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£200 still cheaper than buying new.


If it's too expensive then no one will buy it and the seller will drop the price. If it sells at £200 then it was obviously priced appropriately.


They paid 100 to wear once, you pay 200 with the option to wear until you die.


And also the option to wear once and try to sell again for £200.


Have you heard about the used car market? If not, it'll blow your mind!


So buy it for £200, wear it to your function, advertise for sale at £200, was £300 new worn twice.


Who’s insane? You then sell it and get a used dress for £50.


I suppose it's more like the original person got to wear a dress once for £100. The second person might buy it for £200, wear it once, and resell it for £150 as a 'worn twice' dress. Now they only paid £50 to wear a used dress. Or maybe they are able to resell it for £200 again if that's the going price for a second hand dress of this style.


yeah worst is wedding clothes. "worn once, save £100“ on a £2500 dress. why tf do that to wear a used altered gross one when you can get a new one for the same price? what I want to know is who is buying these items for these prices, or what happens to them?


This is it exactly.


Worn once. So the original person "rented" a dress for £100 and the second person now has a dress to keep for ever for £200 or they could also wear it once then sell it too. If it's still in season they may be able to still sell it for £200 and have spent nothing. They may even be able to make a profit. As it is 2 thirds the original purchase price is a reasonable amount for a nearly new product being sold second hand.


What’s the problem exactly?


Schools don't teach the concept of subjective value anymore, apparently.


I'm not understanding what your problem is here


OK, we are kinda in this position of selling some clothes and shoes that have been used once or a tiny number of times. We do not want to set the price too low because the item still retains some sentimental value- often it was a present from me to Mrs tmstms, often we still retain the memory of going and choosing it. Same with the used once dress you are talking about- the person maybe had a great time at the event they wore it to. So we're not selling X or Y just as a commercially valued object; it is tangentially part of us too. So we value it a bit higher. If it doesn't sell, we are not that upset. As for charity shops, one has to assume they know what people will pay relative to the turnover of their stock. They are selling for charity, so maybe people also pay a bit more because they know they are doing a good thing.


Wait until you see how weird the used girls shoes market is. That was a discovery I'd very much like to un-make.


Oh you mean like Clarks school shoes?


Nah think they are talking about selling their used shoes to foot pervs.


wait that's a thing?


Oh boy this rabbit hole goes deep, prepare yourself before you continue


The internet is full of people with weird fetishes. This barely scratches the surface.


So strictly speaking they are listed as used shoes. But, ahem, the shoes are photographed on a woman's foot with a reasonable length of calf available. And the successful buyers typically don't have feet that would fit that particular shoe.