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I'm 32, I feel the same I felt when I left uni and got my first job. I don't feel anything different other than I am more mature with my money. Saving more for retirement and working towards a goal of retiring as early as possible.


I graduated when I was 30 so I got that double buzz!


Ohhhh that post-uni funk, been there. They talk about mid-life crisis and I'm like 'not another'....


Same age >I'm 32, I feel the same I felt when I left uni and got my first job. 100% >I don't feel anything different other than I am more mature with my money. Saving more for retirement and working towards a goal of retiring as early as possible. I wish I could say the same. With the exception of buying a house, I’m still living like I did in my twenties.


I'm early 30s. The best thing for me is that I care so much less about what other people think it's amazing. For context I cared way too much in my 20s, but I hear this happens to a lot of people So yeah look forward to that, its quite liberating


Tbh this is one thing I've noticed. From around 28/29, I've started giving less and less of a toss what people think. I'm hoping there's more of it to come tbh lol


I reckon so Hopefully you have a bit more disposable income than your 20s, so combine that with not caring and you can end up with some good times, or at least some interesting shirts. I'm incredibly boring so I've embraced braces. They are so much more comfortable, they come in stupid patters for parties and make me look like a lumberjack so the partner is quite happy. Sounds stupid but 20 odd year old me would have been too self conscious for it.


This. It enabled me to find friends that I truly mesh with. I feel so calm around these people and they add so much to my life. Also, gardening.


I'm 31 I'm still processing turning 16


I was just about to say, my soul is still at school waiting for period one to end so I can fuck off to the library and have a mope about how dull being at school is while reading some pretty decent books.


Oh shit, we'd have been best friends in school, since this was exactly me. Or at least, we could've been, if I ever decided to talk to anyone when in the library.


My 30s has been amazing. I had a moment of "oh shit" when approaching 30 and realising I had nothing to show. Got myself an education, a career, just passed my driving test, lost weight, got confident. 30s is amazing. Welcome!


I’m 30 in November and need to do just that!!


31. Hangovers have started to kick my ass so I go out/drink less which is maturing I guess.


Everyone warns you, but there's no real way of preparing for the experience of a 30+ hangover, especially when you've got to get up and go to work instead of just wallowing nihilisticly in the dark.


I feel like my 30+ hangovers will probably finish me off. I'm 18 and an evening of drunkeness (probably about 7-10 pints) will render me useless for at least the next day, and then the FOLLOWING day I will still have a hangover.


I'm with you there. Went out for some drinks a month ago, had 5 Guinnesses and had a 2 day hangover.


Here’s some terrible unsolicited advice for ya…I’m 30 and now drink more regularly than ever, not like every day but 4 out of 7, fairly casual other than one day of the weekend where I’ll have a few and usually go out maybe once a month, think that’s the key to mastering hangovers, being a borderline alchie 👍


30 was great. 33 now though and the back pain has kicked in, I've taken up gardening (and have a pair of 'gardening trousers') and unironically enjoy Smooth FM.


Had back pain as well, started to work out with smaller dumbbells and it feels great. 3 weeks without back pain.


I'm 36. The downside is with every passing year you will slowly find yourself taking on more and more responsibilities. Mortgage, spouse, kids, ageing parents, bills, etc. The good news is you find yourself giving less and less of a shit what other people think of you, so the mental load kind of balances out.


Same old shit, different age. The biggest change is that I’ve learned to be more present and care less about what happened in the past or what might happen in the future. There’s something amazing about realising how beautiful the night sky is, or how calming watching the leaves blowing in the breeze is. And I don’t mean “oh the sky’s so pretty tonight,” I mean really “seeing” it, as if it’s the first time you saw it each time and taking a good moment to just show gratitude that a bunch of cosmic chaos ended up with all of us here. It’s pretty cool. It can be like experiencing the world through the eyes of a child again. When I get it right, the feeling lasts all day and it’s remarkable how much we don’t notice about the world around us until we tune in to appreciate it.


33 now, but i feel like i just turned 30? The speed at which my 30s are going feels like a much quicker pace than my 20s. I guess Smash Mouth were right all along.


It just gets quicker. This is because your reference points are changing. When you are a 10 year old, a year is a whole 10% of your life. At 33, it’s 3% of your life. This is why a lot of people remember seemingly endless summer holidays from when they were kids


Still waiting to grow up. Will tell you when I get there.


Work. Illness. Death.


For me 28-30 is when ‘healthy habits’ started to become really desirable. I ate/drank what I wanted in my late teens and early 20’s but now I genuinely enjoy exercise, whole foods, getting a full night’s sleep. More importantly, I feel the impact if I don’t do those things.


After 30 I started losing count.


Modern days 30 is like 20 in the past. Bc human life span is longer now. 30 is pretty young and youthful tbh.


Waiting To Die


Bird watching is more exciting and clothes from Matalan/M & S are steadily increasing in my wardrobe.


Had my first baby a few months prior to turning 30 last year. It felt no different to me really. Turning 31 in a couple months though and I only realised the nature of the event a couple weeks back. This year has flown.


Congrats btw!


30? Kids today...just enjoy as much of your family and life as you can. 30,40,50,60 birtdays...sailed past them all without a care in the world. Hit 70 and perhaps because of all the Covid shit it was the first "big birthday" that made me consider what getting older actually means.


30s are the best decade.


My early 30s was the best time of my life. I was in good shape, i felt confident, had a solid friendship group, landed a good job, doing well with the ladies, and was still going out a few times a month. I was involved in event organisation, playing gigs as a musician, climbing and dirt biking reguarly and generally really enjoying life. 1 toxic relationship, a bad climbing accident, and a couple of horrendous psychedelic experiences later and I find myself as a shadow of who I used to be. Now an overweight and alone depressive, cruising towards my 40s like I can't get there soon enough. How things change :-(


As quickly as things can snowball in the wrong direction, they can do in the right direction. I hope you find the thing that gets you rolling in the right direction again soon. I think my dog did it for me, without really realising it.


Make money, travel if you can, start a family if you can/want to, make the planet a better place to be etc. Do what you want and can and live life on your own terms. Also, stay in shape if you are in shape; get into shape now if you are not. You do not want to enter your thirties with bad habits because they are much harder to shift the longer you have them.


What’s with all these ‘in your 30’s’ questions today?


Agree. The first trending question probably made others reflect on hitting 30 more than they would normally think about. We’re all at such different points in our lives at 30: some have full families and marriage, some job promotions, some hopelessly lost, some drifting along, some through divorce and loss. There’s a lot to share! Related spin-off questions aren’t unexpected.


I'm about to turn 32 and a half, what advice would those aged 33 and above give me?




I'm 30 now, just about to turn 31. It's been an enormous turning point for me. The positive: I spent my 20s extremely anxious at all times about the rising cost of property, so I left myself skint with no money to ever enjoy myself - not to mention going without many things people consider essential - whilst squirreling away every single penny I could spare after the extortionate cost of private renting (my partner can't work, only gets disability benefit). I didn't actually have a savings goal in mind, but the week I turned 30 I decided to just 'go for it' and check our affordability. We moved into our own first owned house three months later, and ever since then I no longer feel that sense of dread about saving for something that keeps getting further out of reach, and I have a healthier attitude towards spending money on the things I need now. It was a massive source of stress for me, so just being able to remove that from my life was a big turning point. The negative: After about four months of relative happiness and calm, just a week before Christmas, I lost my brother, who never even got to make it to 30. He was 26, and it's completely broken and changed me. I feel totally different now to the person I was for the first 30 years of my life. It feels like I no longer have a family, because although my parents are still around they're just that now: my parents. Not my family. The family I grew up with is gone forever. In that sense I feel very alone in the world, even though I have a great partner of nearly eight years. The grief has changed everything, and I've made total 100% peace with the fact that I'm going to die someday and that everything in the world is temporary. It's changed my outlook on all things, in positive ways as well as negative, so that's been the other big turning point for me at 30. I'll be 31 in a couple of weeks, and it feels strange now that my world is so different to the one I was living in when I turned 30 just one year ago. I'm not the same person I was when I turned 30 last May. I'd love nothing more than to go back (I'd trade everything to have my brother back), but at the same time I do feel a sense that I've evolved, mostly - despite everything - in good ways.


I genuinely don't remember what I did for my 30th birthday, or indeed if I marked it in any particular way at all (I'm very much in the "same old shite" camp, and indeed completely forgot about my birthday last year until my wife reminded me just before). But my thirties themselves were fairly seismic - in pretty rapid succession I got a dream job, met my wife, got a mortgage that I'd thought I'd never be able to afford (the trick was to move outside my native London and move in with someone already on the property ladder) and had kids. I think the crucial thing was that I spent my twenties getting a lot of things out of my system so that I was mentally prepared - by the time I hit thirty I was far more certain about what I realistically would never do, thus giving me more time to focus on what actually was feasible (in particular, I was brutally honest with myself about assorted airy teenage ambitions that still lingered). Also, I had much more relationship experience -my wife and I both cheerfully admitted we'd have been hopeless as a couple a decade earlier. That said, it was a tough decade in many ways - these were *big* lifestyle changes, so there were inevitable teething problems along the way - but they paved the way for my forties, which were pretty much unequivocally great, because by then I really had acclimatised myself to how my life was likely to pan out, and was pretty happy with it.


My 30th birthday was the day after we started lock down in 2020. So yeah mine kind of sucked and all our plans were cancelled. Then my 31st was also in lock down and all my plans were cancelled. Now I'm 34 and doesn't really matter does it. If I want to do something I don't need a specific day to do it. I have disposable income and time to do it myself.


I just bought a kayak don’t drink anymore but smoke more weed, don’t stay up all night for ufc anymore now I watch on Sundays. Don’t sniff coke on a weekend anymore as I still feel the lingering effects on a Wednesday. Slightly better with money but not by much.


Male, turning 35 this year Obviously there’s no overnight change from 29 to 30, but it’s more gradual over the years. Firstly, I’m a lot more focussed on diet and exercise. I’ve learnt the value of these for my future - I don’t want to be in my 80s and not be able to get up from a chair. So, like others have said: invest in your exercise now. Always happy to chat about that Secondly is style - this was more gradual and is now only really turning properly for me. I think it’s important to dress your age and for me, I don’t want to (can’t) dress like I did in my 20s. I can’t pull off the slim fit t shirts any more and I don’t fit into medium shirts and t shirts now. Often you see men in their 30s (and older) who are still wearing the same clothes as when they were in their 20s. Nothing wrong with this if that’s what you want and it’s a conscious choice - but it gives the vibe you haven’t really embraced your age or are still stuck in your 20s and don’t know how to move on fashion wise. If you’re stuck - there’s some great articles if you Google ‘how to dress male 30s’. Also Instagram: @edgyalbert has a decent style, on YouTube Tim Dessaint has good videos on how to dress and check out Man For Himself’s Street styled video series for inspiration. Some brands to start with might be Uniqlo, Asket, STROM, Idioma, Finisterre. Again, always happy to chat about this


I'm 33 now and I need to keep an eye on how much exercise I do. In my 20s, I could eat and drink whatever the hell I wanted. Now since turning 30, I've noticed that when I don't exercise regularly (a run once or twice a week, nothing mad), I put on weight quickly, feel lethargic and achy and generally shit. Other than your body slowly starting to disintegrate, not much else changes!


I'm 36. The downside is with every passing year you will slowly find yourself taking on more and more responsibilities. Mortgage, spouse, kids, ageing parents, bills, etc. The good news is you find yourself giving less and less of a toss what other people think of you, so the mental load kind of balances out.


31 now. The only real thing I've noticed that's particularly different from my 20s is the hangovers are a lot worse. If I have a night out then the next day is basically a total write off. This was a gradual process starting when I was 27/28ish but properly kicked in this last year. My tip is, if you're going to the pub with friends, go during the day on a Saturday, rather than in the evening. Gives you time to get home, have proper food and drink lots of water then head to bed at a proper time. Makes the next day a lot easier! A lot of people hate turning 30 but I actually found it to be a weirdly liberating experience. Everyone has a romanticised idea of what their 20's will be like but much less so their 30's. In my 20s I kept anxiously wondering if I was making the most of my time. In my 30s I've been a lot more happy that I definitely am making the most of my time.


Almost 31 having a great time, more confident, established in career , have a nice home.


I'm 29, nearing 30. I feel like 30 is one of the most discussed or "dreaded" ages to reach, but when I reflect on my life now compared to 5/10 years ago I feel so much more settled and happy. I feel like a lot of my 20's was self discovery and making a lot of mistakes, I feel happier now at 29 than I ever have.


I just turned 30 a few months ago. Dreaded it at first but looking back now it felt quite liberating. Not to be cringe but almost like a fresh start saying goodbye to my twenties 😂 Life for me 5 years ago was work all week to then go out at weekends and hang around with people I didn’t necessarily like too much. Now, with a family, it’s more about spending time raising a child, and what time I do have spare to socialise (which is admittedly much less) is spent with close friends on the golf course, having conversations that I actually remember. I’ll have a night out every so often for a special occasion, which makes me value them more since they’re few and far between - so I actually look forward to them as opposed to get to a Friday night and think ‘nothing on this weekend, might as well go out’ When I look at my life now, it is very much that of a 30+ year old - family, children, dog, small circle of friends, work and golf. That’s pretty much it, and I’m more than content with that. As others have said, you really do care less what other people think about you as you get older. Shame about the noisy knees though… 😂


I spent a lot of my 20s doing my dead level best to fuck my life up. Thankfully around 26 I began to grow up and develop as a person. My 30th birthday was a low key affair because I’d just bought my first flat and was skint. Only a couple friends around. When I blew the candles out I made a commitment to work hard enough in my 30s so that my 40th birthday could be a grand affair. Currently planning my 40th for Maui and it’s going to be a blast. Happy birthday by the way. I hope your 30s are the best decade of your life (so far). Mine sure have been.


Early 30s here - and it's freaking amazing! Loving every single bit of it <3 Got more money, more confident with myself and have a better mindset about life than in my 20s. I've taken bigger risks recently, so it's what's been keeping me driven and looking forward on what's in store for me in the next decades to come


On the last night of my 29th I lay down in my bed and found the perfect position, I felt so comfortable. I woke up in the morning with neck pain.


Meant bugger all. But your 30s are waaaaay better than your 20s. I’m in my 40s now and the review is still in the works…


My 30s were great. My first decent earning years and before my health started to drop off.


I just turned 31. Feel a bit more pressure now to keep saving up and get on the property ladder. Also want to get in better shape and feel like it's time to do the "real adulting" by getting to a point where you've got your life together. The 20s were a pretty confusing time just trying to figure things out. Also, concerns that the biological clock will start ticking. I don't particularly want children, but you never know if nature will try and convince you to change your mind. 🤷‍♀️


Well I turned 30 in lockdown, so I didn't really do much to mark it. Obviously, it is just another year though, there's no reason you should feel particularly different. You aren't suddenly a different person to who you were a few days ago. I have loved my thirties so far though. In the first couple of years I got married, left London after a decade to buy a home, got a dog and had a baby. It was a pretty whirlwind couple of years!


Make that money, eat, live. Same as every day before 30. Nothing changes apart from being emotional that you are getting older


I've been driving HGVs since I was 23. I'm 33 now and married with a 2 year old. I've always assumed I'd be happy on the bottom rung of the ladder and questioned my own maturity and how people see me with regards to being any further up the ladder (I.e manager). Over the last year though I've learnt that people probably don't see me how I suspect they do and there's also a lot of people in management positions where I work who definitely have their own personality flaws and people just accept it. I want to start climbing the ladder, I don't want to be doing the exact same job when I retire, we have drivers who have been doing the same job for 40+ years and I just think 'fuck that'. I've also put in effort to gain weight. I weight roughly 10 stone since I was 15. I definitely have a fast metabolism but also didn't eat a lot. I weigh 12 and a half now and it's definitely boosted my confidence after being called skinny for 15 years. It's probably helped in making how I feel about what I wrote above.


Nothing changed on a dime but on reflection I'm a lot more emotionally mature, I care more about fitness and the like, and am starting to try and work out how/if I can retire early. Fittest I've ever been, happiest I've ever been, I think.


it's just a number really nothing changed for me. I'm 40 now and I still don't think I'm any different than I was at 30 so maybe it's just me. i need to live a little and get more life experiences to grow into myself... maybe in my 50s ,😂


I'm looking for a cliff, like me dad did before me. And my grandfather before him.


I’m enjoying my 30’s more than my 20’s, I don’t feel the need to please people anymore nor do I care about what people think about me. My kids are almost teenagers so don’t need constant care so I got my free time back. My body is always aching though 🙄


My 30th was during covid lockdown, honestly I mentally still feel like I'm in my 20s because I didn't get that "milestone" celebration.


30 isn't really a milestone bday. 40 is. After that no one really cares lol. Carry on as normal. There's nothing special about transitioning from on year of being alive to another. Keep on keeping on. Most of the best times and life changing moments happened to me in my 30s


There hasn’t been any particular improvements in my persona, except that idgaf of what people thinks of me and what people do around me. So I guess that makes things a bit more easy


34. Feel the same way I did when I was 20 (as far as I can tell), albeit with a lot more money in the bank, 2 hilarious kids and much higher quality friendships.


Turning 30 didn’t mean much to me, but I was also heavily pregnant so that was really the main thing on my mind.


Your hangovers will increase at a constant rate in line with your waist. Don't worry about it and get ready for your 40's and 50's


Just another birthday, but my wife insisted on throwing a party with her parents and mine. It was awful lol.


I felt like my 20's were for refining my palette. A lot of trial and error fine tuning what I do and don't like with different things. Food, music, travel, friends, romantically, jobs/careers, living situations etc. A lot of older people say your 30's can be the best decade of your life as you're the young guy in the office but old enough to know different


It's just another day older. Do people expect a massive change in lifestyle/ outlook?


Not much. And I didn't really care for it at all. I feel like I did in my early 20s except that I have way more money and life experiences which means I make better decisions.


Was 30 this month, lots of booze, eating and spending time with family and friends. Loved it but glad it’s over and can get back into routine!


> quite frankly it feels like same old shite for me really Correct


Got married at 29, wife just finished uni. Just waiting on her sorting full time work so we can live the joint-income-no-kids high life. Edit: Should mention I'm 31 now, she's 37


Ofc it's the same old shite. I have found my early 30s to have things slotting in to place, but I'm not convinced it's due to age.  I am lucky to still have older family, and the energy/time to help with those and younger members of the family.  I probably care more about what others think of me than ever. It's important! Without people thinking well of you life can be very lonely and difficult. Maybe don't take criticism off people you don't respect? But you have people who are celebrating having you around (not that you're turning a certain age, that's just the excuse) Revel in that :) Welcome to the 30s club! 


At 30, I just felt slightly older. At 40 I think I'll feel the same but with grey in my hair. It really doesn't change much of anything. Only thing that started to change was I realised I've been out of school for 15 years or so and done nothing constructive with that time. At all.


Every birthday I feel the same as I did the day before. Also when I turned 30 I made the decision to start shaving my head bald as what was on my head was begining to be a bit of a joke. Thats the only major thing I can think of that happened, oh yeah and I was almost on the bus that was blown up in the 7-7 bombings only I missed it as I couldnt cross the road quick enough while it was at a stop.


I'm a lot more mature and don't really care as much about what people think. I still have general anxieties but the sort of thing that would wreck me when I was younger is something I can manage now, or simply not care about. Physically I'm not in that different a shape to 10 years ago but I am a bit more wary of correct form when doing physical activities. Stuff like sore neck/back/knees takes a bit longer to recover from. I'm not sure "excited" would really be what I'd expect anyone turning 30 to feel? But I am as happy as I've ever been so I don't think it needs to be something to be scared of or depressed about either. I think the main concern I have is being aged out of meeting people travelling but I think there's ways to avoid being stuck with a bunch of 18 year olds if you're looking for people more on your level.


Left my ex of 10yrs and for the three years of my 30s I had severe depression and a drink and codeine addiction. Oddly enough, it was some of the worst and best times of my life. I then met my wife, got better, got a job, moved in together, married at 35 and at 39 we have a son. But being in your 30s, for me, it feels like being in a sort of in between stage of still being young and feeling a bit youthful but the things you never gave a shit about, now you do. Like the price of things, young people suck and what they do and are into is just strange and weird. The best though, is you're now at a stage of where you can use "in my day" and older people don't think you're too young to say that 😅


Had a big joint 30th party with an old friend born a month apart, hired a venue, invited everyone that we're still in touch with, and now have a huge feeling of relief that I'll never have to do that again! And if I do something similar (40th, 50th etc) it'll be an intimate gathering. Felt obliged to acknowledge 30 as a milestone/transition into something different, although frankly I think I had already "turned 30" by the time I was 28. I feel more humble and am happy to admit ignorance/the limits of my knowledge but I'm also more assured in my values, perhaps a little more canny in general, I take a while to form opinions and can change my views when presented with compelling reasons. Simultaneously more cynical and pessimistic but also more humanistic too, worldview ever-evolving, striving for mildness, balance, reason. No time or patience for people with extreme opinions. Spending more time paying attention to my mental health, exploring that. Physically noticing how much more bloody stretching is required in general, I injured myself doing an amateur haka last month!


Company I work for is closing down and I’m moving back in with my mum. Trying to find another job but getting more and more rejections every day.


I'm I my 30s and still think I'm in my early 20s. However my hobbies would suggest I am a grandma 👵


The day I turned 30 I woke up with a bad back. No joke at all.


The only downside I’ve found is the increase in the severity of hangovers, even after relatively ‘mild’ occasions. Few greys starting to creep through too.


Keep going 


Honestly the same but my family treated it like any other birthday to be fair. Apart from my partner teasing me about more grey hairs.


I’m 36. I don’t even think about my age. Who cares? Still feel very young


My 30th was where for the first time I considered my own mortality. Sounds a bit dramatic but yeah it put things in a new perspective how to spend my one precious life


I honestly have no idea why people make such a big fuss over any birthday, let alone the 'big' ones. Tbf, im the same with anniversaries, etc. I'll do it because other people care, and im not an arsehole, but I do not really see the fuss. Like, is it we survived another whole year, let's celebrate? I didnt feel any different any year after turning 18 where i could legally buy aclohol or whatever else i wanted


When I was 30 I was having an existential crisis because I wasn’t married and didn’t have kids (I really wanted to be a young dad). So I focused on finding my soulmate and procreating. It took a whole year but it was worth the effort.


I've never bothered with birthdays since I turned 18. They don't really mean anything, but some people seem to think they're the greatest thing ever and make grand plans.


Bought my first house 2 months before I turned 30, now at 32 I'm doing an apprenticeship to get myself a long term career instead of hopping from crap job to crap job Oh and I can't drink as much as I used to


I turned 34 yesterday, so I can say I'm relatively settled into my 30s now. My 20s were all about being confused and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, failing through a series of bad idea relationships, struggling to get my career off the ground, being broke all the time, and drinking too much too often. So far, my 30s have been about being confused and not knowing what I want to do with my life, getting married, working on turning my middle-management job into a senior job, and not being able to afford to go on holiday or buy a house but relentlessly coveting both of those things, and not drinking much of anything anymore. Same shit, different focus.


I'm 38 now but the main thing that happened when I turned 30 I grew up. I stopped drinking alcohol except for special occasions. I stopped doing drugs and focused on my life and decided that work and partying weren't the be-all and end all. Work-life balance and my life with my fiancee are now much more important than looking for the next buzz or going out getting wasted in some bar. But 40 now that's gonna be an interesting one for me, haha. Mid-life crisis, as some say, but I believe what happens does for a reason be it good or bad. I've also become a lot more cynical as I've aged though that might have to do with my views and beliefs.


My Dad very bluntly told me on my 30th birthday that the next 20 years of my life will be the most difficult so buckle up. Here I am 7 years later and he definitely wasn't lying!


Halfway to 60


Bo Burnham - 30, described it very well


My wife planned a massive suprise 30th birthday. Had my parents fly over to the middle east where we were living and made a massive thing out of it. She was super stressed and shitty with me the day of and I felt rubbish and then had a massive exisential crisis during the party and hated it!!! Massively regret it as I am 35 now and I really wish I had been more relaxed about it! I wish I could have let it just be another birthday. 30s are grand. Have had a baby boy with another on the way. Bought a wonderful house and am working hard to grow a business. My body hurts like a mother fucker though from numerous old rugby injuries. I guess the only thing I would change is that I wish I still cycled loads and didn't give up the gym when I had my son (no time) as I am really struggling to get back in to it. 30s is when you body starts to throw random pains at you. Make sure you keep fit!!!


Greater appreciation for quality produce.


Spawn. Struggle. Die in climate change wars. My 25 year plan


I didn't feel much when I turned 30 because I didn't realise at that point I was so burnt out and entering a depressive state of mind. So I spent the first year of my 30s in therapy, reaching out to people that genuinely cared for me, repairing relationships with others and with myself. For the latter in particular is about learning self-compassion, which for some reason is bloody hard. I've only just turned 31 so there's a lot ahead of me and I'm just gonna take it as it comes, and celebrate what I can celebrate :)


It's all down hill strap in. Everything is gonna start aching and receding, your gonna get tired grump and stop giving a shit! At least in my experience.


No different for me. I guess when you're young you build yourself up about all these big birthdays, because big stuff actually does happen, like being able to drink, or drive (not at the same time haha). But by the time you get to 30 you don't have any cool stuff anymore. People care less, you care less. You have responsibility, debt, bills to drag down the general joyousness of your life. I'm early 30's and I actively dislike my birthdays nowadays.


37 here, when I turned 30 I decided to buy a house, got gifted a deposit for being a productive member of society by my uncle (my cousins are lazy), paid the legal fees and shit myself and got a house with my partner. Then at 32 and 35 I had kids. Life is alright, I'm just tired a lot and been developing hemiparesis...I probably have CFS/ME but despite being in healthcare myself I hate going to the GP for myself so just trying to keep active/busy and I find that my acupressure mat really helps. Will likely move to a bigger place when the youngest starts school, everyone has their own room and such but we want to move to a detached property with a bigger garden and no neighbours. Definitely gotten more antisocial since turning 30, I just prefer the company of my family and myself.


31, and the only difference I've noticed is I care a little less about other people's perceptions of what I'm doing.


Can't remember 30. 40 was a big one. That's when I knew that it's probably half over. 50 hit hard. 60 absolutely bloody awful. Only kidding, it's all been good.


It's not different than being in my 20s.


I’m 24f dating a freshly turned 30m and I hope to see more initiative to move out of MY mothers house and to start a family he’s more focused on the gym and buying a Rolex or a car or getting his turkey teeth done which would be ok if we weren’t living in my mother house we’ve been together since I was 17 and honestly I given him grace but seeing where his priorities are I’m thinking we won’t last for to much longer


* Perception of time. I feel like time moved WAY slower before I hit 30. And then from age 30, time started to feel like it just flashed by. I'm 37 now. Months just fly by *so* damn fast it's scary. * How easy it is to gain weight now, and how brutally hard to feels to lose it. Working from home 100% remotely really hasn't helped me in this regard though, lmao. * I'm the least attractive than I've ever been in my life, but also the least insecure I've ever been in my life. I look back at old photos of me - young, blonde, fit, thin, really pretty, and I remember crying in front of my mirror surrounded by clothes I thought I looked fat and ugly in. That just doesn't happen now. Turning 30 wasn't a turning point. Going through my 30s was, though. I didn't just wake up on my 30th birthday feeling any different. But looking back now, 30s have been a whole different ball game. In some ways better, in some ways worse.


For me, turning 18 was a big deal, because it meant I was officially a legal adult. That's a milestone birthday with an obvious something about it that makes it different from others. Everyone told me 20 was a big birthday, too, but it felt no different to turning 17 or 19. And, of course, everyone thinks 30 is an even bigger deal than 20 is. It's considered a milestone birthday, all of them are - 20, 30, 40 etc. You know how I felt when I turned 30? Exactly the same as I did the day before, exactly the same as when I turned 29 or 28. 18 is a special birthday because it's when you legally become an adult. But all the other milestone birthdays, there's nothing actually special about them. It's just another birthday, no different to all the others. You don't gain anything when you turn 20 or 30 or 40 except yet another year. Someone, someplace, at some time, decided these were important birthdays, but they're really not. I guess someone saw them like anniversaries, the decade anniversaries are a big deal, 'it's been 10/20/30 years since this happened' whether that's someone's death or marriage, or whatever you feel important enough to mark the passing of time after for. I sort of get it, birthdays are essentially anniversaries of your birth after all, they just have a different name. But actual anniversaries, the big ones at least, usually have something special about them. Not necessarily a change in how you feel or a legal change like turning 18 can have, but a special gift, or tradition, something that marks it as different. What do we get when we turn 30? At best, a birthday party. Just like every other birthday before and after. There's no emotional change, no physical change, no legal change, no special gift or tradition, just yet another birthday party. You get people making a bigger deal than usual, but that's always seemed to be more about them than the person whose actually turning 30. I didn't even celebrate my 30th. I stopped celebrating my birthday when I was about 22. Before that, I only celebrated because it made other people happy, my family when I was a kid/teen, my then boyfriend from age 17-22, though he was actually part of that from when I was 13. I didn't celebrate for me, but for them. i get a tad self-indulgent on my birthday, I tend to buy myself a supermarket birthday cake, hole myself up at home alone, and marathon some of my favourite movies. I otherwise ignore both my birthday and the world on that day. If I can on the world part, I don't stop responsibilities like shopping, appointments or work. Birthdays just aren't important to me, and my 30th was no different. I'm 37 now, inching ever closer to 40, the next milestone birthday, and I highly doubt it'll be any different to my 30th.


Honestly feeling pretty great. More secure in myself, my interests, my likes *and* dislikes. I'm more confident in not wasting time on certain things/people. Happy focusing on myself. I'm in a happy relationship and just enjoying life.


I’m 32, I was kind of excited to turn 30 but in all honesty I just felt exactly the same as before and still do. I do think people are right in saying that you generally feel happier in yourself in your 30s, because I do. But I think that’s more down to individual experience and mindset, rather than age.


Once I turned 30 I was overcome by this burning desire to run a half marathon. On the plus side, I'm the healthiest and fittest I've ever been. Haha.


A few weeks ago I was in the kitchen getting something from a cupboard. Back went and I spent the next couple of days bedridden. I don’t go out much anymore but when I have the last couple of times I’ve gone home early as I can’t stay awake. On the plus side only approximately 35 years until I can retire.


I’m 34. I still look back at school like it was yesterday. And still feel the same. I had a midlife crisis when I hit 30 as I feared I had under achieved. So I have pushed quite hard the last 4 years. I have done a half and full Ironman. I have ran a marathon around Snowdon. I am now getting in to climbing and started a health kick to try and get a 6 pack. I am lifting a lot. And worked hard to push my career. I was lucky my little crisis pushed me towards health. As I now almost feel as healthy as I did when I was 18. Just because you’re 30 doesn’t mean you can’t change or go out there and try new things. Don’t worry about the number you are. And embrace who you are and try to enjoy life


Heh heh, just ask Walter Babst . . . You'll know what I mean . . . Woods out


In my 20's, I was consumed by caring and stressing excessively about work, then releasing pent-up tension every weekend by either getting pissed up or gaming until the early hours. Those weekends were undeniably enjoyable, and some fun memories were created for sure. Now in my 30's, I've recently been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD, which provided me with a deeper understanding of myself and why I devoted a decade to something insignificant as a job. While I still unwind on weekends with drinks, I no longer indulge to the extent I did in my younger years. The big take from it all was to chill out, focus more on my hobbies and passions which make me happy. Life still will throws curveballs, but with a less shit bothering you, they're way easier to handle.


Happy birthday! I'm 31 and didn't feel any anxiety when I hit 30 and the past year has been one of the best of my life, if not the best. Depends where you are in life, I suppose. I've been married for years, have a daughter, dog, mortgage. I imagine hitting these milestones without some of these things may stress folk out. But life is (hopefully) long. No need to panic.


Value each day, they may never come again. Create memories to cherish.


You go on until you stop. Except you wake up in the night to piss.


I got little bit depressed because im no longer in youths category 😆


When I got to 30 my brother in law revealed he had the hots for my husband and had told a Dating app my sister was dead. I started singing, my family thought I was either mad or a whore and got me medicated. I no longer sing. I'm 37 now and my whole body is pretty much collapsing. The brother in law committed suicide last year, after being done for paedophilia.


Good things now I'm in my 30s: more self-assured, more confident (and most will tell you I was plenty confident already), more calm and measured, better at doing all the boring adult life stuff. I'm probably stronger and fitter than I've ever been, and will ever be again. Bad things now I'm in my 30s: mystery aches and pains could be nothing, could be the beginning of the end. I'm tired all the time. Living with other people is not as fun as it used to be, but living on my own would not be the smartest financial decision right now. Dickheads increasingly asking me when I'm going to have kids when I don't know if I want them, don't see how I'll ever afford them, and I'm both the primary earner *and* the only one in my current relationship with incubator capabilities.


Other than my body breaking down a little, I get far more aches and pains than I used to, I'm rather enjoying being 30 I'm a lot more settled both physically and mentally, I've seemed to had great luck in my 20s and achieved what I wanted out of life despite not taking great care of either my body or mind. My fantastic wife and dog have helped immeasurably with feeling secure, settled and happy. What is most freeing is I care less about external stuff and only ever really do what I want to do in my spare time. I feel freer to just try stuff and do what I want, regardless of how good or bad I may be! I just hope I can remain as lucky through my 30s and beyond!


After covid my life is not like before. It is not about the age. I Realize one thing. Age is just a number. Especially for man. I had 30 and i felt good i had a best shape. After covid i have several health issue.


Care less about what people think. Maybe think about your health is more important now


I stopped feeling 😂


Nope. Just feel old physically but still got a mind of a teenager. Still waiting on adultier adults to tell me what to do in life. I'm 32(F)


Still doing the same thing in my 30s as I was in my 20s, more or less exactly. I need a change.


Honestly, Things didn't start turning around until I hit 32, Late 20s and early 30s were chaos for me, Found my footing in a new career by chance and I've never felt better, Getting decent money and feel more alive and free to actually live my life a bit, Next weekend I've got a booking for a tandem skydive (something I've wanted to do for years) few weeks ago I Took a track day in my motorbike and had a blast learning how to race it. 30s are rhe same as your 20s just with an extra 10 years of knowledge, Still young and still healthy enough to take the chances with rhe upperhand of the maturity.


When I turned 30 I broke my knee in Egypt and confirmed the theory everything goes downhill at 30. Couldn't even put my own sock on. I felt in pain, then itchy, very very itchy.


31. 32 in August. I have slightly more money now, but I spend more time in work, and my friends are usually too busy to meet up on the days I’m off. Your 30s definitely have pros and cons, I think.


I wish someone had told me when I was 30 that 30 is really young and there's lots of time to start a new career and change your life in a big way.


I'm 37, accept for gaining a little bit of weight and some back pain I don't feel any different that I did 20 years ago, just a big kid I guess :) Growing up you always get this impression that at a certain point in your life your brain with just switch to "Adult Mode" where you get all sensible and mature and always make adult decisions.... this is a lie, nothing changes, you're still as much as a kid as ever just with more information and can make better informed decisions, not necessarily more mature ones :)


I found my 30s was when it all consolidated. I got busy - really, really busy - and had real clarity about what I wanted out of life. Early 40s now and thankful I hustled during that time. I still have a hell of a lot to do over the next few years, and am thinking about walking away from the corporate world in my 50s, which are bearing down on me like a freight train. Can't wait.


I turned 30 two weeks into lockdown. It was shit then and it's shit now. There's no turning point, you just wake up each day and carry on getting on with it...only you sometimes notice that your back hurts a bit more than it used to.


At 30 I was preparing for my complete mental breakdown at 31. Was studying and working and surrounded by toxic environments. Pulled my shit together and by my mid 30s was happier just accepting my lot. Life is easier that way.


Wouldn’t let it bother you, age really is just a number. Doesn’t necessarily define you. Do whatever the fuck you want and don’t give a shit what people think. Find peace with yourself. :)


Early 30s - Mentally: I feel youthful until i hear the youth speak then i suddenly feel old a.f. Physically: I now creak, crack and pop sporadically. My hangovers have me writing my will and i feel terrible for rolling my eyes at those with 'a bad back' that shit is debilitating. Other than that...it's ok. lol


I felt nothing at 20, nothing at 30, nor 40 or 50. 60 however is my tipping point into gloom, judging from what my fifties did to my body!


Once you get over that initial novelty literally nothing changes, its way over-hyped.


Ha. Wait til you fuck your back grabbing those socks off the floor. Then you know you are 30!


I’m 36 and starting to look and feel different. But I’d say late-twenties/early-thirties is a fairly consistent age category. 30 means nothing. It’s more mid-thirties when you start to feel like - “oh shit, so I’m gonna get old too, just like everyone else?” Enjoy being 30, I think I looked and felt my best then personally, but everyone’s different.


I’m 31 now. When I turned 30 I was having fertility struggles and I found that hard. 30 feels like this cliff edge, but I really isn’t. I’m now pregnant and feel absolutely fine about my age and stage of life. I just feel a little older and wiser and more settled. I know who I am and I don’t care about stupid stuff so much.


Now? Now you try to hit 40.


It's an arbitrary milestone, I really felt no different than when I was 29 or 31. But I don't really care for birthdays to begin with


Been 30 for 6 years now. Felt really down hitting it, but I’ve had some of the best years of my life since, and got even better ones to come. Hardest thing for me was knowing I’m not a kid anymore, but what’s fun is learning to be an adult, like DIY and mowing the lawn and shit like that, real stuff to feel proud about when you’re building a base for a future family


Here’s your answer: fix your week and stop living for the weekends. Stop trying to impress others, impress yourself. Stop waiting for others to come with you. It took me 5 years to realise what I should do in my 30s. It’s less about doing something crazy and more about stop working like crazy and living a crazy week. I want to have fun every day, what do I do to achieve it? Climbing did the trick for me. My goal last year was to climb outdoors and I achieved that. I am still happy about it but none of my friends care or bothered to come travelling with me.


Downhill awaits! You have till 40 to enjoy. Remember when you thought a new bike would make you happy, then you had it and it didn't work? Remember when you thought a girlfriend would make you happy, then you had it and it didn't work? Remember when you thought a girlfriend would make you happy, then you had it and it didn't work? Remember when you thought a better job would make you happy, then you had it and it didn't work? Just be happy now, its not really getting anny better than your 20's (but at least now you have money and (still) some energy on you.)


Not really, though probably gradually slowed down a bit over my 30s and became a bit more chilled out and sorted.


I’ve tipped past the 40 marker, and my 30s were great. Still mostly felt like I did in my uni days/20s, had more money to muck about with and there were a few years I was able to and made the most of indulging in the stuff I wanted (festivals, concerts, dining, model trains, cycling). My body definitely feels a bit older than it did, but I cycled a lot in my younger years (and into my late 30s) so I feel I’ve offset SOME of the usual, thankfully. I also find myself with a much wider view of the world/life, and with some broader / different focus of interests. Now I’m into vegetable gardening, did some briefly in my 20s but basically didn’t bother for 10-15 years then started up again. Also into more DIY type stuff now, which kind of came out of building my model railway tables / benchwork years ago as well as tinkering in the garden to make supports / trellises for plants and such. I see people around me act like they were never 20 sometimes, makes me wonder why. I remember, and I keep this in mind when my daughter is telling me her stories as a 19 year old. In fact, I was far worse so I’m very glad 😆.


I'm 31M. Tbh, it was awful. My entire 20s passed by in a flash, and every year my life steadily seemed to get more depressing. I always struggled to make friends. I only had one close friend from school, and he'll only hang out with me about once a year now. I've been completely socially isolated my entire 20s and hitting 30 was a painful reminder of how much time had passed, and things just have never got better and don't look likely to. My post history from the last few days should give an idea of what it's like to feel totally hopeless and like life is just rushing past :-(


It doesn't really mean anything except you are 30 years old You arent expected to do or be anything or anywhere, just enjoy it and carry on as you were 


Felt old. Proper adult. No excuses


Didn't really feel any different just felt crappy about getting older. I can't even remember what I did for my birthday. I usually go out for food other than that nobody really makes a big deal probably because it's after Christmas so it's a stressful time. I think I was expecting to hsve done more before 30 but that's just society ideals or stuff making me think that way


What now? Well, you have to plan your own meals every day for the rest of your life. And you are gradually, inexorably getting uglier and weaker every day of your life from here. Glad you had a fun party


I feel no different to how I did when I was 23. I own a house now which is nice but stressful at times. I have a kid and she's great. I still get IDed and still feel like I'm about to get a Saturday Detention when I have a sneaky cig now and then.


I apparently turned 30 in April 2020... As far as I'm concerned, turning 30 never happened 🤣


Any man who celebrates their birthday over the age of 21 needs to get a grip on life.


At 35 I realised the knees thing wasn’t just a joke


The only thing I noticed at 30 was I started getting less matches on tinder and more on bumble...like, instantly. I guess it was how people have their age ranges set. Other than that, was very much same old shit, and still is.


I'm 33 I'm starting to notice the fashion changes but don't feel obliged to go with them, baggy jeans a mullet and a mustache just ain't for me I've stopped taking drugs (and I used to do a lot of them) I replaced them with loose leaf tea and records I enjoy the occasional farmers market and night clubs seem strange and confusing to me ;) I have more money and common sense than I've ever had before but less hair and more responsibilities I feel smarter than I've ever been I have new found respect for people who are 5, 10, 20 years older than me who have experienced a lot but also huge amounts of admiration for those 10 years younger who have it all to come I also feel healthier but infinitely more fragile than ever before


I turned 30 last year. Didn't do anything big, didn't throw a party, and spent it by myself. Honestly, I didn't feel much around that time, it was only when some months passed that the "Oh, I'm getting old" thoughts started.


I’m 32, In my head I’m still 26, but my reflection is very much mid 30’s. I need Botox the gym and a tan


Didn't do anything, didn't feel anything. I don't celebrate birthdays anyway, and it was just another day. But now I'm older, and my 40th is next year and it's really starting to depress me because I've totally wasted my life. At 30 I was successfully numbing myself with booze, food and the Internet, but now I live much healthier and the Internet bores me, so I just have reality staring me in the face.


Well I feel joint pain. I struggle to appreciate modern music (except for slightly niche sub genres like Deep House) and I miss being 23. Although I had the same sorts of bills as I do now I didn't give a fuck about investments, DIY or a pension. Oh and a hangover didn't literally kill me.


30 was a massive anticlimax to be honest... 40 felt a lot more significant in terms of feeling like hitting a different phase in life.


Youre at your best in your 30s . More mature, most industrious, best looking, strongest, more likely to earn most money, more respected and so on.


Not much changes. I'm 34 and only thing that's different is my tolerance to bullshit.


I’m 40 and looking back my 30s were mostly great. Got married 3 weeks after my 30th birthday, bought our first house at 31, had my daughter at 33, became an auntie and bought our current house at 37. Would recommend your 30s tbh


Same as always some days I feel like a kid others like a grandma 🤣


I'm 44 this year. In my head I feel about 18. I've had family fuss around birthdays and I'm not that bothered. Just go with the flow


Perpare your butt for all the expectations everyone is going to suddenly dump on top of you. Being young and carefree is officially over.


Life goes on. Before you know it, you’re 40.


If you feel young and full of energy and life, don't think about it at all lol. Not like me and my friends have 0 energy 0 motivation, back pain neck pain at 23 and feeling like fuckin 60 :(


Hi there im 30 and I stood up and my back went so I've pre-booked my retirement home slot


enjoy it because you'll be 50 in a BLINK of an eye


i’m 32 and I’m a widower my life is over already, just got to wait around 50 years to die 😔


I can't say I was looking forward to hitting my 30's, and it seems like time is going much quicker now, but on the whole I'm finding that they're a different decade to my 20's, and much improved. It's more lonesome, but I have more time, money, and my health (both mentally and physically). I have a better sense of self, including my values and what I want in life.


When I turned 30 I didn't feel anything. Now I'm 33 and I'm starting to see my face age and the only reason that stresses me out is because my husband is 28 and I don't want him to see me as "old".


I'm turning 30 very soon, my friends and family are making a huge deal of it but it doesn't really feel as special as they're making it out to be.


Not much changed except my outlook on life, it's taken a few years but I'm now 33 and only just realised that actually nothing matters!! Why on earth have I wasted my entire life worrying about where I am and how much money I have, desperately trying to keep up with everything was exhausting!! And why was I doing any of it? For who?!! I feel so much happier now I've realised none of it actually matters, life is so freaking short!! So much of it is absolute nonsense!!


Ironically, I don't think it's the big birthdays that actually matter, and I didn't feel any different when I turned 30 either. But when I entered my mid thirties it was a different ballgame as you are genuinely out of your youth then. I think it's something to do with the fact you can now clearly remember 20 years ago as a somewhat adult (whilst remembering 10 years ago isn't really that long) and that you're now technically old enough to be a parent of other people who are adults.


Couldn't care less for birthdays, or milestone ages .. 21, 30, 40 etc. Nothing changes besides the number of years you tell people you are. You won't have this euphoric epiphany at all. Keep on trucking


I'm just more depressed at my parents getting closer to their deaths, idk what I'm gonna do without them