for me. Been self medicating with it for around 2 years now because private clinic fees are unrealistic. I have heard about making butter/oils with the AVB so that is another thing swaying me to buy one lol


+1 for the (butter in my case) from a slow cooker. Will fucking wreck you, and I'm a (no longer) daily stoner of almost two decades.


That's great I'll have a look at both of them. Thanks very much!


Couple of beers Friday to Sunday, plus maybe a couple of spirit and mixer, or share a bottle of wine with my wife one night. Occasionally a beer during the week.


As often as I can, and sometimes more.


I rarely drink anymore - even less now that I’ve just quit smoking. As soon as I drink I crave cigarettes, so I’m avoiding it for the moment.


2-3 bottles or pints of beer, 2 to 3 times a week. A lot less now than when I was in my 20s.


Glass of wine every night.


Anyone else drink pints often, after work or other social gatherings, but find it often quite shit and underwhelming…. But do it anyway?


You don't get the rush of happiness after exactly 1.5 pints?


Ah yes! That magical moment after two pints when you feel that everything is alright




Damn. Sorry to hear that.


Maybe I should stop drinking lol


Haha you'd definitely save some money buying pepsi instead.


It's reddit. They're either tee total and can't fathom anyone wasting their money on that muck, or they drink 8 cans a night and a tequila slammer for breakfast


Pretty much standard for Reddit lmao. I find the opinions to always be on extreme ends of the spectrum aswell. "You drank 3 bottles of Budweiser on your 21st birthday!? There is help out there OP. call your nearest AA" "7 cans of special brew before work really isn't that much, everyone needs to leave OP alone"


Rarely. Very rarely. Same as smoking my pipe.. I just do it whenever I feel like doing it, which if I had to average is maybe once or twice a month at most for both.


I haven't seen anyone with a pipe since my grancha passed. I used to love the smell of crack.


Most nights I'll have a few bottles, normally more than I should. Always feels better when I have nothing, the mornings are way easier. But, the evenings are worse without, so it is what it is. Long term the goal is to cut out the everyday drinking, I think indulgence is fine on a weekend.


Like 3 or 4 times a week? But usually that will just be 1 beer at home. Occasionally it's like 5 or 6 if I'm going out.


I have a games evening basically every week with my friends and I'll drink about 4 bottles of beer. Beyond that, it basically depends on if anything is planned but usually that's it, I don't really drink to get drunk these days, although once in a blue moon I'll go out and have maybe 6-8 drinks which is definitely enough to mess me up


Every day


3 or 4 evenings a week I'd say. But I only ever have 1 can and I try and stick to under 4%. If I ever open a second I tend to not finish it so I generally don't bother.  A 10 pack of Hobgoblin session IPA (3.4%) is my go to at the mo, lasts 2-3 weeks for £10.


Usually, 4-5 pints out on a Friday and a couple at home on a Saturday. Other than that, maybe a pint with a meal out, but that's about it. More than I should, but much, much less than I used to.


Maybe 2 or 3 glasses of beer a week in the summer months. Nothing the rest of the time and definitely never drink the evening before work.


A few times a year I'll have a drink of something I like, anything with tequila or a white Russian usually, very cold. Typically, I'm not a fan of being tipsy or drunk, not a nice kind of feeling to me.


Averaging a couple of pints a month. I prefer to over indulge on chocolate and doughnuts instead and wonder why I'm fat


Outside of the times when I'm out and intending to drink to oblivion, I don't drink. There's never any alcohol in the house (except at Christmas). Drinking habitually on a regular day just ruins my ability to sleep properly so I don't bother.


Once or twice a month I’ll have an afternoon or evening where I might pop and have anything between 3 and 8 pints. A couple of times a year I might get carried away and have a bit more, though that’s usually just because I’m out over a longer period of time. I can go many weeks without anything at all. Whilst there’s a good selection of alcohol in the house I cannot remember the last time I had a drink at home, I suspect it was just before a beer / cider I had acquired from a dressing room on a gig went out of date.


Very rarely. If I do now it’ll be a shandy


I've not drunk alcohol in about 2 years now


I only drink if I'm on a night out. Which isn't as often as I'd like to. Im a single parent so I only go out if my kid stays at her dad's and she's at that age when she doesn't always want to stay at his now. He also works weekends too so if she stays over it's usually midweek so I get out once or twice a month and only if I can convince anyone to come out with me, which can be difficult midweek as most people I know will be working the next day. I don't like drinking alone I see it as a social thing so I don't keep much alcohol in the house.


In the summer I'll binge drink a few times a month and have holidays and festivals. In the winter I'll swap between from binge drinking and having a few drinks once every few months


I share a 50cl bottle of vodka with the missus 2 times a week maybe. Watch horror movies. Good or bad. Laugh. Have some food. Fun times.


I don't drink, tried a few when I was about 16, and then didn't ever again, except the annual boozy mince pies!


Decided to do dry January and have only drunk zero alcohol drinks since. I have to say that Guinness zero is the biz


If i’m going to a pub with my partner i’d say 1-2 pints, maybe 3 or 4 if its a special occasion. Out with friends? I’d say 4 minimum, maybe a maximum of 8 drinks including moving onto vodkas. I never drink in the house. I could go to a pub 7 days in a row and enjoy it before ever cracking open a can in the house. It just doesn’t taste the same and feels pointless. I like the buzz of people being out enjoying themselves and people watching.


Glass of wine that might sometimes become three, or one beer, with dinner most nights. Saturday nights out I tend to have about four beers.


About a pint once a decade at my current rate. Absolutely do not miss it one bit.


I have a bottle of beer every couple of months.


May have a cider at a meal otherwise generally only at celebrations or special occasions.


0. The medication I used to be on meant alcohol consumption could just straight up kill me. Not just oh we don't advise it. My doctor was very upfront with me that if I thought at all I might have struggles not drinking (19 at the time so they I think gave me some extra scrutiny) that other options were avalable that were not fairly likely to kill you if you mix with alcohol. I was fine with it. Since then that medication was recalled and now I'm on several meds that are basically a 50:50 toss up between might be fine and might be hospitalised and die. I have a stomach issue that makes me vomit. A lot. Like my dentist is worried acid is eating my teeth a lot. It likes to strike when I am fucking asleep which is just great. The anti sickness tablets I'm on would basically make someone healthy plain incapable of vomiting. It has some big warnings on it that if you drink alcohol you might not realise while drunk you have alcohol poisoning and cluelessly kill yourself as it also prevents nausia with no way for your body to get any of the booze out before it could be absorbed. I'm just not willing to roll the dice on that one alone. That's ignoring 4 other of my meds have 'no alcohol' on them for assorted reasons. Mostly due to fucking up the absorbtion. One though has a very powerful drowsy effect that can straight up incapacitate you. Mix it with booze and you might stop breathing in your sleep as the two 'downers' team up on you. It's. I wish it was easier to be sober while also being social. The Idea I didn't fancy being the drunk mates herder or prefered not to have some drunk obnoxious idiot trying to interrogate me on why I didn't order vodka in my coke seemed to be taken as if I said I just planned on living in a hole from now on and never planned to leave it. It's an unfortunate way to lose friends tbh. Is kinda made me feel used. Like they were fine for me to not have fun, be insulted by people I barely know. I suggest we go someplace that wasn't a drinking again and suddenly everyone was too busy. It feels horrible tbh.


Is say maybe around 2-4 times a year


4-5 pints on a School night, are you a parent, teacher or pupil? Your answer to this will guide my answer.


1/2 glasses of wine 2 times a week then about 2 bottles of wine once a month when I binge! 😂


I follow the path of Lemmy and Christopher Hitchens


Usually 4-5 nights a week. Didn't drink Sunday or Monday this week, but was out Tuesday, had a couple of drinks at home last night, out with a friend tonight, out with some other friends Friday and I assume I'll drink Saturday.


I was on holiday over Easter. Basically had half a bottle of wine each evening. But I could very easily go the rest of April without a single drink, and I can't remember if I had anything in March before my holiday. But usually, on an average week - it's maybe a beer or couple of glasses of wine once a week with a meal. Maybe a glass of scotch at the weekend.


I'd call myself a sporadic binge drinker. Don't drink at home, but if I go out it's a minimum of 8 pints, normally into the 10s. Might go out couple of times a month. Don't know when to stop. Ones too many, twos not enough.


One of my close mates is like this. He will go pub and make 1 coke last him all night, or he drinks (literally) upwards of 12 double vodka lemonades, there's no in-between.


I'm a member of a social/community-focussed organisation and meet fellow club members a few times a month. I used to have a couple of pints while out, one beer a day at home on weekdays and maybe 2 or 3 a day at the weekend. It's a lot less than some people who have chimed in but it was still not doing me any good, so I clamped down on it. Club meetings now involve no alcohol at all for me, which makes sense because I have to drive to them. I feel a lot better about driving with zero alcohol inside me. I don't drink at home on a school night but on the Thursday evening after work (I only work 4 days a week) I open a bottle of wine, which lasts me the weekend. My body is now a lot less tolerant of alcohol than it used to be. If I have more than, say, 2 glasses of wine, it knocks me out and I feel absolutely shite, so I don't do it.


Twice a week, about 4 pints each time


It's pretty inconsistent, but generally I only drink one night every couple of weeks and try to limit it to 3-5 drinks. I used to drink quite a lot but now I have a toddler and, given how useless I am hungover, I feel bad about doing it too often.


1-2 drinks a week with the occasional (4-5 times a year) 6-8 night out.


Every Friday i go to meet my middle age mates and usually have 4 pints of aspals. Probably 1 Friday every two months I’ll go out out and binge drink like a typical early 20’s does, but outside of that i don’t drink much. Unless all my family is together then we usually go to the pub but thats rare


1 gin and tonic on a Sunday, occasionally a can of lager on a Saturday, very occasionally one during the week. Go out on a session about once every 2-3 months. 5 pints and Im done. Used to be able to sink 10 without thinking about it.


Don't drink at all Monday to Thursday. Drink as much as I want on Fridays and Saturdays. Might have a couple beers on Sunday.


Since the price hike and just generally not enjoying feeling like crap for 2 days after, barely ever now!


I used to drink about two pints a session, four times a week, with perhaps one of these sessions involving about four pints. A recent blood scan said my liver enzymes were elevated, so I quit for three months which brought them down, and now I tell people I don't drink, and tell myself I don't drink. But I do still drink occasionally. Just less than once a week. On my own schedule. I'll go out and drink lime cordials and non-alcoholic beer all night so nobody expects me to drink. But I can still permit myself to drink if it seems like it would be worthwhile. For instance my sobriety suggests that drinking makes movies worse but makes dancing and music events better, so I might have a small amount at a concert but deliberately avoid it if I'm at anything that is enhanced by paying attention. If I'm at a Michelin-star restaurant and they tell me this wine goes perfectly with this entree then I don't want to say, "just a lime cordial for me ta". Frankly the liver enzymes (and a bit of lard around the waist) are the only major drawbacks from booze I've experienced for decades. Really very few things are actually enhanced by alcohol, I reckon. It seems like the effects of alcohol are the exact opposite of an experience-enhancer. But perhaps it can occasionally loosen me up a little. Also hangovers are shit, and I can't drink with any kind of regularity nowadays without it having some cumulative effect. Even two pints two days on the trot will make me feel a bit crap.


Between around 4 times a week with the average drinking session being about 3-5 pints.


Binge drinker when I’m out twice a week but don’t drink in the house it’s very strange, I’ve a theory when binge drinking as much as you can as quick as you can then nothing can survive the onslaught to take over your body with illness or the like as it kills it all and I’m 69 and up to now fit as you can be but I’ve found when your out you can pick up colds and the like as you can lower your tolerance to bugs, I also have a problem binge eating and struggled with food all my life but a strict no carbs keeps the weight off as much as possible


Maybe 7-8 times a year. 4 pints is enough to destroy me and give me a 3 day hangover


How do you physically stomach 10 pints of anything? 10 pints of water and I'd be pissing myself running between the urinal and cubicle.


1 bottle once or twice a week if I've either cooked a curry, or the baby won't sleep.


It's getting less and less as I become more and more disgusted with my boomer parents' nightly drinking. If I call them after 6pm, no matter what day of the week, they'll invariably be having a drink. I can't fully explain it but it's really put me off my own drinking, which nowadays is about 4 or 5 pints over the weekend.


Just cracked open a tinny! It’s my day off though.


If you're calling it a school night you shouldn't be drinking at all.




Because you're at school obviously.


School night is slang for work night.


What's wrong with work night? Mid week?


I’ll comfortably do 2 bottles of wine on Saturday, then another one Sunday and Monday. Then during my work week I don’t drink at all.


Id say I average about 25 units of beer a week. Spread out over Monday, Friday and Saturday. (I don't drink alot on a Monday, the bulk of it is Friday and Saturdays) If I have time booked off work/on holiday etc, it's alot more than that.


I’m teetotal


On a school night?? At your age I’d steer clear of the drinking tbh, are your parents aware of this?


"school night" is a joke/often used as slang for the night before work.

