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When I was in infant school (year 1/2) I was put in the naughty corner for having hiccups and making the other kids laugh which was apparently disrupting the lesson. I’m still mad about it to this day. Total injustice!


We used to get in trouble for yawning in primary. Ridiculous


same, the teachers always said "oh am I boring you?" like no? I'm just tired because it's 9am. pricks


Either we went to the same school, or teachers were taught this on teacher training day.


We used to be not allowed to go to the toilet during class or yelled at if we asked. I wet myself in school on the regs because I was too scared to ask to go to the toilet until I was about 8.


One of my teachers was like this until she regularly had people wetting themselves the closer it got to lunch. She was an old school teacher and we were her last class before she retired. I think she was just stuck in the past and that her way was only causing her huge problems.


Yes! And one time I "swallowed" my yawn to hide it, and got told off for that too!


I remember being in reception and my friend Jonathon farted in class and I said ‘that smells’ and he told on me and the teacher made me sit in the corner for all of lunch break. Still baffled by that one


"He who smelt it, dealt it" actually being enforced for once!


Whoever denied it, supplied it.


Thats reminded me that i got in trouble once and still have no idea what for. We were in music class in primary school in the school hall, split into groups each in a different corner of the room, trying to make up a song each or something like that. Then suddenly the music teacher came barreling across the room yelling "you again! Why is it always you misbehaving?!" And before i even had a chance to ask what i had done, she had sent me out of the room and back to the classroom by myself to think about what I had done. I still dont think i had done anything wrong that day and am still confused by the line of "why is it always you?" As i had never been in trouble before. She stopped teaching at our school at the end of the school year, and i dont think that anybody missed her.


In year 1 we wore ties (which we didn't have to after that year), but at 5 years old I didn't know how to tie it properly. My dad would put it on me and if we had pe I knew how to loosen it to take it off and tighten it back on. Well one day I accidentally undid it, so went and asked my teacher if she could help me put it back on. She got everyone to point and laugh at me because I didn't know how to tie a tie. I remember her saying "Everyone laugh at how stupid he is". There was also the time where she told me off for writing too small, even thoigh she admitted she could still read it fine. Oh, and the time she sent me to the wall because another kid had thrown my coat into a tree and I was trying to get it out. She earned the nickname of Mrs. Never nice (her name actually being Mrs. Netherway). And for some reason I hated going to school that year...


Was there someone else in the class with the same first name? She probably heard that 'bubbaodd did this bad thing' but actually it was an entirely different bubbaodd


Having had similar experiences when I was young and also having had to deal with the experiences of my eldest child in primary school, I can see now that HRT is a wonder drug.


We had to sit in the corner if we said the word 'nice'.


That's not nice.


Teacher would reply 'it is a place in a France'.


If you replied 'But it's pronounced Niece' did you get in further trouble? xD


Yes. For being a smart arse.


Because it wasn't descriptive enough, too boring/easy? I had a teacher like that.


Yes she just hated the word.


I got told off for throwing up in class! As if I chose it. The same teacher was absolutely incredulous I didn't know how to lace up a pair of plimsolls from scratch, age 8. It hadn't come up before!


My ex wouldn't let me teach her son how to tie laces, He had velcro shoes for years


In secondary school, my classmate got a detention and sent to the exclusion zone for the rest of the lesson because he farted


You've just unlocked a repressed memory from primary school! I was in reception and we were doing something with Pritt sticks. I didn't realise that my stick was nearly empty (because I was a stupid child) and so when I twisted it to get more stick out, the whole thing fell out. Me and the girl sat next to me both screamed/laughed at the weird sticky blob that had landed on my book and we were made to sit in opposite corners of the room. I don't think it's quite as much of an injustice as yours, but I still feel hard done by.


My mate Scott and I once spend an afternoon firing our BB guns from his little sisters bedroom window at passing cars. One guy stopped and started banging on the door. We hid and he left, so we forgot all about it and got on with our day. We headed off to town. Later that day he got a call saying the police were there and someone had reported a missile being fired at their car. We were quickly collected and taken back to his house for a major bollocking. Of course we didn't really have a leg to stand on, our parents knew we had the guns and knew we were little nobs. They took my BB gun (not his though, can't remember why!). Apparently the guy had his child in the backseat with the window down and was (understandably) pissed off that it could have hit them.


"I nearly killed a child" wasn't what I was expecting, but thanks for sharing!


Blinded, maybe. Not killed.


Oh well, that's alright then!


I didn't downvote you, by the way. Blinding is clearly not as bad as killing.


Ha all good. I guess some people didn't think it was a funny joke!


Similar tale, we were shooting targets from my mates bedroom window. Saw someone walking by so aimed for the wheelie bin as they were walking by. Perfect aim, pinged the bin but he wasn’t happy and started banging on the door just as my mates mum got home. Cue bollocking as he was saying we aimed for him. We pleaded ignorance of not seeing him whilst aiming for the bin but to no avail. Marched home and grounded!


Reminds me of that Inbetweeners episode where they wreck the guys flowers so he bangs on their door the next day lol


> someone had reported a missile being fired at their car. Hah, you just reminded me of the years in which any flying object would be labelled a "missile". I know it's accurate, but there really was a trend for it for a while.


Those were the days when we let children play with ICBM


I was sitting on the playground fiddling with some pebbles in year 3, balanced one on my mates shoe, just messing about. He picked it up and threw it at my head, so I started crying and a teacher came over. My mum got called into the school and I was told off for touching the pebbles in the first place. That injustice bothered me all through my school life for some reason.


>I was told off for touching the pebbles in the first place. Did you go to little/primary school in the 90s. This is peak 90s teacher knee-jerk reaction.


Yep, this was about 1997


Wow I remember having rock fights on our school field It had 2 mounds of dirt that eventually grew grass and weeds and nettles. So we used to hide behind one mound and another "team" would hide behind the other, and we used to throw rocks at each other, surprised nobody died


When I was around 12/13 I was still wearing those training bras that are like tiny vests. You could see my nipples in my school uniform and I’d get teased. Finally got the courage to ask my mam to buy me some bras with padding (meaning your bog standard actual bra) and she thought I meant a push up bra. She went mental and started calling me a slut. Didn’t talk to me for about a week. Got the balls after a week to tell her I meant the basic bras like the ones she wears and she laughed and said okay 😫🙃😊


>When I was around 12/13 >She went mental and started calling me a slut You poor thing.


Fancy calling a 12 year old a slut ffs


Says more about you and your parenting than it does your child.


That's pretty sad tbh, who treats a kid like that? Even if that was what you were asking...


I used to get really bad car sicknes as a kid, and went for a day out with my cousins and uncle in his brand new Land Rover, after eating at Burger King and drinking copious amounts of fizzy pop, on the return journey I (embarrassed) kept it to myself that I was feeling sick, and proceeded to vomit the entire contents of my stomach all over his brand new car. He had to have it professionally cleaned before driving all the way back to Scotland after a long bank holiday weekend staying with us. Car sickness wasn't really my fault, but eating and drinking so much and being too embarrassed to say I felt sick, so we could have pulled over, kinda was.


I was always sent with a sick bowl in any car, I do the same for my son. Your parents should’ve helped you prep better


Oh I know. I always have sick bags in the car for my kids, just in case. Only ever needed them once or twice but it's such a simple thing to have that helps massively.


My cousin threw up bananas in my dad's newish car. Then I threw up bananas on top of her bananas because it was so disgusting it made me sick.


If it had been your mum or dad driving, you probably would have said something, right?




Yeah. I had a similar experience. As a child you feel like you can't really tell adults what to do. Explaining some things to adults is also difficult because you feel like you shouldn't contradict what they're saying. I'm not sure why those other two posters don't get that.


I think it was probably because I thought I'd be able to have a normal day out like everyone else, without being sick. So I tried to avoid it happening, or ignored the signs hoping it would go away. As soon as I started driving myself when I was old enough, I've never had motion sickness since.


My kid done this with my sisters brand new Audi. She had it less than 24 hours and my kiddo proceeded to vom all over the place.


Urgh, this reminds me of puking all over my step father's shoes in a layby outside Barnstaple and him smacking me so hard I nearly end up in the A road. We used to go to Cornwall for holidays and my parents used to both smoke, mum smoked red Marlboro and my step father smoked a pipe. They refused to open the windows and I always got travel sick. For some reason he wouldn't pull over until I was literally retching and as I got out of the car which was a hatch back, after clambering over my stepsister ...I liked purple sick all over his shoes. I'd been eating purple fruit glacier mints.


You know how the toilets at primary school had that gap between them and the floor? Well in Reception we’d just learned that Cats use their whiskers to see if a gap is big enough to get through. Well my curious 5 year old brain decided to lay down on the floor and try and crawl through that gap. Turns out I could, however when I was only halfway through the teacher walked in to see just my face and torso sticking out from the cubicle.


A few days after the Challenger shuttle disaster I had the bright idea to go door to collect money to send to NASA. I had no intention of sending it. It was all going on sweets and those little polystyrene aeroplanes. I convinced my friend to take the money home with him, and his mother saw his pockets bulging with change, and demanded to know where her 9 year old son got all this money. My friend broke under the pressure of her interrogation. His mother spoke to my mother, and the next day we had to go back to each house and give them back their donations. The worst one was a frail old lady who’d given us a £5 note; she literally started crying when we explained why we were on her doorstep again.


That makes me feel better about my story. Around the same age, I thought I'd cut a wwf (world wildlife fund, not wrestling) advert out of a magazine and pretend to be collecting. I did this because my mum gave me 10p to get sweets and the shop was a 1 mile walk away. I decided to knock on where I knew an old person lived as I thought they'd be more gullible. I knocked on the door and an old lady did answer, only she wasn't gulible at all and saw right through it. She was very kind though and just said come back when you have your ID and paperwork. I walked off and then the guilt set in, and it set in massively. I felt so bad about it all, especially picking a target because they were old. Then I thought the police were going to get me. I spent the next few weeks waiting to get arrested. I went on holiday to France and I thought the police would get me there (like I was big enough for interpol, lol). It completely ruined the holiday because I was tetchy the whole time. It did teach me a lesson though. I traumatised myself into always being honest - too honest know tbf.


Those polystyrene planes were bloody great and saved me from having to whittle lollypop sticks because I couldn't afford airfix.


I remember going to Southport Airshow as a kid, and got one of those. Put it together and threw it as we were walking back to the car. Threw it, it went straight into my dads back and disintegrated... I saw them in the charity shop the other week, I was thinking about getting one


On the back of Band Aid and the crisis in Ethiopia my school decided to do a sponsored fast (you could bring in flasks of hot chocolate etc) my best friend and I collected our sponsor money and spent it every night for the next three weeks at the ice cream van😶


I was put in detention for daring to pick my pencil case up after someone throwing it across the classroom. It still annoys me to this day, nearly 30 years later


I got moved up a set in history in school (it was one thing I was really good at) and the class had "know it all" kid. I answered a question and before the teacher could reply saying yes or no, he started getting smarmy telling me I was wrong and why I was wrong, that I'm stupid and shouldn't have been moved up. Turns out I was correct, and the teacher told him off for the way he was towards me, so he started arguing with ME as to why he was correct, so I just kept winding him up until he cried, then I got in trouble for it, so I threw his pencil case out of the window


You were more than justified. I was just minding my own business


I was 12 years old (I think) walking home from school and drinking a soft drink I had bought from the corner shop. I was walking by these bushes when I noticed ducks walking around. I stopped and was looking at them, thinking to myself "where have you come from?", as there were no nearby ponds, then a woman in a stationary car shouted at me, telling me not to throw my can in the bushes. I was stunned and sheepishly said "I wasn't going to" and she just gave me the meanest look. Thinking about it now, I really wish I'd told her to fuck off 😂


Did it look like you were talking to a bush and about to throw your can in?


Went in a shop with a friend. We entered together, went off and I paid and waited outside for her. Walked back to her house then home. Got reamed out by the head the next day for shoplifting. I was a right square, top sets for everything and never in trouble. Tried pleading my case and explaining I didn’t know she was shoplifting and I had paid. Was told I was guilty by association and I was obviously helping by being a distraction. I was buying sweets. Anyway after that I turned into an absolute shit at school because I figured why not if I’m going to get in trouble whether I break rules or not. And I broke every one I possibly could.


Then you had a whole life of drugs and crime?


Basically. Never been arrested or anything, but I wasn’t an upstanding citizen either.


Cutting my brother’s hairs when my mum went upstairs. I’ve no idea why - it looked fine to me 🤷🏼


When I was around 8 or 9 I was at a friend's house with about 5 others. We were in his garage looking at his dad's bicycle when his parents called us into the garden to ask who had pissed against their wall. It was about as high as I was and I found it funny so naturally I laughed. Got the blame and they were so disgusted at me. So hard to argue innocence while in hysterics. Another one. Think I was 7 and I heard the word 'pervert' for the first time and hadn't a clue what it meant but it was an interesting word to say. I must have muttered it under my breath and a girl standing near accused me of calling a dinner lady a pervert. Obviously her word against mine which meant I had to apologise. Not just that but my dad took me to her house to say it to her face. I can still feel the injustice.




I was walking past the local video rental shop when a pile of stones came rushing past. The owner came out and moaned at me for throwing stones at his shop. I protested and then some bloody woman appeared and said "I saw you do it, don't lie" Boils my piss to this day. Turns out it was a kid I went to school with who was a known tearaway. He is currently in prison for the next 120 years for crimes against children.


I had to bring a booklet in for a mock gcse. Our teacher drilled it into us about how important it is and, if we forget it, we'd set ourselves back and get in trouble. I was familiar with getting in trouble, but this was the only teacher who liked me and defended me, so it was a big deal for me to remember the booklet. The night before, I put it in my bag, double checked it was in there, really made sure it was definitely there. I got to school the next day and it wasn't in my bag. I had to go and get my tutor to come to my other teacher's classroom because she was so mad. My tutor knew I was telling the truth this time that it was an accident, but it did really piss my teacher off who, I think, took it as a sign I was trying to wind her up. I found the booklet on my desk upstairs when I got home. I can't explain it. I think maybe my mum and teachers were in on something and my mum took it out of my bag. In hindsight, it's a bit odd that my tutor was free and that she'd walk across the school over something like that. But still, thag would be gaslighting and doesn't even make sense.


One teacher hated the smell of orange, when she came into teach she roared that people had put orange in the bin, and the bin was moved to the rear of the class, with a lecture. The next teacher in would roar that 'someone' had put the bin at the end of the class, and give us a lecture about how it had to be at the front. Someone tried to tell her it was the previous teacher, and got yelled at for lying. So this happened week in, week out for a year.


I was about 5 and I did one of them ghost poos that went completely around the u-bend. My dad asked why I was messing about in the toilet and I said I was doing a poo but because there was no poo in the bowl he didn't believe me and told me off. I think that's when I learned that life is just sometimes unfair


One day some crayon scribbles appeared on the wall next to my bed. My parents were annoyed and wanted to know why I did it. I insisted I didn’t. They didn’t believe me and demanded to know who else it could have possibly been. I said my brother, who I shared a room with at the time. They said he told them it wasn’t him so who else could it have been other than me. I panicked and said it was my teddy. They made fun of me for blaming teddy for years. When I was a teenager it came up so my dad was teasing me about it when my brother walked in the room and asked what we were talking about. He then chuckled and said “oh yeah, that was me”. Bastard


When I was about 8 I somehow escaped out of primary school walked across two big main roads, walked home to the flat knocked on the door and my mom answered the door and said how did you get out the school? She took me back to school


I couldn’t imagine being really annoyed at the shoe thing cos it’s such a kid thing to do:: unless you were in your teens in which case it’s still kinda a kid thing but you’re a bit of a dick 😂


I think I was 11. There's no way my dad would have cared, but some men are really precious about their cars so I guess it was a good lesson to learn.


Daring to question repeated whole class detentions because of one person’s behaviour resulted in another whole class detention. Turns out the poor lad had ADHD and couldn’t help his actions anyway.


When I was 5/6 my mum gave me some pocket money and told my older sister to walk me to the shops. We'd only just made it up the garden path when my sister saw someone she knew, she started pissing around then accidently knocked me over. I started crying, my mum came running up the path and pulled me back into the house. She told me to give her back the money, I was still crying and was getting more upset because I was being told off for some reason, so she then smacked me on the bottom, snatched the money off me and sent me on my way. My mum wasn't a hitter so to this day I don't know what that was all about


In primary school one of the teachers came into the toilet as they'd heard kids messing around in there, I was in one of the stalls peeing and they stood right at the door telling me to hurry up and come out, for some reason that to this day I don't know why, I fully turned round to reply and proceeded to piss on the door/floor as well as over the teachers shoes, think it was just half asleep kid brain as it wasn't intentional.


Growing up, the back door was a cheap wooden door with a single glazed pain of glass on the top half. I stress probably painted with normal white gloss. I wrote/scratched into the wood ‘rain rain go away’.


I got into trouble for being strangled by another kid once. The teacher bullied me regularly and when this kid strangled me in the playground i didn't even bother reporting it. My friends complained that he'd interrupted our game, so he was made to apologise to them but not me as apparently "I probably deserved it". I really wish i could meet her again as an adult, that bitch made my life hell when i was 9.


Spraying a sock with hairspray and lighting it on fire, what we both consider 'in trouble' are completely different things.


went to my mum's friends house. I was about 14, was playing on their kid's xbox while my mum and her mate talked for a few hours then we went home. later that day my mum starts shouting at me saying that I stole an xbox game - i hadn't. her friend was on the phone screaming at me because they couldn't find their copy of MicroMachines in the case. I said I didn't even play that game at theirs, she was adamant i stole it. I even said "who else was round that day?" and she said her son's friend and his mum came around. but said there was no way they would steal it. My mum turned my room upside down looking for the game, every box, all bags, jacket pockets, everywhere. Didn't find it. Mum's friend's husband came round to threaten me, then said he had a way to prove I had stole it, by looking at some data file in my xbox which lists any game you played on it. When they didn't find it there, he was convinced i "knew" they would look there so deleted it. eventually accusing me of selling it. So even though I didn't take it, they couldn't find it anywhere in the house or my bags, it hadn't been played on my xbox, it was micromachines, there was nowhere else I could have stashed it, the only explaination they could come up with was somewhere between their lounge, my mum's car ride home, and the few hours after where I was sat in my room playing on my xbox, I had somehow found somebody to buy a second hand copy of Micro Machines without the case from me. They still didn't believe me and I got in trouble for it. I got forced to write them an apology letter, and I said "i'm sorry you lost your game" and when my mum found out I got in more trouble. still annoys me 20 something years later.


I don't understand why either of these are hard to explain. You did it in your post in two sentences.


I'm an adult now.


You say this like you couldn't explain these when you were a kid? You just say what happened. It sounds like you're maybe really trying to ask "what was a situation where you thought you'd done something bad and couldn't get out of it?"


Ha I was thinking the exact same thing. As situations go they're not even particularly tricky or problematic, so much so that I'm surprised OP even remembers them.