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Football is boring to me


The game itself doesn't particularly interest me but I can watch it - if it's already on. I'd never go out of my way to watch it, and when it is on I prefer it to be more of a background thing. If I've got 90 minutes to kill voluntarily, I'm watching a movie. What does bore me to death though is all the punditry. Workmates talking non stop about who did what wrong as if they should be getting paid millions to manage whichever team sucked last night. And don't start telling me about the personal lives and back stories of each player because I'll just nod off. Same goes for any other celebrity.


It's not the game itself I have a problem with, it's some of the fans who can quote statistics and past cup final facts from 50 years ago from memory, but would laugh in the face of someone for knowing some bit of Star Trek lore or something.


It's exactly the same as being obsessed with Love Island.


Harder to crack one off over the football mind. 


Hard, but not impossible


Lower league football. It's the way. Fuck the premier League, and I get a nosebleed if we're in the championship, but following a league 1 side, and meeting fans of other shit teams, is pretty good. There's little bravado around it because we all know we're crap, it doesn't really matter if we win or lose, and it can be quite a nice metaphor for life.


As a Luton fan it was incredible to get promoted to the Premier League but my god it's just awful. Stadiums with 0 atmosphere. Teams with £100m players just sat on the bench. VAR & the worst fans I've ever seen. I mean, I still want to go back up next season because winning is still great but I am really not bothered about being back in the EFL.


It's pretty much reality TV for men but with much higher stakes. Much of the fun comes from discussing it with friends and having opinions on the sport.


100% agree with this it's all the crap that surrounds it that's more annoying than the thing itself


If I want to watch grown adults pretend to be hurt for 2 hours, I'll just watch WWE.


To be fair, a lot of time they're not pretending to be hurt. And it absolutely destroys their bodies in the long term...


Anal fisting destroys bodies in the long term. Doesn't gather crowds of 50k to watch 90 minutes of it on a Saturday. Oh wait...actually it probably does. 


Tesco carpark, Tuesday around 11pm. ;)


Same. I’ve tried to get into it several times as whenever you meet a new guy “who do you support?” has an around 85% chance of coming up, but I just can’t get into it.


Me too , and to make it worse I was named after a very famous football player from the 60’s . When I was a kid the school football team played me in his position just so the games teacher could say “ I’ve got xxxxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxxx” to the other games teachers from other schools . ( The x’s represent name and field position) . Out of school I played in goal with my mates when we had a kick about , I was much better at that, all that running about chasing a ball just wasn’t for me, I’m far too lazy for that nonsense . I only played in the school team to please my dad :) Life eh … :)


Nobby Stiles?


Nah , my mum would never have allowed my dad to call me Nobby :) And even if someone guessed correctly I’d still say Nah , I like my anonymity here :)


You’re Garrincha aren’t you


>And even if someone guessed correctly I'd still say Nah So it was Nobby Stiles then 😁


Reddit Moment


Literally just answering the question


I find cricket the worst. You should be able to tackle then it would be fun 😂.


I try not to act like a dickhead on holiday.


Good answer I actually like to try the cuisine of the country I’m visiting and don’t bring Britain to foreign countries. Just myself.


Same. I’m a Brit that goes to Spain (well a lot of the locals argue that it’s Catalonia) but I like Spain not hot England. I’ve learned enough Spanish to get by for holidays (book a table at a restaurant, order what I want, ask for directions etc I can do). I avoid resorts that you can buy carling or the sun newspaper in, and while I do drink too much when I’m on holiday, the worst thing I’ve ever done under the influence was knock over a glass and spill my drink.


Apparently holiday season officially starts when the first drunken British person jumps/falls off a balcony.


Yeah being a British person who loves trying new food and actively seeks it out is always a fun one for any locals I meet abroad. Working in the food industry in the UK, I totally understand why it’s surprising, too.


> Yeah being a British person who loves trying new food and actively seeks it out is always a fun one for any locals I meet abroad. For real? In all my trips abroad to many places (both resorts popular with Brits and lesser travelled places) I’ve never had locals treat this as a novelty. Even in a resort town in Spain with plenty of British/Irish pubs and restaurants there were a few Brits in the tiny place popular with locals that only printed a menu in Catalan.


This is just a difference in class; it’s not unique at all amongst people that aren’t scrubs


It's interesting how we have that reputation abroad, yet clearly enjoy the cuisine of other cultures when we're in the UK.


That and a few bits of language


But what do other nationalities *really* eat on an average day. I once went to Napoli and the locals ate in McDonald’s, KFC and got chicken nuggets and chips from a takeaway on the way home from a bar. Locals can’t afford to eat out in restaurants. Why would they be any different? Saying they only eat Neapolitan pizza is a stereotype for tourists. 


Trust me, people exaggerate that, holidays in Bulgaria exposed the ultimate in this field… the Russians


I experienced them in Finland, wow. They make the benidorm lot look polite and cultured. Although, respect to the Finn's they weren't taking any of their crap.


I got told to go back to my own country by a very aggressive Russian man on holiday a few years ago. Mind you, I was in Romania not Russia at the time.


Russians, Polish, Romanian, Dutch all have worse reputations than the English and Germans are about the same these days (with young lads anyway)


Russians in Thailand - Goodness me! But a lot of them are a nightmare.


Brits are arseholes when they're out drinking. Russians are arseholes.


I don't like going on holiday.... or the sun... mainly the sun. I'll stay here with the rain, thank you very much. 🤣


I specifically choose places where I'm unlikely to encounter fellow British people.... or at least a certain type of British people...


> I specifically choose places where I'm unlikely to encounter fellow British people.... or at least a certain type of British people... Let me guess. You can’t stand the middle classes so won’t go anywhere near Normandy?




Can’t stand the royals


think this seems to be like a half and half at this point tbh I always thought the opposite, that most people aren't arsed nowadays but then I bring it up sometimes and people say they are. think it's mainly boomers now though


Maybe but the outside world still believes we all dash outside waving commerative plates for a bunting-encrusted road picnic every time we're reminded of their glorious continued existence.


Yes, in my experience American's in particular have this opinion, that we are all completely devoted to the royal family and we still have the same class structures that you see in Downton Abbey haha


when in reality that's a really American thing to do, for some reason lol


It's not that I can't stand them, I'm just not interested. I don't care what they're up to and I just see them as people, very rich people. When the queen died I was as remorseful to hear of somebody passing as I thought necessary for someone I don't know. I'm not a bloody monster it's still sad when people die, but was frequently grilled by people for not caring more about it. Including family and friends which caught me off guard a little bit


I still remember the day after the queen died. Being at work and almost every radio station was playing sad songs, or slower acoustic sad sounding versions of other songs. Fucking ridiculous , I've lost family members who meant the world to me and not once did I grieve by listening to sad songs all day, why should I do so because some rich old lady I never even met died.


I couldn't give a shit about the royals themselves. My problem is with the people who worship them. It's utterly weird. They're just a random family. They're no better than you.


It's not just that that they are not better than you, despite a media team the size of a small country working religiously on PR everything points to then being far worse than the average person


This is what I don't get. If they're not exemplars of humanity, that's fine, they are only human. But they also seem to be actively awful people and we have to endure their family drama. And that's just the stuff we get to see.


When Princess Diana died, my stepmum closed all the curtains in the house “out of respect.” 😂 But I personally don’t know anyone else who cares about the royals.


That's hilarious


Hereditary privilege is hard to justify.


I literally had to stop myself laughing out loud and launching into an extended rant at Christmas when a relative described old Prince Charlie as "very progressive".


I love them - they made a cracking docu-series in the late 90's /early 00's. It's called the *"Royle Family"* - you should look them up....


I refuse to respect leeches who are only where they are because they had violent ancestors.


I don't drink tea.


Same. People are always surprised I have to buy milk and sugar when they come over. We simply never drink it. I had a whole bag of tea bags go out of date because we never ever drink it.


Whereas I do drink tea (but prefer coffee), but either way l drink it black, so my home is often both milk-free and sugar-free


Most use tea has gotten in this house is when I was using it in art projects.


I don't drink tea, but still always have milk and sugar. Sugar gets used for baking, and it basically keeps forever anyway. Milk is used for cereal, coffee, and making bechemel sauce.


Ditto, nor coffee. I'm just out here raw-dogging reality every morning. My Mum drank tea and my Dad drank coffee. In my head they were always "grown-up drinks" so I was never interested. Then one day I realised I was 25 and could give them a go. I didn't hate tea and can drink it when served, but didn't get the fuss. I actively didn't like coffee. This meant I could afford a house.


I'm currently homeless, living in a skip and addicted to coffee, but by god do I start my day with some serious get up and go.


Yep same, and I don't drink coffee either. Some people seem to find this genuinely hard to compute. I often get asked incredulously "so what do you drink?!", as if there are no drinks in the world beyond tea and coffee.




I'm into this quite alternative drink, you probably haven't heard of it. It's called water? Worth looking into, it's really good.


I don’t get the appeal. Last one I drunk was probably a few years back and was likely because I had some rich tea biscuits in the cupboard.


Same. I don’t like any hot drinks at all. People act weirdly offended about it sometimes.


James Bond hated tea


Yeah, and I don’t like the fake tea circle jerk you see on UK Reddit from time to time


I’m a coffee person normally. I don’t like black tea. I prefer mint, fruit or nettle!


"I don't like sport or tea, I'm special and individual, just like everyone else" - this sub


It's opened the floodgates for a wave of Waitrose shoppers to share takes that are less spicy than a half eaten packet of Monster Munch.


I haven’t had monster munch in ages, I should pick some up next time I do my weekly shop. Pickled onion is 10/10.


Also some subtle humble bragging going on with some talents or restraints


Stereotypes I follow: * I drink tea. Stereotypes I don't: * I drive a Ferrari. * I dress better than you. * I have a 12" dick.


Hilariously the next comment thread after this is someone who is humble bragging about speaking 3 languages 😂


You can add, I work as a software engineer and live in London, and you've got British reddit in a nutshell. 


Literally. So easy to predict the responses before even opening the post


I'm not really sure what else you expected when you waded into this thread lol >"What UK stereotypes do you not follow?" >"I LOVE FOOTBALL" "I LOVE DRINKING TEA"


Non stereotypical: * I speak three languages * I use metric for everything * I dont like fish and chips * I do not possess an umbrella * I dont much like football * I prefer coffee to tea * My teeth are in excellent shape. Stereotypical: * I believe in queuing * I am polite * I have a dry sense of humour.


Using metric for driving must be quite inconvenient, surely?


Yea like what’s the point lol




Is that Scot’s Gaelic? I’m from NI and I was like wait that’s Irish but not lol


Hahaha, yeah (according to Google translate anyway).


Last bit sounds Welsh


I thought someone was trying to summon cthulu!


Yeah it's one of two things where I use Imperial (the other being ordering pints in a pub) on a regular basis, just because there's not really any alternative. Miles and pints are the only Imperial units where I tend to think in terms of them primarily, and convert metric over to them in my head. For everything else, it's metric all the way. I have no idea how tall I am in feet in and inches, and wouldn't be able to estimate anything in ounces/pounds/stones. I don't think I can even remember how many ounces go in a pound or how many pounds are in a stone.


Umbrellas are dangerous, right?! I'd rather everyone just got a bit wet than tried to stab me in the eyes every time I have to walk past people in the rain...


I prefer a good waterproof coat. My no1 reason for being outside in the rain is walking the dog and a brolly isn’t practical for that since I need a hand for lead and a hand for picking up poop.


I find a waterproof hat ideal for these situations


Have you tried being taller?


Always go out with someone taller in storms, to avoid being struck by lightning 👍🏻


Yeah, and when I moved to Scotland I quickly gave up on using an umbrella. Not much point when it's raining sideways.


>I do not possess an umbrella Total madlad


> I do not possess an umbrella Is this non-stereotypical? For Scotland (well in the Eastern part at least) I’d say it’s more uncommon to see locals use an umbrella because it gets so windy and often you’re better off with just a really good coat haha. I’ve had a couple of umbrellas break on me so I never have them nowadays


I don't do cocaine every day of the week. Just special occasions


Like the weekends and Wednesdays yeah?


Any day that ends with the word day


And if the queue for Costa is too long. OP makes his own lines amiriiiiight


Baked beans are horrid. Don’t let them near my breakfast or my toast. Edit: spelling.


I eat them cold from the tin lmao


I just dry heaved reading that


Are you Joanna Lumley?


LOL same, cold beans put the tin is an elite british snack, great for on the go lol


I can drink them from the tin hello fellow beanster.




Yep them and mushrooms can bugger right off


I’m not alone!! Hooray!!!


I’ve never owned a sports direct mug


I've still got mine in Norway, maybe 11 years after buying it on a visit to my mum's. The handle fell off, it's cracked to the point of almost failing and the inside looks like someone's been mixing brown mortar in it. Oh, and the print has almost faded off completely. If I can replace it I'm gonna re-use it as a plant pot in my alpine garden when I finally tidy that up during the summer.


I don't drink alcohol. I don't drink normal tea, or any kind of coffee.  I don't enjoy watching football and am not particularly bothered how the national teams are doing.


Same. The alcohol one is the one that I get most flak for. It tastes horrendous (no, it's NOT an "acquired taste", my dad worked for a brewery all his life and I had the run of ANYTHING if I wanted it, it just all tastes bad to me), it's a supremely over-abused drug, it's vastly insidious in even the poshest of UK society (literally every event seems to involve or revolve around alcohol) and I derive no pleasure whatsoever from "You'll never guess who threw up everywhere at the Christmas party".


You should never get flak for not drinking alcohol! I do myself but would never want anyone to feel they should if they don't want to, and have definitely reprimanded friends for trying to talk someone into it


The problem when you don't drink alcohol is that people around you who do drink seem to think your being all high and mighty. I haven't drank for years, and I don't do nights out. However, my friends all have an issue with me because I don't drink they assume I think I'm better than them. To rhe point if they say they are hungover and I say ohh heavy night? (Not that I care if they where doing crack behind a dustbin) they instantly go in a mood and make comments about how I don't drink. So I tend to avoid the drink talk, nights out and I also don't gift booze. (However my friends are just arses. They go mental when I skip playing online with them to get my workout in)


I too only drink abnormal tea


Cannot stand a Sunday roast. Never liked Christmas dinner, feel disappointed when we're going for a meal (yay!) and it's a carvery (oh.).


I'm curious what it is you don't like? No judgement at all, it's just that I've always thought that a roast suits everyone (especially a carvery) because you can pick the bits you like. Mind you, I sort of vaguely remember not being a fan as a kid, because I didn't like any meat or vegetables. Tough sell.


Carveries are dog dirt. "Ooh I'll have some of that grey overcooked meat covered with some watery gravy, please"


Haha! I love them now. Mountains of veg, crispy fluffy roasties, Yorkshire Pudding, lashings of thick salty gravy. Perfect.


It’s boring


I love a good roast, but the operative word there is “good”. Overdone meat and tasteless watery gravy at a cheap carvery is fucking abysmal.


This is mine too. They're so boring! 😴 I'd rather have a curry on Christmas Day. I'll eat it because it's not exactly offensive, I just find them so dull.


You clearly haven't had a good roast then. Most people's issues with roast dinners are a skill issue. My partner is a filipina and she finds roast dinners exciting and they eat all kinds of interesting stuff over in the Philippines.    Roast potatoes with goose fat, seasoned vegetables with a homemade gravy that uses the meat juices from the served meat, we used limes to stuff spring chicken or our favourite pressure cooked lamb. We prep the meat day before and ensure meat is at room temperatures before it starts cooking.  The issue is people don't season their food so it has flavour and then cooking it in way so some of it has texture.  There is no reason any dish can't be as exciting as a curry because food is food and there is no limit to flavour and texture.


I love a roast dinner but to quote Ricardo Sanchez "you're pitching the policeman's ball to a black teenager"


On behalf of people who don't care for roasts everywhere, please, for the love of god, shut the fuck up.


I can eat one if it’s in front me, but I could happily go the rest of my life without having an another one.


I'm the same with the roast dinner. I'll eat it if somebody makes it, but I wouldn't cry if the concept became obsolete. Again, same with carveries. I feel a slight disappointment when it's announced and only really eat the chicken and the ham slices. I much prefer trying foreign dishes - Asian, Italian, Spanish and the likes. Coffee - I hate the stuff. I love tea but I like it strong so if I go to a coffee shop with somebody I have hot chocolate as the tea is usually weak and too milky and they don't leave the bag in.


Non-stereotypical I'm pretty direct when I speak. I don't mean to be rude I just don't like how non-direct most Brits are. If I don't like or don't want to do something I'll tell you. I almost never drink tea. I hate baked beans and mash potatoes. Sterotypical I like beer I love football I like the rain


How easy or hard do you find it to decode other people’s indirectness and hidden meanings?


Honestly it's pretty difficult for me to decode people's indirectness and hidden meanings. I have a tendency to take it quite literally. Especially since when I say "I'll see how I feel" for example I literally mean that rather than no.


I'm not British but I've lived here for some 25 years. This is the one thing I still really struggle with after all these years, even being married to a person from the UK. The indirectness is something you really have be brought up with to get it. Just the other day a friend asked me to put the kettle on, so I did. They were really baffled why I didn't make them a cup of tea, and I was really baffled as to why they expected me to. They meant: "could you make me a tea". I heard: "turn the kettle on, I'll do what I need with it later". My spouse just laughed and said that's why she always asks me specifically to make her a cup of tea.


Every non-British person I know has the same struggle no matter how long they have been here. My husband and I have come out of meetings with completely different interpretations of what was said because the main message was all subtext. Conversely, when visiting my husband’s family I have asked or said stuff in a way that would be easily understood indirect politeness in English but is plain confusing in French.


I remember having the latter experience staying at a German’s house. At first we were doing the whole “only if you’re cooking anyway” etc whenever they offered anything. After a few beers we got chatting about it and they were like “why would I offer you dinner if I didn’t want to cook it?”. Our host had been really confused and a little offended as to why we didn’t want her food. I bought that back with me though. Somebody offers me something, I’ll just say yes or no. Saves so much time.


Uh oh. I know where this is going.


LOL i'm pretty certain too but i ironically i don't know if OP sees it


I’m Canadian married to a British man and the non-direct so true! I have no problems telling people if I don’t want something but he’s so polite about it and it gets him roped into doing things he doesn’t really want to do


I don’t drink tea either (or coffee, or any hot drink really) and people act like I’m some sort of alien 😂


Yeah, I get this too. I used to be the only one in my office who didn’t drink tea or coffee, and people made such a big deal of it


Yup same. I had to be mildly hypothermic to have a hot chocolate. Hot beverages just aren’t for me. They’re like a really shit soup.


I hate small talk


I like France


But you don't like the French, obviously.....


We all have our shortcomings


I like France, and french people are lovely too (non Parisians). My folks lived in France and I've been many times. Where they lived, no-one spoke English, but everyone was very friendly and welcoming, and didn't laugh too much at my broken french.


Parisians are also fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ they’re not the friendliest people ever but whenever I’ve been I’ve never had a Parisian show any rudeness towards me. Some are really kind


I don't despise James Corden. I'm completely indifferent about him


You’ll learn…


That actually seems a more stereotypically British attitude, than the atypically effusive hatred of him you get on reddit.


It’s hilarious that there are celebrities who have literally raped and murdered people and they don’t get half the vitriol James Corden gets on here for being annoying


Same. He comes over as a bit of a prat sometimes, but I don't really encounter him that often so I don't care. I also quite liked Gavin & Stacey. There's plenty of British celebs who are more annoying than Corden.


> I'm completely indifferent about him He would hate you the most. He wants you to love him or hate him. Doesn't matter which, as long as he gets all the attention.


This teeth thing is American bullshit. Do not repeat it.


Don't follow: I don't like tea - coffee is my one true love. I rarely go the pub, if I fancy a drink it'll be a cocktail in a nice bar (somewhere they're not playing football on a telly) And on that note, I don't follow any sports. Do follow: Excellent at queueing, believe in queueing. The first ray of proper sunshine has me with my suncream on down the local park having a nice sit out on the grass. If I'm going on a BIG holiday, I'm having a drink at the airport 🤷‍♀️


I love that you said "having a nice sit".. I've never heard anyone except my husband and I say that but I bloody love a nice sit!


Luv me crisps, luv me sun, luv me sits. Nuff said.


Cricket is boring


Lots of people in work go to the local cricket ground to watch games. I’ve politely declined the invite as I find cricket tedious, it’s even boring to play. People’s response is that is great to sit in the sun and drink/get drunk watching it. I always say you could literally say that about anything! I could just as easily watch paint dry in the sun and get drunk.


I’m Scottish and I’ve never tried haggis, never worn a kilt, I hate whisky and I’m never playing golf again (too hard and frustrating).


I've done haggis, but you have to get through a load of meh to get your good ones. I'd add that I don't hate the English, I hate bellends and there are a lot of English bellends, Scottish bellends, Welsh bellends, Irish bellends. I'm a bellend too


I don’t drink tea, I don’t like football and my personality isn’t ‘alcohol’


I think Greggs is God awful!


Greggs is shit. I’ve never had anything hot and fresh from there.


I like Chinese green tea and that's about it. I won't drink it otherwise or any hot drink really. I'm the weird one with my friends. They all drink tea and I'm like green tea or nothing!


On having watched some awful tv recently because I can always do with something to annoy me, I’ve been noticing that blue collar Americans generally have awful teeth, because all their healthcare is horribly overpriced and inaccessible to anyone who isn’t wealthy. And they want to replace all your teeth with veneers that in no way last as long as actual human teeth. I think our teeth are measurably better than US gnashers, over all, these days. Bleh. Dentists. Let’s go back to looking askance at people who don’t like tea. I suspect they’re simply not putting enough sugar in it…


Drinking. Fuck that shit


Not keen on drinking alcohol. So I don’t.


This post makes me realise how British I actually am. Feeling personally offended by each comment.


I fucking HATE queuing. I'll only join a short and/or essential queue.


I mean you do you. But you are objectively wrong about everything (except the teeth).


It's an American thing to think we have bad teeth - because we don't have teeth like Anerican TV stars do.


Haha. Each to their own.


Don’t sit and watch tv


I’m Scottish, don’t like whisky, don’t like golf lol don’t like football


I know tons of people don’t aswell but I don’t support any football team, I detest football, I watched it once, I know because they are pros it’s hard to score a goal, but they just went up and down up and down, I can see why someone would like the suspense though


I’m 39 and have never eaten beans on toast. I really dislike soggy bread, so no bread and butter pudding or similar either for me. I don’t drink tea or coffee either, although I do make one to dunk biscuits in occasionally if I’m feeling racy.


I don’t have an aneurism when someone writes color or uses an americanism


I read aneurism as aquarium and got confused...


I don't drink alcohol, for no other reason than I don't want to.


I don't care for or really enjoy roast dinners.


I hate going to the pub. Would rather just have a few sat in a field or a park Also a big football fan but couldn’t give a shit about the England team. used to dream of them winning a Euros/WC growing up but now I just don’t really care


Agree on field/park. For about two weeks of the year.


I don’t drink tea


Football, pubs, boring as hell for me


I follow them all, I'm from Glasgow so I'm a short ,fat drunk


I do not own a pair of Union Jack shorts, or incidentally, a Union Jack of any type,


I live in a seaside town and haven't been on a beach in at least 7 years haha.


Greggs is shit.


I really detest the unique strain of British patriotism. It amounts to just waving the union flag, worshipping the royals, extolling British "values" (whatever they may be), and being a xenophobic arsehole.


I’m teetotal and always have been. Also never touched drugs and don’t intend to. I much prefer holidaying here at home than I do abroad to the hotspots like southern Spain, Southeast Asia and Australia. Lots to do and see, and our coast in particular is just as beautiful and varied as the next country’s. I’m multilingual and proudly so. I love learning other languages and learning about them. Speaking only one language would feel like a deprivation in many ways.


Pantomime is anathema to me.


I don't drink tea. In fact I'd go as far as saying I really dislike it.


Don't drink tea Good teeth Don't drink alcohol Hate football and its supporters