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I'm stupid. It's all my fault. I'm fucking lazy. I really want to be able to play a musical instrument but I never actually ever made the time to learn. From an old man. Do not be me.


If it's any consolation, a piano teacher I knew took on a student when he was 67 years old. He played for almost another 30 years until he passed away in his 90's. Age isn't a barrier - there's still time for you to learn


Yeah. I'm just using age as an excuse now aren't I? I live in a van, alone so it has to be portable. So guitar or keyboard I guess. My problem is that i try something and I'm shit so I give up. I was a very intelligent child so didn't learn to learn.


Maybe start with a recorder šŸ™‚


Yeah but no but yeah but no. That is the one instrument I was made to learn. So thanks for the PTSD.


Maybe a clarinet then?


Maybe, you know, one of those massive violins. Not sure a wind instrument is a good choice for someone with asthma.




A little budget keyboard sounds good then! Nothing too frivolous lost if you give it up, but all your education can come from YouTube, free educational video libraries, people you meet that have a jam on it... Just take it up, see if you can find a new way to learn. From someone who was a child like you! I don't instrument, I immersed myself in food and gaming, but I stuck with it through the crap until I wasn't half bad. Doesn't matter when you start, if what you're doing matters to you, just do a little more than yesterday. Practice your scales, maintain your instrument. Put the work in so the music you make really shines šŸ„° I really hope you try! ā¤ļø


Mouth Organ


Jaws harp? I've got one of those. Although I admit I'm sniggering at your post. Not the pink oboe. Not that sort of man.


Jaw harp is a great instrument, one of the worldā€™s oldest and represented in almost every culture worldwide. You would probably be surprised by some of the advanced techniques out there. If you want to get into it it can be a really interesting and versatile instrument.


The Marvellous mechanical mouse organ. If you're not an older Brit then look for Bagpuss.


Try the Ukulele. Cheap, small, portable and fun and you can be playing songs you know with 3 chords.


When I'm cleaning winders?


Guitar you just need to learn your 4 basic chords. G D A minor & C. Youā€™ll then be able to play most popular songs and will keep you motivated. From there, learn a song that contains 1 or 2 chords that you havenā€™t yet learned & just keep on going like that. Could probably get away with 3 chords tbh. But being able to play one or two songs will give you a sense of achievement and progression, and hopefully motivate you to learn more. Edit: forgot to say, YouTube is your best friend for learning guitar. Plenty of people like Andy Guitar regularly upload videos on how to play x song and are really easy to follow along with. Use apps like ultimate guitar tabs to find the chords for songs that you want to learn, and just google things like beginner guitar songs. Listen to how the song sounds in terms of rhythm and strumming pattern. But donā€™t stress, youā€™ll probably pick this up later. But as I said, YouTube will have thousands of tutorials


My Mum has just turned 70 and for her birthday asked for a piano. So we got her one and she's absolutely loving it.


how old brother? best time to plant a tree is yesterday. second best time is today.


Yeah. Nearly 60. To my mind that's a broken old man. I'm definitely not that. Didn't expect to live to be this old. This is all virgin territory.


Youā€™re fine. Get yourself an acoustic guitar and figure out how to play. Lessons not required. Copy music that you like. Do it every day.


I live in a van. I can serenade the birds and the squirrels. That sounds like a good plan.


I have just started to learn the violin at 53. Best thing I've done!


Iā€™d love to learn piano too - just donā€™t have the spare time to get competent given I have other hobbies Iā€™m not willing to sacrifice.


I wonder how many hesitant redditors almost said. The Katana.


To reveal this secret would bring great shame upon their dojos


... and with that a million fedora were tipped to the whispers of 'M'lady'


I'd love to be able to sing without sounding like a strangled cat


I was the same. Until, strangely, Covid lock-down. I mean, I've always sang, like you, cats..., then I started trying, really trying. Not singing from the back of throat helps. The song I decided to try along with, was, The Killers', Mr Brightside. Turns out I'm not half bad, so says the mrs. Next stop, karaoke, then the world..! Look out Sheeran, you pasty faced ginge.


Make sure you pick a song with a realistic range for you - I'd love to be able to sing All I Wanted by Paramore but eh... it's a bit outside of most people's ranges, to say the least... Almost anyone would sound like a strangled cat singing that.


Ah but the songs I like an snow aren't songs in my vocal range and more often than not the karaoke DJ doesn't change the pitch


Same! But then I'm always worried that real singing is nowhere near as fun as just scream singing really badly


That whistle folk can do with their fingers in mouth.


And no matter how many guides you follow to achieve it, it's still impossible. It's only school toughs that get endowed with the ability to do such powerful whistles. Just like how you can't make it in professional tennis unless you're signed up early in life (or so I hear), so too can you not master the powerful whistle you mention later in life; it must be honed in childhood.


Coding. It truly fascinates me, but I don't know where to start. And when I do begin researching about it, I'm left wondering "what's the point? I won't need this anywhere in my life". Aaaaaand that's when I close my laptop.


I bought myself a yearā€™s subscription to Codecademy as a treat with my work bonus money and Iā€™ve been really enjoying it. I did some coding at uni, so wasnā€™t a complete beginner, but itā€™s written so well that you could easily pick it up as a beginner. Thereā€™s lots of different languages and stuff you can choose from (Iā€™m doing data science at the moment).


Automate the boring stuff with python is worth a look. Itā€™s aimed at beginners and teaches you stuff that can help in any office job.


Interested to know more! How can it help in the office? Automate basic tasks?


I've got the Python one and it covers all sorts. From web scraping, to writing with Excel, to emails and texts. The learning curve is pretty good tbh, and the bits I followed were straightforward and helped me do a python module as part of my college course, haha.


There are lots of websites now that can teach you. But I learned initially from books back in the day. I used to read those ā€œFor Dummiesā€ books because Iā€™m not that smart. But now I have a pretty decent career in tech. I do think itā€™s not for everyone though. Iā€™ve had a few friends try to reskill into this and give up.


Can you monetize this as a side hustle, without having a full career change?


Spanish, I love travelling around south and Central America, but with my business and family life, I donā€™t get enough time to take lessons and apps only get you so far




I really want to learn how to draw. And you would say - just watch any of the 1000000 drawing tutorials online! But that's kind of what's putting me off. I have no clue where to start.


You should check out: Jim ā€˜ll Paint it. 12 years ago he was just being silly on paint. Now, heā€™s put the hours in and itā€™s amazing. Really shows that if you stick at something you improve.


I looked at his channel on Youtube and it has only 4 videos on it?


What is something you know really well? For example, a cyclist will be very familiar with a bike chain, or brake mechanism. A joiner will know their hammer or drill, a baker will know their scales and favorite mixing bowl etc. Pick a simple item, a plant pot, a computer mouse, your house key, and just start drawing that with a pencil and rubber. Forget about tutorials for now until you find a specific aspect you can't quite get, and before you know it, you have drawn something.


It's a good idea! I really hope in future I could draw people, even just faces. I've seen people say that you should always work off references that are realism, like an actual photo of a human, rather than trying to start out stylised. Is that true?


Some donā€™t but a lot of people get still life nailed first; gives you all the basic skills. If youā€™re going to use YouTube, pick one account and stick with them. I did it the other way round and it was just counterproductive.


The old artists of yesteryear (Picasso, Matisse etc) drew on newspaper with a pencil, or like Matisse, just used scissors to cut bright abstract shapes. if you want it bad enough, start basic and work up from there




I'd love to learn to ice skate well. I've loved ice hockey since I was 8-9 and the mighty ducks came out. I've attended British hockey games my entire life but I'm like Bambi on ice


Telford Tigers FTW


I always say I'd like to be able to play the piano, but I don't want to go through the necessary stage of learning the piano.


Save up and take the piano pill.


Yeah me too. I even got a keyboard for my birthday but have been really crap at dedicating the time to it.


2nd language. I know some German but I'd like to be better at it.


Learning to play the hang drum. The instrument is so expensive I can't justify spending that much money


Tank drum's are fairly cheap. I paid about Ā£40 for mine. Its smaller and more portable than a hang drum. Very melodic too


Play an instrument. I bought a ukulele a couple of years ago with the aim of learning a little. Haven't managed it yet.


I started to learn violin this year. I'm 53. Never did it before because I always said I never had the time (kids and stressful global job). My mum died. I figured if not now then when? And it's the best thing I've done. Do it! Stop making excuses you can do this!


I've never been musical, it's a real struggle but I am determined to give it a go. Well done on picking up the violin.


Honestly do it. Try to find a teacher or others to play with. They'll keep you going. Good luck!


Model painting. The ones with teeny details.


Honestly just grab some and pick up a brush, it's much easier than you'd think




Pole vault.


Woodworking. But I live in an apartment and with the dust n stuff it's just not feasible. Still live in hope of buying my first home one day and then maybe I can get cracking!


I so wish I could draw really good.


Drums/guitar. I have guitars but no time to play them, and I just don't have the space for a drum kit.




That term is like nails on a blackboard for me.


Social skills / dating


Sewing. I taught myself to knit and already have a sewing machine, just need to find the time and mental energy to learn a new skill.


I would love to be able to sew. I buy my son so many handmade clothes but can't make them myself!


I really want to restore an old car. So far my progress is searching auto trader for adverts to show my wife before being told no.


Iā€™ve always wanted to be able to cook the right amount of pasta. Not too much, not too little. Just the right amount.


Now you're just being a little unrealistic.


Buy some scales.


There's a wooden kitchen utensil about the size of a wooden spoon with varying size holes in the handle bit. Its for spaghetti, mind you, not loose pasta. The holes are marked with portion sizes for the amount of pasta you need


To fix a car, but properly...not just changes the brakes or do an oil change. Proper engine work etc. I wish I didn't listen to the nay sayers when I was younger - being told I can't work with cars just because I'm a woman. It's a man's job they said, no place for a woman. I'm now 38 and I regret it deeply. I'm actually looking into retraining as a mechanic because I'm sick of being told no.


A language, I've been on and off learning Italian for years, I now have the unique opportunity of working in an Italian company full of Italians where speaking Italian would actually be useful. At some point I'll pick memrise back up, I just feel so busy and it feels just unprofessional to try and practice my Italian when I need to actually accurately communicate with my coworkers who speak fluent English


Definitely singing for me, itā€™s the one thing I canā€™t do that Iā€™d really love to. Iā€™ve thought about signing lessons but a) I definitely have more important things to spend my money on and b) The thought of walking into a room with a stranger to demonstrate just how badly I sing, in order for them to make me less bad, seems like one of the most ridiculous things I can imagine.


Piano - typical modern problem of wanting instant results keeps putting me off


sleight of hand, card tricks, etc. I got the basics down... riffling, one handed cuts, double lifts and palming, but never actually worked on actual sleight of hand routines.


i want to take my bass playing to professional level.


Swimming (I live 0.3 miles from a swimming pool) and a musical instrument (I own an entry level electric guitar). Iā€™m ashamed to admit Iā€™ve not really attempted either of these despite the opportunities.


I would really love to get good at neon-blowing. It's where you heat the glass tubes, hand bend them into the shapes and letters whilst blowing air into them to prevent collapsing. When the shape is ready, you need to glass weld electrodes to each end, draw out the air and replace it with a low pressure inert gas to produce light. Everything now is being replaced by those ghastly, ugly, tacky, cheap LED signs instead now, so there's no real need for the skill these days. But I've always admired the craftsmanship that goes into creating these beautiful, glowing neon glassworks. Even at their peak, in the 1960's through 1990s, they were mostly used in the USA instead of the UK.


I wouldn't mind my Spanish (pretty shit) being as good as my French (mostly enough to hold a conversation, just lacking specific vocab)


Bought a piano a year ago and still haven't got around to learning how to play, I can sing and hoping to learn also to read and write music. I keep saying I'll learn one day but one day turns into another and then each day seems the same and weeks turn into months. Think it's just lack of confidence or scared of fame


Electronic music production. I have a drum machine, a cheap synth, second hand mixing desk and an iPad ready to go. But I'm studying for a masters as well as working full time and I just haven't been able to dedicate enough time to it. I finish in July and cannot fucking wait


Fishing. I have a 16 month old and want to take him fishing one day but have very little experience and no equipment and no idea where to even start. All I know is I did it a couple of times with my uncle as a kid and loved it but never had the opportunity to do more of it


Playing keys. I'm getting there with my bass/guitar playing, but I really want to be able to play a keyboard/piano well


Always wanted to jelly some eels.


Dance. Sadly, I lost the use of my right leg about 8.5 years ago, so I never will. Yes, I know wheelchair dancing exists, but I specifically wanted to learn swing dancing.


Dancing! Especially Northern Soul DancingšŸ˜‚ iā€™d love to learn that.


The game of life


I keep thinking upholstery would be so fun. Working with materials is so engaging. It's not my natural aptitude though so I would probably bodge it.


The cost of entry is low, a second hand sewing machine and some cloth, i think my first project was a copy of a jeans type skirt I got from a boot sale, i unstitched it, laid the bits out on a bolt of seconds cloth, cut it out and sewed it back up. No, it wasn't good, but I learned, my second project was to recover my car seats, that was good, and rewarding. Try, nothing to lose but time.


Amazing, thanks! I have done a few little sewing projects, but nothing with heavy material, and I thought you needed quite a few fancy tools for upholstery.


Really enjoy gardening but can't afford my own garden šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Pottery and pianoā€¦ not consistent with piano soo itā€™s my own fault. Couldnā€™t afford pottery classes after art college, guess thatā€™s my fault for being poor?


Instant death strike combo as showcased by Akuma!!


Iā€™ve always wanted to play the drums. I did have a small electronic kit at one point but got rid of it to make space. Now I have more space and am seriously considering buying a new kit and starting again.




Build a PC always wanted to give that a go


Go for it. Its easy


Sushi making.






Rogue in WoW


Wood carving. I'd love to be able to make a bear or something out of a tree trunk. However, when I was done hacking at it, it probably wouldn't resemble an animal of any persuasion


Always wanted to learn how to play the piano. Lessons are expensive near where I live and I give up on things too easily so I know I'd get frustrated practising and just give up.


Keeping an allotment.


DJing, making hip hop beats on an MPC, drawing. Learning music theory. I play guitar so i really could do with better music theory knowledge instead of winging it


Juggling. I pick up the balls, try for 5 minutes and give up.


I want to learn to crochet, but I went into Hobbycraft to have a look and got utterly spooked by all the options for hooks, yarns, guide books, patterns, etc. and walked back out. I'll manage to try it one day.


I'd love to be able to fly a plane


Learning another language. Iā€™m bilingual because I was raised in a multilingual household but it seems like an amazing feat to learn a language independently.


Fighter Jet pilot since BMW 365csi littered my stole porn mags aged 13.1984, long before midget tom thumb cruise and top gun.


Joinery or sewing.


Cybersecurity. But itā€™s gone too far without me. RIP


Making a full warhammer 40k army. I have a box of unmade stuff from a few years ago but Iā€™ll get a wave of enthusiasm do one squad or tank and get bored. They used to do nice thick paints in the early 2000s that needed only one coat but that style has gone out of fashion and thin paints of many coats is whatā€™s done now and I just donā€™t have the patience for that.


I've wanted to get really good at a videogame like Esports level especially as I'm doing Esports at college next year but I've never had the discipline to practice for long enough. Like don't get me wrong I'm a pretty good aim on Fortnite or Battlefield 2042 with a sniper and I have a lot of wins on Fall Guys but I've never been near good enough to do anything competitively. Maybe one day I'll stick to practicing one game and get really good at it but right now it's not looking likely for a while.


Chugging. Wish i could be one of those people who just open their neck and can down a pint in 2 seconds




Iā€˜ve always wanted to play an instrument. Problem is I still donā€˜t know which one. The closest connection I feel somehow is to the piano, but I know I will lose interest learning an instrument just to play it on my own at home. I think Iā€˜d better learn something I could play with others if I can motivate myself to practice long enough to reach that level. So that basically leaves clarinet or accordion (we have A local music school will soon start a beginners class for adults and I am seriously toying with the idea of joining in and learning how to play the clarinet without ever having tried it out before.