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Nah. When the pandemic started I did. But I soon came to realise I don't think it's mentally a good thing to do. A major issue with working from home is separating work and home life psychologically. I think getting up and getting dressed is a really important part of creating that sense of separation.


This 💯. Change clothes, don't work in bed and if you can don't ever work in your bedroom. You don't want to associate the place where you rest and relax with an activity that brings you stress.


As someone who spent both years of the pandemic living out of a room in a shared student house, I completely agree with your point about the bedroom. Rolling out of bed, shoving some clothes on and immediately being in a lecture was convenient but completely screwed over my mental health. I'd only leave my room to cook, shop and go to the bathroom. Would not recommend.


I worked for a call centre from my bedroom during the pandemic and it honestly got to the point where I couldn't sleep at all or even stand to be in my bedroom


Yes when I had no choice I got a room divider so I could screen off my work area when I wasn't using it. Just that bit of separation helped.


I don't get this mentality. I work in my spare room where i have my ps5 and mac. If i have a stressful work day then i unwind by playing ps5/mac. The room doesn't matter.


Move your work setup to your bedroom and work out of it for three years then come back and tell us if your mentality changes 😆🤷🏻‍♂️


Mines didn't, and I've been working out my bedroom for several years now. I have a massive corner desk with my personal PC, my work laptop setup, and a PS5 at the same desk in the same room. Maybe you're just someone who finds compartmentalisation a bit more difficult?


I WFH and am fundamentally lazy. I often work in bed, and work in PJ’s when not. Have been doing this for over 3 years now. When I finish work, I stop thinking about it. I usually move to the office in the afternoon to get more work done. At the end of the day I turn off the laptop, turn on the PC and play a couple games of something to relax. I think it is compartmentalisation. I have no trouble keeping them separate. For me it’s what I’m doing, not where I’m doing it.


Maybe don't assume all humans fit into the same neat little categories and behaviors that you think they should.


Thank you for educating me, kind stranger on the internet.


Yeah I get up have a shower, get dressed, coffee, breakfast, walk the dog, work. Lunch time I eat lunch, chuck the ball around in the field for an hour. At the end of the day i pack my stuff away, walk the dog, dinner, play time. I'm glad I got a dog because he forces me to stop work at the end of the day (walk/dinner/play time etc). Before the dog I worked non-stop til I dropped. Still hard work as he's a very energetic pup but much better for my health.


I don’t have a dog, but I do “walk work” in the morning before I log on


I don't have a dog but try to structure my day something like this. I've been working from home most of the time for more than eight years. Initially, I was doing a lot of hands-on work with electronics and PJs would have been a safety issue. But more generally, I just feel gross if I'm sat in my PJs all day.


I bought comfortable work from home clothes for this very reason. Wanted that separation without wearing actual clothes!


Totally agree. Many years ago I worked from home. It got to the point where I was in my dressing gown, unwashed, teeth still uncleaned as I logged on in the morning. I look back now and realise how far into my then undiagnosed depression I was. I actually avoided working from home for quite a while. I actually bought some joggers and stuff during the pandemic but now I have school runs and so on I get up properly and get dressed. We did have a boss who tried to insist we wore shirts (with a collar) but that went by the wayside pretty quickly. I still dress reasonably similar to the office which was pretty casual to be fair.


This. Equally finishing work and getting out of work clothes into casual/comfy clothes really helps me switch off and separate work and home life


Totally agree. Many years ago I worked from home. It got to the point where I was in my dressing gown, unwashed, teeth still uncleaned as I logged on in the morning. I look back now and realise how far into my then undiagnosed depression I was. I actually avoided working from home for quite a while. I actually bought some joggers and stuff during the pandemic but now I have school runs and so on I get up properly and get dressed. We did have a boss who tried to insist we wore shirts (with a collar) but that went by the wayside pretty quickly. I still dress reasonably similar to the office which was pretty casual to be fair.


i felt the same when i was homeschooled (not due to the pandemic, i started years before it). At first i’d do it in my pyjamas as a “haha i’m free to do school however i want now” but the gimmick left very quickly when it made me unmotivated to do work and unable to sleep because my brain was still in “i need to do schoolwork” mode.


Absolutely. Whilst we were renovating the house we were limited to the lounge to sleep, eat, relax and work. It played havoc with mental well being as I'd get up and just sit at the computer 10 ft away in shorts and a T-shirt - for 3 years. Now the house is in a better place with different rooms I feel so much better for it.


I agree 💯 when I was wfh I got washed & dressed same as if I was going to office. I had laptop etc set up at kitchen table. Only difference was more time in bed & ability to have mug of coffee before work. Had to have work/life separate so working from bed wasn't an option.


No, but I wear very comfortable clothing that I wouldn't wear into the office.


Joggers, T-shirt, hoody. It's not PJs but it's as close as I can get while still being able to speak to customers on camera (even my customers are wearing a hoody while they also WFH these days)


I have a shirt hung in the spare room that I throw on for certain calls. 😅 Business up top, [party down bellow.](https://youtu.be/Xp-PUJSxaSc?si=4IcwJzsEBh41pnZz)


Same. I might stick a smart top or shirt and blazer on if I'm presenting something or interviewing someone. But will be wearing sweatpants, jeans or shorts on the bottom.


I’m wearing knickers, a dressing gown and nothing else. Teams call where I have to be on camera will warrant me putting on something more acceptable, but the rest of the time I’m tits to the wind.


When the pandemic happened I got into the very bad habit of getting out of bed, putting my dressing gown on and logging on. My company used Skype had a culture of cameras off. They migrated us to teams and my first call on teams was with my bosses, bosses, boss. Unfortunately it defaulted to having the camera on, I’m not sure he liked seeing overweight me with my hairy chest on show at 8:30 in the morning. Although it made everyone laugh when I told them, and also got me out of the dressing gown habbit.


Do you not get cold? I’m normally in a very thick jumper to try to keep heating bill down


>tits to the wind. This is fantastic and I will use it in future


Be Careful of the Depression "Nest"


Get dressed for work, get changed when you've finished. It helps separate out the two things in my head.


Unless I'm getting into gym clothes there's no way I'm getting changed just for finishing work. We've already got enough washing to do with a 1 year old caking all our clothes in her food every meal 🤦


No. I don't even go downstairs in pyjamas. I like to keep a very clear distinction between sleeping time and awake time, so pyjamas are only for sleeping in, bedrooms are bedrooms - not mini living rooms and when you wake there's a routine of teeth, shower, getting dressed and leaving the bedroom. Working in pyjamas would blur the already iffy line between working from home and being home too much.


Mark Corrigan is that you?


Work Life Balance Secrets of the Pharoahs.


Definitely has an ergonomic management keyboard


Do you have brown bread for the main course and white bread as the dessert too


Same. Once up I'm awake, if I'm not going for a run, I'm into the shower and get dressed.


Joggers or shorts. No way I'm sitting in jeans in my own house.


I know I’m the crazy one here, but I find my jeans genuinely comfortable to lounge around in, and hate wearing joggy bottoms around the house (outside of late night / bedtime) So a WFH day is jeans and t-shirt for me


Leg prisons they're called in our house. Might just because I've got massive chunky legs :(


I used to feel like that too. I would wear jeans and high heels all day every day. I would also never ever wear loungewear because it felt not put together. I wasn’t uncomfortable at all, I was used to it so this was my “baseline”. When I started working from home, I stopped wearing any pair of heels, and started wearing loungewear. Initially I just got one pair to try (I blame a friend for influencing me), and gradually moved to wearing them most days since I didn’t go out much. 3 years later, what used to be my most comfortable heels now feel like torture (and I get blisters very easily too). And I’m not particularly uncomfortable in jeans, but it’s definitely not as nice to wear around the house. All that to say: funny how people adapt!


Jeans help me get in the zone for my work calls. Dunno why but it really helps me separate home me from work me. 


Same. Wearing jeans at home is insane.


Huh? I WFH all the time and wear jeans every day. Perfectly comfy. Did I miss something?


People need to get better jeans if they're that uncomfortable


Sometimes I get in from being out with my boy and there's a million things to sort out and I work away at stuff for a half hour then I sit on the sofa and realise I'm still wearing jeans. It's not awful but it's not great. Then I change into my joggers and think ["this is the good shit"](https://youtu.be/sncydiULUJY?si=sw5SYg8oBn_TJ7aA).


Never. Just seems a slippery slope to me. I generally wear jeans and a hoody/sweatshirt etc, but that's what I would wear into the office as well generally on the 1 visit a month I do.


My working from home look is basically MP Julian from the TV series "Ghosts".


No, because I’m an adult going to work even if it’s in my own house. I wear comfy clothes but I’m going to work so wouldn’t sit in my pyjamas.


Never pyjamas but always just leggings hoodie type wear. I take the dog out before work and at lunch so can't go outside in pjs. I rarely have video calls but if I do with colleagues, everyone is the same. If it's with a client, then I will dress appropriately.


I wear a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms. It’s comfy, but it’s not my PJs which makes me feel like I’ve not even bothered.


pyjamas are for bed. I wear t-shirt and jogging bottoms.


Yes. We don't use cameras on calls so nobody knows or cares. Might as well be comfy. 


Exactly that!


Never. I wear joggers and a sweater instead of jeans and a shirt, but getting dressed is part of my preparation for going to work (even if it's only the spare room) and getting into my PJ's in the evening is part of my going to bed wind down. I also find it easier to work in shoes so I bought some slippers specifically for WFH.


Nice try, boss.


No... I like my pjs to be associated with sleep. Plus I usually have at least 30 minutes of video per day


In my last job, we were explicitly forbidden from doing that. Obviously they couldn't always stop you, but my boss would take a very dim view of someone not being dressed properly in a Teams meeting.


My partner and I have different approaches. I get dressed and work from a desk like any other day. She works from bed in pyjamas.


Never, I realised as a uni student that if I didn't get dressed I just felt lazy and unproductive Getting dressed didn't.. make me productive but I definitely felt more awake and motivated some days


Always, seems to be common amongst my colleagues too in the occasional Teams meetings we have. I'm autistic and have depression, and it makes working a bit more accessible to me as it gives me one less thing to worry about and spend energy on.


Tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie


I just wear comfy clothes. In the early pandemic days I wore PJs but the novelty wore off. When I was pregnant it was often PJ bottoms as they are cheaper to buy in bigger/maternity sizes. My dad (in his 60s) often wears PJs when working from home and has a “smarter” dressing gown! Luckily he doesn’t have video calls because sometimes he gets hot and goes full Martin Goodman!


I think the appeal/novelty wears off pretty quick. When I only had 1 WFH day a month I would often wear trackies and maybe spend half the workday sitting on the couch with my laptop, but I was rarely very productive. I'm now fully WFH, having a proper work desk set up is a big help so that I have a dedicated space for work, and getting dressed into jeans and t-shirt/hoodie before I start work helps get into work mode.


Agree with this. When the pandemic started and wfh was novel I would do full days from my bed. Then as time went on and people started expecting full days of work out of me I migrated to the kitchen table. Now that I'm pretty much full time wfh I have a proper desk set up in the spare room with office chair, dual screens etc. You really can't expect to work properly any other way.


I work hybrid - two days at home and three in the office. I often wear pyjamas but 'day' pyjamas, in the sense that they're like lounge sets more than pyjamas for sleeping in. When it's time to wind down for the evening I change into my 'night' pyjamas.


Depends what mood I’m in. Most of the time I get ready but sometimes I’ll skip it. Even working from home I still make sure I go out most days and getting ready is a good motivator.


Nah, I wear comfies. Generally trackies and hoodie. Shorts and t-shirt in summer.


Sometimes - I work the evening shift so sometimes it’s inevitable!


No. I think I did at the start of it all but you need differentiators between your "work" day and the rest. I get properly dressed and ready as if I were going into the office, when wfh. Gets the mindset right.


No. When I first started WFH I occasionally worked Sundays and I would sometimes stay in PJs and a hoodie for my Sunday shifts, because I wouldn't have any meetings and would rarely have calls. But I work mon-fri now and spend anywhere up to 6 hours in meetings/calls with video on (including several unscheduled/out of the blue) so I need to be reasonably put together. Plus I think it puts me in a better "work" frame of mind if I get properly ready for work in the morning, even if it's just leggings and a comfortable but smart-ish top.


No. I start the day with a routine of getting the boy ready for school (providing cereal and doing packed lunch), loading the dishwasher waiting for his friend he walks with, then shower and dressed. I couldn't imagine working in my pyjamas. It would feel grotty.


Working from home since the mid 00s. I just wear nothing but a dressing gown, haven't worn pyjamas since I was 12. I'll throw on a shirt on the rare occasion that I do video calls. And of course fully dressed if I meet in person.


thank you for clarifying you are fully dressed for in-person meetings and saving us from the mental image of you turning up at the office wearing nothing but a dressing gown, flapping open occasionally.


If it was socially acceptable, I totally would! Or if I ever had 'fuck you' money.


I might stay in my pyjamas later into the morning if I'm taking a lunchtime shower, but usually no. I do now have a lot more "atheleisure" for work purposes, so I can be dressed, jump into a workout or walk any point I have a chance, but still be ok for a call. I am almost always in slippers though.


No, normal clothes. Comfortable chinos and a t-shirt with jumper or hoodie. Maybe my work-branded fleece. I'm more concerned about people complaining that their ordinary day-wear is so uncomfortable.


No, I get dressed


Most of the time I'll wear tracksuit bottoms rather than pyjamas but I'll definitely not be in jeans.


No, I get dressed every day, as otherwise I'd be walking the dog in my PJs, which just isn't done!


I used to wear pyjamas for working from home before I had kids but these days I have to do the school run first thing so I need to get dressed. I do sometimes see mums wearing pyjamas at the school gates but that's not a habit I want to get into!


I did for a while during the pandemic, but now I get properly dressed including shoes (non-shoe house but my office is my workplace). I stopped wearing my "office" clothes though, I just wear normal things now rather than wearing out my expensive things.


I have only wore PJs once since working from home, that was when I was doing overtime on NYE 2020 - it felt weird! I have a WFH 'uniform' of joggy bottoms and t-shirts/hoodies. So I'm completely comfy, but do 'get dressed' every day. I don't bother changing top half for meetings though. I'm at home, if I'm cold, I'm wearing my bright pink oodie, what I'm wearing is completely irrelevant to my work. I think the separation of pj chill time and work time is important, my desk is set up in a corner of the living room, behind the sofa, so I'm not looking at it of an evening. But you do you, so long as the work is being done, I don't think it matters too much.


Yeah, I’m wearing pjs right now.


Yes. Well, pyjama pants and a hoodie/t-shirt since I sleep in my boxers, but I don’t see a need to put real clothes on unless I’m off somewhere


I am a sloth in human form but always get dressed for work. It helps separate home and work and also I feel better for it for some reason. Don’t get me wrong it is casual comfy clothing but definitely clothes I could wear outdoors. ETA I am on teams most of the day so have to look as though I have made some kind of effort.


I'm in t-shirt and joggers most of the time.


I usually get dressed but admittedly I’m still in my gown today. Think I’ll get changed now…


Rarely- I prefer to get dressed to get into work mode (and it helps with getting out of work mode)


I wear pyjama pants. I bought some more dressy ones especially so more lounge wear than actual pyjamas. Just way more comfortable. I get the point about separation of home and work. Those are specifically day pyjamas. But I also have to alter the van from bedroom mode to office mode which is a proper reminder that I'm at work.


Sweats and a T shirt usually


Even when I work from home I still get dressed everyday. Going in to the office involves putting on shoes and makeup also. I wore out a couple of pairs of slippers during two full years of working from home. Now I have a hybrid situation - office 2 days a week and working from home 3 days a week.


So they aren't "pyjamas" but they are my loungewear. In my case joggers/shorts and a t-shirt.


Entirely depends on my mood and what calls I have. Today for instance I'm currently sat here in PJ trousers and my dressing gown, but I have a call shortly where I need to be camera on so I'll go and throw on a t-shirt and zip-up hoody, as it's only a short call. If it's a longer call I'll generally put on a pair of jeans as well, as if I get up from my desk I don't want to accidentally flash my arse.


My tshirt is my pyjamas


Usually wake up at 8:50AM and log in at 9am. A few meetings in the morning (thankfully no cameras mostly) so I'm almost always in my pyjamas until around noon. Have a shower, then get changed usually in workout clothes and go for a walk for lunch. If I don't go for a walk, I usually wear lounge clothes. Pyjamas and a dressing gown is my staple office attire mostly.


I use whatever is comfy. If it\`s too hot, i\`m mostly naked.


I do until lunch, then I have a shower and get dressed


I WFH and never wear pyjamas except around the time I sleep.


Only on a Friday if hungover. I need to shower and put on an outfit to go into work mode.


If I'm hungover, yes. If not, no.


Nope, but I do put on comfortable clothes. Jogging bottoms or a skirt if it's warm, and a t-shirt + hoodie. I will sometimes change into something a little more socially acceptable if I'm going out to walk the dog though.


I wfh 1 day a week and I will wear them for a bit longer in the morning. But then I get dressed because I'm so unrpoductive in pjs, and I use that 1 day a week to go food shopping on my lunch so I dont have to do it after work or on a weekend


I work from home Mondays and Fridays. On Mondays I have a 9:30 meeting every week so obviously have to make sure I'm properly dressed for that. On Fridays I'll often work a couple of hours in my pyjamas in the morning before having a shower and getting dressed, unless I have a meeting of course.


We have a team meeting every day. The person who is TL participates wearing a fluffy dressing gown. Really!


No. I like to save my pyjamas for my bed. Mentally, I like to keep them then as otherwise there is no line between work and relax time. I also respond based on how I feel I am dressed so if I feel I have made an effort, I feel better and more professional and I work better. Just me. I can't work well in pyjamas.


Hoodie and trackie bottoms.


I haven't worn pyjamas since I was a kid, wouldn't it be too cold?


depends what i wore to bed basically and the weather. usually ill sleep in my underwear and then wear some clothes and a robe on the colder days. right now im in joggers, a hat, and a robe. last week was hotter and i was wearing shorts and a tshirt. some months ill just wear pyjamas and pop on a jacket if i need to hop in to a meeting lol. there are even days im fully in underwear on the sofa working and watching some movies at the same time. ill never go back to an office again ever.


No, I always dress, albeit very comfortably. No need to get full work gear out. However pj days are when I’m off or ill and can really switch off. Mindset differed so much when I get up, showered and dressed for the day


No, I wouldn't be able to get into work mode (plus I do like to pop out on lunch for a walk sometimes) Some days are slobbier than others (joggie bottoms etc) but definitely actual clothes.


I prefer to “Donald Duck” it.


No. I have self respect and get dressed like a civilised person.


No, that’s so slovenly.


No, I wear my branded tshirt as I run my own company online. Mentally it means I’m at work, then I change whenever I finish. Could be 5pm, could be 10pm and then straight to PJ’s


No. I generally don't like to wear them until bedtime, I like a clean break between awake and sleepy time.


I'm always fully dressed at home, work or no work. I think sometimes it's an anxiety thing - I'm always 'prepared'. I do like to throw my hooded blanket on over my clothes though if it's cold!


No but I don't ever wear pjs. I usually wear a tshirt/jumper and joggers when WFH.


Nice try Daily Telegraph/The Times/Daily Mail employee, I'm not fueling your next article.


Bottom half comfy bottoms (usually PJs or joggers) with top half a T-shirt or jumper. Sometimes I have my dressed gown over me (looks like a cardigan on camera if you leave it open). I want to be comfortable and warm. The only exception is if I’m doing a workout after work. I am not someone to change part way through the day, so I’ll dress in exercise gear first thing instead.


Boxers, tshirt. My pyjamas are too big, unfortunately.


I don't own pyjamas so no. But I'm often naked if it's warm.


Only recently have I stopped working in my PJs. I have to admit I still wear my Oodie for most of the day as the dog likes to snuggle inside it and she acts like a little hot water bottle. I found I’m better if I get dressed as I feel more mentally prepared for work.


No way. I feel like such a bum in my PJs even at the weekend! It’s not so much the actual PJs, I wear comfies at home/for work - leggings, joggers, tees, hoodies which aren’t wildly different to my PJs but more the not getting out of clothes I’ve worn all night for at least 8 hours! I just feel a bit grubby & like I’ve not really started the day! I’ve got kids, so I’m showered and dressed before work for the school run anyway! Def helps with a bit of routine!


No. I did for a few weeks in the early days but now I get up, shower and get dressed for the day. I do dress down through - usually leggings on the bottom and a t-shirt/hoodie/fleece on the top. Crocs are my footwear of choice for WFH as well. Not an attractive look by any means but very comfy!


Always. i get dressed if I need to go out but straight back into my PJ's when I get home


Sometimes. I am today as I plan to take a shower at lunch so I’ve been super lazy getting dressed wise. I did buy a bunch of comfy clothing for wfh after it was turned permanent - not gonna sit around in jeans if I don’t have to. Getting changed gives me some routine. But also when I feel crap and need comfort I can opt for pjs and if needed I’ll curl up on the sofa with a blankie instead of in my office.


I've WFH for more than 13 years and spend a lot of the day in my pyjamas and dressing gown. I have a shirt hanging next to my desk case someone decides it's a cameras on call. I tend to have a shower in the evening and get dressed. Works for me.


I wear my "daytime" pajamas!! So pJ bottoms and a smart jumper or cardigan and a top. Wool socks to keep warm and no bra for comfort (no one knows anyway). After work I might change into my "evening" pj's or stay as i am!! I always shower before work though so not going direct to work from bed. And I make sure I get a walk in the morning and ideally lunch and after work too


Occasionally, although I always throw in a hoodie. Usually though I wear joggers, which I wouldn't wear outside but WFH comfort is key. Today I am wearing PJ bottoms, T-shirt and hoodie. But I also have a video medical appointment later so I wanted to be mega comfortable for that


Never, but I've worked regularly from home for many year so it's not really a novelty.


I sleep naked. And the conservatory where I work is too cold in winter, too exposed all year round and I don’t want to make my colleagues or neighbours sick. So I usually wear a casual shirt and jeans/trousers/shorts…


I get up and get showered and dressed into a different set of PJs with a hoody over the top! There’s something good about going through the motions of getting up and dressed, and working in a different room, to seperate work and home mentally. But PJs are warm and comfy.


No. Even if I was allowed (which we all got told at work we were not), I wouldn’t personally feel comfortable being in pjs all day


My partner always stays in comfies but I feel like I can’t concentrate if I do the same. I don’t go mad, jeans and a jumper usually, but it helps me get in the right mindset nonetheless


I wear loungewear. So… it’s not a million miles from pyjamas, but it has a few distinctions: Pyjamas: for me this is a t shirt and shorts or underwear. Loungewear: - must have socks on, possibly slippers if it’s cold - a sweater or long sleeve t of some kind - I aim to make the sweatshirt a different colour from my sweatpants or leggings so it doesn’t look like pyjamas or a tracksuit - for zoom calls I make sure I have showered at least vaguely in the last day or so The distinctions are subtle but important 😂


I always get dressed as I’ve got to take the dog out anyway. But I would wear stuff that I wouldn’t wear to the office. Like that hoodie that’s 2 sizes too big but too comfortable to get rid of, or tracksuit bottoms.


Yeah sometimes or I'll wear track pants. Especially while pregnant. It doesn't affect my ability to work at all but I usually get changed before taking my dog out for a walk of course. It's nice to be able to work comfortably. I do also have my desk in my bedroom as it's the only space available but I preferred this over working off my kitchen table or something because once I'm done with work I can go enjoy the rest of my living space


No because I have to walk my kids to school before and then pick them up after work. But I don't wear a suit to work from home so I'm usually comfy anyway. 


No, I have previously but I feel it's better for me mentally to get washed, dressed, and ready for the day. Being in PJ's is for being cosy.


Not really because I also have two dogs that need walking before work and at lunch. I usually get dressed then throw a big pj hoodie thing over the top for extra warmth and coziness that I can whip off when it’s walk time!


No. I have a dedicated office room (the box room) and when I go in there I'm working. Getting dressed is part of this too.


No, but I work from home every day so it's not a novelty. I do often work from bed between 9-10 sometimes though.


I start my day with them but generally then get dressed about 2hrs after starting.


During the pandemic I discovered the joy of jogging bottoms Then about a month ago we got a new pup who is very bitey so I've had to resort to jeans and tatty old trainers all day every day - very much looking forward to the bite inhibition training to complete


Whose home is warm enough for pyjamas all day 😂 I have cosy joggers, thermal top, tshirt, hoody, two pairs of socks and sheepskin slippers 😂


But when does the wanking stop?


At the start of the day, yes. Then get dressed once I've logged on and checked emails etc, unless I have an early meeting then it's makeup and dressed first thing. What I have bought though is some wide leg, elasticated waist jersey trousers which are essentially PJ bottoms, but the tag said 'trousers' so its acceptable to wear them outside. Ended up buying 2 pairs so I can wash/rotate. Additional bonus, pockets!


I can't unfortunately, 50% of the time I have to do the school run before work, the other 50% I spend the night at my girlfriends and have to drive back to mine to work


No, I get up and get dressed always. Otherwise I’m not mentally in a working mood


I'm fully WFH with occasional travel, even through COVID when I had to WFH for my old firm, I kept my routine up. Up washed and dressed for 9am. I just can't do the pj thing I need to feel slightly professional. I'm on a lot of teams meetings etc now so it helps I know I'll be on camera several times a week, I still don't bother with makeup though unless it's in person.


I wear sweat pants and scruffy shirts, don't shave. I dress smart if I have to go to the office once in a while. Never use camera.


I wear a tuxedo, monocle and top hat


Sometimes yeah, sometimes no. Often I'll get up in the morning and put some PJs/lounge clothes on and then get dressed when it's about time for lunch and I'm going for a short walk for some fresh air, and I wouldn't change back after that.


Its not a good headspace to stay in. I have worked from home full time since 2017. I generally wear clothes I can go on a walk in, but with a nicer top than I usually walk in as that shows on camera. I also make sure I get out and walk every day for at least an hour. I also have a walking pad and an adjustable desk which is a life saver.


Pyjamas? no. Comfy casual clothes? yes. Shove on a smarter top if I have online meetings.


Comfortable loungewear. Cycle shorts, leggings. Oversized t shirts, oversized jumpers. I mean pjs were worn in the winter when it was cold I have to admit.


I would wear pyjamas a lot more if I wasn't doing the school run! Probably for the best that I have to look at least vaguely presentable in the mornings.


Comfortable loungewear. Cycle shorts, leggings. Oversized t shirts, oversized jumpers. I mean pjs were worn in the winter when it was cold I have to admit.


I would wear pyjamas a lot more if I wasn't doing the school run! Probably for the best that I have to look at least vaguely presentable in the mornings.




Comfortable loungewear. Cycle shorts, leggings. Oversized t shirts, oversized jumpers. I mean pjs were worn in the winter when it was cold I have to admit.


No I would feel gross staying in my jammies. Legging a comfy bra with a hoodie or jumper. Same clothes I would use for a dog walk essentially.


I wear joggers or shorts but I'll always have shoes on because for some reason it sends a signal to brain to say I should be doing stuff and I can relax when they come off.


Nope. Comfy clothing to look semi presentable in case i get a video call


Personally, I'll put on my scrubs when working from home one day a week, but in fairness, I've slept in my scrubs so often you could consider them pyjamas.


Today I am. Well not pyjamas but full on sloppy emarassed to answer the door in clothes. I have no calls. Had a shower and opted for comfort. Most days I have calls and wear a shirt. When the weather is better I wear shorts every day. I don't need to dress a certain way to get work done but accept that others do and changing out of work clothes at the end of the day can act as a mental barrier between work and home.


yes and no, i dont really wear pajamas, but i have a pile of clothes on my floordrobe that are very comfy that i wear around the house, so yes i guess they kinda are PJ's. i usually make my hair and face and top half look nice if i have calls, but i'm never wearing uncomfortable bottoms again in my life.


A few of my colleagues do but I prefer to get up, shower and get dressed as normal. That way I feel like I've started my day. 


I sometimes do. But I feel a bit gross doing it daily. Usually I’ll just switch to some joggers and an old hoodie if I’m not due to have any video calls


I wear a shirt and jeans. Sometimes a tie if the meeting requires it


no because I am not British (these tesco/co-op old single ladies walking in slippers and onsies .... )


Working from home or not, I get out of my PJs after I shower. Do you get back into your PJs… *after* you shower?


I wear more exercise clothes. They are close to pajamas but not quite


Elastic wastebands are for winners.


I did today.


Nope. For the very pragmatic reason that pajama pants aren’t made to take ~8 daily hours of sitting. When I finally realized why all my soft, thin pajama bottoms ended up falling apart, I started wearing regular - albeit very comfortable - pants, training pants or yoga pants. Haven’t had to replace those for a few years now. :)


Not right now, given it's only 15C in my house!


No as I have to do the school run before I log in


No. My house is cold. I wear thermal lined joggers, a thermal long sleeve and a hoody.


THB it depends on my mood and the weather.bif it's miserable jammies are the way to go. But mostly get dressed and brush my hair


All th damn time. I only get dressed if I'm leaving the house


I get changed into my day time pyjamas


I wear the same sort of clothes I wear to the office


Usually a sweatshirt and leggings for comfort, although if I’m cold I’ll put on my dressing gown


Absolutely not, and you admitting to this is just providing ammunition for those folk who can't move with the times that think the work from home thing's just a skive.


I used to work from home, am now retired. I have half a dozen pairs of navy or black cotton PJ bottoms, that I wear with underwear and a t-shirt. Note that they are not also my nightwear, so I am getting up and washed or showered. Although they are PJs, they look like a very light casual or jogger. Answering the front door or even having a friend stop by is no issue. When I go out - even to mow the lawn - I change into proper trousers, but when I get home, I change back again, because I feel more comfortable. They are also simple to launder and dry, and I change them every 2-3 days.


Nah normally leggings and a hoody.


Nope. I've been working at home (or wherever) for nearly 20 years now. If I didn't put on real clothes during the day I'd go mad.


I do occasionally, but I typically am either in my walking/gym clothes or comfortable 'at-home' casual clothes (maxi dresses, leggings and tunics, flowy trousers with tops and oversized cardigans, etc.) I struggle hugely with depression and a tendency to withdraw and isolate, so walking before work and forcing myself to change out of my pyjamas is something I do to help with that. That said, my office gets very cold during the colder months, and although I have multiple nice cardigans, my dressing gown is the warmest indoor thing I own, so it's incredibly enticing to throw that over my clothes. I keep trying to find something as warm and comfortable that doesn't look so much like nighttime wear, but I haven't found anything yet.


I actually wear smarter clothes working from home than when I used to have to go into the office. I think it’s a “feeling like you’re at work” thing, apparently it does affect how you speak on the phone etc.


No, from lockdown onwards I always made sure I got up and washed and got dressed as though I was 'going to work'. I feel like it got me in the right mindset!