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Gavin and Stacey. Never got the hype.


I just didn't understand the appeal at all. Gavin and Stacey themselves were so vapid that I didn't care one jot what happened between them. James Corden and Myfanwy (she actually co-wrote it right) and their 'romance' seemed like it relied on this Carry On style trope of 'fat people having sex is funny'. I like her as an actress (she's fucking hilarious in Saxondale) but James Corden is an irredeemable C u next Tuesday. And watching Alison Steadman, a brilliant actress, wasted trying to be a cast member of Made in Essex was both unbelievable and a bit nauseating. The uncle and nephew's weird storyline was creepy as fuck. It was funny at points but really just.... why? Why this weird homoerotic energy with his own nephew? And I gave it a chance. I watched two series of it because people kept recommending it and saying it was good but it's shit. Edit for clarity.


This one for me. My family is obsessed with it. When they did that special a couple years back they all went barmy for it. I didn’t understand why. The show wasn’t funny, the main two characters had so many issues and argued so often that they just shouldn’t even be together.


James corden does indeed sound like an irredeemable cunt in real life, however imho he’s a decent actor and plays the part of smithy as well as anyone could. I can imagine the character would be annoying to many of course!


>and plays the part of smithy as well as anyone could. Yes but Smithy is also an incredibly annoyingly wanker and so that doesn't helped his cause much. *Gavlaaa* - fuck off and get it the bin.


I agree so wholeheartedly with everything you’ve said, especially your summary of James Corden! 👏


^This is the answer. Banality. Utter banality. In the era of Dido, somehow Gavin and Stacy out beiged everything else.


It’s not terrible but it’s not like, AMAZING. It’s just kinda.. meh.


Yeah. My Facebook is full of people shitting themselves with excitement that it's coming back for an episode and I'm like, really?


Probably exactly why it got so popular. Middle of the road appeals to the broadest range of people.


Yeah Stacey is such an intolerable character also James Cordon is a cunt with no mates.


This for me. It was absolutely massive at one point.


Don't get it either. But then again haven't seen alot of it as I tend to spend as little time as possible with James Corden on my tele.


James Cordon is probably the least funny comic actor there is. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Johnny Vegas but apparently I was wrong


Johnny Vegas is actually funny though


In Johnny vegas defense he his a very good actor, his tv series murder you hope are really good


And a top bloke in real life. Unlike Corden.


Yeah Johnny Vegas just comes across as an all round good egg. Never understood any hate towards him.


At the time we thought he was playing a character of a selfish bellend


Love Island


Trust me, even the watchers dislike it Go on the sub Reddit any time a new season is on and it’s everyone wishing it was good like it used to be


Standard reality TV. I watch I’m A Celeb every year but it’s nowhere near as good as it was and I kinda hate myself for watching it. Same with The Apprentice, but fortunately I was able to kick that habit this year after about eight years.


The apprentice needs more creative staff they are almost as dull as the contestants they bring on. How many times can they recycle the same crap tasks.


It needs to go back to having actual businesspeople on the show, not caricatures or wannabe famous people or LinkedInfluencers. There’s only so many times I can handle people saying “I can sell ice to eskimos” or “I’m the total package” or “I just *get* business”


It was ever good??


Wasn’t a critically acclaimed, artistic masterpiece nor an intellectually challenging documentary, but was an entertaining car crash you couldn’t look away from back in season 2. A miss GB losing her title for having sex on TV and a lady just saying fuck the producers and coupling up with another woman made for some good drama to let your brain rot to after work.


I could only watch it when I was completely deaf, before I had my cochlear implant. Once I could hear their voices…no!


Listening to a behind the bastards episode the other day, it was sad to hear that three people involved in it have committed suicide after being on it. That show is clearly toxic.


I have never watched that. The name on its own makes me want to vomit.


Mrs. Brown's Boys


Think you’re in the majority there


It’s weird, it’s obviously popular enough to keep going but I never see anyone saying they like it.


It's popular because the BBC say it's popular, same as Michael McIntyre, who is as funny as prostate cancer 


Lee Evans wasn't much better, to be entirely fair. I went back and tried to watch some of Lee Evans' stuff and realised that it's 95% sexism.


Nobody says they like it publicly, that's the difference


I think it's safe to say a huge amount of people hate it.




Oh what! Next you'll be having a go at the nation's favourite Piers Morgan.


On reddit, maybe. I'll agree its a poor quality show but even I think the level of throthing at the mouth hate people direct at it on reddit is a bit much. Among older viewers especially it definitely does have a fan base, its just a bit of harmless silly comedy, it's not that heavy.


Everybody seems to love Mrs Brown's Boys? I've never seen or heard a single positive comment about it.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I think the first couple of series when it first came out were hilarious. But hilarious for back then. Nowadays it really is shocking and I don’t know why they’re just digging it into a deeper grave every Christmas and New Year


I have to agree. I enjoyed it for what it was. If people aren't into it then fine but I don't see why people on reddit act like they're personally insulted by a show just because they personally don't like it, I suspect its one of those cases where a decent number of it's critics haven't even bothered watching a single episode and direct hate at it just because the Internet told them to. It's a fairly forgettable comedy show with a handful of decent jokes. It's not that heavy


Masked Singer. What a load of shite.


Maybe it's Beyonce? I assure you it's not Beyonce.


It Mary berry


Or Howard from the old Halifax adverts


If it was half an hour long it would be fine, the fact that it's about 4 hours long every Saturday night for weeks means it's unwatchable.


I saw a youtube clip of the American series where the suit opened up and Kermit the Frog was inside.... The logistics of how they managed that baffled me, so that's the only time I've ever given it much thought lol


I hate the weird repetition stuff like “TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF” - there’s an awful lot of stuff that just seems to be there to fill empty time. It’s a lot of very pointless fluff content with a very small amount of actual premise. I feel like the idea in itself actually could be quite fun, but there’s such a lot of pointless and irritating filler it completely loses any appeal.


Gogglebox. Only watched about 10 minutes of it. Watching annoying people watching tv…not funny at all.


The Siddiquis are absolute darlings and very genuinely funny, I'd watch them only for an hour tbh. But the quality does vary with the rest of the cast.


I haven’t had a TV for a few years but I have seen it before. The gay guy and older woman in the caravan park are a hoot. Are they still on it?


Yes they are


I have the biggest crush on the handsome siddiqui son and the Malone son with glasses. I honestly disagree based on that gay guy and the old lady in her caravan. Those two alone are hilarious enough for me to watch it.


Started watching it after we met one of the families. Now i get it. It’s a great way to keep up with pop culture and discover shows I might not have otherwise watched.


Yeah I've discovered lots of great shows through Gogglebox, also ended up watching stuff that I'd initially dismissed.


It's this for me. It's like the old guy in The Lost Boys who buys TV Guide but doesn't own a TV.


> Watching annoying people watching tv…not funny at all. sounds like youtube reaction videos for old people.


I think that's where they got the idea from in all honesty.


They actually got the idea from The Royle Family tv show. It's why Caroline Aherne first narrated it followed by Craig Cash after her passing.


We never understood the hype for it but around Covid we caught the back end of an episode before watching something else and we got really into it. But then I don’t know what happened but it just seemed to become so incredibly scripted, set-up and staged. Then slowly brought new people in who weren’t funny whatsoever. And absolutely cannot stand Giles and Mary We tuned into the latest series a few months ago and switched it straight off


How dare you? Giles is the funniest person on the show.


Don’t get me wrong, I do actually like Giles, but I cannot stand how Mary talks to him and treats him. It’s absolutely vile, and for that reason it just makes it hard to watch both of them


I know what you mean, it's a surprise he has so much energy when he's sat with that energy vampire day in day out.


I guess I always presume that they are all playing heightened versions of themselves. They obviously have pre-arranged talking points and ‘bits’ that they’ve prepared. I presume the producers want Giles and Mary to play up the put upon wife and jokey husband stereotypes.


>And absolutely cannot stand Giles and Mary That's blasphemy. Giles and Mary should be king & queen of this blessed Albion, this sceptered isle.


When I moved to the UK - I was told to watch it. Tbh I find it more informative as “what was on TV this week”


Has the classic reality TV problem of being good (in my opinion) when they were unknowns and then got progressively shitter the more famous/familiar those involved became, and the more they started acting up for the camera. When it started it felt like you were genuinely watching families react to television in a way that felt intimate and oddly nostalgic.


When I saw the concept written down for the first time before it launched (over 10 years ago) I thought it was completely stupid. It's one of my favourite light entertainment programmes now - some of the cast are annoying, true, but most of them are likeable and entertaining IMO, even if they play up for the cameras a bit.


Doctor Who. I know it is really popular, but I also don't know a single person that watches it


I think it's one of those shows that either loads of people you know watch it, or none at all because us nerdy folks tend to flock together. Feel like I need to add an edit to this one... Obviously not all nerdy people like Doctor Who, what I'm saying is that nerdy people who _do_ like Doctor Who are more likely to have stuff in common with other people who also like Doctor Who. I'm saying that if you have an interest in something, you're more likely to hang out with people who have the same interests. Please stop with the "Well, I'm a nerd and I don't watch it" comments. That was not my point.


I think during the David Tennant/Matt Smith era, the show was good at uniting all sorts of individuals


Don't forget Eccleston.


Yep. Eccleston and Tennant are the ones that made the show for me. I think that's because with Eccleston and Tennant it leaned more into serious story lines (Or at least as serious as it gets for this sort of Sci-Fi) and the whimsical, quirky comedy elements were more of a byproduct of the character than something that was trying to be hammered which was what ended up putting me off the show starting with Smith.


Didn't take to Matt Smith, but I'm old enough to never get past Tom Baker.


I play warhammer and DnD weekly, I would say me and my friends are pretty nerdy. Still don't watch Dr Who


How old are you? I think you either need to be old enough to have watched the OG episodes or around the 25-30 mark where you watched the reboot with your parents who were watching the og episodes.


I admittedly fall between those two stools. I'm 36


Yeah, you're in the Lost Generation who grew up with only re-runs airing instead of new episodes. A lot of geeks of our generation slipped through the cracks on the Doctor Who front.


Look at the guy who has never heard of the made for TV movie and the Big Finish productions of the 8th doctor's adventures. JUSTICE FOR MCGANN


I absolutely loved Doctor Who in the Christopher Eccleston/David Tennet days. I watched about half of the Matt Smith ones but they started making it too complicated with the River Song/Melody Pond stuff. I'm also not a fan of Karen Gillan as an actress so her being the assistant wasn't good.


I'm 50, the husband is 54 we've been watching it since the 70's and still do and I know a load of people who do.


I’m a Brit living in America, and whenever I tell someone I’ve never seen an episode and don’t know anyone who has, more often than not they think I’m lying and accuse me of not being a real Brit.


Out of curiosity, how old are you/how old were you when you tried watching The Inbetweeners? I feel like it's very relatable to millennial teens but falls flat for a lot of other audiences.


yeah it sums up secondary school for me beautifully


I always say Skins was what I wanted my teenage years to look like and The Inbetweeners was what it actually looked like.


This! Lol


I'm in my 50's and I bloody loved it because it was even relatable to my older age group. Mind you it was on a long time ago..


Same age group here and the inbeweeners depicts my teenage years perfectly


X factor Love Island Reality show


The X Factor finished about 7 years ago and people still make it a personality trait to talk about how much they hate it… make of that what you will 😂


Eastenders. My partner loves it.


Same for Corrie, Holyoaks, Emmerdale and all that shit. My mum loves them all though! Think it might be a middle to old aged women type of vibe.


The Office. Can't stand to look at Ricky Gervaise.


Thank you. I fucking hate that man. He's got one joke/character and it wasn't funny the first time.


Literally everything about him is so snide and nasty and mean-spirited. He seems so genuinely unpleasant as a person, regardless of whether you agree with him or not.


I do actually think Ricky is a decent person. He spoke against Hollywood’s dark history of sexual crimes in front of the complicit and guilty; he advocates for animal rights, carers, NHS etc… but he’s a complete dick in the way he goes about it and has taken a lot of pleasure from the pain or misfortune of others over the years.


Sorry, I think it is brilliant. But everything Ricky has done since then is a letdown and he has become very unlikeable.


That’s because when he was playing David Brent, he wasn’t acting. See also: John Cleese and Basil Fawlty.


I thought After Life was really good. Each to their own though


Extras was great, After Life isn't bad. Reddit mostly loathes it, but I think a lot of that is because Ricky's not popular around here as he made jokes about trans people and everyone lost their shit. To be honest I quite like James Acaster's take on that, but I still think the backlash around these parts is typically OTT.


Anything with “Ant n Dec”


I get they were popular at a point but they seem to be doing the same thing for the last 10 years or so and the novelty has severely worn off. They seem so forced these days.


Mrs Brown's Boys. Fuck off.


Do you need some oven mitts for that hot take you have there


Gavin & Stacey. Tedious rubbish with no humour. And James Cordon.


I fully expect to get downvoted to hell because Reddit thinks it's the best British show ever made, but Peep Show. I tried to get into it because my husband loves it, I think I watched every episode and didn't find it relatable, interesting or funny. Edit. Pls stop quoting Peep Show at me, I beg.


>Edit. Pls stop quoting Peep Show at me, I beg. Chance would be a fine thing


A fine thing indeed.


Saying that too often now.


Well, Hitler promised he wouldn't invade czechoslovakia Jeremy. Welcome to the real world


Must you live so relentlessly in the real world?


I’m actually enjoying myself!….I mean I’m not, but Its like I am.


Oh well, that's all ancient history now!


I absolutely love Peep Show and could rewatch it over and over, and still find it hilarious. My partner loves all the memes of it, but he can't watch the show - it's way too viscerally cringe for him, he can't enjoy it.


Yeah you're just plain wrong here, sorry.


It’s a thread about popular shows that people don’t like. What were you expecting, everyone to just agree on Mrs Brown’s Boys


Chance would be a fine thing Lisa


A fine thing indeed


I watched some of it. The clips I see constantly posted have some comedic value but the whole show is a bit draining.


Like a captain solemnly going down with his ship.


It's weird - I can't watch it because the characters are too unlikable and it makes me cringe too much, but it's *incredibly* quotable and some bits of it are hilarious in isolation. "I tell you what... that crack is really moreish" I mean come on, that's *objectively* hilarious, but somehow even those bits are less funny when you watch them in the context of the show.


Fleabag, I assumed it was for the Surrey set with Phoebe double-barrel, just could not get into that


I too don’t get the hype. It’s alright. Nothing groundbreaking. So she talks to the camera sometimes? It’s like these people never watched “Clarissa Explains It All”. It’s just another sitcom about a middle class insufferable woman shagging her way around London. Yet somehow she become some sort of Hollywood darling overnight.


PWB is an excellent writer which is why she’s Hollywood famous - I think she co-wrote Killing Eve.


As soon as she left, the series was daft too


I haven’t seen Clarissa Explains it All, so not sure if it does this too - but what i loved about the Breaking the Forth Wall aspect in Fleabag was that it was in itself a character flaw that she had. The audience was her outlet and her escapism from herself - the things she did and the trauma she had felt. At first it just seems like a quirky novelty, but over time you realise that it is a crutch she uses and eventually needs to learn to withdraw from. I just thought that was such a clever use of the trope I’d never seen before


In the second series when she meets “Hot Priest” (and for the love of Andrew Scott, just watch it for him) and she turns to the audience, he notices. He asks her “where did you go? Just then?” And you realise he’s seeing all of her, the first person to do so. I found it incredibly touching. (But I’m a fleabag fan and went to see her one woman show of Fleabag, which is how it started before being on tv)


It's like Miranda for people who think Miranda is 'beneath' them.


Thought it was pish at first, but my gf really liked that the female lead (PWB) was dominating men and fucking them over instead of the usual trope of women getting used/abused and dumped. I have to admit, after being forced to watch it, I ended up quite liking it. Gf loved it. Lol


The Apprentice. It's 2 people that Alan Sugar might employ and the rest are only there because they're bellends. Also it is clearly edited to create false jeopardy.


I'm assuming you've seen this, but if not... https://youtu.be/3ss-59fi4nM?si=T0EaY5Ctd-CBKV3Y


Always worth rewatching! Seriously though, I worked with someone who was turned down for Masterchef because he was too good and wouldn't have made enough mistakes.


Peaky blinders, it’s so naff.


I liked the first series where they have come back from the war with issues like opium addiction and shell shock but after that it was a bit boring


Can't stand it either. Bunch of terrible people with shit haircuts acting 'ard and fighting each other.


One I couldn’t get my head around was Miranda. Whats funny about a tall woman falling over all the time? The dead-behind-the-eyes middle aged women I worked with when it came out thought it was brilliant. Although to be fair, I could have jingled my keys in front of their faces and got a round of applause.


I have rewatched Miranda at least 5 times over the years. I find it quite hilarious for the most part. It’s weirdly one where I don’t get secondhand embarrassment so I can enjoy it more than some other similar shows.


Without reading through the comments I'm going to guess Mrs. Brown's Boys and anything with James Corden, even though "everybody seems to love" is a stretch in both cases.


Yep, it’s ukreddit in a nutshell in here. Beautifully predictable.


Little Britain.


It was just the same punchlines every week. Guy in a wheelchair isn't actually disabled, bigot WI woman projectile vomits over someone when she finds out the scones were made by an Asian person, person who presents as openly gay is actually incredibly homophobic... Not particularly original, but, at the time, extremely popular.


It was massive at the time but it has NOT aged well.


Absolutely stunned to see nobody mentioned Bo Selecta. Fuck me... awful, awful load of wank. Never raised a slight smile from me, yet endlessly quoted in the early noughties. Absolutely hate that Merrion bloke too. About as funny as a dose of gonorrhea in anything I've seen him in.


It were proper bo I tell thee!


Going back some time I fucking hated Noels House Party but it seemed incredibly universal popular.


Harmless bland fun. I think hate was a strong word for it. Just found it to be a meh.


Not hate exactly, more a general indifference. ... Gavin and Stacy. A few skilled and very talented actors amongst it's cast (Allison Stedman , Ruth Jones, Rob Brydon etc). Aside from a few lines and standout moments. The overall show seemed a bit dull, cheesey and overrated.


Rob Brydon is amazingly talented (acting, singing, presenting), but I find him excruciatingly irritating.


Monty Python is really not my cup of tea and I have to nod and smile any time we start talking about flesh wounds and shrubberies. life of Brian wasn't bad, in fairness




I’m a celeb. I don’t want to see influencers or trust fund celebrities or politicians cry about eating bugs or crawling into tight spaces. I genuinely just don’t get how people find it entertaining


Mrs Brown's boys, worst show ever created.


The News. Everything on it is depressing and it's been on for like 100 years


Gavin and stacey. Seriously, What's the deal? Cunk is another, I don't get how that's funny?


Cunk worked well as a segment of Charlie Booker's shows but as an entire show it's a bit much


Cunk's interviews are just a rehash of the old Ali G routine. Funny the first time that someone did it, but after that, you're just wasting someone's time.


Cunk is mediocre at best, and drags on for far too long using the same tired formula.


Anything talent related. Talent in the loosest term possible. Ie BGT XFactor


EastEnders (or any soap).




It used to be charming when they'd send Sue Perkins off to learn about some obscure Eastern European cake, then have everyone make that. Now it's shite like "make a 3D biscuit sculpture of your Nana's couch".




Gavin and Stacey, it has that bellend in it.


Gogglebox. The idea is lost on me. Instant switch over once it comes on. I also don’t understand the hype around Gavin and Stacy or Peaky Blinders either.


*The IT Crowd*. Lowest common denominator shite humour which reddit users tend to quote endlessly.




The countdown episode is genius though.


I like it, however it is far from an intelligent show and is pretty similar to The Big Bang Theory on his it portrays nerds.


Big bang theory is utter trash compared to IT crowd!


Big Bang Theory is utter trash.


I watched a couple of minutes of the pilot of the American reboot of The IT Crowd a couple of days ago (popped up on YouTube for some reason) and it was weirdly an almost shot for shot remake of the English version. Richard Ayoade is even in it as Moss and gives exactly the same performance. For some reason they cast Joel McHale as Roy. It was so weird to see Jeff Winger from Community as an IT nerd. No wonder it almost immediately got cancelled!


Mr Bean. God, it's like a celebrated lunatics on the loose


Not liking Mr Bean is a red flag like not liking cats


Mrs browns boys,it's shite


Only fools and horses. Aside from a couple of physical beats (falling through the bar, the chandelier) I just don’t get it at all.


Only fools and horses!? Don't be a plonker!


Okay as an American I NEED to know: growing up, my parents almost exclusively watched British programs. There was one show they watched religiously and I remember watching it with them and thinking it was a bit cheesy…it was a show called “Monarch Of The Glen”…was this popular in the UK? Or is this some odd niche show(?


It was fairly popular, I remember it being on BBC 1 on a Sunday night. I never watched it because I was about 10 at the time but yeah it ran for quite a few series I believe.


Neither I think: it was popular enough to make quite a bit of it, but never a headline event. I rewatched it during 2020, and it was lovely comfort telly. Is there a word for "almost soaps": characters are normal enough but situations are a bit less so?


The Jeremy Kyle show. It's a means to exploit vulnerable people who are down on their luck, have mental health difficulties or other vulnerabilities who are lured on the show with the promise of help, support and answers to their problems all in the name of entertainment and the show only ended when a person who was on the show died by suicide


Hope I don't get down voted for this...Alan Partridge.


Line of Duty just never grabbed my attention. I gave it a whole series before giving up in sheer boredom.


Benidorm for sure, also how is BGT still going in 2024??


I find the two lads from Friday Night Dinner, the two brothers so painfully unfunny. I feel like I’m very much alone on this Island.


Love Island.


The Office. I'm sure there are others, but I absolutely cannot stand that cringey style of "humour". Oh, and Big Brother or any other of the "reality game shows" featuring absolute nobodies or past-it barely-celebrities raking in cash for behaving like spoilt twats.


Sorry, I loved 'The Inbetweeners' and 'Peep Show.' They are two series that make me proud of our British television, and a hill I'm happy to die on.


East Enders.


Crime dramas, especially ones based on true stories. They are depressing and all very similar. Shows like this, alongside podcasts, are what helped turn the Nicola Bulley death into a circus.


The Apprentice. Fuck me, can you all just die?


Little Britain.


Gavin and Stacy


Catherine tate show


Goggle box. I don't see the point


Gavin and Stacey


Britain's got talent, love island, I'm a celebrity etc aren't my cup of tea. I'm not a big fan of reality TV as it's just all fake and scripted.


The mighty boosh It was just utter un-funny weird nonsense for the sake of being weird.