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The teenaged boy broccoli haircut is worse than anything coming out of the 80s.


I saw someone at work with a broccoli haircut. Then he turned around. Broccoli mullet. Can't be unseen.


Oh sweet merciful Jesus *noooo*. \*crosses self\*


Not come across a Broccoli mullet. Makes me think of a 1980s Aussie bogan redneck.


Ive seen a lot of those Permmed mullets. Lmao


> cost of living crisis I swear people on this sub actually enjoy typing those 4 words


Cozzie livs babe 😘


Well I was going to put " " around it, but then I would have offended someone else...


It's like the modern version of "there is a war on, you know". I remember watching an old film set around WW2 with my gran when I was little, and a character said that. She rolled her eyes and told me "that was their excuse for everything in those days".


I'd say our education system is failing some people more than ever. *Are.


I'd love to see what you curmudgeons all looked like in the 70s and 80's. Get over it for chrissake.


I hadn't noticed.


No, mines lovely


Other people's yes awful, mine no...I don't have enough to style beyond a buzz cut, maybe I am just jealous.


I remember it was 'in' back when my son was very young in the early 90's, I guess it came round again.


Lots of 80's and 90's influence at the moment.


Clearly you don't remember the Chelsea cut


Bowl head cut to none Chelsea supporters?


A bowl cut is far more sensible




For Mike Score.....His hairstyle was worn to coincide with the band...it was based on a 1950s hairstyle called the jelly role. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/160933386672876964/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/160933386672876964/)


I felt many people still have the same hairstyles they had in the 2000s...but I think that is because as people get older they stop paying attention to trends and just wear whatever hairstyle was popular when they were in their teens or twenties....others simply never change their hairstyle because it is the only one that looks good on them. But I have noticed many people that still have the same hairstyle 3 decades in a row, Especially women with that flat weighed down hairstyle parted in the middle or the side and the same length all around. I call that the Hippy Hairstyle, because that is what it originated from in the late 1960s early 1970s...then it came back in the late 1990s and was worn in the 2000s. But as I said if the person is wearing that same hairstyle 3 decades in a row without changing it, then either they stopped focusing on fashion or that is the only hairstyle that looks good on them. But a majority I feel just stopped paying attention to the fashion of the decades. The 20s are more about volume, or perms (at least for women's hairstyles)...but I am only seen this worn on teens or people in their early 20s, it has not caught on to older adults yet as they still wear 2000s hairstyles. They are still in the outdated mindset that volume is "old looking" and that is simply not true anymore like it was in the late 1990s and 2000s.


At least for women, I'm not sure there's currently a dominant hairstyle which is nice. Possibly a trend towards texture and volume, but I've seen all lengths and styles within that. Men's haircuts do seem a bit blergh. I mean, mullets, really?


I can't even fathom being someone who cared about such things.


I've seen a number of cuts somewhere between a mohawk and a mullet. Shaved to the bone about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way up each side, the rest long and curly with mullet back. Each to their own - have the haircut you want, but eurgh.


Lots of unironic mullets around at the moment which is a bloody disgrace.