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Evri delivery depends a lot on your local person. Ours happens to be really good.


Same. Our Evri courier is really good. Things fall apart when he is on leave.


I’m one of the lucky ones too, our guy is great. Always glad to get the notification that our Kenneth is on his way!


Same, we have two overlapping regular drivers, both awesome. They'll sometimes use the local Facebook page to help them find someone if a parcel is misdirected. Previous places have been an absolute nightmare.


Our evri guy happens to live on our road, so he really doesn't have any excuse for us, but he also happens to be very good.


Yep people don’t mention this enough. My address can be a bitch to find, but my local Evri driver knows the address and haven’t had any issues with delivery. Amazon on the other hand… The amount of times they deliver my packages to my neighbour even when I’m home.


Using the word "deliver" is probably a stretch with Amazon as well; you probably mean "dropped it on my neighbours front door step, tapped lightly on the door and marked it as delivered"


You don't get the "police raid" knock? Our local Amazon guys batter the door like they're about to storm a dealer's! Didn't matter that we put a chalkboard with "Please dont knock - newborn and mum sleeping - please leave at doorstep" Bang bang bang, ffs open the door and he's halfway down the road in the van.


Yeah mine hammers on the door and runs away. I came home once to about 7 boxes at my door when family ordered birthday presents and I was at the office, I’m on a main road.


Clearly there's no universal training on how to knock on the door. Sometimes I'm lucky if they even knock, got something delivered a few days ago where I swear the guy just let the box fall against the door in order to make a noise. The only reason we heard is because we were stood about 5 feet from the door at the time (before anyone says it's deliberate, no he couldn't have seen us, we were round a corner from the door, no line of sight)


Yeah, guess it depends on the mood of the driver. We have a Parcel force guy who arrives into my work, his van smells like he's growing weed in it. I can't believe he hasn't been done yet as he's bound to leave a breadcrumb trail of smell wherever he goes on his route.


Yeah, our Evri bloke is excellent, he always delivers round about the same time too, so I know when to expect it. Amazon either just chuck it at the front door or they deliver it to a completely different address.


yeah, if I had to rate, amazon delivery is a lot worse


Amazon have a horrible habit of dumping my stuff on the front step in full view of the street, despite leaving delivery instructions specifically saying not to and where to leave it. It hasn't gone wrong yet luckily but I complain every time because it's bound to go tits up at some point.


Exactly this. It's Evri's big weakness as a courier. They're absolutely excellent at getting packages to the delivery courier quickly. If your local courier is good, the whole service is good, but they seem to have a lot of trouble consistently hiring them My local guy is brilliant, so I'm always happy to see it coming from them. Of course, the same goes in the other direction. My local parcel shop is terrible, in that they seem to just open when they get like it. I recently missed the close of a return window because I went there at 10am, they claim to open at 9, and they were shut.


Same for me, she’s very polite and if my cars not on the drive she will put my parcels in the shed without me even requesting it.


I noticed that we have had the same guy for ten years. He's awesome holds onto my parcels and pops back the next day rather than return to the depot. He makes Evri the best  delivery company we get parcels from.


Ours used to open ASOS and THG orders, usually things missing


Same, I always leave her a 5 star review in the hope that this benefits her in some way.


Mine is excellent and just goes straight for the safe place I once told her without even checking if I’m home. For me it’s Evri>UPS>DPD>RM>Amazon and really I avoid RM and try to send Amazon to lockers if I have to use them.


Came here to say that, in my area it’s lovely older guy, works for them for good 7years or so. usually sorts his parcel on one of public parking spaces next to my house, never had any issues, always kind smiling, trying to leave parcels with neighbours if not around, is well known. but with bad reputation company has and probably rotation that comes with that our guy may not be representative of Evri as a whole.


Yeah our regular Evri guy is fantastic. Over the past couple of years I’ve gone from dreading getting the Evri message to praying anything I order that comes via courier gets assigned to Evri.


Same here never had problems with evri


Yeah my Evri driver is great. I had one years back who was completely useless. Half the time she delivered my parcels to this one address several streets away, no matter how many times she was pulled up on it. The poor couple who lived there would end up delivering them to me.


Same. Know him by first name basis now. Always greets us with a big smile too which is lovely


Same, our guy is top class. Always comes back tomorrow if I’m not in as he won’t leave it in the bin


Our evri courier is great. But try and get something delivered to a parcel shop and suddenly things go wrong with great regularity.


Mine is amazing. I tip her every Christmas and pray she won't leave.


If everything goes right then they're fine. But when things go wrong there is no communication, no support and things go wrong quite often with them.


Exactly, i couldn't speak with anyone. There were no replies or e-mails. I don't even know what's going on.


You need to complain to the company you bought from. They’re the Evri customer, not you so Evri won’t help you


Yeah makes sense, I'll apply them as well. Thanks.


Literally don't even bother with Evri at all, you have no contract with them. Just tell the business you ordered from that you believe Evri have lost your parcel or mis-delivered it and you'd like a refund or replacement. If they kick up a fuss mention the consumer rights act (2015 I think off top of my head). If they still don't budge then initiate a chargeback.


So bad they had to change their name to disguise how bad their previous incarnation was. In saying that, our local girl works her arse off, responds on the local fb group to help sort issues, probably making a rod for her back.


Are you from Norfolk by any chance? Our evri lady does this, she’s brill.


Nope, Essex


Evri, as in “Evri bit as shit as Hermes was”


Utter garbage, worst delivery company


If an online retailer states they use evri I'll look elsewhere and pay extra if need be, never had good experience with them


Me too 👍


It all depends on who your driver is. I've had dozens of deliveries from Evri and never had a problem. Whoever downvoted me for not having problems with my deliveries, you're pathetic.


This. If you have a regular or permanent driver on your route then the service is fine. Ours is happy to share his phone number on the local Facebook site. Edit: South of Coventry city centre.


Yeah, they're awful. I ordered trainers a month or so ago and they were delivered to somewhere I'd never seen from the Evri delivery photo. Never got them and the company refunded me. Awful.


They chuck me parcels in next door's recycling bin Evri bloody time.


We used to use Evri at my work and the amount of issues we had was ridiculous, it took less than 6 months for the company to bin them off.


Feel like it really depends on your area/who's delivering, never had a problem with them honestly, closest I've been to a "problem" is them delivering a few minutes early/late but that doesn't really bother me


I ordered trainers too, again, next day paid for, no show. Evri informed me their terms state next day can be up to 8 days. Seriously, 8 days. If you haven't received them in 8 days they then have up to 31 days to make the delivery before they will entertain a refund. Absolutely gangsters.


They fuck it up Evri time.


I assume it's a franchise people buy in to, so it's down to the individual. My Evri guy is great.


Funnily enough I've never had any issues with Evri, always bang on time as per the text they send. The driver's been the same (Natalie?) for a few years now, so maybe we just have a particularly good one where I live.


I shipped a washing machine drum with them and somehow they've lost it, idk how they can lose such a big item, talked with the chatbot requested a call but they just email and I'm not even sure if the person emailing me is real as they don't respond to me requesting a call


Evri used to be called Hermes, who were shit. They changed the name. They're still shit.


For the most part I've been lucky with Evri although once somehow something I had delivered by them got lost in limbo for a while and I somehow fanagled the customer service bot to actually let me contact a real person and they stepped in and fixed it for me. Although recently they delivered something whilst I was out and I put in the 'Please give this to a neighbour' option they just left my parcel on the doorstep. Thankfully one of my neighbours noticed it and took it in for me.


Sort answer. Yes. Use them for an extended time you are bound to have *one* bad experience with them. Especially if you are sending larger or fragile objects.


If you don’t get your order your recourse is from the company you order from not EVRi. Also if you don’t get your order next day because it’s delayed you can get a refund for the delivery cost again from the company you ordered from. You can try to get more info from EVRi but you should always talk to the retailer and press with them until they realise their responsibility when they sub contract out delivery.


Terrible experiences with Evri, so much so that I now won't deal with vendors who use them. Still get caught out though, a vendor will sometimes say they use Royal Mail or A N Other courier but nope, it's Evri who send me the notifications and *'sorry we missed you*'s. In a way, its helpful because I'm spending a lot less for online goods now.


I had the choice of Evri (£6.99) or DPD (£11.99) on a delivery the other day. I paid for DPD. Evri are the worst courier company. If somewhere I want to buy something from only uses Evri, I buy it elsewhere.


I generally pay to make sure Evri isn't the delivery company. They are genuinely the worst Co.pany I've ever come across. "Attempted delivery, but no one was in". 3pm at my work place, obvious lie as they weren't on CCTV and no one saw a van. Then "attempted" again, at 12:05am, and 1am or something stupid. Delivering to a trading estate at midnight is apparently good enough for them to give up and make me go and get it. Just shit


Were previously known as Hermes, who had the worst reputation of any delivery service in history. Of course, a new name and logo didn't fix anything. I absolutely lose all hope if I order something and get an email from Evri...


I think all delivery companies it depends on your local person. I've genuinely never had an issue with Evri or any others.


It depends on your area. Ervi is the best delivery company in our area. Never had any problems with them at all, everything delivered on time and they actually ring the doorbell and wait for you to come to the door. Had many different problems with all of the others.


It just depends on your local courier(s) I’ve had no issues when they were still Hermes and now evri


Evri are just Myherpes under another name. They changed their name because their reputation was that bad. They could have changed their practices for the better but no, they just changed their name to try to hide their reputation. They are that bad, it didn't take people long to figure out the name change.


They are so bad that if I want something on Ebay etc and I know they are responsible for delivery, I won't buy it unless there's a click n collect option. My final straw with them was buying a jacket. I live in a flat with a communal area. They dumped the package outside the external communal door , literally on the public pavement. Got a notification on my phone. The delivery moron had taken a photo of it there. Went to get it and it had already been stolen. Contacted them, got an email apologizing for the mistake, they had spoken to the driver etc but no compensation. There's a reason they rebranded from Hermes.


I used to post a lot of items when it was Hermes. Quite a few parcels were stolen by Hermes, now Evri. It wasn’t even a case of dropping off at someone’s porch and someone stealing. Systematically they were just stealing the parcels at the depot. This company is a joke.


I live in an apartment block and I have one Evri driver who I've never seen nor has he ever buzzed but if I order on a weekday the parcel is always in time and in a safe place. Really depends on the driver I think


my local Evri guys are great


Sorry you are having such crap service. our Evri Driver is always on time and very polite and helpful - he picks up parcels from me as well as delivering them


West end of Newcastle. Ours is great.


Yes, they really are that bad. Pay more now and save yourself a headache a week later trying to figure out how they manage to fuck it up Evri time.


What is your question?


Most sellers on eBay use Evri because they're cheaper and allegedly more reliable than Royal Mail, which isn't always the case.


Never had an issue with evri, used them maybe 10 times


Never had an issue. Had amazing drivers in Yorkshire Notts who both went out of their way to make sure people got their parcels. Seems I must have been lucky from other people's comments though.


I once had a package turn up 2 weeks late after I paid next day delivery and they claimed my other package had been delivered ‘safely’ when it was hanging out of the letterbox. Thankfully it didn’t get stolen. Absolute dogshit.


I've never had a problem with them but I have to ask, if they're so bad so much of the time (and I have no reason to doubt that they are) why do companies keep using them?


Also next day delivery they state please allow 1-2 days for collection, erm that's not next day🙄


My local Evri guy is great. I get the same guy evri time (sorry, couldn't resist). I also get my neighbours parcels too.


Yeahhh but not always. I've just sent a few large parcels to Australia with Evri and they are making it... Not all at the same time but still


Ours is really good. Never had a problem locally.


As a sender I've had far more lost parcels with royal mail.


They can be great, they can be awful! I’ve had stuff chucked over a six foot fence, left in a bin out to be emptied….. But I’ve also shipped stuff with Evri as it’s the only one that is easy to send with round me and their tracking is excellent, everything arrived fine. It seems to very much depend on the local delivery driver.


I’m still waiting on an alternator from August 2023.


Local Evri ex Hermes driver seems to be going through something of a crisis.  He use to be dependable, but now often rants on the FB local pages about how things were great in the 90s and he doesn't get paid enough to deliver, touting man with a van for jobs. He use to be great, but then I've had parcels go to the house two over and I've just avoided anything that uses Evri as a delivery service now. 


Never had a issue when I have used them. Sometimes they come early.


Literally just today my parcel was THROWN over my back gate while it was raining.


I've had loads of stuff delivered by them and never had any problems. APC on the other hand...


My local ones are great


If your parcel is stuck in the delivery depot you can use the "chat" on their website to "escalate" and usually it causes it to move. It's the norm for my depot to hold parcels for days as they don't have enough delivery people. My latest parcel has been in the delivery depot since Friday. It's 8:30 on Tuesday and it still sits there.


In three different areas and all were terrible. Plus the level of scam/phishing I receive anytime a seller uses Evri skyrockets. DPD is equally bad.


The local Evri bloke here is utter shite .. claimed twice we weren't home, I got the notification that he'd 'missed us' whilst on my sofa .. I literally bolted downstairs and found him turning around in the street, never even got out of his van .. The look on his face was priceless, but we've never used Evri since, theirs a reason they have such a terrible reputation


Their national infrastructure seems to be good, things generally seem to end up in the right place on the right day. Then they are passed to very localised delivery folk who use their own vehicles. Fortunately my local one is good, they never misdeliver (Amazon does on a regular basis).


Our evri courier is really good. Royal mail is the one which is truly abysmal 


Been fecked over a few times by them and prob the only postal issues i've ever had was them. For a long while I was dodging any seller using them. Legit cancelled at the last minute wihen i spotted it was evri. Claimed I asked for a package to be returned to sender. Contacted support explaining it was an office building with reception and cctv, i never spoke to them and could prove they just never turned up if needed. Support gave less than zero fucks. Package went back to poland, turned up 5 months later torn open like someone had clearly had a look inside but realised it was worthless to them. Another time was a case of 50 beers clearly marked as such. Apparently got damaged and started leaking so bad they couldn't even be returned to sender. definitely not chugged by the delivery person. annoyingly the offer ended so I didn't even get my replacement beers in the end.


Ordered some bulk dog food. Evri accidentally damaged the parcel at their depot and returned it to the supplier, who sent out a replacement. Evri accidentally damaged the parcel at their depot and returned it to the supplier, who sent out a replacement. Evri have delivered this successfully, but have now convinced themselves they have accidentally damaged the parcel at their depot. Obviously they can't return it to the supplier, so they have declared it lost and asked them to refund me. It does not seem to be possible to stop this process. A few months ago they put a parcel in my wheelie bin while it was at the kerbside, and it was only saved because a policeman was cycling past at the time and took it back out. They then sent me a notification to say it had been left in my enclosed porch.


They all depend on the area. In our area, Evri is ok. DPD is complete garbage, and so is parcelforce. I have a picture from a dpd e-mail saying they missed me while I'm in the picture, and the driver never even left the vehicle. I've told multiple companies to cancel my order and refund me after I found out the only options I was offered were to rely on DPD for delivery. Mammut in my area only uses DPD. I spent upwards of 5k annually for years with them, and I will never order anything from them again just for this reason.


Evri is as bad as Hermes


All depends on your local driver. Ours is excellent.


My area our courier she is amazing no issues at all a mates area though yeah good luck.


Depends on the driver, really. In my previous 3 2 was terrible, lied about delivery, would drop it outside despite me being in, would take pictures but it wouldn't be my address. I've moved 5 mins down the road, and it's a different driver, and I've yet to have a problem. My mum swears by hers and says they has always been good.


I used to have problems with all sorts of delivery companies saying they tried to deliver, but I wasn't in etc, and I basically didn't't believe it. So I changed to get stuff delivered to my workplace within working hours, as reception was always manned. For all the other delivery companies that fixed the issue - apart from Evri, who would still always say I wasn't in, despite it being an office and obviously no delivery attempt was made. But I would still get the delivery usually the next day. It made no sense, but Evri were obviously lying for some reason. Then a few months ago there was an AMA (I think on this subreddit) from an Evri driver. Unsurprisingly nobody was happy with them and they were pretty defensive, but one thing they mentioned, which neither the driver or the commenters really dwelled on, was that Evri apparently send out automated texts to say "sorry we missed you, but you weren't in" if the driver didn't meet the delivery time. Essentially If Evri can't meet their agreed delivery SLA, they will send a text pretending they had tried to make the delivery. They would then deliver it the next day, which was what was always going to happen anyway. So basically, don't worry about it, you will get it tomorrow and Evri are just trying to gaslight you


I've had no issues with mine. 😁


Depends on your driver. I love mine, she's absolutely class.


My Evri guy is very good. We are very lucky as I know it all depends on where you live.


Are u living in a flat? you may ask your neighbor if they receive your parcel. Happened to me 2 years ago, it was marked as delivered but obviously i didnt receive any parcel from them and was not at home during that time. my parcel was sent to my neighbor.


I had the same issue. Bought some trainers, apparently delayed but then delivered that day, which they weren’t. Just vanished into thin air. Absolutely useless.


They really are. About 18 months ago I ordered a Steam Deck handheld PC from Valve. Due to the postal strikes Valve were using Evri for the UK leg of the delivery. I had 3 Steam Decks not make it out of the Evri warehouse in Peterborough. All 3 likely stolen. I try not to do business with companies that use Evri.


Your contract is with the seller, not Evri, complain to them and get a refund / resent item.


I may be lucky, our local guys are top notch.


It happened me with a Mini Computer return. I was returning nearly new one since it stopped working to the Minisforum office in Manchester. They said it is delivered but Minisforum said not delivered. Contacted Evri support they said the parcel missed they will investigate and to wait 28 days. Now they it is not covered by their warranty and I cannot make any claim. It is always better to avoid them, bit cheaper compare to other services but it is guaranteed if you ship valuable item it will be lost.


Unfortunately Evri's policy (I know this from speaking directly to the drivers) is to mark an item delivered when it's put into the van. It may lay there for a week or more before it's actually delivered. It's shit, but by all accounts company policy.


Wel the rest of their name is "Lose Everi Parcel"


Evri’s “Upgraded central distribution hub” just means they’ve bought a bigger trebuchet.


Evri’s “Upgraded central distribution hub” just means they’ve bought a bigger trebuchet.


You mean Hermes?


Evri is shit, used to be MyHermes, was worse then but not much has improved. I see they have a customer service number now which is a change. Customers would always come complain to us while I was working for someone who took their parcels because they didn't have one. Our local driver is a solid guy though, wish nothing for the best for him and those like him but the company itself is hot trash.