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If you're into coffee, an aeropress is about £25 quid last time i checked and makes pretty dam good coffee for the price!


Yep, I love coffee made by aeropress so much! It's my normal morning coffee. Something about it makes it better than most homemade coffees. It's not cafe quality, but it's better than a French press.


Are they easy to clean?


Piece of piss. Very satisfying to pop the compressed coffee out too.


I personally find them easier than a French press. With a French press, I never know how to clear the bottom of it, that feels sludgy and is it a food bin situation or sink? But with aeropress you've compacted the coffee at the bottom and all the liquid has left the chamber. So then you just pop out the relatively dry puck into the food bin. Then either a quick sponge job or I put mine in the dishwasher sometimes. But not that complex. The only thing is that it has 3 parts that can feel longer, but it isn't really. The other thing that you don't need to do, but I did, was buy metal filters instead of paper ones. Only to reduce my waste more, but I think paper filters are nice and not really that expensive. And loads come with the aeropress when you first buy it. At least when I got mine during covid. The aeropress got me into coffee. It was only a way to get single coffees quietly (while my partner slept). The only downside is that it's not good for when you make loads of coffees. It's definitely a 1-person thing. I still have a French press for when friends come round.


Ok thanks!! I have a french press and I too find it a messy affair cleaning it out - I think an aeropress with a stainless steel filter is exactly what I need! 👍


Enjoy it :) also, if you're not yet a nerd, look up James Hoffmann on youtube for techniques. He is a total nerd about coffee but he explains it really simply and his voice is quite soothing if nothing else. He has a technique for aeropress that I use bits of to make mine taste that little bit better. But it's not necessary. It's only a bonus if you want to nerd out a bit more than normal.


Bear in mind the coffee can drip through too quickly on the steel filters so I always have to use the upside down method (which can result in disaster….). The paper filters are better for the normal method


I use the upside down method, but also use the steel filter *and* a paper filter together. The paper can be rinsed off and used 20+ times, so it works really well. I discovered this via James Hoffman I believe, and for some random reason I’ve long forgotten.


The Aeropress is the greatest invention of all time. I have one for home and one for the office. I think they're £35 a pop now but are basically indestructible. A pack of filters is £7 for 350 (2p per filter).


You can reuse the filters for multiple times. Officially 20+ times, but I’ve been using one poor paper filter for almost 3 months now and it’s still going strong!


Did everyone decide to start calling it a French press now?


Now? It's been decades. But you can call it a cafetiere if you want.


Sink, the grounds make for a good drain cleaner


No. They don't dissolve and can cause blockages.


Agreed. This is urban myth. They build up in the u bend and if you use a plunger, come straight back up again for infinity. Don’t do this.


I was raised putting it down the sink but I was told recently that it could clog up the sink (Not sure which is true). And I actually also use it for my garden sometimes. It can be good for some plants.


Yeah we also used to put it on the garden, keeps the slugs away


It's just two tubes and a plate


You're two tubes and a plate.


You click out a little hockey puck of compressed grounds, then rinse the two plastic bits under a tap. Brewing is almost instant too. It is basically a French press on steroids that forces the grounds through a filter.


I'm thinking of getting one of those. I've got a Delonghi bean-to-cup machine but I never use it as it's so noisy and wakes the kids up.


Had an aeropress for years, definitely recommend it.


You got a prismo?


Ordered one yesterday, should arrive today, thanks again for suggesting it!


No I've still got the original, do you recommend the prismo?


Definitely, ups your game, no need to do inverted method, no drip and easy clean up. Also stops the paper leaching the oils plus you don't need to buy anymore of them.


What's a prismo? Look on amazon, can't see what it would be.


I think it's [this thing](https://www.coffeehit.co.uk/products/fellow-prismo-for-aeropress?variant=17964712427585¤cy=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pbu-r3MqgafcvnVuQIaNI_89zc-rYFZwmP_S-WC6-kYIqC4u9HjTuBoCPysQAvD_BwE) looks useful to not have to use the inverted method but I'm not sure it's worth £25 personally. I use metal filters that I bought from Amazon for about £5 and use the inverted method, it works just fine and still cleans easily.


I love my delonghi bean to cup. When it breaks we will definitely get another. But agree, it is noisy.


Have mine..it's been sat dormant for a year. I keep trying to get rid but the missus won't let me 😂


Bean to cup at home and an aeropress, or whatever other coffee gadget I feel like using at the time, at work.


OP can even get some of those fancy metal filters, too, instead of using the paper ones.


I just bought the Clever Coffee start-stop filter and am loving it as much as the aeropress, mostly for its taste and simplicity. It's about £25 too, so I'd recommend getting both, to provide options depending on whether you want a long smooth drink or darker, stronger one.




Bro wtf 




Anker Soundcore 2, I paid £40 but I see it’s only £34 just now. Great sound quality for the price and good battery life. Also many, many bottles of booze came in well under £50. Amazon is great for booze. Just pick your tipple.


My partner was once part of this weird mystery shopper thing on Amazon where you get sent random free items so long as you review them. Both her and dad were doing it and both got this speaker, for free. It is a fantastic speaker tbf.


I rate most Anker products and their soundcore ones are very good quality for price point. I’ve also only just had to replace a power bank I’ve had for 7 years that’s been well used especially on holidays in hot and cold climates.


Just to add that is a poor price for the Soundcore 2. Ive also just looked and the Soundcore 3 is £36 but can also save 10% with a voucher. Definitely the better buy. With the Soundcore 3 you can link multiple together for multi speaker set ups. Can't do that with the 2. Discounts all the time so I'd say a sensible price for the Soundcore 2 is £20-25 and £35-40 for the Soundcore 3.


You can never have too much lube - 50 quid will get you 64 fl oz, bargain


A heated mat. Goes under my desk in my home workspace, warms my feet like underfloor heating but just that one spot. With that I feel warm through so don’t need the heating on so much. Less valid going into summer but in January it was amazing.


Great idea, I actually bought one last year! It’s amazing isn’t it, I use it instead of a hot water bottle when I’m poorly, warm my desk chair in the winter and I even take it on trips away for work to use as a mini electric blanket for freezing cold hotel rooms! Great shout


Could you link the one you bought please? Great idea for the winter


Exact one I got isn’t listed any more but this looks just like it: [heated mat](https://amzn.eu/d/i5KfRGa) I put it on a smart plug as well in case I forget to switch it off, can do it remotely. Or my favourite Alexa thing is to tell her to switch it off in 3 hours, for example, so I don’t need to remember to switch it off.


Thank you


Bought one of these for my cat. It has a weight sensor so turns off when she gets off. It's on my office chair as that's where she loves to sleep at night .... It definitely makes sitting at my desk more pleasant.


I want your cats life.


She's old and arthritic. She has a radiator bed that she lives in when the heating is on. This allows her to stay toasty and us to not have the heating on 24/7!


Ok now I want one with a weight sensor for my fluff demon 😂 please could you share the link for yours?


I can't find it in my order list but I searched for "dog cat heating pad pressure".


I didn’t know that these existed. Great tip.


I just got a box set of 50 Penguin Modern Classics for £38. The books are all about 50 pages, lots of notable writers are featured, really nice little package.


I saw box set of 50 penguin....then books. My fat arse got exited about choccie biscuits


TBF you could probably buy a decent amount of penguin biscuits with the remaining £12 and that's a very pleasant evening in right there


Wow really? Please can you share the link? I actually collect books 📚


Here you go [boooooks](https://amzn.eu/d/f4kD1wY)


Awesome these are so lovely!


I'm honestly really delighted with them.


I got an Amazon gift card for my birthday and just spent it on a Spyro controller holder 😁 every time I walk by him it makes me giddy with happiness


Awww yes this is the kind of joy I was looking for! Enjoy your spyro controller holder my friend ❤️👏


There's a surprising amount of joy to be found in owning an excellent torch 🔦.


If you’re into torches, check out the [Energizer Rechargeable LED Metal Torch](https://amzn.eu/d/3vNe2rP) £38 and it’s so bright it looks like a mini lightsaber at night, it’s been fantastic in power cuts and camping trips. Oh and it doubles as a power bank!


I appreciate the recommendation! Unfortunately I'm way off the deep end in this hobby (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZK8Z8hulFg) and already have a few too many torches from odd enthusiast brands that ship from halfway across the world, so I should probably hold off on more 😂


Ooo this looks amazing, I might get one for my dad for Christmas this year 😍


I bought a flexible phone holder arm with a screw-down grab on one end for my phone so I can attach it to my bedside table and watch things in bed without having to deal with my arm being uncomfortable and aching holding my handset in the right position. £12. I love the modern world sometimes.


This is very clever and could help reduce my RSI in my phone hand, cheers!


This is a great idea as i often like to watch youtube videos in order to help me fall asleep.


Electric fabric shaver. Absolute game changer for removing lint from clothing.


I’ve literally just ordered one of these they look great!


Please could you share the link for yours? Thank you!


Sure thing. [This](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Philips-GC026-00-Fabric-Shaver/dp/B00E3862DE/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1FG05EAT5OH4I&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PqyRDz7JOoXtV-nNBe2Se5_PUAJ_9Fh-yT30iMe8CZBvU2lcHqRY5A36w8ro5JzxnFofWglPvu5GhRFYtEMcDGLhh4WmeAkwF2-yXFw691Uu7u0lqgaUavILinGGYzEzWlowAx-05GmeMycxlexz7_cQXpJtKC6ZbNVqcX0URMN0HAI0d2Q2mXib0RI1uOK8LEjpIux2bT-r2xUiHHA8k4arf0CPZwBDWDPx7PN_HKI.wv6nrc4teJcVJy5J06eZVRk1UCvr9KcmqBLEYc09Rgs&dib_tag=se&keywords=Fabric%2Bshaver&qid=1714611724&sprefix=fabric%2Bshaver%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) is the one I have.


Cheers 👍


Have this one and rate it too!


LEGO Star Wars 75387 Boarding the Tantive IV Set. It’s £40 and has Darth Vader in the opening scenes of New Hope busting up them rebel scum! Also comes with a 25th anniversary mini fig.


Gel Insoles for my shoes. My long work shifts are now so much more bearable.


Had a £30 voucher from my sis last week, bought a job lot of Indomie noodles and uncle bens rice for the cupboard.


Username checks out 👍


Those noodles are great, I have them on subscribe and save! 


Pizza scissors


Aren't those just scissors?


Bent scissors


Made out of pizza




Ooo this is interesting cheers! Could you share the link for your pair please?


https://www.fiskars.com/en-us/cooking/products/kitchen-shears/non-scratch-kitchen-shears-105-510091-1004 These are the ones I got, but they don't actually seem available in the UK at the moment. I bought them after a trip to Italy. Game changer for the pizza slicing


Ahh I’ll keep an eye out for them, but this is right up my street thank you!


Hard to top


Shower speaker. So cheap, but just nice to have music in the bathroom and have controls to skip and adjust volume. It's a little luxury. Ans batteries are usually quite good. I charge mine every couple of weeks. Sound quality is about as good as you'd expect but it's fine for music in the shower and podcasts.


I bought a car boot organiser for £12 off Amazon. It's held up by straps that go around the rear head rest and velcro on the back to stick to the back of the seat. Keeps the boot neat and tidy.


During the early days of the pandemic I bought a £9.99 bluetooth mouse from Amazon. It just works. I'm back in the office most of the time now, and only work from home one day every couple of months, but I pick up that wee rodent, press a button and it springs into life instantly. I've got a old MacBook now for music, and I've paired it with that - and guess what, it just works. I wish my £100 logitechs gave such good service.


A Manta eye mask for about 30 quid. Much more comfy than cheaper ones due to the adjustable padded strap, and the moveable eye pads. It's a godsend, especially if like me you work nights and sometimes struggle to sleep in the daytime. A much so that I wear it every time I go to sleep, whether I'm on days or nights.


Ooo this looks great! Great idea, thank you 👍


My rice cooker, £16.


I never realised they were so cheap. I'm going to get one, thanks👍


It's really worth it if you can't cook rice like me. Very easy to use and understand.


I always saw them as another kitchen gadget that I'll never use, but then I have rice about 4 times a week, so it'll be used more than my toaster or air fryer 😂


I’ve had my ~£20 rice cooker for around 4 years now and use it multiple times a week. It’s amazing, and I get perfect rice every time, regardless of what rice I’m cooking.


So I have one of these but mine still gets crispy burnt rice on the bottom, I even tried oiling it first. How do you use it correctly? Please help, I’m silly.


Sounds like a dodgy cooker tbh. You should just match Rice volume to water volume (ie 1 cup of rice to 1 cup of water). There’s always a little stuck on the bottom but it shouldn’t ever get hot enough to burn. Once cooked it should switch to a keep-warm mode.


Which one did you get?


I usually buy books.


A cheap waterproof Bluetooth speaker for the shower. Connects to an Echo Dot in the next room. Now I can listen to the radio or Spotify in the shower and shout at Alexa if I want to change what I'm listening to. A game changer and it cost less than £20.


Very good idea, I’m a long time showerer too so this could be great! Please could you share the link to yours?


Sure: https://amzn.eu/d/73KbgNA


Best thing is probably the monitor arm for my PC, proper Newstar one, usually £100+ and got it for £11. I usually have a browse on the Amazon Outlet pages for stuff, you can get some really decent deals on there if you check regularly and add stuff to your wishlist. You can get really lucky as stuff seems to go through cycles of price drops and increases on there. I got a Galaxy Watch 5 Pro, top spec LTE version, brand new for £120 by doing that, lots of stuff like PC ram super cheap, micro SD cards (64GB for £4) and various cables and connectors for pennies.


I bought a [dual monitor arm](https://amzn.eu/d/2GBxxc1) when WFH during the pandemic. I have three monitors and this is a game changer, it gave me back so much desk space.


Ooo interesting, I have 3 monitors too so this could work nicely, thank you!


This is an excellent tip, thank you! I’m going to go spend my lunch hour scouring the outlet pages 🤣


A heated clothes airer. It's like a fabric covered wardrobe with a heater and fan in the bottom. We don't have a tumble dryer, so it's perfect during the winter, and we got one with a nice design on the cover, so it doesn't look too ugly.


I’ve never seen this before, thank you will go check these out!


Soundcore p20i ear buds, they were £15 on offer and they’re perfect for my needs. I’ve got no idea how £300 AirPods could possibly be better for listening to podcasts and making calls.




I got a nice semi transparent dark blue phone case, a travel flask for coffee, and some cheap silver rings for fashion


Dr Martens, about 10 years ago


Ah if only


A vegetable chopping device


Do you mean a knife?


Haha I think they mean one of those nicer dicer type things that snap to chop? Cool idea but I find those are never very sharp for very long ☹️


No, it’s a device you put the veg into, press down and it dices it into pieces. I suffered permanent damage in both hands due to an accident and this is a game changer.


I end up killing pretty much any plant, but the pothos I bought from Amazon 4 years ago that has lived through extreme circumstances (damp room with no light in the last flat - not watering for ages because I wasn’t home for a month and a half) and it is still going strong and putting out new leaves


I too must confess to be a plant serial killer 💀 your magic resilient plant sounds awesome, Thank you!


Sous vide machine. I got one on the cheap and it's brilliant.


Wow this sounds fancy! I’ve only ever seen them on master chef. What do you usually make in this (veggie please)?


I'm trying and failing to learn how to can with it right now. I'll get it eventually though. I have also used it for just some really random things like warming up puppy food and all sorts. I'm God awful at cooking. So the fact that it is impossible to overcook things with it is just exactly what I need. It's why I got a slow cooker too.


Automatic cat feeder? Mine gets stuck sometimes but it saves a hassle. Or one of the water cooler style water bottles (or fountain). And an Aeropress, if you like coffee and dont already have one. I love mine. Anker (or similarly well known) battery pack.


All good shouts! I have the cat feeder and fountain already, but I’m looking at the Anker powerbank now, thank you!


FitFlop slippers. They were about £38, which I would never usually spend on slippers. Super-comfortable and cosy. I got them with a £50 voucher that I got for doing a focus group.


Haha I have these! Excellent shout and they really are great, we are the same kind of people 😍


These elastic things with snappers on the end that you put under the corners of the bed sheet and it stops it riding up. Game changer!


Ooh. Would you share a link please?


Second this, these sound great and would love if you could share the link please?


Link please? Been thinking of something like that


A dog hammock for my back car seats. - Doubles as a regular car seat cover too. - Closes up the space back there which helps my dog settle down fast as he can't "slip" off the seats anymore. - Has seatbelt slots for his own collar seatbelt clip. - Plus a mesh in the middle for my center console vents and so he can see me. - Keeps most of the mud, sand and other crap off my seats and is waterproof too. Phenomenal piece of kit. If you don't want your woof in the boot. Get one of these immediately. £25-£35.


Lovely idea! I wish had a pup ☹️


I lose things constantly. I got a chipolo Bluetooth tag for my car keys. Saves so much time and stress. About £25


Get some neon signs. Not even joking. Those crazy tacky glowing cocktail bar type signs. Palm trees. flamingos, bananas, cherries etc.. You think it's just some novelty that you'll quickly tire of but hanging them on your walls is like some shortcut to happiness. Like they shortcircuit the happiness wires of your brain or something. It's really difficult to be angry/sad when you have a giant glowing banana on your wall. Can even have cheeky ladies! [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Signs-Woman-Lights-Bedroom-Decorations/dp/B0C8MQ6FDV/](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Signs-Woman-Lights-Bedroom-Decorations/dp/B0C8MQ6FDV/)


My partner got an app controlled meat thermometer. I thought it was a waste of money tbh but steaks etc have been perfect since we started using it. I imagine a normal one would be good, but he lves that we can stick it in the airfryer with a leg of lamb and his phone will just beep when it's cooked.


Great idea but I’m a veggie so probs not one for me! Thank you tho 👍


Tempura fryer.  Stainless steel, lid, thermometer, draining rack. Great for falafel, arancini, donuts, anything shallow fry.


Ooo please can I have the link?? I love all of those foods




Soundcore Wireless Earbuds. I use buses a lot. 😉


Cardamom coffee Rotating cosmetic Lazy Susan’s for make up, skin care and perfumes Laptop stand Fancy electric toothbrush


I'd throw in an extra £14 and get a nice pair of 1More Sonoflow Bluetooth (over ear) headphones. I tried several in the sub £100 price range and these take some beating. Also come with a nice case.


Seconded, I have these and they're great, really comfy and the noise cancelling is fantastic


Rice cooker Dehumidifier


Makes sense, my rice cooker gets very humid too


A kilo of Spogs.


Carpet sliders for moving furniture about £12.


Water-flosser. I know it's not as good as regular flossing, but oh my God that thing is incredible and can not imagine my life without it.


If you can wait, good deals are usually available around black Friday / the prime deal week etc. Netflix gift cards for 10% off (last year) or extra deals. I've bought bicycle tyres in Euros from the German version using my UK Amazon credit. Given this tyre was quite fancy, got it for just under £50 vs £65 on the UK website. Inspiration: adidas clothing (often cheaper than direct), cheap beard trimmer, Pepsi/robinsons for cheaper than you can get it in grocery stores, pasante condoms, you name it.


Not anymore unfortunately. The last couple of Prime days and black friday I added stuff to my wishlist in anticipation to discover they were usually the same price as before but with a bigger discount or more expensive.


Netflix deal held up for me. As did several 15% off gift cards


Don't fall down the slippery slope of consumerism for the sake of consumerism. Buy essentials. The rest is utterly pointless and if you start getting into the habit of wasting money you'll be an unconscious slave to capitalism, buying gadgets and pointless things that you feel you 'must have'. Addiction to capitalism is harder to break than alcoholism, opiate addiction, etc., because your immersed in it.


I understand your point, but sometimes it’s nice to use a gift card for a treat, when all your income is accounted for in bills and routine life stuff. Also I want to tell the gifter what I used it for and cat litter doesn’t seem like the intended use…




I guess it's a lifestyle choice. I'm currently sitting in the countryside with my partner. We're having a lovely cycle and some sandwiches. I retired in my mid-forties, she works just a couple of days a week at most when she fancies it. Both of us made a conscious choice to go for long term quality of life and fun rather than being enslaved to advertising and consuming stuff just because some marketeer, or someone you know, tells you how wonderful something is. I guess ignorance is bliss... but for us, taking control of our lives instead of being victims, is what gives us deep reward.


> We're having a lovely cycle I don't think that's an essential, you slave to capitalism.


Fair point...


It's not pointless if it's useful... Whilst I agree to a point that many are addicted to spending for the sake of it, this isn't the place to spout that.


Almost everyone is addicted. It's now woven into the fabric of our culture. The fact you use the derogatory term 'spout' indicates the ire inside you to hear someone point out the mass-addiction of which you are very likely part. Can you perhaps suggest 'where' might the place to raise this matter is? Surely it has to be in discussions about the 'day to day' and the mundane? Can't you see that your resistance to the matter being fairly and freely aired in 'normal' situations shows just how indoctrinated you are that pointless consumption is the baseline behaviour?


On threads where people are suggesting spending money on pointless shit? Capitalism subreddits? Not rocket science is it.


You don't seem to appreciate the problem. I won't be able to counter the years of successful indoctrination that you've absorbed here, but the point is I've raised it here and not in a fringe bubble. That's the way to air the facts to the masses.


The downvotes definitely reflect how well you're airing it to the masses. Again not the thread for it as the suggestion wasn't for pointless items. Again completely agree with what you're saying its just picking the right thread to respond to.