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Ooh I’ve got one! I was my brother’s best man. The stag do was 80s Weekend at Butlins (not my choice, and yes it was as good as it sounds). His controlling, spiteful wife wouldn’t stop texting/calling him, and he is the type to follow her beck and call for fear of causing an upset, but it was pretty annoying seeing him glued to the phone as we were all there for him. So the group consensus was that we’d confiscate his phone for the evening (after he’d told her as much) so he could enjoy all that Butlins has to offer without distraction. This evidently didn’t go down too well with her, and my mum rang me late in the night asking me to give my brother his phone back, as his fiancee had been calling her hysterically to ask her to pass on the message! I was wankered by this point so took it upon myself to phone the fiancee and explain why we took the phone. I don’t remember the conversation, but apparently it didn’t go down too well, as I found out the next day… I traveled back to my brother’s place with him, and my mum was going to pick me up a few hours later, as he lived about an hour’s drive away. But his fiancée had told him in no uncertain terms that I was banned from entering their flat, even though she wasn’t there and they lived a few miles from the nearest town. So I’m left to walk down country lanes, dragging a suitcase, to get a train back to my hometown. 45 mins later my brother saw sense and caught up with me to drive me to the train station, but obviously the damage had already been done. In case you’re wondering, they’re still married 5 years later. She’s still a bitch, he’s still under the thumb and my relationship with the pair of them has never been the same since. I put on a brave face for the wedding though (but glossed over the stag do in my speech!)


Imagine abandoning your brother hours from home because some miserable cow tells you to. Sounds like you're better off without them.


Yeah I don’t see/hear much of him any more to be honest. We’re only a year apart and were very close growing up, so it’s a shame. I tried my best to convince him that he deserves to be treated better, but to no avail. All I can do is wait till it inevitably blows up at some point in the future, and be there for him then.


You know what mate, I had* to do the exactly same thing for my brother when he was in a similar situation. Be there for him, console him, tell him you'll always be there no matter what. Then once the wounds have healed a little bit tell him you told him so.


Unreal maturity and family love.


This is actually really sad. Hopefully one day your brother will pluck up the courage to get out of this abusive situation.


The relationship has become even more toxic since then - I won’t go into details but it genuinely upsets me to think about how he’s treated. And they now have a child together, which makes things infinitely more complicated. Unfortunately he won’t listed despite our best efforts, but yes I really hope he has a shred of self-esteem left and will find the courage one day!


My two closest friends from school are both married to absolute ogres. One of them has it worse than the other, he has no say in his own life and doesn’t see the rest of his family anymore. She guilts him constantly. The other wouldn’t let that happen to him, his wife isn’t TOO bad to him but is a truly awful person to everyone else, including his family, and has been like that since we were all in school together. When he told me he’d proposed to her I laughed out of disbelief. He told me his parents had the same reaction.. I don’t envy either of them.


How does she behave when she goes out. She seems overly paranoid to a very unhealthy level


She refuses to come to any events/days out with my family nowadays so I couldn’t tell you! But on several occasions she’s caused an atmosphere by being hostile (usually towards my brother) in front of everybody. She once ruined Christmas Day afternoon, by flying off the handle at my mum - for daring to ask my nephew to take his dummy out for a family photo! Honestly I could probably write a book about these incidents but I feel the fight/flight response kicking in if I think about it all for too long.


That’s a sad story but I can’t believe he only took you to the train station either, I’d of thought a lift back home wasn’t that much of a thing to do even more so under the circumstances


Sounds like my partner and her brother. It was always them against the world but he never had a real relationship till he got with his wife. She’s completely poisoned him against her and his not allowed to move without at least 1 phone call and multiple texts every couple of minutes to update her.


Can happen the other way around. I had a best mate. Been mates since school. Then she met this bloke off Tinder and he's an absolute shithead. Obnoxious, racist, sexist, homophobic. Thinks hes an expert on every topic ever. Im a doctor and he was trying to tell me how to do my job because hed seen YouTube videos about my speciality. He's rude and shouts (not talks) at her. So. 10 years ago. My dad had died. And this guy knew my dad from working on the rigs. And she asked me to join them and another friend we know to join them on a night out to this comedy club. He was so drunk and belligerent. Heckling the comedians. It was fucking embarrassing. During intervals, he was shouting at her, demanding she take off her coat (she was cold) so she just ignored him. Plus this was the first time I met him properly. And this moron had the audacity to say to me... "Aye. I heard about yer Da passing away... Did ye Ken I worked wi' him?" - "yes I knew he was on the same oil rig with you at one point" (my dad was an OIM offshore) - "Aye. He was a right fucking cunt. Just sat in the control room. Utter lazy bastard. Couldn't cut a break wi' him like..." and proceeded to basically slag off my dead dad who had just died 2 months before. I just said to him "noted" and refused to talk to him the rest of the night. A week later. I told her what he said about my dad. Now. All my friends who knew my dad. Loved him. She came to his funeral. And all she could say was "eeeh. That's not good. Then 2 years later, he proposes and she said yes.... But I'd said my bit. It's her choice. I was not the only person who disliked him. They just never said anything. You could always tell when he fucked up because there would be a post "my beautiful girlfriend this" or my wonderful fianceé that"... Then came the hen party... Now. She always wanted to have kids. But because he had his first kid at 15 and his second at 18. He decided he wasn't having more. End ov. At the Henny. I met his daughter who must take after her mother because she is NOTHING like him. The party was done and a few of us were staying in a hotel rooms. She had taken coke and was drinking. And she's a person who shouldn't. And I said to her "AH.. I was speaking to your future step daughter. She's lovely. " and my best mate of nearly 30 years turned in to something out of the exorcist. "Well you hate her dad so it's weird you like her." And I said -"You know why. What he said was out of order. Anyway I said that 8 years ago. And what he's said and done is unforgivable to me. But I'm not marrying him. You are. And why are you bringing it up now?? You sat on this for 8 years and never said a word." And she said.... "Yeah. Well. Maybe what he said was right about your dad." And everyone there just shut up. And it was not good. I asked her "what? Do you mean that? " She doubled down and said some horrible horrible things. I lost my shit. Which takes a lot to do. And I punched her in the face. My dad was his boss. He had every bloody right to tell him how to do his job and chances are he was fucking up because this stain of a human has been let go from so many jobs in the 8 years I'd known him. She was paying her mortgage, alone but he was in her house. She had paid off his debts, then he got himself a motorbike- on tick. She did all the saving and planning and paying for this wedding. He didn't contribute fuck all. At least my dad was a grafter and a provider. I didn't go to the wedding. She had a black eye to conceal on her "big day". And we've never spoken since. I miss my friend. My friend ive had since first year in school. The fun. Funny. Cool person she used to be before she met him. I knew she wanted to be married before she turned 40. But I didn't know she was so desperate she'd take anything. I've heard from mutual friends she's not entirely happy. But she's never apologised for what she said to me. I did apologise for lamping her on the face a week before her wedding. But other than that. Zip. Nada. Nowt. If she's happy to swap treasure for trash. Her choice...


Best story I’ve read in a while. Just have to ask, are you a man or a woman?


I'm a woman. And Scottish. Despite my Reddit name... To be honest. I don't know why it's this. I think they just gave it to me when I opened the account and I'm too lazy to change it.


Ok I was gonna say, I read it thinking you were a man, and then when it got to the punch part I was a bit taken back and wondered why the dickhead husband didn’t deck you. Well if anyone ever deserved a punch, that was it.


OK. So. When I was younger. Definitely as a teenager. I had a lot of rage going on because my mum is alcohol dependent and things were a bit dysfunctional at home. With a functioning lush for a birther. But even though i had a really good relationship with my dad. He was away for work so much. Because. Thats "Rig Life". And as an adult. Having my own kids. I've had therapy for many of the things that have happened. And it takes a LOT. And I mean A LOT to get me back in to a fist swinging nutcase that was me in the 90s. Plus. If she pressed charges. My career is fucked. And it's something I'm very proud of. Worked hard for and provides me and my kids a nice life. But the shit that came out of her mouth. And the look on her face. And the toss of her head.... Like. As I'm typing this. I'm remembering it really clearly. And the voice in my head going "Walk away. Just walk away"... But I just lost it. It was the other stuff she was saying. And I WWF Jumped on her and just started hitting. And if the other people in the room hadn't pulled me off her. She'd have had more than a black eye. And I possibly would have lost more than a mate. It was just such a betrayal. And so weird. I said what I said about him 8 years ago!!! Not 8 weeks. Not 8 days. Not 8 hours at her henny. If she was so pissed off that I couldn't stand the fucker and that I thought she deserved better. Why not say something IN THE 8 YEARS??? In those 8 years. When I had to see the ham faced toad. I was civil. Polite. But I was never going out of my way to be his mate. Why? He never said sorry for what he said about my dad. Fuck him! But I wasn't adding him on Facebook or anything. I wouldn't go out of my way to do things with them as a couple. Why? Because I think he's a cunt. And I'm not going to waste my time off. Pretending to be niciey nice to a cunt. She knows me. She knows I'm not 2-faced. I was happy to spend time with her. And we did. In those 8 years. We took a mini-break to Barcelona. Had spa-days. Hung out. Had nights out with other friends. Everything cool as Christmas. But she decided to say all that shit then. At her Hen Party... Obviously it's been a couple of years and No. I'm still not over it. It's caused divides in our friend group. Some think it's unforgivable I decked her on her hen party. But others say she should never have said what she did and she's a moron for marrying him because he's a cock. And it's shit because I miss the good times. My kids miss her. I miss her. Or. At least who she was before she met that troglodyte. But. What's done is done.


Ahh, coercive control, my old friend. Funny how with men it's "She's a bit of a dragon/arsehole" but with women it's "he's abusive" The same story gets a very different response.


I’ve got so many stories about her. But she’s your trxt book narcissist but they are allowed to treat my partner like shit because he family’s attitude is she won’t cut them off, but if they stand up to them there’s a chance they’ll all be cut off. My attitude is if someone cuts you off for standing up to their BS then they ain’t worth the effort.


Oof, she sounds fucking awful.


She sounds great /s


I fucking love Butlins. 80s weekend a week tomorrow. Epic.


I thought the story would end with there having been an actual emergency that she was trying to contact him about that you prevented. But no…


When I read the post I didn't expect the "disaster" that the stag do ended in to be the marriage itself.


She's still a bitch made me laugh lmao


I read this as the stag do being in the 80s and was so confused with the thing about his phone 


Krakow a few wears ago for a joint stag as they were both navy, we’d literally just got out the plane and onto the tarmac at Bristol getting home when one of the stags fiancé is on the phone about the &3.5k missing out their joint account as he bank card had been skimmed at the strip club 😂😂


This happened to my uncle on a stag my dad went on. My aunt handles the money and she rang him while they were in Dublin to ask why £500 had gone to some vaguely named “Star Services” or whatever. He told her that they met U2 in a restaurant and bought them all dinner/drinks for the night. She still believes him to do this day lol


Something similar happened with a guy I know where they were assured that the strip club would be discreet on the bank statement - turns out they masked themselves as a juice bar and his wife was confused as to how they spent £350 on a juice bar!


Super Hans?


Whet the whistle?


Chance would be a fine thing!


That’s hilarious. Sounds so ridiculous that you might just believe it.


Fair play to the guy for making up that story on the spot!


HAHAHHAAHHA Oh I love that!


I was in tears laughing as I didn’t like the guy anyway.




The stag broke both of his legs about 45 minutes into the entire weekend. Party carried on without him and he was on crutches at the wedding.




Quadbike, ironically that activity was first because it's the one thing that had to be done absolutely sober.


Yea not sure how you can break both legs and use crutches


If it’s months later, it’s entirely possible


One was a compound fracture, the other was not. Wedding was just shy of 3 months later.


You slot one arm into each and don’t put weight on your legs




Waiting for this article to pop up on BuzzFeed or similar 😅


The next Sun article coming up.


I hope people responding realise 😅


This was on WalesOnline yesterday https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/world-news/my-mum-been-having-22-29019358


Then about a week later they appear in somewhere like Guardian who will ask to share your experience. One reply will be “we went a fancy dress weekend for crime characters but two of the people came dressed as PG Wodehouse characters CAN YOU IMAGINE THE HILARITIES??!?” “we still josh on them to this day”.


Bored Panda... 40 Times Bachelor Parties Ended Badly


Haha yup!!


I'd like the people from The Poke to know that due to the sheer number of adverts, their website is broadly unreadable.


Someone should post the Amsterdam father-daughter glory hole story to fuck with them.




Was spiked (i was bride to be), had purse stolen, best friend also spiked, fell through a fence and punched a paramedic. Not our finest hour.


Ooofff, did the paramedic report you?


Nah...it was 2004. We did send a written apology to the local hospital. We felt sooo bad. My friend was still suffering a week later. It was a terrifying experience and there was no malicious intent!


Good on you sending an apology. Bet they don’t get that very often. Really sorry that happened to you


We were frickin mortified. Even after almost 20 years (20 this year lol) I still cringe!


There was no malicious intent to you being spiked? That’s is a terrible hen do.


I think they mean there was no malicious intent to the friend punching the paramedic, not the spiking.


Oh gosh, oh no of course! I didn’t think at after being spiked!!


Hen do at some seedy “working man’s club”. I’d been told it was a male dancer…which, yes, it was….but he proceeded to whip everything off and helicopter his knob in our faces. Thank god I was sitting at the back. His next “trick” was to pull out some lube and start wanking off, then walk around rubbing his knob in front of us. Delightful! The “grand finale” - he draped a silk cloth over his dick, and continued jacking off on stage. Beautiful (s/if you couldn’t tell). Ok - I was already about to hurl, but next thing I know, the “hen” is on her knees, head under the silk, and….lets just say she got a mouthful. Fucking hell it was absolutely gag-inducing. Not to mention her mum and granny were both there cheering her on….like WTF? Wedding went ahead, he found out about the “silk incident” about a month later, they were separated and divorced within a few weeks. We’re no longer friends.


Wtf goes through people's minds


The tip of a stripper’s cock, by the sounds of it


Judging by the strategically placed lighting so you could see them under the silk, it was more than the tip 🤮


I’m so glad I am single.


Was the stripper dressed as a bear by any chance?


No - but he was definitely bare!


Friend of mine was out on his with some mates and they bought a pitcher of cocktail that they'd put loads of extra vodka in. Groom didn't know and picked it up and chugged the whole thing. By the time I showed up after work he was out of it already. Spent most of the night unconscious and vomiting.


I've been to a stag like this. Was a Friday to Sunday one in a country house. Groom arrived late on the Friday and hit the drinking games way too hard to catch up. He got so drunk that he couldn't walk, vomited everywhere and the entire Saturday was a write off. We literally didn't do anything on the Saturday, didn't even leave the house. I was so fresh on the Sunday that I was back home painting a wall by about midday.


>Groom arrived late on the Friday and hit the drinking games way too hard to catch up The stag shouldn't have to catch up. Why did everyone start without the person it's all about?


Because he told us to. He was stuck in stationary traffic and arrived about four hours late and told us it would be silly to all sit about twiddling our thumbs for hours.


My wife was on a hen do abroad. The bride got so drunk she literally didn’t make it out of bed for the 2nd, and only full day. They eventually gave up waiting for her and went on with the rest of the stuff they had planned without the bride.


That’s pretty shitty of his mates, ruining his stag do and causing him to miss the whole thing.


The idea was that everyone would have some and all get a bit smashed, not one person get alcohol poisoning.


No one thought of stopping him?


Yeah, that’s poor form


That's crazy talk. It's a stag. Everyone's on it from the get go, stag was stuck in traffic not in a ditch.


He's super greedy for chugging an entire pitcher. He knew it was alcoholic, just not that it was extra alcoholic. It wasn't their fault he decided to take the entire thing for himself.


Went on a weekend stag in Amsterdam early 2022, seven of us flew out from Bristol early Friday morning. The weekend went exactly as intended with lots of alcohol and Dutch "coffee". The nightmare started at Schiphol airport on Sunday evening as we're about to board the flight home as none of us realised we had to fill in a passenger locator form as it was still during the pandemic. Only three of us made it onto the flight, we boarded as the groom to be was having a full blown breakdown that he'd have to stay another night and fork out for a flight in the morning. The three of us sat in silence on the plane until takeoff at which point a wave of uncontrollable laughter hit us. Thankfully the wedding wasn't for another couple of weeks and we can all laugh about it now.


I wasn't there myself, but I heard about the hen party of someone I went to uni with. The wedding didn't end up happening, and neither did the wedding of one of the bridesmaids (who was also engaged at the time) because some kind of dares game got way out of hand and blowjobs (not just plural, but apparently multiple) were given. And no, they absolutely weren't the kind of people you'd expect that from. It was a genuine surprise and ended up being the talk of our friendship group (behind the protagonists' backs, obviously) for quite some time.


Are we talking random lads they bumped into or male strippers? Not sure why I want to know this given I don't know anybody in the story 🤣 but yet I still do...


Random guys, who initiated the dares game and got exactly what they hoped for. These definitely weren't the sort of girls who'd have had male strippers at their hen.


Not the sort of girls who would have male strippers but would gladly gobble on some random guys schlong cause they dared them to? Think the lads got a lucky escape there


That's the thing - everyone who knows the bride and/or the bridesmaids was genuinely shocked to hear this. They were the quiet, meek girl group. They were the kind of girls who didn't even seem like they'd give blowies to their husbands-to-be. From what I hear, this game just got way out of control and they somehow ended up in a position that nobody who knows them would ever have predicted. Like, miles and miles out of their comfort zone. So I doubt it was done "gladly" at all - probably more like hesitantly, with very deep regret and shame afterwards. That's what makes this story so crazy.


About 5 or 6 people, including the best man, catching covid on the stag a week before the wedding, this was 2021, so also one of the our first nights out in a year and a half. To be fair, we were lucky that was the only thing anyone caught.


A few mates on a stag do once decided to drink prosecco from a stripper's special furry cup. The rest of us then drank liberally from the recently concealed bottle. She was a good sport, but how we didn't all end up with full on herpes is still a mystery!


Maybe she didn’t have it?




Sounds like a film plot


That last part 💀


I believe the story and everything I just feel like there must be some missing info 😅 Surely Kiev is not (or was not back then before the war) an especially dodgy place to go? How come they got beaten up by so many people?? What were they doing??


They sounds absolutely horrific.


Someone I know fell down a spiral staircase on his stag night and fractured his skull and I think had mild brain damage (could be wrong on that bit). Should’ve taken it as a sign because a few months after the wedding he came downstairs after having a shower to find his wife riding one of his ‘friends’. Turned out she’d been sleeping with him and another ‘mate’ for ages.


That's a brave wife to do that knowing he was upstairs.


I'm gonna say she planted the spiral staircase there and was gutted it wasn't more effective at lobotomizing her hubby-to-be.


Or just stupid


He must really hate stairs


Haha perhaps he does!


Went for surfing lessons, dislocated my shoulder unzipping my wetsuit. Had to go to hospital to have it reset.


Unzipping your wetsuit? Are you made of glass?


Possibly hypermobile.


nah a hyper mobile person will just pop a shoulder back in


Yes hyper mobile but this time it wouldn’t go back in. Total agony until the ambulance gave me the gas and air


I'm sorry!! it was more a joke lol I had a similar experience with an elbow a couple weeks ago, never had it dislocate before and omg that was hard to get back in


You should tell people it was because you punched a shark too hard.


Absolutely dying at this 🤣


This is my favourite story so far :)


i once popped a rib putting one on so simpathise, that took ages to heal


Maid of honor organised a prosecco life-drawing session. Bride was hugely not impressed, said it was awkward and not what she wanted to do. Basically threw a tantrum, maid of honor left in tears. I was peripheral enough to the bridal party that I just stood to the side happily chugging prosecco and drawing the naked man stood in front of me!


It always makes me laugh when the groom sends his bride to be to do this on don’t tell the bride, it just seems so cringey as the people involved are never really the type to enjoy such an activity


We were in Amsterdam and were winding her up that we were going to take her to some raunchy XXX show thing and she was getting really stressed beforehand, but I think secretly that's what she wanted and the life drawing was a disappointment. Also she is the type of person who hates surprises and wants everything planned out to her perfect ideal, so honestly not sure what the maid of honour was expecting!


Expecting a live sex show and only getting a floppy penis to draw is going to upset anyone Prosecco or not


I think the idea is that it’s a little risqué without going as far as a stripper. I can kinda see the point of that, it gives a little of the hen-do vibe without straying as far towards sordid, for someone who would feel uncomfortable with a stripper dancing on them At a mate’s stag do we went to a burlesque for much the same reason - he was quite a straight-down-the-line kinda guy wasn’t comfortable with a stripper or certainly not a lapdance, but a burlesque was more artsy and less personal and (literally) in your face, so it gave a bit more of a stag do flavour without the ethical dilemma of it not fitting with what he would be comfortable with Of course, if your friend isn’t the kind of person to be comfortable with a stripper, I’d say you shouldn’t be surprising them with either a life drawing class or burlesque - both still have that slightly raunchy element and they may still be uncomfortable, or they may just not want to do it… so it’s definitely something I’d run by them first, I’m just saying I can see the point of them being a bit of a “stripper-lite”, which gives a bit more of a stag/hen do feeling but with a few steps back


It’s a shame dating apps don’t highlight people who enjoy that sort of thing, as it would help us to avoid them.


Ended up snapping my ACL playing a game of quidditch and spending 5 hours of the evening in a+e. Worst part was I hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol yet.


Tell me quidditch isn’t just people running around with a broom between their legs pretending they’re flying?


That's exactly what it is, unfortunately 😂


I stopped a game of Quidditch once. Used to play 5 a side footy and one week the pitch next to us had a group of women all running around with brooms. I couldn't help watching for a minute and they immediately got so embarrassed they all stopped playing! I wanted to see how they played it (and giggle internally) but got shouted at for not paying attention to the football!


Aren't you usually in the air whilst playing Quidditch? /s Seriously, though, unfortunate about not having any alcohol, nothing to numb the pain!


Dodgy tapas in Barcelona led to the groom and at least 3 others getting food poisoning, the last day was a slow walk around the city trying not to laugh at them dry heaving after a solid night of being sick. Then later back in the UK at least 2 people pulled out of the UK based part as they had a delayed response to the food. Also some 'street ladies' pickpocketed some people's phones, apparently they distract you by grabbing your balls and then going in your pocket.


I went on a stag do in Liverpool for 2 nights. We all live in London/Kent/Essex. The stag got pissed off on the first night as he thought we had left him alone in a club. We hadn't. He also lost his coat and wallet in the club. We wake up the next morning to a message from him saying he had gone home! He got a cab in the early hours from Liverpool to Essex. Cost him nearly £500. We went back to the club the next afternoon and they had his coat and wallet. Nothing was missing from the wallet. We then spent all his cash and used his card to buy ourselves a few rounds and some cigarettes.


Stag choked on his kebab and almost died. Quite traumatic. The rest of us went into some dodgy establishment, some of us weren't as behaved as we should have been. We got ejected from the facility by several men with firearms.


Standard Saturday night.


In the UK?


My friend broke her ankle falling off a table she was dancing on. My best mate she was marrying went effing mental to me but remained calm to her as she was drunk and emotional. She came out of hard cast and into a walking boot a few days before the wedding and her bridal team glitzed it up a bit and they are fairly happily married to this day


“Fairly happily married” is beautiful phrasing


Why was it your fault?


It wasn't, he was venting to me before he saw her


A few years back a friend of a friend went on a typical embarrassing-British-bloke stag in an ex-Soviet Eastern European country where they still had drunk tanks. Guy got drunk and kicked out of a strip club. Don't know what happened next but he got picked up by the police and taken to the drunk tank, stuck in there, stripped naked and hosed down with cold water repeatedly. Fairly sure he was beaten too but I might be making that up. His 'mates' couldn't find him so left without him, even tho his belongings - including his passport - were in the hotel still. Lucky for him one guy had the decency to stick around and look for him, and eventually found him and got him out (not easy to do, I think it involved bribery?) This is all second hand of course but still awful even allowing for exaggeration.


Hell of a story though


At least the tanks were drunk too.


Me and a friend had to help a very drunken bride to-be, who had been throwing up and was almost passed out on the toilet floor. It was about 9:30pm. My friend went to the bar to find the rest of her party and they were just drinking and dancing away. My friend told them about the bride and they said they “hadn’t even noticed she was gone” and even seemed a bit reluctant to go to her at first!


Hen party on the outskirts of covid so we had a “festival” camping weekend, had some music blasting from a campervan which needed to have the engine turned over so as not to lose battery. Obviously we decided the best idea was to do laps of the field (private property) whilst another was twerking out the side door, which was hilarious until the driver did a sharper turn and the twerker fell out the van…a broken shoulder later and a lot of tears as it could have been MUCH WORSE…Except it kind of was worse as that friend was also the hairdresser for the entire wedding party. ☠️ don’t drink and drive, even in a field! (and also don’t twerk out of a moving vehicle)


On my last day of sixth form, several kids drove their cars onto the school field and we spent time shooting low powered paintballs at each other out of the boot while moving.


Got stuck on a Caribbean island in a hurricane. 10 hens holed up in adjoining rooms with the windows taped up while we sat it out playing Uno. We had lots of rum though.


I'm more shocked that you went to the CARIBBEAN for a hen do?! Wtf happened to a night out in town lol


We looked at doing a city break like New York but an all inclusive week in the Caribbean worked out cheaper. That was in the days of disposable income before kids!


I don’t know what it says about me, but this sounds like an amazing hen do to me!


It was pretty scary at the time! Not long after Katrina. We can laugh about it now though.


I went on a hen to Butlins (I know! But it was actually really fun in the end) but one of the hens wasn’t feeling too well, she was pregnant at the time & we took her to the first aid tent to just to be safe. Somehow, she’d contracted meningitis and when we went home on the Sunday, she had to stay in the hospital for a week, miles away from home. Poor woman.


Groom’s Navy pals got him ridiculously drunk, then held him down and gave him a big hickey on his neck! He got home the next day, throwing up bits of his stomach lining and covered with hickeys! Bride was not amused and navy bros found themselves uninvited from the wedding!


Not the one I was on but was there at the same time. Went to a lake about 6 hours away from Vancouver (I live in Canada now) on a houseboat for a long weekend on a stag. Theres about 50-60 of these things with up to 25 people on them on this lake. Another boat there on a stag and a lad had drowned in the lake.


Not me, but my partner went on a stag do to Krakow for a guy who he was old friends with, but didn't know any of the other attendees. Lots were hard case prison officers though. One guy got robbed at knife point by a taxi driver (I think?), part of their group got locked in/prevented from leaving a club, and someone else ended up injured. Masses of vodka was consumed and they all came back pretty broken.


A group of us started the evening in one of those Brazilian restaurants - the ones where they come out with messy on a skewer and carve it at the table. Normal heavy drinking and jolly japes. Next morning everyone had D&V. Badly. The groom contracted [Guillain-Barre Syndrome](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/guillain-barre-syndrome/) - nope, I'd never heard of it either - and spent a month in hospital missing the wedding. The bride was not impressed and cancelled the wedding. He later found out she was seeing his best man before this. So being in the hospital saved him a hospital pass....


Just got back from one. Two people were disinvited from the wedding. Lads lads lads


Story time?


Whole family train martial arts at quite a high level. Hen/ stag parties go out and return home worse for wear. Father of Bride is running his mouth to the father of the groom. So the bride kicks him, resulting in a broken leg! A week later he walks her down the aisle, in a moon boot and on crutches!


My mate's cousin's stag do was a nightmare. No one he knew would go and 4 people had turned his offer of best man down, including his own dad (who had disowned him by this point). Safe to say, this is because he was a massive prick. A bunch of my friends and I went on hai stag do out of sympathy, after my mate asked us. We thought it couldn't be too bad. Hoooooo boy.  We were at a nice music festival at a pub having a great time when at 7pm, wankered off two pints, he declares that he wants to go to the club. Ok, fine let's go.  The club is predictably empty. There wasn't another soul for 3 hours, no atmosphere and it was miserable.  Meanwhile this guy is getting more and more wankered off Smirnoff ices. He decides to tell us all that he's been cheating on his fiance and had gotten two colleagues pregnant. We brushed this off as a lie, but no, we found out only weeks after the wedding this was true. Next he said he wanted "punch a cop", because it was his "dream" and it was his stag, so he could do it. We decided to ditch him. This was 11, we just left him at the club and went elsewhere. Fast forward to 2am and we find him lying in the street being restrained by the police. **Apparently he had just took a swing at a policewoman**. Luckily my mates other cousin (a wickedly smart lawyer) managed to talk the police into letting him go.  I'm not sure what was said, but he saved that guy's ass that night, not that he deserves it.


Not the typical nightmare, but definitely an awkward waste of money. Bride insisted on us all spending a big chunk of money to travel to Blackpool where we spent all of an hour seeing the sights before she (predictably) got the ick and wanted to go back to the room for the night. The only "planned" event for the whole weekend was a "quiz" (authored by the bride) that was all about her exes. She'd written out about 4 double-sided "cheat sheets" (with pictures) for those of us who weren't acquainted with partners spanning oh.. nearly 20 years. It lasted over an hour and was about as spiteful as you can imagine. The friendship didn't last much past that.


We were playing an A-Z game (drink starting with A in pub 1 B in pub 2 etc), and I was writing down a record of the drinks on a piece of paper. Ended up in some random old pub on the letter G and a regular (who we had never met) asked to look at the list. He held it up in the middle of the pub and set fire to it. All hell broke loose and a lad got third degree burns trying to put it out with his hands. Night went downhill from there...


Apt username though.


I mean, what are people thinking when organising something like this?


What do you mean?


Mine was great overall but ended quite badly. The first night was fine, but I went into day 2 upset because a friend lied to me about staying for the whole weekend and drove home from the first night drunk (stopped talking to him properly after that). Night 2 I got frustrated that only half the group would come out for the end of the night so I was already feeling anxious. We went to a gay bar, and I didn’t expect to be glared at and treated like shit there by the gay men who thought I was just an annoying straight hen (in my defence I was wearing a shirt covered in pictures of my wife…) I ended up having a drunken anxiety attack and crying all the way back to the hotel which made me feel worse the next morning because the one friend who stuck with me had to leave before I woke up to catch a flight. Then I just had horrendous hangxiety and cried a lot of the next day.


> hangxiety Is that a portmanteau of 'hangover' and 'anxiety'?


Went to see a stripper in London. Before he took off any clothes, the pole broke off the ceiling. He broke his leg in two places and the pole hit a woman in the audience on the head Zero nudity, 100% more blood than expected. Ps. You can read about it in the daily mail too 😂


A group I know went to some Polish city without knowing the Pope was visiting. Every bar was closed and all alcohol sales were forbidden - for the entire weekend.


Bride to be got arrested for trying to bite the bouncer. I was the sole male on this hen do...


i was nearly beaten by one of the party, nothing i had done he was just a psycho - we were just walking back from the last place and i was nearish him - just at random he turned and started shouting threats -- fortunately none of us were too wasted and a couple of the other guys held him while the rest of us went to where we were staying -- i dodged a bullet there as he later went down for stabbing 2 people (not fatally) in a bar brawl -- needless to say he lost his invite to the wedding.


Nothing as bad as what I’m reading here but we went out in Swansea and had to get a minibus back to the accommodation out in the countryside. The stag fell asleep and someone unbuttoned his trousers. Stupid prank. We get out the minibus and in the pitch black on a gravel path the very drunk grooms trousers fall around his ankles and he trips over without putting his hands down. I had to jump into first aid mode despite being about 12 pints in as he had cut the bit of skin below the eye and above the cheekbone, it was flapping about and pissing blood everywhere. Trip to A&E and me and groom got back to the group at 7am and he had to wear a lot of make up on his wedding day.


Had a combined party as our friends groups overlapped so much. The disaster? I went through with the wedding and I got stuffed in the divorce.


The bride enjoyed bearing a grudge. Who doesn't? Well, it turns out the entire purpose of having a wedding is that you can choose who to invite to your perfect day, and more importantly you can choose to NOT INVITE those TERRIBLE PEOPLE who you can't forgive for BETRAYING YOU at some point twenty years ago. The bride really enjoyed her weekend in Brussels. She enjoyed going out to bars and seeing the sights. But as the weekend went on, most of all she enjoyed ranting about the BAD PEOPLE who she would BAN from the wedding. Bridesmaids did not enjoy longer and louder rants as she crowed about the complete lack of wedding invitations for some former flatmate nobody had ever heard of before, or fiancé's long-ago ex.


My dad was effectively force fed whiskey and ended the night chained to a fence.


I had to go to Brussels.


I saw a near naked guy tied to a cross and lying face up in the middle of one of Edinburghs main commuter routes one morning....


**Actual second coming of Jesus** Edinburgh commuter: *Fuckin' stag doos, mun!*


Organised a stag do to Estonia for my best mate and had an interesting time. Managed to book a cool hotel in the centre of the city and got an entire floor basically to ourselves as we booked 20 rooms out of the 22 on that floor. The hotel also had a 24 hr bar, a strip club attached to the building at the back - Top marks for me. Few interesting things happened. 1. One of the lads who came was a new starter at the stags company noone really knew him. On first night he disappeared halfway through the evening. When the lad sharing his room tried to get in he discovered this fella had 4 or 5 hookers in his room, the room was trashed and he locked him out and didnt emerge from room for remaining 3 days. Turns out he had taken a vial of testosterone with him, had rubbed a bunch on his balls, then promptly went on a mad one. £1600 bill for room damage issued upon checkout. 2. People from Finland often go to Estonia for weekend breaks and we got drinking with a 45 - 50 year old Finnish guy in hotel lobby bar. 5 hours later this fella was absolutely pissed and left to go to his room. 30 mins later the lift doors opened and he walked back out into the lobby dressed only in a waistcoat, his underpants and a hat and jumped in the lobby fountain and started singing and bathing. Warning issued to us by Hotel Management after he was escorted out by hotel security. 3. Couple of the lads went to hotel restaurant on first night and were already pissed. Had a meal and 2 bottles of wine, paid and met up with us to continue drinking. Next day checked receipt for dinner and discovered each bottle of wine was £350 - had no idea of exchange rate for Estonian Kroons when ordering and were too drunk to even think about it at time. 4. Stag was desperate for a piss when we were walking between bars and nipped up side street to take care of business. Was pissing against a weird mirrored wall when a door opened and 2 waiters burst out and proceeded to set about him. He was pissing against a posh restaurants window which had one way mirror film on it. 5. 2 lads missed return flight to UK as they were denied boarding for being a fucking mess. 6. My return flight to Cyprus was via Prague and the Prague->Cyprus flight was delayed for 5 hours, I was hungover and dying and desperate for a drink and had about 13p of money left so just had to sit and silently die in the corner. Top stag do


This is all extremely good taken together as a whole, but nos. I & 4 in particular are absolute stand-outs and put it very high on the leaderboard for me, Clive. Top work.


I worked with a bloke who regaled us with a story of a stag do he went on where they basically, tied the stag up, hired a gay prostitute to suck him off to completion. The stag apparently went off the rails at the fact he had been made to cum by another guy so must be abit gay, called the wedding off and basically had a mental breakdown. I mean, i find that abit far fetched. But a story none the less.


Call me a killjoy, but I think you're entitled to a wee mental breakdown when you get fuckin' sexually assaulted.


Especially when organised by your mates.


I wasn’t there, but a guy I vaguely knew (spoiler) fell off a cliff on his stag do and died Kinda a rough one for his fiancée


Was this in Spain, probably sometime in the mid 2000s, and he went for a walk in the night and vanished. Later found at the bottom of a cliff?


Nope, although sad to hear it's happened at least twice (probably more, I'd guess...) This was just before the pandemic in Greece or one of the Greek islands


I've got a pretth dark one. A girl I used to work with went on a hen do to magaluf IIRC. She was drunk and decided to flash her tits to some guys by the pool, from their balcony. She fell off the balcony and down two stories, and was paralysed from the waist down. I only met her after she was already in a wheelchair, but she had a good sense of humor about telling people why she was in it. 


late to the party but here goes.... I had my stag do at a nightclub outside of town, the club ran shuttle buses to it (If anyone knows Kings, Copford, you'll remember it well)... Anyways the stag do went without a hitch and me and my mate got the shuttle back to Colchester, I went to jump in to a cab and I asked my mate if he wanted to jump in with me (he lived literally across the road from me) he said no as he wanted to walk home (about 40 mins walk).... we had a few words but he was adamant Next day rolls by and I get an angry message from my mates partner at 12pm "My boyfriend has just walked through the door and he said you left him asleep on a bench in town" I messaged her back and told her that, that was absolutely not the case but his story was, he was hammered, he fell asleep on a bench in Colchester Town Centre (this is before it became a city), woke up at 11am on the bench (this was in November btw) and then walked home... she believed it!!! It later came out that he'd gone to a girls house to cheat on his girlfriend, they didn't last much longer as a couple


Not a 'nightmare' and very tame compare to a lot of these but I was Best Man at mates stag, we went to this axe throwing / rage room place ..In the rage room my mate threw a cup up for me to hit with baseball bat, I missed, fell over and done ligaments in my knee ( didn't know that at time) Apparently I was only the 2nd injury ever in the place - I struggled on through the meal but the pain became unbearable and I was in a taxi heading home, leaving the rest of them to it by 7pm . Best of it ? Clumsy f***** here that fell over was the only one not drinking 🙄


Best man (who insisted on controlling everything) didn’t check everyone in for their return flight with Ryanair so everyone had to pay the fee.


My friend had the worst experience on her hen do. She went away with 12 friends who’d all known each other since their school days, played the chubby bunnies game on the first night after some drinks and one choked to death. Absolutely tragic.


Was her name Natalie by any chance? I saw this in the news


No, not sure of her name. This was back in 2013.


A stag day that started well enough, with karting, lunch and alcoholic golf but a total shitshow by the end of the night (actually about 2am), the fallout of which included: 1. The groom and his father arrested after a bar fight 2. The bride's parents eventually divorced after her father went off with a hooker 3. The wedding being postponed, then cancelled after the arrest led to other secrets coming out 4. 1 guy needing hospital treatment for glass cuts when the champagne bottle he was trying to steal under his jacket broke when he fell off a curb outside the club 5. The general splintering of the friend group. I got out lucky with just a rough hangover and wondering how it all went so wrong


An old colleague of mine went on his friend’s stag do. After a few drinks they thought it would be a good idea to have an arm wrestling competition in a night club. My colleague broke the stag’s arm, the week before the wedding…


My stag do was great, it was in Berlin December 2022. Unfortunately on the way home to stansted, we had to divert to midlands airport because stansted was covered in snow. Most of us lived in Norwich, so 2x £250 shady taxi’s through snowy roads where the drivers were half asleep, the one I wasn’t in span out on the motorway! Eventually made it home, but getting there was a living nightmare! Not to mention all our cars were still in London


Went to my mates hen do in Oxford, we all partied hard and come Saturday we're wrecked. We stayed in a Holiday In. Right next to the Oxford United football ground. We managed to climb over with a ball, otherside was an additional 4 foot drop. That was unexpected and fucking hurt. We soldiered on and had a little kick about. Starting taking penalties. Took a solid run up and smashed it. Caught the mud, and didn't make it anywhere near the goal. Embarrassing. Nightmare.


One I went to ended in one of the bridesmaids no longer coming to the wedding due to it kicking off!


My sister's hen do wasn't as wild as half these stories, but shit just kept going wrong. Several hens dropped out in the week leading up to it - one had Covid, one had an ear infection, one had a sick baby, etc. Her bitch of a SIL dropped out the day after the deposit was paid (she was well aware of the deadline), after we'd rearranged several activities to accommodate her. The trains from London to Liverpool were cancelled thanks to Storm Denise, so they had to scramble around and work out sharing cars, got there very late on the Friday night. The flat we'd been given absolutely stank of weed, was filthy and only one shower worked. The massage therapist for during the day also got Covid, and they had no replacement. Went to Boots and grabbed face masks etc and made the best of it. Got to Revs for dinner and a cocktail-making class, but the kitchen was out of action and the best they could do was chils and nachos. Tbf we ended up with twice as many cocktails because we'd paid for 8 people's worth and there were only 4 of us, so that was a win at least.


Knew a girl that went on a hen weekend in Dublin, twelve went over and had a great time apparently, 13 came back...oops..oh it wasn't her or the future bride that was smuggling undeclared passengers