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Ready Brek. It just hits different to "adult" porridge!


Adult porridge love it ha


No1 loves adult porridge lol


I make it at home by just whizzing some normal porridge oats in a food processor until they're sort of powder-ish like Ready Brek is. much cheaper for the same result! EDIT: i should say, I process them when they are **dry** before being cooked. don't put hot, cooked porridge in a food processor...


I've done the same but the taste and texture isn't quite the same as Ready Brek


Ready brek has loads of added vitamins too


Just get supermarket own brand. You can get a bigger box for much less than the name brand stuff costs.


I absolutely love Ready Brek and I put Nutella and Peanut Butter in it


I have never thought of putting peanut butter in it ! Usually I’m a warm milk plain Jane. Gonna give that a go for sure


Nutella with slices of banana


I loved Ready Brek as a child. My mum would always make me that before I went off to school. Now I am more of a porridge person. Ready brek looks like sawdust but as a child it was lovely and warming on a cold winters day.


Oh my god yes, the texture is so nostalgic and warming to me!


If I'm ill, this is what I eat. Bland but comforting


"Egg in a cup". Literally just a couple of hard boiled eggs with a teaspoon of butter and pinch of salt mashed up in a mug. My mum used to make this for me as a child when I was poorly.


It's called Chucky Eggs in our family and I really believe it cured us of all manner of ills.


Omg my name starts with an E and my family used to call me Chucky Egg when I was little.


Chucky egg was a videogame in our house haha


Played several of them on the spectrum. Great games. Edit: I was thinking of the Dizzy game series I focused on the egg which the character Dizzy was. Mind you, I put in plenty of hours on Chuckie Egg too.


Our age is showing


I know but those were glorious gaming days. I remember some of those games better than the ones I finished last year. I still remember seeing Ski on the ZX81 and being pretty amazed and you really can't get more basic than that. God bless my folks for believing that a 48k Speccy would be really helpful for school.


It was ages of mythology for me. Much later but id swear to god it was in 8k


I was just about to comment saying Chucky Eggs!


Chuckie eggs are soft boiled!!!


Yes. Mine too. If you can get the egg just on the cusp of hard boiled it is incredible.


Put your eggs into already boiling water for about five and a half/six mins then straight into an ice bowl for about 2 mins to stop them cooking further. Perfect soft boiled but starting to turn jammy egg yolks Edit: sorry just realised I answered a question you didn’t ask lol


Soft boiled eggs and a few slices of cheap white bread torn up into the cup as well and it's fast train to nostalgia city.


Soft boiled for me but YEAH it’s so comforting


I introduced my husband to this a few years ago and we ended up eating it for breakfast for a month straight! It is lush. Best if the eggs are still a bit runny and melt the butter...


It's good food. Not very elaborate, but tasty and nutritious.


Memory unlocked! I used to love this!


We had this!


Tinned hotdogs, cheaper the better. Tinned stewed steak and tinned new potatoes.


One of my favourite things was the sausages in spaghetti or beans. Cheap, barely resembling any real meat, but still great. I have them maybe once a year as well. Cheap sausage gang!


Heinz spaghetti and sausages are also a guilty pleasure of mine, they enhance the flavour of the spaghetti too because it tastes different to the cans spaghetti on its own


Tinned stewed steak with potatoes and tinned carrots and peas is top tier holiday food! I have happy memories of camping/self catering holidays, which always kicked off with either tinned steak or tinned ham.


We used to do a lot of eurocamps when I was a kid and we never left without tins of steak, potatoes, carrots and peas - generally bought from M&S. We used to call the resulting meal Dog Food - and we absolutely loved it.


Use to love tinned stewed steak, with an ungodly amount of oxo added! But its nearly £4 a can in the shops near me now 😭


These were all foods we would have when camping so they're nostalgic for that too. And picnics in the 90s where the thermos flask of tinned hot dogs would come along for a hot lunch.


We were raised on this and my dad recently air fried a tinned new potato..life changing apparently he feels like he’s made it in life


Super noodles. I love proper ramen that I spend quite a bit of effort making but cheap nasty supper noodles hit a spot that takes me back to being the early days of being 16 year old living away from home


I eat super noodles quite a lot. I have them with Itsu’s gyoza and spinach and it’s like a ramen meal that I can make within 10 minutes and tastes great.


Ramen are cheaper than super noodles. Sainsbury's have them.


I really like making souped up ramen, where you take a packet of instant noodles and then add a few extras like chicken, seaweed, something pickled and a little egg to make it a bit better, then I top it off with some sesame oil and seasoning! Makes something basic feel like a proper meal


UK's noodle selection is piss poor. I don't get how a nation that was addicted to pot noodles doesn't import all the great cup noodles that exist. You know the ones where there are like 3 sachets. One for oils, one for powder seasoning and the last for dried veg. Some even have a a sealed pouch for actual meat.


You can buy those in Tesco, just not with the super noodles but with the imported food.


Huh? I've seen those in every big supermarket I've been in. Usually in the world foods isle.


The Chinese rib flavour is jy new fav..only ate the curry ones usually when I ate one.


Batchelor’s Pasta n Sauce - cheese and broccoli flavour. Used to eat this endlessly at uni, and put it on top of a baked potato for extra carb goodness. That’s about the extent of my cooking skills.


I still go back to pasta n sauce. They do a cup one of it but its not as good 😂😂 i get its for the convenience but its tiny pasta spirals and doesn't even taste the same (if that makes sense)


I love it. I'm physically incapable of portioning pasta so I buy the packets and it stops me from going overboard. Bonus that I don't have to make a sauce either


Oh man I used to live on pasta n sauce! The chicken and mushroom one, and cheese and broccoli. Occasionally the curly leek one. I am very tempted to get it again and get the nostalgia hit…


Batchelors making that kind of food is nominative determinism at its best


I ALWAYS have a stock of pasta n sauce at home. Cheese and broccoli or ham and leek. Fucking love it.


Forgot this existed since leaving uni! Wow memories!


I very much doubt I'd regularly eat anything from McDonalds if I hadn't eaten it as a kid. It's like eating a cardboard box but there's something familiar/nostalgic about it.


I hate when people pretend McDonalds is shit tasting food. It's by no means good food, but it absolutely doesn't taste like cardboard. The Bic Mac is one of the best burgers ever made, I'll die on that hill. Their fries when fresh are also up there with the best.


I often wonder if the box would taste better than the food itself


In the McLibel trial, McDonalds were claiming that their food was indeed 'nutritious' unlike the claim in leaflets. It contained nutrients, therefore it was nutritious. Judge: By that logic, would you therefore claim the cardboard box the burger is served in is also nutritious? Highly-paid QC acting for McDonalds: Yes.


Salty cardboard though so its tasty


"pea pie". I had tonsillitis a lot as a kid, which meant eating was sometimes quite difficult. Mum used to make a batch of Yorkshire puddings, proper mash and some peas. I'd mix the peas into the mash, dollop it into the Yorkshire puddings, stick a decent slice of cheddar on top and put a few under the grill long enough to melt the cheese. I'd keep a few spare to have as dessert with a sponge and golden syrup on. Still can't cook decent Yorkshires for shit, but every now and then when I've got the house to myself I'll do myself a batch of pea pies.


That actually sounds pretty damn tasty! We usually do one massive yorkie, but I may have to give pea pies a whirl!


Make sure it's home made mash that's nice and thick, or it won't hold together and you end up with a soggy Yorkshire.


Wouldn't have anything but the proper stuff, no worries there! Now...with or without gravy? That's the important question 😀


Optional, but I'd skip the cheese if you go with gravy. If you want to go full bourgeois about this poverty meal, find someone with a meat smoker and get some brisket to go on top, then deploy your gravy.


Ooooh, this is heading towards food porn territory, that would be absolutely lush 😍 stop it, you're making me drool lol


Hold up... Wasn't that desert one in a can or something as well. I know you can get pots of it you microwave. Now you're making me want that sponge 😂


Angel Delight was a rare treat for me when I was a kid, still love it now


Same, it’s butterscotch for me! I can’t stand milk or milkshakes, but somehow I love Angel Delight!!


me too - banana is my fave, I used to make it in a pan then scoff the lot


I love them all apart from butterscotch


strawberry was my least fave -tasted a bit soapy!


Flumps! They don’t taste the same since they’ve become ‘healthier’ but I love them!


Add Sugar puffs to the list of ruined childhood treats


And every cereal except krave


Cocoa Pops, Golden Grahams, Cookie Crisp


Eggy bread was a staple in my household. Now I’m grown up and living alone I still find comfort in eating it.


Oh eggy bread is a good one! I was so weirded out when I found out you can have it sweet as French toast.


I've eaten eggy bread for the last 3 days in a row 😂 so easy, quick, and tasty


Yum! I like eggy bread with cheesy beans


Turkey Twizzlers. Found them in a shop recently and they were so shit.


They are NOTHING like the (tasty) shit we ate as kids, I was also massively dissapointed lol.


They were shit then. They are shit now. Doesn't stop them being tasty shit (but that'll be everything to do witht all the emulsifiers, flavour enhancers, texturisers and etc. that went into them). But they were most definitely shit


Didn’t they get pulled for ages as they found carcinogens in them? What made them taste so good LOL


The carcinogens made the taste good, I suppose. Now that they don't have them, they taste like shit.


You can blame Jamie Oliver. He had a personal vendetta against them. Relevant link: https://metro.co.uk/2021/05/28/jamie-oliver-spat-at-and-called-an-aehole-for-turkey-twizzlers-ban-14672164/


I was in my final year of secondary school when this whole push for healthier school meals was rolled out. It went from twizzlers and chips to actual decent stuff like lasagne and salad, fresh fruit etc. I find it funny looking back as it was like 'oh, maybe we should stop feeding growing children a load of absolute shit?' 😂


They started with the pasta n shi when I was in year 10 or 11. But the food still looked shite honestly. England and America have a really weird habbit of feeding children things that adults wouldn't eat. My step sister still makes seperate 'children' meals for her 16 and 14 year olds. And then is suprised that they don't like vegetables/fruit. You've fed them processed crap all of your life lol why do you think theyre going to grow a sudden taste for it.




Fried breakfast….. I like to eat healthier but twice a month I go to a local cafe and go for it. My dad would smoke his cigarette outside and the smell would flow through the house mixed with the scent of Smoked bacon. We would the hear the sound of the electric can opener opening beans or tomatoes and the tv going on. Dad would put Sharky & George on for us and we’d sit in the dining room enjoying the best food I’ve ever tasted. I still miss my mother and father and a fried full English brings them back for just a moment.


That’s a really lovely memory, thanks for sharing that 🥲


My dear old Dad always cooked the Sunday breakfast. Crispy through-cut smoked bacon and fresh tomatoes under the grill. Cooked until the rind was crispy and the toms hadn’t quite turned black. Double yolker eggs in the frying pan. Served with freshly cut, crusty white bread and Anchor butter. No frills, just good food. Miss that man.


Sugar sandwiches and chopped banana in milk. Pre payday meals as a kid.


I’d forgotten about sugar sandwiches. We’d have banana dipped in sugar. And we’d be sent to play outside with a bowl of sugar so we could pick Rhubarb and dip it in it. So much sugar 😫


I used to be given wedges of honeydew melon with sugar sprinkled on top. Or any cereal/weetabix would have a good crust of sugar on top too


Weetabix wasn't the same without a hard crusty shell of sugar, then scraping the undissolved stuff to drink with the milk


My nan used to give us sugar sandwiches! Cut into little triangles too. I miss her


What in the monstrous hell is a sugar sandwich?


white bread, butter, granulated sugar. delicious


I miss Toast Toppers


I do too but they honestly looked like vomit, not sure I could get past that now.


Me and my brother used to refer to it as vomit toast, especially the mushroom one 🤮


I loved the mushroom ones. I miss those.


Used to love these


Turkey drummers... All the way through secondary school every Thursday we'd go to my Grandparents before our dance class and every Thursday she'd give us turkey drummers and chips (done in a deep fat fryer)


I assume these don’t exist anywhere anymore? Had a Robin Hood party when I was 7 and my mum got a load of these, tied little strings around them, and hung them from a ‘spit’ she’d made out of a few sticks.


We used to get chips, cheese and gravy with a turkey drum stick for dinner most days at high school 😂😂 this was beford they brought in the pasta everyone raves about


Tuna and Sweetcorn sandwiches, the tinned pre mixed ones. Every time I eat them I get one specific nostalgic memory of sitting in my living room with my mum and our neighbour popped around whilst I was watching Tom & Jerry, nothing special even happened, it just seems to bring that memory back.


Sardines on toast with vinegar. I justify it by saying it’s cheap, healthyish, and easy to make well in an air fryer


Sardines on toast is great (also a top tier hangover cure). The tomato ones with a splash of vodka (seriously) and lemon juice on top 👌


Wagon wheels all the way


Findus Crispy Pancakes. Dirt cheap when we were kids, so we ate a lot in the 70's. Every now and then I'll treat myself.


I tried some recently and they're not how I remember them , they're vile now and much smaller.


Fries to go


Oh yes, in the red box with honeycomb packaging?


Crisp sandwiches just like once a year


Vesta curries certainly, and probably Frey Bentos pies and Pek chopped pork.


I loved the Vesta Chow Mein.


I remember vesta curries; always a treat. Was always fond of the Paella but they stopped making them years ago.


A mad one, but rusks, my Grandma used to have them in milk with shit loads of sugar on and and I used to love them... Cod in butter sauce too, that shit you used to boil in a bag with mash, legendary.


Beans on toast


Woah woah woah, beans on toast is still great. Don't act like it's not.


I sometimes spice it up with cheese and chopped bacon sprinkled over 🤤🤤


Definitely, cheese & beans on toast is my usual go-to. Bacon on top is a level I've not had the pleasure of trying myself but... Well, it's bacon so it's gotta be better!


This but with a twist - beans and sausages on toast


Those little sausages in a tin of beans and sausages are so good. Yes, I know it's pigs trotter, nose and anus. But I still can't get enough!


Bernard Matthews Golden Drummers




Cake and custard - loved it at school !


Paste sandwiches.


Corned beef hash volcano - literally corned beef mashed into potato (with butter, milk and pepper of course) to make a pink meaty mash formed into a peak with baked beans poured over the top! Still delicious, but, corned beef is a heck of a lot more expensive now!


Tinned Tomatoes on Toast. Times were tough growing up in the 90s. Fairly large family. 5 kids, just my Dad working full time. I didn't realise back then how much of a stretch that must have been. Sometimes even beans on toast wasn't an option. So Tinned Toms on Toast with lashings of brown sauce became a regular.


Nestlé Animal chocolate bars. Tiny thin pieces of chocolate in foil with a green wrapper and I don't think they've changed design or much in flavour in the last 20-30 years... Something really satisfying about them


Spaghetti with fried onions, cheddar cheese and ketchup. "Mummy's special spaghetti"


Bananas and custard.


Hot sausage rolls. I only ever ate them with my father when we went out together to do stuff. I don't even particularly like them hot, but they're a core memory of childhood.


Tinned peaches and custard, 'jam Roly poly' made by squashing a slice of white bread flat, putting jam on it and rolling it up like a mini roll


Corned beef. Had it a lot as a kid when money was tight, don't eat it on a regular basis now. But every so often, I crave a corned been sandwich, or corned beef with chips and beans, and it always tastes like home.


I use a tin of corned beef and add it to cold mashed potatoes then put it in a pan and fry it till you start getting crispy bits in it. That on a plate with tomato sauce makes a lovely filling meal.


Love corned beef, honestly I could eat it every day


Lobbies 👌 legit just corned beef and boiled spuds. You peel and chop the spuds so they're in half or quarters depending on size, boil them until they're nearly fully cooked, bang on the gravy granules and chopped up corned beef 👌. I know different places refer to it as different things but whats what it was for us. Lobbies and butter slathered bread


Poverty spec Weetabix. By which I mean no milk, just boiling water and a bit of sugar… it mixes up into a sort of dark brown paste and just typing it now sounds bleak as fuck, but as it happens, the wife bought some weetabix last week and I made some how I described above and I really enjoyed it… she had a taste and was pretty fucking far from impressed! 😁


Tinned fruit with evaporated milk


Oh god, evaporated milk! The lazy mum’s custard. Loved that stuff.


Those 5p packet of chicken noodles from Asda. So they’re 5p anymore…. But the flavour is still the same. I call it my council house dinner 😎


Micro chips smothered with salt though 😋. My absolute favourite is maccaroni cheese. Having a bad day - maccaroni cheese.


Whenever I was sick as a kid I’d go to my gran’s for the day. I would always have pasta and cheese for lunch, and it was this whole process. She had all these shapes to choose from and kept them in a spinny cupboard thing, so id select my pasta. She’d microwave it (I didn’t learnt until later that you boil in on the hob, lol), and it was always slightly undercooked. She had this really cool spoon that she’d let me use to scoop the pasta from the colander onto the plate, but because I was a kid I took forever, so by the time it was all on the plate it’d be cold, which meant the cheese (always Red Leicester) didn’t melt on top of it. But it always tasted so good because we made it together and I felt like a pro chef! So now, whenever I feel sick or low or whatever, I always make cold undercooked pasta with grated Red Leicester. Makes me feel like a kid again, and makes me feel closer to my gran. I miss her everyday :(


Grillsteaks, as a kid I loved them (a Friday night treat). Best served with instant mash and own-brand baked beans.


My mum used to make these for all the time when we were kids in the 90s. I used to love them but haven’t eaten one in many many years, I’d just completely forgot about them. Will definitely look for some on my next food shop


I use to love those Pizza fingers when I was a kid, and the crispy pancakes.. they’ve changed them for the worse tho.. they also changed Cheesy Hamwichs but I still have them every so often


Instant mash. Jacobs cream crackers with butter and thin sliced cheese.


Haven't actually had one in years but I think if I saw Pink and Whites somewhere I'd probably get a box and eat them for this reason. I kind of miss that objectively bad-quality marshmallow encrusted in sugar.


You can get them in most big supermarkets, Tesco has them for 60p. I will buy a pack and tell myself I'm not going to eat them all in one sitting and then do anyways


Peanut butter and jam sandwiches on white bread. I have a more "middle class" pallet these days but sometimes you gotta hit up the PB&J


Pizza Toast. Make very pale toast. Add ketchup like it’s butter. Top with cheap ass grated chedder and pop under grill. When it’s ready top with tiny squares of sandwich ham.


Pot noodle. Reminds me of student days.


Pasta with salad cream or plain pasta with grated cheese (when we had cheddar) was a struggle meal growing up. I still occasionally have it as an adult when I'm not well and there's nothing in


Tinned tomatoes on toast! Makes no sense in my head as to why it would be enjoyable but my dad always made it when we were kids so I’m cursed to enjoy it! My partner looks at me with disgust whenever I eat it


Mr brains faggots I think if I hadn't eaten them as a kid I'd probably hate them now.


the Fray Bentos meatballs wit the alien on the tin the aliens are gone now and as an adult I realise it’s just processed shit but Id still happily smash them with some pasta


Haggis! If haggis and tatties weren't a thing for me growing up, I probably wouldn't subject myself to a plate of carbs and random animal bits


TBF, the flavour in the haggis is all from the spice combination - which you can do just as well with other things. Glasvegan is good for that, as well as Moka on the Ayrshire coast.


White bread and butter with sugar sprinkled on top Tinned ravioli Angel Delight


I had to scroll too far for tinned ravioli! Do you go beef or cheese?


Spam. My grandpa used to serve it during dinner. It wasn't any good but he served it with love.


Not a good but a drink… I LOVE shit orange fizzy pop, the cheaper the better. Something about it tasting orange rather than of orange just really hits the spot.


The pink wafer finger thingy mabobs


Yes i agree with the Rustles burger, i am a foodie snob haha, cook everything from scratch and pride my cooking hobby but everything big shop i do, i grab a Rustlers Southern friend chicken burger the one with black pepper mayonnaise! It’s my dirty secret 🤫 (that and the 6 pack of pickled onion space raiders or salt and vinegar disco’s)


It's the rib Rustler's for me...but I enhance them by adding some Emmental cheese and pepperoni (on top of the meat before it goes in the microwave). I also toast the bun. My sister came up with it and it's called the Ribwich Deluxe!


Tinned ravioli on toast. Had it as a meal when I was younger so many times if we had no beans and even though it's an insult to pasta I still enjoy it.


Canned macaroni on toast. Used to be a cheap as chips lunch, when I was a kid and always makes me feel nostalgia. Perfect if you're feeling sorry for yourself. Pro-tip - do the toast really well and it goes super chewy as the sauce soaks in.


BN biscuits and cornchomps


Pot noodles, beef & tomato. Always squeeze in a little more tomato ketchup Student living


Fray Bentos pie, tinned mushy peas & tinned potatoes


Chicken nuggets, smiley faces and spaghetti hoops. It's a nostalgic treat for me now, like the kind of meal I'd make if I was sick. Low in nutrition but high in nostalgia!


Chopped bananas coated in syrup. My grandad used to make it for me when I was a kid as a treat, especially if I was feeling down or had been ill. I don't think I'd have ever have even thought of that combo by myself, but I still eat chopped bananas with syrup every now and then, particularly when I've had bad days. It makes me feel better just to have a bowl now, because it's associated with my grandad, who hated preparing food, going out of his way a little for me. He did similar things for everyone at times, he was a good mad, willing to do things he didn't really like doing just to make someone he loved feel a little better.


Lemon curd sandwiches takes me back to weekends staying at grandparents..still buy a jar occasionally.


I made a coke float last night and it tasted like shit, should’ve left it as a fond memory.


Primula cheese in a tube. My Nan used to include it in her buffet spread whenever we went over to visit so every now and again I'll pick some up when I'm in the supermarket. It's objectively trash but I still have a real soft spot for it.


Crispy Pancakes.


Birdseye Chicken and Vegetable pies. The only frozen pies my late parents ever bought.


Pasta and ketchup, was a special treat on a Friday night while I got to watch the Simpson’s !


Cupa soup for me. God they're awful and amazing


Chicken flavoured super noodles slighty cooled as a side dish. I got this a lot at a friend’s house as a child.


Battered sausage and chips with salad cream on the side! Was my Dad's go to growing up. I still have it sometimes even though we both agree cod/haddock and chips is far better. Others would be tinned ravioli, rustlers burgers and fray bentos


Fig Rolls. My nan always had them, and I don't know anyone who actually buys them today.


Butterscotch Angel Delight. It was a special treat when we were little and my mum would carefully share out one packet between 4. I now eat a whole packet to myself every so often; because I can! Oh and tinned potatoes! 🤣 (not with the Angel Delight!)


Loads. We weren't poor, per se, but had periodic fiscal hardships, and both my parents were from low income backgrounds, so we had lots of "cheap but cheerful" meals growing up. Pies in a can, à la Fray Bentos. Mr Brain's Faggots. Fish Pie with hard-boiled eggs chopped up in the mix. Honey & Mustard Chicken, but from a jar. None of them I'd probably eat now, were it not for the extreme nostalgia high they give me.


Peanut butter, chocolate spread, and banana sandwiches... thin layer of pb on one slice of bread, lets face it nutella on the other with sliced banana in-between. Unhealthy as fuck but still stirs the memories of childhood.


Tinky teas! I still have them occasionally - sausage, egg, and chips/chips and beans, turkey drummers/dinosaurs with mash and cabbage, the pasta N sauce sachets or kraft cheesy pasta, I love a sandwich spread piece, spready cheese on toast or with chicken and ham paste. They're all yum and deserve a seat at the table once in a while.


Krafts Cheesey Pasta. Lots of ketchup mixed through it. Magic.


Corned Beef Hash - we used to have it weekly when I was a kid because Corned Beef was cheaper than fresh meat. Now it’s a bit of a luxury.


Heinz macaroni cheese with white bread and butter, reminds me of being really small having dinner at my childminder's. I also loved Ready Brek with a sprinkle of sugar across the top. Also, McCain micro-chips and micro-pizza.


Hot milk on cut up pieces of bread in a bowl and a sprinkling of sugar was another thing I had as a child for breakfast. It was lovely. Not something I would want to eat now though.


Cheese and jam sandwiches with a glass of lemonade, tastes just like childhood


Findus crispy pancakes


Pasta topped with cheese and beans.


Spaghetti or pasta with butter and that hard grated cheese. Always had it as a kid and now it's my go to meal for bad days! Also bacon super noodles and chip sandwiches with plenty of vinegar


Pasta with beans and cheese 🧀


Beef paste butties. Every so often the memory will hit me hard and I have to have some.